April 2003, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 33-50 The Use of Pollen, Magnetic and Carbon Analyses in Identifying Agricultural Activity and Soil Erosion from the Neolithic to the Iron Age – A Study of Two Lake Sediment Cores from Jæren, South-Western Norway
by Lisbeth Prøsch-Danielsen & Per Sandgren - 51-59 Dog Cockle Shells as Occasional Finds in Romano-British Shell Middens from Newquay, North Cornwall, UK
by Jan Light - 61-76 An Investigation of Agricultural Consumption and Production Models for Prehistoric and Roman Britain
by Chris J. Stevens - 77-84 Organisation and Management of Seed Reference Collections
by Mark Nesbitt & Sue Colledge & Mary Anne Murray - 85-89 Unusual Use of Freshwater Mussel (Unio sp.) Shells during the Early Bronze Age at Tell es-Sa'idiyeh, Jordan
by Caroline Cartwright - 91-95 Book Reviews
by Reviewers - 97-97 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors
June 2002, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-12 Ancient Fires on Southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada: A Change in Causal Mechanisms at about 2,000 ybp
by Kendrick J. Brown & Richard J. Hebda - 13-22 The Traditional, Historical and Prehistoric Use of Ashes as an Insecticide, with an Experimental Study on the Insecticidal Efficacy of Washed Ash
by Tom Hakbijl - 23-34 Sources of Meat in Colonial Diets: Faunal Evidence from Two Nineteenth Century Tasmanian Whaling Stations
by Susan Lawrence & Catherine Tucker - 35-46 Assessment and Further Development of the Recording and Interpretation of Linear Enamel Hypoplasia in Archaeological Pig Populations
by Keith Dabney & Anton Ervynck & Beverly La Ferla - 47-60 British Agriculture: Texts for the Zoo-Archaeologist
by Simon J. M. Davis - 61-76 Fish Otoliths and their Relevance to Archaeology: An Analysis of Medieval, Post-Medieval, and Recent Material of Plaice, Cod and Haddock from the North Sea
by Wim Van Neer & Anton Ervynck & Loes J. Bolle & Richard S. Millner & Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp - 77-88 Derivation and Application of a Food Utility Index (FUI) for European Wild Boar (Sus scrofa L.)
by Peter Rowley-Conwy & Paul Halstead & Patricia Collins - 89-94 A Donkey (Equus asinus L.) Partial Skeleton from a Mid-Late Anglo-Saxon Alluvial Layer at Deans Yard Westminster, London SW1
by Ian L. Baxter - 95-99 Iron Age Cultigen? Experimental Return Rates for Fat Hen (Chenopodium album L.)
by Paul Stokes & Peter Rowley-Conwy - 101-106 Wetland Microfossils in Soil: Implications for the Study of Land Use on Archaeological Landscapes
by Mark Horrocks & Martin D. Jones & Scott L. Nichol & Douglas G. Sutton - 107-111 Book Reviews
by Reviewers - 113-113 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors
June 2001, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-12 The Sediments, Pollen, Plant Macro-Fossils and Insects from a Bronze Age Channel Fill at Yoxall Bridge, Staffordshire
by D. N. Smith & R. Roseff & S. Butler - 13-22 Medieval and Post-Medieval Butchered Dogs from Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland
by Eileen M. Murphy - 23-38 Prehistoric Landscapes and Settlement Geography along the Wadi Hasa, West-Central Jordan. Part I: Geoarchaeology, Human Palaeoecology and Ethnographic Modelling
by Joseph Schuldenrein & Geoffrey A. Clark - 39-57 The Environmental Aspects and Palynological Signals of the “Fairy-Circles” – Ancient Earthworks linked to Coastal Heathland in South-Western Norway
by Lisbeth Prøsch-Danielsen - 59-71 New Aspects of Archaeobotanical Research in Central European Neolithic Lake Dwelling Sites
by Sabine Hosch & Stefanie Jacomet - 73-86 The Significance of Animals to the Early Medieval Frisians in the Northern Coastal Area of the Netherlands: Archaeozoological, Iconographic, Historical and Literary Evidence
