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József Vörös
(Jozsef Voeroes)

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First Name:Jozsef
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Last Name:Voeroes
RePEc Short-ID:pvr25
[This author has chosen not to make the email address public]


Közgazdaságtudományi Kar
Pécsi Tudományegyetem

Pécs, Hungary
RePEc:edi:feptehu (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

Jump to: Working papers Articles

Working papers

  1. Kovalev, Mikhail M. & Lomagin, Nikita A. & Sutyrin, Sergei F. & Vörös, József & Nureev, Rustem M., 2009. "Crisis and sustainable business in Central and Eastern Europe: Haniel-Seminar discussion paper," Discussion Papers 282, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Department of Business Administration and Economics.
  2. Vörös, J. & Kriens, J. & Strijbosch, L.W.G., 1997. "A Note on the Kinks at the Mean Variance Frontier," Research Memorandum 743, Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management.
  3. Kriens, J. & Strijbosch, L.W.G. & Vörös, J., 1994. "Differentiability properties of the efficient (u,q2)-set in the Markowitz portfolio selection method," Research Memorandum FEW 657, Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management.


  1. Voros, Jozsef, 2019. "An analysis of the dynamic price-quality relationship," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 277(3), pages 1037-1045.
  2. Hauck, Zsuzsanna & Vörös, József, 2015. "Lot sizing in case of defective items with investments to increase the speed of quality control," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 52(C), pages 180-189.
  3. Vörös, József, 2013. "Multi-period models for analyzing the dynamics of process improvement activities," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 230(3), pages 615-623.
  4. József Vörös, 2013. "Economic order and production quantity models without constraint on the percentage of defective items," Central European Journal of Operations Research, Springer;Slovak Society for Operations Research;Hungarian Operational Research Society;Czech Society for Operations Research;Österr. Gesellschaft für Operations Research (ÖGOR);Slovenian Society Informatika - Section for Operational Research;Croatian Operational Research Society, vol. 21(4), pages 867-885, December.
  5. Tibor Csendes & Csák Ligeti & József Vörös, 2011. "Editorial," Central European Journal of Operations Research, Springer;Slovak Society for Operations Research;Hungarian Operational Research Society;Czech Society for Operations Research;Österr. Gesellschaft für Operations Research (ÖGOR);Slovenian Society Informatika - Section for Operational Research;Croatian Operational Research Society, vol. 19(2), pages 155-156, June.
  6. Illés, Tibor & Lopez, Marco A. & Terlaky, Tamás & Vörös, József & Weber, Gerhard-Wilhelm, 2008. "17th EURO Mini Conference "Continuous Optimization in the Industry", Pécs, Hungary, June 29-July 1, 2005," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 191(3), pages 771-772, December.
  7. Vörös, József, 2008. "A kereslet hatása az árak, a minőség és a fejlesztési döntések dinamikájára [The effect of demand on the dynamics of prices, quality and development decisions]," Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Közgazdasági Szemle Alapítvány (Economic Review Foundation), vol. 0(12), pages 1094-1115.
  8. Voros, Jozsef, 2006. "The dynamics of price, quality and productivity improvement decisions," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 170(3), pages 809-823, May.
  9. Vörös, József, 2003. "A minőség figyelembevételének szükségessége az egyensúlyi állapot meghatározásában [The need to consider quality when determining a state of equilibrium]," Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Közgazdasági Szemle Alapítvány (Economic Review Foundation), vol. 0(1), pages 6-21.
  10. Voros, Jozsef, 2002. "On the relaxation of multi-level dynamic lot-sizing models," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 77(1), pages 53-61, May.
  11. Voros, Jozsef, 2002. "Product balancing under conditions of quality inflation, cost pressures and growth strategies," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 141(1), pages 153-166, August.
  12. Voros, Jozsef & Szidarovszky, Ferenc, 2001. "Determining the production order of two seasonal products under capacity constraint," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 73(2), pages 117-122, September.
  13. Voros, Jozsef, 1999. "Lot sizing with quality improvement and setup time reduction," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 113(3), pages 568-574, March.
  14. Voros, Jozsef, 1999. "On the risk-based aggregate planning for seasonal products," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 59(1-3), pages 195-201, March.
  15. Voros, J. & Kriens, J. & Strijbosch, L. W. G., 1999. "A note on the kinks at the mean variance frontier," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 112(1), pages 236-239, January.
  16. Vörös, J. & Szidarovszky, F., 1997. "Quality design by multiobjective analysis," Pure Mathematics and Applications, Department of Mathematics, Corvinus University of Budapest, vol. 8(2-4), pages 377-383.
  17. Voros, Jozsef, 1995. "Setup cost stability region for the multi-level dynamic lot sizing problem," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 87(1), pages 132-141, November.
  18. Voros, Jozsef & Chand, Suresh, 1992. "Improved lot sizing heuristics for multi-stage inventory models with backlogging," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 28(3), pages 283-288, December.
  19. Chand, Suresh & Voros, Jozsef, 1992. "Setup cost stability region for the dynamic lot sizing problem with backlogging," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 58(1), pages 68-77, April.
  20. Richter, Knut & Voros, Josef, 1990. "Stability of a two-stage production and inventory model," Engineering Costs and Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 20(1), pages 65-71, July.
  21. Richter, Knut & Voros, Jozsef, 1989. "On the stability region for multi-level inventory problems," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 41(2), pages 169-173, July.
  22. Voros, J., 1987. "The explicit derivation of the efficient portfolio frontier in the case of degeneracy and general singularity," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 302-310, November.
  23. Voros, J., 1986. "Portfolio analysis--an analytic derivation of the efficient portfolio frontier," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 23(3), pages 294-300, March.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.

