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Hubert Jayet

Personal Details

First Name:Hubert
Middle Name:
Last Name:Jayet
RePEc Short-ID:pja129
[This author has chosen not to make the email address public]
Université de Lille Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Sociales et du Territoire F 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
Terminal Degree:1993 UFR de Sciences Économiques; Université de Poitiers (from RePEc Genealogy)


Lille Économie et Management (LEM)

Lille, France
RePEc:edi:laborfr (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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Working papers

  1. Rawaa Laajimi & Laurence Delattre & Hubert Jayet, 2024. "What demand and supply forces determine the location of off-farm points of sale in short food supply chains: Evidence from Nord and Pas-de-Calais, France," French Stata Users' Group Meetings 2024 25, Stata Users Group.
  2. Nicola Daniele Coniglio & Rezart Hoxhaj & Huber Jayet, 2023. "The most precious resource: time allocation of immigrants in the U.S," EGEIWP 02-2023, Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza - Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro", revised Dec 2023.
  3. Nicola Daniele Coniglio & Rezart Hoxhaj & Hubert Jayet, 2023. "Coping with education supply shocks: how COVID-19 affected parents’ time spent on children’s education," Post-Print hal-04272533, HAL.
  4. Hubert Jayet & O. Mariev & A. Pushkarev & N. Davidson, 2021. "Location decisions of firms in Russia and the heritage from the communist period," Post-Print hal-03130047, HAL.
  5. Mihaï Tivadar & Hubert Jayet, 2019. "Endogenous generation of amenities and the dynamics of city structure," Post-Print hal-02316394, HAL.
  6. Nicola Daniele Coniglio & Rezart Hoxhaj & Hubert Jayet, 2019. "On the road to integration? Immigrants’ demand for informal (& formal) education," SERIES 01-2019, Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza - Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro", revised May 2019.
  7. Hadj Salem, Haykel & El-Mehdi, Aboulkacem & Jayet, Hubert & David, Quentin & Hammadou, Hakim & Kilani, Moez, 2016. "Using a CGE Model for analyzing the Macroeconomic impact of the Grand Paris Express project on the Ile-de-France Region," Conference papers 332675, Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project.
  8. H. Jayet & Léa Marchal, 2016. "Migration and FDI: Reconciling the standard trade theory with empirical evidence," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-04126147, HAL.
  9. Hubert Jayet, 2016. "Spatial Search Processes and Spatial Interaction: 1. Sequential Search, Intervening Opportunities, and Spatial Search Equilibrium," Post-Print hal-02358317, HAL.
  10. Hubert Jayet, 2016. "Spatial Search Processes and Spatial Interaction: 2. Polarization, Concentration, and Spatial Search Equilibrium," Post-Print hal-02358318, HAL.
  11. Nicola Coniglio & Hubert Jayet, 2015. "Economics of global interactions: Introduction to the special issue," Post-Print hal-02987103, HAL.
  12. Lucia Mejia-Dorantes & Odile Heddebaut & Hubert Jayet, 2014. "Analyzing house-price evolution to understand a deprived area: The Northern part of France case study," Post-Print hal-01355626, HAL.
  13. Hubert Jayet & Téodora Corsatea, 2014. "Spatial patterns of innovation activities in France: market’s role vs. public research efforts," Post-Print hal-02316466, HAL.
  14. Hubert JAYET & Glenn RAYP & Ilse RUYSSEN & Nadiya UKRAYINCHUK, 2014. "Immigrants’ location choice in Belgium," LIDAM Discussion Papers IRES 2014004, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  15. Hubert Jayet & Etienne Farvaque & Lionel Ragot, 2011. "French Presidential Elections: A Field Experiment on the Single Transferable Vote," Post-Print hal-02366376, HAL.
  16. Nadiya Ukrayinchuk & Hubert Jayet, 2011. "Immigrant location and network effects: the Helvetic case," Post-Print hal-02317871, HAL.
  17. Stefano Bosi & Eleni Iliopulos & Hubert Jayet, 2011. "Optimal Immigration Policy: When the Public Good is Rival," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00628757, HAL.
