May 2001, Volume 11, Issue 2-3
- 208-217 Democracy and social participation in Latin American cities
by Diego Carrión - 218-231 Sustainable development and democracy in the megacities
by Jaime Joseph - 232-241 Unsustainable development: The Philippine experience
by Karina Constantino-David - 242-259 Sustainable urban development in India: An inclusive perspective
by Darshini Mahadevia - 260-272 Urban crisis in India: New initiatives for sustainable cities
by P. G. Dhar Chakrabarti - 273-291 International cooperation in pursuit of sustainable cities
by Adrian Atkinson - 292-307 Learning from informal markets: Innovative approaches to land and housing provision
by Erhard Berner - 308-318 Lowering the ladder: Regulatory frameworks for sustainable development
by Geoffrey Payne - 319-331 Cities for the urban poor in Zimbabwe: Urban space as a resource for sustainable development
by Alison Brown - 332-335 Innovations for sustainable development in cities of the South: The Habitat-Cuba approach
by Carlos García Pleyán - 336-343 Private-public partnership, the compact city, and social housing: Best practice for whom?
by Fernando Murillo - 344-349 Residents' associations and information communication technologies: A suggested approach to international action-research
by Cesare Ottolini - 350-357 Monitoring megacities: The MURBANDY/MOLAND approach
by Carlo Lavalle & Luca Demicheli & Maddalena Turchini & Pilar Casals-Carrasco & Monika Niederhuber - 358-363 Technical versus popular language: Some reflections on the vocabulary of urban management in Mexico and Brazil
by Hélène Rivière d'Arc - 364-374 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 375-380 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 381-398 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
February 2001, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial
by The Editors - 7-19 TNCs: Aid agents for the new millennium?
by Karen T Fisher & Peter B Urich - 20-33 Islamic business and business as usual: A study of firms in Egypt
by Karen Pfeifer - 34-44 The rhetoric of the community in project management: The case of Mohlakeng township
by Mfaniseni Fana Sihlongonyane - 45-61 Sustainable investments: Women's contributions to natural resource management projects in Africa
by Barbara Thomas-Slayter & Genese Sodikoff - 62-72 Children and development assistance: The need to re-orient priorities and programmes
by Sheridan Bartlett - 73-85 Viewpoint
by The Editors - 86-117 Practical Notes
by The Editors - 118-124 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 125-130 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 131-135 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
November 2000, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 607-608 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 609-624 Advancing women's reproductive and sexual health rights: Using the International Human Rights system
by Isfahan Merali - 625-637 Ethnicity and participatory development methods in Botswana: Some participants are to be seen and not heard
by Tlamelo Mompati & Gerard Prinsen - 638-649 Social capacity, sustainable development, and older people: Lessons from community-based care in Southeast Asia
by Mark A Ritchie - 650-661 Whose practice counts? Experiences in using indigenous health practices from Ethiopia and Uganda
by Eamonn Brehony - 662-673 Urban children's work during and after the 1998 floods in Bangladesh
by Emily Delap - 674-686 Critical Incidents in emergency relief work
by Maureen Raymond-Mckay & Malcolm MacLachlan - 687-690 Logical Framework Approach and PRA - mutually exclusive or complementary tools for project planning?
by Jens B Aune - 691-694 Stepping Stones - a participatory tool to integrate gender into HIV/AIDS work
by Parinita Bhattacharjee - 694-700 The potential role of food aid in mitigating the impacts of HIV/AIDS: The case of Zambia
by Douglas Webb & Stefan Paquette - 700-705 The technocratic discourse: Technical means to political problems
by Erik Bryld - 705-711 Integrating impact monitoring and assessment of microfinance
by James Copestake - 712-715 Square pegs and round holes: Participatory methodologies among entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe
by Paul Jackson - 716-724 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 725-729 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 730-735 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors - 736-736 Acknowledgements
by The Editors
August 2000, Volume 10, Issue 3-4
- 295-299 Editorial
by The Editors - 300-318 Good News! You may be out of a job reflections on the past and future 50: Years for Northern NGOs
by Alison Van Rooy - 319-329 Riding high or nosediving: Development NGOs in the new millennium
by Rajesh Tandon - 330-347 International NGOs and the challenge of modernity
by Brian K Murphy - 348-360 Globalisation, civil society, and the multilateral system
by José Antonio Alonso - 361-370 The World Bank, neo-liberalism, and power: Discourse analysis and implications for campaigners
by Andy Storey - 371-376 Dissonance or dialogue: Changing relations with the corporate sector
by Judy Henderson - 377-389 NGOs as development partners to the corporates: Child football stitchers in Pakistan
by David Husselbee - 390-401 NGOs: Fragmented dreams
by Jaime Joseph A - 402-407 Indicators of identity: Ngos and the strategic imperative of assessing core values
by John Hailey - 408-419 Development agencies: Global or solo players?