by Wietske Prummel - 87-90 Wishful Thinking and the Introduction of the Rabbit to the Low Countries
by Roel C. G. M. Lauwerier & Jørn T. Zeiler - 91-96 The Roman Well at Piddington, Northamptonshire, England: an Investigation of the Coleopterous Fauna
by Tina Simpson - 97-102 Experimental SEM Determination of Game Mammalian Bloodstains on Stone Tools
by Policarp Hortolà - 103-111 Book Reviews
by Reviewers - 113-114 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors
June 2000, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-19 Palaeoenvironmental and Archaeological Implications of Isotopic Analyses (13C, 15N) from Neolithic to Present in Qazvin Plain (Iran)
by Hervé Bocherens & Marjan Mashkour & Daniel Billiou - 21-34 Tephrochronology, Environmental Change and the Norse Settlement of Iceland
by Andrew J. Dugmore & Anthony J. Newton & Guðrún Larsen & Gordon T. Cook - 35-48 Production, Imports and Status: Biological Remains from a Late Roman Farm at Great Holts Farm, Boreham, Essex, UK
by Peter Murphy & Umberto Albarella & Mark Germany & Alison Locker - 49-62 Carbonised Cereal from Three Late Neolithic and Two Early Bronze Age Sites in Western Norway
by Eli-Christine Soltvedt - 63-71 14C Dating and the Reconstruction of the Sedimentary Environment and Occupational History of Saltés (Atlantic coast, Southern Spain)
by Mark Van Strydonck & Anton Ervynck & Cecile Baeteman & An Lentacker - 73-82 Wood and Plant-use in 17th–19th Century Iceland: Archaeobotanical Analysis of Reykholt, Western Iceland
by Cynthia Zutter - 83-91 Food for the Dogs? The Consumption of Horseflesh at Dudley Castle in the Eighteenth Century
by Richard Thomas & Martin Lacock - 93-106 The Origins of Metallurgy in the Central Balkans based on the Analysis of Cut Marks on Animal Bones
by Haskel J. Greenfield - 107-115 Enamel Ultrastructure of Cattle from the Quaternary Period in India
by Vijay Sathe - 117-119 Saxon Emmer Wheat from the Upper and Middle Thames Valley, England
by Ruth Pelling & Mark Robinson - 121-128 Book Reviews
by Reviewers - 129-129 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors
May 1999, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-8 Lining up on the M1: a Tooth Defect as a Bio-indicator for Environment and Husbandry in Ancient Pigs
by Anton Ervynck & Keith Dabney - 9-17 Coleoptera from Late Medieval Smoke-Blackened Thatch (SBT): their Archaeological Implications
by David Smith & John Letts & Alison Cox - 19-24 Criteria to Distinguish Capsule Fragments of Flax/Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) from Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.)
by Wendy Smith - 25-32 Microwear in Modern Rooting and Stall-fed Pigs: the Potential of Dental Microwear Analysis for Exploring Pig Diet and Management in the Past
by Jayne Ward & Ingrid L. Mainland - 33-40 New Data on Early Medieval Flax Cultivation: an Archaeobotanical Record from Northern Poland
by Małgorzata Latałowa & Włodzimierz Rączkowski - 41-56 Hydrological Monitoring of an Alluviated Landscape in the Lower Great Ouse Valley, Cambridgeshire: Interim Results of the First Three Years
by Charles French & Matthew Davis & Jennifer Heathcote - 57-65 Molluscan Total Assemblages across a Woodland–Grassland Boundary and their Palaeoenvironmental Relevance
by Paul Davies - 67-86 Charting the Emergence of Cereal and Pulse Domestication in South-west Asia
by Andrew Garrard - 87-92 Evidence for 17th and 18th Century Cattle Improvements in Bedford
by Eden Hutchins & Sean Steadman - 93-95 Probable Fibres from Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in Bronze Age Scotland
by Michael L. Ryder - 97-101 An Unexpected Discovery in Medieval Bruges (Flanders, Belgium) : Seeds of the Caper (Capparis spinosa L.)