Working papers

  1. Vörös, J. & Kriens, J. & Strijbosch, L.W.G., 1997. "A Note on the Kinks at the Mean Variance Frontier," Research Memorandum 743, Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management.

    Cited by:


  1. Voros, Jozsef, 2019. "An analysis of the dynamic price-quality relationship," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 277(3), pages 1037-1045.

    Cited by:

    1. Lu, Lijue & Navas, Jorge, 2021. "Advertising and quality improving strategies in a supply chain when facing potential crises," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 288(3), pages 839-851.
    2. Hauck, Zsuzsanna & Rabta, Boualem & Reiner, Gerald, 2021. "Joint quality and pricing decisions in lot sizing models with defective items," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 241(C).
    3. De Giovanni, Pietro & Zaccour, Georges, 2023. "A survey of dynamic models of product quality," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 307(3), pages 991-1007.
    4. Wei Peng & Baogui Xin & Yekyung Kwon, 2019. "Optimal Strategies of Product Price, Quality, and Corporate Environmental Responsibility," IJERPH, MDPI, vol. 16(23), pages 1-24, November.
    5. Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Dimitrov, Stanko & Figge, Frank, 2021. "When does eco-efficiency rebound or backfire? An analytical model," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 290(2), pages 687-700.
    6. Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Feichtinger, Gustav & Hartl, Richard F. & Kort, Peter M., 2020. "Modeling the impact of product quality on dynamic pricing and advertising policies," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 284(3), pages 990-1001.
    7. Schlosser, Rainer & Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Dimitrov, Stanko, 2021. "Circular economy: Joint dynamic pricing and recycling investments," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 236(C).
    8. Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Leocata, Marta & Ogonowska, Malgorzata & Torre, Dominique, 2022. "Sustainable tourism," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 143(C).
    9. Ni, Jian & Xu, Yue & Shi, Jia & Li, Jiali, 2024. "Product innovation in a supply chain with information asymmetry: Is more private information always worse?," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 314(1), pages 229-240.
    10. Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Eynan, Amit, 2021. "Advertising, goodwill, and the Veblen effect," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 289(2), pages 676-682.
    11. Régis Chenavaz & Corina Paraschiv & Gabriel Turinici, 2021. "Dynamic Pricing of New Products in Competitive Markets: A Mean-Field Game Approach," Dynamic Games and Applications, Springer, vol. 11(3), pages 463-490, September.
    12. Hongfang Qiao & Xiaowei Lin & Xideng Zhou & Minglin Jiang, 2022. "Research on Joint Decision-Making of Timely Delivery, Product Quality and Marketing in Supply Chain Based on Differential Game," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 14(17), pages 1-20, August.
    13. Qian, Cheng & Anderson, Edward, 2020. "Buyer’s optimal information revelation strategy in procurement auctions," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 283(3), pages 1011-1025.
    14. Anton, Ramona & Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Paraschiv, Corina, 2023. "Dynamic pricing, reference price, and price-quality relationship," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 146(C).

