April 2022, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 382-408 The depiction of women in jihadi magazines: a comparative analysis of Islamic State, Al Qaeda, Taliban and Tahrik-e Taliban Pakistan
by Weeda Mehran & Dominika Imiolek & Lucy Smeddle & Jack Springett-Gilling - 409-436 ‘Forever wars’? Patterns of diffusion and consolidation of Jihadism in Africa
by Stig Jarle Hansen - 437-466 Evolving doctrine and modus operandi: violent extremism in Cabo Delgado
by Thomas Heyen-Dubé & Richard Rands - 467-498 Protection or predation? Understanding the behavior of community-created self-defense militias during civil wars
by Mohammed Ibrahim Shire - 499-527 Integration of Iran-backed armed groups into the Iraqi and Syrian armed forces: implications for stability in Iraq and Syria
by Hamidreza Azizi - 528-549 Psychiatric casualties and the British counter-insurgency in Malaya
by Thomas Probert - 550-552 Colonial institutions and civil war: indirect rule and maoist insurgency in India
by C. Christine Fair
February 2022, Volume 33, Issue 1-2
- 1-21 Advancing private security studies: introduction to the special issue
by Eugenio Cusumano & Christopher Kinsey - 22-47 Mercenaries in/and history: the problem of ahistoricism and contextualism in mercenary scholarship
by Malte Riemann - 48-70 Mercenaries and private military corporations in ancient and early medieval South Asia
by Kaushik Roy - 71-91 ‘Useless and dangerous’? Mercenaries in fourteenth century wars
by Matteo C.M. Casiraghi - 92-111 The Social Construction of Mercenaries: German Soldiers in British Service during the Eighteenth Century
by Helene Olsen - 112-129 Mercenaries in the Congo and Biafra, 1960-1970: Africa’s weapon of choice?
by Stephen Rookes & Walter Bruyère-Ostells - 130-151 Private military companies – Russian great power politics on the cheap?
by Åse Gilje Østensen & Tor Bukkvoll - 152-172 The UAE’s ‘dogs of war’: boosting a small state’s regional power projection
by Andreas Krieg - 173-195 China’s private security companies and the protection of Chinese economic interests abroad
by Jingdong Yuan - 196-223 What does gender got to do with it? PMSCs and privatization of security revisited
by Jutta Joachim & Andrea Schneiker - 224-249 Mercenaries at the movies: representations of soldiers of fortune in Mexico and the Congo in American and European cinema
by Paul B Rich - 250-271 Contractors or robots? Future warfare between privatization and automation
by Antonio Calcara - 272-293 The rise of cybersecurity warriors?
by Moritz Weiss - 294-312 Concluding comments
by Eugenio Cusumano & Christopher Kinsey
November 2021, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 1193-1220 Mass balance, accumulation dynamics and high-altitude warfare: the Siachen Glacier as a battlefield
by Kristin Smith - 1221-1251 Desertification, migration, and herder-farmer conflicts in Nigeria: rethinking the ungoverned spaces thesis
by Nsemba Edward Lenshie & Kelechi Okengwu & Confidence N. Ogbonna & Christian Ezeibe - 1252-1275 Counterinsurgency in the Age of Enlightenment: military ethnography of the ‘Highland Problem’
by Stanislav Malkin - 1276-1301 The power of cultural weapons in counterinsurgency: South Korea’s Jeong culture and its effectiveness in Vietnam
by Kil Joo Ban - 1302-1331 Implausible sovereigns and their organizational logic: violent non-state actors’ response to COVID-19
by Ori Swed - 1332-1361 Explaining rebel-state collaboration in insurgency: keep your friends close but your enemies closer
by Jelte Johannes Schievels & Thomas Colley - 1362-1393 Onset of new business? Private military and security companies and conflict onset in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia from 1990 to 2011
by Ulrich Petersohn - 1394-1417 Discretion and military frontline workers: investigating civil-military relations policies in Afghanistan
