- 01-2024 The implications of UBI on the utility function and tax revenue: Further calibrating of basic income effects
by Neumärker, Bernhard & Weinel, Jette
- 01-2023 The New Ordoliberalism: A case for UBI?
by Blum, Bianca & Franke, Marcel & Malmberg, Elina & Neumärker, Bernhard & Weinel, Jette
- 01-2022 A contractarian view on homann's ethical approach: The vision of "new ordoliberalism"
by Davies, Clem & Franke, Marcel & Kuang, Lida & Neumärker, Karl Justus Bernhard
- 03-2021 Eine Verhandlung zur Selektion der konstitutionenökonomischen Lösung
by Franke, Marcel - 02-2021 Racism and trust in Europe
by Bonick, Matthew - 01-2021 Saubere Umwelt als öffentliches Gut Problem: Evidenz und Implikationen aus Labor- und Feldexperimenten
by Anderl, Robin
- 02-2020 Globalization, environmental damage and the Corona pandemic: Lessons from the crisis for economic, environmental and social policy
by Blum, Bianca & Neumärker, Karl Justus Bernhard - 01-2020 Fleischbesteuerung in Deutschland - Mengen- oder Mehrwertsteuer? Diskussion und Politische Implikationen
by Blum, Bianca
- 01-2019 Testing preferences for basic income
by Palermo Kuss, Ana Helena
- 06-2018 The reversal of fortune, extractive institutions and the historical roots of racism
by Bonick, Matthew & Farfán-Vallespín, Antonio - 05-2018 On the evidence of rebound effects in the lighting sector: Implications for promoting LED lighting
by Blum, Bianca & Hübner, Julian & Milde, Adrian & Neumärker, Karl Justus Bernhard - 04-2018 Experimentelles Design zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von fiskalpolitischen Instrumenten auf nachhaltige Kaufentscheidungen im Leuchtmittelmarkt
by Hübner, Julian - 03-2018 Libertarian paternalistic instruments fostering sustainable energy consumption: An analysis based on energy-efficient LED technology
by Blum, Bianca & Hübner, Julian & Berger, Harald & Neumärker, Karl Justus Bernhard - 02-2018 Challenges for sustainable environmental policy: Influencing factors of the rebound effect in energy efficiency improvements
by Blum, Bianca & Hübner, Julian & Müller, Sarah & Neumärker, Karl Justus Bernhard - 01-2018 Ausgestaltung einer Steuerpolitik zur Förderung von LED-Beleuchtung
by Blum, Bianca
- 01-2017 Social justice in the context of redistribution
by Kederer, Jan-Felix & Klein, Adelheid & Kovarich, Daniel & Kumm, Lena
- 04-2016 Social nudging with condorcet juries and its strategic implications for a paternalistic implementation of LED bulbs
by Kalmbach, Bettina - 03-2016 An economic analysis of agrophotovoltaics: Opportunities, risks and strategies towards a more efficient land use
by Trommsdorff, Maximillian - 02-2016 On the origin and consequences of racism
by Bonick, Matthew & Farfán-Vallespín, Antonio - 01-2016 Einkommenszufriedenheit, Ungleichheitsaversion und die Schwäche des Medianwählermodells
by Blümle, Gerold
- 04-2015 Barriers and opportunities for climate adaptation: The water crisis in Greater São Paulo
by Cavalcante, Ana Helena A. P. - 03-2015 Two level reform game problems of Greece
by Kontodaimon, Martha & Neumärker, Bernhard - 02-2015 Could exit rules be self-enforcing in the EU? The cases of France and Germany
by Kappius, Robert & Neumärker, Bernhard - 01-2015 Intergenerational sharing of non-renewable resources: An experimental study using Rawls's Veil of Ignorance
by Wolf, Stephan & Dron, Cameron
- 01-2014 Institutional diagnostics of climate adaptation
by Oberlack, Christoph
- 02-2013 Choosing inequality: An experimental analysis of the impact of social immobility on the democratic election of distribution rules
by Wolf, Stephan & Lenger, Alexander - 01-2013 A diagnostic approach to the institutional analysis of climate adaptation
by Oberlack, Christoph & Neumärker, Bernhard
- 03-2012 Overcoming barriers to urban adaptation through international cooperation? Modes and design properties under the UNFCCC
by Oberlack, Christoph & Eisenack, Klaus - 02-2012 Rekonstruktive Forschungsmethoden in der deutschen Volkswirtschaftslehre: Eine explorative Erhebung zugrunde liegender Repräsentationsmuster
by Lenger, Alexander & Kruse, Jan - 01-2012 The rule of law and sustainability of the constitution: The case of tax evasion
by Naqvi, Nadeem & Neumärker, Bernhard & Pech, Gerald
- 04-2011 Economics, institutions and adaptation to climate change
by Oberlack, Christoph & Neumärker, Bernhard - 03-2011 Der Bildungsmonitor 2011: Ein Indikator für Bildungsgerechtigkeit?
by Kappius, Robert - 02-2011 Equal opportunity in educational contexts: Comparing the feasibility of divergent conceptualizations
by Kappius, Robert - 01-2011 The tolerance premium as a constitutional element of the protective welfare state
by Wyss, Reto
- 05-2010 Determinants of the capacity to adapt to climate change in multilevel governance systems: A metaanalysis of case study evidence
by Oberlack, Christoph - 04-2010 A contribution to the contractual analysis of public-private partnerships
by Jamil, Sarah & Neumärker, Bernhard - 03-2010 Von Hayek's theory of cultural evolution in the light of a simplified model of Kaufmann's general biological evolutionary theory
by Wolf, Stephan - 02-2010 An intergenerational social contract for common resource usage: A reality-check for Harsanyi and Rawls
by Wolf, Stephan - 01-2010 Penalties in the theory of equilibrium tax evasion: Solving King John's problem
by Neumärker, Bernhard & Pech, Gerald