  2. Hauck, Zsuzsanna & Vörös, József, 2015. "Lot sizing in case of defective items with investments to increase the speed of quality control," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 52(C), pages 180-189.

    Cited by:

    1. Hauck, Zsuzsanna & Rabta, Boualem & Reiner, Gerald, 2021. "Joint quality and pricing decisions in lot sizing models with defective items," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 241(C).
    2. Konstantaras, I. & Skouri, K. & Lagodimos, A.G., 2019. "EOQ with independent endogenous supply disruptions," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 83(C), pages 96-106.

  3. Vörös, József, 2013. "Multi-period models for analyzing the dynamics of process improvement activities," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 230(3), pages 615-623.

    Cited by:

    1. Katarina Teplicka & Katarina Culkova & Ondrej Zeleznik, 2015. "Application Of Bayess Principle Optimum - Optimization Model For Managerial Decision And Continual Improvement," Polish Journal of Management Studies, Czestochowa Technical University, Department of Management, vol. 12(2), pages 170-179, December.
    2. Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Dimitrov, Stanko & Figge, Frank, 2021. "When does eco-efficiency rebound or backfire? An analytical model," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 290(2), pages 687-700.
    3. Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Feichtinger, Gustav & Hartl, Richard F. & Kort, Peter M., 2020. "Modeling the impact of product quality on dynamic pricing and advertising policies," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 284(3), pages 990-1001.
    4. Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Leocata, Marta & Ogonowska, Malgorzata & Torre, Dominique, 2022. "Sustainable tourism," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 143(C).
    5. Voros, Jozsef, 2019. "An analysis of the dynamic price-quality relationship," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 277(3), pages 1037-1045.
    6. Li, Bo & Arreola-Risa, Antonio, 2017. "Financial risk, inventory decision and process improvement for a firm with random capacity," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 260(1), pages 183-194.
    7. Song, Jian & Chutani, Anshuman & Dolgui, Alexandre & Liang, Liang, 2021. "Dynamic innovation and pricing decisions in a supply-Chain," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 103(C).
    8. Balázs Szabó & Sándor Danka, 2022. "State aid and the learning‐by‐doing effect on product pricing," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 43(1), pages 228-240, January.
    9. Anton, Ramona & Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Paraschiv, Corina, 2023. "Dynamic pricing, reference price, and price-quality relationship," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 146(C).

  4. József Vörös, 2013. "Economic order and production quantity models without constraint on the percentage of defective items," Central European Journal of Operations Research, Springer;Slovak Society for Operations Research;Hungarian Operational Research Society;Czech Society for Operations Research;Österr. Gesellschaft für Operations Research (ÖGOR);Slovenian Society Informatika - Section for Operational Research;Croatian Operational Research Society, vol. 21(4), pages 867-885, December.

    Cited by:

    1. Hauck, Zsuzsanna & Vörös, József, 2015. "Lot sizing in case of defective items with investments to increase the speed of quality control," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 52(C), pages 180-189.
    2. Biswajit Sarkar & Waqas Ahmed & Seok-Beom Choi & Muhammad Tayyab, 2018. "Sustainable Inventory Management for Environmental Impact through Partial Backordering and Multi-Trade-Credit-Period," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 10(12), pages 1-28, December.
    3. Skouri, K. & Konstantaras, I. & Lagodimos, A.G. & Papachristos, S., 2014. "An EOQ model with backorders and rejection of defective supply batches," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 155(C), pages 148-154.
    4. Konstantaras, I. & Skouri, K. & Lagodimos, A.G., 2019. "EOQ with independent endogenous supply disruptions," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 83(C), pages 96-106.
    5. Sudipta Sinha & Nikunja Mohan Modak & Shib Sankar Sana, 2020. "An entropic order quantity inventory model for quality assessment considering price sensitive demand," OPSEARCH, Springer;Operational Research Society of India, vol. 57(1), pages 88-103, March.
    6. Jaber, Mohamad Y. & Zanoni, Simone & Zavanella, Lucio E., 2014. "Economic order quantity models for imperfect items with buy and repair options," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 155(C), pages 126-131.

  5. Voros, Jozsef, 2006. "The dynamics of price, quality and productivity improvement decisions," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 170(3), pages 809-823, May.

