- 06/2013 Literacy at South African Mission Stations
by Johan Fourie & Robert Ross & Russel Viljoen - 05/2013 Poverty and inequality estimates of National Income Dynamics Study revisited
by Derek Yu - 04/2013 Youth unemployment in South Africa since 2000 revisited
by Derek Yu - 03/2013 Some factors influencing the comparability and reliability of poverty estimates across household surveys
by Derek Yu - 02/2013 An overview of salient factors, relationships and values to support integrated energy-economic systems dynamic modelling
by Martin de Wit & Matthew Kuperus Heun & Douglas J Crookes - 01/2013 The effects of rapidly expanding primary school access on effective learning: The case of Southern and Eastern Africa since 2000
by Stephen Taylor & Nicholas Spaull
- 23/2012 The gap between school enrolments and population in South Africa: Analysis of the possible explanations
by Martin Gustafsson - 22/2012 Graduate unemployment in South Africa: A much exaggerated problem
by Servaas van der Berg & Hendrik van Broekhuizen - 21/2012 “Effective enrolment” - Creating a composite measure of educational access and educational quality to accurately describe education system performance in sub-Saharan Africa
by Nicholas Spaull & Stephen Taylor - 20/2012 New estimates of settler life span and other demographic trends in South Africa, 1652–1948
by Jeanne Cilliers & Johan Fourie - 19/2012 The Role of the South African Government in Developing the Biotechnology Industry – from Biotechnology Regional Innovation Centres to the Technology Innovation Agency
by Ramazan Uctu & Hassan Essop - 18/2012 Youths in the South African labour market since the transition: A study of changes between 1995 and 2011
by Derek Yu - 17/2012 Real Interest Rate Persistence in South Africa: Evidence and Implications
by Sonali Das & Rangan Gupta & Patrick T. Kanda & Monique Reid & Christian K. Tipoy & Mulatu F. Zerihun - 16/2012 Assets matter: New and old views of monetary policy
by Stan du Plessis - 15/2012 Trends on the hours worked of the employed, 1997 - 2011
by Derek Yu & Adél Bosch - 14/2012 Is the relationship between monetary policy and house prices asymmetric in South Africa? Evidence from a Markov-Switching Vector Autoregressive mode
by Beatrice D. Simo - Kengne & Mehmet Balcilar & Rangan Gupta & Monique Reid & Goodness C. Aye - 13/2012 Poverty & Privilege: Primary School Inequality in South Africa
by Nicholas Spaull - 12/2012 More countries, similar results. A nonlinear programming approach to normalising test scores needed for growth regressions
by Martin Gustafsson - 11/2012 The unintended consequences of education policies on South African participation and unemployment
by Rulof Burger & Servaas van der Berg & Dieter von Fintel - 10/2012 Fiscal centralisation in a federal state: the South African case
by Estian Calitz & Hassan Essop - 09/2012 Cigarettes taxes and smuggling in South Africa: Causes and Consequences
by Craig Lemboe & Philip Black - 08/2012 Inflation Expectations of the Inattentive General Public
by Monique Reid - 07/2012 Improving the targeting of zero-rated basic foodstuffs under value added tax (VAT) in South Africa - An exploratory analysis
by Ada Jansen & Elizabeth Stoltz & Derek Yu - 06/2012 The Future of South African Economic History
by Johan Fourie & Stefan Schirmer - 05/2012 Macroeconomic Surprises and Stock Returns in South Africa
by Rangan Gupta & Monique Reid - 04/2012 GDP in the Dutch Cape Colony: The national accounts of a slave-based society
by Johan Fourie & Jan Luiten van Zanden - 03/2012 The fertility transition in South Africa: A retrospective panel data analysis
by Laura Rossouw & Rulof Burger & Ronelle Burger - 02/2012 Father’s employment and sons’ stature: the long run effects of a positive regional employment shock in South Africa’s mining industry
by Martine Mariotti - 01/2012 Happy in the service of the Company: the purchasing power of VOC salaries at the Cape in the 18th century
by Sophia du Plessis & Stan du Plessis
- 25/2011 Low quality education as a poverty trap
by Servaas van der Berg & Cobus Burger & Ronelle Burger & Mia de Vos & Gideon du Rand & Martin Gustafsson & Eldridge Moses & Debra Shepherd & Nicholas Spaull & Stephen Taylor & Hendrik van Broekhuizen & Dieter von Fintel - 24/2011 Die relatiewe welvaart van die vroeë Kaapse setlaars
by Johan Fourie - 23/2011 In Good Company: About Agency and Economic Development in Global Perspective
by Jan Luiten van Zanden - 22/2011 A Model of NGO Regulation with an Application to Uganda
by Ronelle Burger & Indraneel Dasgupta & Trudy Owens - 21/2011 Slaves as capital investment in the Dutch Cape Colony, 1652-1795
by Johan Fourie - 20/2011 Hedging one’s happiness – Should a sports fan bet on the opponent?
