July 2023, Volume 44, Issue 7
- 1435-1454 Ugandan women’s approaches to doing business and becoming entrepreneurs
by Soledad Vieitez-Cerdeño & Roser Manzanera-Ruiz & Olga Margret M. M. Namasembe - 1455-1471 Intersections between the global economy and gender structures in the workforce in relocated industries
by Rocío Fajardo Fernández & Rosa M. Soriano-Miras & Antonio Trinidad Requena - 1472-1488 From field to theory: rethinking development studies through study tours
by Yaso Nadarajah - 1489-1505 Bogotá street vendors using tutela as a sword: the symbolic power of law in practice
by Laura Porras-Santanilla & Friederike Fleischer - 1506-1525 Is there a religious explanation for high life satisfaction in Latin America?
by Mariano Rojas - 1526-1545 Agrarian change and land dispossession linked to the armed conflict in Colombia – a review
by Angela Navarrete-Cruz & Athena Birkenberg & Regina Birner - 1546-1564 Subcontracting to the informal economy in East Java, Indonesia
by Damien Bazin & Augendra Bhukuth & Abir Khribich & Ani Wulandari - 1565-1585 Potentials and pitfalls of social capital ties to climate change adaptation: an exploratory study of Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines
by Ginbert Permejo Cuaton & Yvonne Su - 1586-1605 Just fundraising? Campaigning gendered inequalities in changing CSO fundraising markets in Finland
by Martta Kaskinen & Eija Ranta - 1606-1624 Keeping Syrian refugees in Turkey is not a good idea: a new concept of ‘reluctant local integration’
by Durukan Imrie-Kuzu & Alpaslan Özerdem - 1625-1642 Walking the talk: autoethnographic reflections on co-creating regenerative education within international development studies
by T. A. (Mieke) Lopes Cardozo
June 2023, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 1101-1118 A double crisis: the gendered impacts of COVID-19 on Syrian refugee women in Jordan
by Cevdet Acu - 1119-1136 Lithium extractivism: perpetuating historical asymmetries in the ‘Green economy’
by Sara Mejia-Muñoz & Sally Babidge - 1137-1154 Joining a migrant caravan: herd behaviour and structural factors
by Maria de Lourdes Rosas-Lopez & Vincent Guilamo-Ramos & Jorge Mora-Rivera - 1155-1173 Insurgency and national security: a perspective from Cameroon’s separatist conflict
by Manu Lekunze - 1174-1191 Development anthropology and social engineering: a plea for critical reformism
by Tom De Herdt & Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan - 1192-1210 The onset of BRICS cooperation on climate change: material change, ideational convergence and the road to Copenhagen 2009
by Göktuğ Kıprızlı & Seçkin Köstem - 1211-1229 Politicians: the sinews of counterinsurgent governance in Colombia
by Francisco Gutiérrez-Sanín - 1230-1248 Decolonising social norms change: from ‘grandmother-exclusionary bias’ to ‘grandmother-inclusive’ approaches
by Anneke Newman - 1249-1268 Exploring donor-driven skills development as a channel of continued aid dependency
by Jamelia Harris - 1269-1287 The long shadow of the developmental state: energy infrastructure and environmental sustainability in Southeast Asia
by Jürgen Rüland - 1288-1305 ‘Allow her to flourish and grow’: commodifying gendered handicraft labour in conscious capitalist brand imagery on Instagram
by Alessandra Costagliola - 1306-1323 UN Resolution 1514: the creation of a new post-colonial sovereignty
by Jack Basu-Mellish - 1324-1344 The evangelical foreign policy model: Jair Bolsonaro and evangelicals in Brazil
by Feliciano de Sá Guimarães & André Felipe Miquelasi & Gustavo Jordan Ferreira Alves & Irma Dutra Gomes de Oliveira e Silva & Karina Stange Calandrin - 1345-1362 Fixing China’s humanitarian aid architecture: what are the lessons from the European Union and the United States?
