1940, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 238-238 A Further Note on the Problem of Bilateral Monopoly
by A. M. Henderson - 244-244 Economists on Industrial Stagnation
by Harold L. Reed - 258-258 A Further Note
by Abba P. Lerner
1940, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-1 "What is Truth" in Economics?
by Frank H. Knight - 105-105 After the Shutdown: An Analysis of the Job-Hunting Experience of a Group of Durham Hosiery Workers
by Frank Traver De Vyver - 114-114 Comments on W. I. King: "Are We Suffering From Economic Maturity?"
by Gerhard Colm
1939, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 761-761 Cross-Section Studies in the Cobb-Douglas Function
by M. Bronfenbrenner & Paul H. Douglas - 786-786 A Synthesis of the Principle of Acceleration and the Multiplier
by Paul A. Samuelson - 798-798 Internal Commerce and the Development of National Economy before 1860
by Louis Bernard Schmidt - 823-823 Post-War Concentration in the Cheese Industry
by William H. Nicholls - 846-846 Criteria for Determining the Creditor-Debtor Position of a Country
by Paul D. Dickens - 857-857 The Spreading of the Gold Points as a Means of Controlling the Movement of Foreign Short-Term Balances
by Walter Egle - 867-867 The Colonial Loan-Office System in New Jersey
by Donald L. Kemmerer
1939, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 609-609 Are We Suffering From Economic Maturity?
by Willford I. King - 623-623 The Scope and Definition of Economics
by Raymond T. Bye - 648-648 Moheau: Prophet of Depopulation
by Joseph J. Spengler - 678-678 Should Interbank Balances Be Abolished?
by Melchior Palyi - 692-692 Suggestions of Keynes in the Writings of Veblen
by Rutledge Vining - 705-705 Scope and Method in Agricultural Economics Research
by T. W. Schultz - 717-717 Scope and Method in Agricultural Economics Research: A Reply
by John D. Black
1939, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 457-457 Financial Regulation Abroad: The Contrasts with American Technique
by A. Wilfred May - 497-497 The Federal Trade Commission Act as Amended in 1938
by Martin L. Lindahl - 526-526 Philanthropy and Federal Tax Exemption
by C. Lowell Harriss - 557-557 From Vulgar Political Economy to Vulgar Marxism
by A. P. Lerner - 568-568 Demand Under Conditions of Oligopoly
by Paul M. Sweezy - 574-574 A Property of the Index of Utility Function: A Note
by Clyde H. Graves
1939, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 305-305 Production and Distribution in the Short Run
by George Stigler - 328-328 Pure Capitalism and the Disappearance of the Middle Class
by Abram L. Harris - 357-357 United States Government Activity in Low-Cost Housing, 1932-38
by Gilbert A. Cam - 379-379 Averaging of Income for Income-Tax Purposes
by William Vickrey - 398-398 National Income and Capital Formation
by Morris A. Copeland & Edwin M. Martin - 408-408 Monetary Influences on Postwar Wheat Prices: A Reply
by V. P. Timoshenko - 414-414 The Pryme Library of Economics at Cambridge University
by Frank Whitson Fetter - 418-418 The Incidence of a General Output or a General Sales Tax
by Harry Gunnison Brown
1939, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 153-153 Henry Schultz: His Contributions to Economics and Statistics
by Theodore O. Yntema - 163-163 Speculation and Forward Exchange
by Charles P. Kindleberger - 182-182 Currency Issues to Overcome Depressions in Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Maryland, 1715-37
by Richard A. Lester - 218-218 Wage-Rates, Investment, and Employment
by E. M. Bernstein - 254-254 The Incidence of a General Output or a General Sales Tax
by Harry Gunnison Brown - 263-263 The Problem of Bilateral Monopoly: A Note
by Gerhard Tintner
1939, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-1 Thoughts on Perusal of Wesley Mitchell's Collected Essays
by A. B. Wolfe - 100-100 Railroad Fixed Charges in Bankruptcy Proceedings
by William H. Moore - 128-128 Speculation and the Risk-Preference: A Comment
by H. S. Irwin
1938, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 761-761 Interrelations of Production, Price, and Derived Demand
by Jacob L. Mosak - 788-788 Collective Wage-Making In Sweden
by Paul H. Norgren - 802-802 The Silver Episode: II
by Herbert M. Bratter - 857-857 The Productivity of Labor: Note on Terminology and Method
by Witt Bowden - 864-864 Lippmann's The Good Society
by Frank H. Knight
1938, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 609-609 The Silver Episode
