January 2025, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-4 Mission driven bureaucrats & agency performance in difficult times
by Dan Honig & Sarah Thompson - 5-27 Governance of dependency relationships in mandated networks
by Dayashankar Maurya & M Ramesh & Michael Howlett - 28-49 It is top-down governance: examining environmental public-private partnerships in China
by Liying Zhang & Xuhong Su - 50-66 Institutionalized Social Entrepreneurship in Indonesia: A report on the challenges of state-driven social entrepreneurship promotion within the Five Cities' social assistance program
by Tauchid Komara Yuda & Hari Harjanto Setiawan & Habibullah & Badrun Susantyo & Hempri Suyatna - 67-89 To what extent do work environment and personality matter? Impact of political climate and employee personality on employee’s behavioural outcomes
by Asma Gul & Tasneem Fatima
October 2024, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 315-320 Introduction to the special issue: digital transformation of government and the Asia Pacific region
by Yu-Che Chen & Soonhee Kim - 321-325 The brave new world of AI: implications for public sector agents, organisations, and governance
by Justin B. Bullock & Yu-Che Chen - 326-359 Digital transformation in a large democracy: the case of India
by Pallavi Awasthi & Sukumar Ganapati & Kuang Ting Tai - 360-391 Crisis and choice in digital transformation: COVID-19 and the punctuated politics of government DX in Japan
by Matthew Brummer & Hiroko Ueno - 392-421 Driving Urban Digitalisation through a National Mission– a multilevel governance perspective of India’s data smart cities strategy
by Tathagata Chatterji & Aravindan R Mukkai - 422-446 Digitally vulnerable populations’ use of e-government services: inclusivity and access
by Yeonkyung Kim & Jooho Lee - 447-470 Fear of nothing to hide? How do Chinese people feel about privacy when facing facial recognition cameras?
by Ziteng Fan & Jason Wu - 471-487 Current auditor expertise and future relevance of innovative audit technology: evidence from Indonesia public sector auditor
by M. Rizal Yahya & Jalaluddin & Gamal Batara - 488-511 Chatbot applications in government frontline services: leveraging artificial intelligence and data governance to reduce problems and increase effectiveness
by Chian-Wen Wang & Bo-Ya Hsu & Don-Yun Chen
July 2024, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 211-212 Jon Quah Siew Tien: an appreciation
by John P Burns - 213-235 Public administration in authoritarian regimes: propositions for comparative research
by Kwan Nok Chan - 236-263 A systematic review of the link between public service motivation and ethical outcomes
by Euipyo Lee & Tinganxu Lewis-Liu & Shaun Khurana & Ming Lu - 264-290 Linking public service motivation, perceived external career barriers, and public-sector attraction
by Thi Quynh Trang Nguyen & Tu Phuoc Truong - 291-314 Why and how are millennials sensitive to unfairness? Focusing on the moderated mediating role of generation on turnover intention
by Kyuwoong Kyeong & Minjai Kim
April 2024, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 109-112 Improving adaptability in democratic systems
by Alasdair Roberts - 113-137 To what extent does corruption erode trust? evidence of reputational spillovers from ten countries in the Southern African development community
by Sergio Fernandez & Lianne P Malan & Natasja Holtzhausen & Michel M Tshiyoyo - 138-138 Public leadership symposium: co-editors’ introduction
by James L. Perry & Wai-Fung Lam - 139-158 Local government managers’ change-oriented leadership and employees’ change-supportive behaviour during COVID-19: utilizing the theory of planned behaviour
by Wisanupong Potipiroon & Worasan Thawornprasert - 159-183 Leaders need to be led: complementary followership in the context of community-driven development program
by Junesoo Lee & Jongwoo Chung & Booyuel Kim - 184-209 Abusive supervision in public service organisations: investigating the moderating effect of attribution styles
