January 2025, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 1-24 The size of the offshore sector in the Norwegian economy
by Ola Honningdal Grytten & Viktoriia Koilo - 25-41 Swedish consuls in Galicia: the economic function of consuls in turbulent times (1793–1806)
by Martin Almbjär - 42-62 Foreign investment in Swedish industry on the eve of World War One
by Viktor Persarvet & Lars Karlsson & Peter Hedberg - 63-85 The Swedish business elite and the gift explosion of 1947
by Ylva Hasselberg & Henry Ohlsson - 86-87 Cash flow: the businesses of menstruation
by Matleena Frisk - 88-90 A dissimulated trade: Northern European timber merchants in Seville (1574–1598)
by A. Jorge Aguilera-López - 90-92 Between Denmark and Detroit: Ford Motor Company A/S and the transformation of Fordism 1919–1966
by Alexandra L. Cermeño
September 2024, Volume 72, Issue 3
- 179-207 Lithuanian economy, 1919–1940: stagnant but resilient. The first inter-war GDP time-series estimates and their implications
by Adomas Klimantas - 208-227 Long-run evolution of income inequality in the Nordic countries
by Rolf Aaberge & Erik Bengtsson - 228-247 Finding common ground: rebuilding the Scandinavian Monetary Union in the interwar years
by Gjermund Forfang Rongved - 248-265 Relieving famine. Northern Sweden (Västerbotten) between state, market, and civil society during the 1860s
by Henrik Forsberg & Magnus Bohman - 266-286 Technological Change and Productivity Growth in Livestock Systems: Denmark, New Zealand and Uruguay (1870–1970)
by Jorge Álvarez Scanniello & María de las Mercedes Menéndez - 287-289 A brief history of equality
by Anton Svensson - 289-291 Liv i rörelse: Göteborgs befolkning och arbetsmarknad 1900–1950 [Life courses and mobility: Gothenburg’s population and labour market 1900–1950]
by Kristina Lilja - 291-293 Kylmästi laskeva mies: Talousvaikuttaja Risto Rytin elämä [Coldly counting man: the life of economic policymaker Risto Ryti]
by Niklas Jensen-Eriksen
May 2024, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 89-108 Taxation and inequality: A revisionary study of changing income inequality in Finland, 1961–2005
by Saska Heino - 109-125 Longer, broader, deeper, and more personal – the renewal of labour history in the Nordic countries
by Nina Trige Andersen & Ragnheiður Kristjánsdóttir & Silke Neunsinger & Pete Pesonen & Vilhelm Vilhelmsson & Hanne Østhus - 126-152 English commercial ascendancy and the growth in competition for Baltic markets, 1650–1700
by Adam Grimshaw - 153-170 Old-age mortality and social class in northern Norway in the first half of the twentieth century
by Petja Lyn Langholz & Hilde Leikny Sommerseth - 171-173 Markedsvendningen: Nyliberalismens historie i Norge
by Elisabeth Lindberg - 173-175 Husbanken og boligpolitikken 1996–2021. En jubileumsbok [The housing bank and the housing policies – an anniversary book]
by Ola Innset - 175-177 Vejen til velstand: Marked, stat og utopi, Vol. II: Hvorvor blev Danmark rigt – og ikke rigere? Tiden 1850–1930
by Markus Lampe
January 2024, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 1-24 Mortality transition in the interwar Baltic states: findings from cross-country comparison of new life tables
by Zenonas Norkus & Domantas Jasilionis & Ola Honningdal Grytten & Ilmārs Mežs & Martin Klesment - 25-48 Unnecessary radicalism: the limits of economic ideas in political thinking
by Elisabeth Lindberg - 49-66 A Nordic model of gender and military work? Labour demand, gender equality and women’s integration in the armed forces of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
by Anders Ahlbäck & Fia Sundevall & Johanna Hjertquist - 67-81 Income inequality in the Duchy of Warsaw (1810/11)
