June 2014, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 166-175 Fuelwood, crops and acorns from Iritegi cave (Oñati, Basque Country)
by Aitor Moreno-Larrazabal & Eloisa Uribarri & Xabier Peñalver & Lydia Zapata - 176-176 The Geoarchaeology of Lake Michigan Coastal Dunes
by Jason T. Jordan - 177-178 Plant use and crop husbandry in an early Neolithic village: Vaihingen an der Enz, Baden-Württemberg
by Scott Timpany - 179-180 Early Hominin Paleoecology
by Isabelle C. Winder
February 2014, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-11 Changing role of nearshore-marine foods in the subsistence economy of inland upland communities during the last millennium in the tropical Pacific Islands: Insights from the Bā River Valley, Northern Viti Levu Island, Fiji
by Kasey F. Robb & Patrick D. Nunn - 12-22 Exaptation and synanthropic insects: A diachronic interplay between biology and culture
by Gary A. King - 23-38 Archaeological wells in southern France: Late Neolithic to Roman plant remains from Mas de Vignoles IX (Gard) and their implications for the study of settlement, economy and environment
by Isabel Figueiral & Pierre Séjalon - 39-54 Galilee Blooming: First palynological and archaeological data from an Early Byzantine Cistern at Horvat Kur
by Frank H. Neumann & Jürgen Zangenberg & Yinon Shivti'el & Stefan Münger - 55-71 Lake levels, mobility and lithic raw material selection and reduction strategies: A Great Lakes case study
by Robert A. Cook & William A. Lovis - 72-83 Deer use in good times and in bad: A Fort Ancient case study from southwest Ohio
by Jacob Deppen & Robert A. Cook - 84-87 Comparison of mangrove oyster shells lengths harvested in Cuba during the pre-Columbian era and the present day
by René J. Buesa - 88-89 A Bioarchaeological Study of Medieval Burials on the Site of St Mary Spital: Excavations at Spitalfields Market, London E1, 1991–2007
by Tina Jakob - 90-91 Animals as Domesticates. A World View through History
by Arturo Morales - 92-93 Neanderthals Among Mammoths: Excavations at Lynford Quarry, Norfolk
by Ariane Burke
October 2013, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 189-190 Animal–plant interactions on the Iranian plateau and in adjacent areas: Using bioarchaeological methods in the reconstruction of agro-pastoral practices
by Marjan Mashkour & Margareta Tengberg - 191-200 A bioarchaeological investigation of three late Chalcolithic pits at Ovçular Tepesi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan)
by Rémi Berthon & Alexia Decaix & Zsófia Eszter Kovács & Wim Van Neer & Margareta Tengberg & George Willcox & Thomas Cucchi - 201-210 Fossil beetles as possible evidence for transhumance during the middle and late Holocene in the high mountains of Talysch (Talesh) in NW Iran?
by Philippe Ponel & Valérie Andrieu-Ponel & Morteza Djamali & Hamid Lahijani & Michelle Leydet & Marjan Mashkour - 211-221 Archaeobotanical results from Sarazm, Tajikistan, an Early Bronze Age Settlement on the edge: Agriculture and exchange
by Robert N. Spengler & George Willcox - 222-246 Bio-archaeological studies at Konar Sandal, Halil Rud basin, southeastern Iran
by Marjan Mashkour & Margareta Tengberg & Zohreh Shirazi & Youssef Madjidzadeh - 247-256 Agropastoralism and archaeobiology: Connecting plants, animals and people in west and central Asia
by Naomi F. Miller
June 2013, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 87-101 Hunting, gathering, fishing and herding: Animal exploitation in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) during the second half of the fifth millennium BC
by Wim Van Neer & Anton Ervynck & An Lentacker & Jan Bastiaens & Koen Deforce & Els Thieren & Joris Sergant & Philippe Crombé - 102-113 Dynamics of pioneer colonisation in the Early Iron Age in the Duero basin (Central Iberia, Spain): Integrating archaeological and palynological records
