May 2002, Volume 92, Issue 2
- 79-84 Taylor Rules in a Model that Satisfies the Natural-Rate Hypothesis
by Charles T. Carlstrom & Timothy S. Fuerst - 85-89 The Choice of an Inflation Target Range in a Small Open Economy
by Christopher J. Erceg - 90-95 The Fed and Interest Rates - A High-Frequency Identification
by Monika Piazzesi - 96-101 The Natural Rate of Q
by Bill Dupor - 102-107 Inflation-Targeting, Exchange-Rate Pass-Through, and Volatility
by Maurice Obstfeld - 108-114 The Fed and the New Economy
by Laurence Ball & Robert R. Tchaidze - 115-120 Monetary-Policy Rules and the Great Inflation
by Athanasios Orphanides - 121-127 A Rehabilitation of Monetary Policy in the 1950's
by Christina D. Romer & David H. Romer - 128-134 Monetary Policy, Banking Crises, and the Friedman Rule
by Bruce D. Smith - 135-140 Excess Asset Returns with Limited Enforcement
by Costas Azariadis & Luisa Lambertini - 141-147 Self-Insurance, Social Insurance, and the Optimum Quantity of Money
by Chris Edmond - 148-152 The U.S. Technology Frontier
by Francesco Caselli & Wilbur John Coleman II - 153-159 The U.S. Demographic Transition
by Jeremy Greenwood & Ananth Seshadri - 160-164 The Role of Agriculture in Development
by Douglas Gollin & Stephen Parente & Richard Rogerson - 165-169 Interpreting the Tariff–Growth Correlation of the Late 19th Century
by Douglas A. Irwin - 170-174 The Mystery of the Excess Trade (Balances)
by Donald R. Davis & David E. Weinstein - 175-179 Cost of Protection: Where Do We Stand?
by Arvind Panagariya - 180-183 Trade and Poverty in the Poor Countries
by Jagdish Bhagwati - 184-190 Firm and Product Life Cycles and Firm Survival
by Rajshree Agarwal & Michael Gort - 191-197 The Decline of Cities and Inequality
by Mehmet Yorukoglu - 198-204 The Q-Theory of Mergers
by Boyan Jovanovic & Peter L. Rousseau - 205-208 The Economics of Copyright "Fair Use" in a Networked World
by Benjamin Klein & Andres V. Lerner & Kevin M. Murphy - 209-212 The Case Against Intellectual Property
by Michele Boldrin & David Levine - 213-216 When Should We Use Intellectual Property Rights?
by Paul Romer - 217-220 On the Supply of Creative Work: Evidence from the Movies
by Kai-Lung Hui - 221-225 150 Years of Patent Protection
by Josh Lerner - 226-230 Accounting for Innovation and Measuring Innovativeness: An Illustrative Framework and an Application
by Jacques Mairesse & Pierre Mohnen - 231-235 Technological Change, Entry, and Stock-Market Dynamics: An Analysis of Transition in a Monopolistic Industry
by Bipasa Datta & Huw Dixon - 236-240 The Internet and International Trade in Services
by Caroline Freund & Diana Weinhold - 241-246 Explaining Diversity: Symmetry-Breaking in Complementarity Games
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 247-252 Spatial Agglomeration Dynamics
by Danny Quah - 253-259 Is Equality Stable?