by Marcin Wroński - 82-83 Trap Denmark: Tønder, Aabenraa, Sønderborg (vol 17)
by Christian Vedel - 83-85 On the eve of the disaster. State and economy of Russia in 1914–1917 [V preddverii katastrofy. Gosudarstvo i ekonomika Rossii v 1914–1917 godah]
by Valeria Peshko - 85-87 Kolonisterne – kartoffeltyskerne i Gl. Tønder Amt [The colonists – potato Germans in Old Tønder Amt]
by Nina Boberg-Fazlic
September 2023, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 227-228 Editorial
by Erik Lakomaa & Svante Prado - 229-246 Road to unity? Nordic economic convergence in the long run
by Lars Bruno & Jari Eloranta & Jari Ojala & Jaakko Pehkonen - 247-257 Survey article on Nordic financialisation in the long run
by Lars Ahnland - 258-280 Market growth, coordination problems and control – the timing of enclosures in East Central Sweden 1807–1892
by Viktor Persarvet & Marja Erikson & Mats Morell - 281-298 Women and wealth in Sweden: the case of Uppsala, 1850–1910
by Matteo Pompermaier - 299-318 Running out of time: using job ads to analyse the demand for messengers in the twentieth century
by Peter Gladoić Håkansson & Tobias Karlsson & Matti La Mela - 319-320 Iron and the transformation of society. Reflexion of Viking age metallurgy
by Martin Hansson - 320-322 Med skibet i kroppen. Mennesker og maritimt miljø i Det sydfynske Øhav 1750–1950
by Anders Ravn Sørensen - 322-323 Kinafarerne. Mellem kejserens Kina og kongens København [The travellers to China. Between the emperor’s China and the king’s Copenhagen]
by Jørgen Mikkelsen - 323-325 En kort introduksjon til Norge på 1900-tallet. Forskjell og fellesskap [A brief introduction to Norway in the 20th century. Difference and community]
by Dunja Blažević
May 2023, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 103-127 Narrative and computational text analysis in business and economic history
by Gregory Ferguson-Cradler - 128-156 The quest for economic stability: a study on Swedish stabilisation policies 1873–2019
by Fredrik N. G. Andersson - 157-175 The German construction industry and industrial self-responsibility in occupied Europe, 1939–45
by Simon Gogl - 176-198 When coffee was banned: strategies of labour and leisure among Stockholm’s poor women, 1794–1796 and 1799–1802
by Anna Knutsson & Hanna Hodacs - 199-217 Textiles in blue: production, consumption and material culture in rural areas in early-nineteenth century Finland
by Merja Uotila & Maare Paloheimo - 218-219 Review of ‘En kort introduksjon til Norge på 1800-tallet’ (A short introduction to Norway during the 19th century)
by Gerda Bonderup - 220-221 Natural resources and divergence. A comparison of Andean and Nordic trajectories
by Simon Ville - 221-223 Civilians and military supply in early modern Finland
by Sergio Tonatiuh Serrano Hernandez - 223-225 The world’s most egalitarian country? ‘Världens jämlikaste land?’
by Kalle Moene
January 2023, Volume 71, Issue 1
- 1-20 The Norwegian forest concession law of 1909 and concession policy 1909–28
by Kasper Hage Stjern - 21-35 Nationalisation of foreign property in the Russian revolution: the Swedish case
by Martin Kragh - 36-57 Household risk strategies during a pandemic – experiences from the 1918 influenza pandemic
by Lars-Fredrik Andersson & Liselotte Eriksson - 58-79 Natural resources and economic growth: comparing nineteenth century Scandinavia and twentieth century Southeast Asia
by Lars Christian Bruno - 80-95 Income inequality in an industrial city during the great levelling: micro level evidence from malmö, 1900–1950
by Anton Svensson & Erik Bengtsson - 96-97 Vad är ekonomisk historia? [What is economic history?]
