- 91-07 The Economic Determinants of Alcohol Consumption
by K.W. Clements & S. Selvanathan - 91-06 The Export Sector of Natural Rubber in Thailand: 1970-1986
by S. Kiripat - 91-05 Federalism and the Growth of Government Revisited
by P.J. Grossman & E. West - 91-04 A Cross-Country Alcohol Consumption Comparison: An application of the Rotterdam demand system
by E.A. Selvanathan - 91-03 Medical-Legal Concerns Among Physicians in Northern Ontario
by R. Cook & C. Neff - 91-02 Two Short Papers in Exchange Rate Economics
by M. Manzur & D.L. Chen & K.W. Clements - 91-01 A Pilot Investigation into the Effects of Uncertainty on Rational Behaviour in Two-Persons Symmetric Games
by D.J. Butler
- 90-25 The Efficiency of the Australian Foreign Exchange Market
by S.P.G. Teo - 90-24 Forecasting Steel Demand in China
by D. Chen & K.W. Clements & E.J. Roberts & E.J. Weber - 90-23 The Economic Research Centre
by K.W. Clements - 90-22 Experimental Techniques in Economics: Some lessons to date
by D.J. Butler - 90-21 The Importance of Composition in the Explanation of the Earnings Differential Between the South East of England and the Rest of Great Britain
by P.J. Hemmings - 90-20 The Market and the State in Economic Development: Some questions from East Asia and Australia
by R. Garnaut - 90-19 The Competitive Issue of Paper Money in Switzerland after the Liberal Revolutions in the 19th Century
by E.J. Weber - 90-18 Ricardo's Views on Technological Unemployment: the Truth?
by R. Monk - 90-17 Economic Aspects of Alcohol Consumption in Australia: Part 2
by P. Goldschmidt - 90-16 Economic Aspects of Alcohol Consumption in Australia: Part 1
by P. Goldschmidt - 90-15 The Economics of Tea and Coffee Consumption in Australia
by M.A.B. Siddique - 90-14 UWA Discussion Papers in Economics: The first 200
by S.A. Larcombe - 90-13 The Demand for Meat: Part III
by E.J. Roberts - 90-12 The Demand for Meat: Part II
by E.J. Roberts - 90-11 The Demand for Meat: Part I
by E.J. Roberts - 90-10 The World Bank: Time for reform?
by L.A. Sjaastad - 90-09 Exchange Rates and Australian Commodity Exports
by K.W. Clements & J. Freebairn - 90-08 Debts and Deficits in Australia
by L.A. Sjaastad - 90-07 Key Issues in Exchange Rate Economics
by M. Manzur - 90-06 The Compliance Costs Personal Income Taxation in Australia 1968/87: Empirical results
by J. Pope & R. Fayle - 90-05 Essays in Economic Aspects of Protection
by K.H. Choi - 90-04 Developing Country Debt
by L.A. Sjaastad - 90-03 Do Real Exchange Rates Really Matter?
by M. Manzur & D.L. Chen & K.W. Clements - 90-02 An Analysis of Japanese Consumption Pattern: an Application of DAP
by D.L. Chen - 90-01 Economics as a Religion
by E.W. Shann
- 89-35 The Economic Determinants of Alcohol Consumption
by K.W. Clements - 89-34 Report on the Conference of Exchange Rates and Australian Commodity Exports
by M. Duncanson - 89-33 The Demand for Transport and Communication in the United Kingdom and Australia
by E.A. Selvanathan - 89-32 Report on Third Economics Postgraduate Research Conference the University of Western Australia November 5-7 1989
by A. Palmer - 89-31 Exchange Rates and Commodity Prices: the Australian Case
by L.A. Sjaastad - 89-30 An Assessment of the ERC Gold Price Forecasts
by E.A. Selvanathan - 89-29 Earnings in Scotland in Relation to the Rest of Great Britain
by P.J. Hemmings - 89-28 Regional Labour Markets Independence or Interaction in the Determination of Wage Inflation?