by Dilip Mookherjee & Debraj Ray - 260-264 Inheritances and Wealth Inequality, 1989–1998
by Edward N. Wolff - 265-269 Simulating the Transmission of Wealth Inequality
by Jagadeesh Gokhale & Laurence J. Kotlikoff - 270-273 Wealth Inequality and Altruistic Bequests
by John Laitner - 274-278 The Importance of Bequests and Life-Cycle Saving in Capital Accumulation: A New Answer
by Karen E. Dynan & Jonathan Skinner & Stephen P. Zeldes - 279-285 The Behavioral and Distributional Implications of Aid for College
by Susan Dynarski - 286-292 Semiparametric Reduced-Form Estimation of Tuition Subsidies
by Hidehiko Ichimura & Christopher Taber - 293-297 Financial Aid, Borrowing Constraints, and College Attendance: Evidence from Structural Estimates
by Michael P. Keane - 298-303 A Multinomial-Choice Model of Neighborhood Effects
by William A. Brock & Steven N. Durlauf - 304-309 Identifying Hedonic Models
by Ivar Ekeland & James J. Heckman & Lars Nesheim - 310-314 On the Demographic Composition of Colleges and Universities in Market Equilibrium
by Dennis Epple & Richard Romano & Holger Sieg - 315-319 Asymmetric Information in Community Banking and Its Relationship to Credit-Market Discrimination
by Christopher Henderson - 320-324 A Dream Deferred or Realized: The Impact of Public Policy on Fostering Black Homeownership in New York City Throughout the 1990's
by Lance Freeman & Darrick Hamilton - 325-329 Cooperatives and Wealth Accumulation: Preliminary Analysis
by Jessica Gordon Nembhard - 330-334 Wealth: Asset-Accumulation Differences by Race–SCF Data, 1995 and 1998
by Ronald L. Straight - 335-338 A Foundation for Behavioral Economics
by Jessica L. Cohen & William T. Dickens - 339-343 IQ and Income Inequality in a Sample of Sibling Pairs from Advantaged Family Backgrounds
by Charles Murray - 344-348 The Nature and Nurture of Economic Outcomes
by Bruce Sacerdote - 349-353 Wage Gains Associated with Height as a Form of Health Human Capital
by T. Paul Schultz - 354-358 The Motherhood Wage Penalty: Which Mothers Pay It and Why?
by Deborah J. Anderson & Melissa Binder & Kate Krause - 359-362 Children and Household Income Packages: A Cross-National Analysis
by Erin Todd & Dennis Sullivan - 363-367 Child Abuse and Abortion Availability
by Marianne Bitler & Madeline Zavodny - 368-372 All in the Family: A Simultaneous Model of Parenting Style and Child Conduct
by Peter Burton & Shelley Phipps & Lori Curtis - 373-379 Labor Supply at the Extensive and Intensive Margins: The EITC, Welfare, and Hours Worked
by Bruce D. Meyer - 380-384 Welfare, Employment, and Income: Evidence on the Effects of Benefit Reductions from California
by V. Joseph Hotz & Charles H. Mullin & John Karl Scholz - 385-389 The Behavioral Effects of Welfare Time Limits
by Jeffrey Grogger - 390-395 The Wage Gap and Public Support for Social Security
by Assaf Razin & Efraim Sadka & Phillip Swagel - 396-401 Pension Reforms and the Opinions of European Citizens
by Tito Boeri & Axel Boersch-Supan & Guido Tabellini - 402-406 Asset-Market Effects of the Baby Boom and Social-Security Reform
by Robin Brooks - 407-410 Intergenerational Risk-Sharing via Social Security when Financial Markets Are Incomplete
by Dirk Krueger & Felix Kubler - 411-416 Taxation of Financial Services under a VAT
by Alan J. Auerbach & Roger H. Gordon - 417-421 Capital-Income Taxation with Imperfect Competition
by Kenneth L. Judd - 422-427 Exchange-Traded Funds: A New Investment Option for Taxable Investors
by James M. Poterba & John B. Shoven - 428-432 Modern Evidence on the Firm
by Scott E. Masten - 433-437 Complexity, Flexibility, and the Make-or-Buy Decision
by Steven Tadelis - 438-443 The Lens of Contract: Private Ordering
by Oliver E. Williamson - 444-448 Can Web Courses Replace the Classroom in Principles of Microeconomics?