by Bart Stemmet - 19/2011 Talking to the inattentive Public: How the media translates the Reserve Bank’s communications
by Monique Reid & Stan du Plessis - 18/2011 Business Cycle and Bank Capital Regulation: Basel II Procyclicality
by Guangling (Dave) Liu & Nkhahle Seeiso - 17/2011 Nationalising South African mines: Back to a prosperous future, or down a rabbit hole?
by Stan du Plessis - 16/2011 Finding the Benefits: Estimating the Impact of the South African Child Support Grant
by Marisa Coetzee - 15/2011 Will the SARB always succeed in fighting inflation with contractionary policy?
by Guangling (Dave) Liu - 14/2011 A survey and comparison of luxury item ownership in the eighteenth century Dutch Cape Colony
by Johan Fourie & Jolandi Uys - 13/2011 How well do South African schools convert grade 8 achievement into matric outcomes?
by Stephen Taylor & Servaas van der Berg & Vijay Reddy & Dean Janse van Rensburg - 12/2011 Numeric competence, confidence and school quality in the South African wage function: towards understanding pre-labour market discrimination
by Gideon du Rand & Hendrik van Broekhuizen & Dieter von Fintel - 11/2011 A Preliminary Analysis of SACMEQ III South Africa
by Nic Spaull - 10/2011 Uncovering indicators of effective school management in South Africa using the National School Effectiveness Study
by Stephen Taylor - 09/2011 The when and how of leaving school: The policy implications of new evidence on secondary schooling in South Africa
by Martin Gustafsson - 08/2011 Modelling cognitive skills, ability and school quality to explain labour market earnings differentials
by Cobus Burger & Servaas van der Berg - 07/2011 Quality of education and the labour market: A conceptual and literature overview
by Eldridge Moses - 06/2011 Quantitative and qualitative aspects of education in South Africa: An analysis using the National Income Dynamic Study
by Mia de Vos - 05/2011 Constraints to school effectiveness: what prevents poor schools from delivering results?
