0000, Issue 3
- y::id:542 Influence of Forming of System of «Green» Public Procurements on Market Development of Environmentally Friendly Products
by Anna Nikolaevna Kazantseva - y::id:543 Economic Cooperation of the People’s Republic of China with the Countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
by Tamara Sergeevna Tarakanova - y::id:544 The Value of the Central Asian States in World Politics
by Jun Zhou - y::id:545 The Methodology of Evaluation Efficiency of Land Management in the Region
by Mihail Olegovich Demidov & Alexander Andreevich Ivanov - y::id:546 New Practice of Involvement of Residents of the Vologda Region in System of Regional Government by Means of the Innovative Projects “Team of the Governorâ€
by Vyacheslav Viktorovich Priyatelev - y::id:547 The Relationship of Generations
by Natalia Valentinovna Gorbatona
0000, Issue 2
- y::id:19 State Policy of Information Sovereignty of Russia in the Conditions of the Modern Global World
by Mikhail Mikhailovich Kucheryavyi - y::id:20 Extremism: Nature, Symptoms, Experience and Conditions of Counteraction
by Alexander Ivanovich Kugay - y::id:21 Development of Social institution of Mass media in Information Society and Legal Field of the Personal and Corporative Information Security
by Alexander Anatolyevich Markov & Nadezhda Nikolaevna Pokrovskaya & Pavel Dmitrievich Smirnov - y::id:22 Features of Granting Customs and Tax Privileges within the International Cultural Cooperation
by Mikhail Alekseevich Laboskin - y::id:23 The Role of «Global Cities» in the Modern System of International Relations
by Dmitry Gennadievich Popov & Veronica Viktorovna Fokina - y::id:24 Comparative Analysis of Dynamics of Time Series
by Vladimir Nikolaevich Naumov & Sergey Aleksandrovich Burov - y::id:25 Resource Taxes in Russia and China: Pro et Contra
by Evgenia Anatolievna Kuklina & Xiaoging Zhu & Yuxiu Sun & Linlin Diyao - y::id:26 Assessment of Quality of Educational Result in Institutions the General and Professional Education of the Leningrad Region
by Anatoly Vladimirovich Kluev & Svetlana Vsevolodovna Lyashko & Sergey Valentinovich Tarasov - y::id:27 Psychological Protection of Population in Social and Legal Aspects
by Alexey Vasilyevich Vorontsov & Alexey Michaylovich Bogachev - y::id:28 Concept of Distance Learning In University - Project Organization and Management
by Vladimir Valentinovich Aleskovskiy & Tatiana Anatolievna Pavlova & Valery Vitalyevich Yanovskiy - y::id:29 “World Nationality†by Eyes of it’s Critics (Five Arguments against “Saturated†Cosmopolitism of M. Nussbaum)
by Sergey Vladimirovich Akopov - y::id:30 Mechanism of Improvement of Customs Innovations, Based on Indistinct and Multiple Approach at an Assessment of Risk Level of Violation of Customs Rules
by Irina Aleksandrovna Topkova & Petr Nikolaevich Afonin - y::id:31 Naturalization of Athletes and Nation-building in the Light of the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi
by Vitalii Aleksandrovich Gorokhov & Galina Stanislavovna Yakovleva - y::id:32 Mysticism in the Light of the Russian Philosophy
by Vladimir Borisovich Aleksandrov - y::id:33 The Relation of a Subject and Object of Scientific Research in the Light of Critical Philosophy of I. Kant
by Vitaly Aleksandrovich Volkov - y::id:34 Russia and its Army in the Crimean War of 1853-1856 through the Eyes of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
by Sergey Yuryevich Chimarov - y::id:35 Ukraine in the Transnistrian Settlement (1992-2014)
by Tatyana Valeryevna Rostovetskaya - y::id:36 Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Economic Security of Regional Economic System
by Olga Vladimirovna Starikova - y::id:37 Forecasting of Intraregional Unevenness of Economic Development of the Region
by Alexander Evgenyevich Chepik - y::id:38 Harmony of Economic and Environmental Policy or Transition from National and Economic to an Ecological Political Paradigm? (Reflections Concerning the Book “In Search of a New Paradigm: sketch of Political Ecology†, authors N. A. Borisov, V. A. Volkov)
by Ivan Vladimirovich Radikov - y::id:252 The Evolution of Local Human Civilizations and the Problem of the Prolifiration of Standards in International Relations
