December 1987, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 287536 A Feasibility Study on Insurance( or Mutual Aid) Program of Sea Culture: The Case of Hanging Oyster Culture
by Seong-Kwae, Park & Young-Tae, Shin - 287538 Welfare Implications of Government Intervention in Rural Portable Water Markets: A Case with the United States
by Su-Ki, Kang & Schreiner, Dean F. - 287540 Rural Development Programs in Sierra Leon: Analysis, Issues and Implications
by Gboku, Mathew L.S. - 287541 Development Planning for Agricultural Marketing System in Developing Countries
by Bai-Yung, Sung
June 1987, Volume 10, Issue 01
- 287530 The Seasonal Patterns and the Long-Run Forecasting of the Demand for and supply of Milk in Korea
by Shin-Haeng, Huh & Sung-Kyu, Lee - 287531 The Tradeoff between Expected Return and Risk in Farm Planning: Motad and Target Motad Approach
by Su-Ki, Kang & Kwang-Sik, Myoung - 287532 Costs and Benefits of Veterinary Medical Versus Four Year College Graduates
by Osburn, Donald D. & Chong-Hyuk, Suh - 287533 A Study on Measuring Degree of Spatial Interactions in New Towns in Korea
by Jin-Hwan, Lee - 287534 Construction and Standardization of a Scale to Measure Socioeconomic Status of Heads of Rural Households in the Funtua Zone of Kaduna State
by Akinola, C.A. & Patel, A.U. - 287535 Efficiency of Marketing Supporting Functions
by Bai-Yung, Sung
December 1986, Volume 09, Issue 2
- 287527 Supply, Demand and Marketing of Fertilizer in the Republic of Korea
by Jung-Il, Kang - 287528 An Analysis of Production Efficiency by Type of Tenure
by Woon-Keun, Kim & Young-Goo, Heo - 287529 A Model Comparison Between the Community Development Program and the Rural Saenauk Undong in Korea
by Ki-Whan, Chung
June 1986, Volume 09, Issue 01
- 287518 An Economic Analysis of Farmland Leasing System in Korea
by Wood-Keun, Kim - 287519 Production Function Analysis on the Development of Dairy Farming in Post-War Japan
by Jeong-Ho, Kim - 287521 A Quadratic Programming Model For the Determination of Output Price Support and Input Price Subsidy
by Chul-Ho, Yoo - 287522 A Review on Externalities of Agricultural Pesticide Use
by Seong-Kwae, Park - 287523 The 1985 U.S. Farm Act and Its Impacts on the World Crop Market
by Won-Whoe, Koo & Chang, Park - 287524 Estimating the Wage Elasticity of Off-Farm Labour Supply of Farmers in Kemubu, Kelantan
by Tai, S.Y. & Chew, T.A. - 287525 the Importance, Components, and Methods of Collecting Community Level Statistics
by Heung-Keun, Oh - 287526 The Welfare Implication of Price Stabilization and Risk Aversion
by Jae-Ok, Lee
December 1985, Volume 08, Issue 2
- 287511 An Analysis of Silk Cocoon Production Adjustment by Farm Sizes and Implications for the Government Purchase Price Determination in Korea
by Chol-Ho, Yoo - 287512 Japanese Agricultural Policies and Import Demand for Wheat
by Jae-Ok, Lee - 287513 Econometric Modeling of Pest Management Technology and Endogeneity of Pesticide Input
by Seong-Kwae, Park - 287514 Energy Transition and Energy Related R & D Needs and Priority Areas In Korea
by Ho-Tak, Kim - 287515 Strengtheining Economic Efficiency of Government Food Marketing Agencies in Developing Countries
by Chong-Yeong, Lee - 287516 A review of Household Composition Effects in the Demand Functions
by Byong-Ho, Kim - 287517 The Development of Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure and Facilities
by Bai-Yung, Sung
June 1985, Volume 08, Issue 01
- 287506 Effects of a Devaluation on Agricultural Trade
by Kwang-Sik, Myoung - 287507 Interdependence Between Off-Farm Employment and Land-Use Intensity Among Small Farms in Korea
by Suh, Chong-Hyuk - 287508 Future Alternatives for South Texas Cattle Feeding-Beef Marketing Systems
by Farris, Donald E. & Byong-Ho, Kim - 287509 The Prinicpal Components Technique for Detecting Outliers: The Effects of Outliers on the Econometric Model
by Cairns, Malcolm B. & Inh-Ho, Uhm - 287510 Agricultural Marketing Modernization Plan in Korea: Its Planning and Implementing
by Bai-Yung, Sung
December 1984, Volume 07, Issue 2
- 287500 A Study of Pricing Efficieny and the Value of Information
by Byong-Ho, Kim - 287501 The Impact of Government Policies on Soybean Production, Trade, and Prices in Asia and Pacific Countries such as Japan, Roc, and Korea
by Yong-Kyu, Chung - 287502 Effects of Government Programs on Wheat Acreage Response in the U.S. and Canada
by Won-Whoi, Koo - 287503 Productivity and Factor use in Peasant Agriculture: An Empirical Investigation