by Chao Zhang
May 2023, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 839-855 The weak institutionalisation of prior consultation in Peru: ambivalent cooperation between indigenous organisations and state activists
by Maritza Paredes - 856-871 Understanding Syrian refugees in Turkey from an environment of insecurity and the conflict model of migration perspective
by İnci Aksu Kargın & Ibrahim Sirkeci - 872-891 Migtech, fintech and fair migration in Malaysia: addressing the protection gap between migrant rights and labour policies
by Choo Chin Low - 892-910 When do civilians resist military coup attempts?
by Ömer Aslan & Mehmet Özkan - 911-929 ‘The tears don’t give you funding’: data neocolonialism in development in the Global South
by Renee Lynch & Jason C. Young & Chris Jowaisas & Joel Sam & Stanley Boakye-Achampong & Maria Garrido & Chris Rothschild - 930-945 ‘The generation that will inherit Syria’: education as citizen aid and political opportunity
by Kjetil Selvik & Tamar Groves - 946-966 Whose security is it? Elitism and the global approach to maritime security in Africa
by Ifesinachi Marybenedette Okafor-Yarwood & Freedom C. Onuoha - 967-984 Trapped in the underground economy: Syrian refugees in the informal labour market in Turkey
by Vasja Badalič - 985-1002 Informal imposed hierarchies in world politics and internal instabilities in subordinate states: the Afghanistan and Iraq cases
by Hüsna Taş Yetim - 1003-1020 Autocracies and the temptation of sentimentality: repertoires of the past and contemporary meaning-making in the Gulf monarchies
by Thomas Demmelhuber & Antonia Thies - 1021-1038 Navigating through depoliticisation: international stakeholders and refugee reception in Jordan and Turkey
by Alexander Jung & Ezgi Irgil & Isabell Schierenbeck & Andrea Spehar - 1039-1057 State apologies, postcolonial resistance and ontological insecurity: the Matabeleland massacre
by Osondu C. Ugochukwu - 1058-1076 Gender mainstreaming 2.0: emergent gender equality agendas under Sustainable Development Goals
by Gloria Novovic - 1077-1097 Peace through coca? Decolonial peacebuilding ecologies and rural development in the Territory of Conviviality and Peace of Lerma, Colombia
by Óscar E. Valencia & Christopher Courtheyn - 1098-1099 Correction
by The Editors
April 2023, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 631-648 ‘When orange becomes sweeter’: understanding climate variability, situated knowledge and development in an Eastern Himalayan region of India
by Mridusmita Dutta & Amiya Kumar Das - 649-666 Citizenship and urban belonging in Mumbai: understanding the impact of informal institutions on street vending
by Amy Schoenecker - 667-685 Brahmanical patriarchy and the politics of anti-trafficking and prostitution governance: from colonial to contemporary India
by Jaffer Latief Najar - 686-704 What is behind the Palestinian split and what makes it difficult to end? A historical institutional analysis from a settler colonial lens
by Tamer Qarmout - 705-723 Making sense of Lebanon’s approach to the (non-)securitisation of Syrian refugees: a political economic perspective
by Martin Beck - 724-743 Unusual middle power activism and regime survival: Turkey’s drone warfare and its regime-boosting effects
by Digdem Soyaltin-Colella & Tolga Demiryol - 744-761 Coloniality and the Global North war against disinformation: the case of the European Union
by Michael Merlingen - 762-775 The Ethiopia–Eritrea rapprochement: highly personalised and less-institutionalised initiative
by Amare K. Aweke & Mohammed Seid - 776-794 Conceptualising criminal wars in Latin America
by Raúl Zepeda Gil - 795-813 The role of civil servants in the dignification of victims in Meta, Colombia
by Sandra M. Rios Oyola & Carolina Hormaza - 814-832 China-backed infrastructure in the Global South: lessons from the case of the Brazil–Peru Transcontinental Railway project
by Leolino Dourado - 833-837 Response to Martin Fredriksson, ‘Balancing community rights and national interests in international protection of traditional knowledge: a study of India’s Traditional Knowledge Digital Library’
by Viswajanani J. Sattigeri & Vijayalakshmi Asthana