by Antonio Blanco-González & José Antonio López-Sáez - 114-131 Roman landscape and agriculture on the Ligurian coast through macro and microremains from a Vada Sabatia well (Vado Ligure, Italy)
by Daniele Arobba & Francesca Bulgarelli & Consolata Siniscalco & Rosanna Caramiello - 132-142 The relative abundance of Onthophagus species in British assemblages of dung beetles as evidence for Holocene climate change
by Mark Robinson - 143-153 Holocene archaeological evidence of extinct and very rare British Scarabaeoidea
by Mark Robinson - 154-164 Ritual practices and collective consumption of animal products at the Iron Age rural settlement of Mas Castellar de Pontós (Girona, Spain) (5th–4th centuries BC)
by Lídia Colominas & Enriqueta Pons & Maria Saña - 165-177 Insect invaders, seasonality and transhumant pastoralism in the Icelandic shieling economy
by Kim Vickers, & Guðrún Sveinbjarnardóttir - 178-183 Changes in survival of cattle (Bos taurus) during Medieval times in two Norwegian cities
by Stein Atle Lie & Rolf W. Lie
February 2013, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-3 Bioarchaeological research on animal dung – possibilities and limitations
by Elena Marinova & Veerle Linseele & Marlu Kühn - 5-17 Species identification of archaeological dung remains: A critical review of potential methods
by Veerle Linseele & Heiko Riemer & Jan Baeten & Dirk De Vos & Elena Marinova & Claudio Ottoni - 18-30 What goes in does not always come out: The impact of the ruminant digestive system of sheep on plant material, and its importance for the interpretation of dung-derived archaeobotanical assemblages
by Michael Wallace & Michael Charles - 31-42 Towards a distinction between digested and undigested glume bases in the archaeobotanical record from Neolithic northern Greece: A preliminary experimental investigation
by Soultana Maria Valamoti - 43-57 Methods for the examination of cattle, sheep and goat dung in prehistoric wetland settlements with examples of the sites Alleshausen-Täschenwiesen and Alleshausen-Grundwiesen (around cal 2900 BC) at Lake Federsee, south-west Germany
by Marlu Kühn & Ursula Maier & Christoph Herbig & Kristin Ismail-Meyer & Matthieu Le Bailly & Lucia Wick - 58-71 Animal dung from arid environments and archaeobotanical methodologies for its analysis: An example from animal burials of the Predynastic elite cemetery HK6 at Hierakonpolis, Egypt
by Elena Marinova & Philippa Ryan & Wim Van Neer & Renée Friedman - 72-81 Holocene hyrax dung deposits in the afroalpine belt of the Bale Mountains (Ethiopia) and their palaeoclimatic implication
by E. A. Kuzmicheva & H Debella & B Khasanov & O Krylovich & A Babenko & A Savinetsky & E Severova & S Yirga - 82-85 Book Reviews
by The Editors
October 2012, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 111-117 Charred remains of grains and seeds from the medieval high-status farm site of Reykholt in western Iceland
by Garðar Guðmundsson & Guðrún Sveinbjarnardóttir & Gordon Hillman - 118-125 MtDNA haplotype identification of aurochs remains originating from the Czech Republic (Central Europe)
by René Kyselý & Martin Hájek - 126-140 Diversity in foddering strategy and herd management in late Bronze Age Britain: An isotopic investigation of pigs and other fauna from two midden sites
by Richard Madgwick & Jacqui Mulville & Rhiannon E Stevens - 141-150 ‘Well, Sextus, what can we do with this?’ The disposal and use of insect-infested grain in Roman Britain
by David Smith & Harry Kenward - 151-167 Isotopic and zooarchaeological investigation of later medieval and post-medieval cattle husbandry at Dudley Castle, West Midlands
by Abigail Fisher & Richard Thomas - 168-176 Big fish and great auks: Exploitation of birds and fish on the Isle of Portland, Dorset, during the Romano-British period