by Herbert M. Bratter - 653-653 Business Cycles in Japan Before 1853
by William A. Spurr - 688-688 The Nature and Objectives of Economic History
by Chester W. Wright - 702-702 Economic Aspects of Soil Conservation
by Walter W. Wilcox - 714-714 Some Considerations in the Measurement of Productivity of Railroad Workers
by Herbert Ashton
1938, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 457-457 Recent and Contemporary Theories of Progressive Taxation
by Elmer D. Fagan - 499-499 Stockholders' Liability Under the New York Act of March 22, 1811
by Stanley E. Howard - 515-515 The German Use of Unemployment-Insurance Funds for Works Purposes
by E. B. Mittelman - 537-537 Public Policy and Discriminatory Prices of Steel: A Reply to Professor Fetter
by Melvin G. De Chazeau - 567-567 Rejoinder to Professor De Chazeau's Reply
by Frank Albert Fetter
1938, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 305-305 The Maintenance of Agricultural Production During Depression: The Explanations Reviewed
by John K. Galbraith & John D. Black - 324-324 Currency Issues to Overcome Depressions in Pennsylvania, 1723 and 1729
by Richard A. Lester - 376-376 The Progress of Mass Production and the German Small-Scale Industries
by Walter Egle - 396-396 Speculation and the Risk-Preference
by Harold Barger - 409-409 Lawful Money: A Note
by Ira B. Cross - 414-414 Economics of Public Investment: A Note
by Hans Richter-Altschaffer - 416-416 Economics of Public Investment: A Reply
by Gerhard Colm
1938, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 153-153 Transport Competition and Proposed Repeal of the Long-and-Short-Haul Clause
by Harold D. Koontz - 176-176 The Anomalous Course of South African Gold Mining Since 1925
by Philip S. Brown - 202-202 The Early Development of the Note-Brokerage Business in Chicago
by Don M. Dailey - 218-218 Railway Nationalization and Transport Co-ordination in France
by Herbert E. Dougall - 229-229 Some Recent English Books on Government Finance: A Review
by Simeon E. Leland - 241-241 Two Economists on Socialism
by Frank H. Knight
1938, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-1 Monopolistic Elements in Commercial Banking
by Lester V. Chandler - 108-108 The Concept of Lawful Money
by Edward C. Simmons
1937, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 721-721 The Federal Reserve System's Monetary Policy in 1931 and 1932
by Henry Hilgard Villard - 740-740 Some Thoughts on Marginal Productivity, with Special Reference to Professor Douglas' Analysis
by David Durand - 759-759 Agrarian Collectivism in the Soviet Union: II
by Lazar Volin - 789-789 Acitivity of Mutual-Savings-Bank Deposits
by W. H. Steiner - 804-804 Protective Duties, Tributes, and Terms of Trade
by G. A. Elliott - 808-808 "Gold-Parity Depression in Norway and Denmark:" A Discussion
by C. Lawrence Christenson - 810-810 "Gold-Parity Depression in Norway and Denmark": A Rejoinder
by Richard A. Lester - 813-813 "Gold-Parity Depression in Norway and Denmark": A Reply to a Rejoinder
by C. Lawrence Christenson - 815-815 The Productivity of Labor in Great Britain: A Further Note
by Witt Bowden - 817-817 A Comment Concerning "The New Plea for Basing-Point Monopoly"
by Ralph J. Watkins
1937, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 577-577 The New Plea for Basing-Point Monopoly
by Frank Albert Fetter - 606-606 Agrarian Collectivism in the Soviet Union: I
by Lazar Volin - 634-634 Labor's Changing Political Line
by Philip Taft - 651-651 The Nature and Meaning of Rigid Prices, 1890-1933
by Don D. Humphrey - 662-662 The Organization of Industry and the Theory of Prices
by Arthur Robert Burns - 681-681 The Effect of the Social Security Act on the Life Insurance Needs of Labor
by R. J. Myers
1937, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 433-433 The Gold-Parity Depression in Norway and Denmark, 1925-28
by Richard A. Lester - 466-466 The Work of the Federal Housing Administration
by Arthur M. Weimer - 484-484 The French Franc, June, 1928--February, 1937
by William H. Wynne - 517-517 Reserve Bank Directors
by Karl R. Bopp
1937, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 289-289 The General Dynamics of Money
by James W. Angell - 347-347 The Productivity of Labor in Great Britain
by Witt Bowden - 370-370 Heckscher on Mercantilism
by Herbert Heaton - 394-394 Orderly Marketing in Agriculture
by Samuel Herman
1937, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 145-145 Some Notes on Duopoly and Spatial Competition
