October 2014, Volume 15, Issue 3-4
- 357-378 The nexus between terrorism and product counterfeiting in the United States
by Brandon A. Sullivan & Steven M. Chermak & Jeremy M. Wilson & Joshua D. Freilich - 379-380 Reorganising crime: mafia and anti-mafia in post-Soviet Georgia, by Gavin Slade
by Mark Galeotti - 380-383 Black men, invisibility and crime: towards a critical race theory of desistance, by Martin Glynn
by Patrick Webb - 383-386 The role of informal economies in the post-Soviet world: the end of transition?, by Colin C. Williams, John Round and Peter Rodgers
by Ararat L. Osipian
April 2014, Volume 15, Issue 1-2
- 1-9 Organised crime numbers
by Savona - 10-26 Estimating the revenues of sexual exploitation: applying a new methodology to the Italian context
by Marina Mancuso - 27-50 The retail value of the illicit drug market in Italy: a consumption-based approach
by Luca Giommoni - 51-76 A new method for estimating the illicit cigarette market at the subnational level and its application to Italy
by Francesco Calderoni - 77-92 Estimating the size of the loan sharking market in Italy
by Attilio Scaglione - 93-107 Proceeds from extortions: the case of Italian organised crime groups
by Maurizio Lisciandra - 108-137 Counterfeiting, illegal firearms, gambling and waste management: an exploratory estimation of four criminal markets
by Francesco Calderoni & Serena Favarin & Lorella Garofalo & Federica Sarno - 138-163 Mythical numbers and the proceeds of organised crime: estimating mafia proceeds in Italy
by Francesco Calderoni - 164-190 Organised crime and the economy: a framework for policy prescriptions
by Andrea Mario Lavezzi - 191-205 A preliminary analysis of the use of force by the Mexico City Metropolitan Area police
by Carlos Vilalta - 206-208 Cyber war will not take place, by Thomas Rid
by Thomas J. Holt - 208-210 Russia as a network state: what works in Russia when state institutions do not?, edited by Vadim Kononenko and Arkady Moshes
by Ararat L. Osipian - 210-212 Organised crime and the law: a comparative analysis, by Liz Campbell
by Helena Farrand Carrapico
November 2013, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 321-340 Strategic versus emergent crime groups: the case of Vietnamese cannabis cultivation in the Netherlands
by Yvette M.M. Schoenmakers & Bo Bremmers & Edward R. Kleemans - 341-358 Humanitarian workers in peril? Deconstructing the myth of the new and growing threat to humanitarian workers
by Arnaud Dandoy & Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos - 359-385 Bad actors and faulty props: unlocking legal and illicit art trade
by Gisela Bichler & Stacy Bush & Aili Malm - 386-403 The presentation of self in everyday prison life
by Elena Faccio & Norberto Costa - 404-408 Police aesthetics: literature, film and the secret police in Soviet Times
by Michael Bobick - 408-409 The honored society: the history of Italy’s most powerful Mafia
by Robert M. Lombardo - 410-411 Useful enemies. When waging wars is more important than winning them
by Saskia Baas - 411-413 Discovery of hidden crime: self-report delinquency surveys in criminal policy context
by Patrick Webb
May 2013, Volume 14, Issue 2-3
- 119-122 Advances in research on illicit networks
by Martin Bouchard & Joanna Amirault - 123-140 Co-offending in Canada, England and the United States: a cross-national comparison
by Peter J. Carrington & Sarah B. van Mastrigt - 141-154 Friends with(out) benefits: co-offending and re-arrest
by Frédéric Ouellet & Rémi Boivin & Chloé Leclerc & Carlo Morselli - 155-174 Exploring the social organisation and structure of stolen data markets
by Thomas J. Holt - 175-196 Reputation in a dark network of online criminals
by David Décary-Hétu & Benoit Dupont - 197-215 The multiplexity of political conspiracy: illegal networks and the collapse of Watergate
by Robert R. Faulkner & Eric R. Cheney - 216-237 The BALCO scandal: the social structure of a steroid distribution network
by Nicholas C. Athey & Martin Bouchard - 238-260 Evolution of a drug trafficking network: Mapping changes in network structure and function across time
by David A. Bright & Jordan J. Delaney - 261-286 Small arms, big guns: a dynamic model of illicit market opportunity
by Gisela Bichler & Aili Malm - 287-310 Networks as strategic repertoires: Functional differentiation among Al-Shabaab terror cells
by Christian Leuprecht & Kenneth Hall - 311-313 Borders and crime: pre-crime, mobility and serious harm in an age of globalization, edited by McCulloch, J. and Pickering, S
by Georgios A. Antonopoulos & Georgios Papanicolaou - 314-316 Sold into extinction: the global trade in endangered species, by Jacqueline Schneider
by Stephen F. Pires - 316-319 Organized crime, political transitions and state formation in post-Soviet Eurasia, by Alexander Kupatadze
by Gavin Slade
February 2013, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-26 The battle for human organs: organ trafficking and transplant tourism in a global context
by Frederike Ambagtsheer & Damián Zaitch & Willem Weimar - 27-51 ‘Endemic to the species’: ordering the ‘other’ via organised crime
by Dick Hobbs & Georgios A. Antonopoulos - 52-60 How organised is organised cybercrime?