by Herath, H.M.G. - 287504 A Critical Appraisal of Home Rule
by Jae-Wan, Kim - 287505 An Investment Programming Model for Rural Community Water System Capacities with Price Sensitive Demand
by Kwang-Sik, Myoung
June 1984, Volume 07, Issue 01
- 287425 Demand Analysis of Meats in the United States: At the Local and National Level
by Byong-Ho, Kim - 287428 Trends and Tasks of Korean Rural Development with Special Reference to the Integrated Approach
by In-Keun, Wang - 287498 Socio-economic determinants of farmer participation
by Jayaraman, T.K. - 287499 Prediction of Long-Term Demand For Farm-Food Products in Korea: Model Development and Application Toward 2001
by Jung-Hwan, Lee & Duck-Rae, Cho
December 1983, Volume 06, Issue 2
- 287411 An Analysis on Mutual Benefits and Requirements of Technology Transfer In Developing Countries
by Suk-Hoo, Kang - 287413 International Cooperation For Agricultural and Rural Development Among Developing Countries
by Dong-Hi, Kim - 287415 International Co-Operation in Rural Development: Issues for Discussion
by Tendulkar, Suresh D. - 287418 The Role and Effectiveness of, and Strategies for Sgricultural Extension Services for Agricultural and Rural Development of Developing Countries
by In-Keun, Wang - 287420 Models of Extension and Communication with Farmers Evaluation for Replicability
by Singh, K.N. - 287422 A Linear Goal Programming Model For Farm Planning of Semi-Subsistence Farms
by Bong-Soon, Kang
June 1983, Volume 06, Issue 01
- 287402 Urbanization and Interregional Migration Patterns: The Case of Korea
by Shin, Bong-Ju & Lee, Joe-Won - 287404 Fertilizer Policy in Korea
by Anderson, Kym - 287406 Economic and Ecological Processes in Rural Korea: A Macro-Level Analysis
by Yoo, Chul-In - 287408 Rural Fish Marketing in Africa: Some Empirical Considerations from Nigeria
by Adekanye, Tomilayo O. - 287410 An Estimation of Lime-response Function: A Case Study In the Tennessee Valley Region
by Kang, Jung-Il
December 1982, Volume 05, Issue 2
- 287389 Management of Irrigation Systems and Water Charge Determination in Korea
by Kim, Bong-Koo - 287392 Feasibility of Food Security Reserves For Korea
by Ryu, Byung-Sei & Phillips, Richard & Kelley, Paul L. - 287393 Development and Change in Rural Korea
by Choi, Hyup - 287396 The Effect of Technological Innovation Among Rural Women In Nigeria: A Case Study of "Gari" Processing in Slected Villages of BEndel State, Nigeria
by Williams, C.E. - 287398 The Challenges of Agricultural and Home Economics Extension in Rural Nigeria
by Williams, C.E. & Williams, S.K. Taiwo - 287400 Marketing Costs and Margins For Major Agricultural Products in Korea
by Sung, Bai-Yung
June 1982, Volume 05, Issue 01
- 287370 Economic Valuation of Environmental Quality Aspects of Upland Agricultral Projects in Korea: A Case Study
by Kim, Sung-Hoon - 287371 An Analysis of the Risk Characteristics in Private Industries: A New Methodological Approach
by Doyle, Jeon - 287374 Factor Subtituatbility and Complementarity in Agricultural Production
by Lee, Jung-Hwan - 287377 The Agricultural Surplus as a Factor In Development
by Robinson, Warren & Schutjer, Wayne - 287379 The Food Moarketing System in China: With Particular Reference to the Shang-Hai Area
by Lee, Chong-Yeong - 287382 Women Participation in Selected Rural Development Programmes in the Northern States of Nigeria
by Akinbode, I Adefol & Onazi, O.C. & Olayiwole, Comfort - 287383 Sociological Perspectives on the Role of Voluntary Association in Economic Development
by Hong, Dong-Shik - 287386 Becoming a Farmer in Korea: The Background, Values, and Occupational Expectations of Rural Youth
by Yoo, Chul-In - 287387 Reconsideration of Food Policies in Korea
by Kim, Dong-Hi & Joo, Yong-Jae
December 1981, Volume 04, Issue 2
- 287365 Interrelationships Between Agricultural Structure and Rural Development
by Heady, Earl O. - 287366 Dynamics of Rural-Urban Relations and Rural Underdevelopment: The South Korean Experience
by Choe, Yang-Boo - 287367 An economic Analysis of Agricultural Price Policy Bias Toward Producers or Consumers: A Case Study of U.S. Dairy Pricing Policies
by Song, Dae-Hee - 287368 A Comparative Study of Aspirations, Perceptions and Expectations in Rural and Urban Areas in Southwestern Nigeria: A test of the dualistic Theory
by Ekong, Ekong E. - 287369 Korean Periodic Markets: Some Conceptualizations and Observations
by Nowakowski, J.V.