by Sylvia Borren - 420-435 Coming to grips with organisational values
by Vijay Padaki - 436-444 We NGOs: A controversial way of being and acting
by Cândido Grzybowski - 445-452 Northern NGO advocacy: Perceptions, reality, and the challenge
by Ian Anderson - 453-460 Campaigning: A fashion or the best way to change the global agenda?
by Gerd Leipold - 461-477 The international anti-debt campaign: A Southern activist view for activists in 'the North'…and 'the South'
by Dot Keet - 478-490 Heroism and ambiguity: Ngo advocacy in international policy
by Paul Nelson - 491-494 Dissolving the difference between humanitarianism and development: The mixing of a rights-based solution
by Hugo Slim - 495-500 Aid: A mixed blessing
by Mary B Anderson - 501-505 The Local Capacities for Peace Project: The Sudan experience
by Abikök Riak - 506-516 NGOs, disasters, and advocacy: Caught between the Prophet and the Shepherd Boy
by Alan Whaites - 517-526 Capacity building: Shifting the paradigms of practice
by Allan Kaplan - 527-534 Gendering the millennium: Globalising women
by Haleh Afshar - 535-542 Gender in development: A long haul--but we're getting there!
by Josefina Stubbs - 543-555 Impact assessment: Seeing the wood and the trees
by Chris Roche - 556-572 Does Matson matter? Assessing the impact of a UK neighbourhood project
by Stan Thekaekara - 573-594 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
May 2000, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 149-150 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 151-165 The effectiveness of NGO campaigning: Lessons from practice
by Jennifer Chapman & Thomas Fisher - 166-177 Partnerships in fair trade: Reflections from a case study of Cafe ´direct
by Anne Tallontire - 178-188 Agricultural cooperatives in Gujarat, India: Agents of equity or differentiation?
by Alnoor Ebrahim - 189-203 Organisational change from two perspectives: Gender and organisational development
by Penny Plowman - 204-215 Addressing urban poverty: Increasing incomes, reducing costs, and securing representation
by Diana Mitlin - 216-222 Languages in lifelong education for Third World development
by Gerry Abbott - 223-228 Barter in practice: A case study of liwac transaction in Addis Ababa
by Feleke Tadele - 229-232 Formal RoSCAs in Argentina
by Mark Schreiner - 232-236 Development-induced forced migration: A practical example
by Dennis Paling - 236-240 Literacy comes second: Working with groups in developing societies
by Alan Rogers - 240-244 The Participatory Change Process: A capacity building model from a US NGO
by Paul Castelloe & Thomas Watson - 244-249 Using multi-dimensional scaling to promote dialogue among development professionals in conference settings
by Ray Chesterfield & Kjell Enge - 250-252 Europe and the South in the Twenty-first Century: Challenges for Renewed Co-operation, triennial conference of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), 22-25 September 1999, Paris
by Mike Powell - 252-254 Women's Worlds '99, Tromsö, 20-26 June 1999
by Fenella Porter - 254-257 Beyond IDNDR: South Asian Agenda Regional Meeting for Asia--Risk Reduction and Society in the Twenty-first Century, Bangkok, 23-26 February 1999
by Mihir R Bhatt - 258-271 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 272-276 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 277-281 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
February 2000, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-8 Editorial
by The Editors - 9-18 Faith and economics in 'development': A bridge across the chasm?
by Wendy Tyndale - 19-30 Human rights and religious backlash: The experience of a Bangladeshi NGO
by Mohammad Rafi & A. M. R Chowdhury - 31-43 Spirituality: A development taboo
by Kurt Alan Ver Beek - 44-58 Moving beyond disparities: A yin-yang approach to gender and development
by Edith Sizoo - 59-70 Strengthening civil society: Participatory action research in a militarised state
by Amina Mama - 71-76 The new urban poor: The Tobas indians
by Luis Cesar Bou - 76-81 Social exclusion: What's in a name?
