January 2017, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 28-51 Pension principles in the Swedish pension system
by Johannes Hagen - 52-69 The King’s currency: Gustav II Adolf and the copper standard (1619–1632)
by Lawrence Stryker - 70-87 The quest for publicness: political conflict about the organisation of tramways and telecommunication in Sweden, c. 1900–1920
by Mats Hallenberg & Magnus Linnarsson - 88-105 Most-favoured-nation treaty in service of trade? Case: early trade policy relations between Finland and Japan and their impact on the sales networks of the Finnish forest industry
by Juha Sahi - 106-107 Den småländska glasregionens uppgång och fall: En ekonomisk historia [The rise and fall of the glass industry in Småland, Sweden: an economic history]
by Rolv Petter Amdam - 107-109 Store drømmer og harde realiteter: Veibygging og biltrafikk i Norge, 1912–1960 [Big dreams and hard realities: roadbuilding and car traffic in Norway, 1912–1960]
by Olle Krantz - 109-110 ‘Energiemix’ versus ‘Energiewende’: competing conceptualisations of nuclear energy policy in the German parliamentary debates of 1991–2001
by Esa Ruuskanen - 110-112 Norges Bank 1816–2016 [The Central Bank of Norway, 1816–2016]/Norges Bank 1816–2016: En historie i bilder [The Central Bank of Norway 1816–2016. A pictorial history]
by Gunnar Wetterberg
September 2016, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 179-188 Defending dissertations on economic history
by Jari Ojala & Tiina Hemminki & Pasi Nevalainen - 189-201 Exposing the neoclassical fallacy: McCloskey on ideas and the great enrichment
by Barry R. Weingast - 202-218 Testing the demand approach to reconstruct pre-industrial agricultural output
by Rodney Edvinsson - 219-242 Human capital in Britain, 1760–2009
by Jan Kunnas - 243-257 U.S. state fiscal constraints and railroad development through the nineteenth century
by John A. Dove - 258-277 Innovation and industrial renewal in Sweden, 1970–2007
by Karolin Sjöö - 278-296 Profits, dividends and industry restructuring: the Swedish paper and pulp industry between 1945 and 1977
by Lars Fredrik Andersson & Ann-Kristin Bergquist & Rikard Eriksson - 297-298 Norges fiskeri- og kysthistorie Bind V: Over den leiken ville han rå – Norsk havbruksnærings historie [The game for which he wanted to master: the history of Norwegian fish farming]
by Kristoffer Lund Vik-Langlie - 299-301 Karl Gunnar Persson 1943–2016
by Ingrid Henriksen & Paul Sharp - 302-303 Lennart Schön 1946–2016
by Olle Krantz
June 2016, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 81-83 Business as usual
by Camilla Brautaset & Jari Ojala - 84-102 Poor university professors? The relative earnings decline of German professors during the twentieth century
by Alexander Sohn - 103-121 Corporate governance and the expansion of the democratic franchise: beyond cross-country regressions
by Naomi R. Lamoreaux - 122-137 An historical wealth assessment -- measuring the Swedish national wealth for the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
by Magnus Lindmark & Lars Fredrik Andersson - 138-159 The innovation--trade nexus: Italy in historical perspective (1861--1939)
by Giacomo Domini - 160-174 A Norwegian fixation: explaining cheap money in Norway, 1945--1986
by Einar Lie & Eivind Thomassen - 175-176 The power of corporate networks: a comparative and historical perspective, Routledge international studies in business history
by Jan Ottosson
March 2016, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-5 Towards debate and open conversation
by Jari Ojala & Alfred Reckendrees - 6-18 The great enrichment: a humanistic and social scientific account
by Deirdre Nansen McCloskey - 19-35 A salary bass: a study of bassists’ earnings in the Royal Swedish Opera, 1799--1980
by Staffan Albinsson - 36-54 The national wealth of Sweden, 1810--2014
by Daniel Waldenström - 55-71 The landlord lag -- productivity on peasant farms and landlord demesnes during the agricultural revolution in Sweden 1700--1860
by Mats Olsson & Patrick Svensson - 72-73 The German Hansa and Bergen, 1100--1600
by Carsten Jahnke - 73-75 Forandring og forankring: Sparebankene i Norge 1822--2014 [Change and roots: the Norwegian savings banks 1822--2014]