by Jonathan Lusthaus - 61-81 Do all the pieces matter? Assessing the reliability of law enforcement data sources for the network analysis of wire taps
by Giulia Berlusconi - 82-109 The emergence of the rule of law in Russia
by Pär Gustafsson - 110-113 Organized crime, political transitions and state formation in post-Soviet Eurasia, by Alexander Kupatadze
by Ararat L. Osipian - 113-115 Human trafficking, human misery: the global trade in human beings, 1st ed., by Alexis A. Aronowitz
by Yuliya G. Zabyelina - 115-117 Global burden of armed violence 2011: lethal encounters, by the Geneva Declaration Secretariat
by Amy Nivette
November 2012, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 213-218 Bringing the ‘outside’ in and the ‘inside’ out: crossing the criminology/IR divide
by Ian Loader & Sarah Percy - 219-234 War/space: shifting spatialities and the absence of politics in contemporary accounts of war
by Caroline Holmqvist - 235-253 (In)security-at-a-distance: rescaling justice, risk and warfare in a transnational age
by Katja Franko Aas - 254-275 Transnational organisations and security
by Deborah Avant & Virginia Haufler - 276-292 State and substate policing in Africa and the boundaries between them
by Bruce Baker - 293-311 Securing distant places? Practices of protection in contemporary peace-support operations
by Alexandra Gheciu - 312-319 The new economy of security
by Michael C. Williams
August 2012, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 141-159 Sentencing white-collar criminals: when is shaming viable?
by James Kostelnik - 160-175 The social network of hackers
by David Décary-Hétu & Benoit Dupont - 176-190 The illegal parrot trade: a literature review
by Stephen F. Pires - 191-212 Out of the woods: the illegal trade in tropical timber and a European trade hub
by Lieselot Bisschop
May 2012, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 71-94 Trust in the world of cybercrime
by Jonathan Lusthaus - 95-108 Costs and benefits of informal economy: shuttle trade and crime at Cherkizovsky market
by Yuliya Zabyelina - 109-129 Career path of a corruption entrepreneur
by Mark Lauchs & Zoe Staines - 130-134 Il coltello e il mercato. La Camorra prima e dopo l'Unità d'Italia, by Marcella Marmo
by Paolo Campana - 134-136 Transnational crime and the 21st century, criminal enterprise, corruption, and opportunity, by Jay Albanese
by Jana Arsovska - 136-139 Drugs, crime and public health: the political economy of drug policy, by Alex Stevens
by Sue Penna - 139-140 Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe, edited by Petrus C. van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic, Tom Vander Beken and Klaus von Lampe
by Fotini Rizava
February 2012, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-21 Not just the rich: new tendencies in kidnapping in Mexico City
by R. Ochoa - 22-41 Sex trafficking in Latin America: dominant discourse, empirical paucity, and promising research
by Sheldon X. Zhang & Rodrigo Pacheco-McEvoy & Roxanna Campos - 42-64 The organisation of London's street gangs
by J.A. Densley - 65-66 Policing economic crime in Russia: from Soviet planned economy to privatisation, by Gilles Favarel-Garrigues
by Kelly Hignett - 67-69 World wide weed: global trends in cannabis cultivation and its control, edited by Tom Decorte, Gary Potter and Martin Bouchard
by Daniel Silverstone - 69-70 Organized crime, policing illegal business entrepreneurialism, by Geoff Dean, Ivar Fahsing and Petter Gottschalk
by Felia Allum
November 2011, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 239-265 Profits of disorder: images of the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic
by Michael Bobick - 266-289 Towards a pattern in mass violence participation? An analysis of Rwandan perpetrators' accounts from the 1994 genocide
by Samuel Tanner - 290-311 The Chinese mafia: private protection in a socialist market economy
by Peng Wang - 312-326 Is peniaphobia an incentive to crime?
