January 2016, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 132-153 The ‘first’ surge: the repulse of the Easter Invasion in South Vietnam, 1972 – implications for Iraq and Afghanistan
by Timothy J. Lomperis - 154-178 Carlo Bianco and Guerra per bande: an Italian approach to irregular warfare
by Andrea Beccaro - 179-181 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors
November 2015, Volume 26, Issue 6
- (985) Call for Chapters
by The Editors - 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 865-885 Problems with the Kurds as proxies against Islamic State: insights from the siege of Kobane
by Rod Thornton - 886-911 Cognitivism, prospect theory, and foreign policy change: a comparative analysis of the politics of counterinsurgency in Malaya and Afghanistan
by Eszter Simon - 912-936 Fighting on Their Own Terms: The Tactics of the Irish Republican Army 1919-1921
by Maura R. Cremin - 937-956 Soldiers contra diplomats: Britain’s role in the Zimbabwe/Rhodesia ceasefire (1979–1980) reconsidered
by Blessing-Miles Tendi - 957-975 Delusions of survival: US deliberations on support for South Vietnam during the 1975 ‘Final Offensive’
by Jeffrey H. Michaels - 976-976 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 977-983 The Political Impossibility of Modern Counterinsurgency
by Paul B. Rich - 983-985 Fight or Flight: Britain, France and their Roads from Empire
by Andrew Williams - 985-987 Mad Mitch’s Tribal Law: Aden and the End of Empire
by Edward Burke
September 2015, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 719-720 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 721-743 At war with social theory: Instrumental and communicative action in US military doctrine during the War on Terror
by Stephen Pampinella - 744-763 Croatia's bitter harvest: Total National Defence's role in the Croatian War of Independence
by James Horncastle - 764-789 The view from above: how the Royal Air Force provided a strategic vision for operational intelligence during the Malayan Emergency
by Roger Arditti - 790-810 The African warlord revisited
by Laura Freeman - 811-835 Bush path to self-destruction: Charles Taylor and the Revolutionary United Front
by Christopher Day - 836-860 When the Going Gets Tough… Monitoring Missions and a Changing Conflict Environment in Sri Lanka, 2002–2008
by Kristine Höglund & Marcus Wennerström - 861-864 Networks of Rebellion: Explaining Insurgent Cohesion and Collapse
by Will Carter
July 2015, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 557-557 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 558-577 Introduction
by Paul B. Rich - 578-596 Swords, sandals, and insurgencies: Ancient history goes to the movies
by Rose Mary Sheldon - 597-615 Abd el-Krim's guerrilla war against Spain and France in North Africa: An adventure setting for screen melodramas
by Mevliyar Er & Paul B. Rich - 616-639 Z and other cinematic tales from the 30-year Greek civil war
by Marina Eleftheriadou - 640-667 Rossellini, Pontecorvo, and the neorealist cinema of insurgency
by Paul B. Rich - 668-687 Spies, advisors, and grunts: Film portrayals of counterinsurgency in Vietnam
by Jeffrey H. Michaels & Andrew J. Gawthorpe - 688-701 Bandit Queen: Cinematic representation of social banditry in India
by Shanthie Mariet D'Souza & Bibhu Prasad Routray - 702-716 Cinematic representations of the Mexican Narco War
by Robert J. Bunker & José de Arimatéia da Cruz - 717-717 Call for Chapters: Police Advising and Assistance
by The Editors
May 2015, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 343-344 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 345-376 COIN: A study of strategic illusion
by Amitai Etzioni - 377-382 COIN fights: A response to Etzioni
by John A. Nagl - 383-407 Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism, and the Taliban of Afghanistan: ‘Puritanical reform’ as a ‘revolutionary war’ program
by Shivan Mahendrarajah - 408-428 Counterinsurgency and the limits of state-building: An analysis of Colombia's policy of territorial consolidation, 2006–2012
by Jorge E. Delgado - 429-445 Challenges in building partner capacity: Civil–military relations in the United States and new democracies