by Debra L. Shepherd - 04/2011 On the (non-)equivalence of capital adequacy and monetary policy: A response to Cechetti and Kohler
by Stan du Plessis & Gideon du Rand - 03/2011 The role and value of water in natural capital restoration on the Agulhas Plain
by Helanya Fourie & Martin de Wit & Albert van der Merwe - 02/2011 Collapse. The story of the international financial crisis, its causes and policy consequences
by Stan du Plessis - 01/2011 Limits and Uses of Price Tests for Market Definition
by Willem H. Boshoff
- 29/2010 ʼn Ongelyke Oes: Die Franse Hugenote en die vroeë Kaapse wynbedryf
by Johan Fourie & Dieter von Fintel - 28/2010 Signalling performance: Continuous assessment and matriculation examination marks in South African schools
by Servaas van der Berg & Debra Shepherd - 27/2010 Who Responds to Voluntary Cognitive Tests in Household Surveys? The Role of Labour Market Status, Respondent Confidence, Motivation and a Culture of Learning in South Africa
by Hendrik van Broekhuizen & Dieter von Fintel - 26/2010 Teacher pay in South Africa
by Servaas van der Berg & Rulof Burger - 25/2010 Write your paper now: Procrastination, conscientiousness and welfare
by Hendrik van Broekhuizen - 24/2010 When the remedy is worse than the disease: Adjusting survey income data for price differentials, with special reference to Mozambique
by Carlos Maia & Servaas van der Berg - 23/2010 A History with Evidence: Income inequality in the Dutch Cape Colony
by Johan Fourie & Dieter von Fintel - 22/2010 Current poverty and income distribution in the context of South African history
by Servaas van der Berg - 21/2010 The home team scores! A first assessment of the economic impact of World Cup 2010
by Stan du Plessis & Cobus Venter - 20/2010 The impact of mega-sport events on tourist arrivals
by Johan Fourie & María Santana-gallego - 19/2010 An alternative perspective on South Africa’s public debt, 1962-1994
by Estian Calitz & Stan du Plessis & Krige Siebrits - 18/2010 Implications of the financial crisis for models in monetary policy
by Stan du Plessis - 17/2010 Social assistance reform during a period of fiscal stress
by Servaas van der Berg & Krige Siebrits - 16/2010 Human Resource Inputs and Educational Outcomes in Botswana’s Schools: Evidence from SACMEQ and TIMMS
by Tia Linda Zuze - 15/2010 Efficiency and equity effects of social grants in South Africa
by Servaas van der Berg & Krige Siebrits & Bongisa Lekezwa - 14/2010 The costs of illiteracy in South Africa
by Martin Gustafsson & Servaas van der Berg & Debra Shepherd & Cobus Burger - 13/2010 The impact of the international economic crisis on child poverty in South Africa
by Margaret Chitiga & Bernard Decaluwé & Ramos Mabugu & Hélène Maisonnave & Véronique Robichaud & Debra Shepherd & Servaas van der Berg & Dieter von Fintel - 12/2010 Shifting trends in higher education funding
by Pierre de Villiers & Liezl Nieuwoudt - 11/2010 Loud and clear? Can we hear when the SARB speaks?
by Monique Reid & Stan du Plessis - 10/2010 The state and scope of the economic history of developing regions
by Stefan Schirmer & Latika Chaudhary & Metin Coşgel & Jean-Luc Demonsant & Johan Fourie & Ewout Frankema & Giampaolo Garzarelli & John Luiz & Martine Mariotti & Grietjie Verhoef & Se Yan - 09/2010 Defining and measuring informal employment in South Africa: A review of recent approaches
by Derek Yu - 08/2010 Higher education export service delivery by the University of Stellenbosch
by Emile du Plessis - 07/2010 The strategic implications of black empowerment in South Africa: a case study of boundary choice and client preferences in a small firm
by Willem H. Boshoff - 06/2010 South Africa’s economics of education: A stocktaking and an agenda for the way forward
by Martin Gustafsson & Thabo Mabogoane - 05/2010 Policy note on pre-primary schooling: An empirical contribution to the 2009 Medium Term Strategic Framework
by Martin Gustafsson - 04/2010 Poverty and inequality trends in South Africa using different survey data
by Derek Yu - 03/2010 South African mega-events and their impact on tourism
by Karly Spronk & Johan Fourie - 02/2010 How Can You Be A Christian And An Economist? The Meaning Of The Accra Declaration For Today
by Stan du Plessis - 01/2010 The sources of comparative advantage in tourism
by Leon du Toit & Johan Fourie & Devon Trew
- 26/2009 Managing the teacher pay system: What the local and international data are telling us