by Kristina Lilja - 75-77 Comparing post-war Japanese and Finnish economies and societies: longitudinal perspectives
by Pierre-Yves Donzé - 77-78 Norges fiskeri- og kysthistorie Bind IV: Havet, fisken og oljen, 1970--2014
by Gregory Ferguson-Cradler - 79-80 I främmande hamn: Den svenska och svensk-norska konsulattjänsten, 1700--1985
by Camilla Brautaset
November 2015, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 213-214 Re-collaborating in the Nordic economic history research community
by Jari Ojala & Knut Sogner - 215-234 Feeding the motherland: grain exports from the Swedish Baltic provinces during the Great Famine of 1696-1697
by Marten Seppel - 235-259 Malthusian checks in pre-industrial Sweden and Finland: a comparative analysis of the demographic regimes
by Miikka Voutilainen - 260-279 The long-term decline in terms of trade and the neolithisation of Northern Europe
by Serge Svizzero - 280-301 Taking over: a new appraisal of the Anglo-American productivity gap and the nature of American economic leadership ca. 1910
by Pieter Woltjer - 302-323 Private debt in Sweden in 1900-2013 and the risk of financial crisis
by Lars Ahnland
June 2015, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 107-109 Editorial
by Jari Ojala - 110-134 Social and intertemporal differences of basic numeracy in Pannonia (first century BCE to third century CE)
by Joerg Baten & Stefan Priwitzer - 135-153 Oceanic thirst? Food consumption in mediaeval Sweden
by Johan S�derberg - 154-177 Capital income taxation of Swedish households, 1862-2010
by Dan Johansson & Mikael Stenkula & Gunnar Du Rietz - 178-202 Implementation of non-tariff measures in Estonia in the 1930s
by Karl Stern - 203-205 Education, state and citizenship
by Erik Bengtsson - 205-207 Building trust: the history of DNV 1864-2014
by Niklas Jensen-Eriksen - 207-209 Den gl�mda konsumtionen. Auktionshandel i Sverige under 1700- och 1800-talen [The neglected consumption: the role of auctions in Sweden during the eighteenth and nineteenth Centuries]
by Katarina Friberg - 209-211 Peter Thonning and Denmark's Guinea Commission. A study in nineteenth-century African colonial geography
by Per Hernæs
March 2015, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-23 Contemporary perceptions of the First World War reflected in the capital markets
by David S. Adams - 24-44 Amateur or professional? A new look at nineteenth-century patentees in Norway
by Bj�rn L. Basberg - 45-68 Boom, depression and cartelisation: Swedish and Finnish timber export industry 1918-1921
by Elina Kuorelahti - 69-92 Paving the way to modernity: Prussian roads and grain market integration in Westphalia, 1821-1855
by Martin Uebele & Daniel Gallardo-Albarr�n - 93-95 Torkel Aschehoug and Norwegian historical economic thought: reconsidering a forgotten Norwegian pioneer economist
by Ylva Hasselberg - 95-97 Cities of commerce: the institutional foundations of international trade in the Low Countries, 1250-1650
by Ian Peter Grohse - 98-99 Alan S. Milward and a century of European change
by Mats Ingulstad - 100-101 Den tillf�lliga husmodern. Hemv�rdarinnek�ren i Sverige 1940-1960
by Hanna Lindberg
November 2014, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 213-242 The separation of information and lending and the rise of rating agencies in the USA (1841-1907)
by Marc Flandreau & Gabriel Geisler Mesevage - 243-265 Counting carbon: historic emissions from fossil fuels, long-run measures of sustainable development and carbon debt
by Jan Kunnas & Eoin McLaughlin & Nick Hanley & David Greasley & Les Oxley & Paul Warde - 266-289 Property rights in conflict: wild berry-picking and the Nordic tradition of allemansr�tt
by Matti La Mela - 290-314 Labour's share in twentieth-century Sweden: a reinterpretation
by Erik Bengtsson
June 2014, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 109-136 The growing dependence of Britain on trade during the Industrial Revolution
by Gregory Clark & Kevin Hjortsh�j O'Rourke & Alan M. Taylor - 137-162 German stagnation versus Swedish progression: gender wage gaps in comparison, 1960-2006
by Svenja G�rtner - 163-187 Marginal taxation on labour income in Sweden from 1862 to 2010
by Mikael Stenkula & Dan Johansson & Gunnar Du Rietz - 188-212 'Cooperation on a purely matter-of-fact basis': the Norwegian central bank and its relationship to the German supervisory authority during the occupation, 1940-1945