March 2023, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 405-422 The use of zakat in the pandemic response: the case of Islamic Relief and BAZNAS in Indonesia
by Altea Pericoli - 423-441 It will take a global village to find cures for global pandemics: the Ubuntu perspective
by Aminu Mamman & Motolani Agbebi & Mohamed Branine - 442-459 A sensitivity to sensitisation: a case study of participatory approaches within government-mandated climate resettlement in Malawi
by Hebe Nicholson - 460-477 Hard borders and soft agreements: evaluating governance within the Global Compact for Migration
by Susan P. Murphy - 478-495 Refugee recognition in Brazil under Bolsonaro: the domestic impact of international norms and standards
by Leiza Brumat & Andrew Geddes - 496-512 The ‘competitive authoritarian’ turn in Turkey: bandwagoning versus reality
by Düzgün Arslantaş & André Kaiser - 513-531 Epistemic hierarchies and asymmetrical dialogues in global IR: increasing the epistemic gravity of the periphery through thematic density
by Eyüp Ersoy - 532-553 Frames of self-reliance: an analysis of evolving international development discourse
by Rachel Neill & Yusra Ribhi Shawar & Michael Kunnuji & Malvikha Manoj & Jeremy Shiffman - 554-573 Resource allocation in power-sharing arrangements – evidence from Lebanon
by Mounir Mahmalat & Sami Atallah & Wassim Maktabi - 574-594 Neoliberal ideologies and philanthrocapitalist agendas: what does a ‘smart economics’ discourse empower?
by Ruth Smith & Anna Mdee & Susannah M. Sallu & Stephen Whitfield - 595-611 Chinese financing in Ethiopia’s infrastructure sector: agency distribution within and outside the state
by Valeria Lauria - 612-630 Toxic turn in Brazilian agriculture? The political economy of pesticide legalisation in post-2016 Brazil
by Ossi I. Ollinaho & Marcos A. Pedlowski & Markus Kröger
February 2023, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 231-245 Syrian refugees in Turkey: exploring the role of I/NGOs in refugee crisis
by Emrah Atar & Farhad Hossain & A. K. M. Ahsan Ullah - 246-265 Iran’s soft power in Venezuela
by Ali Akbar - 266-283 ‘Bright, shiny, inconsequential’? The rise and fall of innovation labs in the aid sector
by Tamas Wells - 284-299 Deadly global alliance: antidemocracy and anti-environmentalism
by Eve Darian-Smith - 300-319 Coloniality of power and social control strategies in mining: an analysis of MAM activists’ narratives
by Andreina Del Carmen Camero de Lima & Flávia Luciana Naves Mafra - 320-336 Manufacturing the Ummah: Turkey’s transnational populism and construction of the people globally
by Ihsan Yilmaz & Mustafa Demir - 337-355 Examining the ‘developmentalisation’ of humanitarian response: the politics of migration and development in Tunisia
by Ankushi Mitra - 356-376 Under the leadership of our president: ‘Potemkin AI’ and the Turkish approach to artificial intelligence
by Muhammed Can - 377-394 The theatre of development: dramaturgy, actors and performances in the ‘workshop space’
by Helen E. Shutt & Laura S. Martin & Marié-Heleen Coetzee - 395-404 The Chagos dispute: where right makes might
by Peter Harris
January 2023, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-21 Issues of gender in sport leadership: reflections from Sub-Saharan Africa
by Cora Burnett - 22-38 Islam and International Relations (IR): why is there no Islamic IR theory?
by Ali Bakir - 39-56 Manufacturing consent in Africa? Multinationals, NGOs and the (re)invention of resistance in the Niger Delta’s oilscapes
by Akin Iwilade - 57-75 Political economy of South–South relations: an analysis of BRICS’ investment protection agreements in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Ana Saggioro Garcia & Rodrigo Curty Pereira - 76-95 All geopolitics is local: the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor amidst overlapping centre–periphery relations
by Pascal Abb - 96-114 Remittances and social capital: livelihood strategies of Timorese workers participating in the Australian Seasonal Worker Programme
by Annie Wu & Jeffrey Neilson & John Connell - 115-133 Why is Cuba’s economic reform progressing so slowly?