by Siti Nur Zahara Hamzah & Evan Lau - 327-328 Hate crimes: uses, controls and controversies, by Phyllis S. Gerstenfeld
by Reza Barmaki - 328-330 Human security, transnational crime and human trafficking -- Asian and western perspectives, edited by Shiro Okubo and Louise Shelley
by Maggy Lee - 330-332 Who are the criminals? The politics of crime policy from the age of Roosevelt to the age of Reagan, by John Hagan
by Michael Woodiwiss
August 2011, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 161-164 Spatial mobility and organised crime
by Cameron N. McIntosh & Austin Lawrence - 165-188 The mobility of criminal groups
by Carlo Morselli & Mathilde Turcotte & Valentina Tenti - 189-206 A response to: Morselli, C., Turcotte, M. and Tenti, V. (2010) The Mobility of Criminal Groups
by Daniel Silverstone - 207-217 Assessing the movement of criminal groups: some analytical remarks
by Paolo Campana - 218-231 Mafia movements: a framework for understanding the mobility of mafia groups
by Federico Varese - 232-233 La Voce del padrino. Mafia, cultura, politica, by Marco Santoro
by Felia S. Allum - 233-235 Organized crime legislation in the European Union. Harmonization and approximation of criminal law, national legislations and the EU framework decision on the fight against organised crime, by Francesco Calderoni
by Helena Carrapico - 235-236 Transnational organised crime in international law, by Tom Obokata
by Joseph Wheatley - 236-238 The KGB campaign against corruption in Moscow, 1982--1987, by Luc Duhamel
by Ararat L. Osipian
May 2011, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 93-111 From Triads to snakeheads: organised crime and illegal migration within Britain's Chinese community
by Daniel Silverstone - 112-128 Co-offending between criminal enterprise groups
by Aili Malm & Gisela Bichler & Rebecca Nash - 129-133 Credible crooks as a topic in sociological theory
by W.G. Runciman - 134-145 A game-theoretic perspective on Diego Gambetta's Codes of the Underworld
by Avinash Dixit - 146-149 Gambetta's insight: a review of Codes of the Underworld
by Peter Reuter - 150-159 Response
by Diego Gambetta
February 2011, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-18 Criminal infiltration and social mobilisation against the Mafia. Gela: a city between tradition and modernity
by Stefano Becucci - 19-40 Interaction between criminal groups and law enforcement: the case of ecstasy in the Netherlands
by Toine Spapens - 41-69 Where is the mafia in Italy? Measuring the presence of the mafia across Italian provinces
by Francesco Calderoni - 70-86 Is small beautiful? The link between risks and size in illegal drug markets
by Martin Bouchard & Frédéric Ouellet - 87-89 Race, crime and criminal justice: international perspectives, edited by Anita Kalunta-Crumpton
by Kevin Stenson - 89-92 Fighting terrorism and drugs: Europe and international police cooperation, by Jörg Friedrichs
by Alexander J. Blenkinsopp
November 2010, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 379-398 Central American maras : from youth street gangs to transnational protection rackets
by José Miguel Cruz - 399-420 The poverty--radicalisation nexus in Pakistan
by Syed Manzar Abbas Zaidi - 421-435 Counting the cost of crime in Italy
by Claudio Detotto & Marco Vannini - 436-447 Women who traffic women: the role of women in human trafficking networks -- Dutch cases
by Dina Siegel & Sylvia de Blank - 448-451 The Black Hand: terror by letter in Chicago, by Robert M. Lombardo
by David Critchley - 451-454 Cop in the hood: my year policing in Baltimore's eastern district, by Peter Moskos
by Apostolos Maspero - 454-457 Crime: local and global, edited by John Muncie, Deborah Talbot and Reece Walters
by Effi Lambropoulou - 458-459 Environmental crime: a reader, edited by Rob White
by Joseph Wheatley
August 2010, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 279-297 Criminal constitutions
by Peter T. Leeson & David B. Skarbek - 298-313 Correlates of distance to crime in Mexico City
by Carlos J. Vilalta - 314-335 Methods of sex trafficking: findings of a case study in Turkey
by Oguzhan Omer Demir - 336-339 The Phantom Capitalist s: a classic
by Susanne Karstedt - 340-345 Phantom fraudsters still: re-viewing long-firm fraud
by Hazel Croall - 346-349 Torrential intellect
by Neal Shover - 350-354 The phantom capitalists ride again: a response to my critics
by Michael Levi - 355-357 Power, conflict and criminalisation, by Phil Scraton
by Jana Arsovska - 357-360 Government of the shadows: parapolitics and criminal sovereignty, edited by Eric Wilson
by Alfredo Schulte-Bockholt - 360-363 Legal accents, legal borrowing: the international problem solving court movement, by James L. Nolan Jr
by Rashmee Singh - 363-366 Crime, war and global trafficking: designing international cooperation, by C. Jojarth
by Georgios Papanicolaou & Georgios A. Antonopoulos - 366-368 Transnational organized crime , by Frank G. Madsen
by Alexander J. Blenkinsopp - 369-370 G8 against transnational organized crime , by Amandine Scherrer
