April 2002, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 78-101 Informal investors as entrepreneurs--the development of an entrepreneurial career
by Diamanto Politis & Hans Landström - 103-124 The survival of venture capital backed companies
by Sophie Manigart & Katleen Baeyens & Wim Van Hyfte - 125-146 The venture capitalist and the board of directors in SMEs: Roles and processes
by Jonas Gabrielsson & Morten Huse - 147-168 Entrepreneurial orientation in management buy-outs and the contribution of venture capital
by Hans Bruining & Mike Wright - 169-177 An exploratory investigation of informal venture capitalists in Singapore
by Kevin Hindle & Leo Lee
January 2002, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-5 Government policy to stimulate equity finance and investor readiness
by Michael Queen - 7-23 Missing the target: Assessing the role of government in bridging the European equity gap and enhancing economic growth
by Thomas C. Lawton - 25-43 Government policy on venture capital support in France
by Emmanuelle Dubocage & Dorothée Rivaud-Danset - 45-58 The funding of venture capital in Europe: Issues for public policy
by David Mcglue - 59-76 Plugging the knowledge gap: An international comparison of the role for policy in the venture capital market
by Rebecca Harding
October 2001, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 277-290 New venture management valuation: Assessing complementary capacities by human capital theory
by Truls Erikson & Lars Nerdrum - 291-308 Tango and cash: Entrepreneurial finance and venture capital in Argentina
by Luis E. Pereiro - 309-326 Smart money? The impact of having top venture capital investors and underwriters backing a venture
by Julian E. Lange & William Bygrave & Sakura Nishimoto & James Roedel & Walter Stock - 327-336 Can venture capital-backed IPOs compete with seasoned public companies?
by Susan Belden & Robert Keeley & Robert Knapp - 337-358 Exit strategies of venture capital-backed companies in Singapore
by Clement K. Wang & Valerie Y.L. Sim - 359-367 Raising finance from business angels
by Alex F. De Noble
July 2001, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 183-185 Editorial: Contemporary entrepreneurial finance research
by Einar Häckner & Robert D. Hisrich - 187-213 Embedded fitness landscapes?part 2: Cognitive representation by venture capitalists
by Douglas D. Moesel & James O. Fiet - 215-238 Is there adverse selection in the credit market?
by Robert Cressy & Otto Toivanen - 239-261 Finance and management buyouts: Agency versus entrepreneurship perspectives
by Mike Wright & Robert E. Hoskisson & Lowell W. Busenitz & Jay Dial - 263-274 Financial resources for new business in Russia: Desirable vs available
by Mikhail V. Gratchev & Maria A. Bobina
April 2001, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 85-89 Editorial: A golden era for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance research
by Einar Hackner & Robert D. Hisrich - 91-106 Embedded fitness landscapes-part 1: How a venture capitalist maps highly subjective risk
by Douglas D. Moesel & James O. Fiet & Lowell W. Busenitz - 107-127 The creation of relational rents in venture capitalist-entrepreneur dyads
by Dirk De Clercq & Harry J. Sapienza - 129-149 The venture capitalist-entrepreneur relationship: Control, trust and confidence in co-operative behaviour
by Dean A. Shepherd & Andrew Zacharakis - 151-168 Early stage financing of NTBFs: An analysis of contributions from support actors
by Goran Lindstrom & Christer Olofsson - 169-182 Venture capital in an economy in transition
by Priscilla Chu & Robert D. Hisrich
January 2001, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-24 Prospecting for Gold: How Dutch informal investors appraise small businesses in trouble
by Rolf Visser & Roger Williams - 25-39 The influence of a venture capitalist's source of funds
by Mark Van Osnabrugge & Robert J. Robinson - 41-62 Portfolio investment strategies in the Finnish venture capital industry: A longitudinal study
by Dirk De Clercq & Philip K. Goulet & Mikko Kumpulainen & Manu Mäkelä - 63-83 Patterns of venture capital funding: Is gender a factor?
by Patricia G. Greene & Candida G. Brush & Myra M. Hart & Patrick Saparito
October 2000, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 243-253 Editorial: The role of the public sector in the development of a regional venture capital industry
by Richard T. Harrison & Colin M. Mason - 255-285 Publicly sponsored regional venture capital: what can the UK learn from the US experience?
