February 2008, Volume 9, Issue 1-2
- 108-135 The German underworld and the Ringvereine from the 1890s through the 1950s
by Arthur Hartmann & Klaus von Lampe - 136-168 Economic draining -- German black market operations in France, 1940--1944
by Paul Sanders - 169-184 The history of international police cooperation: a 150-year evolution in trends and approaches
by Nadia Gerspacher
November 2007, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 287-310 The Economic Cost of Crime in Chile
by Mauricio Olavarria-Gambi - 311-323 Will Inflation Increase Crime Rate? New Evidence from Bounds and Modified Wald Tests
by Chor Foon Tang & Hooi Hooi Lean - 325-344 On the Resilience of Illegal Drug Markets
by Martin Bouchard - 345-365 Dynamic Attenuation: Terrorism, Transnational Crime and the Role of the US Army Special Forces
by Chad Serena - 367-380 Does Price Really Matter? The Relationship between Heroin Price and Purity in Australia and the Ramifications for International Drug Enforcement
by Hank Prunckun - 381-392 Beyond 9/11: Terrorism and Media in a Mid-term Period View (1998--2005)
by Paolo Campana - 393-398 Cigarette Smugglers: A Note on Four ‘Unusual Suspects’
by Georgios A. Antonopoulos - 399-409 Book Reviews
by Vincent G. Fitzsimons
August 2007, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 193-212 Are there Emerging West African Criminal Networks? The Case of Ghana
by Kwesi Aning - 213-232 Protecting Global Cities: New York, London and the Internationalization of Municipal Policing for Counter Terrorism
by Brian Nussbaum - 233-259 The Architecture of Drug Trafficking: Network Forms of Organisation in the Colombian Cocaine Trade
by Michael Kenney - 260-270 Tax Havens and Criminology
by Alain Deneault - 271-276 Georgia and Thieves-in-Law
by Gavin Slade - 277-285 Book Reviews
by Francesca Longo
May 2007, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 107-108 Introduction
by Carlo Morselli & Federico Varese - 109-130 Law-Enforcement Disruption of a Drug Importation Network
by Carlo Morselli & Katia Petit - 131-151 Local Processes of National Corruption: Elite Linkages and Their Effects on Poor People in India
by Sony Pellissery - 152-171 Political Opportunities and Local Contingencies in Mass Crime Participation: Personal Experiences by Former Serbian Militiamen
by Samuel Tanner - 172-179 The Threat of the Thief: Who Has Normative Influence in Georgian Society?
by Gavin Slade - 180-192 Book Reviews
by Mark Galeotti
February 2007, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-25 The Narcotics Trade: A Threat to Security? National and Transnational Implications
by Niklas Swanstrom - 26-39 The Puzzle of the Iguazu Tri-Border Area: Many Questions and Few Answers Regarding Organised Crime and Terrorism Links
by Thomaz G. Costa & Gastón H. Schulmeister - 40-57 Radiological Smuggling and Uncontrolled Territories: The Case Of Georgia
by Alexander Kupatadze - 58-79 Building Socialism?: Crime and Corruption During the Construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline Railway
by Christopher Ward - 80-93 Mafia Women In Brooklyn
by Valeria Pizzini-Gambetta - 94-104 Book Reviews
by John Walker
August 2006, Volume 7, Issue 3-4
- 289-289 Editor's Note
by Dr.Robert J. Bunker - 291-298 Preface: Hunting Wolves
by Dave Grossman - 299-307 Introduction: Subverting Corruption
by Robert Klitgaard - 308-328 Overview: Defending Against Enemies of the State
by Robert J. Bunker & Matt Begert - 329-350 The Fate of the State Revisited
by Martin van Creveld - 351-364 Nation-states, Market-states, and Virtual-states
by John Robb - 365-378 Defining Criminal-states
by Robert J. Bunker & Pamela L. Bunker - 379-406 Military Tribunals or Civilian Prosecution: The Dilemma of Unlawful Enemy Combatants
by Brian Levin - 407-427 Does Clausewitz Apply to Criminal-States and Gangs?