by Thomas Bruneau - 446-458 Past failures and future problems: the psychology of irregular war
by Phil Reynolds - 459-475 Intelligence and intelligence operations in Romanian anti-partisan warfare, 1944–1958
by Andrei Miroiu - 476-496 Transnational networks of insurgency and crime: explaining the spread of commercial insurgencies beyond state borders
by Oscar Palma - 497-517 Capacity and competence: full-spectrum counterinsurgency in the Horn of Africa
by Paul E. Roitsch - 518-541 Army of darkness: The jihadist training system in Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1996–2001
by Sean M. Maloney - 542-556 ISIL, insurgent strategies for statehood, and the challenge for security studies
by Noriyuki Katagiri
March 2015, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 207-207 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 208-225 Strategic differences: Al Qaeda's Split with the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham
by John Turner - 226-247 ‘Ser Eleno’: Insurgent identity formation in the ELN
by Barbara Gruber & Jan Pospisil - 248-270 ‘Taylor must go’ – the strategy of the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy
by Ilmari Käihkö - 271-291 ‘Troops were then forced to fire’: British army crowd control in Palestine, November 1945
by Giora Goodman - 292-312 A lost work of El Lobo: Lieutenant-Colonel Charles T.R. Bohannan's unpublished study of guerrilla warfare and counterinsurgency in the Philippines, 1899–1955
by Jason S. Ridler - 313-334 Texas Ranger Auxiliaries: Double-Edged Sword of the Campaign for Northern Mexico, 1846–1848
by Nathan A. Jennings - 335-337 Putin's Wars: The Rise of Russia's New Imperialism
by Elena Pokalova - 337-339 Fountainhead of Jihad: The Haqqani Nexus, 1973-2012
by Ryan Shaffer - 339-342 A la cima sobre los hombros del diablo
by Thomas A. Marks
January 2015, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-2 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 3-24 Crossing off names: the logic of military assassination
by Simon Frankel Pratt - 25-48 The creation of committed combatants
by Roos Haer & Lilli Banholzer - 49-71 Controlled warfare: how directed-energy weapons will enable the US Military to fight effectively in an urban environment while minimizing collateral damage
by Stephen D. Davis - 72-89 Comprehensive approaches, diverse coherences: the different levels of policy coherence in the Dutch 3D approach in Afghanistan
by Jaïr van der Lijn - 90-113 Local defence forces and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan: learning from the CIA's Village Defense Program in South Vietnam
by Jon Strandquist - 114-135 French military policy in the Nigerian Civil War, 1967–1970
by Christopher Griffin - 136-157 Exporting professionalism: US efforts to reform the armed forces in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, 1916–1933
by Eric R. Rittinger - 158-180 A long small war: Italian counterrevolutionary warfare in Libya, 1911 to 1932
by Frederick H. Dotolo - 181-201 When the green gets greener: political Islam's newly-found environmentalism
by Emmanuel Karagiannis - 202-204 War comes to Garmser: thirty years of conflict on the Afghan frontier
by William Carter - 204-206 Mercenaries: putting the world to rights with hired guns
by John P. Cann
September 2014, Volume 25, Issue 5-6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 877-878 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 879-899 Counterinsurgency or irregular warfare? Historiography and the study of ‘small wars’
by Sibylle Scheipers - 900-923 Militias as sociopolitical movements: Lessons from Iraq's armed Shia groups
by Ches Thurber - 924-956 Afghanistan after the Soviets: From jihad to tribalism
by Brian Glyn Williams - 957-975 Urban violence and the militarisation of security: Brazilian ‘peacekeeping’ in Rio de Janeiro and Port-au-Prince
by Kristian Hoelscher & Per M. Norheim-Martinsen - 976-991 Ireland's Ho Chi Minh trail? The Republic of Ireland's role in the Provisional IRA's bombing campaign, 1970–1976
by Gearóid Ó Faoleán - 992-1016 The Nepalese Army: From counterinsurgency to peacekeeping?