by Lene Ekhaugen - 1418-1453 Did India’s demonetization policy curb stone-pelting in Indian-administered Kashmir
by C. Christine Fair & Digvijay Ghotane & Parina Patel
October 2021, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 1029-1055 Securing the keystone: the suppression of anti-communist insurgents in Southern China, 1949–1952
by Zi Yang - 1056-1091 Understanding Somalia’s multidimensional protracted war: an updated structural-processual analysis
by Francisco Javier Ullán de la Rosa & Sylvester Tabe Arrey - 1092-1116 A case of violent corruption: JNIM’s insurgency in Mali (2017–2019)
by Luciano Pollichieni - 1117-1137 A forgotten decade? Politicking and war for the ANC/FAZ 1967-1977
by Colin D. Robinson - 1138-1162 Camp follower or counterinsurgent? Lady Templer and the forgotten wives
by Hannah West - 1163-1187 Small wars and the construction of the Venetian defence system from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries
by Tea Perinčić - 1188-1191 Everything you have told me is true: the many faces of Al Shabaab
by Paul B. Rich
August 2021, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 855-866 Introduction: Maritime Southeast Asia’s encounter with Westphalianism
by Richard Chauvel & Derek McDougall - 867-886 Indonesia’s war against East Timor: how it ended
by Clinton Fernandes - 887-912 The logics of insurgency in the Bangsamoro
by Georgi Engelbrecht - 913-944 West Papua: Indonesia’s last regional conflict
by Richard Chauvel - 945-976 Islam and the BRN’s armed separatist movement in Southern Thailand
by Rungrawee Chalermsripinyorat - 977-1011 Concerns for the neighbours (and some others): international involvement in the conflicts in the Southern Philippines and West Papua
by Derek McDougall - 1012-1022 Child soldiers research: the next necessary steps
by M.J. Fox - 1023-1025 Fascist warfare, 1922-1945: aggression, occupation, annihilation
by Hew Strachan - 1025-1028 Jihadists of North Africa and the Sahel: Local Politics and Rebel Groups
by Natasja Rupesinghe
July 2021, Volume 32, Issue 4-5
- 587-597 Ireland, 2021: a century of insurgency, terrorism and security challenges
by Aaron Edwards & Cillian McGrattan - 598-618 ‘Lessons learned’ during the Interbellum: ‘Irish war’ and British counterinsurgency
by Stanislav Malkin - 619-641 Shallow graves; documenting & assessing IRA disappearances during the Irish revolution 1919–1923
by Andy Bielenberg & Pádraig Óg Ó Ruairc - 642-664 Brothers in arms? How the IRA and EOKA insurgencies transcended the local and became transnational
by Aaron Edwards & Maria Hadjiathanasiou - 665-686 Sectarianism and the Provisional Irish Republican Army
by Martin J. McCleery - 687-713 Inter- and intra-agency intelligence liaison during ‘the troubles’
by Samantha Newbery - 714-746 The unfinished revolution of ‘dissident’ Irish republicans: divergent views in a fragmented base
by Marisa McGlinchey - 747-771 From warrior regimes to illicit sovereigns: Ulster loyalist paramilitaries and the security implications for Brexit
by Seán Brennan - 772-788 Explaining violent dissident Republican breakaway through deviant cohesion
by Patrick Finnegan - 789-811 ‘Attempting to deal with the past’: historical inquiries, legacy prosecutions, and Operation Banner
by Andrew Sanders - 812-836 Bringing politics back in: interpretations of the peace process and the security challenge in Northern Ireland
by Paul Dixon - 837-844 Afterword
by Caroline Kennedy-Pipe - 845-850 Remaking the Modern World 1900-2015: global connections and comparisons
by Paul B. Rich - 851-854 Syrian Requiem: the civil war and its aftermath
by Fouad Mami
April 2021, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 415-440 Whose hybrid warfare? How ‘the hybrid warfare’ concept shapes Russian discourse, military, and political practice
by Maxim A. Suchkov - 441-468 Geographies of hybrid war: rebellion and foreign intervention in Ukraine
by Valery Dzutsati - 469-489 Reconstructing the theater of terror
