1933, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 639-639 Population Doctrines in the United States
by Joseph J. Spengler - 673-673 A Balance Sheet of the Banking System and a Consolidated Statement of Bank and Life Insurance Company Resources
by Elmer Hartzel
1933, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 433-433 Population Doctrines in the United States
by Joseph J. Spengler - 468-468 Interrelations of Demand
by Henry Schultz - 513-513 Open Market Buying as a Stimulant for the Bond Market
by James C. Dolley - 530-530 American Industry Abroad since 1929
by F. A. Southard & Jr. - 548-548 Mercantilism as Liberalism
by H. C. Simons
1933, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 289-289 Railway Rates and Rate-Making in France Since 1921
by Herbert E. Dougall - 334-334 A Quantitative Theory of Industrial Fluctuations Caused by the Capitalistic Technique of Production
by Edward Theiss - 350-350 Expansion Possibilities of the Federal Reserve Banking System
by Stanley Irving Posner - 379-379 Economic History and the Economist
by Max S. Handman - 392-392 Hardy on Federal Reserve Policy: A Review and a Comment
by Harold L. Reed & Charles O. Hardy - 400-400 Rejoinder to Professor Ogburn's Reply
by Pitirim A. Sorokin
1933, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 145-145 Ernst Freund (1864-1932): Jurist and Social Scientist
by Arthur H. Kent - 152-152 The Expansion of Bank Credit: II
by James W. Angell & Karel F. Ficek - 194-194 Recent Social Trends: A Criticism
by Pitirim A. Sorokin - 210-210 Recent Social Trends: A Reply
by William Fielding Ogburn - 237-237 A Further Note on Holtrop's Formula for the "Coefficient of Differentiation" and Related Concepts
by Arthur W. Marget
1933, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-1 The Expansion of Bank Credit
by James W. Angell & Karel F. Ficek - 117-117 An Unpublished Letter of Ricardo to Malthus
by Jacob Viner
1932, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 721-721 Types of Institutionalism
by Abram L. Harris - 750-750 British Mercantilist Doctrines Concerning the "Exportation of Work" and "Foreign-Paid Incomes"
by E. A. J. Johnson - 771-771 How Large Is Our National Income?
by Morris A. Copeland - 796-796 Introduction
by Joseph Dorfman - 797-797 Using the I.W.W. to Harvest Grain
by Thorstein Veblen - 808-808 A Theory of Prices
by Nikolaus Petricsko - 814-814 Comments on Mr. Knight's Review
by Sumner H. Slichter - 820-820 Comment on Mr. Slichter's Comment and on the Issues
by Frank H. Knight - 825-825 A Concluding Word
by Sumner H. Slichter
1932, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 577-577 Edgeworth's Taxation Paradox and the Nature of Demand and Supply Functions
by Harold Hotelling - 617-617 The Theory of Population: Some Questions of Quantity and Quality
by Alfred Plummer - 638-638 Holland, Switzerland, and Belgium and the English Gold Crisis of 1931
by Willard Hurst - 661-661 Technological Development of the American Pottery Industry
by H. J. Stratton - 677-677 The Economic Significance of Brokers' Loans
by Wilford J. Eiteman - 691-691 Capital Production and Consumer-Taking: A Further Word
by J. M. Clark - 694-694 Capital Production and Consumer-Taking: A Final Word
by Ragnar Frisch
1932, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 433-433 The Newer Economics and the Control of Economic Activity
by Frank H. Knight - 477-477 The Relation between the Velocity of Circulation of Money and the "Velocity of Circulation of Goods:" II
by Arthur W. Marget - 513-513 Time and Capitalistic Production
by Edward Theiss - 532-532 Ira Steward on Consumption and Unemployment
by Dorothy W. Douglas
1932, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 289-289 The Relation Between the Velocity of Circulation of Money and the "Velocity of Circulation of Goods"
by Arthur W. Marget - 314-314 The Canadian Monetary Situation
by C. A. Curtis - 338-338 The Influence of Edward Kellogg Upon American Radicalism, 1865-96
by Chester McA. Destler - 366-366 Taxation of Land Values in Canada
by Mabel Newcomer & Ruth Gillette Hutchinson - 379-379 Two Notes on the Federal Reserve System
by Karl R. Bopp
1932, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 145-145 The Psychological Foundation of the Law of Demand
by Umberto Ricci - 186-186 The Application of the Quantitative Method to Economic History
by Abbott Payson Usher - 210-210 The Unemployment Problem in Australia
by E. Ronald Walker - 227-227 Early Industrial Preferred Stocks in the United States