by Martin Gustafsson & Firoz Patel - 25/2009 Measuring the impact of social cash transfers on poverty and inequality in Namibia
by Sebastian Levine & Servaas van der Berg & Derek Yu - 24/2009 Determining the Causes of the Rising South African Unemployment Rate: An Age, Period and Generational Analysis
by Rulof Burger & Dieter von Fintel - 23/2009 A new and direct test of the ‘gender bias’ in multiple-choice questions
by Stan du Plessis & Sophia du Plessis - 22/2009 Oorsprong van die dualistiese karakter van die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolstelsel
by Pierre de Villiers - 21/2009 The comparability of Census 1996, Census 2001 and Community Survey 2007
by Derek Yu - 20/2009 Economic Crises, Stabilisation Policy and Output in Emerging Market Economies
by Leon du Toit - 19/2009 Poverty trends since the transition: What we know
by Servaas van der Berg & Megan Louw & Leon du Toit - 18/2009 The opportunity cost of the upkeep of the criminal justice system in South Africa from 1980 to 2006
by Pierre de Villiers & Soon Nel - 17/2009 The dynamics of inequality in a newly settled, pre-industrial society: The case of the Cape Colony
by Johan Fourie & Dieter von Fintel - 16/2009 The sensitivity of South African inflation expectations to surprises
by Monique Reid - 15/2009 Poverty, Inequality and the Role of Social Grants: An Analysis using Decomposition Techniques
by Paula Armstrong & Cobus Burger - 14/2009 Main Findings on Free Basic Services from National Treasury Fiscal Incidence Report
by Hassan Essop & Eldridge Moses - 13/2009 The cost of fiscal subsidies to higher education students in South Africa: A comparison between 2000 and 2006
by Pierre de Villiers - 12/2009 Fiscal incidence analysis: Healthcare
by Alex van Den Heever - 11/2009 The fiscal incidence of provision of free basic water
by Servaas van der Berg & Ada Jansen & Cobus Burger & Eldridge Moses & Hassan Essop - 10/2009 Fiscal incidence of social spending in South Africa, 2006
by Servaas van der Berg - 09/2009 Isolating a measure of inflation expectations for the South African financial market using forward interest rates
by Monique Reid - 08/2009 The comparability of Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS)
by Derek Yu - 07/2009 The impact of teacher characteristics on student performance: An analysis using hierarchical linear modelling
by Paula Armstrong - 06/2009 Evaluating Africa’s comparative advantage in travel service exports
by Johan Fourie - 04/2009 Teacher pay in South Africa: How attractive is the teaching profession?
by Paula Armstrong - 03/2009 World Rankings of Comparative Advantage in Service Exports
by Johan Fourie & Dieter von Fintel - 02/2009 The effect of livestock theft on household poverty in developing countries: The case of Lesotho
by Selloane Khoabane & Philip Black - 01/2009 The importance of socio-economic status in determining educational achievement in South Africa
by Stephen Taylor & Derek Yu
- 24/2008 Effect of changes in state funding of higher education on higher education output in South Africa: 1986-2007
by Pierre de Villiers & Gert Steyn - 23/2008 The significance of the Cape trade route to economic activity in the Cape colony: a medium-term business cycle analysis
by Willem H Boshoff & Johan Fourie - 22/2008 What explains the academic success of second-year economics students? An exploratory analysis
by Pietie Horn & Ada Jansen & Derek Yu - 21/2008 Alternative definitions of informal sector employment in South Africa
by Hassan Essop & Derek Yu - 20/2008 Afrikaanse musiek en die model van rasionele verslawing
by Ansie de Wet - 19/2008 Does survivorship bias really matter? An empirical investigation into its effects on the mean reversion of share returns on the JSE Securities Exchange (1984-2006)
by Evan Gilbert & Dave Strugnell - 18/2008 Sample selection bias and the South African wage function
by Cobus Burger - 17/2008 What we can learn from a comparison of the schooling systems of South Africa and Argentina
by Martin Gustafsson & Alejandro Morduchowicz - 16/2008 Using Match Attractiveness Measures to Evaluate the Structure of the Currie Cup
by Krige Siebrits & Johan Fourie - 15/2008 Estimating Hedonic Prices for Stellenbosch wine
by Sanja Lutzeyer - 14/2008 Residential Property Prices in a Sub-Market of South Africa: Separating Real Growth from Attribute Growth
by Michael Els & Dieter von Fintel - 13/2008 How invariant is South African child poverty to the choice of equivalence scale or poverty measure?