by Jose Antonio Alonso & Pavel Vidal - 134-151 International engagement with North Korea: disability, human rights and humanitarian aid
by Danielle Chubb & Nazanin Zadeh-Cummings - 152-169 Understanding the transformation of Political Islam beyond party politics: the case of Tunisia
by Ester Sigillò - 170-189 Perspectives on violent extremism from development–humanitarian NGO staff in Southeast Asia
by Juhi Sonrexa & Leanne M. Kelly & Greg Barton & Anthony Ware - 190-210 Contested food, conflicting policies: health and development in tribal communities in India
by Vandana & Rajesh Bhattacharya - 211-229 ‘The Key to solving all problems’? Unpacking China’s development-as-security approach in Mali
by Lina Benabdallah & Daniel Large
December 2022, Volume 43, Issue 12
- 2757-2774 The end of the security–development nexus? Reflections from counterinsurgency in north-eastern Nigeria
by Sara de Simone & Alessio Iocchi - 2775-2790 Election, ethnic voting and regime change in The Gambia
by Alieu B. Sanneh - 2791-2810 African Ubuntu and Sustainable Development Goals: seeking human mutual relations and service in development
by Dorine E. van Norren - 2811-2829 Reintegration of former Boko Haram members and combatants in Nigeria: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of community members’ experiences of trauma
by Tarela Juliet Ike & Dung Ezekiel Jidong & Mieyebi Lawrence Ike & Christopher Francis & Evangelyn Ebi Ayobi - 2830-2851 Contradiction and restructuring in the Belt and Road Initiative: reflections on China’s pause in the ‘Go world’
by Pádraig Carmody & Joel Wainwright - 2852-2868 Maritime strategy in Africa: strategic flaws exposing Africa to vulnerabilities from food insecurity to external domination
by Manu Lekunze - 2869-2887 Continuity through change: populism and foreign policy in Turkey
by Hakkı Taş - 2888-2906 BRICS member states as norm entrepreneurs: worldviews and bids for power in global health and world energy governance
by Clarisa Giaccaglia & María Noel Dussort - 2907-2926 The ghost of Hernán Cortés: the colonial heritage in the Americas in the Cold War and post-Cold War era
by Mark T. Berger
November 2022, Volume 43, Issue 11
- 2545-2556 The everyday lives of drugs
by Maziyar Ghiabi - 2557-2576 Critique of everyday narco-capitalism
by Maziyar Ghiabi - 2577-2596 Mangling life trajectories: institutionalised calamity and illegal peasants in Colombia
by Francisco Gutiérrez-Sanín - 2597-2617 Modes of governance and the everyday lives of illicit drug producers in Afghanistan
by Jan Koehler & Jasmine Bhatia & Ghulam Rasool Mosakhel - 2618-2636 The intimacies of drug dealing: narcotics, kinship and embeddedness in Nicaragua and South Africa
by Steffen Jensen & Dennis Rodgers - 2637-2653 The everyday life and everyday dreams of Kenyan khat traders
by Neil Carrier - 2654-2673 Entangled lives: drug assemblages in Afghanistan’s Badakhshan
by Jonathan Goodhand & Adam Pain - 2674-2692 ‘Everything peasants do is illegal’: Colombian coca growers’ everyday experiences of law enforcement and its impacts on state legitimacy
by Camilo Acero & Frances Thomson - 2693-2711 Towards social justice and economic empowerment? Exploring Jamaica’s progress with implementing cannabis law reform
by Axel Klein & Marta Rychert & Machel A. Emanuel - 2712-2730 Young people’s everyday pathways into drug harms in Shan State, Myanmar
by Patrick Meehan & Mandy Sadan & Sai Aung Hla & Sai Kham Phu & Nang Muai Oo - 2731-2746 Phantasmal commodities: law, violence and the juris-diction of drugs
by Kojo Koram - 2747-2756 Epilogue: drugs in war, peace and the everyday
by Shaylih Muehlmann
October 2022, Volume 43, Issue 10
- 2337-2356 The Global South and global human rights: international responsibility for the right to development