by Harald Espeli
March 2014, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-16 Provisions for the elderly in north-western Europe: an international comparison of almshouses, sixteenth-twentieth centuries
by Marco H.D. van Leeuwen & Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk & Lex Heerma van Voss - 17-34 Founding large charities and community building in the Dutch Republic, c. 1600-1800
by Henk Looijesteijn & Marco H.D. van Leeuwen - 35-57 Accommodating the elderly poor: almshouses and the mixed economy of welfare in England in the second millennium
by Nigel Goose - 58-74 Honourable dwellings: almshouses as estate-consistent charity in Copenhagen, c. 1700-1850
by Peter Wessel Hansen - 75-93 'All of my remaining property I donate to the poor...': institutions for the poor in Norwegian cities during the eighteenth century
by Ida Bull - 94-96 Global shipping in small nations. Nordic experiences after 1960
by Malcolm Tull - 96-98 Ireland, Sweden and the Great European migration 1815-1914. McGill-Queen's Studies in Ethnic History, Series Two, Number 30
by Per-Olof Gr�nberg - 98-101 Norsk �konomisk politikk etter 1905 [Norwegian economic policy after 1905]
by Jan Pedersen - 101-103 Motmakt og Samfunnsbygger: Med torsken og Norges R�fisklag gjennom 75 �r [Counter-power and community builder: cod and the Norwegian fishermen's sales organization through 75 years]
by Morten Karn�e S�ndergaard - 103-105 Jewish economies: development and migration in America and beyond. Volume 1. The economic life of American Jewry; Volume 2. Comparative perspectives on Jewish migration
by Miguel Espinosa
November 2013, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 209-232 Monetary romanticism: nationalist rhetoric and monetary organisation in nineteenth-century Denmark
by Anders Ravn S�rensen - 233-258 Was there an urban-rural consumption gap? The standard of living of workers in southern Sweden, 1914-1920
by Christer Lundh - 259-286 Patterns of industrial specialisation in post-Unification Italy
by Carlo Ciccarelli & Tommaso Proietti - 287-311 Wage inequality in a developing open economy: Portugal, 1944-1984
by Pedro Lains & Ester Gomes da Silva & Jordi Guilera - 312-314 Co-operatives and the Social Question. The co-operative movement in northern and eastern Europe (1880-1950)
by Espen Ekberg - 314-316 In the doorway to development. An enquiry into market oriented structural changes in Norway ca. 1750-1830
by Leos M�ller - 316-318 Science for welfare and warfare: technology and state initiative in cold war Sweden
by Heide Lars - 318-320 Mellan bruk och bonde. Organisationen av spannm�lshandeln i V�stmanlands l�n 1770-1870 [Between the iron works and the peasants. The organization of grain trade in the V�stmanland county 1770-1870]
by Bengt Åke Berg
June 2013, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 101-121 Domestic markets and international integration: paths to industrialisation in the Nordic countries
by Jonas Ljungberg & Lennart Sch�n - 122-139 Local convergence: Baden 1829-1847
by Florian Ploeckl - 140-166 Comparing past and present wage inequality in two globalisation periods
by Concha Betr�n & Maria A. Pons - 167-196 European regional railways and real income, 1870-1910: a preliminary report
by Paul Caruana-Galizia & Jordi Mart�-Henneberg - 197-200 Musikens politiska ekonomi (The political economy of music)
by Staffan Albinsson - 200-202 Trade policy disaster: lessons from the 1930s
by Henric H�ggqvist - 203-205 The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision - A History of the Early Years 1974-1997
by Mikael Wendschlag - 205-207 The business of war: Military enterprise and military revolution in early modern Europe
by Peter Hedberg
March 2013, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-33 Cultural entrepreneurs and the origins of modern economic growth
by Joel Mokyr - 34-59 Productivity and transition in Swedish iron and steel, 1870-1940
by Stefan Houpt - 60-81 Information costs and commercial integration. The impact of the 1692 Swedish postage tariff
by Örjan Simonson - 82-99 Resistance to commodification: farmland prices and rents in Sweden, 1274-1649
by Johan S�derberg