by Pål Thonstad Sandvik - 97-98 Knowledge-based growth in natural resource intensive economies: mining, knowledge development and innovation in Norway 1860–1940
by Lars C. Bruno - 98-100 Det villrådiga samhället. Kungliga Vetenskapsakademiens politiska och ekonomiska ideologi, 1739–1792
by Charlotta Wolff - 100-101 Bondesamfunn og bondeopposisjon på Agder: I overgangen mellom seinmiddelalder og tidlig nytid ca. 1480–1615
by Erik Bengtsson
September 2022, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 219-233 Wreckage recycled. Salvage auctions and their economic impact in eighteenth century Sweden
by Juha-Matti Granqvist - 234-251 Income inequality in Finland, 1865–2019
by Petri Roikonen - 252-272 Scraping the bottom of the barrel? Evidence on social mobility and internal migration from rural areas in nineteenth-century Norway
by Mikko Moilanen & Sindre Myhr & Stein Østbye - 273-299 A technical workforce for regional industrial development? Origin and dispersion of graduates from the technical secondary schools in Malmö and Borås 1855–1930
by Fay Lundh Nilsson & Per-Olof Grönberg - 300-319 The price of neutrality: ocean freight rates and shipping policy towards the Northern Neutrals during the First World War
by Jan Tore Klovland - 320-321 Ingenjörerna
by Arne Kaijser - 321-322 Ingenjörerna
by Arne Kaijser - 323-324 Past, present & future: economic history in Eli F. Heckscher’s footsteps
by Pasi Nevalainen - 324-326 Danmark som søfartsnation – Fortællinger, interesser og identitet gennem 250 år
by Leos Müller
May 2022, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 113-122 Gender and economic history in the Nordic countries
by Klara Arnberg & Eirinn Larsen & Ann-Catrin Östman - 123-141 Migrant mothers: work, nation and racialisation in Swedish official discourses 1970–2000
by Paulina de los Reyes - 142-166 Industrious migrants: gender and the earnings of migrants in Swedish manufacturing around 1900
by Björn Eriksson & Maria Stanfors - 167-180 Female enterprise on a transnational border: the entrepreneurial agency of an East Icelandic businesswoman, Pálína Waage (1864–1935)
by Sigríður Matthíasdóttir & Þorgerður J. Einarsdóttir - 181-194 Responsibility, trust and gender in the economic decision-making of peasant households: enclosure in Southwest Finland 1760–1820
by Kirsi Laine - 195-215 Half a century of female wage disadvantage: an analysis of Denmark’s public wage hierarchy in 1969 and today
by Astrid Elkjær Sørensen & Stinne Skriver Jørgensen & Maja Meiland Hansen - 216-217 Med kjønnsperspektiv på norsk historie [With gender perspective on Norwegian history]
by Carolina Uppenberg
January 2022, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 1-18 Swedish East India trade in a value-added analysis, c. 1730–1800
by Klas Rönnbäck & Leos Müller - 19-32 The evolution of capital adequacy rules – the contrasting cases of Sweden and Britain
by Åsa Malmström Rognes - 33-56 ‘Over-indebtedness’ – or not? Household debt accumulation and risk exposure in nineteenth century Sweden
by Håkan Lindgren - 57-86 The evolution of credit networks in pre-industrial Finland
by Elise M. Dermineur - 87-107 Negotiating bilateralism: the Finnish-Soviet clearing trade and payment system, 1952–1990
by Saara Matala - 108-109 Interessekonflikter i norsk handelspolitikk
by Ola Honningdal Grytten - 110-111 Otyg: fallet Algots Nord
by Malin Dahlström
September 2021, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 197-198 Special issue on ‘Agriculture and economic development’
by Paul Sharp - 199-216 Agricultural exports and economic development in Spain during the first wave of globalisation
by María Isabel Ayuda & Vicente Pinilla - 217-232 Agricultural growth in a cold climate: the case of Iceland in 1800–1850