by Andrey Anatolyevich Kazantsev - y::id:253 Legal Regulation of Change of Borders and Transformation Municipalities, Ways of Elimination of Shortcomings
by Vladimir Vasilyevich Pylin - y::id:254 Paradiplomacy as a Way of Promotion of Regional Identity of the Subjects of Federations
by Yury Germanovich Akimov - y::id:255 Democracy and the «Fourth Estate»
by Viktor Petrovich Kirilenko & Georgy Valeryevich Alekseev - y::id:256 «Hard to Be a God»: the Evolution of Political Images of Vladimir Putin
by Ekaterina Dmitrievna Zabrodkina & Veronika Vladimirovna Pasynkova - y::id:257 Eurasian Call for the Project «Integration of Integrations»
by Nikolai Maratovich Mezhevich - y::id:258 Central Asia in the Conditions of Conjugation of the Economic Belt of the Silk Way and the Eurasian Economic Union
by Vatanyar Saidovich Yagya & Mingfu Li - y::id:259 Anti-recessionary Control System as the Mechanism of Association of Interests of Business, Power and the Population (on the Example of Construction of Multilevel Parkings in St. Petersburg on the Sites Occupied with Plane Garages)
by Vladimir Alexandrovich Shamakhov & Sergey Yurievich Andreev & Nicolay Victorovich Razuvaev - y::id:260 The Innovativeness of Bio-Pharmaceutical Cluster or Import Substitution: the Development Priorities of the Economy Sector
by Alexander Nickolaevich Tsatsulin & Boris Alexandrovich Tsatsulin - y::id:261 To the Issue of Network-Centric Format of Hybrid of War of the XXI Century
by Sergey Yuryevich Chimarov - y::id:262 Heterotraining and Auto-training as Methods of Psychological Preparation
by Sergey Georgievich Gagonin - y::id:263 Cultural Heritage of the Azerbaijani People as a Basis of Development of Ethnotourism in the Republic
by Boyuk Aga Afaq - y::id:264 Development of non-formal, informal and media education for development of critical thinking and formation of information security of the personality
by Alexey Alexandrovich Demidov - y::id:265 Analysis of the Social Efficiency of Commercial Projects Investments
by Nikolay Vasilyevich Kovalev - y::id:266 On a Question of a Historiography of Electrification of the USSR 1920-1930 Years
by Alexander Ivanovich Lushin & Vladimir Vladimirovich Avdanin - y::id:267 S. M. Solovyev as Lecturer: Angle of View of V. O. Klyuchevsky
by Vladimir Borisovich Aleksandrov - y::id:268 The Role of the Indian Diaspora in the US-India Bilateral Relations
by Angelina Yurievna Privalova - y::id:269 Reform of the Russian System of Public Administration According to the System Theory
by Konstantin Borisovich Dorogoy - y::id:270 Administrative-Legal Regulation of Securities Market
by Igor Evgenievich Taranov - y::id:271 Problems of Participation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Public Procurement
by Nikita Anatolyevich Pereverzev - y::id:272 A Periodization of Monetary Circulation of Mid-8th - Early 11th centuries in Eastern Europe and the Dynamics of Economic Relationships of the Oldest Russian Squads
by Viacheslav Sergeyevich Kuleshov - y::id:507 Integration of Russia and Mongolia: Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Aspects
by Irina Vladimirovna Zeleneva - y::id:508 Strategic Development of the Northwestern Federal District in Terms of Sanctions
by Andrey Igorevich Sosnilo & Yury Evgenyevich Putikhin - y::id:509 Peculiarities of Formation of Innovation Systems and their Characteristics
by Alexei Valeryevich Kulagin & Ekaterina Viktorovna Makarova & Alexander Ivanovich Novikov - y::id:510 The Reforms in Russia: Exhausting Running on the Spot
by Vyacheslav Veniaminovich Kruglov & Alexander Vasilyevich Labudin & Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Samodurov - y::id:511 Psychoeducational Work Techniques in the Context of Executing Punishments, Which Are Alternative to Imprisonment: Historical Aspect
by Natalya Evgenyevna Kolesnikova & Alexander Vasilyevich Agrashenkov - y::id:512 Aspects of Motivation of Workers in the Cross-cultural Environment in the Context of Hofstede’s Model
by Sergey Pavlovich Myasoyedov & Emil Georgievich Martirosyan & Anastasia Aleksandrovna Sergeeva - y::id:513 Some Problems of Formation of the St. Petersburg Development Strategy of Energy Complex at the Present Stage