by Mark Maltby & Sheila Hamilton-Dyer - 177-184 Deep-sea fishing in the Iron Age? New evidence from Broxmouth hillfort, South–east Scotland
by Hannah Russ & Ian Armit & Jo McKenzie & Andrew K G Jones - 185-190 Reviews
by The Editors
April 2012, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-10 A review of published sources for age at death in cattle
by Gillian G Jones & Peta Sadler - 11-28 Age at death in cattle: methods, older cattle and known-age reference material
by Gillian G Jones & Peta Sadler - 29-44 Stable isotope insights (δ18O, δ13C) into cattle and sheep husbandry at Bercy (Paris, France, 4th millennium BC): birth seasonality and winter leaf foddering
by Marie Balasse & Loïc Boury & Joël Ughetto-Monfrin & Anne Tresset - 45-65 Multiproxy environmental archaeology of Neolithic settlements at Osłonki, Poland, 5500–4000 BC
by Peter Bogucki & Dorota Nalepka & Ryszard Grygiel & Bolesław Nowaczyk - 66-79 Turf roofs and urban archaeological build-up
by Harry Kenward & Allan Hall & Andrew Jones - 80-94 A spatial approach to upland vegetation change and human impact: the Aber Valley, Snowdonia
by Jessie Woodbridge & Ralph Fyfe & Ben Law & Amy Haworth-Johns - 95-103 Thousand years of vegetation history revealed by pollen in a sandy soil, central Netherlands
by Willy Groenman-van Waateringe - 104-107 Reviews
by The Editors
October 2011, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 79-81 Recent studies in Australian palaeoecology and zooarchaeology: a volume in honour of the late Su Solomon
by Jillian Garvey & Judith Field - 82-96 Diet and health at Chinikihá, Chiapas, Mexico: some preliminary results
by Coral Montero López & Luis Fernando Núñez & Pedro Morales & Edith Cienfuegos & Francisco Otero - 97-112 Modern emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) butchery, economic utility and analogues for the Australian archaeological record
by Jillian Garvey & Brett Cochrane & Judith Field & Chris Boney - 113-123 Testing the impact of environmental zone on experimental taphonomic faunal models
by Melanie Fillios - 124-136 Crocodile ecology and the taphonomy of early Australasian sites
by Michael C. Westaway & Jessica C. Thompson & Walter B. Wood & Jackson Njau - 137-150 Late Holocene mollusc exploitation and changing near-shore environments: a case study from the coastal margin of Blue Mud Bay, northern Australia
by Patrick Faulkner - 151-161 The antics of ants: ants as agents of bioturbation in a midden deposit in south-east Queensland
by Richard Robins & Andrew Robins - 162-172 Palaeoecological evidence associated with earth mounds of the Murray Riverine Plain, south-eastern Australia
by Sarah Martin - 173-180 Reviews
by Reviewers
April 2011, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-15 Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction at an oxbow lake situated at the lower Nottawasaga River, southern Ontario, Canada
by Mary J. Thornbush & Joseph R. Desloges - 16-35 Charcoal analysis of industrial fuelwood from medieval and early modern iron-working sites in Bilsdale and Rievaulx, North Yorkshire, UK: evidence for species selection and woodland management
by Jane Wheeler - 36-48 Early Holocene land snail exploitation in northern spain: the case of La Fragua cave
by F. Igor Gutiérrez Zugasti - 49-57 Insects in an abandoned landscape: late Holocene palaeoentomological investigations at Sandhavn, Southern Greenland
by Kim Vickers & Eva Panagiotakopulu - 58-64 Paraffin flotation for archaeoentomological research: is it really efficient?
by Mélanie Rousseau - 65-76 Reviews
by Reviewers
October 2010, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 109-112 Early agriculture in uncertain climates: themes and approaches
by Amy Bogaard & Nicki Whitehouse - 113-123 Was low atmospheric CO2 a limiting factor in the origin of agriculture?