by A. P. Lerner & H. W. Singer - 187-187 Venetian Bankers, 1496-1533: A Study in the Early Stages of Deposit Banking
by Frederic C. Lane - 207-207 The New Industrialism in Latin America
by George Wythe - 229-229 The Economics of Carl Menger
by George J. Stigler
1937, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-1 Old Age Security in the Social Security Act
by Edwin E. Witte
1936, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 721-721 Wage Subsidies as a Remedy for Unemployment
by Nicholas Kaldor - 743-743 French Population Theory Since 1800: II
by Joseph J. Spengler - 767-767 Mr. Keynes on the Rate of Interest and the Marginal Efficiency of Capital
by P. T. Ellsworth - 791-791 Orthodox Economic Theory: A Defense
by J. A. Estey - 803-803 Organizational and Procedural Changes in Employee Representation Plans
by David J. Saposs
1936, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 577-577 French Population Theory Since 1800: I
by Joseph J. Spengler - 612-612 The Quantity of Capital and the Rate of Interest: II
by Frank H. Knight - 643-643 A Comparison of Industrial Growth in France and England from 1540 to 1640: III
by John U. Nef - 667-667 Mr. Keynes on Underemployment Equilibrium
by Alvin H. Hansen - 687-687 An Index of Working Class Purchasing Power for Great Britain, 1929-35
by P. Sargant Florence - 691-691 Note on Factors Affecting Our Monetary Supply
by Ira B. Cross
1936, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 433-433 The Quantity of Capital and the Rate of Interest: I
by Frank H. Knight - 464-464 The Motor Carrier Act of 1935
by James C. Nelson - 505-505 A Comparison of Industrial Growth in France and England from 1540 to 1640
by John U. Nef - 534-534 The Gold Certificate
by Edward C. Simmons - 544-544 Some Aspects of the Double-Taxation Problem
by Carl F. Wehrwein - 554-554 Stackelberg on Monopolistic Competition
by Wassily Leontief
1936, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 289-289 A Comparison of Industrial Growth in France and England From 1540 to 1640
by John U. Nef - 318-318 Socialism, Planning, and the Business Cycle
by Wilhelm Ropke - 339-339 The Variable Reserve Ratio
by Leonard L. Watkins - 374-374 The Organization of Farm Laborers in Germany
by William T. Ham - 398-398 Note on the Progress of Iron Production in England, 1540-1640
by John U. Nef
1936, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 145-145 The Zloty, 1924-35
by Lawrence Smith - 184-184 Free Banks and Corporations: The New York Free Banking Act of 1838
by Bray Hammond - 210-210 Metal Resources and Their Conservation
by Robert K. Warner - 225-225 Immigration to New England, 1680-1740
by Clifford K. Shipton - 240-240 The Argentine Grain Board
by Simon G. Hanson
1936, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-1 Rules versus Authorities in Monetary Policy
by Henry C. Simons
1935, Volume 43, Issue 6
- 721-721 Saving, Investment, and Crisis
by Walter Egle - 743-743 The Banking Act of 1935
by Howard H. Preston - 763-763 The Banks and the Stock Market
by Harold Barger - 778-778 Nationalist Collectivism and Charles A. Beard
by Harry D. Gideonse - 800-800 Notes on Problems of Adjustment in Canada
by Harold A. Innis - 808-808 The "Period of Production": A Final Word
by Frank H. Knight - 809-809 Barbara Wootton on Economic Planning
by Frank H. Knight
1935, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 577-577 Professor Knight and the "Period of Production"
by Fritz Machlup - 625-625 Professor Knight and the "Period of Production": Comment
by Frank H. Knight - 628-628 American and Norwegian Whaling: A Comparative Study of Labor and Industrial Organization
by Elmo P. Hohman - 653-653 Triangular Trade
by Arthur R. Upgren - 674-674 Unlimited Liability in Early American Corporations
by Shaw Livermore - 688-688 H. M. Robertson on Max Weber and His School
by Talcott Parsons
1935, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 433-433 Interrelations of Demand, Price, and Income
by Henry Schultz - 482-482 The Fluid-Milk Program of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration
by John Cassels - 506-506 The Chilean Nitrate Industry
by Donald McConnell - 530-530 The Trend of Savings, 1900-1929
by Cleona Lewis - 548-548 Berle and Means on the Modern Corporation
by Ben W. Lewis
1935, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 289-289 State Supervision of Local Finance
by Harley L. Lutz - 306-306 Money and Production
by Walter Egle - 331-331 The Joint-Stock Company in England, 1830-1844