by George Heberton Evans & Jr. - 244-244 The Fondaco Dei Tedeschi: The Medium of Venetian-German Trade
by J. Wesley Hoffmann - 253-253 Capital Production and Consumer-Taking: A Rejoinder
by Ragnar Frisch
1932, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-1 Some Problems in the Theory of National Income
by Morris A. Copeland - 101-101 The History of an English Village
by John U. Nef - 110-110 Distrust of Bank Deposits as Measured by Federal Reserve Note Issue
by Harold L. Reed
1931, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 713-713 Marxian, Liberal, and Sociological Theories of Imperialism
by E. M. Winslow - 759-759 The Significance of Time Deposits in the Expansion of Bank Credit, 1922-28
by D. R. French - 783-783 Prospects of Southern Textile Unionism
by G. T. Schwenning - 811-811 An Economic Trend for Price
by Charles W. Cobb - 814-814 Capital Production and Consumer-Taking: A Reply
by J. M. Clark
1931, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 569-569 Leon Walras and the "Cash-Balance Approach" to the Problem of the Value of Money
by Arthur W. Marget - 601-601 The Early American Reaction to the Theory of Malthus
by George Johnson Cady - 633-633 Methods in Social Science: Three Reviews of the Rice Book
by Walton H. Hamilton & O. H. Taylor & A. B. Wolfe - 646-646 The Interrelation Between Capital Production and Consumer-Taking
by Ragnar Frisch - 655-655 Karl Bucher: An Isolated Economist
by J. F. Normano - 658-658 A Further Note on Average Elasticity of Demand
by A. J. Nichol
1931, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 425-425 The Fall in the Value of Silver and Its Consequences
by Frank D. Graham - 471-471 Agrarian Discontent in the Mississippi Valley Preceding the War of 1812
by George Rogers Taylor - 506-506 The Stevenson Plan: Some Conclusions and Observations
by Charles R. Whittlesey - 526-526 Organized Labor and the Family-Allowance System in France
by Marjorie Ruth Clark
1931, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 281-281 The Place of Agriculture in British National Economy Prior to Adam Smith
by S. J. Brandenburg - 321-321 Silver: Some Fundamentals
by H. M. Bratter - 369-369 The Canadian National Railway versus the Canadian Pacific: A Comparative Study
by Leslie T. Fournier - 390-390 Savings, Investment, and the Control of Business Cycles
by Charles O. Hardy
1931, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 137-137 The Economics of Exhaustible Resources
by Harold Hotelling - 176-176 Professor Fisher's Interest Theory: A Case in Point
by Frank H. Knight - 213-213 The German-Polish Rye Agreement
by Kenneth Colegrove - 229-229 Some Theoretical Aspects of Stock-Market Speculation
by Hans Richter-Altschaeffer - 239-239 Othmar Spann's Social Theories
by Barth Landheer - 249-249 Measures of Average Elasticity of Demand
by A. J. Nichol
1931, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-1 The German System of Arbitration
by William T. Ham - 101-101 The Austrian Institute for Business Cycle Research
by Carl Theodore Schmidt
1930, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 629-629 Period of Production, Durability, and the Rate of Interest in the Economic Equilibrium
by Gerhard Mackenroth - 660-660 Transport Co-Ordination: Meaning and Purpose
by G. Shorey Peterson - 682-682 The Italian Demographic Problem and the Fascist Policy on Population
by Corrado Gini - 698-698 Some Notes on Black's Production Economics
by Theodore O. Yntema - 705-705 Production in Massachusetts Manufacturing, 1890-1928
by Charles W. Cobb
1930, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 523-523 A Culture Theory of Population Trends
by E. T. Hiller - 551-551 Economic Influences Upon the Corporation Laws of New Jersey
by Harold W. Stoke - 600-600 The New Conception of the "Standard of Value"
by W. C. Schluter - 609-609 Some Aspects of Mexican Immigration
by Paul S. Taylor
1930, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 373-373 Velocity of Bank Deposits in England
by Lionel D. Edie & Donald Weaver - 404-404 English Theories of Foreign Trade Before Adam Smith (Concluded)
by Jacob Viner - 458-458 The Elasticity of Bank Notes
by L. W. Mints - 472-472 The Relationship of Business Activity to Agriculture
by Erwin Graue - 479-479 The St. Lawrence Navigation and Power Project: A Rejoinder
by Lesslie R. Thomson
1930, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 249-249 English Theories of Foreign Trade Before Adam Smith
by Jacob Viner - 302-302 What's Wrong with College Teaching in the Social Sciences?