by Jennifer Cunniff & Michael Charles & Glynis Jones & Colin P. Osborne - 124-138 Reassessing the evidence for the cultivation of wild crops during the Younger Dryas at Tell Abu Hureyra, Syria
by Sue Colledge & James Conolly - 139-159 Declining oaks, increasing artistry, and cultivating rice: the environmental and social context of the emergence of farming in the Lower Yangtze Region
by Dorian Q. Fuller & Ling Qin - 160-172 Holocene environmental change and the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in north-west Europe: revisiting two models
by Rick Schulting - 173-182 Short climatic fluctuations and their impact on human economies and societies: the potential of the Neolithic lake shore settlements in the Alpine foreland
by Jörg Schibler & Stefanie Jacomet - 183-198 Tolerating change at Late Chalcolithic Tell Brak: responses of an early urban society to an uncertain climate
by Michael Charles & Hugues Pessin & Mette Marie Hald - 199-206 Reviews
by Reviewers
April 2010, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-15 Livestock and deadstock in early medieval Europe from the North Sea to the Baltic
by Terry O'Connor - 16-31 Environmental reconstruction of a later prehistoric palaeochannel record from Burrs Countryside Park, Bury, Greater Manchester
by David N. Smith & Mark Fletcher & Katie Head & Wendy Smith & Andy J. Howard - 32-42 Evidence for long-term averaging of strontium in bovine enamel using TIMS and LA-MC-ICP-MS strontium isotope intra-molar profiles
by Janet Montgomery & Jane A. Evans & Matthew S. A. Horstwood - 43-63 Ancient agriculture and domestic activities: a contextual approach studying silica phytoliths and other microfossils in soils
by M. Alejandra Korstanje & Patricia Cuenya - 64-80 Vegetation recolonisation of abandoned agricultural terraces on Antikythera, Greece
by Carol Palmer & Sue Colledge & Andrew Bevan & James Conolly - 81-91 Commercial zooarchaeology in the United Kingdom
by James Morris - 92-107 Reviews
by Reviewers
October 2009, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 103-136 Size and shape of the Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa), with a view to the reconstruction of its Holocene history
by Umberto Albarella & Keith Dobney & Peter Rowley-Conwy - 137-154 Dental microwear study of pigs from the classical site of Sagalassos (SW Turkey) as an aid for the reconstruction of husbandry practices in ancient times
by Sofie Vanpoucke & Ingrid Mainland & Bea De Cupere & Marc Waelkens - 155-162 Late Upper Palaeolithic fishing in the Fucino Basin, central Italy, a detailed analysis of the remains from Grotta di Pozzo
by Hannah Russ & Andrew K. G. Jones - 163-175 Thorny burnet (Sarcopoterium spinosum L.) in a Roman shipwreck off the Israeli coast and the role of non-timber shrubs in ancient Mediterranean ships
by Baruch Rosen & Ehud Galili & Mina Weinstein-Evron - 176-183 How the Romans got themselves into hot water: temperatures and fuel types used in firing a hypocaust
by Laura C. McParland & Zoë Hazell & Gill Campbell & Margaret E. Collinson & Andrew C. Scott - 184-190 The re-identification of great bustard (Otis tarda) from Fishbourne Roman Palace, Chichester, West Sussex, as common crane (Grus grus)
by Martyn G. Allen - 191-203 Reviews
by Reviewers
April 2009, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-14 Stable isotope evidence for seasonal consumption of marine seaweed by modern and archaeological sheep in the Orkney archipelago (Scotland)
by Marie Balasse & Ingrid Mainland & Michael P. Richards - 15-26 Did the Romans bring fallow deer to Portugal?
by Simon Davis & Michael MacKinnon - 27-36 The impact of human activities on the natural environment of the Canary Islands (Spain) during the pre-Hispanic stage (3rd–2nd Century BC to 15th Century AD): an overview
by Jacob Morales & Amelia Rodríguez & Verónica Alberto & Carmen Machado & Constantino Criado - 37-49 Location of the ancient Tindari harbour from geoarchaeological investigations (NE Sicily)