by Katherine M. Beall - 2357-2374 Adoption, adaptation or chance? Inter-organisational diffusion of the protection of civilians norm from the UN to the African Union
by Kseniya Oksamytna & Nina Wilén - 2375-2395 Leading sector and dual economy: how Indonesia and Malaysia mobilised Chinese capital in mineral processing
by Alvin Camba & Guanie Lim & Kevin Gallagher - 2396-2412 Illiberalism and post-conflict settlements with jihadists: a Malian case study
by Alexander Thurston - 2413-2429 The grey areas of political illegitimacy
by Tarek Abou Jaoude - 2430-2449 Youth engagement in sweetpotato production and agribusiness: the case of Northern Uganda
by Norita Mdege & Sarah Mayanja & Netsayi Noris Mudege - 2450-2466 Upside-down diplomacy – foreign perceptions about Bolsonaro’s intentions and initial transformations of Brazil’s foreign policy and status
by Daniel Buarque - 2467-2487 Citizen assessments of clientelistic practices in South Africa
by Eva Wegner & Miquel Pellicer & Markus Bayer & Christian Tischmeyer - 2488-2508 Recentring the coloniality of global policing
by Lou Pingeot & Colleen Bell - 2509-2525 Development practitioners’ emotions for resilience: sources of reflective and transformative practices
by Jae-Eun Noh - 2526-2543 Becoming an advocate: Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) and the evolution of local NGOs in Asia
by Won Geun Choi
July 2022, Volume 43, Issue 9
- 2075-2090 Conceptualising eco-violence: moving beyond the multiple labelling of water and agricultural resource conflicts in the Sahel
by Ezenwa E. Olumba & Bernard U. Nwosu & Francis N. Okpaleke & Rowland Chukwuma Okoli - 2091-2111 South–South cooperation: building productive bridges between Latin America and Africa
by Andrea Molinari & Federico Mena & Javier Ghiglione - 2112-2128 How internationally funded NGOs promote gender equality in horticulture value chains in Kenya
by Emmanuel Kumi & Willem Elbers - 2129-2148 Bringing states back into commodity-centric environmental governance: the telecoupled soy trade between Brazil and China
by Victor Thives & Niels Søndergaard & Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue - 2149-2168 G-group legitimacy in global governance: rightful membership of rising powers?
by Jasper Blom - 2169-2187 ‘A collective commitment to improving cooperation on migration’: analysis of a thematic consultation session for the Global Compact for Migration
by Micheline van Riemsdijk & Marion Panizzon - 2188-2208 The Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh: an analysis of the involvement of local humanitarian actors
by Mehdi Chowdhury & Nigel L. Williams & Karen Thompson & Georgina Ferdous - 2209-2224 Why does segregation prevent conflict in some regions but not others? Interrogating social distance amid ethnic conflicts in Jos, Nigeria
by Surulola Eke - 2225-2243 Dependent development in the twenty-first century
by Adnan Naseemullah - 2244-2268 Urban utopia or pipe dream? Examining Chinese-invested smart city development in Southeast Asia
by Yujia He & Angela Tritto - 2269-2288 Different times, same story: the (un)changing dynamics of structural dependence in Tanzania
by Wojciech Tycholiz & Andrzej Polus - 2289-2305 Changing paradigms in understanding Chinese imperial law
by Yonglin Jiang - 2306-2324 Chinese narrative in international development and volunteer tourism: a case study of a Chinese organisation’s practice in Mathare, Kenya
by Yi Wang - 2325-2335 Facial recognition technology for policing and surveillance in the Global South: a call for bans
by Peter Dauvergne
August 2022, Volume 43, Issue 8
- 1817-1836 The state of academic (un)freedom and scholar rescue programmes: a contemporary and critical overview
by Kudus Oluwatoyin Adebayo - 1837-1853 Group styles and humanitarian aid: exploring how group boundaries shape the outcomes of medical mission trips in Jamaica