by Bishop C. Hunt - 365-365 Building Costs in the Business Cycle: With Particular Reference to Building Sponsored by Governments in the United States
by W. D. Conklin
1935, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 145-145 The Monetary Aspects of the Walrasian System
by Arthur W. Marget - 187-187 Unpublished Papers and Letters of Leon Walras
by William Jaffe - 208-208 Factors Determining the Economic Development of a Michigan "Country Town"
by Arthur Weimer - 226-226 Taxation of Foreign and Domestic Goods in China
by Albert C. Muhse - 246-246 Individual Employer Reserves in Unemployment Insurance
by George Wheeler & Eleanor Wheeler
1935, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-1 The Joint-Stock Company in England, 1800-1825
by Bishop C. Hunt - 102-102 Unemployment Insurance in Germany: A Rejoinder
by Otto Nathan
1934, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 721-721 The Status of Unemployment Insurance in Great Britain
by Helen Fisher Hohman - 753-753 Crisis and Readjustment in Australia
by Allan G. B. Fisher - 783-783 The Increase in the Number of Stockholders in American Corporations Since 1929
by Lewis A. Froman - 788-788 Unemployment Insurance in Germany: Further Considered
by Daniel Creamer - 795-795 Economic Reconstruction: The Columbia Report
by Henry C. Simons - 800-800 Professor Pigou's Theory of Unemployment
by Paul M. Sweezy
1934, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 1-6 Agricultural Credit Legislation of 1933
by Howard H. Preston & Victor W. Bennett - 577-577 The Problem of Statistical Demand Techniques for Producers' Goods: An Application to Steel
by Roswell H. Whitman - 595-595 The New Model Trade Agreements
by Ethel B. Dietrich - 613-613 Discrimination Between Places Under Section 3 of the Interstate Commerce Act
by D. Philip Locklin - 641-641 The External Depreciation of the Dollar and its Effect Upon the Price Level in the United States
by S. D. Zagoroff - 654-654 Union and Non-Union Wages and Hours in the Street Railway Industry
by Emerson P. Schmidt - 660-660 "The Common Sense of Political Economy" (Wicksteed Reprinted)
by Frank H. Knight
1934, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 433-433 General Overproduction: A Study of Say's Law of Markets
by Hans Neisser - 466-466 Emergency Employment in Theory and Practice
by Richard A. Lester - 492-492 The Growth of Trade to 1913
by J. T. Phinney - 508-508 The Insurance of Bank Deposits
by J. H. Taggart & L. D. Jennings - 517-517 Price Fluctuations and the Gold Supply
by Rufus S. Tucker - 531-531 The Theory of Monopolistic Competition
by Morris A. Copeland
1934, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 289-289 Some Considerations on Unemployment Insurance in the Light of German Experience
by Otto Nathan - 328-328 National Social Insurance in France
by William Oualid - 344-344 Bases of State Taxation of Domestic Stock Insurance Companies
by K. M. Williamson - 371-371 Egypt's Balance of Trade
by C. Bresciani-Turroni - 385-385 The French Solution for the Railway Problem
by Herbert E. Dougall
1934, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 145-145 The Failure of Monetary Policy to Prevent the Depression of 1929-32
by Lauchlin Currie - 178-178 Business and the Law: A Comedy in Three Acts
by Myron W. Watkins - 202-202 Inflation and Enterprise in France, 1919-26
by Max J. Wasserman - 237-237 Workmen's Compensation Experience in Ohio During the Depression
by Louis Levine - 249-249 Robinson's Economics of Imperfect Competition
by Joseph A. Schumpeter & A. J. Nichol - 260-260 The Economic History of Modern Europe: Two New Manuals
by M. M. Knight
1934, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-1 James Laurence Laughlin (1850-1933)
by John U. Nef - 106-106 The Emergency Railroad Transportation Act of 1933
by R. W. Harbeson
1933, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 721-721 The Banking Act of 1933
by Ray B. Westerfield - 777-777 The Dispute Over the Federal Domain in Canada
by J. A. Maxwell - 806-806 Workmen's Compensation and the Rail-Roads: A Hesitating Revolution
by Lindley D. Clark - 821-821 Gresham's Law and the Chilean Peso
by Frank Whitson Fetter
1933, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 577-577 Private Investments and International Politics in the Saar, 1919--20: A Study of Politico-Economic "Penetration" in a Post-War Plebiscite Area
by Eugene Staley - 602-602 Union-Management Co-operation and the Southern Organizing Campaign
by Jean Carol Trepp - 625-625 An Examination of Mr. Keynes's Price-Level Concepts
by Albert G. Hart