by Stan Gilmour - 370-371 Support for victims of crime in Asia, edited by Wing-Cheong Chan
by Sonny Lo - 372-374 New crime in China. Public order and human rights , by Ronald C. Keith and Zhiqui Lin
by Kelly Verbist - 374-377 Fuori dal Comune, Lo scioglimento delle amministrazioni locali per infiltrazioni mafiose , by V. Mete
by Felia Allum
April 2010, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 89-98 Anti-corruption movements, mechanisms, and machines -- an introduction
by Holger Moroff & Diana Schmidt-Pfister - 99-121 Assessing Eastern Europe's anti-corruption performance: views from the Council of Europe, OECD, and Transparency International
by Sebastian Wolf - 122-144 The European Union and the fight against corruption in its near abroad: can it make a difference?
by Tanja A. Börzel & Andreas Stahn & Yasemin Pamuk - 145-163 Experience versus perception of corruption: Russia as a test case
by Richard Rose & William Mishler - 164-177 Post-accession malaise? EU conditionality, domestic politics and anti-corruption policy in Hungary
by Agnes Batory - 178-209 National and international anti-corruption efforts: the case of Poland
by Kaja Gadowska - 210-219 The 2007 accession of Bulgaria and Romania: ritual and reality
by Kalin Ivanov - 220-236 Anti-corruption interventions in Georgia
by Lili Di Puppo - 237-260 Elite perceptions of anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine
by Åse Berit Grødeland - 261-278 The anti-corruption industry: from movement to institution
by Steven Sampson
February 2010, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-15 Comparing the determinants of concern about terrorism and crime
by Tilman Brück & Cathérine Müller - 16-33 Farmers, factories and funds: organised crime and illicit drugs cultivation within the British Vietnamese community
by Daniel Silverstone & Stephen Savage - 34-57 The ‘good’, the ‘bad’ and the ‘Charlie’: the business of cocaine smuggling in Greece
by Panos A. Kostakos & Georgios A. Antonopoulos - 58-66 A new horizon on organised crime: re-locating organised crime in America
by Robert J. Kelly - 67-71 The invisible hook: the hidden economics pirates
by Christopher J. Coyne - 71-73 Ruffians, Yakuza, nationalists: the violent politics of modern Japan, 1860--1960
by David R. Ambaras - 73-75 The first family: terror, extortion and the birth of the American mafia
by David Critchley - 75-78 The golden triangle: inside Southeast Asia's drug trade
by Bertil Lintner - 78-82 Economic gangsters: corruption, violence, and the poverty of nations
by Vincent G. Fitzsimons - 83-84 Security
by Mark Button - 84-86 EU criminal law
by Sappho Xenakis
October 2009, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 293-297 Rethinking violence
by Vittorio Bufacchi - 298-305 Machiavelli and the Gracchi: prudence, violence and redistribution
by John P. McCormick - 306-319 Violence for equality: lessons from Machiavelli
by John Baker - 320-336 Asymmetric war, symmetrical intentions: killing civilians in modern armed conflict
by Michael L. Gross - 337-355 Beyond definition: violence in a global perspective
by Keith Krause - 356-367 Economic sanctions and global governance: the case of Iraq
by Joy Gordon - 368-395 Violence: a public health perspective
by Ivan Perry - 396-415 Violence, integrity and education
by Jamil Salmi - 416-431 The so-called mindlessness of violence: violence as a pathological variant of aggression
by Richard Mizen
August 2009, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 157-177 To fix or not to fix? How corruptors decide to fix football matches
by Declan Hill - 178-195 Beyond the ‘Natasha’ story -- a review and critique of current research on sex trafficking
by Sheldon X. Zhang - 196-223 Criminalisation, modernisation, and globalisation: the US and international perspectives on domestic violence
by Shahid M. Shahidullah & C. Nana Derby - 224-247 Trafficking in persons in Australia: myths and realities
by Andreas Schloenhardt & Genevieve Beirne & Toby Corsbie - 248-260 Financing terrorism along the Chechnya--Georgia border, 1999--2002
by Timothy S. Wittig - 261-261 Introduction
by Federico Varese - 262-266 The Camorra closely observed
by Federico Varese - 267-271 Women in Gomorrah
by Valeria Pizzini-Gambetta - 272-275 Investigative journalism, Saviano style
by John Lloyd - 276-279 Reply
by Roberto Saviano - 280-281 British piracy in the golden age: history and interpretation, 1660--1730
by Arne Bialuschewski - 282-284 Cultural warfare and trust: fighting the Mafia in Palermo
by Peter Schneider - 284-286 Russia's battle with crime, corruption and terrorism
by Kelly Hignett - 286-288 Drug smugglers on drug smuggling
by Apostolos Maspero - 288-290 Drug lords. The rise and fall of the Cali cartel. The richest, most powerful crime syndicate in history
by Francisco E. Thoumi - 290-292 Community policing in America
by Joseph Wheatley
February 2009, Volume 10, Issue 1-2
- 1-5 Introduction
by Martin Bouchard & Chris Wilkins - 6-23 What is a criminal organization and why does the law care?