by Judith Streak & Derek Yu & Servaas van der Berg - 12/2008 Climate Trading - The Clean Development Mechanism and Africa
by Sanja Lutzeyer - 11/2008 The comparability of Income and Expenditure Surveys 1995, 2000 and 2005/2006
by Derek Yu - 10/2008 South African Trade Unions: an Overview for 1995 to 2005
by Paula Armstrong & Janca Steenkamp - 09/2008 From Competitive Balance to Match Attractiveness in Rugby Union
by Johan Fourie & Krige Siebrits - 08/2008 The Economic Impacts of Government Financing of the 2010 FIFA World Cup
by Ramos Mabugu & Ahmed Mohamed - 07/2008 Optimal HP filtering for South Africa
by Leon du Toit - 06/2008 Post-Apartheid Trends in Gender Discrimination in South Africa: Analysis through Decomposition Techniques
by Debra Shepherd - 05/2008 The South African labour market: 1995 – 2006
by Derek Yu - 04/2008 Poverty in South Africa: A profile based on recent household surveys
by Paula Armstrong & Bongisa Lekezwa & Krige Siebrits - 03/2008 The South African informal sector (1997 – 2006)
by Hassan Essop & Derek Yu - 02/2008 Do tutorial programmes influence the performance of Economics students? A case study of the Economics 178 course at Stellenbosch University
by Pietie Horn & Ada Jansen - 01/2008 Explaining ship traffic fluctuations in the early Cape settlement: 1652–1793
by Willem Boshoff & Johan Fourie
- 17/2007 The comparability of the Statistics South Africa October Household Surveys and Labour Force Surveys
by Derek Yu - 16/2007 Lessons learnt from SACMEQII: South African student performance in regional context
by Servaas van der Berg & Megan Louw - 15/2007 Infrastructure in South Africa: Who is to finance and who is to pay?
by Estian Calitz & Johan Fourie - 14/2007 Price elasticity and other forces shaping cigarette demand in South Africa over 1996-2006
by Willem Boshoff - 13/2007 A fiscal rule to produce counter-cyclical fiscal policy in South Africa
by Stan du Plessis & Willem Boshoff - 12/2007 The cyclicality of monetary and fiscal policy in South Africa since 1994
by Stan du Plessis & Ben Smit & Federico Sturzenegger - 11/2007 Identifying aggregate supply and demand shocks in South Africa
by Stan du Plessis & Ben Smit & Federico Sturzenegger - 10/2007 Democracy and the feedback mechanism in Botswana
by Sophia du Plessis - 09/2007 A series of national accounts-consistent estimates of poverty and inequality in South Africa
by Servaas van der Berg & Ronelle Burger & Rulof Burger & Megan Louw & Derek Yu - 08/2007 Post-transition poverty trends based on an alternative data source
by Servaas van der Berg & Megan Louw & Derek Yu - 07/2007 Two optimistic traditions in the dismal science: rationalism and the "invisible hand"
by Stan du Plessis - 06/2007 Policy Brief: How pro-poor is the South African Health System?
