- 99-05 The Nature of the Western Australian Economy
by Y. Qiang - 99-04 CGE Modelling and Australian Economics
by Y. Qiang - 99-03 The Demand for and Supply of Shares. An Empirical Study of the Limit Order Book on the ASX
by W. Yang - 99-02 Ten Years of the PhD Conference in Economics and Business
by Y. Qiang & K.W. Clements - 99-01 Forecasting Beta: How well does the 'five year rule of thumb' do?
by N. Groenewold & P. Fraser
- 98-30 Optimal Schooling Investments and Earnings: An analysis using Australian twin data
by Y.L. Lee - 98-29 Market Volatility, Adjustment of Labor and Earnings
by L. Magnani - 98-28 Self Employment and Earnings Among Immigrants in Australia
by A.T. Le - 98-27 The Importance of the University of Western Australia to the State of Western Australia: A preliminary assessment
by R.A. Greig - 98-26 Why does the Australian Dollar Move so Closely with the Terms of Trade?
by D. Gruen & T. Kortian - 98-25 Simulating Demand Systems
by K.W. Clements & D. Chen - 98-24 Export Performance and Economic Development in Thailand
by M.A.B. Siddique & E.A. Selvanathan - 98-23 The Australian Natural Rate of Unemployment: Some estimates from a structural VAR
by N. Groenewold & A.J. Hagger - 98-22 Shann Memorial Lecture: Australian monetary policy in the last quarter of the twentieth century
by I.J. Macfarlane - 98-21 Looking Backward Versus Looking Westward: A regional perspective on tariffs
by H. Ahammad & R.A. Greig - 98-20 Tests of Asset-pricing Models: How important is the IID-normal assumptions?
by N. Groenewold & P. Fraser - 98-19 Food Consumption in Rich Countries
by W.C. Yuen - 98-18 The Economics of the WA Minerals Sector : An overview of ERC research
by H. Ahammad - 98-17 Redundancy and Firm Characteristics in Chinese State-owned Enterprises
by Y. Wu - 98-16 A New Input-output Table for Western Australia - Part 2
by K.W. Clements & Y. Qiang - 98-15 A New Input-output Table for Western Australia - Part 1
by K.W. Clements & Y. Qiang - 98-14 The Determinants of Immigrant Self-employment in Australia
by A.T. Le - 98-13 The Labour Market in the Maldives: The case for institutional reforms
by R.N. Ghosh & M.A.B. Siddique - 98-12 The IMF and Indonesia: Two equal partners
by E.J. Weber - 98-11 Empirical Studies of Self employment
by A.T. Le - 98-10 The Matrix Approach to Evaluating Demand Equations
by K.W. Clements & W. Yang & D. Chen - 98-09 Shifting Matrices and Their Application to Time Series Models in Econometrics
by D.A. Turkington - 98-08 The Western Australian Gold Study- Part II
by R.A. Greig - 98-07 The Western Australian Gold Study - Part I
by R.A. Greig - 98-06 The Performance of Foreign Direct Investment in China: A preliminary analysis
by Y. Wu - 98-05 Forecasting Steel Demand in South-East Asia
by P. Crompton - 98-04 The Inflation Tax, Variable Time Preference, and the Business Cycle
by R. Lahiri - 98-03 World Metal Prices: A Database
by Y. Qiang - 98-02 An Econometric Study of Gold Production and Prices
by S. Selvanathan & E.A. Selvanathan - 98-01 Report of the 1997 PhD Conference in Economics and Business
by K.W. Clements & P. Madsen
- 97-29 Metal Markets and East Asia: Emerging trends, issues and policies, Part III
by R.A. Greig - 97-28 Metal Markets and East Asia: Emerging trends, issues and policies, Part II
by R.A. Greig - 97-27 Metal Markets and East Asia: Emerging trends, issues and policies, Part I
