1953, Volume 61, Issue 5
- 413-413 The Logic of Union Growth
by Joseph Shister - 434-434 Cardinal Utility in Welfare Economics and in the Theory of Risk-taking
by John C. Harsanyi - 436-436 Dirlam and Kahn on the A & P Case
by M. A. Adelman - 441-441 The A & P Case: A Reply
by Joel B. Dirlam & Alfred E. Kahn
1953, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 277-277 Choice, Chance, and the Personal Distribution of Income
by Milton Friedman - 291-291 Stalin's Last Testament and the Outlook for Kolkhozy during the Succession
by Lazar Volin - 306-306 On Incidence
by R. A. Musgrave - 324-324 Unemployment, Unrest, and Relief in the United States during the Depression of 1893-97
by Samuel Rezneck - 346-346 Wage Effects in the Theory of the Labor Movement
by Simon Rottenberg
1953, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 185-185 Innis on Canadian Economic Development
by W. A. Mackintosh - 195-195 The Role of Cities in the Economic Growth of Underdeveloped Countries
by Bert F. Hoselitz - 209-209 The Role of Speculation in French Foreign-Exchange Crises
by Harry C. Eastman - 221-221 Democracy in Labor Unions
by Joel Seidman - 232-232 The Authorship of Economic Articles in the Edinburgh Review, 1802-47
by Frank Whitson Fetter
1953, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 117-117 Frederick B. Hawley's Income Theory
by Richard M. Davis - 127-127 Union Influence on Wages: The Construction Industry
by Stephen P. Sobotka - 144-144 The Demand for Money: The Development of an Economic Concept
by J. C. Gilbert - 160-160 Contemporary Economics Resurveyed
by M. Bronfenbrenner - 169-169 The Loan Ratio and Deficit Spending
by H. J. Plous - 172-172 The Loan Ratio and Deficit Spending: Comment
by M. Bronfenbrenner
1953, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-1 On the Marginal Product of Capital and the Marginal Efficiency of Investment
by Abba P. Lerner
1952, Volume 60, Issue 6
- 463-463 The Expected-Utility Hypothesis and the Measurability of Utility
by Milton Friedman & L. J. Savage - 475-475 A Sketch of American Business Organization, 1832-1900
by G. Heberton Evans & Jr. - 487-487 Toward a General Theory of Price, Income, and Money
by E. J. Mishan - 503-503 Medical Expenditures and Medical Deduction Plans
by James E. Jensen - 525-525 Fiscal Policies for Full Employment: A Diagrammatic Analysis
by John G. Gurley - 534-534 Federal Grants and Resource Allocation
by A. D. Scott - 536-536 Federal Grants and Resource Allocation: A Reply
by James M. Buchanan
1952, Volume 60, Issue 5
- 371-371 Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations
by Albert Rees - 383-383 Inflation and Saving by Consumers
by John B. Lansing & E. Scott Maynes - 392-392 The Huguenots and the Diffusion of Technology. II
by Warren C. Scoville - 412-412 The Empirical Status of Business-Cycle Theory
by Kenneth D. Roose - 422-422 Social Choice and Individual Values
by I. M. D. Little - 433-433 Ten Great Economists
by Howard S. Ellis
1952, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 279-279 Negro Employment in Southern Industry
by Donald Dewey - 294-294 The Huguenots and the Diffusion of Technology. I
by Warren C. Scoville - 312-312 The Principles of Compensation Reconsidered
by E. J. Mishan - 323-323 Union Representation Elections
by John V. Spielmans - 332-332 Friedman's "Welfare" Effects
by Cecil G. Phipps - 334-334 "Welfare" Effects: A Reply
by Milton Friedman - 337-337 Reliability of Estimates of Unfree Labor in the U.S.S.R
by A. David Redding
1952, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 187-187 The Ricardian Theory of Value and Distribution
by George J. Stigler - 208-208 Federal Grants and Resource Allocation
by James M. Buchanan - 218-218 Intelligence and Occupational Mobility
by C. Arnold Anderson & James C. Brown & Mary Jean Bowman - 240-240 The Pigou Effect Once More
by Gottfried Haberler - 247-247 Professor Metzler and the Rate of Interest
by David McCord Wright - 249-249 The Rate of Interest: A Reply
by Lloyd A. Metzler - 253-253 Perspectives on Monopoly: A Reply
by George W. Stocking & Myron W. Watkins - 257-257 Perspectives on Monopoly: A Rejoinder
by Neil H. Jacoby
1952, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 102-102 A Proposed Revision of Excise-tax Theory
by Earl R. Rolph - 118-118 Antitrust Law and the Big Buyer: Another Look at the A & P Case
by Joel B. Dirlam & Alfred E. Kahn - 133-133 Investment Alternatives in Soviet Economic Theory
by Norman Kaplan - 145-145 Information, Theories of Competition, and the Theory of Games
by Martin Shubik - 151-151 The Utility of Wealth
by Harry Markowitz
1952, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-1 Hicks and the Real Cycle
by Arthur F. Burns
1951, Volume 59, Issue 6
- 463-463 Domestic Trade in an Underdeveloped Country--Turkey
by William H. Nicholls - 481-481 Excess-Profits Taxation in the United States
by George E. Lent - 498-498 Agricultural Productivity and Economic Development in Japan
by Bruce F. Johnston - 514-514 Perspectives on Monopoly
by Neil H. Jacoby - 528-528 The Structure of Aggregate Personal Saving
by James N. Morgan - 535-535 The Pigouvian Effect
by Alvin H. Hansen
1951, Volume 59, Issue 5
- 371-371 An Experimental Measurement of Utility
by Frederick Mosteller & Philip Nogee - 420-420 A Loan Ratio for Inflation Control
by M. Bronfenbrenner - 434-434 Are Property Tax Rates Increasing?