by Harvey A. Wooster - 317-317 French Syndicalism of the Present
by Marjorie Ruth Clark - 328-328 Moore's "Synthetic Economics"
by Philip G. Wright - 345-345 The St. Lawrence Navigation and Power Project: A Reply
by Harold G. Moulton & Charles S. Morgan & Adah L. Lee
1930, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 125-125 Monetary Business Cycle Theory in Germany
by Simon Kuznets - 164-164 An Estimate of the Amount of Money Held by the Banks and of the Amount of Money in General Circulation in the United States
by Y. S. Leong - 194-194 Price Competition in the Commercial Printing Industry of Chicago
by Emily Clark Brown - 213-213 Recent Economic Changes in the United States
by Charles O. Hardy
1930, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-1 A Measurement of British Industrial Production
by N. A. Tolles & Paul H. Douglas
1929, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 633-633 The Theoretical Bases of Economic Policy
by Corrado Gini - 661-661 The Salaried Men's Organizations in Germany
by William T. Ham - 687-687 Fruit Distribution in the Canadian West
by J. M. Cassels - 713-713 Brokers' Loans and Bank Deposits
by Calvin B. Hoover - 728-728 Some Statistical Relations between Wages and Prices
by Charles W. Cobb
1929, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 505-505 Marginal Productivity and the General Pricing Process
by Henry Schultz - 552-552 The Standard of Living at the Professional Level, 1816-17 and 1926-27
by Chase Going Woodhouse - 573-573 Sir Edward West (1782-1828)
by Alfred Plummer - 583-583 An Estimate of the Volume of Deposit Currency in the United States
by Y. S. Leong - 604-604 Economic Equality and the Mandates Commission
by Edward C. Jenkins
1929, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 377-377 Social Insurance in Soviet Russia
by A. Abramson - 400-400 Federal Reserve Policy from the Spring of 1923 to the Close of 1924
by Harold L. Reed - 430-430 Wages and Subsistence on Spanish Treasure Ships, 1503-1660
by Earl J. Hamilton - 451-451 Economic Factors Tending Toward Secularization of Church Property in England, 1533-39
by Oscar A. Marti - 473-473 Occupational Readjustment of Displaced Skilled Workmen
by Robert J. Myers
1929, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 249-249 Recent Federal Reserve Policy
by Harold L. Reed - 285-285 Agrarian Problems of Modern Japan: II
by Dorothy J. Orchard - 312-312 Morgenstern on the Methodology of Economic Forecasting
by Arthur W. Marget
1929, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 129-129 Agrarian Problems of Modern Japan
by Dorothy J. Orchard - 175-175 Federal Regulation of Railway Securities Under the Transportation Act of 1920
by John H. Frederick - 203-203 The Application of the Sherman Law to Trade-Union Activities
by G. W. Terborgh - 225-225 Contour Lines in Economics
by Charles W. Cobb
1928, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 641-641 "Capitalism" In Recent German Literature: Sombart and Weber
by Talcott Parsons - 662-662 The Population Problem Since the World War: A Survey of Literature and Research (Continued)
by A. B. Wolfe - 686-686 The Influence of Dumping on Monopoly Price
by Theodore O. Yntema - 699-699 The Settlement of Industrial Disputes in the Glass Bottle Industry
by Carroll R. Daugherty - 720-720 Organized Labor and the Trust
by Lyle W. Cooper
1928, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 529-529 The Population Problem Since the World War: A Survey of Literature and Research
by A. B. Wolfe - 560-560 The Rate of Increase of the Monetary Gold Stock of the United States
by Lionel D. Edie - 569-569 Socialistic Theories of Imperialism Prior to the Great War
by Brynjolf J. Hovde - 592-592 Canada's Attitude Toward the Exportation of Hydro-Electric Power
by J. S. Prentice - 625-625 The Effect of the 80 Per Cent Credit Clause of the Federal Estate Tax Law on State Inheritance Tax Laws
by Charles P. White
1928, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 417-417 Nationalism and Economic Theory
by James E. Moffat - 447-447 A Comparison of the Effects of the Black Death on the Economic Organization of France and England
by Helen Robbins - 480-480 Sixty Years of Branch Banking in Virginia
by George T. Starnes - 501-501 Economic Sectionalism in Canada: The Problem of the Maritime Provinces
by William A. Robinson - 510-510 Correlations Between Prices and Yields of Previous Years
by V. P. Timoshenko
1928, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 305-305 The British Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act, 1927
by H. A. Millis - 330-330 The Trend of Agricultural Exports
by E. G. Nourse - 353-353 A Suggestion for Simplifying the Statement of the General Theory of Price