by Ronelle Burger - 05/2007 The changing face of public funding of higher education, with special reference to South Africa
by Pierre de Villiers & Gert Steyn - 04/2007 Poverty and inequality effects of a high growth scenario in South Africa: A dynamic microsimulation CGE analysis
by Ramos Mabugu & Margaret Chitiga - 03/2007 A Note on Infrastructure Quality in South Africa
by Johan Fourie - 02/2007 Consumption patterns and the black middle class: The role of assets
by Sihaam Nieftagodien & Servaas van der Berg - 01/2007 Using the hierarchical linear model to understand school production in South Africa
by Martin Gustafsson
- 17/2006 Quantitative competition analysis: Stationarity tests in geographic market definition
by Willem Boshoff - 16/2006 Institutions and Institutional Change in Zambia
by Sophia du Plessis - 15/2006 The miracle of the Septuagint and the promise of data mining in economics
by Stan du Plessis - 14/2006 The South African poor white problem in the early 20th century: Lessons for poverty today
by Johan Fourie - 13/2006 Access to credit by the poor in South Africa: Evidence from Household Survey Data 1995 and 2000
by Francis Nathan Okurut - 12/2006 Have pro-poor health policies improved the targeting of spending and the effective delivery of health care in South Africa?
by Ronelle Burger & Christelle Swanepoel - 11/2006 Health Care Provider Choice
by Christelle Swanepoel & Ian Stuart - 10/2006 Wage trends in post-apartheid South Africa: Constructing an earnings series from household survey data
by Rulof Burger & Derek Yu - 09/2006 Educational attainment and intergenerational social mobility in South Africa
by Megan Louw & Servaas van der Berg & Derek Yu - 08/2006 Earnings bracket obstacles in household surveys – How sharp are the tools in the shed?
by Dieter von Fintel - 07/2006 Fiscal uncertainty with donor herding and domestic debt crisis
by Yohane Khamfula - 06/2006 How effective are poor schools? Poverty and educational outcomes in South Africa
by Servaas van der Berg - 05/2006 Some policy proposals for future infrastructure investment in South Africa
by Johan Fourie - 04/2006 Returns to Race: Labour Market Discrimination in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Rulof Burger & Rachel Jafta - 03/2006 Examining the Robustness of Competing Explanations of Slow Growth in African Countries
by Stan du Plessis & Ronelle Burger - 02/2006 Business Cycles in Emerging market Economies: A New View of the Stylised Facts
by Stan du Plessis - 01/2006 Economic growth in South Africa since 1994
by Stan du Plessis & Ben Smit
- 03/2005 Poverty and Poverty Dynamics in Rural Ethiopia
by Christelle Swanepoel - 02/2005 The properties of cycles in South African financial variables and their relation to the business cycle
by Willem Boshoff - 01/2005 Trends in poverty and inequality since the political transition
by Servaas van der Berg & Ronelle Burger & Rulof Burger & Megan Louw & Derek Yu
- 03/2004 A Multidimensional Analysis of Poverty in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
by Sarel van der Walt - 02/2004 South African banks and the unbanked: Progress and prospects
by Andrie Schoombee - 01/2004 Household Formation, Poverty and Unemployment – The Case of Rural Households in South Africa
by Sonja Keller
- 02/2003 Changing Patterns of South African income distribution: Towards time series estimates of distribution and poverty
by Servaas van der Berg & Megan Louw - 01/2003 Orphans of the HIV/Aids epidemic: An impending crisis for South African development
by Megan Louw
- 06/2002 The demand for health care in South Africa
by Roy Havemann & Servaas van der Berg - 05/2002 Estimating potential output and output gaps for the South African economy
by Ben Smit & Le Roux Burrows - 04/2002 Bias correction in a dynamic panel data model of economic growth: The African dummy re-examined
by Stan du Plessis & Sonja Keller - 03/2002 A poverty profile of the Western Cape province of South Africa
by Morné Oosthuizen & Liezl Nieuwoudt - 02/2002 Earnings functions, labour market discrimination and quality of education in South Africa
by Doubell Chamberlain & Servaas van der Berg - 01/2002 Issues in South African Social Security
by Servaas van der Berg