by Colin D. Campbell - 443-443 The Life of John Maynard Keynes
by L. R. Klein
1951, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 277-277 The Labor-Monopoly Problem: A Positive Program
by H. Gregg Lewis - 288-288 Experimental Verification of a Composite Indifference Map
by Stephen W. Rousseas & Albert G. Hart - 319-319 Pattern Bargaining and the United Steelworkers
by George Seltzer - 332-332 Natural Law and the Rise of Economic Individualism in England
by Alfred F. Chalk - 348-348 Crisis in Britain: A Note on the Stagnation Thesis
by Donald J. Dewey - 353-353 Fiscal Equity in the Unequal Treatment of Unequals: A Suggested Test
by H. P. Jenkins - 358-358 Fiscal Equity in the Unequal Treatment of Unequals: A Rejoinder
by James M. Buchanan
1951, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 185-185 The Division of Labor is Limited by the Extent of the Market
by George J. Stigler - 194-194 Want Development in Undeveloped Areas
by Elizabeth E. Hoyt - 203-203 Commodity-Reserve Currency
by Milton Friedman - 233-233 The Alleged Inflexibility of Compensatory Public Works Policy
by E. Jay Howenstine - 242-242 The Classicists' Use of "Demand"
by Victor E. Smith - 258-258 Keynesianism and Inflation
by Walter A. Morton
1951, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 117-117 United States Merchant Marine Policy and Surplus Ships
by John G. B. Hutchins - 126-126 Advertising, Product Variation, and the Limits of Economics
by Alfred Sherrard - 143-143 Wage Determination and Involuntary Unemployment
by Albert Rees - 154-154 The Wealth-Saving Relationship
by Gardner Ackley - 162-162 Housebuilding in the San Francisco Bay Area
by Sherman J. Maisel
1951, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreign Economic Aid and Communism
by Calvin B. Hoover
1950, Volume 58, Issue 6
- 465-465 Wesley C. Mitchell as an Economic Theorist
by Milton Friedman - 494-494 Distress, Relief, and Discontent in the United States during the Depression of 1873-78
by Samuel Rezneck - 513-513 Economic and Social Policy in Democratic Society
by Frank H. Knight - 523-523 A Theory of Income Determination
by Harold M. Somers - 542-542 The Dollar Crisis
by Raymond F. Mikesell - 546-546 Distributive Effects of an Excise Tax on a Monopolist
by J. N. Behrman
1950, Volume 58, Issue 5
- 373-373 The Development of Utility Theory. II
by George J. Stigler - 397-397 The General Motors-United Auto Workers Agreement of 1950
by Frederick H. Harbison - 412-412 The Theory of Employment and Stabilization Policy
by O. H. Brownlee - 425-425 Commodity and Income Taxation in the Soviet Union
by Franklyn D. Holzman - 434-434 A Method for Drawing Marginal Curves
by Lionel W. McKenzie - 436-436 Income, Ability, and Size of Family in the United States
by Dean A. Worcester & Jr. & Robert J. Lampman
1950, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 281-281 Four Positions on Japanese Finance
by M. Bronfenbrenner - 289-289 The Rate of Interest and the Marginal Product of Capital
by Lloyd A. Metzler - 307-307 The Development of Utility Theory. I
by George J. Stigler - 328-328 A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare
by Kenneth J. Arrow - 347-347 Vertical Integration and Antitrust Policy
by Joseph J. Spengler - 353-353 The United Nations and Full Employment
by Kenneth K. Kurihara
1950, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 187-187 Professor Schumpeter on Socialism: The Case of Britain
by Donald Dewey - 211-211 Uncertainty, Evolution, and Economic Theory
by Armen A. Alchian - 222-222 Tax Incentives for Mineral Enterprise
by Douglas H. Eldridge - 241-241 Legal Tender during the English and Irish Bank Restrictions
by Frank Whitson Fetter - 254-254 Labor Unions and the Price System
by Albert Rees
1950, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 111-111 Resource Allocation under Share Contracts