by Abdul Kadir & Hillman Wirawan & Rudi Salam & Syahruddin Hattab & Daswati Daswati
January 2024, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-12 In Defense of the deep state
by Francis Fukuyama - 13-30 The changing traditions of Islamic public administration: observing processes of collision, absorption and adaptation
by Adrian Kay - 31-31 Public performance symposium: co-editors’ introduction
by James L. Perry & Wai-Fung Lam - 32-65 Organizational size and public service performance: a meta-analysis and an agenda for future research
by Richard M. Walker & Rhys Andrews & Bert George & Xuan Tu - 66-89 COVID-19 and employee productivity in the public sector
by Hyesong Ha & Aarthi Raghavan & Mehmet Akif Demircioglu - 90-108 Open or shut case? Exploring the role of openness in public sector innovation
by Shaleen Khanal
October 2023, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 335-341 The challenges, and importance, of understanding government in Xi Jinping’s China
by Andrew Podger - 342-344 Special issue introduction: administrative burdens as a global public management phenomenon
by Donald Moynihan & Pamela Herd - 345-361 Who puts the thorn in the citizen’s flesh? Sources underlying administrative burden in a developing country
by Shehreen Amin Bhuiyan & Hasan Muhammad Baniamin - 362-384 What factors underlie burden tolerance in South Korea? Policy implementation domain, administrative efficiency, and bureaucratic personality
by Jesse W. Campbell & Yongjin Ahn - 385-403 Are all burdens bad? Disentangling illegitimate administrative burdens through public value accounting
by Muhammad Azfar Nisar & Ayesha Masood
July 2023, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 237-237 Co-editors' Note
by The Editors - 238-243 A spirit of service to the community: public service motivation in the New Zealand public service
by Rodney Scott & Peter Hughes - 244-247 Developing public service motivation in the non-Western world
by Zeger Van der Wal & Assel Mussagulova - 248-273 Demystifying the components of public service motivation among young public servants in China: a qualitative inquiry
by Lei Tao & Bo Wen - 274-294 Underlying assumptions of public service motivation: a view from the developing world
by Aisha Azhar & Trui Steen - 295-315 The influence of servant leadership on job performance through innovative work behavior: does public service motivation matter?
by Bui Nhat Vuong - 316-333 Job characteristics and public service motivation among highly-qualified public employees
by Baris Kiyak & Naci Karkin
April 2023, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 115-117 Special issue introduction: integrating Asia Pacific influences and public management research
by Chung-An Chen & Soojin Kim & Liang Ma - 118-138 “Expecting children to be dragons” in an east asian context: Parental expectations of children choosing a career in the public sector
by Chung-an Chen & Chengwei Xu & Don-Yun Chen - 139-159 Advancing social equity in East Asia: education and health care policy in China, South Korea, and Singapore
by Morgen Johansen - 160-178 The effects of organizational diversity perception on affective commitment
by Sangsuk Kim & Geunjoo Lee - 179-198 Do high-PSM public employees like extrinsic rewards? A latent class analysis
by Chengwei Xu & Assel Mussagulova & Chung-An Chen & Ming-Feng Kuo - 199-216 How do public sector auditors perceive the concept and practice of auditor Independence? Evidence from Indonesia
by Ahmad Rizki & Mark Turner - 217-235 The influence of planning group diversity on the quality of local strategic plan design
by Iseul Choi & Jeongyoon Lee & David Lee
January 2023, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-6 Advancing knowledge in public administration: why religion matters
by Edoardo Ongaro & Michele Tantardini - 7-15 Public administration in authoritarian regimes
by B. Guy Peters - 16-36 Does bureaucratic performance vary across authoritarian regimes?