by Arturo C. Sotomayor - 1017-1038 Ungoverned space? Examining the FARC's interactions with local populations in Northern Ecuador
by Maria Kingsley - 1039-1054 John Brown as guerrilla terrorist
by Brenda J. Lutz & James M. Lutz - 1055-1062 ‘Outside their expertise’: The implications of Field Manual 3-24 for the professional military education of non-commissioned officers
by James Hasík - 1063-1065 The Executioner's Men: Los Zetas, Rogue Soldiers, Criminal Entrepreneurs, and the Shadow State They Created
by Richard J. Kilroy - 1065-1067 Global Security Upheaval: Armed Nonstate Groups Usurping State Stability Functions
by Robert J. Bunker
July 2014, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 717-719 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 720-737 Bibliography
by The Editors - 738-740 ‘The Origins of Small Wars from Special Operations to Ideological Insurgencies’: A National Army Museum response
by Alastair Massie - 741-753 Introduction: Exploring the jungle of terminology
by Beatrice Heuser - 754-766 The sixteenth-century antecedents of special operations ‘small war’
by Benjamin Deruelle - 767-783 The essence of war: French armies and small war in the Low Countries (1672–1697)
by Bertrand Fonck & George Satterfield - 784-799 Initiating insurgencies abroad: French plans to ‘chouannise’ Britain and Ireland, 1793–1798
by Sylvie Kleinman - 800-813 The insurgency of the Vendée
by Alan Forrest - 814-827 Guerrillas and bandits in the Serranía de Ronda, 1810–1812
by Charles Esdaile - 828-842 The German wars of liberation 1807–1815: The restrained insurgency
by Martin Rink - 843-857 Poachers turned gamekeepers: A study of the guerrilla phenomenon in Spain, 1808–1840
by Mark Lawrence - 858-876 Lessons learnt? Cultural transfer and revolutionary wars, 1775–1831
by Beatrice Heuser
May 2014, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 495-500 Influence without power? Reframing British concepts of military intervention after 10 years of counterinsurgency
by Matthew Ford - 501-521 Enmeshed in insurgency: Britain's protracted retreats from Iraq and Afghanistan
by Huw Bennett - 522-538 Syria and the perils of proxy warfare
by Geraint Alun Hughes - 539-559 Conflicting worldviews, mutual incomprehension: The production of intelligence across Whitehall and the management of subversion during decolonisation, 1944–1966
by Gregor Davey - 560-583 Helpless or Deliberate Bystander: American Policy towards South Vietnam's Military Coups, 1954–1975
by Jeffrey H. Michaels - 584-606 Building Stability Overseas: Three case studies in British defence diplomacy – Uganda, Rhodesia–Zimbabwe, and Sierra Leone
by Matthew Ford - 607-627 Civil–military relations in francophone Africa and the consequences of a mistaken analysis
by Olaf Bachmann - 628-646 Military intelligence and the war in Dhofar: An appraisal
by Clive Jones - 647-668 Upstream engagement and downstream entanglements: The assumptions, opportunities, and threats of partnering
by Robert Johnson - 669-684 Deterrence and overseas stability
by John Stone - 685-695 Goodbye to all that: On small wars and big choices
by Patrick Porter - 696-716 Expendable soldiers
by Douglas Porch
March 2014, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 255-256 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 257-283 The evolution of Hezbollah's strategy and military performance, 1982–2006
by Iver Gabrielsen - 284-296 The Taliban's ‘military courts’
by Antonio Giustozzi - 297-328 ‘Blackmailing the army’ – ‘Strategic Military Refusal’ as policy and doctrine enforcement: the formation of a new security agent
by Udi Lebel - 329-353 Born violent: Armed political parties and non-state governance in Lebanon's civil war
by Anne Marie Baylouny - 354-371 Colombia: Changing strategy amidst the struggle
by Carlos Ospina & Thomas A. Marks - 372-403 Violence and the state: Lessons from Colombia
by Jennifer S. Holmes & Sheila Amin Gutiérrez de Piñeres - 404-427 Elements of ‘armed non-state actors’ power: The case of al-Qaeda in Yemen
by Marina Eleftheriadou - 428-456 ‘Faced with death, even a mouse bites’: Social and religious motivations behind terrorism in Chechnya
by Matthew Janeczko - 457-478 Analyzing the Cambodian insurgency as a social field
by Daniel Bultmann - 479-486 A best practice for assessment in counterinsurgency
by Jonathan Schroden - 487-491 Recent titles dealing with Indian and Nepali Maoists
by Thomas A. Marks - 492-494 Al-Shabaab in Somalia: The History and Ideology of a Militant Islamist Group, 2005–2012
by Benjamin Fisher
January 2014, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-2 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 3-4 Editorial statement
by Paul B Rich - 5-40 A historical overview of US counter-insurgency
by Paul B Rich - 41-68 ‘Full spectrum dominance’: Donald Rumsfeld, the Department of Defense, and US irregular warfare strategy, 2001–2008
by Maria Ryan - 69-90 Counterinsurgency American style: Considering David Petraeus and twenty-first century irregular war
by James A. Russell - 91-121 Conceptual failure, the Taliban's parallel hierarchies, and America's strategic defeat in Afghanistan
by Shivan Mahendrarajah - 122-136 Naw Bahar District 2010–11: A case study of counterinsurgency Conducted by Naval Special Warfare in Afghanistan
by Thomas Briggs - 137-160 The prospects of combined action: Lessons from Vietnam
by Yoav Gortzak - 161-179 Critics gone wild: Counterinsurgency as the root of all evil
by David H. Ucko - 180-185 Reply to David Ucko
by Douglas Porch - 186-204 From Patton to Petraeus: American Generalship and the Art of War Since 1941
by Michael Evans - 205-235 Drones, spies, terrorists, and second-class citizenship in Pakistan
by C. Christine Fair - 236-241 Out of the Mountains: the Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla
by Alice Hills - 242-253 Keep the change: Counterinsurgency, Iraq, and historical understanding
by Celeste Ward Gventer
October 2013, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 771-772 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 773-794 Jumma insurgency in Chittagong Hills Tracts: how serious is the threat to Bangladesh's national integration and what can be done?