by D. Gale Johnson - 124-124 The Monetary Mechanism Since the War
by Edward C. Simmons - 142-142 Patents and Technical Progress--A Study of Television
by W. Rupert Maclaurin - 158-158 Theories of Welfare Economics
by M. W. Reder - 162-162 The Mathematical Theory of Monopoly in 1839: Charles Ellet, Jr
by C. D. Calsoyas
1950, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-1 Reflections on Poverty Within Agriculture
by Theodore W. Schultz
1949, Volume 57, Issue 6
- 463-463 The Marshallian Demand Curve
by Milton Friedman - 496-496 The Pure Theory of Government Finance: A Suggested Approach
by James M. Buchanan - 506-506 Liquidity and a National Balance Sheet
by Roland N. McKean - 523-523 Mathematical Economics before Cournot
by Ross M. Robertson - 537-537 Union Security and the Right to Work
by John V. Spielmans - 543-543 Returns to Scale in Family Farming: Is the Case Overstated?
by Erven J. Long
1949, Volume 57, Issue 5
- 371-371 English Economists and the State-Managed Economy
by Joseph A. Schumpeter - 395-395 The International Monetary Fund
by Raymond F. Mikesell - 413-413 Cost Behavior and the Accounting Pattern of Public Utility Regulation
by Emery Troxel - 428-428 The Income Tax and the Supply of Labor
by Richard Goode - 438-438 Laissez Faire and Intervention: A Potential Source of Historical Error
by Joseph J. Spengler - 442-442 The Bankers and the Bullionists in 1819
by J. K. Horsefield
1949, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 277-277 Monetary Reform in Western Germany
by Fred H. Klopstock - 293-293 Public Works and Economic Stability
by Julius Margolis - 304-304 Psychological Aspects of Economic Thought
by Walter A. Weisskopf - 315-315 Plans for a National Bank in Spain, 1701-83
by Earl J. Hamilton - 337-337 Federal Estate Taxes and Philanthropic Bequests
by C. Lowell Harriss - 345-345 Tariffs, International Demand, and Domestic Prices
by Lloyd A. Metzler
1949, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 185-185 Food and Agriculture in the Soviet Union, 1917-48
by M. K. Bennett - 199-199 The Communist Manifesto in Sociology and Economics
by Joseph A. Schumpeter - 213-213 Communists in German Labor Organizations
by Matthew A. Kelly - 227-227 Socialism, Communism, and International Trade
by Bert F. Hoselitz - 242-242 Fabian Political Economy
by Paul M. Sweezy - 249-249 Soviet Production Estimates
by Russell T. Nichols - 250-250 Soviet Production Estimates: Comments
by Harry Schwartz
1949, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 106-106 Have We Underestimated Increases in Rents and Shelter Expenditures?
by Sherman J. Maisel - 118-118 The Future Locational Pattern of Iron and Steel Production in the United States
by Walter Isard & William M. Capron - 134-134 Spanish Banking Schemes before 1700
by Earl J. Hamilton - 157-157 Financial Resources of Trade-Unions
by Nathan Belfer - 162-162 Toward A New Theory of Monetary Sovereignty
by Kenneth K. Kurihara - 180-180 The Marginal Utility Theory in the United States of America: A Reply to James S. Earley
by Edward Francis Schroder - 182-182 The Marginal Utility Theory in the United States of America: A Rejoinder
by James S. Earley
1949, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-1 Tariffs, the Terms of Trade, and the Distribution of National Income
by Lloyd A. Metzler
1948, Volume 56, Issue 6
- 465-465 Occupational Choice in a Collectivist Economy
by D. J. Dewey - 480-480 Professor Heimann on Religion and Economics
by Frank H. Knight - 498-498 Income Tax Progression, 1929-48
by R. A. Musgrave & Tun Thin - 515-515 National Patterns of Union Behavior
by Adolf Sturmthal - 527-527 Public Expenditures for Veterans' Assistance
by Irving H. Siegel & Maurice F. W. Taylor - 533-533 Theories of Income Distribution: Where Do We Stand?