by Philip A. Curry & Steeve Mongrain - 24-40 The size and influence of a criminal organization: a criminal achievement perspective
by Pierre Tremblay & Martin Bouchard & Sévrine Petit - 41-65 Understanding optimal criminal networks
by Stephen T. Easton & Alexander K. Karaivanov - 66-93 How illegal drugs enter an island country: insights from interviews with incarcerated smugglers
by Jonathan P. Caulkins & Honora Burnett & Edward Leslie - 94-112 Economic analysis of drug transaction ‘cycles’ described by incarcerated UK drug dealers
by Jonathan P. Caulkins & Benjamin Gurga & Christopher Little - 113-123 The market for crystalline methamphetamine in Sydney, Australia
by Rebecca McKetin & Jennifer McLaren & Erin Kelly & Jenny Chalmers - 124-143 The black market in China for tiger products
by Brendan Moyle - 144-154 Exploring the organization of Russia Far East's illegal wildlife trade: two case studies of the illegal fur and illegal falcon trades
by Tanya Wyatt
November 2008, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 291-305 Shifts in police--informant negotiations
by Mathilde Turcotte - 306-331 The big circle boys: Revisiting the case of the flaming eagles
by Alex Chung - 332-347 The Triborder--terrorism nexus
by Rensselaer Lee - 348-353 Women and the mafia: A methodology minefield
by Valeria Pizzini-Gambetta - 354-367 Is cheating a universal moral concept?
by Enrico Basile - 368-385 Book Reviews
by Mark Galeotti & Gavin Slade & Robert Lambert & Paola Monzini & Ben Power & Jane Schneider & Percy Allum
August 2008, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 185-197 Organised crime, occupations and opportunity
by Edward R. Kleemans & Henk G. Van de Bunt - 198-220 Economic structure and vulnerability to organised crime: Evidence from Sicily
by Andrea Mario Lavezzi - 221-240 The cost of protection racket in Sicily
by Adam Asmundo - 241-247 Organised property crimes in Belgium: the case of the ‘itinerant crime groups’
by Stijn Van Daele - 248-261 Mexico: Cartels, corruption and cocaine: A profile of the Gulf cartel
by Stephanie Brophy - 262-272 ‘Bogies in the wire’: Is there a need for legislative control of cyber weapons?
by Hank Prunckun - 273-277 Brazil: Democracy, inequalities, citizenship and crime
by Rolando Ochoa - 278-289 Book Reviews
by Mary Gibson
February 2008, Volume 9, Issue 1-2
- 1-7 Criminal histories: an introduction
by Mark Galeotti - 8-19 ‘Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves’: an allusion to Abbasid organised crime
by Wisam Mansour - 20-34 Living on the edge in an ancient imperial world: Aztec crime and deviance
by Frances Berdan - 35-51 Co-option or criminalisation? The state, border communities and crime in early modern Europe
by Kelly Hignett - 52-65 Pirates, markets and imperial authority: economic aspects of maritime depredations in the Atlantic World, 1716--1726
by Arne Bialuschewski - 66-83 The history of native Americans and the misdirected study of organised crime
by Jane Dickson-Gilmore & Michael Woodiwiss - 84-107 The world of the lower depths: crime and punishment in Russian history
by Mark Galeotti