by Katherine Comeau - 1854-1874 Exploring dignity in the context of displacement – evidence from Rohingyas in Bangladesh and IDPs in Afghanistan
by Palash Kamruzzaman & Kate Williams & Ali Wardak & Mohammad Ehsanul Kabir & Yaseen Ayobi - 1875-1895 Connecting families with schools: the bureaucratised relations of ‘accountability’ in Indian elementary schooling
by Caroline Dyer & Suraj Jacob & Indira Patil & Preeti Mishra - 1896-1914 Observing without reporting: critiquing the failure of election observers to report preemptive electoral prophecies in Nigeria
by Patrick Afamefune Ikem & Abiodun Omotayo Oladejo - 1915-1931 Totally napse: aspirations of mobility in Essau, the Gambia
by Cathy Conrad Suso - 1932-1949 Three locals of peace: a typology of local capacities for peace
by Lise Philipsen - 1950-1969 Beyond core and periphery: the role of the semi-periphery in global capitalism
by Gemma Cairó-i-Céspedes & Juan Carlos Palacios Cívico - 1970-1987 Digitising biopiracy? The global governance of plant genetic resources in the age of digital sequencing information
by Ryan Nehring - 1988-2005 India’s business gurus: the World Hindu Economic Forum (WHEF)
by Esra Elif Nartok - 2006-2024 Institutional design of Ghana and the Fourth Republic: on the checks and balances between the state and society
by Clement Sefa-Nyarko - 2025-2043 What role do social accountability actors play in resisting media capture in sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from Ghana
by Joseph Yaw Asomah - 2044-2062 ‘They count us among the dead’: ageing women’s experiences of intergenerational conflict in a changing rural economy in sub-Saharan Africa
by Teddy Nagaddya - 2063-2074 Occupy the classroom radically
by Deanne Bell
June 2022, Volume 43, Issue 7
- 1515-1530 Theorising migration politics: do political regimes matter?
by Katharina Natter & Hélène Thiollet - 1531-1550 When the stars aligned: ideational strategic alliances and the critical juncture of Argentina’s 2004 Migration Law
by Susanne Melde & Luisa Feline Freier - 1551-1569 Tunisia’s migration politics throughout the 2011 revolution: revisiting the democratisation–migrant rights nexus
by Katharina Natter - 1570-1586 The side doors of immigration: multi-tier migration regimes in Japan and South Korea
by Erin Aeran Chung - 1587-1606 Norm-busting: rightist challenges in US and Australian immigration and refugee policies
by David Scott FitzGerald & Asher Hirsch - 1607-1626 The ‘gold standard’ for labour export? The role of civil society in shaping multi-level Philippine migration policies
by Stefan Rother - 1627-1644 Across the conceptual divide? Chinese migration policies seen through historical and comparative lenses
by Els van Dongen - 1645-1665 Migrants and monarchs: regime survival, state transformation and migration politics in Saudi Arabia
by Hélène Thiollet - 1666-1686 Leaving Africa behind? COVID-19 and global public goods
by Dominik Kopiński & Ian Taylor - 1687-1704 The politics of aid: discursive boundary-making and the war of position in Greece’s humanitarian landscape
by Ashley Witcher - 1705-1723 The Palestinian Economic Disengagement Plan from Israel: an opportunity for progress or an illusion?
by Ibrahim Fraihat - 1724-1743 (Ir)relevant doctrines and African realities: neoliberal and Marxist influences on labour migration governance in Southern Africa
by Christopher Changwe Nshimbi - 1744-1764 A theory of dialectical transnational historical materialism for China’s state capitalism and the China–US rivalry
by David Chen - 1765-1782 Voices from the periphery: a critique of postcolonial theories and development practice
by Nikolas Wagner Bozzolo - 1783-1797 Another decolonial approach is possible: international studies in an antiblack world
by Farai Chipato & David Chandler - 1798-1816 The Chinese approach to peacebuilding: contesting liberal peace?