by R.A. Greig - 97-26 The World Real Interest Rate: Stochastic index number perspectives
by L.L. Ong & K.W. Clements & H.Y. Izan - 97-25 An Analysis of the Implications for the Gold Mining Industry of Alternative Tax Policies: A regional disaggregated model for Australia
by A. Feltenstein - 97-24 The Natural Unemployment Rate in Australia since the Seventies
by N. Groenewold & A.J. Hagger - 97-23 The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Australia
by J. Yang & N. Groenewold & M. Tcha - 97-22 How Different is Mining from Mineral processing? A general equilibrium analysis of new resources projects in Western Australia
by Y. Qiang - 97-21 Liquidity Effects and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Variable Time Preference Framework
by R. Lahiri - 97-20 1997 Shann Memorial Lecture: Options & Prospects for Taxation Reform
by J. Freebairn - 97-19 Investment in Human Capital, Labour Mobility and the Demand for Outside Labour
by E. Magnani - 97-18 Productivity & Efficiency: Evidence from the Chinese regional economies
by Y. Wu - 97-17 Leading Indicators of Australian Recessions: Part 2
by J.D. Hollingworth - 97-16 Leading Indicators of Australian Recessions: Part 1
by J.D. Hollingworth - 97-15 Financing Higher Education in Australia: The case for superhecs
by P.W. Miller & J. Pincus - 97-14 The Economics of New Mining and Mineral-processing Projects in WA: Part 2
by K.W. Clements & H. Ahammad & Y. Qiang - 97-13 The Economics of New Mining and Mineral-processing Projects in WA: Part 1
by K.W. Clements & H. Ahammad & Y. Qiang - 97-12 A note on Australia's inward and outward direct foreign investment
by M. Tcha - 97-11 East Asia's import demands for Australia's iron ore
by M. Tcha - 97-10 The US natural rate: A "Lilien" time-series, January 1948 to August 1996
by N. Groenewold & A.J. Hagger - 97-09 Time-varying betas & macroeconomic influences
by N. Groenewold & P. Fraser - 97-08 Tourism in Seychelles
by R. Gabbay & R.N. Ghosh - 97-07 Some results in matrix calculus and an example of their application to econometrics
by D.A. Turkington - 97-06 Asymmetric price adjustment in a men-cost model
by J. Madsen & B. Yang - 97-05 Economic development: Then and now
by M.A.B. Siddique - 97-04 Immigrant unemployment: The Australian experience
by P.W. Miller & L. Neo - 97-03 English language fluency among immigrants in the Unites States
by B.R. Chiswick & P.W. Miller - 97-02 Is utility additive? The case of alcohol
by K.W. Clements & W. Yang & S.W. Zheng - 97-01 The burden of unemployment on family units: An overview
by P.W. Miller
- 96-24 A Reconsideration of the New Stochastic Approach to Index Numbers
by C. Crompton - 96-23 The Bateman Memorial Lecture, 1996: China's Rural and Agricultural Reforms: Successes and failures
by D.G. Johnson - 96-22 UWA Discussion Papers in Economics: The first 350
by V. Karagiannis & L. Neo - 96-21 The Shann Memorial Lecture, 1996: The Rise and Fall and Rise...of The Business Cycle
by A. Pagan - 96-20 Gender Issues in Poverty Alleviation: A case study of Bangladesh
by M.A.B. Siddique - 96-19 Prospects for the Indian Economy: The 1990's and beyond
by R.N. Ghosh - 96-18 Where Are We Now With Human Capital Theory in Australia?
by A. Preston - 96-17 Metropole and Periphery - City Finance, Claude de Bernales and West Australian Gold Mining 1900-1939
by M.J. Davies - 96-16 Stocks and Currencies: Are they related?
