January 2009, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 79-89 Justifying Human Rights: Economics and the Individual
by John Davis
January 2008, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 77-83 Robert Heilbroner and the Growing Concern with Poverty in the US
by Steven Pressman - 85-101 Economics, Sociology, History: Notes on Their Loss of Unity, Their Need for Re-integration and the Current Relevance of the Controversy between Carl Menger and Gustav Schmoller
by Dieter Bögenhold - 103-113 An Economic Definition of the Middle Class
by Joseph Eisenhauer - 115-124 Comparative Institutional Advantage and the Appropriate Development Model for Sub-Saharan Africa
by Geoffrey Schneider - 125-134 A Critique of ‘Neoliberal Autonomy’: The Rhetoric of Ownership Society
by Rojhat Avsar - 135-145 Advances in Inequality Measurement and Usefulness of Statistical Inference
by Sourushe Zandvakili - 147-164 Revisiting the Relevance of International Trade Theory
by Mark Lutz
January 2008, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-12 The State, Public Policy and Heterodox Economics: An Introduction
by Clifford Poirot & Samuel Pavel - 13-25 The Theory of the State: The Position of Marx and Engels
by John Henry - 27-42 Institutionalism and the State: Founding Views Reexamined
by Timothy Wunder & Thomas Kemp - 43-60 Toward ‘Wisely Managed’ Capitalism: Post-Keynesian Institutionalism and the Creative State
by Charles Whalen - 61-76 Is Pragmatism Good for Anything? Towards a Theory of Impractical Economics
by Clifford Poirot
January 2007, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 63-72 Rigidities, Living Conditions, and Institutions in the Far North
by Wayne Edwards & Tara Natarajan - 73-85 Trade, Job Losses and Gender: A Policy Perspective
by Ramya Vijaya - 87-95 Reducing Teacher Moral Hazard in the U.S. Elementary and Secondary Educational System through Merit-pay: An Application of the Principal--Agency Theory
by Michael Casson - 97-108 What is Heterodox Economics? Conversations with Historians of Economic Thought
by Mary Wrenn - 109-125 Political and Social Economics: Beyond Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy
by Robert Gassler - 127-141 Christian Economic Thought in The Netherlands
by Irene Staveren - 143-159 The Social Economics of Globalization
by John Tiemstra
January 2007, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-16 Why Meso? On “Aggregation” and “Emergence”, and Why and How the Meso Level is Essential in Social Economics
by Wolfram Elsner - 17-27 “Bad” Decisions, Poverty, and Economic Theory: The Individualist and Social Perspectives in Light of “The American Myth”
by John Henry - 29-42 Comparing Interpersonal Comparisons in Utility Theory and Happiness Research
by Stefan Mann - 43-51 Medical Dominance and Institutional Change in the Delivery of Health Care Services
by Robert Kemp - 53-62 How Can US Schools Desegregate After the End of Busing?
by Patrick Welch
January 2006, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 1-20 Coaching and the supply of hope:The Economics of commitment and a case study of supported employment services
by Joe Wallis - 21-53 Classical economics and the Great Irish Famine:A study in limits
by Edward O’Boyle - 55-74 The brokerage system in the brick kiln industry in Tamil Nadu, India
by Augendra Bhukuth
January 2005, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-18 The environmental Kuznets curve revisited once again
by Margrethe Winslow - 19-36 Economic inequality and paretian welfare economics: Some insinuating questions
by Khandakar Elahi - 37-58 Neoliberalism as an asocial ideology and strategy in education
by Tae-Hee Jo - 59-67 Consumption in a vacuum
by Wilfred Dolfsma
January 2004, Volume 34, Issue 1-2
- 1-8 Eisenhower's economic strategy: Promoting growth and personal freedom by creating conditions favorable to the operation of a market-based economy
by Raymond Saulnier - 9-30 Construction of an economic index to measure the causes of economic insecurity
by George Rejda & Joseph Haley - 31-42 Does the minimum wage help the poor?
by Daniel Fairchild - 43-60 Principles of economic justice: Marketplace and workplace applications
by Edward O'Boyle - 61-70 Franchising the american elementary and secondary educational system
by Michael Casson
January 2004, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 1-17 The economic spin
by Peter Danner - 19-50 Ethics, human behavior and the methodology of social economics
by Charles Wilber - 51-80 A new family-community social structure
by Phillip O’Hara - 81-90 A quantification of minimum floor space requirements
by Matthew Isham
January 2003, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-11 Forging new relationships: Social capital in the transistion
by Laura Taylor & Mary Wrenn - 13-22 The responsibility principle and the democratic firm
by David Ellerman - 23-32 Barbara Wooteen's lament for economics and vision of a social economics
by Robert Dimand & Indra Hardeen - 33-43 Environmental decisions and theories of justice: Implications for economic analysis and policy practice
by Jouni Paavola - 45-62 Is there a natural level of capacity utilization?
by Rudy Fichtenbaum
January 2003, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 1-11 Kantian dignity and social economics
by Mark White - 13-22 Are economists amoral? Contemporary economic thought and the distinction between values and prices
by Robert Prasch - 23-39 The relevance of christian fictive domestic economy
by Clive Beed - 41-55 An economics for development and peace: With a particular focus on the thought of Ernst F. Schumacher
by Kazuya Ishii - 57-65 Income gap between poor families and others: Signs of individual freedom or proof of social inequality?