by Byron W. Brown & Carl E. Liedholm - 449-453 Microeconomic Principles Teaching Tricks
by Daniel S. Hamermesh - 454-458 Reconsidering Crucial Concepts in Micro Principles
by Karl E. Case - 459-462 The Economic Naturalist: Teaching Introductory Students How to Speak Economics
by Robert H. Frank - 463-472 Use It or Lose It: Teaching Literacy in the Economics Principles Course
by W. Lee Hansen & Michael K. Salemi & John J. Siegfried
March 2002, Volume 92, Issue 1
- 1-15 Markets and Diversity
by Sherwin Rosen - 16-26 Racial Integration as an Innovation: Empirical Evidence from Sports Leagues
by Brian L. Goff & Robert E. McCormick & Robert D. Tollison - 27-50 The Impact of Economic Conditions on Participation in Disability Programs: Evidence from the Coal Boom and Bust
by Dan Black & Kermit Daniel & Seth Sanders - 51-70 Insuring Consumption Against Illness
by Paul Gertler & Jonathan Gruber - 71-92 Endogenous Federal Grants and Crowd-out of State Government Spending: Theory and Evidence from the Federal Highway Aid Program
by Brian Knight - 93-119 Increasing Returns and All That: A View from Trade
by Werner Antweiler & Daniel Trefler - 120-142 Geographic Localization of International Technology Diffusion
by Wolfgang Keller - 143-159 When Do Research Consortia Work Well and Why? Evidence from Japanese Panel Data
by Lee G. Branstetter & Mariko Sakakibara - 160-180 Induced Innovation and Energy Prices
by David Popp - 181-197 Plant-Level Irreversible Investment and Equilibrium Business Cycles
by Marcelo L. Veracierto - 198-219 How Important Is Human Capital for Development? Evidence from Immigrant Earnings
by Lutz Hendricks - 220-239 Sources of U.S. Economic Growth in a World of Ideas
by Charles I. Jones - 240-258 Machiavellian Privatization
by Bruno Biais & Enrico Perotti - 259-269 Journal Pricing and Mergers: A Portfolio Approach
by Mark J. McCabe - 270-279 Do Women Pay More for New Vehicles? Evidence from Transaction Price Data
by David W. Harless & George E. Hoffer - 280-294 Did Community Rating Induce an Adverse Selection Death Spiral? Evidence from New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut
by Thomas Buchmueller & John Dinardo - 295-306 The Rise in Old-Age Longevity and the Market for Long-Term Care
by Darius Lakdawalla & Tomas Philipson - 307-322 Public Schooling for Young Children and Maternal Labor Supply
by Jonah B. Gelbach - 323-334 Does Increasing Women's Schooling Raise the Schooling of the Next Generation?
by Jere R. Behrman & Mark R. Rosenzweig - 335-344 Intergenerational Income Mobility Among Daughters
by Laura Chadwick & Gary Solon - 345-362 Owner-Occupied Housing and the Composition of the Household Portfolio
by Marjorie Flavin & Takashi Yamashita - 363-370 Does Federalism Lead to Excessively High Taxes?
by Michael J. Keen & Christos Kotsogiannis - 371-382 Charitable Giving, Income, and Taxes: An Analysis of Panel Data
by Gerald E. Auten & Holger Sieg & Charles T. Clotfelter - 383-393 A Century of Missing Trade?
by Antoni Estevadeordal & Alan M. Taylor - 394-404 The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Mysteries: Comment
by Patrick J. Conway - 405-410 The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Mysteries: Reply
by Daniel Trefler
December 2001, Volume 91, Issue 5
- 1185-1202 The Stock Market and Capital Accumulation
by Robert E. Hall - 1203-1220 The Information-Technology Revolution and the Stock Market: Evidence
by Bart Hobijn & Boyan Jovanovic - 1221-1238 Is the Price Level Determined by the Needs of Fiscal Solvency?
by Matthew B. Canzoneri & Robert E. Cumby & Behzad T. Diba - 1239-1262 Does Money Illusion Matter?