  18. Marcel Gérard & Hubert Jayet & Sonia Paty, 2010. "Tax interactions among Belgian municipalities: Do interregional differences matter?," Post-Print halshs-00597389, HAL.
  19. Mihai TIVADAR & Hubert JAYET, 2010. "Endogenous Amenities and Spatial Structure of Cities," Regional and Urban Modeling 284100041, EcoMod.
  20. Hubert Jayet & Nadiya Ukrayinchuk & Giuseppe de Arcangelis, 2010. "The location of immigrants in Italy: Disentangling network and local effects," Post-Print hal-02317892, HAL.
  21. Etienne Farvaque & Hubert Jayet & Lionel Ragot, 2009. "A "winner" under any voting rule? An experiment on the single transferable vote," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00429725, HAL.
  22. Hubert Jayet & Nadiya Ukrayinchuk, 2009. "La localisation des immigrants en France," Post-Print hal-02389361, HAL.
  23. Marcel Gérard & Hubert Jayet & Sonia Paty, 2009. "Tax Interactions among Belgian Municipalities: Does Language Matter?," CESifo Working Paper Series 2558, CESifo.
  24. Etienne Farvaque & Hubert Jayet & Lionel Ragot, 2009. "Quel mode de scrutin pour quel « vainqueur » ? Une expérience sur le vote préférentiel transférable," Post-Print hal-02317917, HAL.
  25. Hubert Jayet & Julie Le Gallo & Luc Anselin, 2008. "Spatial Econometrics and Panel Data Models," Post-Print hal-02389412, HAL.
  26. Thierry Brossard & Daniel Joly & François-Pierre Tourneux & Jean Cavailhès & Mohamed Hilal & Pierre Wavresky & Julie Le Gallo & Ghislain Geniaux & Claude Napoleone & Hubert Jayet & Nicolas Ovtracht & , 2007. "La valeur économique des paysages des villes périurbanisées," Post-Print hal-02655956, HAL.
  27. Hubert Jayet & Nadiya Ukrayinchuk, 2007. "La localisation des immigrants en France : Une première approche," Post-Print hal-02318532, HAL.
  28. El Mouhoub Mouhoud & Francis Aubert & Begg Lain & Daniel Darmon & Sébastien Dupuch & Carl Gaigné & Jean Guellec & Marc Guérin & Hubert Jayet & Rémi Lallement & Yvette Lazzeri & Charles-Albert Michalet, 2007. "Mobilité des ménages versus mobilité des entreprises : de nouvelles marges de manœuvre pour l'action stratégique de l'État en direction des régions," Post-Print halshs-01485715, HAL.
  29. Hubert Jayet & Aurélie Cassette & Sonia Paty, 2006. "Concurrence fiscale et élus Leviathan," Post-Print hal-02318745, HAL.
  30. Hubert Jayet & Carine Drapier & Hillel Rapoport, 2006. "On the Law of Returns in urban-Rural Interactions : An Economic Approach to Solidarity with Return Migrants," Post-Print hal-02389433, HAL.
  31. Hubert Jayet & Sonia Paty, 2006. "Capital indivisibility and tax competition: Are there too many business areas when some of them are empty?," Post-Print hal-02318750, HAL.
  32. Duranton, Gilles & Jayet, Hubert, 2005. "Is the Division of Labour Limited By the Extent of the Market? Evidence from French Cities," CEPR Discussion Papers 5087, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  33. Dominique Rajaonarison & Denis Bolduc & Hubert Jayet, 2005. "The K-deformed multinomial logit model," Post-Print hal-02318753, HAL.
  34. Hubert Jayet, 2004. "Compte rendu d'ouvrage - The dynamics of deforestation and economic growth in the Brazilian Amazon," Post-Print hal-01201074, HAL.
  35. Hubert Jayet, 2004. "Mieux connaître pour mieux maîtriser," Post-Print hal-02464822, HAL.
  36. Cécile Détang-Dessendre & Carine Drapier & Hubert Jayet, 2004. "The Impact of Migration on Wages: Empirical Evidence from French Youth," Post-Print hal-02318756, HAL.
  37. Hubert Jayet & Carine Drapier & Cécile Détang-Dessendre, 2002. "Les migrations des jeunes en phase d’insertion professionnelle en France, une comparaison selon le niveau de qualification," Post-Print hal-02318911, HAL.
  38. Hubert Jayet & Sonia Paty, 2002. "Décentralisation fiscale et attraction de capital," Post-Print hal-02464863, HAL.
  39. Hubert Jayet & Sonia Paty & Pentel Alain, 2002. "Existe-t-il des interactions fiscales stratégiques entre collectivités locales ?," Post-Print hal-02318886, HAL.