by Matthew M. Sweeney & Arie Perliger & Ami Pedahzur - 490-508 Armed governance: the case of the CIA-supported Afghan militias
by Antonio De Lauri & Astri Suhrke - 509-534 Settle and conquer: the ultimate counterinsurgency success
by Matthew J. Flynn - 535-549 Academic questions on jihadist sources, analysis, and networks: a rejoinder to will Reno on Unmasking Boko Haram
by Jacob Zenn - 550-570 Review of the special issue ‘robotics autonomous systems and warfare,’ Small Wars and Insurgencies 31, 4 June 2020
by Paul Lushenko - 571-573 The Russian understanding of war: blurring the lines between war and peace
by Craig Whiteside - 574-578 Stalin’s Guerillas in World War II
by Alexander Gogun - 578-580 Barbed-wire imperialism: Britain’s empire of camps, 1876-1903
by Paul B. Rich - 580-585 The US volunteers in the Southern Philippines: counterinsurgency, pacification, and collaboration, 1899-1901
by Oliver Charbonneau
February 2021, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 181-204 Gray zone in red: China revisits the past
by Thomas A. Marks & David H. Ucko - 205-228 Playing chess with the Dragon: Chinese-U.S. competition in the era of irregular warfare
by Cary Mittelmark - 229-265 Springing the ‘Tacitus Trap’: countering Chinese state-sponsored disinformation
by Jesse S. Curtis - 266-294 Irregular warfare in translation: past U.S. and Chinese excursions through the looking class
by Edward C. O’Dowd - 295-319 The concept of ‘hybrid warfare’ undermines NATO’s strategic thinking: insights from interviews with NATO officials
by Murat Caliskan & Michel Liégeois - 320-343 Lost in transition: the myth of Mao and the origins of COIN
by Emanuele Castelli & Simone Dossi & Lorenzo Zambernardi - 344-373 ‘Ground Hog Da Din’ for the Sikh insurgency?
by C. Christine Fair & Kerry Ashkenaze & Scott Batchelder - 374-408 Bringing the war home: the strategic logic of ‘North Caucasian terrorism’ in Russia
by Vassily A. Klimentov - 409-412 A British profession of arms: the politics of command in the late Victorian army
by Thomas-Durell Young - 412-414 Directorate S: the CIA and America’s secrete wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan
by S. Yaqub Ibrahimi
January 2021, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-25 New societies, new soldiers? A soldier typology
by Iselin Silja Kaspersen - 26-52 Civilians’ survival strategies during the Taliban’s insurgency (2007-9), Pakistan: a look at the consequences
by Sanaullah - 53-79 Counterinsurgency in South Africa: the Afrikaner Rebellion, 1914–1915
by Antonio Garcia & Evert Kleynhans - 80-102 ‘The elite troops of trafficking’. An assessment of the phenomenon of military-trained gang members in Rio de Janeiro
by Andrea Varsori - 103-126 The counter-insurgent paradox. How the FARC-EP successfully subverted counter-insurgent institutions in Colombia
by José Antonio Gutiérrez - 127-151 The M-19’s ideological Sancocho: the reconciliation of socialism and Colombian nationalism
by Francis O’Connor & Jakob Meer - 152-162 The Venezuelan castro-communist counterinsurgency (1960-1968) and the fight for emergent democratic governments
by Daniel Levinson Harris - 163-172 Conflict in the South African transition: an analysis shaped by subaltern studies
by Paul B Rich - 173-176 Unmasking Boko Haram: exploring global Jihad in Nigeria
by Will Reno - 177-180 Cities at war global insecurity and urban resistance
by Namrata Goswami
November 2020, Volume 31, Issue 7-8
- () Notice of duplicate publication: Making sense of political violence: an interview with Marc Sageman
by The Editors - () Notice of duplicate publication: What’s wrong with drones? Automatization and target selection
by The Editors - () Notice of duplicate publication: An analysis of the Jewish-Roman War (66–73 AD) using contemporary insurgency theory
by The Editors - 1395-1414 Negotiating statehood through ceasefires: Syria’s de-escalation zones