by Colin Knox & Saltanat Janenova - 37-53 Political parties and policy transfer in authoritarianism
by Hang Duong - 54-72 Public sector digitalisation and stealth intrusions upon individual freedoms and democratic accountability
by Srinivas Yerramsetti - 73-92 Autocratization and public administration: the revolutionary-populist regime in Venezuela in comparative perspective
by Wolfgang Muno & Héctor Briceño - 93-113 Is there passion for public service in authoritarian bureaucracies? Exploring public service motivation across regime types
by Guillem Ripoll & Martin Rode
October 2022, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 271-290 Inter-city competition and local government debts in China: a spatial econometric analysis
by Yanbing Han & Min Xiong & Shaoming Cheng & Hai (David) Guo - 291-314 A crowding-out of public values? Managerial vs. Weberian values in public sector reform in Latin America
by Pablo Sanabria-Pulido & Cristian Pliscoff - 315-334 Shifting discourses of nature in participatory processes for environmental management
by Patrick Barrett & Raven Cretney & Priya Kurian & Naomi Simmonds
July 2022, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 191-194 Public Service Motivation: Global Knowledge, Regional Perspective
by Zeger Van der Wal & Assel Mussagulova - 195-213 Towards a measure of institutional public service motivation: theoretical underpinnings and propositions for future research
by Jeannette Taylor & Gene A. Brewer & Guillem Ripoll - 214-233 Institutional correlates of public service motivation: family, religion, and high school education
by Taehee Kim & Kiwhan Kim & Sangmook Kim - 234-248 Exploring the conditionality of public service motivation: evidence from a priming experiment
by Sean Nicholson-Crotty & Jill Nicholson-Crotty & Danyao Li & Robert K. Christensen - 249-270 Serving society vs. the individual user? Experimental evidence on the role of public service motivation in predicting job-task preferences
by Jessica Breaugh & Guillem Ripoll
April 2022, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 101-105 Quality of government in the Asia Pacific region
by Victor Lapuente & Kohei Suzuki - 106-130 Encouraging bureaucrats to report corruption: human resource management and whistleblowing
by Christopher A. Cooper - 131-151 Power-sharing in governments, clarity of responsibility, and the control of corruption
by Jinhyuk Jang - 152-171 The intensity of organizational transitions in government: comparing patterns in developed and developing countries
by Abiha Zahra & Tobias Bach - 172-190 Linking quality of government to outcomes of civil service training: evidence from southeast asian countries
by Hyeon-Suk Lyu & Tae Hyung Kim & Daeun Sung & M. Jae Moon
January 2022, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-3 Special Issue Introduction: experiments in public administration research in the Asia-Pacific region
by Cheol Liu & Tima T. Moldogaziev & Christopher Witko - 4-25 Experimental research in the Asia-Pacific region: review and assessment of regional capacity
by Wenna Chen & Binzizi Dong & Chih-Wei Hsieh & Ning Liu & Richard M. Walker & Yao Wang & Bo Wen & Peiyi Wu & Jiasheng Zhang - 26-46 Air pollution in Northeast Asia: can framing of public messages influence beliefs and attributions?
by Matthew A. Shapiro & Toby Bolsen & Yungwook Kim - 47-65 A matter of perspective: differential evaluations of artificial intelligence between managers and staff in an experimental simulation
by Hsini Huang & Kyoung-Cheol (Casey) Kim & Matthew M. Young & Justin B. Bullock - 66-80 Emergence & development of behavioral public policy units in government: the case of Turkey
by Ayca Kusseven & Mete Yildiz - 81-99 Policy experimentation with impact financing: a systematic review of research on social impact bonds
by Tima T. Moldogaziev & Cheol Liu & Mikhail Ivonchyk
October 2021, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 219-235 What can public administration scholars learn from the economics controversies in public-private partnerships?