by Mary Jean Bowman
1948, Volume 56, Issue 5
- 373-373 Postwar Political Economy: The President's Reports
by M. Bronfenbrenner - 392-392 Keynes and the Economic System
by Calvin B. Hoover - 403-403 European Multilateral Clearing
by Robert W. Bean - 416-416 The Role of Dissaving in Economic Analysis
by George Garvy - 428-428 Price Inflexibility--War and Postwar
by Jules Backman - 438-438 Soviet Postwar Industrial Production
by Harry Schwartz - 442-442 Mikesell on International Monetary Agreements and Planned Economies
by Virgil Salera - 446-446 International Monetary Agreements and Planned Economies: A Reply
by Raymond F. Mikesell
1948, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 279-279 The Utility Analysis of Choices Involving Risk
by Milton Friedman & L. J. Savage - 305-305 Liberalism in the Modern State: The Philosophy of Henry Simons
by Charles Oscar Hardy - 315-315 Adam Smith and the Economic Man
by William D. Grampp - 337-337 How Much Can Planning Do?
by David McCord Wright - 342-342 Regional Multilateral Clearing
by Rendigs Fels - 344-344 The German Reparations Problem
by Carl Landauer
1948, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 187-187 Samuelson's Foundations: The Role of Mathematics in Economics
by Kenneth E. Boulding - 200-200 Samuelson's Foundations: Its Mathematics
by L. J. Savage - 203-203 Some Locational Factors in the Iron and Steel Industry since the Early Nineteenth Century
by Walter Isard - 218-218 Some Objections to Marginal-Cost Pricing
by William Vickrey - 239-239 The Recession of 1937-38
by Kenneth D. Roose - 249-249 Average-Cost Pricing and the Theory of Uncertainty
by William Fellner - 253-253 The Econometric Approach: A Critical Analysis
by Henry Grayson - 258-258 The Closed Shop and the Taft Act
by Jerome L. Toner
1948, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 109-109 Four Reports on Economic Aid to Europe
by Bert F. Hoselitz - 124-124 Postwar Taxation in Japan
by Henry Shavell - 138-138 The Supreme Court and the Architects of Economic Legislation
by James H. Stauss - 157-157 Supporting Agricultural Prices by Concealed Dumping
by Theodore W. Schultz - 166-166 The C.E.D. on Federal Tax Reform
by O. H. Brownlee
1948, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-1 Individual and Collective Wants
by Theo Suranyi-Unger
1947, Volume 55, Issue 6
- 497-497 The Role of the International Monetary Agreements in a World of Planned Economies
by Raymond F. Mikesell - 513-513 Reflections on the "Labor Monopoly" Issue
by Richard A. Lester - 537-537 Salvation by Science: The Gospel According to Professor Lundberg
by Frank H. Knight - 553-553 Bank Capital: The Problem Restated
by Tynan Smith & Raymond E. Hengren - 567-567 Reconciling Agricultural and Foreign Trade Policies
by D. Gale Johnson - 572-572 Leakage Problems in Flexible Taxation
by Theodore A. Sumberg
1947, Volume 55, Issue 5
- 405-405 Lerner on the Economics of Control
by Milton Friedman - 417-417 The Beginning of Competitive Banking in Philadelphia, 1782-1809
by Anna Jacobson Schwartz - 432-432 The Kinky Oligopoly Demand Curve and Rigid Prices
by George J. Stigler - 450-450 A Reconsideration of the Marginal Productivity Theory
by M. W. Reder - 459-459 Foreign Investment and Full Employment
by Kenneth K. Kurihara
1947, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 323-323 Worker Response and Social Background
by Melville Dalton - 333-333 The Position of the Treasury Bill in the Public Debt
by Edward C. Simmons - 346-346 Measuring State and Regional Business Cycles
by Rutledge Vining - 352-352 The Effect of Replacement Investment on National Income and Employment
by S. P. Dobrovolsky - 359-359 Pritchard on the Federal Reserve Bank Note: Comment
by E. A. Goldenweiser - 360-360 The Federal Reserve Bank Note: A Reply
by Leland J. Pritchard
1947, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 189-189 Public Policy in Labor Disputes: The Crisis of 1946
by Orme W. Phelps