    Cited by:

    1. Li, Tingting & Chen, Junlin, 2020. "Alliance formation in assembly systems with quality-improvement incentives," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 285(3), pages 931-940.
    2. De Giovanni, Pietro & Zaccour, Georges, 2023. "A survey of dynamic models of product quality," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 307(3), pages 991-1007.
    3. Li, Dong & Nagurney, Anna & Yu, Min, 2018. "Consumer learning of product quality with time delay: Insights from spatial price equilibrium models with differentiated products," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 81(C), pages 150-168.
    4. Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Feichtinger, Gustav & Hartl, Richard F. & Kort, Peter M., 2020. "Modeling the impact of product quality on dynamic pricing and advertising policies," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 284(3), pages 990-1001.
    5. Régis Chenavaz & Sajjad M. Jasimuddin, 2017. "An analytical model of the relationship between product quality and advertising," Post-Print hal-01685892, HAL.
    6. Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Leocata, Marta & Ogonowska, Malgorzata & Torre, Dominique, 2022. "Sustainable tourism," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 143(C).
    7. Voros, Jozsef, 2019. "An analysis of the dynamic price-quality relationship," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 277(3), pages 1037-1045.
    8. De Giovanni, Pietro, 2011. "Quality improvement vs. advertising support: Which strategy works better for a manufacturer?," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 208(2), pages 119-130, January.
    9. Li, Yung-Ming & Lee, Yi-Lin, 2010. "Pricing peer-produced services: Quality, capacity, and competition issues," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 207(3), pages 1658-1668, December.
    10. Vörös, József, 2008. "A kereslet hatása az árak, a minőség és a fejlesztési döntések dinamikájára [The effect of demand on the dynamics of prices, quality and development decisions]," Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Közgazdasági Szemle Alapítvány (Economic Review Foundation), vol. 0(12), pages 1094-1115.
    11. Vörös, József, 2013. "Multi-period models for analyzing the dynamics of process improvement activities," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 230(3), pages 615-623.
    12. Chenavaz, Régis, 2012. "Dynamic pricing, product and process innovation," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 222(3), pages 553-557.
    13. Qiao Zhang & Jianxiong Zhang & Wansheng Tang, 2017. "Coordinating a supply chain with green innovation in a dynamic setting," 4OR, Springer, vol. 15(2), pages 133-162, June.
    14. Régis Chenavaz, 2011. "Dynamic pricing rule and R&D," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 31(3), pages 2229-2236.
    15. Anton, Ramona & Chenavaz, Régis Y. & Paraschiv, Corina, 2023. "Dynamic pricing, reference price, and price-quality relationship," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 146(C).

  6. Voros, Jozsef, 2002. "Product balancing under conditions of quality inflation, cost pressures and growth strategies," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 141(1), pages 153-166, August.

    Cited by:

    1. Voros, Jozsef, 2006. "The dynamics of price, quality and productivity improvement decisions," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 170(3), pages 809-823, May.
    2. Singer, Marcos & Donoso, Patricio & Traverso, Pedro, 2003. "Quality strategies in supply chain alliances of disposable items," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 31(6), pages 499-509, December.
    3. Lu, Xin & Shang, Jennifer & Wu, Shin-yi & Hegde, Gajanan G. & Vargas, Luis & Zhao, Daozhi, 2015. "Impacts of supplier hubris on inventory decisions and green manufacturing endeavors," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 245(1), pages 121-132.
    4. De Giovanni, Pietro, 2011. "Quality improvement vs. advertising support: Which strategy works better for a manufacturer?," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 208(2), pages 119-130, January.
    5. Taleizadeh, Ata Allah & Moshtagh, Mohammad Sadegh, 2019. "A consignment stock scheme for closed loop supply chain with imperfect manufacturing processes, lost sales, and quality dependent return: Multi Levels Structure," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 217(C), pages 298-316.
    6. Vörös, József, 2003. "A minőség figyelembevételének szükségessége az egyensúlyi állapot meghatározásában [The need to consider quality when determining a state of equilibrium]," Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Közgazdasági Szemle Alapítvány (Economic Review Foundation), vol. 0(1), pages 6-21.
    7. Marcos Singer & Patricio Donoso, 2001. "The Effect Of Vertical Integration In The Quality Of Disposable Products," Abante, Escuela de Administracion. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile., vol. 4(2), pages 133-155.

  7. Voros, Jozsef, 1999. "Lot sizing with quality improvement and setup time reduction," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 113(3), pages 568-574, March.