by Alan Doran & Graham Bannock - 287-311 Venture capital and regional development: Towards a venture capital 'system'
by Rebecca Harding - 313-341 Public venture capital and economic development: The Scottish experience
by Neil Hood - 343-355 The case for an enterprise development fund for Wales
by Helena R. Snee
July 2000, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 167-182 Signaling value to businessangels: The proportion of the entrepreneur's net worth invested in a new venture as a decision signal
by Dev Prasad & Garry D. Bruton & George Vozikis - 183-202 'Deal-makers': Reputation attracts quality
by Peter Kelly & Michael Hay - 203-221 The dynamics of innovation financing in Sweden
by Åsa Lindholm Dahlstrand & Dilek Cetindamar - 223-242 Venture capital market complementarities: The links between business angels and venture capital funds in the United Kingdom
by Richard T. Harrison & Colin M. Mason
April 2000, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 91-109 A comparison of business angel and venture capitalist investment procedures: An agency theory-based analysis
by Mark Van Osnabrugge - 111-127 The role and influence of external directors in small, entrepreneurial companies: Some evidence on VC and non-VC appointed external directors
by David Deakins & Eileen O'Neill & Patrick Mileham - 129-141 The informal venture capital market in Norway ? investor characteristics, behaviour and investment preferences
by Bjornar Reitan & Roger Sorheim - 143-153 Finance in UK high technology small firms: An overview
by Adrian Piper - 155-164 The UK venture capital industry and investment in smaller companies and technology start ups
by Michael Denny
January 2000, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-25 The short-run performance of JASDAQ companies and venture capital involvement before and after flotation
by Kenji Kutsuna & Marc Cowling & Paul Westhead - 27-39 Venture capital investment and US family business
by Nancy Upton & William Petty - 41-59 Courting the European growth firms: A survey of attitudes towards listing alternatives
by Benoit F. Leleux & Daniel F. Muzyka - 61-88 The Swedish venture capital industry: An infant, adolescent or grown-up?
by Dilek Cetindamar Karaomerlioglu & Staffan Jacobsson
October 1999, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 285-302 The application of principal-agent methods to investor-investee relations in the UK venture capital industry
by Gavin C. Reid - 303-324 The syndication of private equity: Evidence from the UK
by Andy Lockett & Mike Wright - 325-349 Conflicts of interest and the performance of venture-capital-backed IPOs: A preliminary look at the UK
by Susanne Espenlaub & Ian Garrett & Wei Peng Mun - 351-384 Early-stage venture capital funds, scale economies and public support
by Gordon Murray
July 1999, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 197-217 Conjoint analysis: A new methodological approach for researching the decision policies of venture capitalists
by Dean A. Shepherd & Andrew Zacharakis - 219-239 High-tech management buy-outs
by Ken Robbie & Mike Wright & Mark Albrighton - 241-257 A venture capital model for transitioning economies: The case of Poland
by Richard T. Bliss - 259-273 Business angels in Japan
by Yasuhisa Tashiro - 275-284 Executive forum: Japan's 'credit crunch' and its consequences for venture finance
by Akio Nishizawa
April 1999, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 101-120 The early-stage equity market in the USA
by Jeffrey E. Sohl - 121-145 Private investors' investment criteria: Insights from qualitative data
by Lisa Feeney & George H. Haines & Allan L. Riding - 147-167 Newly created firms and informal angel investors: A four-stage model of network development
by Lloyd Steier & Royston Greenwood - 169-186 Australia's informal venture capitalists: An exploratory profile
by Kevin Hindle & Robert Wenban - 187-195 Business Angels: Should they fly on their own wings?
by Rudy Aernoudt
January 1999, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-46 Editorial. Venture Capital: Rationale, aims and scope
by Colin Mason - 47-58 European policy towards venture capital: Myth or reality?
by Rudy Aernoudt - 59-82 Management assessment methods in venture capital: An empirical analysis of human capital valuation
by Geoffrey H. Smart - 83-93 Supporting the pre-commercialization stages of technology-based firms: The effects of small-scale venture capital
by Magnus Klofsten