by Ernst Fehr & Jean-Robert Tyran - 1263-1285 Financing Investment
by Joao F. Gomes - 1286-1310 Financial Markets and Firm Dynamics
by Thomas F. Cooley & Vincenzo Quadrini - 1311-1328 Competition in Loan Contracts
by Christine A. Parlour & Uday Rajan - 1329-1349 Why Regulate Insider Trading? Evidence from the First Great Merger Wave (1897-1903)
by Ajeyo Banerjee & E. Woodrow Eckard - 1350-1368 Learning from Experience and Learning from Others: An Exploration of Learning and Spillovers in Wartime Shipbuilding
by Rebecca Achee Thornton & Peter Thompson - 1369-1401 The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation
by Daron Acemoglu & Simon Johnson & James A. Robinson - 1402-1422 Ten Little Treasures of Game Theory and Ten Intuitive Contradictions
by Jacob K. Goeree & Charles A. Holt - 1423-1453 An Account of Global Factor Trade
by Donald R. Davis & David E. Weinstein - 1454-1477 Nursery Cities: Urban Diversity, Process Innovation, and the Life Cycle of Products
by Gilles Duranton & Diego Puga - 1478-1497 Conflicts and Common Interests in Committees
by Hao Li & Sherwin Rosen & Wing Suen - 1498-1507 Do Explicit Warnings Eliminate the Hypothetical Bias in Elicitation Procedures? Evidence from Field Auctions for Sportscards
by John A. List - 1508-1520 Information Cascades: Replication and an Extension to Majority Rule and Conformity-Rewarding Institutions
by Angela A. Hung & Charles R. Plott - 1521-1538 Minimax Play at Wimbledon
by Mark Walker & John Wooders - 1539-1545 GARP for Kids: On the Development of Rational Choice Behavior
by William T. Harbaugh & Kate Krause & Timothy R. Berry - 1546-1555 A Test of Game-Theoretic and Behavioral Models of Play in Exchange and Insurance Environments
by Cary A. Deck - 1556-1563 Reversing the Keynesian Asymmetry
by John Bennett & Manfredi M. A. La Manna - 1564-1579 Iceland's Natural Experiment in Supply-Side Economics
by Marco Bianchi & Bjorn R. Gudmundsson & Gylfi Zoega - 1580-1593 International Coordination of Trade and Domestic Policies
by Josh Ederington - 1594-1607 Monetary Policy and Market Interest Rates
by Tore Ellingsen & Ulf Soderstrom - 1608-1620 Output and Welfare Effects of Inflation with Costly Price and Quantity Adjustments
by Leif Danziger - 1621-1630 Inflation Is Always and Everywhere a Monetary Phenomenon: Richmond vs. Houston in 1864
by Richard C. K. Burdekin & Marc D. Weidenmier
September 2001, Volume 91, Issue 4
- 755-777 Rising U.S. Earnings Inequality and Family Labor Supply: The Covariance Structure of Intrafamily Earnings
by Dean R. Hyslop - 778-794 Estimating the Effect of Unearned Income on Labor Earnings, Savings, and Consumption: Evidence from a Survey of Lottery Players
by Guido W. Imbens & Donald B. Rubin & Bruce I. Sacerdote - 795-813 Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of School Construction in Indonesia: Evidence from an Unusual Policy Experiment
by Esther Duflo - 814-831 The Division of Spoils: Rent-Sharing and Discrimination in a Regulated Industry
by Sandra E. Black & Philip E. Strahan - 832-857 What Accounts for the Variation in Retirement Wealth among U.S. Households?
by B. Douglas Bernheim & Jonathan Skinner & Steven Weinberg - 858-876 Increasing Returns versus National Product Differentiation as an Explanation for the Pattern of U.S.-Canada Trade
by Keith Head & John Ries - 877-908 Is Free Trade Good for the Environment?