by P.J. Hemmings - 89-27 The Great Australian Take-Over Bid
by N.G. Butlin - 89-26 Regional Earnings Differences in Great Britain: Evidence From the New Earnings Survey
by P.J. Hemmings - 89-25 Application of an Economic Model to Dryland Soil Salinity in Western Australia
by J. Salerian - 89-24 Preliminary Report on Australian Prices
by L.A. Sjaastad - 89-23 Generalization of the Standard Spatial Equilibrium Model
by T. Takayama & T.G. Macaulay - 89-22 A System-Wide Analysis of International and Interregional Consumption Patterns: Introduction
by S. Selvanathan - 89-21 Gender Wage Discrimination in Australia: A reassessment
by P.W. Miller & S. Rummery - 89-20 Advertising and Alcohol Demand in the UK: Further results
by E.A. Selvanathan - 89-19 Qualifying Ricardian Equivalence: Immigration
by E.J. Weber - 89-18 The Exit/Voice Model of the Labour Market: Australian Evidence of Unionism, Job Durations, Quits and Layoffs
by P.W. Miller & C. Mulvey - 89-17 Union Density and the Union/Non-Union Wage Differential in Australia
by P.W. Miller & C. Mulvey - 89-16 The Economic Research Centre at UWA
by K.W. Clements - 89-15 New Consumption and Price Data for Six Australian States
by S. Selvanathan - 89-14 Essays in the Economics of Exchange Rates: A progress report
by M. Manzur - 89-13 Henri Theil's Contributions to Demand Analysis
by K.W. Clements & E.A. Selvanathan & S. Selvanathan - 89-12 UWA Discussion Papers in Economics: The first 150
by S.A. Larcombe - 89-11 Excise Duty: Commonwealth versus States taxing power
by R.N. Ghosh & R. Moore - 89-10 Report on the International Economics Postgraduate Research Conference the University of Western Australia November 6-8, 1988
by K.W. Clements - 89-09 An Economic Evaluation of the Mineral Sands Industry in Western Australia
by M. Duncanson & J. Pope & E.A. Selvanathan - 89-08 Unionism and the Structure of Male Wages in the Youth Labour Market
by P.W. Miller & S. Rummery - 89-07 A Note on the Stochastic Approach to Index Numbers
by E.A. Selvanathan - 89-06 The Economic Justification and Role of Licence Fees for Private Bores in the Perth Metropolitan Area
by J. Pope - 89-05 Exchange Rate Rules for Small Countries
by L.A. Sjaastad - 89-04 Demand Analysis Package, DAP: A user's guide
by S. Selvanathan & E.A. Selvanathan & K.W. Clements - 89-03 The Compliance Costs of Personal Income Taxation - a Review of the Lessons
by J. Pope - 89-02 The Contribution of Intermittent Labour Force Participation to the Gender Wage Differential
by S. Rummery - 89-01 Fiscal Competition Among States in Australia: the Demise of Death Duties
by P.J. Grossman
- 88-26 Further Results on Aggregation of Differential Demand Equations
by E.A. Selvanathan - 88-25 An International Comparison of Prices and Exchange Rates: A new test of purchasing power parity
by M. Manzur - 88-24 A Survey of Recent Studies of the Price Elasticity of Demand for Water
by M. Werner - 88-23 Economists in Government
by D.R. Morgan - 88-22 Industry Training: The Forgotten fundamental for economic change
by J.S. Dawkins - 88-21 Emergence of the Tea Industry in Assam: 1834-1900
by M.A.B. Siddique - 88-20 UWA Studies in Applied Demand Analysis
by K.W. Clements - 88-19 The Role of 'News' in the Australian Foreign Exchange Market
by J.S.Y. Wong - 88-18 How Much are Exchange Rate Forecasts Worth?