by Carla Bottari & Maria D'Amico & Monica Maugeri & Antonio Bottari & Giuliana D'Addezio & Biagio Privitera & Gabriella Tigano - 50-61 Roman mining on Exmoor: a geomorphological approach at Anstey's Combe, Dulverton
by Antony Brown & Jenny Bennett & Edward Rhodes - 62-75 Hydrological monitoring of an alluviated landscape in the lower Great Ouse valley at Over, Cambridgeshire: the quarry restoration phase
by Charles French - 76-89 Plants in Late Medieval festivals and customs in written and pictorial sources from southern central Europe
by U¨lle Sillasoo - 90-102 Reviews
by Reviewers
October 2008, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 101-110 Offshore and intertidal peat deposits, England — a resource assessment and development of a database
by Zoë J. Hazell - 111-121 Beyond means to meaning: using distributions of shell shapes to reconstruct past collecting strategies
by Greg Campbell - 123-133 Human remains in marine archaeology
by Simon Mays - 135-142 Relics of 16th-century gutted herring from a Dutch vessel
by Roel C. G. M. Lauwerier & Frits J. Laarman - 143-152 Coastal exploitation in the Mesolithic of western France: la Pointe Saint-Gildas (Préfailles)
by Catherine Dupont & Grégor Marchand - 153-164 The estimation of body weight of the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) from skeletal measurements: preliminary analyses and application to archaeological material from 17th- and 18th-century northern Finland
by Anna-Kaisa Puputti & Markku Niskanen - 165-179 Differentiating between bone fragments from horses and cattle: a histological identification method for archaeology
by Saddha Cuijpers & Roel C. G. M. Lauwerier - 181-188 Plant macroremains from the Roman harbour of Pisa (Italy)
by Andrea Bertacchi & Tiziana Lombardi & Alessandra Sani & Paolo Emilio Tomei - 189-202 Reviews
by Reviewers
April 2008, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-10 Selective use of Cornus sanguinea L. (red dogwood) for Neolithic fish traps in the Netherlands
by Welmoed A. Out - 11-36 New Plant Foods in Roman Britain — Dispersal and Social Access
by Marijke van der Veen & Alexandra Livarda & Alistair Hill - 37-50 Desiccated plant macrofossils from the medieval castle of Marmorera, Switzerland, with a note on the identification of leaves of Cyperaceae
by Örni Akeret & Marlu Kühn - 51-57 Insect invaders of reconstructed Anglo-Saxon houses at West Stow, Suffolk, England
by Harry Kenward & Jess Tipper - 59-83 Determining the preservation rating of submerged archaeology in the post-glacial southern North Sea: a first-order geomorphological approach
by Ingrid Ward & Piers Larcombe - 85-100 Reviews
by Reviewers
October 2007, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 115-127 The expansion of Araucaria forest in the southern Brazilian highlands during the last 4000 years and its implications for the development of the Taquara/Itararé Tradition
by José Iriarte & Hermann Behling - 129-138 Corondó: palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and palaeoethnobotanical considerations in a probable locus of early plant cultivation (south-eastern Brazil)
by Rita Scheel-Ybert & Ondemar F. Dias - 139-159 Exploitation of wild mammals in South-west Ethiopia during the Holocene (4000 BC–500 AD): the finds from Moche Borago shelter (Wolayta)
by Joséphine Lesur & Jean-Denis Vigne & Xavier Gutherz - 161-174 Monastic diet in Late Antique Egypt: zooarchaeological finds from Kom el-Nana and Tell el-Amarna, Middle Egypt
by Rosemary M. Luff - 175-185 Neolithic cod (Gadus morhua) and herring (Clupea harengus) fisheries in the Baltic Sea, in the light of fine-mesh sieving: a comparative study of subfossil fishbone from the late Stone Age sites at Ajvide, Gotland, Sweden and Jettböle, Åland, Finland
by Carina Olson & Yvonne Walther - 187-206 The palaeoecology of a high status Icelandic farm