by Graeme Hodge & Carsten Greve - 236-257 Collaborative governance for urban sustainability: implementing solar cities
by Bharati Garg & Rohit Barach - 258-275 Local co-production and food insecurity: leveraging institutional advantages of partner organisations
by Yukio Kinoshita & Brian Dollery - 276-297 Exploring the implementation gap: organizational autonomy and line managers’ participation in human resource decision–making
by Aneeqa Suhail & Trui Steen - 298-316 Citizens’ perception of government responsiveness: building an engaged citizenry
by Irina Novikova & Saltanat Liebert
July 2021, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 125-129 Guardians in a connected world: pace matters
by Taki Sarantakis - 130-130 Symposium: COVID-19 and Big Questions of Public Administration
by James Perry & Wai Fung Lam - 131-168 Revisiting “big questions” of public administration after COVID-19: a systematic review
by Ting-An-Xu Liu & G. Breck Wightman & Euipyo Lee & Jordan Hunter - 169-191 Advancing international cooperation as a strategy for managing pandemics
by Jongeun You - 192-211 Global contagion and local response: the influence of centre–state relations and political culture in pandemic governance
by Tathagata Chatterji & Souvanic Roy & Atanu Chatterjee - 212-217 Coronavirus politics and governance
by M. Jae Moon
April 2021, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 63-66 How to bridge East and West
by Alasdair Roberts - 67-86 Camouflaged or deserted? A systematic review of empirical military research in public administration
by Étienne Charbonneau & Jean-François Lévesque & Frank A. Tchokouagueu & Yanick W. A. Tadjiogue & Joseph K. Tchinda & Marc Mongong - 87-105 Newly independent, path dependent: The impact of the Soviet past on innovation in post-Soviet states
by Assel Mussagulova - 106-124 What explains citizen trust in public institutions? Quality of government, performance, social capital, or demography
by Rifat Mahmud
January 2021, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-5 Studying public administration in authoritarian regimes
by B. Guy Peters - 6-10 Non-Western philosophies and public administration
by Edoardo Ongaro - 11-22 Charting three trajectories for globalising public administration research and theory
by Shena Ashley & Soonhee Kim & William H Lambright - 23-46 “All still quiet on the non-Western front?” Non-Western public service motivation scholarship: 2015–2020
by Assel Mussagulova & Zeger van der Wal - 47-61 Does outsourcing reduce employee job satisfaction? A test of new public management orthodoxy
by Shinwoo Lee & Gyeo Reh Lee
October 2020, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 207-208 Public sector use of new technology: opportunities and challenges
by Andrew Podger - 209-221 Improving public services using artificial intelligence: possibilities, pitfalls, governance
by Paul Henman - 222-247 Understanding the evolution of public–private partnerships in Chinese e-government: four stages of development
by Te Liu & Xuemin Yang & Yueping Zheng - 248-261 Managing technology effectively in large public organisations
by Dennis Trewin - 262-273 Enhancing civil service capability: emergence of the professions model
by Richard Bartlett - 274-289 When the power of the purse meets the power of technology: a case study of Guangzhou People’s Congress in China
by Meili Niu & Muhua Lin - 290-302 Performance management and evaluation meets culture and politics: Australia’s experience
by J. Rob Bray & Matthew C. Gray & David I. Stanton - 303-303 Thank you to Professor Roger Wettenhall
by Jim Perry & Wai-Fung Lam
July 2020, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 153-169 The COVID-19 pandemic: why are some countries coping more successfully than others?
by Hasan Muhammad Baniamin & Mizanur Rahman & Mohammad Tareq Hasan - 170-187 Creating institutional advantage: local government co-production with community groups
by Yukio Kinoshita & Brian Dollery & Keiichi Yamazaki - 188-206 Diffusing participatory budgeting knowledge: lessons from Korean-language research
by B. Shine Cho & Won No & Yaerin Park
June 2020, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 61-62 Advice on navigating our new roles
by Beryl A. Radin - 63-65 Co-editors’ reply
by James L. Perry & Wai-Fung Lam - 66-88 Economic performance, income inequality and political trust: new evidence from a cross-national study of 14 Asian countries
by Daewoo Lee & Chae Young Chang & Hyunkang Hur - 89-110 Fostering problem driven collaboration in a development context: The ASEAN study of health workforce governance
by Wesley Teter - 111-131 Conditions for open innovation in public organizations: evidence from
by Taha Hameduddin & Sergio Fernandez & Mehmet Akif Demircioglu - 132-151 Responsiveness of local government officials: insights and lessons from participatory planning and budgeting
by Pranab Kumar Panday & Shuvra Chowdhury
January 2020, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-3 Democracy without capacity?