by Árni Daníel Júlíusson - 233-252 Connecting formal education and practice to agricultural innovation in Denmark (1860s–1920): a note on sources and methods
by Kristin Ranestad - 253-277 Peasants’ inequality and stratification: evidence from pre-revolutionary Russia
by Natalia Rozinskaya & Alexander Sorokin & Dmitry Artamonov - 278-300 A stolen revolution. The political economy of the land reform in interwar Czechoslovakia
by Antonie Doležalová - 301-323 Atoms for feeding: radioisotopes from the laboratory to the market, 1946–1960
by Gloria Sanz Lafuente - 324-326 Landbrug i Nordvestjylland gennem 250 år. Et erhverv og en livsform i evig forandring
by Per Grau Møller - 326-327 A land of milk and butter: how elites created the modern Danish dairy industry
by Mats Olsson - 328-328 Prize announcement
by The Editors
May 2021, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 103-123 Market structure and efficiency in Swedish commercial banking, 1912–1938
by Lars Karlsson & Henric Häggqvist & Peter Hedberg - 124-139 ‘I will learn from it for as long as I live’ – religious reading and functional literacy skills
by Mikko Moilanen & Hilde Leikny Sommerseth - 140-157 The distributional effect of a financial crisis: Russia 1899–1905
by Nikita Lychakov - 158-176 Extractive visions: Sweden’s quest for China’s natural resources, 1913–1917
by Per Högselius & Yunwei Song - 177-194 Conflict and negotiation: management of forest commons in seventeenth-century Northern Finland
by Jakob Starlander - 195-196 Swedish economists in the 1930s debate on economic planning
by Kristin Ranestad
January 2021, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-21 From warfare to welfare states? Social and military spending in the Baltic States 1918–1940
by Zenonas Norkus & Vaidas Morkevičius & Jurgita Markevičiūtė - 22-40 Short-term economic stress and mortality differentials in rural Estonia, 1834–1884
by Martin Klesment & Kersti Lust - 41-62 Labour and the ‘law of one price’: regional wage convergence of farm workers in Sweden, 1757–1980
by Svante Prado & Christer Lundh & Kristoffer Collin & Kerstin Enflo - 63-82 Dubrowka - a free-standing company from a Norwegian family-network capitalism
by Sverre A. Christensen - 83-101 A real estate price index for Stockholm, Sweden 1818–2018: putting the last decades housing price boom in a historical perspective
by Rodney Edvinsson & Klas Eriksson & Gustav Ingman
September 2020, Volume 68, Issue 3
- 195-203 Beyond the market: broader perspectives in cartel research
by Susanna Fellman & Martin Shanahan - 204-221 Forging cartels. A transatlantic perspective on business collusion and the interwar copper industry (1918–1940)
by Robrecht Declercq - 222-238 Insurance cartels and state policies in Norway, 1870s–1990s
by Harald Espeli - 239-253 The foundations of cooperation: building cartels in the Nordic cement industry and beyond, 1890–1947
by Malin Dahlström - 254-269 Two cartel regimes. Swedish paper cartels and the EEC in the 1970s
by Birgit Karlsson - 270-288 A history of the sugar and cement cartels in twentieth-century Spain
by Ana Rosado-Cubero & Angel Martínez-Soto - 289-305 The quest for a non-competitive market: Standard oil, the international oil industry and the Scandinavian states, 1890–1939
by Päl Thonstad Sandvik & Espen Storli - 306-307 Small and medium powers in global history: trade, conflicts and neutrality from the 18th to the 20th Centuries
by Lars C. Bruno
May 2020, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 91-111 The rise of the middle class: the income gap between salaried employees and workers in Sweden, ca. 1830–1940
by Erik Bengtsson & Svante Prado - 112-128 Men at work. Wages and industriousness in southern Sweden 1500–1850
by Kathryn E. Gary & Mats Olsson - 129-144 Revising price history: consumer price index for Norway 1492–2018