by Werner Antweiler & Brian R. Copeland & M. Scott Taylor - 909-923 Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic Development: A Simultaneous Approach
by Lars-Hendrik Roller & Leonard Waverman - 924-937 Social Culture and Economic Performance
by Hanming Fang - 938-963 A Theory of Political Transitions
by Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson - 964-985 Monetary Policy Rules Based on Real-Time Data
by Athanasios Orphanides - 986-1005 Testing for the Lucas Critique: A Quantitative Investigation
by Jesper Linde - 1006-1030 Quantifying Quality Growth
by Mark Bils & Peter J. Klenow - 1031-1054 World Income Components: Measuring and Exploiting Risk-Sharing Opportunities
by Stefano G. Athanasoulis & Robert J. Shiller - 1055-1062 The Declining Price Anomaly in Dutch Dutch Rose Auctions
by Gerard J. van den Berg & Jan C. van Ours & Menno P. Pradhan - 1063-1071 Creating Modern Art: The Changing Careers of Painters in France from Impressionism to Cubism
by David W. Galenson & Bruce A. Weinberg - 1072-1083 The Law of One Price in Scandinavian Duty-Free Stores
by Marcus Asplund & Richard Friberg - 1084-1094 VAT Base Broadening, Self Supply, and the Informal Sector
by John Piggott & John Whalley - 1095-1102 Estimating the Value of Political Connections
by Raymond Fisman - 1103-1115 The Political Geography of Tax H(e)avens and Tax Hells
by Nico A. Hansen & Anke S. Kessler - 1116-1125 Individual Risk in an Investment-Based Social Security System
by Martin Feldstein & Elena Ranguelova - 1126-1134 Longevity Expectations and Death: Can People Predict Their Own Demise?
by V. Kerry Smith & Donald H. Taylor & Frank A. Sloan - 1135-1148 Technological Change, Depletion, and the U.S. Petroleum Industry
by John T. Cuddington & Diana L. Moss - 1149-1159 Intertemporal Depletion of Resource Sites by Spatially Distributed Users
by Gerard Gaudet & Michel Moreaux & Stephen W. Salant - 1160-1167 Comparing Apples to Oranges: Productivity Convergence and Measurement across Industries and Countries: Comment
by Anders Sorensen - 1168-1169 Comparing Apples to Oranges: Productivity Convergence and Measurement across Industries and Countries: Reply
by Andrew B. Bernard & Charles I. Jones - 1170-1179 An Asset Allocation Puzzle: Comment
by Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou & James V. Jordan & Roland Portait - 1180-1183 Incorporating Fairness into Game Theory and Economics: Comment
by William Robert Nelson
June 2001, Volume 91, Issue 3
- 351-378 Economic Choices
by Daniel McFadden - 379-398 Rules, Communication, and Collusion: Narrative Evidence from the Sugar Institute Case
by David Genesove & Wallace P. Mullin - 399-427 Auctions with Resale Markets: An Application to U.S. Forest Service Timber Sales
by Philip A. Haile - 428-453 Vertical Integration, Market Foreclosure, and Consumer Welfare in the Cable Television Industry
by Tasneem Chipty - 454-474 Information Gatekeepers on the Internet and the Competitiveness of Homogeneous Product Markets
by Michael R. Baye & John Morgan - 475-484 Costly Predation and the Distribution of Competence
by John Conlisk - 485-508 A Theory of Buyer-Seller Networks
by Rachel E. Kranton & Deborah F. Minehart - 509-524 The Value of Information in Efficient Risk-Sharing Arrangements
by Edward E. Schlee - 525-541 Optimal Incentives for Teams
by Yeon-Koo Che & Seung-Weon Yoo - 542-558 The Optimal Allocation of Prizes in Contests
by Benny Moldovanu & Aner Sela - 559-573 Competition and Custom in Economic Contracts: A Case Study of Illinois Agriculture
by H. Peyton Young & Mary A. Burke - 574-595 Simulating Fundamental Tax Reform in the United States
by David Altig - 596-610 Is a Uniform Social Policy Better? Fiscal Federalism and Factor Mobility
by Roberto Perotti - 611-618 Demand Systems with and without Errors
by Arthur Lewbel - 619-630 Using Engel's Law to Estimate CPI Bias
by Bruce W. Hamilton - 631-647 Does Buffer-Stock Saving Explain the Smoothness and Excess Sensitivity of Consumption?