    Cited by:

    1. Voros, Jozsef, 2006. "The dynamics of price, quality and productivity improvement decisions," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 170(3), pages 809-823, May.
    2. József Vörös, 2013. "Economic order and production quantity models without constraint on the percentage of defective items," Central European Journal of Operations Research, Springer;Slovak Society for Operations Research;Hungarian Operational Research Society;Czech Society for Operations Research;Österr. Gesellschaft für Operations Research (ÖGOR);Slovenian Society Informatika - Section for Operational Research;Croatian Operational Research Society, vol. 21(4), pages 867-885, December.
    3. Voros, Jozsef, 2002. "Product balancing under conditions of quality inflation, cost pressures and growth strategies," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 141(1), pages 153-166, August.
    4. Diaby, Moustapha & Cruz, Jose M. & Nsakanda, Aaron L., 2013. "Shortening cycle times in multi-product, capacitated production environments through quality level improvements and setup reduction," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 228(3), pages 526-535.
    5. Vörös, József, 2003. "A minőség figyelembevételének szükségessége az egyensúlyi állapot meghatározásában [The need to consider quality when determining a state of equilibrium]," Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Közgazdasági Szemle Alapítvány (Economic Review Foundation), vol. 0(1), pages 6-21.
    6. Dey, Oshmita & Chakraborty, Debjani, 2011. "A fuzzy random continuous review inventory system," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 132(1), pages 101-106, July.
    7. Hop, Nguyen Van & Tabucanon, Mario T., 2005. "Adaptive genetic algorithm for lot-sizing problem with self-adjustment operation rate," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 98(2), pages 129-135, November.

  8. Voros, Jozsef, 1999. "On the risk-based aggregate planning for seasonal products," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 59(1-3), pages 195-201, March.

    Cited by:

    1. Gansterer, Margaretha, 2015. "Aggregate planning and forecasting in make-to-order production systems," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 170(PB), pages 521-528.
    2. Nilsen, Jeffrey, 2013. "Delayed production and raw materials inventory under uncertainty," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 146(1), pages 337-345.
    3. Voros, Jozsef & Szidarovszky, Ferenc, 2001. "Determining the production order of two seasonal products under capacity constraint," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 73(2), pages 117-122, September.
    4. Huang, Kwei-Long & Kuo, Chia-Wei & Lu, Ming-Lun, 2014. "Wholesale price rebate vs. capacity expansion: The optimal strategy for seasonal products in a supply chain," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 234(1), pages 77-85.

  9. Voros, J. & Kriens, J. & Strijbosch, L. W. G., 1999. "A note on the kinks at the mean variance frontier," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 112(1), pages 236-239, January.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  10. Voros, Jozsef, 1995. "Setup cost stability region for the multi-level dynamic lot sizing problem," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 87(1), pages 132-141, November.

    Cited by:

    1. Konstantaras, I. & Papachristos, S., 2007. "Optimal policy and holding cost stability regions in a periodic review inventory system with manufacturing and remanufacturing options," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 178(2), pages 433-448, April.
    2. Voros, Jozsef, 2002. "On the relaxation of multi-level dynamic lot-sizing models," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 77(1), pages 53-61, May.

  11. Voros, Jozsef & Chand, Suresh, 1992. "Improved lot sizing heuristics for multi-stage inventory models with backlogging," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 28(3), pages 283-288, December.

    Cited by:

    1. Drexl, Andreas & Haase, Knut, 1995. "Proportional lotsizing and scheduling," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 40(1), pages 73-87, June.
    2. Kimms, Alf & Drexl, Andreas, 1996. "Multi-level lot sizing: A literature survey," Manuskripte aus den Instituten für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Universität Kiel 405, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre.

  12. Chand, Suresh & Voros, Jozsef, 1992. "Setup cost stability region for the dynamic lot sizing problem with backlogging," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 58(1), pages 68-77, April.

    Cited by:

    1. Voros, Jozsef, 1995. "Setup cost stability region for the multi-level dynamic lot sizing problem," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 87(1), pages 132-141, November.
    2. Ioannis Ganas & Sotirios Papachristos, 2005. "The Single-Product Lot-Sizing Problem with Constant Parameters and Backlogging: Exact Results, a New Solution, and All Parameter Stability Regions," Operations Research, INFORMS, vol. 53(1), pages 170-176, February.
    3. Hoesel, C. P. M. Van & Wagelmans, A. P. M., 2000. "Parametric analysis of setup cost in the economic lot-sizing model without speculative motives," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 66(1), pages 13-22, June.
    4. Voros, Jozsef, 2002. "On the relaxation of multi-level dynamic lot-sizing models," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 77(1), pages 53-61, May.