by Frank H. Knight - 371-371 The Theory of Location in Its Relation to General Economics
by Andreas Predohl - 391-391 Trade Custom in the Lancashire Cotton Industry
by Gladys L. Palmer
1928, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 185-185 The Decline of Membership in the Federal Reserve System
by Charles S. Tippetts - 212-212 The Leighton Co-operative Industries
by Paul S. Taylor - 229-229 International Aspects of the European Coal Crisis in 1926
by Mack Eastman - 240-240 Rise and Decline of the One Big Union in Canada
by H. A. Logan - 280-280 An Automobile Mortality Table for 1928
by S. H. Nerlove & W. J. Graham
1928, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-1 Education for Business in Great Britain
by J. G. Smith - 100-100 Value for Rate Making and Recapture of Excess Income
by George G. Tunell - 141-141 The Canadian Industrial Disputes Investigation Act
by C. E. Dankert - 164-164 Taxing Rental Versus Taxing Salable Value of Land
by Harry Gunnison Brown
1927, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 725-725 Value for Rate Making and Recapture of Excess Income
by George G. Tunell - 776-776 The Impasse in Economic Theory
by Paul T. Homan - 804-804 The Federation of Catholic Workers of Canada
by H. A. Logan - 835-835 Individual Cycles in Stock Prices
by Forrest B. Ashby - 852-852 The Need for Co-ordination of Our Transportation System
by Joseph E. Cummings
1927, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 573-573 Offerings in Economics in 1925-26
by L. C. Marshall - 613-613 Indian Currency Since the World War
by J. Laurence Laughlin - 657-657 Eleven Years of Compulsory Investigation of Industrial Disputes in Colorado
by Colston E. Warne & Merrill E. Gaddis - 684-684 The Federation of Catholic Workers of Canada
by H. A. Logan - 702-702 Mathematical Economics and the Quantitative Method
by Henry Schultz
1927, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 437-437 Theoretical Considerations Relating to Supply
by Henry Schultz - 465-465 A Re-examination of the Doctrine of Comparative Costs
by Kemper Simpson - 480-480 Investment Activity in the Period 1910-25
by Arthur G. Coons - 501-501 The Entrepreneur Function in Economic Literature
by Charles A. Tuttle - 522-522 Industrial Relations in the Pottery Industry
by Donald Kennedy - 543-543 Effective Regulation of Public Utilities
by Charles E. Clark - 553-553 The Measurement of Economic Value: Rejoinder by the Author
by David Atkins - 555-555 The Measurement of Economic Value: Reply by Reviewer
by Frank H. Knight
1927, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 321-321 Adam Smith: Moralist and Philosopher
by Glenn R. Morrow - 343-343 Tendencies in Swedish Economics
by Bertil Ohlin - 364-364 The British Coal Strike and After
by William H. Wynne - 390-390 Land Speculation and Land-Value Taxation
by Harry Gunnison Brown - 403-403 The New Realism and Economic History
by Abbott Payson Usher - 417-417 Federal Control of Commercial Banking: A Proposal
by Clyde Olin Fisher - 422-422 A New Development in Government Pensions
by S. H. Nerlove
1927, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 153-153 Adam Smith 1776-1926
by Jacob H. Hollander - 198-198 Adam Smith and Laissez Faire
by Jacob Viner - 233-233 A Statistical Examination of Factors Related to Lamb Prices
by Mordecai Ezekiel - 261-261 French Socialism and Franco-German Relations, 1893-1914
by Brynjolf J. Hovde - 278-278 Review of the Literature of the Location of Industries
by Witold Krzyzanowski - 292-292 How May We Foster or Facilitate the Development of the Social Sciences?
by L. C. Marshall - 299-299 Types of Actors' Trade Unions
by Paul F. Gemmill
1927, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-1 Value for Taxation and for Rate Making
by George G. Tunell - 114-114 The Labor Policy of the Oneida Community Ltd
by Esther Lowenthal - 127-127 Investments Subsidize Fire and Marine Insurance Business
by S. H. Nerlove
1926, Volume 34, Issue 33
- 349-349 German and French Socialists and the Agrarian Question
by Gilbert Giddings Benjamin
1926, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 669-669 Rural Taxation in the Province of New Brunswick
by W. C. Keirstead - 691-691 Washington's Minimum-Wage Law and Its Operation
by Aryness Joy - 717-717 The Expansion Possibilities of the United States Banking System
by J. Virgil Huffman - 742-742 A Study in the Teaching of the Principles of Economics
by Rudolph Peterson
1926, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 545-545 Collegiate Education for Business in Germany
by August Wilhelm Fehling - 597-597 Angell's Theory of International Prices
by Jacob Viner