by Ola Honningdal Grytten - 145-169 Sticky Swedes and flexible Finns: manufacturing labour markets in Finland and Sweden during the Great Depression
by Sakari Heikkinen & Christer Lundh - 170-191 The rise and decline of industrial foundations as controlling owners of Swedish listed firms: the role of tax incentives
by Magnus Henrekson & Dan Johansson & Mikael Stenkula - 192-193 Nasjonens velstand. Norges økonomiske historie 1800-1940
by Svante Prado
January 2020, Volume 68, Issue 1
- () Correction
by The Editors - 1-22 A tale of two Italies: ‘access-orders’ and the Italian regional divide
by Paolo Di Martino & Emanuele Felice & Michelangelo Vasta - 23-44 Did industrialisation lead to segregation in cities of the nineteenth century? The case of Uppsala 1880–1900
by Jakob Molinder & Martin Söderhäll - 45-65 Nordic networks: patent agents and the business of technology intermediation in Sweden and Finland, 1860–1910
by David E. Andersson & Matti La Mela - 66-84 Collusion and combines in Canada, 1880–1890
by Vincent Geloso - 85-87 Women in business families: from past to present
by Amy Froide - 87-89 The Peregrine Profession. Transnational mobility of Nordic engineers and architects, 1880–1930
by Petri Paju
September 2019, Volume 67, Issue 3
- 229-248 Unequal poverty and equal industrialisation: Finnish wealth, 1750–1900
by Erik Bengtsson & Anna Missiaia & Ilkka Nummela & Mats Olsson - 249-268 Exploring regional wage dispersion in Swedish manufacturing, 1860–2009
by Kristoffer Collin & Christer Lundh & Svante Prado - 269-282 Soviet industrial production and waste dispersal: a case study of pulp and paper plants on the Karelian Isthmus, 1940s–1980s
by Elena Kochetkova & Pavel Pokid`ko - 283-311 Visualising defence and war in economic history journals (1989–2018)
by Nadia Fernández-de-Pinedo & Félix-Fernando Muñoz - 312-331 Smallholders’ and large estates’ reaction to changed market conditions 1860–1910
by Mats Morell & Martin Söderhäll - 332-333 Møter med Kina: norsk diplomati, næringsliv og misjon 1890–1937
by Per Högselius - 333-335 The Sound Toll at Elsinore. Politics, shipping and the collection of duties 1429–1857
by Werner Scheltjens
May 2019, Volume 67, Issue 2
- 115-116 Editorial
by Francisco J. Beltran Tapia & Espen Ekberg - 117-131 Exploring the effects of capital mobility on the saving–investment nexus: evidence from Icelandic historical data
by Hamid Raza & Gylfi Zoega & Stephen Kinsella - 132-153 Getting a job when times are bad: recruitment practices in Sweden before, during and after the Great Recession
by Peter Håkansson & Anders Nilsson - 154-170 The Ottoman dissolution and the İstanbul bourse between war and peace: a foreign exchange market perspective on the Great War
by Avni Önder Hanedar & Hatice Gaye Gencer & Sercan Demiralay & İsmail Altay - 171-189 The state as the investor of last resort: a comparative study of banking crises in Denmark and Sweden
by Hans Sjögren & Martin Jes Iversen - 190-209 Copper trade and production of copper, brass and bronze goods in the Oldenburg monarchy: copperworks and copper users in the eighteenth century
by Kristin Ranestad - 210-225 Global competition and cooperation in the electronics industry: the case of X-ray equipment, 1900–1970
by Pierre-Yves Donzé & Ben Wubs - 226-227 A global history of consumer co-operation since 1850: movements and businesses
by Tuomo Peltonen
January 2019, Volume 67, Issue 1
- 1-3 Towards open access
by Jari Ojala & Tiina Hemminki & Pasi Nevalainen - 4-11 Increase in diversity: Nordic dissertations 2014–2018
by Jari Ojala & Tiina Hemminki & Pasi Nevalainen - 12-30 Perceptions of the economics of apprenticeship in Sweden c. 1900
by Sandra Hellstrand - 31-46 Energy and machines. Energy capital ratios in Europe and Latin America. 1875–1970