by Alexander Ivanovich Lushin & Vladimir Vladimirovich Avdanin - y::id:514 Scientific Petersburg. Youth look
by Vasilina Vasilyevna Golenko & Vladimir Nikolaevich Kiselev & Anna Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya - y::id:515 Control of Defensive Organization in the Battle of Leningrad
by Valery Pavlovich Gridnev - y::id:516 Legal Status of the Komsomol at 1920-1930s
by Pavel Aleksandrovich Merkulov - y::id:517 «Back to the Future»: Images of Modernization Reforms in the Collective Memory of Russian People
by Vladimir Olegovich Beklyamishev - y::id:518 «The Easter World» of Nicholas II during the Bell for Witte Tolled
by Nelly Mikhailovna Tairova - y::id:519 Features of Strategic Planning and Development of Competitive Advantages of City Agglomerations (on the Example of St. Petersburg)
by Natalya Vladimirovna Bogdanova & Valeria Aleksandrovna Fieraru - y::id:520 The Problem of Achieving Economic Stability of Food Industrial Enterprises and Transition to Import Substitution for Achieving of Food Security of the Country
by Zhanna Sergeevna Savitskaya - y::id:521 Priorities of Russia in Cooperation with Countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
by Tamara Sergeevna Tarakanova - y::id:522 About the Features of Excitation of Affairs about Administrative Offences in the Sphere of Securities Market
by Igor Evgenievich Taranov - y::id:523 The Book as the Cooperative Subject of the Culture
by Pavel Nikolaevich Trushchelev - y::id:524 Problems of Realization of the Project of the Silk Road Economic Belt
by Jun Zhou - y::id:525 The Development of the Operating Industrial Zones of the Territory as a Factor of Ensuring Regional Security
by Olga Vladimirovna Starikova
0000, Issue 1
- y::id:2 Political Elite of Transnistria: on a Question of Prerequisites of Emergence of the Republic
by Sergey Viktorovich Oleynikov - y::id:3 Sustainable Forest Management as the Fundamental Principle of Forestry Management in Russian Federation
by Larisa Gennadievna Klyukanova - y::id:4 Russian-Kazakhstan Relations: Problems and Prospects
by Leonid Yuryevich Gusev & Andrey Anatolyevich Kazantsev - y::id:5 Information Society Development in the Customs Union Countries: Legal Framework
by Radomir Viktorovich Bolgov & Elena Sergeevna Zinovieva & Vitalina Anatolievna Karachay - y::id:6 Geopolitical and Economic Aspects of Development of the Independent States of the Eurasian Region in the Context of the Eurasian Integration (1991-2013)
by Vladimir Evgenyevich Frolov - y::id:7 Formation of the Innovative Clusters in Italy: Toscana Region
by Natalya Vasilievna Zakharova & Alexander Vasilyevich Labudin - y::id:8 The Multilateral Trading System: Problems of Harmonization of The Multilateral and Regional Regulation of Trade and Economic Relations
by Yuri Ilyich Chentukov & Elena Valerievna Bulatova - y::id:9 System-Forming Signs of the Legislative Power in the Russian Federation
by Gulnara Nikolaevna Kopiatina - y::id:10 Racist Discourse of Electronic Mass Media as Factor of Designing of the Interethnic Conflicts
by Alexander Ivanovich Kugay & Anastasia Mikhailovna Kovaleva - y::id:11 Sociological Aspects of Risk in Marketing Management
by Alexander Sergeyevih Korezin & Sergey Borisovih Murashov - y::id:12 Features of the Use of Competence-Based Approach in the Selection of Managers for the Trade
by Larisa Grigorievna Desfontaines & Yuliya Evgenievna Semenova - y::id:13 Traditional Culture in Confrontation to Globalization Crisis
by Marina Yurievna Spirina - y::id:14 The Role of Academy of Science in the Creation of Empress Anna Ioannovna Coronation Album
by Elena Sergeevna Stetskevich - y::id:15 The Genesis of the Urban Culture of Russia and Europe: a Comparative Historical Analysis
by Olga Viktorovna Kireeva - y::id:16 CFE: the European Vector of the Russian-American Relations within Disarmament Policy
by Pavel Borisovich Kartyshev - y::id:17 Management of Social Work in Russia: Levels and Major Problems of Implementation
by Johnrid Feridovich Vagabov - y::id:18 Increase of Effectiveness of Management of State Ownership in Saint-Petersburg
by Anvar Shavkatovich Sabirov - y::id:241 What Is Wrong with the West’s Economies?