  40. Hubert Jayet & Isabelle Thomas, 2002. "Transportation and urban performance : accessibility, daily mobility and location of households and facilities," Post-Print hal-02464843, HAL.
  41. Hubert Jayet, 2001. "Econométrie et données spatiales - Une introduction à la pratique," Post-Print hal-01200924, HAL.
  42. Hubert Jayet & Lionel Ragot & Dominique Rajaonarison, 2001. "L'immigration : quels effets économiques ?," Post-Print hal-02320549, HAL.
  43. Detang-Dessendre, Cecile & Drapier, Carine & Jayet, Hubert, 1999. "The migration of unskilled youth: Is there any wage gain?," ERSA conference papers ersa99pa154, European Regional Science Association.
  44. Hubert Jayet & Sonia Paty, 1999. "Taxation et internalisation des externalités liées au capital," Post-Print hal-02320554, HAL.
  45. Hubert Jayet & Dominique Rajaonarison, 1999. "L’environnement souhaité par les entreprises," Post-Print hal-02320552, HAL.
  46. Hubert Jayet & Carine Drapier & Hillel Rapoport, 1997. "Les motifs des migrations et des transferts associés : une revue de la littérature centrée sur les conséquences attendues pour les pays en voie de développement," Post-Print hal-02337841, HAL.
  47. Hubert Jayet, 1997. "Migrations et délocalisations," Post-Print hal-02337857, HAL.
  48. Hubert Jayet, 1997. "Quels modèles asymptotiques en statistique et en économétrie spatiales ?," Post-Print hal-02337879, HAL.
  49. Hubert Jayet, 1997. "Collective location," Post-Print hal-02337889, HAL.
  50. Hubert Jayet, 1996. "Peut-on caractériser les zones rurales par l'abondance d'espace ?," Post-Print hal-02345239, HAL.
  51. Hubert Jayet, 1996. "L'analyse économique des migrations, une synthèse critique," Post-Print hal-02345205, HAL.
  52. Jean Cavailhès & Hubert Jayet, 1996. "[To analyse rural areas : three keys of reading] [Analyser les espaces ruraux : trois clés de lecture]," Post-Print hal-02689059, HAL.
  53. Hubert Jayet, 1996. "Flux et positions des espaces ruraux," Post-Print hal-02345267, HAL.
  54. Jayet, H. & Puig, J.-P. & Thisse, J.-F., 1996. "Enjeux économiques de l'organisation du territoire," LIDAM Reprints CORE 1193, Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).
  55. Hubert Jayet, 1996. "Quelles organisations économiques des espaces ruraux ?," Post-Print hal-02345246, HAL.
  56. Hubert Jayet, 1995. "Marchés de l'emploi urbains et ruraux et migrations," Post-Print hal-02345276, HAL.
  57. Hubert Jayet & A. Torre, 1994. "Vie et mort des entreprises. Quelques réflexions sur les dynamiques de renouvellement des tissus économiques," Post-Print hal-02708594, HAL.
  58. Hubert Jayet & André Torre, 1994. "Études empiriques - Vie et mort des entreprises. Réflexions sur les dynamiques de renouvellement des tissus économiques," Post-Print hal-02345291, HAL.
  59. Hubert Jayet, 1993. "Territoires et concurrence territoriale," Post-Print hal-02345302, HAL.
  60. Hubert Jayet & A. Moreau, 1991. "Analysis of survival data," Post-Print hal-02345318, HAL.
  61. Hubert Jayet, 1989. "Structures urbaines et marchés de l'emploi : un modèle de migrations entre zones rurales stables et zones urbaines mobiles," Post-Print hal-02358319, HAL.
  62. Hubert Jayet, 1988. "Mobilité professionnelle et mobilité géographique en France entre 1976 et 1980," Post-Print hal-02358321, HAL.
  63. Hubert Jayet, 1988. "Centre et périphérie urbaine : un modèle de détermination des zones d'influence urbaine," Post-Print hal-02358323, HAL.
  64. Hubert Jayet, 1987. "Markov foundations for an accounting system of job mobility," Post-Print hal-02358324, HAL.
  65. Hubert Jayet & T Le Jeannic, 1986. "Croissance démographique régionale : les disparités s'atténuent légèrement," Post-Print hal-02358325, HAL.
  66. Hubert Jayet, 1985. "Les zones d'emploi et l'analyse locale des marchés du travail," Post-Print hal-02366362, HAL.
  67. Hubert Jayet & Sylvie Mabile, 1985. "La redistribution géographique des emplois entre 1975 et 1982," Post-Print hal-02366357, HAL.
  68. Hubert Jayet, 1984. "Tertiaire, Urbanisation, mobilité," Post-Print hal-02366366, HAL.
  69. Hubert Jayet, 1983. "Chômer plus souvent en région urbaine, plus longtemps en région rurale," Post-Print hal-02366371, HAL.