by Fenella Porter - 82-89 Women's groups for whom? The colonisation of women's groups in Papua New Guinea
by Gabrielle Appleford - 89-94 Gender impact assessment in microfinance and microenterprise: Why and how
by Susan Johnson - 94-98 Environment, advocacy, and community participation: Mopawi in Honduras
by Vicky Mancuso Brehm - 98-102 Women and family poultry production in rural Africa
by El Hadji Fallou Gueye - 102-107 The development role of community banks in rural Nigeria
by Charles Uchenna Onugu - 108-113 Assessing nutritional status and functional ability of older adults in developing countries
by Dorothy Chilima - 114-117 Conference Report: Global Finance and Development
by Julius Court - 118-128 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 129-133 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 134-139 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
November 1999, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 523-525 Editorial
by The Editors - 526-538 Globalisation and homelessness in the USA: Building a social movement to end poverty
by Cheri Honkala & Richard Goldstein & Elizabeth Thul & William Baptist & Patrick Grugan - 539-556 Privatisation, multinationals, and corruption
by David Hall - 557-568 Public sector trade unions in the face of privatisation
by Mike Waghorne - 569-578 Kafka meets Machiavelli: Post-war, post-transition Eastern Slavonia
by Judith Large - 579-583 Globalism and nationalism: Which one is bad?
by Sinisa Malesevic - 583-587 Are universal social standards possible?
by Julius K Nyerere - 587-592 Globalisation and women in India
by Maithreyi Krishnaraj - 592-595 Developing countries in the WTO: Support or resist the 'millennium' round?
by Eric Neumayer - 595-600 Endangering women's health for profit: Health and safety in Mexico's maquiladoras
by Hilary Abell - 601-605 Export processing zones: A Caribbean development dilemma
by Leith Dunn - 605-610 Alternative microfinance institutions and vulnerability
by Alfonso Castillo - 610-614 Equity in health and economic globalisation
by Claudio Schuftan - 614-616 Electronic information: Promise and peril
by Michael L Tan - 616-619 'Third World' perspectives on cyberfeminism
by Radhika Gajjala - 619-622 NGOs: Ladles in the global soup kitchen?
by Stephen Commins - 623-626 NGOs in a Global Future
by H. Roy Trivedy - 627-631 Access to graduate education in Bangladesh
by Niaz Ahmed Khan - 632-632 Where Women Have No Doctor
by Judith Frye Helzner & Alessandra Casanova Guedes - 633-644 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 645-650 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 651-655 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors - 656-656 Acknowledgements
by The Editors
August 1999, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 379-381 Editorial
by The Editors - 382-395 The Emperor's New Clothes: A moral tale for development experts?
by Helen Hintjens - 396-409 Birds of a feather? UNDP and ActionAid implementation of Sustainable Human Development
by Lilly Nicholls - 410-423 Pursuing partnership: World Vision and the ideology of development - a case study
by Alan Whaites - 424-436 Microfinance, wage employment and housework: A gender analysis
by Mahmuda Rahman Khan - 437-448 The use of donkeys in the Mexican central highlands: A gender perspective
by Alix Von Keyserlingk - 449-467 Viewpoint
by The Editors - 468-487 Practical Notes
by The Editors - 488-493 Feedback
by The Editors - 494-504 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 505-510 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 511-515 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
May 1999, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 243-245 Editorial
by The Editors - 246-259 Inclusive, just, plural, dynamic: Building a 'civil' society in the Third World
by Smitu Kothari - 261-273 Empowerment for development: Taking participatory appraisal further in rural South Africa
by Nicole Motteux & Tony Binns & Etienne Nel & Kate Rowntree - 274-286 Analysing changing gender relations: Methodological challenges for gender planning
by Catherine Locke & Christine Okali - 287-295 Responding to mental distress in the Third World: Cultural imperialism or the struggle for synthesis?
by Jane Gilbert - 296-309 Changing aid patterns in Southern Africa
by Roy Love - 310-315 Health for All by the Year 2000: What about the nomads?