by Xinyu Yuan
June 2022, Volume 43, Issue 6
- 1237-1250 Agonistic peace: advancing knowledge on institutional dynamics and relational transformation
by Lisa Strömbom & Isabel Bramsen - 1251-1269 Women’s dialogic encounters: agonistic listening and emotions in multiple-identity conflicts
by Zeynep Gülru Göker & Ayşe Betül Çelik - 1270-1287 A case for agonistic peacebuilding in Colombia
by Diana González Martín & Hans Lauge Hansen & Agustín Parra Grondona - 1288-1306 Suspending the antagonism: situated agonistic peace in a border bazaar
by Marko Lehti & Vadim Romashov - 1307-1323 Agonistic reconciliation: inclusion, decolonisation and the need for radical innovation
by Sarah Maddison - 1324-1342 Agonistic interaction in practice: laughing, dissensus and hegemony in the Northern Ireland Assembly
by Isabel Bramsen - 1343-1360 Disarticulation and chains of equivalence: agonism and non-sectarian movements in post-war Beirut
by John Nagle - 1361-1379 Agonistic recognition as a remedy for identity backlash: insights from Israel and Turkey
by Bahar Rumelili & Lisa Strömbom - 1380-1398 Agonistic transitional justice: a global survey
by Emma Murphy & Dawn Walsh - 1399-1407 A critical (re)reading of the analytical significance of agonistic peace
by Rosemary E. Shinko - 1408-1424 The impact of open access on knowledge production, consumption and dissemination in Kenya’s higher education system
by David Mwambari & Fatuma Ahmed Ali & Christopher Barak - 1425-1440 Avatars of colonial and liberal violences: the revelatory character of COVID-19 governance in Colombia
by Ariana Fernández & Marcos S. Scauso & Elena B. Stavrevska - 1441-1459 Overlooked forms of non-democracy? Insights from hybrid regimes
by Claudio Balderacchi - 1460-1477 Hiroshima in Egypt: interpretations and imaginations of the atomic age
by Hebatalla Taha - 1478-1494 Communicating creativities: interculturality, postcoloniality and power relations
by Hamza R’boul - 1495-1514 ICT for development and the novel principles of the Sustainable Development Goals
by Franz-Ferdinand Rothe & Leo Van Audenhove & Jan Loisen
May 2022, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 963-978 The humanitarian frame of war: how security and violence are allocated in contemporary aid delivery
by Iida-Maria Tammi - 979-996 Mapping relations between state and humanitarian NGOs: the case of Turkey
by Şerif Onur Bahçecik & Yunus Turhan - 997-1015 Sustainable development goals and capability-based higher education outcomes
by Melanie Walker - 1016-1037 Is the Programme for Results approach fit for purpose? Evidence from a large-scale education reform in Ethiopia
by Louise Yorke & Amare Asegdom & Belay Hagos Hailu & Pauline Rose - 1038-1055 From economic growth to the human: reviewing the history of development visions over time and moving forward
by Juliette Alenda-Demoutiez - 1056-1073 The developmental state and its discontent: the evolution of the open government data policy in Taiwan
by Terrence Ting-Yen Chen - 1074-1092 Fixing the collective action problem in sovereign debt restructuring: significance of Global South solidarity
by Salamah Ansari & Deva Prasad M. & R. Rajesh Babu - 1093-1114 Assembling Chinese health engagement in Africa: structures, strategies and emerging patterns
by Ding Fei - 1115-1136 Brazilian alliance perspectives: towards a BRICS development–security alliance?
by Zhen Han & Mihaela Papa - 1137-1155 Not to mislead peace: on the demise of identity politics in Iraq
by Hewa Haji Khedir - 1156-1175 Islamic revolutionary ideology and its narratives: the continued relevance of the Islamic Republic’s ideology
by Olivia Glombitza - 1176-1196 The war on terror in context: domestic dimensions of Ethiopia and Kenya’s policies towards Somalia
by Jessica Piombo & Pierre Englebert - 1197-1216 Procedural rights for nature – a pathway to sustainable decarbonisation?
by Andrea Schapper & Clemens Hoffmann & Phyllis Lee - 1217-1235 Crafting constraints: Latin American support for humanitarian-intervention norms
by J. Luis Rodriguez
April 2022, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 721-741 Developmentalism at the periphery: addressing global financial asymmetries
by Barbara Fritz & Luiz Fernando de Paula & Daniela M. Prates - 742-759 Rethinking recipient agency: what can we learn from Haitian accounts?
by Katarzyna Baran - 760-778 ¡Zapatero, a tus zapatos! Explaining the social engagement of M-19 ex-combatants in education and social work institutions in Colombia
by Simon Pierre Boulanger Martel - 779-796 Semi-periphery regionalisms in a changing world order: the case of Mercosur and Visegrad Group
by Bernadett Lehoczki - 797-822 Kazakhstan’s leverage and economic diversification amid Chinese connectivity dreams
by Linda Yin-nor Tjia