by Mark T. Clark - 428-445 Perpetual Jihad: Striving for a Caliphate
by Hakim Hazim & Robert J. Bunker - 446-453 The 2006 Usama Bin Laden Tape: Interpreting an Adversary
by Youssef Aboul-Enein - 454-470 Hizballah's Global Criminal Operations
by Michael P. Arena - 471-486 The Criminalisation of Russian State Security
by Mark Galeotti - 487-504 Maras Morphing: Revisiting Third Generation Gangs
by John P. Sullivan - 505-543 Gangs and Coups D' Streets in the New World Disorder: Protean Insurgents in Post-modern War
by Max G. Manwaring - 544-560 Trafficking in Nuclear Materials: Criminals and Terrorists
by Louise I. Shelley - 561-582 Outlaw Private Security Firms: Criminal and Terrorist Agendas Undermine Private Security Alternatives
by Graham Hall Turbiville, Jr. - 583-614 The Use of Beheadings by Fundamentalist Islam
by Lisa J. Campbell - 615-628 Afterward: Law Enforcement Response Strategies for Criminal-states and Criminal-soldiers
by John P. Sullivan & Keith Weston
May 2006, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 151-175 Assessing and Explaining the Resurgence of China's Criminal Underworld
by Ming Xia - 176-199 Impunity or Punishment? An Analysis of Criminal Investigation into Kidnapping, Terrorism and Embezzlement in Colombia
by Elvira Maria Restrepo & Fabio Sánchez & Mariana Martínez Cuéllar - 200-213 ‘Narcoballads’: The Psychology and Recruitment Process of the ‘Narco’
by Martín Meráz García - 214-246 ‘Honourable’ Behaviour and the Conceptualisation of Violence in Ethnic-Based Organised Crime Groups: An Examination of the Albanian Kanun and the Code of the Chinese Triads
by Jana Arsovska & Mark Craig - 247-255 A Rush to Judgment?: The Origin of the 2001 Australian “Heroin Drought” and its Implications for the Future of Drug Law Enforcement
by Hank Prunckun - 256-259 Pirate Voyages in History and Fantasy
by Arne Bialuschewski - 260-267 Chasing Dirty Money
by Sander Huisman - 268-273 The Economics of the Camorra
by Federico Varese - 274-287 Book Reviews
by Sappho Xenakis
February 2006, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Turbulent Nexus Of Transnational Organised Crime And Terrorism: A Theory of Malevolent International Relations
by John T. Picarelli - 25-42 Global Governance, Criminalisation and Environmental Change
by Rosaleen Duffy - 43-78 Buster, Maranzano and the Castellammare War, 1930--1931
by David Critchley - 79-104 Mobster gravestones in 1990s Russia
by Olga Matich - 105-124 The Secret History of Japanese Cinema: The Yakuza movies
by Federico Varese - 125-131 Women In The Mob
by Jane Schneider - 132-149 Book Reviews
by Lizzie Seal
January 2004, Volume 6, Issue 3-4
- 267-284 The Black Hand: A Study in Moral Panic
by Robert M Lombardo - 325-344 “Behave Like Enraged Lions”: Civil Militias, the Army and the Criminalisation of Politics in Indonesia
by Romain Bertrand - 406-430 Book Reviews
by John Alcorn
August 2004, Volume 6, Issue 3-4
- 285-304 Dirty Businesses in Italy: A Case-study of Illegal Trafficking in Hazardous Waste
by Monica Massari & Paola Monzini - 305-324 Narco-Terrorism: The Merger of the War on Drugs and the War on Terror
by Emma Björnehed - 345-373 International Norm Diffusion and Organised Crime Policy: The Case of Greece
by Sappho Xenakis - 374-386 Some Observations on Changing Business Practices in Drug Trafficking: The Andean experience
by Menno Vellinga - 387-390 The Ukrainian-Hungarian Border: Security and Cross-border relations
by Dr János Sallai & Csaba Jónás - 391-397 Institutions and Mafia in Italy: The case of Messina
by Marcello Saija & Daniela Irrera - 398-405 The Transdnistrian Connection: Big Problems from a Small Pseudo-state
by Mark Galeotti
May 2004, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 159-184 Organized Crime and Trust: On the conceptualization and empirical relevance of trust in the context of criminal networks
by Klaus von Lampe & Per Ole Johansen - 185-200 Smoking Guns: European Cigarette Smuggling in the 1990’s
by Hugh Griffiths - 201-221 Changing Typology of Organised Crime in a Post-Socialist Lithuania (the Late 1980s--Early 2000s)
by Aurelijus Gutauskas & Arunas Juska & Peter Johnstone & Richard Pozzuto - 222-229 Washington Heights, New York City
by Austin Francis Muldoon - 230-240 Review Article: The World of Organized Crime
by Michael Woodiwiss - 241-249 Review Article: How not to Explain Murder: A Sociological Critique of Bowling for Columbine [1]
by James Tucker
February 2004, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-7 Introduction: Global Crime Today
by Mark Galeotti - 8-18 North American Organised Crime
by Jay S. Albanese - 19-31 Italian Organised Crime: Mafia Associations and Criminal Enterprises
by Letizia Paoli - 32-53 Globalisation and Latin American and Caribbean Organised Crime
by Bruce Bagley - 54-69 The Russian 'Mafiya': Consolidation and Globalisation
by Mark Galeotti - 70-83 Organised Crime in East Central Europe: The Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland
by Kelly Hignett - 84-96 Chinese Organised Crime
by Bertil Lintner - 97-116 The Changing Face of the Yakuza
by Peter Hill - 117-128 State Crime: The North Korean Drug Trade
by Raphael F. Perl - 129-145 The Crime-Terror Continuum: Tracing the Interplay between Transnational Organised Crime and Terrorism
by Tamara Makarenko - 146-157 The Global Dimension of Cybercrime
by Peter Grabosky