    repec:hal:journl:hal-02318866 is not listed on IDEAS


  1. Nicola Daniele CONIGLIO & Rezart HOXHAJ & Hubert JAYET, 2022. "Immigrants' demand for informal and formal education: evidence from US time use data," JODE - Journal of Demographic Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 88(4), pages 473-501, December.
  2. Coniglio, Nicola Daniele & Hoxhaj, Rezart & Jayet, Hubert, 2021. "Immigrants’ demand for informal and formal education: evidence from US time use data – CORRIGENDUM," Journal of Demographic Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 87(4), pages 589-589, December.
  3. Hubert Jayet & Oleg Mariev & Andrey Pushkarev & Natalia Davidson, 2021. "Communist heritage and Russian firms’ location decisions," Post-Communist Economies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 33(8), pages 969-992, November.
  4. Tivadar, Mihai & Jayet, Hubert, 2019. "Endogenous generation of amenities and the dynamics of city structure," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 74(C), pages 49-56.
  5. Jayet, H. & Marchal, L., 2016. "Migration and FDI: Reconciling the standard trade theory with empirical evidence," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 59(C), pages 46-66.
  6. Hubert Jayet & Glenn Rayp & Ilse Ruyssen & Nadiya Ukrayinchuk, 2016. "Immigrants’ location choice in Belgium," The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 57(1), pages 63-89, July.
  7. Nicola D. Coniglio & Hubert Jayet, 2015. "Economics of global interactions: Introduction to the special issue," International Economics, CEPII research center, issue 142, pages 1-3.
  8. Teodora Corsatea & Hubert Jayet, 2014. "Spatial patterns of innovation activities in France: market’s role versus public research efforts," The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 52(3), pages 739-762, May.
  9. Nadiya Ukrayinchuk & Hubert Jayet, 2011. "Immigrant location and network effects: the Helvetic case," International Journal of Manpower, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 32(3), pages 313-333, June.
  10. Duranton, Gilles & Jayet, Hubert, 2011. "Is the division of labour limited by the extent of the market? Evidence from French cities," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 69(1), pages 56-71, January.
  11. Stefano Bosi & Eleni Iliopulos & Hubert Jayet, 2011. "Optimal Immigration Policy: When The Public Good Is Rival," The Japanese Economic Review, Japanese Economic Association, vol. 62(4), pages 460-484, December.
  12. Hubert Jayet & Nadiya Ukrayinchuk & Giuseppe De Arcangelis, 2010. "The Location of Immigrants in Italy : Disentangling Networks and Local Effects," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 97-98, pages 329-350.
  13. Gérard, Marcel & Jayet, Hubert & Paty, Sonia, 2010. "Tax interactions among Belgian municipalities: Do interregional differences matter?," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 40(5), pages 336-342, September.
  14. Hubert Jayet & Hillel Rapoport, 2010. "Migration and Development: New Insights," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 97-98, pages 5-12.
  15. Étienne Farvaque & Hubert Jayet & Lionel Ragot, 2009. "Quel mode de scrutin pour quel « vainqueur » ? Une expérience sur le vote préférentiel transférable," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 119(2), pages 221-246.
  16. Hubert Jayet & Nadiya Ukrayinchuk, 2007. "La localisation des immigrants en France : Une première approche," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(4), pages 625-649.
  17. Étienne Farvaque & Hubert Jayet, 2006. "Croissance, convergences et intégration européenne. Présentation générale," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 0(2), pages 1-5.
  18. Jayet, Hubert & Paty, Sonia, 2006. "Capital indivisibility and tax competition: Are there too many business areas when some of them are empty?," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 60(3), pages 399-417, November.
  19. Rajaonarison, Dominique & Bolduc, Denis & Jayet, Hubert, 2005. "The K-deformed multinomial logit model," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 86(1), pages 13-20, January.
  20. Cécile Détang‐Dessendre & Carine Drapier & Hubert Jayet, 2004. "The Impact of Migration on Wages: Empirical Evidence from French Youth," Journal of Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 44(4), pages 661-691, November.