by Aditya Dasgupta - 4-5 The hubris of public administration
by Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili - 6-8 Responding to the populist attack on public administration
by David Arellano-Gault - 9-11 Four elements of successful reform
by Calin Emilian Hintea - 12-14 Problems of democratic statecraft
by Alasdair Roberts - 15-16 Democratic governance in turbulent times
by Veronica Junjan - 17-32 A critique of the role of NGOs as partners in governance
by M. Shamsul Haque - 33-45 Government control, governance and spatial distribution: what we have learned from the Research Infrastructure of Chinese Foundations
by Qun Wang - 46-60 Quality of government, public service delivery and institutional impartiality in ethnically polarised societies: evidence for policy makers
by Ramesh Ramasamy
October 2019, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 187-202 Municipal amalgamations in international perspective: motives addressed in scholarly research
by Naci Karkin & Volkan Gocoglu & Pinar Savas Yavuzcehre - 203-216 Persistence of bureaucratic over-representativeness or under-representativeness: experience of the civil service in Malaysia
by Nadia Hezlin Yashaiya & Abdillah Noh - 217-229 Why does innovation in government occur and persist? Evidence from the Australian government
by Mehmet Akif Demircioglu - 230-236 Participation as aid conditionality: parliamentary engagement in Bangladesh’s poverty reduction strategy
by Mohammad Mizanur Rahman - 237-245 Environmental governance and sustainable development in Bangladesh: millennium development goals and sustainable development goals
by Bulbul Ahmed - 246-250 Public-private partnerships in solid waste management in Indonesia: the need for technical regulation
by Erwin Sondang Siagian & Asep Sumaryana & Ida Widianingsih & Heru Nurasa
July 2019, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 127-141 Linking socio-economic performance, quality of governance, and trust in the civil service: does culture intercede in the perceived relationships? Evidence from and beyond Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka
by Hasan Muhammad Baniamin - 142-156 Citizen expectations and satisfaction of service performance: lessons from subnational governments in Japan
by Yu Noda - 157-168 Managerial flexibility versus employee-friendly flexibility: the internal labour market of Taiwan’s civil service
by Bennis Wai Yip So & Hsin-Chung Liao - 169-180 Bureaucratic and political leadership in Bangladesh: dynamics of administrative reform and the public interest
by Ahmed Shafiqul Huque & Jannatul Ferdous - 181-186 Approaches to well-being policy and practice:New Zealand initiatives in comparative perspective
by Peter McKinlay
April 2019, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 63-71 Private military and security companies: legal and political ambiguities impacting the global governance of warfare in public arenas
by Raymond Saner & Amaka Uchegbu & Lichia Yiu - 72-84 Oversight and legislative activity concerning Pacific Island territories of the United States: a balancing of partisanship and autonomy
by Sean A. Cain - 85-96 Public participation in local governments in Bangladesh: experience, challenges and the future
by Pranab Kumar Panday - 97-109 Neoliberal and post-political urban governance: local government amalgamations in New South Wales, Australia
by Khandakar Al Farid Uddin - 110-118 Questioning cross-cultural applicability of public administration knowledge: a critical Asian perspective
by M. Shamsul Haque - 119-125 Strategic performance management in local governments in the Philippines: work and rating challenges
by Arneil G. Gabriel & Nimfa S. Villaroman
January 2019, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-18 The risky business of urban water innovation in Australia: looking through the harm lens
by Graeme Hodge & Tara McCallum & Colin Campbell - 19-32 The evolution of public enterprise in Australia: disillusion and dissolution
by Chris Aulich & Roger Wettenhall - 33-41 The Ombudsman and good governance: Tonga’s experience
by ‘Aisea H. Taumoepeau - 42-47 The dismissal and re-positioning of government ministers and senior administrators in Tonga: leadership and performance challenges