by Brigitte Cooremans - 103-112 Book Reviews
by Reviewers - 113-113 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors
June 1998, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-3 The Annual Round: an Overview of the AEA Conference 1994
by T. P. O'Connor - 5-11 On the Difficulty of Detecting Seasonal Slaughtering of Sheep
by T. P. O'Connor - 13-22 Analysis of Dental Cementum Rings as an Approach to Azilian Hunting Strategies
by H. Martin - 23-33 Birds: a Seasonal Resource
by Dale Serjeantson - 35-53 Insects in Urban Waste Pits in Viking York: Another Kind of Seasonality
by Harry Kenward & Frances Large - 55-62 Seasonality in a Scottish Diet
by Finbar McCormick - 63-68 The Role of the Pig in Food Conservation and Storage in Traditional Irish Farming
by Mervyn Watson - 69-71 Changing Harvest Dates in Post-medieval Ireland
by Jonathan Bell - 73-80 Fishing: Evidence for Seasonality and Processing of Fish for Preservation in the Northern Isles of Scotland During the Iron Age and Norse Times
by Ruby Cerón-Carrasco - 81-95 Transhumance in Hellenistic Thessaly
by H. Reinder Reinders & Wietske Prummel - 97-102 Seasonal Aspects of Bronze and Iron Age Communities at Ra's al-Hadd, Oman
by Caroline R. Cartwright - 103-107 Some Evidence for Seasonality amongst Later Stone Age Hunter-gatherers in Southern Africa
by Ina Plug - 109-120 Seasonal Variation in Fishing Strategies at Two Iroquoian Village Sites Near Lake Simcoe, Ontario
by Suzanne Needs-Howarth & Stephen Cox Thomas - 121-126 Skates and Prickers from the Circular Fortress of Oost-Souburg, The Netherlands (AD 900–975)
by Roel C. G. M. Lauwerier & Robert M. Van Heeringen - 127-128 Evidence for Seasonality from Coprolites and Recent Faeces?
by Caroline Vermeeren - 129-129 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors
June 1998, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-6 Environmental Archaeology: a Matter of Definition
by T. P. O'Connor - 7-13 Stress as an Aspect of Environmental Studies
by Don Brothwell - 15-28 Fishing in the Northern Isles: a Case Study Based on Fish Bone Assemblages from Two Multi-period Sites on Sanday, Orkney
by Rebecca A. Nicholson - 29-34 Wheat Grain Identification – Why Bother?
by Glynis Jones - 35-48 An Exploration of the Effects of Crop Rotation Regime on Modem Weed Floras
by Carol Palmer - 49-60 Recording the Preservational Condition of Archaeological Insect Fossils
by Harry Kenward & Frances Large - 61-66 Animal Hair in Medieval Ship Caulking Throws Light on Livestock Types
by Michael L. Ryder - 67-69 The Organisation of a Zoo-archaeological Reference Collection of Bird Bones
by Elaine Corke & Simon Davis & Sebastian Payne - 71-72 Pine Marten and Other Animal Species in the Poem Dinogad's Smock
by Craig Cessford - 73-80 Book Reviews
by Reviewers - 81-81 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors
June 1998, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-1 The Archaeology of Fodder: Introduction
by Michael Charles & Paul Halstead & Glynis Jones - 1-10 The Role of Fodder in the Farming System: a Case Study From Northern Jordan
by Carol Palmer - 11-18 Fodder Crops and the 'Agricultural Revolution' in England, 1700–1850
by Tom Williamson - 19-34 European Agriculture Viewed Bottom-side Upwards: Fodder- and Forage-provision in a Traditional Greek Community
by Hamish Forbes - 35-40 Snapping up the Unconsidered Trifles: the Use of Agricultural Residues in Ancient Greek and Roman Farming
by Lin Foxhall - 41-54 They did not Live by Grass Alone: the Politics and Palaeoecology of Animal Fodder in the North Atlantic Region
by Tom Amorosi & Paul C. Buckland & Kevin J. Edwards & Ingrid Mainland & Tom H. McGovern & Jon P. Sadler & Peter Skidmore - 55-62 The Lamb's Last Supper: the Role of Dental Microwear Analysis in Reconstructing Livestock Diet in the Past
by Ingrid L. Mainland - 63-70 Beyond the Barn Beetles: Difficulties in Using Some Coleoptera as Indicators of Stored Fodder
by David Smith - 71-80 Leafy Hay: an Ethnoarchaeological Study in NW Greece
by Paul Halstead & John Tierney & Simon Butler & Ymke Mulder - 81-86 Beech Leaves and Twigs used as Winter Fodder: Examples from Historic and Prehistoric Times
by Jean Nicolas Haas & Sabine Karg & Peter Rasmussen - 87-94 Winter- and Spring-foddering of Sheep/Goat in the Bronze Age Site of Fiavè-Carera, Northern Italy
by Sabine Karg - 95-98 Distinguishing Food from Fodder in the Archaeobotanical Record
by Glynis Jones - 99-109 Fuel Fodder and Faeces: An Ethnographic and Botanical Study of Dung Fuel Use in Central Anatolia
by Seona Anderson & Fusün Ertug-Yaras - 111-122 Fodder From Dung: the Recognition and Interpretation of Dung-Derived Plant Material from Archaeological Sites
by Michael Charles - 123-126 Disentangling Dung: Pathways to Stable Manure
by Allan Hall & Harry Kenward - 127-127 Guidelines for authors
by The Editors