  21. Jayet, Hubert, 2004. "Compte rendu d'ouvrage - The dynamics of deforestation and economic growth in the Brazilian Amazon," Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), vol. 72.
  22. Hubert Jayet & Sonia Paty & Alain Pentel, 2002. "Existe-t-il des interactions fiscales stratégiques entre les collectivités locales," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 154(3), pages 95-105.
  23. Carine Drapier & Hubert Jayet, 2002. "Les migrations des jeunes en phase d'insertion professionnelle en France. Une comparaison selon le niveau de qualification," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(3), pages 355-375.
  24. Jayet, Hubert, 2001. "Econométrie et données spatiales - Une introduction à la pratique," Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), vol. 58.
  25. Hubert Jayet & Lionel Ragot & Dominique Rajaonarison, 2001. "L'immigration : quels effets économiques ?," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 111(4), pages 565-596.
  26. Hubert Jayet & Raymond Bénard & Dominique Rajaonarison, 1999. "L'environnement souhaité par les entreprises. une enquête dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 326(1), pages 177-187.
  27. Hubert Jayet, 1997. "Collective Location," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 45, pages 139-160.
  28. Hubert Jayet, 1996. "L'analyse économique des migrations, une synthèse critique," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 47(2), pages 193-226.
  29. Hubert Jayet, 1995. "Marchés de l'emploi urbains et ruraux et migrations," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 46(3), pages 605-614.
  30. Hubert Jayet & André Torre, 1994. "Études empiriques - Vie et mort des entreprises. Réflexions sur les dynamiques de renouvellement des tissus économiques," Revue d'Économie Industrielle, Programme National Persée, vol. 69(1), pages 75-91.
  31. Jayet, H. & Moreau, A., 1991. "Analysis of survival data : Estimation and specification tests using asymptotic least squares," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 48(1-2), pages 263-285.
  32. H Jayet, 1990. "Spatial Search Processes and Spatial Interaction: 2. Polarization, Concentration, and Spatial Search Equilibrium," Environment and Planning A, , vol. 22(6), pages 719-732, June.
  33. H Jayet, 1990. "Spatial Search Processes and Spatial Interaction: 1. Sequential Search, Intervening Opportunities, and Spatial Search Equilibrium," Environment and Planning A, , vol. 22(5), pages 583-599, May.
  34. H. Jayet, 1988. "Markovian Foundations For An Accounting System Of Job Mobility," Papers in Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 64(1), pages 69-78, January.
  35. Hubert Jayet & Thomas Le Jeannic, 1986. "Croissance démographique régionale : les disparités s'atténuent légèrement," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 190(1), pages 17-27.
  36. Sylvie Mabile & Hubert Jayet, 1985. "La redistribution géographique des emplois entre 1975 et 1982," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 182(1), pages 23-35.
  37. Hubert Jayet, 1985. "Les zones d'emploi et l'analyse locale des marchés du travail," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 182(1), pages 37-44.
  38. Hubert Jayet, 1983. "Chômer plus souvent en région urbaine, plus longtemps en région rurale," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 153(1), pages 47-57.
    RePEc:eme:ijm000:01437721111136787 is not listed on IDEAS


  1. Etienne Farvaque & Hubert Jayet & Lionel Ragot, 2011. "French Presidential Election: A Field Experiment on the Single Transferable Vote," Studies in Public Choice, in: Bernard Dolez & Bernard Grofman & Annie Laurent (ed.), In Situ and Laboratory Experiments on Electoral Law Reform, chapter 0, pages 55-68, Springer.
  2. Carine Drapier & Hubert Jayet & Hillel Rapoport, 2006. "On the Law of Return in Rural–Urban Interactions: An Economic Approach to Solidarity with Return Migrants," Research in Labor Economics, in: The Economics of Immigration and Social Diversity, pages 427-448, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
    RePEc:eme:rlec11:s0147-9121(05)24013-x is not listed on IDEAS

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