by M. Manzur - 88-17 Intergovernmental Grants and Grant or Government Own-Purpose Expenditures
by P.J. Grossman - 88-16 Fiscal Decentralization and Government Size: An extension
by P.J. Grossman - 88-15 The Stochastic Approach to Index Numbers: Extensions
by E.A. Selvanathan - 88-14 Regional Consumption Patterns: A system-wide analysis
by S. Selvanathan - 88-13 The Demand for Alcohol in the U.K. 1920-1938: An econometric study
by A.Y-T. Wong - 88-12 Fiscal Decentralization and Public Sector Size in Australia
by P.J. Grossman - 88-11 Purchasing Power Parity and Relative Price Variability: The missing link?
by M. Manzur - 88-10 Potential Output and Okun's Law for Australia Since 1979 - Implications for Unemployment
by R.W. Peters & A. Petridis - 88-09 Mathematical Programming, Optimal Control and Economic Models of Soil Conservation
by J. Salerian - 88-08 The Demand of Alcohol in Canada: An econometric study
by K.E. Quek - 88-07 The Impact of Federal and State Grants on Local Government Spending: A test of the fiscal illusion hypothesis
by P.J. Grossman - 88-06 Japanese Economy: Past, present and future
by T. Takayama - 88-05 The Reliability of ML Estimators of Systems of Demand Equations
by S. Selvanathan - 88-04 The Economics of Booming Sectors
by K.H. Choi - 88-03 Perspectives on the Australian Economy
by T. Horie - 88-02 Alcohol Consumption in the U.K. 1955-1985: A system-wide analysis
by E.A. Selvanathan - 88-01 Empirical Regularities in OECD Consumption
by S. Selvanathan
- 87-17 Professional Economics in Business and Government
by P. Jonson - 87-16 The Rotterdam Demand Model and Its Application in Marketing
by K.W. Clements & E.A. Selvanathan - 87-15 Advertising and Consumption a New Approach with an Application to Alcohol
by E.A. Selvanathan - 87-14 Social Cost of Unemployment
by L.A. Sjaastad - 87-13 Monetary Policy - The Lessons of History
by R.A. Johnston - 87-12 Report on Southern Region - Thailand Economic Development
by S. Chantarnintorn - 87-11 Two Short Papers in Advertising Economics
by E.A. Selvanathan - 87-10 Further Evidence on the Frisch Conjecture
by S. Selvanathan - 87-09 The Australian Sandalwood Trade - Small but Significant
by P.C. Statham - 87-08 How Similar are OECD Consumers?
by S. Selvanathan - 87-07 Data Analytic Techniques for Consumer Economics
by E.A. Selvanathan - 87-06 Advertising and Consumption: A theoretical analysis
by E.A. Selvanathan - 87-05 The Economic Theory of the Consumer
by E.A. Selvanathan - 87-04 Do OECD Consumers Obey Demand Theory?
by S. Selvanathan - 87-03 Does Interest Parity Hold for Australia?
by P. Chong - 87-02 The Measurement of Inflation: A stochastic approach
by K.W. Clements & H.Y. Izan - 87-01 How Much are Exchange Rate Forecasts Worth?
by M. Manzur
- 86-12 Protection in Panama
by K.W. Clements - 86-11 The Ideology of Early Industrialisation in a Colonial Society: The Indian experience
by T. Raychaudhuri - 86-10 Macroeconomic Policy and Structural Change in Mauritius
by R.N. Ghosh - 86-09 Australia and Indonesia: Neighbours forever
by H.W. Arndt - 86-08 The Computational Economics Projects at UWA: A review
by K.W. Clements - 86-07 An Econometric Study of Gold Prices and Production
by S. Selvanathan - 86-06 Alcohol Consumption
by K.W. Clements & E.A. Selvanathan - 86-05 An International Comparison of Prices and Exchange Rates: A new test of purchasing power parity
by M. Manzur - 86-04 Inheritance and Wealth Inequality: the Case of the Punjab
by A.K. Dasgupta & S. Paul - 86-03 Real Output Impact of a Resource Boom
by G.L. Murray - 86-02 The Demand for Alcohol in New Zealand
by D. Pearce - 86-01 The Demand for Groups of Goods and Conditional Demand
by K.W. Clements
- 85-15 The Cost-Book System in Australian with Particular Reference to the South Australian Mining Association
by M.J. Davies - 85-14 How Bad is Australia's Economic Performance and Why?