by Guðrún Sveinbjarnardóttir & Egill Erlendsson & Kim Vickers & Tom H. McGovern & Karen B. Milek & Kevin J. Edwards & Ian A. Simpson & Gordon Cook - 207-214 Comparing different pre-treatment methods for strongly compacted organic sediments prior to wet-sieving: a case study on Roman waterlogged deposits
by Patricia Vandorpe & Stefanie Jacomet - 215-224 Reviews
by Reviewers
April 2007, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-23 Models of faunal processing and economy in Early Holocene interior Alaska
by Ben A. Potter - 25-47 Tethered mobility and riparian resource exploitation among Neolithic hunters and herders in the Galana River basin, Kenyan coastal lowlands
by David K. Wright - 49-70 Early Neolithic woodland composition and exploitation in the Southern Levant: a comparison between archaeobotanical remains from WF16 and present-day woodland at Hammam Adethni
by Steven Mithen & Phil Austen & Amanda Kennedy & Helen Emberson & Neil Lancaster & Bill Finlayson - 71-86 Methodologies for assessment of the state of preservation of pollen and plant macrofossil remains in waterlogged deposits
by Julie Jones & Heather Tinsley & Richard Brunning - 87-94 Peat re-excavated at the Abbey of Ename (Belgium): archaeobotanical evidence for peat extraction and long distance transport in Flanders around 1200 AD
by Koen Deforce & Jan Bastiaens & Vera Ameels - 95-112 Reviews
by Reviewers
October 2006, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 147-170 Hesitant hunters: a review of the introduction of agriculture in western Norway
by Kari Loe Hjelle & Anne Karin Hufthammer & Knut Andreas Bergsvik - 171-186 Assessing the later prehistoric environmental archaeology and landscape development of the Cetina Valley, Croatia
by David Smith & Vince Gaffney & Darja Grossman & Andy J. Howard & Ante Milošević & Krištof Ostir & Tomaš Podobnikar & Wendy Smith & Emma Tetlow & Martin Tingle & Heather Tinsley - 187-205 Coastal connections, local fishing, and sustainable egg harvesting: patterns of Viking Age inland wild resource use in Mývatn district, Northern Iceland
by Thomas H. McGovern & Sophia Perdikaris & Árni Einarsson & Jane Sidell - 207-218 The dating of Doggerland – post-glacial geochronology of the southern North Sea
by Ingrid Ward & Piers Larcombe & Malcolm Lillie - 219-246 The archaeobotany of Indian pulses: identification, processing and evidence for cultivation
by Dorian Q Fuller & Emma L. Harvey - 247-251 Nuts in the Netherlands: Attalea and other nuts from archaeological contexts, dating from the 16th to 19th century AD
by Marloes Rijkelijkhuizen & Louise van Wijngaarden-Bakker - 253-256 Reviews
by Reviewers
April 2006, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 2-2 Corrections for Issue 10.2
by The Editors - 3-5 Economic and environmental changes during the 4th and 3rd millennia BC: the 25th Jubilee Symposium of the AEA in Bad Buchau, southern Germany
by Sabine Karg & Ralf Baumeister & David Earle Robinson & Helmut Schlichtherle - 7-17 Economics and environmental change during the Late Mesolithic and Neolithic periods — investigations in the valley of the Gieselau near Albersdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
by Stefan Reiß & Rüdiger Kelm & Hans Rudolf Bork - 19-34 Impulses of agro-pastoralism in the 4th and 3rd millennia BC on the south-western coastal rim of Norway
by Mari Høgestøl & Lisbeth Prøsch-Danielsen - 35-48 Draught cattle and the South Scandinavian economies of the 4th millennium BC
by Niels Nørkjær Johannsen - 49-64 The economy and environment of the 4th and 3rd millennia BC in the northern Alpine foreland based on studies of animal bones
by Jörg Schibler - 65-85 Plant economy of the northern Alpine lake dwellings — 3500–2400 cal. BC
by Stefanie Jacomet - 87-99 Firewood economy during the 4th millennium BC at Lake Clairvaux, Jura, France
by Alexa Dufraisse - 101-114 Ecology and economy of the Late Neolithic Jevišovice culture in Austria. An interdisciplinary working program