by Albert Vaea - 48-55 Leadership capabilities in Fiji’s civil service: perspectives of senior officials
by Kelvin Andrews - 56-62 Public-private partnerships in solid waste management: arrangements in Indonesia
by Erwin Sondang Siagian & Asep Sumaryana & Ida Widianingsih & Heru Nurasa
October 2018, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 207-211 Special Issue on public sector enhancement in Pacific Island states
by Graham Hassall - 212-218 Public sector management and reform: Cook Islands experience
by Nandi T. Glassie - 219-227 Public sector coordination in Papua New Guinea: responsibilities and experience of central coordination agencies
by Robyn Ata - 228-234 E-government in Vanuatu: a whole-of-government approach
by John Jack - 235-244 The Solomon Islands public service: organisations, challenges and reform
by Jude Devesi - 245-251 Performance management in the Vanuatu public service: foundations, achievements and challenges
by Nanise Lapi - 252-259 Public trading bodies in Samoa: performance management, results and challenges
by Elita Tooala & Faafetai Golovale-Leiofi - 260-269 From design to action: Papua New Guinea’s latest state-owned enterprise policy
by Bronwyn E. Howell & Petrus H. Potgieter & Ronald Sofe
July 2018, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 147-158 Policy on the move: how policy advocates have framed the international transfer of Australia’s asylum seeker policies
by Ella Weisbrot - 159-174 The civil service’s “fast food approach” to development policy-making in Bangladesh: critique and agenda for reform
by Mohammad Mizanur Rahman & Fahimul Quadir - 175-185 Building public sector integrity in Indonesia: the role and challenges of ethical leadership
by Iris van Eeden Jones & Karin Lasthuizen - 186-197 The capacity of local governments in Nepal: from government to governance and governability?
by Keshav K. Acharya - 198-205 Inter-organisational coordination: structures and dynamics of subnational project management in Bangladesh
by A. H. M. Kamrul Ahsan
April 2018, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 83-97 Donor policy domains in official development assistance: ideas, actors and rules in and beyond Asia
by Joanna Spratt - 98-114 Environmental sustainability and poverty alleviation in India: a study of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
by B. S. Ghuman & Ranjeet Singh - 115-131 Fiscal decentralisation and good governance: convergence or divergence? The experience of commune councils in Cambodia
by Theara Khoun - 132-141 Do government web portals matter for citizen engagement in governance? A study of rural local government digital centres in Bangladesh
by Shuvra Chowdhury - 142-146 Brunei Darussalam’s institutional development strategy: components, achievements and challenges
by Nurul Afiqah Nor Amin
January 2018, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-22 Policy work and capacities in a developing country: evidence from the Philippines
by Kidjie Saguin & M. Ramesh & Michael Howlett - 23-42 The role of the government in poverty alleviation in Hong Kong: Part II – diversity of instrument choice
by Jennifer Shin-Chon Wong - 43-56 Dunedin’s arts and culture strategy: a case study of the challenges of participatory governance in New Zealand
by Jennifer Cattermole - 57-67 Do legal prescriptions ensure public accountability? Insights and lessons from local governments in Bangladesh
by A. H. M. Kamrul Ahsan & Mst. Shuvra Chowdhury & Pranab Panday - 68-73 Have foundations become an independent sector in China? Exploring the links between foundations and the state
by Qun Wang - 74-81 Access to better health? The impact of the Benazir Income Support Programme in Pakistan
by Muhammad Waqas & Masood Sarwar Awan
October 2017, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 225-237 Competitive neutrality in public-private partnership evaluations: a non-neutral interpretation in comparative perspective
by Sebastian Zwalf - 238-257 The role of the government in poverty alleviation in Hong Kong: Part I – dynamics of policy attention, choice and change
by Jennifer Shin-Chon Wong - 258-275 Government expenditure cuts and voluntary activities of citizens: the experience of Japanese municipalities