by Cristián Ducoing & Ben Gales & Rick Hölsgens & María del Mar Rubio-Varas - 47-70 Innovation trends and industrial renewal in Finland and Sweden 1970–2013
by Astrid Kander & Josef Taalbi & Juha Oksanen & Karolin Sjöö & Nina Rilla - 71-89 The value of active politicians on supervisory boards: evidence from the Berlin stock exchange and the parliament in interwar Germany
by Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer & Alexander Opitz - 90-109 Dynamic paths of innovation in natural resource industries in Australia and Norway since World War Two
by Simon Ville & Olav Wicken & John Dean - 110-112 Suuri Affääri: Helsingin Sanomien yrityshistoria 1889–2016 [Business history of Helsingin Sanomat 1889–2016]
by Henrikki Tikkanen - 113-114 Call for papers for a special issue of the Scandinavian Economic History Review on ‘Agriculture and Economic development’
by The Editors
September 2018, Volume 66, Issue 3
- 223-225 Research on international trade and transport – a generational shift?
by Camilla Brautaset & Jari Ojala - 226-245 Assessing trade in the mercantilist era: evidence from a new database on foreign trade of Sweden – Finland, 1738–1805
by Rodney Edvinsson & Christoffer Tarek Gad - 246-263 A method for estimating the volume of Baltic timber products exported through the Sound and its application to Portugal, 1669–1815
by Manish Kumar - 264-281 Cost–distance ratio in change: transmission rates of commercial correspondence in the North and Baltic Sea region, 1732–1808
by Hannes Vinnal - 282-297 Surprisingly gentle confinement: British treatment of Danish and Norwegian prisoners of war during the napoleonic wars
by Tim Leunig & Jelle van Lottum & Bo Poulsen - 298-316 Foreign trade as fiscal policy: tariff setting and customs revenue in Sweden, 1830–1913
by Henric Häggqvist - 317-318 Suomen rahoitusmarkkinoiden murros 1980-luvulla: Oikeushistoriallinen tutkimus [The transformation of the Finnish financial markets in the 1980s: a study of legal history]
by Niklas Jensen-Eriksen - 318-320 Familjedynastier: så blev Sverige rikt
by Niklas Jensen-Eriksen - 320-321 A monetary history of Norway, 1816–2016
by Harold James - 321-323 Migrationens kontraster [Contrasts of Migration]
by Olle Jansson - 323-325 Fish, coast and communities: a history of Norway
by Gregory Ferguson-Cradler
May 2018, Volume 66, Issue 2
- 125-126 Editorial
by Paul Sharp - 127-131 Retail Trade, Consumption, and the Construction of Markets
by Tristan Jacques & Fredrik Sandgren - 132-152 Emotions, trading practices and communication in transnational itinerant trade: encounters between ‘Rucksack Russians’ and their customers in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Finland
by Johanna Wassholm & Anna Sundelin - 153-169 Beyond Mrs consumer: competing femininities in Swedish advertising trade publications, 1900–1939
by Klara Arnberg - 170-185 The non-globalisation of modern food retailing: the case of the failed Coop Norden merger
by Espen Ekberg & Kristoffer Jensen - 186-200 Mercantilism: a materialist approach
by Thomas Victor Conti - 201-218 Manors and states: the distribution and structure of private manors in early modern Scandinavia and their relation to state policies
by Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen - 219-220 Storebrands og forsikringsbransjens historie, 1767–2017 (Vols. 1 & 2) [Storebrand and the insurance industry, 1767–2017]
by Lars Fredrik Andersson - 221-222 The quest for competitive markets: exploring competition and collusion in theory and practice in historical perspective
by The Editors
January 2018, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 1-8 Dissertations in economic and business history in Nordic countries in 2016
by Jari Ojala & Tiina Hemminki & Pasi Nevalainen - 9-17 Time for a Nordic business history initiative?