by Alexandra Krenn-Leeb - 115-124 Pollen, herds, jasper and copper mines: economic and environmental changes during the 4th and 3rd millennia BC in Liguria (NW Italy)
by Andrea De Pascale & Roberto Maggi & Carlo Montanari & Diego Moreno - 125-130 The water chestnut (Trapa natans L.) as a food resource during the 4th to 1st millennia BC at Lake Federsee, Bad Buchau (southern Germany)
by Sabine Karg - 131-142 Archaeobotanical investigations in a settlement of the Horgener culture (3300 BC) 'Torwiesen II' at Lake Federsee, southern Germany (Archäobotanische Untersuchungen in einer Siedlung der Horgener Kultur (3300 BC) 'Torwiesen II' am Federsee, Süddeutschland)
by Christoph Herbig - 143-144 Remains of fly puparia as indicators of Neolithic cattle farming
by Edith Schmidt
October 2005, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 113-126 Decadal-scale sea ice changes in the Canadian Arctic and their impacts on humans during the past 4,000 years
by Peta J. Mudie & Andre Rochon & Elisabeth Levac - 127-142 Fishing Booths and Fishing Strategies in Medieval Iceland: an Archaeofauna from the of Akurvík, North-West Iceland
by Colin Amundsen & Sophia Perdikaris & Thomas H. McGovern & Yekaterina Krivogorskaya & Matthew Brown & Konrad Smiarowski & Shaye Storm & Salena Modugno & Malgorzata Frik & Monica Koczela - 143-151 New Evidence for the Date of Introduction of the House Mouse, Mus musculus domesticus Schwartz & Schwartz, and the Field Mouse, Apodemus sylvaficus (L.), to Shetland
by Rebecca A. Nicholson & Pauline Barber & Julie M. Bond - 153-169 Detecting the Seasonal Slaughtering of Domestic Mammals: Inferences from the Detailed Recording of Tooth Eruption and Wear
by Anton Ervynck - 171-178 Modern Coleoptera from Non-cereal Thatch: A Poor Analogue for Roofing Material from the Archaeological Record
by David N. Smith & John Letts & Mike Jones - 179-197 Puffins, Pigs, Cod and Barley: Palaeoeconomy at Undir Junkarinsfløtti, Sandoy, Faroe Islands
by Mike J. Church & Símun V. Arge & Seth Brewington & Thomas H. McGovern & Jim M Woollett & Sophia Perdikaris & Ian T. Lawson & Gordon T. Cook & Colin Amundsen & Ramona Harrison & Yekaterina Krivogorskaya & Elaine Dunbar - 199-215 Landscape Archaeology in a Dry-Stream Valley near Tell es-Sâfì/Gath (Israel): Agricultural Terraces and the Origin of Fill Deposits
by Oren Ackermann & Hendrik J. Bruins & Pariente Sarah & Helena Zhevelev & Aren M. Maeir - 217-224 Book Reviews
by Reviewers
April 2005, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-18 Reconstructing Woodland Vegetation and its Exploitation by Past Societies, based on the Analysis and Interpretation of Archaeological Wood Charcoal Macro-Remains
by Eleni Asouti & Phil Austin - 19-38 Prehistoric Use of Ringed Seals: A Zooarchaeological Study from Arctic Canada
by Maribeth Suzanne Murray - 39-49 Early Bronze Age Crop Plants from Yenibademli Höyük (Gökçeada), Western Turkey
by Emel Oybak Dönmez - 51-71 Sub-Local Differences in Late Holocene Land Use at Orstad, Jæren in SW Norway, revealed by Soil Pollen Stratigraphy
by Barbara M. Sageidet - 73-82 Wild and Cultivated Vegetables, Herbs and Spices in Greek Antiquity (900 B.C. to 400 B.C.)
by Fragkiska Megaloudi - 83-90 An Experimental Approach to the Disaggregation of Samples from Peat Deposits
by Joanna Bending - 91-96 First Discovery of Black Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) Pollen in a Late Bronze Age Well at Sint-Gillis-Waas (Flanders, Belgium): Contamination or in situ Deposition?
by Vanessa Gelorini & Jean Bourgeois - 97-103 'Science is Measurement'; ABMAP, a Database of Domestic Animal Bone Measurements
by Dale Serjeantson - 105-111 Book Reviews
by Reviewers
October 2004, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 113-115 Human Exploitation and Biota of Islands
by Nicki J. Whitehouse & Eileen M. Murphy & Gill Plunkett - 117-121 Island Differentiation Muddied by Island Biogeographers
by Sam J. Berry - 123-126 The Archaeological Record of Birds in Britain and Ireland Compared: Extinctions or Failures to Arrive?