June 1981, Volume 04, Issue 01
- 287360 Planning a New Agricultural Wholesale Market in Seoul
by Sung, Bai-Yung - 287361 A Study of Stability Conditions for the Imperfect World Wheat Market: A Duopoly Simulation Model
by Jeon, Doyle - 287362 A Review of the Theory of Technological Change in Agriculture: Biases and Substitutability
by Lee, Jung-Hwan - 287363 The Effect of Distortions in Relative Prices on Corn Productivity and Exports: A Cross-Country Study
by Lyons, David C. & Thompson, Robert L. - 287364 The Growth of Agricultural Output and Productivity in Korea, 1918-1978
by Ban, Sung-Hwan
December 1980, Volume 03, Issue 2
- 287353 Towards Deriving Demand Functions For Public Goods
by Kim, Hak-Un - 287354 Government Commitment to Rural Development in Korea
by Whang, In-Joung - 287355 A Profile of Korean Rural Villages, Farmers and Their Changing Quality of Life
by Kim, Dong-Il - 287356 hanging Comparative Advantage in Agriculture: Theory and Pacific Basin Experience
by Anderson, Kym - 287357 The Impacts of Price and Income Changes of Expenditure Inequality of Korean Farm Household
by Kyu-Seob, Choi - 287358 The State and Irrigation Reform in South Korea
by Wade, Robert - 287359 Marketing and Price Policies and Programs for Major Foods in Korea
by Shin-Haeng, Huh
June 1980, Volume 03, Issue 01
- 287345 A General Equilibrium Approach To Agricultural Economics
by Hak-Un, Kim - 287346 Economic Approach To Village CommuÂNity And Institution
by Hayamo, Yujiro - 287347 Management Technique for Rural Development Projects at the Village Level in Korea
by Whang, In-Joung - 287348 Community Action Analysis: A Comparison and Evaluation of Several Sociological Frameworks
by Kim, Dong-Il - 287349 Simulating the Impact of Alternative Food Reserve Programs: The Asean Case
by Phillips, Richard & Jeon, Doyle - 287350 Agricultural Sector Analysis and Simulation In Korea
by Abkin, Michael H. - 287351 Efficiency in Agricultural Wholesale Market Activities In Seoul
by Sung, Bai-Yung - 287352 A Partial Analysis of Technical Efficiency and Return to Scale In Korean Rice Production
by Oh, Ho-Sung & Kim, Jeung-Boo
November 1979, Volume 02, Issue 2
- 287334 Interest Rate Effects on Household Behavior under Inflationary Expectations
by Hak-Un, Kim - 287335 Toward A Philosophical Foundation For The Science Of Agricultural Policy
by Yang-Boo, Choe - 287336 The Impacts of Current U.S. Food and Agricultural Policy on the World Wheat Market
by Martin, Michael V. - 287337 Selected Issues in the Impact of Industrialixation on Agricuture in Korea
by Pal-Yong, Moon - 287338 Farm Suppl.::Y Response For Meat Under The Controlled Price System In Korea
by Shin-Haeng, Huh - 287339 The Interactional SApproach to the Study of Community Revisited
by Dong-Il,Kim - 287340 Investments In Wholesale Markets And Methods Of Financing
by Mittendorf, H.J. - 287344 An Analysis Of Aggregate Demand For Food And Nonfood In Korea
by Eui-Cak, Hwang
April 1979, Volume 02, Issue 01
- 287327 Issues and Strategies for Agricultural Growth in Korea
by Dong-hi, Kim - 287328 Reflections on the Agricultural marketing System in Transition: The Korean case
by Sung-Hoon, Kim - 287329 Sociocultural Transformation in Rural Korea: A Focus on the Human Element and Social Organization
by Kyung-Dong, Kim - 287330 Agricultural Structural Policy in The Framewark of Regional Development
by Dams, Theodore - 287332 A Look at the Economic Externalities of Pesticide Use
by Shin-Haeng, Huh
April 1978, Volume 02, Issue 01
- 287331 An Integrated Perspective of Food Polices: Identification of Policy Alternatives
by In-Juong, Whang - 287333 Agrilcultural Adatation to Advanced Economy
by Clark, Collin
November 1978, Volume 01, Issue 01
- 287320 Tranining Sterategies for Inergrated Rural Development :Search for Alternatives
by Whang, Injoung - 287321 Customary Rules of Water Management for Small Irrigation Reservoirs in Korea
by Ho-Sung, Oh - 287322 Factors Affecting Repayment Performance on Small Farms : A South Korean Case
by Kim, Youngchul - 287323 Food Marketing Innovations
by Bai-Yung, Sung - 287324 The Cobweb Theorem and Government Policy : The Case of Korean Kimchi Vegetable
by Huh, Shinhaeng - 287325 Relative Wage Income Share in the Korean Agricultural and Manufacturing Sectors
by Young-Sik, Kim - 287326 Toward an Idea of Agricultural Economics : A Critique on the Idea of the Applied Economics of Agriculture
by Yang-Boo, Choe
0000, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 288392 Improvement of the Performance Evaluation System on Local Governments' Agricultural Policies
by Kim, Yongtaek