by Espen Ekberg & Martin Jes Iversen - 18-33 From organic to fossil and in-between: new estimates of energy consumption in the Swedish manufacturing industry during 1800–1913
by Magnus Lindmark & Fredrik Olsson Spjut - 34-53 Missed the starting gun! Wage compression and the rise of the Swedish model in the labour market
by Svante Prado & Joacim Waara - 54-72 Migration at the multi-level intersection of industrial relations: the Schleswig-Holstein Campaign and the Swedish garment industry in the early 1950s
by Johan Svanberg - 73-90 Did taxes, decrees or credibility drive money? Early nineteenth century Finland from a chartalist perspective
by Karlo Kauko - 91-115 Why did Swedish regional net migration rates fall in the 1970s? The role of policy changes versus structural change, 1945–1985
by Jakob Molinder - 116-118 Riksrevisjonens historie 1816–2016
by Gjermund Forfang Rongved - 118-119 Interessekonflikter i norsk handelspolitikk
by Mogens Rüdiger - 119-121 Finnish water services: experiences in global perspectives
by Glen O'Hara - 121-122 Tiden går: Gjensidige i 200 år [Time passes: 200 years of Gjensidige]
by Niels Viggo Haueter - 123-124 Widows in European economy and society, 1600–1920
by Kristina Lilja
September 2017, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 223-223 Editorial
by Jari Ojala - 224-230 The history of business and war: introduction
by Erik Lakomaa - 231-242 Weapons’ production in the Republic of Venice in the Early Modern period: the manufacturing centre of Brescia between military needs and economic equilibrium
by Luca Mocarelli & Giulio Ongaro - 243-262 The Gold War: the dissolution of the Scandinavian Currency Union during the First World War
by Gjermund Forfang Rongved - 263-278 The Great War and the transformation of the Atlantic copper trade
by Nathan Delaney - 279-293 Business in the battle of ideas, 1945–1991: conclusions from the Finnish case
by Maiju Wuokko - 294-306 Seasonality of birth rates in agricultural Iceland
by Davíd F. Björnsson & Gylfi Zoega - 307-325 Swedish steel and global resource colonialism: Sandviken’s quest for Turkish chromium, 1925–1950
by Hanna Vikström & Per Högselius & Dag Avango - 326-327 Paying for Hitler’s war: the consequences of Nazi hegemony for Europe
by Joachim Lund - 328-328 Corrigendum
by The Editors
May 2017, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 113-115 Editor’s note
by Jari Ojala - 116-123 Neo-institutionalism is not yet a scientific success: a reply to Barry Weingast
by Deirdre Nansen McCloskey - 124-126 Comments on McCloskey and Weingast
by Erik Ringmar - 127-148 Revisiting Sweden’s response to the Great Depression of the 1930s: economic policy in a regional context
by Adnan Türegün - 149-168 The economic effects of the 1920 eight-hour working day reform in Sweden
by Erik Bengtsson & Jakob Molinder - 169-188 Explaining the Swedish ‘housewife era’ of 1930–1970: joint utility maximisation or renewed patriarchy?
by Rodney Edvinsson & Therese Nordlund Edvinsson - 189-205 The search for seignorage: periodic re-coinage in medieval Sweden
by Roger Svensson - 206-220 Deal with it! The emergence and reversal of an agro-ecological crisis, Southern Sweden in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
by Magnus Bohman - 221-221 Economy, Business and Environment in History
by The Editors
January 2017, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-5 Economic history in times of transition
by Alfred Reckendrees - 6-27 Sickness absence in compulsory and voluntary health insurance: the case of Sweden at the turn of the twentieth century
by Lars Fredrik Andersson & Liselotte Eriksson