by L.L. Ong - 96-15 China's Demand for Australian Iron Ore
by D. Wright & M. Tcha - 96-14 The 1995 Shann Memorial Lecture: Growing Locational Disadvantage in Australian Cities
by R.G. Gregory - 96-13 Specific Inputs, International Trade and Tax-Incidence
by K. Bhatia - 96-12 Western Australian Interstate and Overseas Exports by Industry
by E. Lewis - 96-11 Tariffs and Intra-Industry Trade
by G. Nesdale - 96-10 The Changing Status of Women in India: Impact of urbanization and development
by R.N. Ghosh - 96-09 The Economics of Taxing Wine
by J. Freebairn & E.A. Selvanathan & J. Fahrer & P. van der Lee - 96-08 Protection and Real Exchange Rate Volatility
by L.A. Sjaastad & M. Manzur - 96-07 The Welfare Cost of Bangladesh's Former Exchange Control System
by H. Ahammad & G. Fane - 96-06 Economic Aspects of Gold Mining in WA
by K.W. Clements - 96-05 Pitfalls in Random Rates of Growth and Return: Introducing the first moments of the geometric mean and the exponormal distribution
by O. de La Grandville & C. Tricot - 96-04 Applied Demand Analysis: A survey
by K.W. Clements & E.A. Selvanathan & S. Selvanathan - 96-03 On the Demand for Hyper-Substitutes with Satiation
by P. Moffatt & D.J. Butler - 96-02 The Economics of Trading Blocs: Application to the Indian Ocean Rim
by A. Moody - 96-01 PhD Conference in Economics and Business
by D. Chenhall
- 95-19 The Seychelles in Transition: The impact of recent politico-economic changes on the labour market
by I. Vanden Driesen - 95-18 Competition Policy: Underlying ideas and issues
by F. Hilmer - 95-17 Forecasting World Metal Prices
by Y. Qiang & E.J. Weber - 95-16 Burgernomics: The economics of the Big Mac standard
by L.L. Ong - 95-15 Economic Growth: Review essay
by E.J. Weber - 95-14 The Price of Gold and the Exchange Rates
by L.A. Sjaastad & F. Scacciavillani - 95-13 The Productive Efficiency of Chinese Iron and Steel Firms: A stochastic frontier analysis
by Y. Wu - 95-12 Incentive Effects in the Australian Labour Market: An application of the Lazear and Moore model
by C. Chang & P.W. Miller - 95-11 The ERC Input-Output Table for Western Australia
by K.W. Clements & Q. Ye - 95-10 Supplier Induced Demand (SID): Revising one of the by-ways of health economics
by W.R. Cook - 95-09 Harry Clarke's Myths: A comment
by W.R. Cook - 95-08 Sustainable Development in India: How likely?
by R. Bin yak & R.N. Ghosh - 95-07 Economics and Business Research in Australia: The PhD conference series
by D. Chenhall - 95-06 Global Metal Markets: Accounting for performance (Part 3/3)
by R.A. Greig - 95-05 Global Metal Markets: Accounting for performance (Part 2/3)
by R.A. Greig - 95-04 Global Metal Markets: Accounting for performance (Part 1/3)
by R.A. Greig - 95-03 The Pound of Money of Account in Basle During the Late Middle Ages
by E.J. Weber - 95-02 Modelling U.S. Energy Demand: a Survey of Econometric Demand Elasticities
by C. Dahl - 95-01 The Range of Real Exchange Rates
by Y. Kikumoto & M. Tcha
- 94-18 The Economic Theory of the Consumer
by K.W. Clements & S. Selvanathan & E.A. Selvanathan - 94-17 The Australian Dollar and Purchasing Power
by B.S.Y. Sim - 94-16 Altruism, Household Size and Migration
by M. Tcha - 94-15 The Government in Poverty Alleviation: Selected macro-economic and related issues
by Q.M. Ahmed & M.A.B. Siddique - 94-14 Labor Disputes and Direct Foreign Investment - the Experience of Korea
by M. Tcha - 94-13 Government Commitment and the Public Firm in an Oligopolistic Market
by M. Kunizaki - 94-12 Local Public Goods and Interregional Tax Transfer Policy
by M. Kunizaki - 94-11 Australian Trade Liberalisation, APEC, and the GATT
by D. Vines - 94-10 Will Inflation Return?
by E.J. Weber - 94-09 The External Debt Problem of Sub-Saharan Africa: 1971-90
by M.A.B. Siddique - 94-08 The Minerals Industry: Its impact on the Western Australian economy
by P.L. Johnson - 94-07 Is Utility Additive?