by Kohei Suzuki - 276-286 Service delivery and development at the grassroots: the evolution and contribution of community-based organisations in Nepal
by Keshav K. Acharya & Habib Zafarullah - 287-296 Climate change in Asia and the Pacific: challenges and perspectives
by Jan-Erik Lane & Florent Dieterlen - 297-303 Make way for smart cities: opportunities, challenges and capacities of New Zealand local governments
by Peter McKinlay
July 2017, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 153-162 Relationship between politics and administration: a comparative analysis of legislation and governance in Pacific Island governmental systems
by Lhawang Ugyel - 163-176 Corporatist governance in Hong Kong: The case of the sports and arts functional constituency
by Rikkie L. K. Yeung & Francesca T. C. Chiu & James Y. C. Kwok - 177-188 Decentralisation without decentralisation: Bangladesh’s failed attempt to transfer power from the central government to local governments
by Pranab Panday - 189-201 Bargaining between local governments and multinational corporations in a decentralised system of governance: the cases of Ogan Komering Ilir and Banyuwangi districts in Indonesia
by K. Kuswanto & Herman W. Hoen & Ronald L. Holzhacker - 202-210 What might it take to achieve sustainable development? Three contrasting sets of perspectives
by Priya A. Kurian - 211-216 Public sector appointments, political influence and performance: perceptions of the situation in Pakistan
by Junaid Ashraf - 217-223 Transparency and accountability in local government: levels of commitment of municipal councillors in Bongabon in the Philippines
by Arneil G. Gabriel
April 2017, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 79-82 Special Issue on the second decade of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China: themes and overview
by John P. Burns - 83-99 “One country, two systems”: the end of a legitimating ideology?
by Ian Scott - 100-119 Factionalism and Chinese-style democracy: the 2017 Hong Kong Chief Executive election
by Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo - 120-134 The “Principal Officials Accountability System”: its underdevelopment as a system of ministerial government
by Eliza W.Y. Lee & Rikkie L.K. Yeung - 135-152 Hong Kong 2007-2017: a backlash in civil society
by Elaine Chan & Joseph Chan
January 2017, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-15 Centralisation, decentralisation and outsourcing of civil service training: Hong Kong, Singapore and United Kingdom experience in comparative perspective
by Lina Vyas & Yida Zhu - 16-38 Social safety nets in the development of a welfare system in Pakistan: an analysis of the Benazir Income Support Programme
by Zahid Mumtaz & Peter Whiteford - 39-50 Forms and effects of shared services: an assessment of local government arrangements in Japan
by Yu Noda - 51-62 Anti-money laundering governance in the Philippines: legal foundations, institutional dynamics and policy challenges
by Dennis Vicencio Blanco - 63-71 Agricultural insurance in Vietnam: pilot programme and pre-conditions for a public-private partnership approach
by Dang Minh Duc - 72-78 Public-private partnerships in Indonesia: a comprehensive legal framework of significance to action and analysis
by Erwin Sondang Siagian
October 2016, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 211-222 Role and significance of political incentives: understanding institutional collective action in local inter-governmental arrangements in China
by Chen Shaowei & Li Rui & Wang Youqiang - 223-238 Impact of municipal mergers on local population growth: an assessment of the merger of Japanese municipalities
by Kohei Suzuki & Kentaro Sakuwa - 239-250 International inter-sectoral collaboration in university research centres: innovation systems in the United States and beyond in comparative perspective
by Jennifer M. Miller - 251-269 Small and medium-sized enterprises in Thailand: government policy and economic development
by Mark Turner & Sineenat Sermcheep & Seksan Anantasirijkiat & Piti Srisangnam - 270-280 Welfare-to-work: experience in the emerging Vietnamese welfare state
by Phuc Nguyen & Mark Considine & Siobhan O’Sullivan - 281-288 Problem-structuring methods: collaborative action with an application to the healthcare sector in Iran
by Khadijeh Rouzbehani