by S. Phelps Edmund - y::id:242 Search and Investigation of Philosophical Base of the Theory of Strategy. Interrelation of Philosophical and Strategic Thinking
by Vladimir Lvovich Kvint - y::id:243 The New Geopolitical Reality and Its Impact on the Strategy for Economic and Social Development of Russia
by Vladimir Alexandrovich Shamakhov & Aleksei Igorevich Balashov - y::id:244 New Model of Economic Growth of Russia
by Abel Gezevich Aganbegian - y::id:245 Recommendations of the Nobel Laureate on Economy to Russia or How Can We Realize Competitive Advantages
by Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kozyrev - y::id:246 General Plan of St. Petersburg for 2019-2043: Strategy and Tactics
by Igor Nikolaevich Albin - y::id:247 Strategic Problems of the Far East of Russia
by Sergey Mikhailovich Darkin - y::id:248 Methodological Bases of Development of Branch Financial Strategy
by Murad Kamilovich Alimuradov & Aida Letifovna Ziyarova - y::id:249 The Role of Economic and Social Development of the Region in Achieving Economic Growth
by Ilya Pavlovich Bannov - y::id:483 System of the State Certification of Scientific Personnel of the Higher Qualification in Republic of Belarus
by Guennady Vladimirovich Palchik - y::id:484 Improvement of System of Vocational Training of the State Civil Servants of the Russian Federation
by Sergey Nikolaevich Miroshnikov & Elena Sergeevna Charkina - y::id:485 The Strategy of Belarus in the Context of Global Actors Policy
by Sergey Anatolyevich Kizima - y::id:486 Theoretical Aspects of the Concept “Information Policy†and Feature of Its Realization in Modern Russian Social and Political Reality
by Anatoly Alekseevich Likhtin & Andrey Andreevich Kovalev - y::id:487 The Republic of Belarus and the SCO in the European Geopolitical Space
by Victor Grigorievich Kogut - y::id:488 The Main Problems of Eurasian Integration in the Face Of Increasing National and Regional Protectionism
by Mikhail Mikhailovich Shumilov & Alexander Borisovich Gurkin - y::id:489 Prospects of Integration Processes on the Common Social Space of the Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus and a Problem of Implementation of the Russian Legislation, as a Basis of Social Development of the Eurasian Region
by Aleksey Vladimirovich Maksimov - y::id:490 Assessment of Tax Burden by a Technique of the IMF
by Vladimir Vladimirovich Gromov & Svetlana Sergeevna Shatalova - y::id:491 The Main Efforts of APEC on Ensuring Steady Growth in the Pacific Rim
by Timur Mamedovich Aliev - y::id:492 EU Macroeconomic Policy Reforms under Influence of Eurozone Crisis
by Dmitri Sergeevich Evstafiev & Natalia Genrikhovna Zaslavskaya - y::id:493 Cluster Policy at a New Stage Development the Automotive Industry
by Mikhail Yurievich Elsukov & Ilya Fedorovich Fomin - y::id:494 Risk Factors of Companies’ Innovative Activities in Russia and Methods for it Reducing
by Vadim Vladimirovich Dmitrenko & Alexander Aleksandrovich Samodurov - y::id:495 Opportunities for Increasing Russia’s Participation in APEC Development Agenda
by Anna Evgenyevna Kuznetsova - y::id:496 Management of Energy Saving 0f the Industrial Enterprise: Essence and Organizational and Economic Tools
by Ekaterina Sergeyevna Avdeeva & Victoria Vadimovna Mironova - y::id:497 Government Procurement as One of Spheres to Expand Economic Cooperation between Russia and Economies in Asia-Pacific Region
by Olga Vladimirovna Ponomareva - y::id:498 Reputation and Image of the Power. Mediastrategies of Formation
by Vera Alexeevna Achkasova & Kristina Vladimirovna Korneeva - y::id:499 Strategic Planning: Orientation of a Higher Educational Institution towards Sustained Development and Competitive Advantages
by Antonina Nikolaevna Kamirova - y::id:500 Investments into the Human Capital as a Factor of Growth of its Cost in the State Corporations
by Sergey Pavlovich Myasoyedov & Emil Georgievich Martirosyan & Anastasia Aleksandrovna Sergeeva - y::id:501 Museum Affairs during the Great Patriotic War (Historiographic Review)
by Nina Konstantinovna Gurkina & Alexey Petrovich Isaev - y::id:502 “Strong Defender of Russian Foundations†: I. S. Aksakov in the Evaluation of Petersburg Slavophiles
by Alexey Valerievich Malinov & Izolda Yurievna Peshperova - y::id:503 Youth Organizations of the RSFSR the Beginning of the 1920s
by Pavel Aleksandrovich Merkulov - y::id:504 Integration Project: the Great Silk Road (the History of Creation)
by Sergey Nikolaevich Pogodin & Jun Zhou - y::id:505 Socio-Political Organizations in the Central Black Earth Region (1928-1934)
by Alexander Yurievich Saran - y::id:506 Estimation of Aggregate Expectations of Economic Agents by Using Derivatives
by Grigory Victorovich Korkishko