by F.H. Gruen - 85-13 Forecasting Alcohol Consumption to the Year 2000
by E.A. Selvanathan - 85-12 Alternative Approaches to Consumption Theory
by K.W. Clements - 85-11 Special Equilibrium Analysis
by T. Takayama & W.C. Labys - 85-10 John Stuart Mill on Colonies and Colonization
by R.N. Ghosh - 85-09 Who Pays for Protection in Australia?
by K.H. Choi - 85-08 An Even Simpler Differential Demand System
by E.A. Selvanathan - 85-07 Employment, the Labour Force and Unemployment in Australia: A disaggregated approach
by R.W. Peters & A. Petridis - 85-06 The Demand for Alcohol in the U.K.: An econometric study
by E.A. Selvanathan - 85-05 Are Luxuries More Price Elastic than Necessities?
by K.W. Clements & S. Kapelle & E.J. Roberts - 85-04 The Demand for Housing and Amenity Attributes: An empirical analysis of the Perth housing market
by P.B. McLeod - 85-03 State Taxation of the Iron Ore industry in Western Australia
by K.G. Williams & R.W. Fraser - 85-02 Does Advertising Affect Drinking and Smoking?
by K.W. Clements & P.B. McLeod & E.A. Selvanathan - 85-01 Australian Consumer Price Data, 1952-1981
by K.W. Clements & H.Y. Izan
- 84-12 1929 and All That... The Shann Memorial Lecture, 1984
by J.O. Stone - 84-11 Unreliable Markets and Perishable Products
by R.W. Fraser - 84-10 The Measurement of Inflation: a Stochastic Approach
by K.W. Clements & H.Y. Izan - 84-09 Commodity Taxes Under Uncertainty
by R.W. Fraser - 84-08 Adam Smith on Capital Accumulation: An economic growth
by R.N. Ghosh - 84-07 Two Short Papers in Consumption Economics
by K.W. Clements & R. Finke & H. Theil & M.D. Smith - 84-06 Special Purpose Versions of a General Purpose Multisectoral Model: Tax Issues and the Australian Wine Industry
by G.A. Meagher & B.R. Parmenter & R.J. Rimmer & K.W. Clements - 84-05 The Demand for Energy Used in Secondary Industry
by K.W. Clements - 84-04 Uncertainty and the Theory of Mark-Up Pricing
by R.W. Fraser - 84-03 On the Theory of the Firm Facing Uncertainty in More than One Parameter
by R.W. Fraser - 84-02 The Significance of Coal Mining in the Western Australian Economy
by A.J. Ottaway - 84-01 A Hedonic Price Model of Consumer Demand for Urban Land Attributes
by C.J. Barnett
- 83-18 The Limitations of the Economic Point of View
by J.K. Whitaker - 83-17 Economic Dimensions of the Extractive Industries in Western Australia: An overview
by A.J. Ottaway - 83-16 Unions and Relative Pay in Australia
by C. Mulvey - 83-15 How Protection Taxes Exporters
by K.W. Clements & L.A. Sjaastad - 83-14 A Simple Portfolio Allocation Model of Financial Wealth
by J.C. Taylor & K.W. Clements - 83-13 Individual Industry Development in Mining and Mining-Related Areas and Their Impact on the W.A. Economy: An Application of Orani-Ores
by R.W. Fraser - 83-12 The Contribution of the Extractive Industries to the Western Australian Economy: An application of Orani-Ores
by R.W. Fraser - 83-11 Medical Manpower Planning in Australia: Taking stock for the eighties
by P.T. Ganderton - 83-10 Gossen as a Pioneer of General Equilibrium Theory
by J.K. Whitaker - 83-09 On the Desirability of an Income Stabilisation Scheme
by R.W. Fraser - 83-08 Rationalising Australian Taxation Revisited
by P.D. Groenewegen - 83-07 Inflation and Relative Price Variability: System-wide extensions