by Caf Dowlah - 795-812 Revisiting the Naga conflict: what can India do to resolve this conflict?
by M. Amarjeet Singh - 813-834 Changing civilian support for the Maoist conflict in India
by Srobana Bhattacharya - 835-856 Helping hands: external support for the KNU insurgency in Burma
by Jelmer Brouwer & Joris van Wijk - 857-878 Counterinsurgency force ratio: strategic utility or nominal necessity
by Riley M. Moore - 879-906 Taking advantage of insurgencies: effective policies of state-sponsorship
by David A. Patten
October 2013, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 607-608 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 609-647 The Palestine Police Force and the challenges of gathering counterterrorism intelligence, 1939–1947
by Bruce Hoffman - 648-668 India's internal wars: counterinsurgency role of central police forces
by Bibhu Prasad Routray - 669-695 Counterinsurgency in El Salvador: the lessons and limits of the indirect approach
by David H. Ucko - 696-711 Eritrea's military unprofessionalism and US security assistance in the Horn of Africa
by Jason Warner - 712-730 Winning hearts and minds: legitimacy in the Namibian war for independence
by Lieneke Eloff de Visser - 731-750 Shafer revisited – the three great oughts of winning the hearts and minds: analysing the assumptions underpinning the British and Dutch COIN approach in Helmand and Uruzgan
by Mirjam Grandia Mantas - 751-759 A bibliographic essay on the Allied occupation and reconstruction of West Germany, 1945–1955
by Paul D. Miller - 760-762 Losing Small Wars: British Military Failure in Iraq and Afghanistan
by Tom Mockaitis - 762-764 The Arab Revolution: Ten Lessons From the Democratic Uprising
by George Joffé - 764-765 The Violent Image: Insurgent Propaganda and the New Revolutionaries
by David H. Ucko - 765-769 What the thunder said: reflections of a Canadian officer in Kandahar
by Dennis M. Rempe - 769-770 Cartels at war: Mexico's drug-fueled violence and the threat to US national security
by Yelena Tuzova
January 2005, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 125-146 Articles: GCMA/GMI: A French Experience in Counterinsurgency during the French Indochina War
by Philippe Pottier - 147-169 An Evolving View of Warfare: War and Peace and the American Military Profession
by Matthew J. Morgan - 170-191 The Botswana Defence Force and the War against Poachers in Southern Africa
by Dan Henk - 192-215 Operation Messiah: Did Christianity Start as a Roman Psychological Counterinsurgency Operation?
by Thijs Voskuilen - 216-240 From Blitzkrieg To Attrition: Israel's Attrition Strategy and Staying Power
by Avi Kober - 241-251 Review Article: Reading Guerrilla Radio in Wartime Liberia
by Michael A. Innes
January 2000, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 1-25 Churchill's initial experience with the British conduct of small wars: India and the Sudan, 1897–98
by David Jablonsky - 5-6 About the contributors
by The Editors - 26-43 Military intelligence and the problem of legitimacy: Opening the model
by Everett Carl Dolman - 44-68 ‘Restoring normalcy’: The evolution of the Indian army's counterinsurgency doctrine
by Rajesh Rajagopalan - 69-81 The Kashmir insurgency: As bad as it gets
by Alexander Evans - 82-96 Urban gangs evolving as criminal Netwar actors
by John P. Sullivan - 97-111 The demilitarization of public security in Panama
by Ricardo Arias Calderon - 112-113 Introduction to review essays on ‘unrestricted warfare’
by Andrew Scobell - 114-121 Unrestricted warfare: Review essay I
by Robert J. Bunker - 122-123 Unrestricted warfare: Review essay II
by Dean Cheng - 130-131 Special Air Service Books to Choose From
by Charles D. Melson - 132-133 Book review
by Thomas R. Mockaitis - 134-135 Short notices
by The Editors