by Edward O'Boyle
January 2002, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-19 The social economics of job security
by Nancy Bertaux & Hervé Queneau - 21-32 Social capital and social economics
by Paul Killerby & Joe Wallis - 33-42 Transition to market economics: Employment and informal activity in rural areas
by Mieke Meurs & Stanka Dobreva & Veska Kouzhouharova - 43-50 Globalization with a human face
by James Weaver - 51-54 Causality in macroeconomics Kevin D. Hoover
by Julian Reiss
January 2002, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 1-23 The economics of Frank H. Knight: An Austrian interpretation
by Tony Fu-Lai Yu - 25-43 Contributions of German and American jesuits to economics: The last 100 years
by Edward O'Boyle - 45-53 “Jobs for all”: Another dream of the rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
by Mathew Forstater - 55-68 Policy guidelines for providing telecommunication access in developing economies
by Barry Keating - 69-77 Book reviews
by Alison Aughinbaugh & Deborah Figart & Peter Danner
January 2001, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-2 Remembering John E. Elliott
by William Dugger - 3-6 Remembering Joseph M. Becker, S.J
by Edward O’Boyle - 7-26 Applying economic methodology to the war on terrorism
by Muhammad Islam & Wassim Shahin - 27-58 Sociology of economics or sociology of economy? theoretical-methodological arguments for sociological economics
by Milan Zafirovski - 59-71 The globalization of poverty according to Malthus
by Donald Wellington & Sourushe Zandvakili - 73-79 Economics, environment and equity
by Kishor Thanawala
January 2001, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 1-23 A revisionist view of the economic implications of child labor regulations
by Morris Altman - 25-50 What have the FTA and the NAFTA done to the Canadian labor market?
by Michael Smith - 51-76 Creative destruction and labor's options
by Jon Wisman - 77-88 Economists as subjects: Toward a psychology of economists
by Wilfred Dolfsma
January 2000, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-16 Freedom and the market
by Pavel Nikitin & John Elliott - 17-29 Some flaws in the doctrine of classical liberalism: Reviewing Charles Murray’sWhat it means to be a libertarian: A personal interpretation
by Robert Prasch - 31-46 Managed care, quality of care, and patient rights
by Edward Fitzsimmons & Beverly Kracher & Katie Woods - 47-57 Book reviews
by Sherryl Kasper & Gerald Smith & Albino Barrera
January 2000, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 1-32 Greeks and games: Forerunners of modern game theory
by William Charron - 33-48 The Arrow-Debreu model: How math can hide a fatal conceptual error
by David Ellerman - 49-59 Should economists count?—The Dickensian view
by James Henderson - 61-74 Thomas Carlyle on the use of numbers in economics
by Patrick Welch
January 1999, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-15 The evolutionary context of human economics
by D. Tab Rasmussen & J. Rehg - 17-45 Distinguishing characteristics of ahuman economics
by Mark Lutz - 47-61 Personalist economics is human economics because it puts the human person at the center of economic affairs
by Peter Danner & Edward O’Boyle - 63-74 Economic life, rights, and obligations: Perspectives from theological teleology
by Albino Barrera - 75-78 A world that works: Building blocks for just and sustainable society Trent Schroyer, Editor
by James Horner
January 1999, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 1-20 Race, poverty, and urban sprawl: Access to opportunities through regional strategies
by John Powell - 21-31 Saving neighborhoods by saving farms: Metropolitan congregations united for St. Louis challenges urban sprawl
by David Rusk - 33-49 Metropolitics: A regional agenda for community and stability
by Myron Orfield - 51-64 Do economists have anything to contribute to the debate on urban sprawl? (and would anbody listen to them if they did?)
by Paul Gottlieb
January 1998, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-3 Remembering Walter Adams
by James Brock - 5-6 Remembering William Waters
by William Hayes - 7-21 The duty of the firm in selling to the poor: A question of the person, justice, and subsidiarity
by Edward O’Boyle - 23-34 The Cambridge challenge to the Ricardian analysis of poverty
by James Henderson - 35-44 Responsibility within civil society and range of urban poverty
by Philip Chmielewki - 45-60 Welfare reform: A game theoretic perspective
by Kathy Dean & Kevin Christ
January 1998, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 1-14 Future generations and economic activities: The case of the social discount rate
by Philippe Méral - 15-21 What do we one the future? the construction of a better present
by Claudia Natenzon - 23-35 A libertarian theory of rights and future generations
by Mohammed Dore - 37-55 Scarcity in the Danner-MeeksForum exchange: Supplying the demand for clarity
by Megan Maloney - 57-59 Gender and family issues in the workplace Edited by Francine D. Blau and Ronald G. Ehrenberg
by Anne Winkler - 61-65 A rejoinder to Malina on biblical economics
by Arnold McKee
January 1997, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-17 The new institutional economics and its relevance to social economics
by Timothy Yeager - 19-28 Class warfare American style
by Wallace Peterson - 29-40 Stewardship and economic organization: The ethical emphasis in business
by Reuben Slesinger - 41-50 Book reviews
by James Brock & Joy Jensen
January 1997, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 1-20 Embedded economics: The irrelevance of Christian fictive domestic economy
by Bruce Malina - 21-42 Religion and the reception of marginalism in Britain
by Jeff Lipkes - 43-51 Law, values and economic thought: Notes for a research agenda
by David Gerber - 53-68 Social insurance and social justice—Another look at the antipoverty effects of social insurance programs
by George Rejda - 69-78 The university as a social economy: Jane Smiley’sMoo
by Warren Samuels & Sylvia Samuels
January 1996, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-4 Can neoclassical economics be social economics?
by Warren Samuels - 5-13 Can neoclassical economics be social economics?
by Ingrid Rima - 15-37 Can neoclassical economics become social economics?
by John Elliott & Hans Jensen - 39-40 Can neoclassical economics be social economics? A comment
by E. Weintraub - 41-46 Economics as an explanation system: Comments on neoclassical, social and other economic theories
by Robert Heilbroner - 47-55 The fundamental difficulty in basing macroeconomic policy on microeconomic theory
by Elba Brown-Collier - 57-61 More on economics and religion
by Arnold McKee