by Marika Sosnowski - 1415-1440 Private military & security companies, conflict complexity, and peace duration: an empirical analysis
by Elizabeth Radziszewski & Seden Akcinaroglu - 1441-1447 Maoism: a global history
by Thomas A. Marks - 1448-1452 Insurgency and counterinsurgency: a global history
by Paul B. Rich - 1453-1455 Guerrilla Nightmare: Luftwaffe Stukas at War Against Tito’s Partisans in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945
by Timothy Heck
August 2020, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 1143-1173 Rebel governance, rebel legitimacy, and external intervention: assessing three phases of Taliban rule in Afghanistan
by Niels Terpstra - 1174-1195 Jihadi governance and traditional authority structures: al-Shabaab and Clan Elders in Southern Somalia, 2008-2012
by Michael Weddegjerde Skjelderup - 1196-1241 The language of terror: exploring speech acts in official English-language ISIS videos, 2014-2017
by Yuanbo Qi - 1242-1294 Chronicling the Boko Haram Decade in Nigeria (2010-2020): distinguishing factions through videographic analysis
by Jacob Zenn - 1295-1322 Environmental degradation, livelihood, and the stability of Chad Basin Region
by Saheed Babajide Owonikoko & Jude A. Momodu - 1323-1348 The conceptual puzzle of violent non-state actors in Latin America: a critique of the convergence hypothesis
by Jochen Kleinschmidt & Oscar Palma - 1349-1372 Between safe havens in cross-border insurgency: Malaysia, Thailand and the Second Emergency (1952–89)
by Weichong Ong - 1373-1394 The Assam Rifles and India’s North-East frontier policy
by Harrison Akins
July 2020, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 931-955 Introduction
by Rose Mary Sheldon - 956-987 Trajectories to rebellion: the Former Han dynasty
by Ralph D. Sawyer - 988-1009 The Ulcer of the Mughal Empire: Mughals and Marathas, 1680-1707
by Eric W. Osborne - 1010-1043 Insurgency in Germany: the slaughter of Varus in the Teutoburger Wald
by Rose Mary Sheldon - 1044-1057 Armed resistance to Roman rule in North Africa, from the time of Augustus to the vandal invasion
by David Cherry - 1058-1079 An analysis of the Jewish-Roman War (66–73 AD) using contemporary insurgency theory
by Javier Jordán - 1080-1107 ‘I will lay waste your cities, and you will become a desolation’. Insurgency and counter-insurgency in Judaea
by Gwyn Davies - 1108-1129 ‘On the side of a righteous vengeance’ – Counterinsurgency operations in Roman Britain
by Jorit Wintjes - 1130-1136 Biographies of two ‘big men’ in Zimbabwe: a review essay
by Norma Kriger - 1137-1138 The Dragons and the Snakes: how the rest learned to fight the West
by Stephen Chan - 1139-1142 Rorke’s Drift and Isandlwana
by James O. Gump
June 2020, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 691-700 The impact of robotics and autonomous systems (RAS) across the conflict spectrum
by Ash Rossiter - 701-729 Reluctant innovators? Inter-organizational conflict and the U.S.A.’s route to becoming a drone power
by Marc R. DeVore - 730-750 Armed, unmanned, and in high demand: the drivers behind combat drones proliferation in the Middle East
by Francesco F. Milan & Aniseh Bassiri Tabrizi - 751-772 U.S. drone campaign in Pakistan’s Pashtun ‘tribal’ region: beginning of the end under President Trump?
by Farooq Yousaf - 773-800 What’s in it for us? Armed drone strikes and the security of Somalia’s Federal Government
by Brendon J. Cannon - 801-821 What’s wrong with drones? Automatization and target selection
by Andree-Anne Melancon - 822-850 Friend or frenemy? The role of trust in human-machine teaming and lethal autonomous weapons systems
by Aiden Warren & Alek Hillas - 851-873 Bots on the ground: an impending UGV revolution in military affairs?
by Ash Rossiter - 874-897 Artificial intelligence, big data and autonomous systems along the belt and road: towards private security companies with Chinese characteristics?