by S.W. Zheng - 94-06 Recent Economic Growth in Mauritius: Impact on labour and the labour market
by R.N. Ghosh & I. Vanden Driesen - 94-05 Regional Science and Nation State Development
by T. Takayama & J. Williams - 94-04 Australian Policy Towards South Africa: Observation on the future
by R.H. Bruce & R.N. Ghosh - 94-03 Fundamental Similarities in Consumer Behaviour
by K.W. Clements & D. Chen - 94-02 The Production of PhDs in Economics and Business by Australian Universities
by D. Chenhall & K.W. Clements - 94-01 Multiobjective Decision Support in Development Planning
by M.A. Quaddus & M.A.B. Siddique
- 93-29 PhD Conference in Economics and Business, November 1993
by K.W. Clements - 93-28 Development Policies and Development Performance
by H. Hughes - 93-27 Preference Formation and the Consistency of Choice: A framework for reconciling subjective expected utility theory and the non-transitive choice models
by D.J. Butler - 93-26 A Critical Review of the Carnegie Report
by R.A. Greig - 93-25 The Compliance Costs of Taxation in Australia and Tax Simplification
by J. Pope & R. Fayle - 93-24 Recent Developments in Merchandise Trade Between Australia and Korea
by M. Tcha - 93-23 Introduction to World Consumption Economics
by C. Dongling - 93-22 A Demand System for the World
by C. Dongling - 93-21 What Everyone Needs to Know About the Australian Business Cycle
by C. O'Sullivan - 93-20 Consumption in 43 Countries
by C. Dongling - 93-19 Empirical Regularities in Consumption Patterns of LDCs
by C. Dongling - 93-18 Consumption in LDCs
by C. Dongling - 93-17 The Bundesbank, Maastricht, and World Financial Markets
by P.B. Spahn - 93-16 Does the Longrun in Economics Matter? A Timely Approach to the Present and Future. The 1993 Shann Memorial Lecture
by G. Snooks - 93-15 The Role of Money During the Recession in Australia in 1990-92
by E.J. Weber - 93-14 The Swan Model of the Demand for Beer in Western Australia
by K.W. Clements - 93-13 The Economics of Drinking and Smoking
by K.W. Clements - 93-12 Income and World Food Consumption
by C. Dongling - 93-11 Determinants of the Time Taken to Deal with Personal Income Tax Affairs in Australia
by J. Pope & C. Dongling - 93-10 Asymmetric Effects of Money on Real Output: Evidence of the U.K
by D. Demery - 93-09 Occupational Segregation and Its Impact on Gender Wage Discrimination in China's Rural Industrial Sector
by X. Meng & P.W. Miller - 93-08 The Effects of Union Job Dissatisfaction on Quits
by P.W. Miller & C. Mulvey - 93-07 Altruistic Migration - Evidence from Korea and the USA
by M. Tcha - 93-06 The Consumption Benefits of Education
by M.A. Marais - 93-05 Thirty Years with Spatial and Temporal Economics
by T. Takayama - 93-04 Altruism, Conflict and the Migration Decision
by M. Tcha - 93-03 The Endogeneity Between Language and Earnings: An international analysis
by B.R. Chiswick & P.W. Miller - 93-02 Two Short Papers in Development Economics
by A. Gupta - 93-01 The Theoretical Case for a Voucher Scheme in South Africa
by M.A. Marais
- 92-27 The Cost of Protection to Western Australia
by M.A. Marais - 92-26 The Funding of Tertiary Education in New Zealand
by M.A. Marais - 92-25 The Effects of a Commodity Tax in an International Oligopoly Model
by M. Kunizaki - 92-24 The Shifting of Commodity Tax in a Dynamic Monopolist Market
by M. Kunizaki - 92-23 A Comparison of Residential Location Theories: the Perth Metropolitan Housing Market 1980/1990
by K. Robertson - 92-22 Abstracts from the Future of Australia's Mining and Energy Industries Conference
by D.J. Butler - 92-21 UWA Discussion Papers in Economics: The first 250
by A. Nicholson - 92-20 Revolution and Evolution in Economic Theory
by J. Niehans - 92-19 What do Australian Unions do?