by L.F. Boulton - 83-06 Models of Consumption Behaviour
by K.W. Clements - 83-05 Arbitration, Collective Bargaining and the Wage Structure: A review of some empirical evidence
by C. Mulvey - 83-04 A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Asset Holdings
by H.Y. Izan & K.W. Clements - 83-03 Purchasing Power Parity Relative Price Variability: Evidence from the 1970s
by S. Miller - 83-02 Specific Versus ad Valorem-Based Royalties
by R.W. Fraser - 83-01 On the Relationship Between Exploration and Extraction
by R.W. Fraser
- 82-29 The Demand for Energy Used in Transport
by K.W. Clements - 82-28 The Failure of Economic Liberalism in the Southern Cone
by L.A. Sjaastad - 82-27 Cost of Protection for Western Australian Consumers
by M. Bishay - 82-26 Efficient and Optional Forecast Combinations
by G.W. Harrison - 82-25 A Relatively Large Monthly Model of Demand and Taste Change in Japan
by R.P. Byron & R.D. Terrell - 82-24 Taxation of Alcohol in Australia
by K.W. Clements - 82-23 Inventories and a Firm's Incentive for Wage Constraints
by R.W. Fraser - 82-22 Demand Fluctuations, Inventories and Flexibility
by R.W. Fraser - 82-21 Competition for California's Water: The role of energy
by M.N. Christensen & G.W. Harrison & L.J. Kimbell - 82-20 The Pattern of Financial Asset Holdings in Australia
by K.W. Clements & J.C. Taylor - 82-19 World Product and Income - A Review Article
by H. Theil - 82-18 A Cross-Section Analysis of Farmer Expenditure Patterns in Bangladesh
by M. Manzur - 82-17 Through the Magnifying Glass - Mineral Discovery and South Australian Copper
by M.J. Davies - 82-16 Demand for Institutional Rural Borrowing in Bangladesh
by M. Manzur - 82-15 Bridging the Gap Between the Economic Theory of Consumption and Marketing Research
by H. Theil - 82-14 The Shorter Working Week with Reference to the Building and Construction Industry
by D.A. Turkington & R.W. Turkington - 82-13 Notional and Effective Equilibria in Isolated Markets
by G.W. Harrison - 82-12 The Demand for Beer, Wine and Spirits: A system-wide analysis
by K.W. Clements & L.W. Johnson - 82-11 Asset Valuation in an Experimental Market: Comment
by D. Friedman & G.W. Harrison & J.W. Salmon - 82-10 Parsimony in Model Selection
by K.R. Sawyer - 82-09 On the Limited-Information Estimation of Rational Expectations Models
by G.W. Harrison - 82-08 Adjustment to an Export Expansion-Trade-off Between Real Wage and Real Exchange Rates
by G.L. Murray - 82-07 The Informational Role of Futures Markets and Learning Behaviour: Some experimental evidence
by D. Friedman & G.W. Harrison & J.W. Salmon - 82-06 General Equilibrium Analysis of Regional Fiscal Incidence
by L.J. Kimbell & G.W. Harrison - 82-05 On the Solution of General Equilibrium Models
by L.J. Kimbell & G.W. Harrison - 82-04 Disparities in Income Elasticities by Ethnic Origin
by K.W. Clements & L.W. Johnson - 82-03 On the Measurement of Inflation
by K.W. Clements & H.Y. Izan - 82-02 Multiple Model Selection
by K.R. Sawyer - 82-01 The Theory of Competition and the Analysis of Trade Unions: The influence of Alfred Marshall
by A. Petridis
- 81-20 The 'Gregory Thesis' - Where Does it Stand?
by G.L. Murray - 81-19 At the Point of Production: Some aspects of workplace industrial relations
by J.F.B. Goodman