by Peter Layton - 898-917 The impact of Artificial Intelligence on hybrid warfare
by Guilong Yan - 918-929 Tribes and politics in Yemen: a history of the Houthi Conflict
by Maria-Louise Clausen - 920-923 Blood and Concrete: 21st century conflict in urban centers and megacities
by Alice Hills - 923-926 To build as well as destroy: American nation building in Vietnam
by Christian Tripodi - 926-929 Britain, Greece and the Colonels, 1967-74: between pragmatism and human rights
by Marina Eleftheriadou
April 2020, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 445-474 Rebel fragmentation in Syria’s civil war
by Olivier J. Walther & Patrick Steen Pedersen - 475-510 War in Syria: the translocal dimension of fighter mobilization
by Esther Meininghaus & Carina Schlüsing - 511-539 Liberated, not free: Yazidi women after Islamic State captivity
by Gina Vale - 540-568 Towards the “olive trees of Rome”: exploitation of propaganda devices in the Islamic State’s flagship magazine “Rumiyah”
by Miron Lakomy - 569-593 Israeli targeted killing operations before and during the Second Intifada: a contextualized comparison
by Oldrich Bures & Andrew J. Hawkins - 594-611 The bombing of The King David Hotel, July 1946
by Bruce Hoffman - 612-638 Improving US army civil affairs assessment through social power analysis
by Lucy A. Whalley & Judith M. Vendrzyk - 639-660 Political bargaining chips: republican internees in Northern Ireland 1972-1975
by Tony Craig & Martin McCleery - 661-669 Researching armed conflict, Boko Haram and other violent non-state actors: problems with web sources
by M. J. Fox - 670-679 Making sense of political violence: an interview with Marc Sageman
by Mitja Sardoc - 680-689 Radical Islamist ideology, Jihadist recruitment and the contradictions of western counter-terrorism
by Paul B. Rich
February 2020, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 211-218 Considering anthropology and small wars
by Montgomery McFate - 219-240 Accidental ethnographers: the Islamic State’s tribal engagement experiment
by Craig Whiteside & Anas Elallame - 241-266 Beyond faith and foxholes: vernacular religion and asymmetrical warfare within contemporary IDF combat units
by Nehemia Stern & Uzi Ben Shalom - 267-285 Combat anthropologist: Charles T. R. Bohannan, counter-insurgency pioneer, 1936-1966
by Jason S. Ridler - 286-312 Francis FitzGerald’s Fire in the Lake, state legitimacy and anthropological insights on a revolutionary war
by Paul B. Rich - 313-339 Archaeology and small wars
by Christopher Jasparro - 340-358 Lost in translation: anthropologists and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan
by Paula Holmes-Eber - 359-380 The anthropology of Al-Shabaab: the salient factors for the insurgency movement’s recruitment project
by Mohamed Haji Ingiriis - 381-401 Identity wars: collective identity building in insurgency and counterinsurgency
by Heather S. Gregg - 402-419 Doing one’s job: translating politics into military practice in the Norwegian mentoring mission to Iraq
by Kjetil Enstad - 420-444 ‘The perfect counterinsurgent’: reconsidering the case of Major Jim Gant
by David B. Edwards
January 2020, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-33 The battle of Aleppo: external patrons and the victimization of civilians in civil war
by Keith A. Grant & Bernd Kaussler - 34-60 Fight after flight? An exploration of the radicalization potential among refugees in Greece
by Marina Eleftheriadou - 61-86 Taking to the streets: the Kurdistan Workers’ Party and the urbanization of insurgency
by Rebecca Lucas - 87-105 War on the Hoof: regional security in Africa and livestock conflicts
by Lawrence E. Cline - 106-130 Small groups of investors and their private armies: the ascendance of private equity firms and their control over private military companies as further evidence of epochal change theory
by Bryan T. Stinchfield - 131-158 Security sector corruption and military effectiveness: the influence of corruption on countermeasures against Boko Haram in Nigeria
by Daniel Kofi Banini - 159-180 The ‘strategy bridge’ as the forgotten dimension of effective COIN: the case of Peru and Sendero
by Marina Miron - 181-203 Ee-imagining Colombia’s new security landscape in the wake of the FARC Peace Accord
by James Rochlin - 204-208 Horn, Sahel and Rift: Faultlines, of the African Jihad
by Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos - 209-210 Mexico’s illicit drug networks and the state reaction
by Layne Dittmann