by P.W. Miller & C. Mulvey - 92-18 Does Compulsory Arbitration Neutralise Union Power?
by P.W. Miller & C. Mulvey - 92-17 The Determinants of Post-Immigration Investments in Education
by B.R. Chiswick & P.W. Miller - 92-16 The Distribution of Resources in Education in South Africa
by M.A. Marais - 92-15 Graduate Research in Economics at UWA
by C. O'Sullivan & J. Steart - 92-14 Procedural Rationality in Consumer Search: An experimental investigation
by D.J. Butler & G. Loomes - 92-13 Understanding Consumption Patterns
by K.W. Clements & S. Selvanathan - 92-12 Estimating Complete Demand Systems on Household Budget Data: Evidence for Australia and New Zealand
by S. Chatterjee & R. Ray - 92-11 The Application of a Temporal Price Allocation Model to Time-of-Use Electricity Pricing
by J. Salerian - 92-10 Optimal Provision and Financing of Public Goods in a Federal State
by R. Ray - 92-09 Natural Resource and the Structure of Australia's Foreign Trade
by S. Chatterjee - 92-08 Optimal Demogrants and Taxes in a Federal Welfare State
by R. Ray - 92-07 The Theory of Competition and the Deregulation of the General Freight Market in Western Australia: Part II
by S.N. Salerian - 92-06 The Theory of Competition and the Deregulation of the General Freight Market in Western Australia: Part I
by S.N. Salerian - 92-05 Gold and the Exchange Rates
by L.A. Sjaastad - 92-04 On Macroeconomic Policy and Macroeconomic Modeling
by K.F. Wallis - 92-03 Renewable Resource Economics: Optimal control theoretic approach
by T. Takayama - 92-02 An Economic Valuation of the Resource Costs of Groundwater and Alternative Land-Uses at Bandicoot, Perth
by P. Gerrans & J. Pope - 92-01 Energy Forecasts: Western Australia, 1992-2010
by L.R. Charleson & E.J. Weber
- 91-24 PPP and the Real Exchange Rate: The Swiss case
by L.A. Sjaastad - 91-23 The Relevance of Macroeconomic Policy in OECD Countries
by A. Blundell-Wignall - 91-22 Ricardo on the Relationship Between Pricing and Distribution: A survey of the secondary literature
by D. Dharmapala - 91-21 Report of PhD Conference in Economics and Business, November 1991, Perth
by C. O'Sullivan - 91-20 The Monetary and the Real: Sectoral interdependence and market outcomes
by D. Vickers - 91-19 Errors and Achievements: Economic Policy in the 1980s
by P. Walsh - 91-18 Undersized Samples and Demand Analysis
by D. Chen - 91-17 Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Perspectives on Regional Labour Migration
by F. Harrigan & P. McGregor - 91-16 The Economic Impact of Australia's North West Shelf Project: Part 2
by K.W. Clements & R.A. Greig - 91-15 The Economic Impact of Australia's North West Shelf Project: Part 1
by K.W. Clements & R.A. Greig - 91-14 An Examination of the Role of Costs in the Allocation of Government Outlays: Part 2
by C. O'Sullivan - 91-13 An Examination of the Role of Costs in the Allocation of Government Outlays: Part 1
by C. O'Sullivan - 91-12 A System-Wide Evaluation of Regional Economic Policies: The impact on the recipient region of a regional labour study
by F. Harrigan & P. McGregor & J. Swales - 91-11 Debt, Deficits and Foreign Trade
by L.A. Sjaastad - 91-10 Forest Policy and Trade: The New Zealand experience
by K. Jackson - 91-09 The Compliance Costs of Public Companies' Income Taxation in Australia 1986/87: Empirical results
by J. Pope & R. Fayle - 91-08 Optimal Termination and the IRR Revisited
by D. Robinson & W.R. Cook