  13. Richter, Knut & Voros, Jozsef, 1989. "On the stability region for multi-level inventory problems," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 41(2), pages 169-173, July.

    Cited by:

    1. Voros, Jozsef, 1995. "Setup cost stability region for the multi-level dynamic lot sizing problem," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 87(1), pages 132-141, November.
    2. Drexl, A. & Kimms, A., 1997. "Lot sizing and scheduling -- Survey and extensions," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 99(2), pages 221-235, June.
    3. Kerkkamp, R.B.O. & van den Heuvel, W. & Wagelmans, A.P.M., 2019. "Two-echelon lot-sizing with asymmetric information and continuous type space," Omega, Elsevier, vol. 87(C), pages 158-176.
    4. Kimms, Alf & Drexl, Andreas, 1996. "Multi-level lot sizing: A literature survey," Manuskripte aus den Instituten für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Universität Kiel 405, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre.
    5. Voros, Jozsef, 2002. "On the relaxation of multi-level dynamic lot-sizing models," International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier, vol. 77(1), pages 53-61, May.

  14. Voros, J., 1987. "The explicit derivation of the efficient portfolio frontier in the case of degeneracy and general singularity," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 302-310, November.

    Cited by:

    1. Michael Best & Xili Zhang, 2012. "The Efficient Frontier for Weakly Correlated Assets," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 40(4), pages 355-375, December.
    2. Stefan Illmer & Wolfgang Marty, 2007. "Return decomposition of absolute-performance multi-asset class portfolios," Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Springer;Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, vol. 21(1), pages 121-134, March.
    3. Berkelaar, A.B. & Roos, K. & Terlaky, T., 1996. "The Optimal Set and Optimal Partition Approach to Linear and Quadratic Programming," Econometric Institute Research Papers EI 9658-/A, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Econometric Institute.
    4. Voros, J. & Kriens, J. & Strijbosch, L. W. G., 1999. "A note on the kinks at the mean variance frontier," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 112(1), pages 236-239, January.

  15. Voros, J., 1986. "Portfolio analysis--an analytic derivation of the efficient portfolio frontier," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 23(3), pages 294-300, March.

    Cited by:

    1. Zhang, Wei-Guo & Wang, Ying-Luo, 2008. "An analytic derivation of admissible efficient frontier with borrowing," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 184(1), pages 229-243, January.
    2. Leung, Andrew P., 2011. "Reactive investment strategies," Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 49(1), pages 89-99, July.
    3. Berkelaar, A.B. & Roos, K. & Terlaky, T., 1996. "The Optimal Set and Optimal Partition Approach to Linear and Quadratic Programming," Econometric Institute Research Papers EI 9658-/A, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Econometric Institute.
    4. Zhang, Wei-Guo & Zhang, Xi-Li & Xiao, Wei-Lin, 2009. "Portfolio selection under possibilistic mean-variance utility and a SMO algorithm," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 197(2), pages 693-700, September.
    5. Wei Chen, 2009. "Weighted portfolio selection models based on possibility theory," Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Springer, vol. 1(2), pages 115-127, June.
    6. Tsaur, Ruey-Chyn, 2013. "Fuzzy portfolio model with different investor risk attitudes," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 227(2), pages 385-390.
    7. Smimou, K. & Bector, C.R. & Jacoby, G., 2008. "Portfolio selection subject to experts' judgments," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 17(5), pages 1036-1054, December.
    8. Ruey-Chyn Tsaur, 2015. "Fuzzy portfolio model with fuzzy-input return rates and fuzzy-output proportions," International Journal of Systems Science, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 46(3), pages 438-450, February.
    9. Chen, Wei & Zhang, Wei-Guo, 2010. "The admissible portfolio selection problem with transaction costs and an improved PSO algorithm," Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, vol. 389(10), pages 2070-2076.
    10. Mihir Dash, 2018. "Modelling the Efficient Frontier: An Empirical Study in the Indian Stock Market," Journal of Applied Management and Investments, Department of Business Administration and Corporate Security, International Humanitarian University, vol. 7(2), pages 83-94, May.

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