by Mayeh Abu Omar & Maymuna Muhiadin Omar - 316-322 Security of tenure, development victims, and the limits of environmental impact assessment in Zimbabwe's communal lands
by Beacon Mbiba - 322-325 Hurricane Mitch and human rights
by Grahame Russell - 325-326 Letter from Honduras, 5 November 1998
by Lourdes Aguilar - 327-330 Empowering rural women's groups for strengthening economic linkages: Some Indian experiments
by Rajagopal - 330-337 'Linking' and 'empowering': Key concepts for intervention following war and disaster
by Craig Higson-Smith - 337-341 Community-based animal health care in Zambia
by Timothy Bainbridge - 342-346 Conference Report Hazards, globalisation, and sustainability
by John Handmer & Ben Wisner - 347-360 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 361-367 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 368-372 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
1999, Volume 9, Issue 1-2
- 5-6 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 7-8 Guest editors' introduction: Development management in practice
by Tom Hewitt & Hazel Johnson - 9-17 What makes good development management?
by Alan Thomas - 18-32 Finding out rapidly: A soft systems approach to training needs analysis in Thailand
by Simon Bell - 33-42 Tools for project development within a public action framework
by David Wield - 43-55 Institutional sustainability as learning
by Hazel Johnson & Gordon Wilson - 56-67 Inclusive planning and allocation for rural services
by Doug Porter & Martin Onyach-Olaa - 68-77 Matching services with local preferences: Managing primary education services in a rural district of India
by Ramya Subrahmanian - 78-87 The development management task and reform of 'public' social services
by Dorcas Robinson - 88-102 Managing institutional change in the science and technology systems of Eastern Europe and East Africa
by Jo Chataway & Tom Hewitt - 103-116 Fundraising in Brazil: The major implications for civil society organisations and international NGOs
by Michael Bailey - 117-129 Routes of funding, roots of trust? Northern NGOs, Southern NGOs, donors, and the rise of direct funding
by David Lewis & Babar Sobhan - 130-141 An endogenous empowerment strategy: A case-study of Nigerian women
by P. Kassey Garba - 143-151 Viewpoint Relevance in the twenty-first century: The case for devolution and global association of international NGOs
by Alan Fowler - 151-158 Northern words, Southern readings
by Carmen Marcuello & Chaime Marcuello - 159-163 Whose terms? Observations on 'development management' in an English city
by Richard Pinder - 163-169 Funding preventive or curative care? The Assiut Burns Project
by Norma Burnett - 170-175 Practical Notes A day in the life of a development manager
by David Crawford & Zainab Mdimi & Harriet Mkilya & Anna Mwambuzi & Matthias Mwiko & Sekiete Sekasua & Dorcas Robinson - 175-178 The need for reliable systems: Gendered work in Oxfam's Uganda programme
by Lina Payne & Ines Smyth - 178-183 Domestic violence, deportation, and women's resistance: Notes on managing inter-sectionality
by Purna Sen - 184-189 Information technology and the management of corruption
by Richard Heeks - 189-193 Petty corruption and development
by Stephen P Riley - 193-198 Small enterprise opportunities in municipal solid waste management
by John P Grierson & Ato Brown - 198-201 An innovative community-based waste disposal scheme in Hyderabad
by Marielle Snel - 202-214 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 215-218 Further Resources on Development Management
by The Editors - 219-230 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
1998, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 405-406 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 407-418 Civil society and substantive democracy: Governance and the state of law in Belgium
by Koenraad Van Brabant - 419-429 Must the show go on? The case for Theatre For Development
by Tim Prentki - 430-438 Mainstreaming gender in the police: The Maharashtra experience
by S. Chakravarty - 439-453 'Engendering' environmental projects: The case of eco-timber production in the Solomon Islands
by Regina Scheyvens - 454-465 Taking sustainability from policy to practice: Bringing poverty concerns into the project cycle
by Mariam Pal - 466-470 Viewpoint Participatory methodologies: Double-edged swords
by Eliud Ngunjiri - 471-478 Practical Notes Soup kitchens, women and social policy: Studies from Peru
by Luiba Kogan - 478-482 Gender-awareness and policies: Theory and practice among small NGDOs
by Jeannette Lekskes - 483-484 Conference Report Multinational investment and human rights: Forging a consensus
by Michael Edwards