by Sydney C. Ludvigson & Alexander Michaelides - 648-662 Monetary Instability, the Predictability of Prices, and the Allocation of Investment: An Empirical Investigation Using U.K. Panel Data
by Paul Beaudry & Mustafa Caglayan & Fabio Schiantarelli - 663-680 Business Fixed Investment and "Bubbles": The Japanese Case
by Robert S. Chirinko & Huntley Schaller - 681-692 The Response of Expenditures to Anticipated Income Changes: Panel Data Estimates
by Martin Browning & M. Dolores Collado - 693-708 Estimating the Knowledge-Capital Model of the Multinational Enterprise
by David L. Carr & James R. Markusen & Keith E. Maskus - 709-723 Optimal Regional Redistribution under Asymmetric Information
by Massimo Bordignon & Paolo Manasse & Guido Tabellini - 724-730 How Liable Should a Lender Be? The Case of Judgment-Proof Firms and Environmental Risk: Comment
by Tracy R. Lewis & David E. M. Sappington - 731-738 How Liable Should a Lender Be? The Case of Judgment-Proof Firms and Environmental Risk: Comment
by Dieter Balkenborg - 739-745 How Liable Should a Lender Be? The Case of Judgment-Proof Firms and Environmental Risk: Reply
by Rohan Pitchford
May 2001, Volume 91, Issue 2
- 1-11 Struggling to Understand the Stock Market
by Robert E. Hall - 12-17 Human Capital and Growth
by Robert J. Barro - 18-23 The Legacy of U.S. Educational Leadership: Notes on Distribution and Economic Growth in the 20th Century
by Lawrence F. Katz & Claudia Goldin - 24-28 Black-White Achievement Differences and Governmental Interventions
by Eric A. Hanushek - 29-33 Input Trade and the Location of Production
by Ronald W. Jones & Ronald Findlay - 34-38 Why Did Productivity Fall So Much during the Great Depression?
by Lee E. Ohanian - 39-44 Market Trade in Patents and the Rise of a Class of Specialized Inventors in the 19th-Century United States
by Kenneth L. Sokoloff & Naomi R. Lamoreaux - 45-50 Sharing Ambiguity
by Larry G. Epstein - 51-54 Pitfalls of a Minimax Approach to Model Uncertainty
by Christopher A. Sims - 55-59 Minimax Estimation and Forecasting in a Stationary Autoregression Model
by Gary Chamberlain - 60-66 Robust Control and Model Uncertainty
by Thomas J. Sargent & LarsPeter Hansen - 67-72 Do People Mean What They Say? Implications for Subjective Survey Data
by Sendhil Mullainathan & Marianne Bertrand - 73-78 In Search of Homo Economicus: Behavioral Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies
by Joseph Henrich - 79-84 Growing Up in the Projects: The Economic Lives of a Cohort of Men Who Came of Age in Chicago Public Housing
by Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh & Steven D. Levitt - 85-90 Youth Smoking in the 1990's: Why Did It Rise and What Are the Long-Run Implications?
by Jonathan Gruber - 91-96 Behavior Policies and Teen Traffic Safety
by William N. Evans & Thomas S. Dee - 97-102 Going to College to Avoid the Draft: The Unintended Legacy of the Vietnam War
by Thomas Lemieux & David Card - 103-106 Designing Programs for Heterogeneous Populations: The Value of Covariate Information
by Charles F. Manski - 107-111 Policy-Relevant Treatment Effects
by Edward Vytlacil & James J. Heckman - 112-118 Reconciling Conflicting Evidence on the Performance of Propensity-Score Matching Methods
by Petra E. Todd & Jeffrey A. Smith - 119-124 Propensity-Score Matching with Instrumental Variables
by Christopher Taber & Hidehiko Ichimura - 125-129 Interactions between Unmarried Fathers and Their Children: The Role of Paternity Establishment and Child-Support Policies
by H. Elizabeth Peters & Laura M. Argys - 130-134 The Effect of Child-Support Policies on Visitations and Transfers
by Rocio Ribero & Daniela Del Boca