November 2019, Volume 30, Issue 6-7
- 1077-1088 Gender, insurgency, and terrorism: introduction to the special issue
by Srobana Bhattacharya - 1089-1116 Understanding women at war: a mixed-methods exploration of leadership in non-state armed groups
by Alexis Henshaw & June Eric-Udorie & Hannah Godefa & Kathryn Howley & Cat Jeon & Elise Sweezy & Katheryn Zhao - 1117-1150 The ballot or the bomb belt: the roots of female suicide terrorism before and after 9/11
by Nakissa P. Jahanbani & Charmaine N. Willis - 1151-1168 Nigerian women and the trends of kidnapping in the era of Boko Haram insurgency: patterns and evolution
by James Okolie-Osemene & Rosemary I. Okolie-Osemene - 1169-1192 Worth many sins: Al-Shabaab’s shifting relationship with Kenyan women
by Katharine Petrich & Phoebe Donnelly - 1193-1213 Radicalizing female empowerment: gender, agency, and affective appeals in Islamic State propaganda
by Bidisha Biswas & Shirin Deylami - 1214-1232 Boko Haram insurgency and gendered victimhood: women as corporal victims and objects of war
by Al Chukwuma Okoli & Stephen Nnaemeka Azom - 1233-1263 The ligaments of counter-terrorism regime: sexual violence and the vicarious traumatisation of female non-governmental organisation workers: evidence from Nigeria
by Emeka Thaddues Njoku - 1264-1273 Empires of the mind: the colonial past and the politics of the present
by Paul B. Rich - 1274-1275 Mexico’s illicit drug networks and the state reaction
by Layne Dittmann - 1275-1278 Dirty war: Rhodesia and chemical biological warfare: 1975–1980
by J. R. T. Wood
July 2019, Volume 30, Issue 4-5
- 719-733 Why a nineteenth-century study?
by Mark Lawrence - 734-749 The Peninsular War guerrilla and its antecedents: humiliation forgotten, disaster prefigured: the guerra fantástica of 1762
by Charles Esdaile - 750-774 Reluctant guerrillas in early nineteenth century China: the White Lotus insurgents and their suppressors
by Yingcong Dai - 775-796 Regular and irregular forces in conflict: nineteenth century insurgencies in South America
by Alejandro M. Rabinovich & Natalia Sobrevilla Perea - 797-817 The First Carlist War (1833–40), insurgency, Ramón Cabrera, and expeditionary warfare
by Mark Lawrence - 818-840 Holmes’ front: constructing a new face of battle for America’s Civil War
by Susan-Mary Grant - 841-871 Memory, magic and militias: Cora Indian participation in Mexico’s wars, from the reforma to the revolution (1854-1920)
by Nathaniel Morris - 872-894 Guerrilla warfare in Katanga: the Sanga rebellion of the 1890s and its suppression
by Giacomo Macola & Jack Hogan - 895-912 Ireland: rebellion and counter-insurgency, 1848–1867
by Timothy Bowman - 913-936 ‘The extraordinary successes which the Russians have achieved’ - the Conquest of Central Asia in Callwell’s Small Wars
by Alexander Morrison - 937-967 General Zuo’s counter-insurgency doctrine
by Kenneth M. Swope - 968-993 A predisposition to brutality? German practices against civilians and francs-tireurs during the Franco-Prussian war 1870–1871 and their relevance for the German ‘military Sonderweg’ debate
by Bastian Matteo Scianna - 994-1019 The campaign of the lost footsteps: the pacification of Burma, 1885-95
by Ian F. W. Beckett - 1020-1039 The Force Publique’s campaigns in the Congo-Arab War, 1892-1894
by Mario Draper - 1040-1069 Remembering and forgetting Mirambo: Histories of war in modern Africa
by Richard Reid - 1070-1076 Max Hastings and the Vietnam war
by Paul B. Rich
April 2019, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 489-517 Transforming Mexico’s energy field: the intended consequences of a drug war
by Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera - 518-542 Organized insurgency, lethality, and target selection: Abu Sayyaf Group and Jemaah Islamiyah
by Nori Katagiri - 543-562 Territoriality of radical Islam: comparative analysis of jihadist groups' approach to territory
by Bohumil Doboš & Martin Riegl & Stig Jarle Hansen - 563-586 The impact of Islamic State’s ideological correction initiative on al Qaeda’s bid for relevance
by John Turner - 587-614 Playing dirty to survive: the vulnerability of civilian targets within U.S. military aid recipient states
by Amira Jadoon - 615-640 British operations among the people and civilian risk
by Cornelius Friesendorf - 641-659 Reassessing private military and security company (PMSC) ‘competition‘ in civil war: lessons from Sierra Leone
by Christopher M. Faulkner & Joshua E. Lambert & Jonathan M. Powell