by Derek W. Yalden & Robert I. Carthy - 127-134 Human Interference on Ascension Island
by Stephen A. Royle - 135-142 Reconsidering Evidence of Tasmanian Fishing
by Everett Bassett - 143-154 From Harvesting the Sea to Stock Rearing Along the Atlantic Façade of North-West Europe
by Rick Schulting & Anne Tresset & Catherine Dupont - 155-162 The Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition on the Channel Islands: Adopting Agriculture in an Emerging Island Landscape
by David Bukach - 163-171 Post-Beaker Period Death and Burial at Northton, Isle Of Harris, Scotland
by Eileen Murphy & Richard Gregory & Derek Simpson - 173-178 Connections and Distance: Investigating Social and Agricultural Issues Relating to Early Medieval Crannogs in Ireland
by Christina Fredengren & Meriel McClatchie & Ingelise Stuijts - 179-188 The Food Economies of Atlantic Island Monasteries: The Documentary and Archaeo-Environmental Evidence
by Emily Murray & Finbar McCormick & Gill Plunkett - 189-198 Islands in Wilderness: The Changing Medieval Use of the East Anglian Peat Fens, England
by Rachel Ballantyne - 199-208 'Islands' in Holocene Forests: Implications for Forest Openness, Landscape Clearance and 'Culture-Steppe' Species
by Nicki J. Whitehouse & David N. Smith - 209-209 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors
April 2004, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-12 Hydrological Monitoring of an Alluviated Landscape in the Lower Great Ouse Valley at Over, Cambridgeshire: Results of the Gravel Extraction Phase
by Charles French - 13-38 A Record of Atmospheric Pollution and Vegetation Change as Recorded in Three Peat Bogs from the Northern Pennines Pb-Zn Orefield
by Tim M. Mighall & Lisa Dumayne-Peaty & David Cranstone - 39-45 Plant Remains as Indicators of Seasonality of Site-Use in the Mesolithic Period
by Petra Dark - 47-59 Do Insect Remains from Historic-Period Archaeological Occupation Sites Track Climate Change in Northern England?
by Harry Kenward - 61-74 Archaeological Implications of Plant and Invertebrate Remains from Fills of a Massive Post-Medieval Cut at Low Fisher Gate, Doncaster, U.K
by Harry K. Kenward & Allan R. Hall & Jane M. McCamish - 75-83 The Introduction of Fallow Deer to Britain: A Zooarchaeological Perspective
by Naomi Sykes - 85-98 Fragmentation: The Zonation Method Applied to Fragmented Human Remains from Archaeological and Forensic Contexts
by Christopher J. Knüsel & Alan K. Outram - 99-106 Phytoliths from a Norse Greenlandic Quern Stone: A Preliminary Investigation
by Julie M. Ross - 107-111 Book Reviews
by Reviewers - 113-113 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors
October 2003, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 97-109 High Resolution Stratigraphic Distribution of Coprolites within Eneolithic Middens, a Case Study: Hârsova-Tell (Constanta County, Southeast Romania)
by Alexandru Mihail Florian Tomescu & Valentin Radu & Dragos Moise - 111-118 Bones and Eggs. The Archaeological Presence of the Grass Snake Natrix natrix (L.) in The Netherlands
by Louise H. van Wijngaarden-Bakker & Kees D. Troostheide - 119-128 Comparing Levels of Subsistence Stress amongst Norse Settlers in Iceland and Greenland using Levels of Bone Fat Exploitation as an Indicator
by Alan K. Outram - 129-144 Pattern in Thinly-Distributed Plant and Invertebrate Macrofossils revealed by Extensive Analysis of Occupation Deposits at Low Fisher Gate, Doncaster, U.K
by Allan R. Hall & Harry K. Kenward & Jane M. McCamish - 145-165 Neolithic and Bronze Age Agriculture in Southern Scandinavia – Recent Archaeobotanical Evidence from Denmark
by David Earle Robinson - 167-175 Technical Notes on the Preparation of Leaf and Epidermis Specimens for Reference Collections and Archaeobotanical Investigations
by Andrew Stephen Fairbairn - 177-183 Phytoliths of Rice detected in the Neolithic Sites in the Valley of the Taihu Lake in China
by Yunfei Zheng & Akira Matsui & Hiroshi Fujiwara - 185-187 South American Palm Seeds (Orbignya sp.) in Dutch Shipwrecks
by Wim Kuijper & Martijn Manders - 188-192 Book Reviews
by Reviewers - 193-193 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors
April 2003, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-16 Prehistoric Landscapes and Settlement Geography along the Wadi Hasa, West-Central Jordan. Part II: Towards a Model of Palaeoecological Settlement for the Wadi Hasa
by Joseph Schuldenrein & Geoffrey A. Clark - 17-31 Joined-Up Archaeology at Old Scatness, Shetland: Thin Section Analysis of the Site and Hinterland
by Erika B. A. Guttmann & Ian A. Simpson & Stephen J. Dockrill