- 1006 Terminal conditions in forward-looking economic models
by Richard Pierse - 0806 Central Bank Independence and the `Free Lunch Puzzle': A New Perspective
by Ali al-Nowaihi & Paul Levine & Alex Mandilaras - 0706 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Latent Separability
by Ian Crawford - 0606 Reaction Functions of Bank of England MPC Members: Insiders versus Outsiders
by Christopher Spencer - 0506 The 24/7 Society and Multiple Habits
by Ali Choudhary & Paul Levine - 0406 Public Debt Maturity and Currency Crises
by Paul Levine & Alexandros Mandilaras & Jun Wang - 0306 The Dissent Voting Behaviour of Bank of England MPC Members
by Christopher Spencer - 0206 Robust Estimates of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
by Paul Levine & Luis F. Martins & Vasco J. Gabriel - 0106 Price Regulation and the Commitment Problem: Can Limited Capture be Beneficial?
by Paul Levine & Neil Rickman & Francesc Trillas
- 1705 A Note on: Jury Size and the Free Rider Problem
by Parimal Kanti Bag & Paul Levine & Chris Spencer - 1605 The Hazard of Being an English Football League Manager: Empirical Estimates from the 2002/3 Season
by Ray Bachan & Barry Reilly & Robert Witt - 1505 Consensus Formation in Monetary Policy Committees
by Christopher Spencer - 1405 On the Stability of the Wealth Effect
by Fernando Alexandre & Pedro Bação & Vasco J. Gabriel - 1305 IMF Quotas; Constructing An International Organization Using Inferior Building Blocks
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands - 1205 A nonparametric test of stochastic dominance in multivariate distributions
by Ian Crawford - 1105 The IMF and the Mobilization of Foreign Aid
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands - 1005 Identifying Externalities in UK Manufacturing Using Direct Estimation of an Average Cost Function
by Ciaran Driver & Paul Temple & Giovanni Urga - 0905 Should It Be Curtains for Some of the IMF’s Lending Windows?
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands - 0805 Contrasts Between Classes of Assets in Fixed Investment Equations as a Way of Testing Real Option Theory
by Ciaran Driver & Paul Temple & Giovanni Urga - 0705 Bi-Polar Disorder: Exchange Rate Regimes, Economic Crises and the IMF
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands - 0605 The Viability of Economic Reform Programs Supported by the International Financial Institutions
by Graham Bird & Wolfgang Mayer & Alex Mourmouras - 0505 Over-optimism and the IMF
by Graham Bird - 0405 Explaining the Diversity of Industry Investment Responses to Uncertainty Using Long Run Panel Survey Data
by Ciaran Driver & Paul Temple & Giovanni Urga - 0305 Revealed preference analysis of characteristics models
by Laura Blow & Martin Browning & Ian Crawford - 0205 Beneficial Collusion in Corruption Control: The Case of Nonmonetary Penalties
by Mehmet Bac & Parimal Kanti Bag - 0105 Favouritism and financial incentives: A natural experiment
by Robert Witt & Neil Rickman
- 1104 Everyone's A Winner? Union Effects on Persistence in Private Sector Wage Settlements: Longitudinal Evidence from Britain
by Donna Brown & Peter Ingram & Jonathan Wadsworth - 1004 Institutions and Long-Run Growth in the UK: the Role of Standards
by Paul Temple & Robert Witt & Chris Spencer - 0904 Strategic Procurement, Openness and Market Structure
by Maria Garcia-Alonso & Paul Levine - 0804 Robust Inflation-Forecast-Based Rules to Shield against Indeterminacy
by Nicoletta Batini & Alejandro Justiniano & Paul Levine & Joseph Pearlman - 0704 Can Risk Aversion in Firms Reduce Unemployment Persistence?
by Ali Choudhary & Paul Levine - 0604 Migration and Labour Market Differences: The Case of Wales
by Stephen Drinkwater & David Blackaby - 0504 The Transition from Welfare to Work
by Robert J. Lemke & Robert J. Witt & Ann Dryden Witte - 0404 Connecting People
by M. Ali Choudhary - 0304 Liability, insurance and defensive medicine: new evidence
by Paul Fenn & Alastair Gray & Neil Rickman - 0204 Indeterminacy with Inflation-Forecast-Based Rules in a Two-Bloc Model
by Nicoletta Batini & Paul Levine & Joseph Pearlman - 0104 Shareholder Value or Competitive Advantage? Evidence from Hurdle Rates
by Ciaran Driver & Paul Temple
- 1203 Estimating the willingness to move within Great Britain: Importance and implications
by Stephen Drinkwater - 1103 Are Performance Conditions On Executive Options Driven By Fundamentals?
by M. Ali Choudhary & J. Michael Orszag - 1003 The Implementation of IMF Programmes: A Conceptual Framework and a Policy Agenda
by Graham Bird - 0903 Have industrial relations in the UK really improved?
by Stephen Drinkwater & Peter Ingram - 0703 The determinants of employee crime in the UK
by Neil Rickman & Robert Witt - 0603 Price Regulation, Investment and the Commitment Problem
by Paul Levine & Neil Rickman - 0503 Go West? Assessing the willingness to move from Central and Eastern European Countries
by Stephen Drinkwater - 0403 Independent Utility Regulators: Lessons from Monetary Policy
by Paul Levine & Paul Levine & Jon Stern & Francesc Trillas - 0303 Self-Stabilizing Firms and Unemployment Persistence
by Ali Choudhary & Paul Levine - 0203 The Immigration Surplus Revisited in a General Equilibrium Model with Endogenous Growth
by Paul Levine & Emanuela Lotti & Joseph Pearlman - 0103 The Economic Impact of Migration: A Survey
by Stephen Drinkwater & Paul Levine & Emanuela Lotti & Joseph Pearlman
- 0003 Macroeconomic Policy Interactions in the EMU: A Case for Fiscal Policy Co-ordination
by Marco Catenaro - 0002 Reconsidering The Pros and Cons of Fiscal Policy Co-ordination in a Monetary Union: Should We Set Public Expenditure Targets ?
by Marco Catenaro & Patrizio Tirelli - 0001 EMU and labour Market Reform
by Marco Catenaro
- 9801 Growing at Different Rates
by Thomas Krichel
- 9702 The Welfare Economics of Rural to Urban Migration: The Harris-Todaro Model Revisited
by Thomas Krichel & Paul Levine
- 9603 New Analysis of a Model of Time to Build
by Alistair Milne & A Elizabeth Whalley - 9602 Phases of Imitation and Innovation in a North-South Endogenous Growth Model
by David Currie & Paul Levine & Joeseph Pearlman & Michael Chui - 9601 Dynamic Aspect of Growth and Fiscal Policy
by Thomas Krichel & Paul Levine
- 9404 Growth, Debt and Public Infrastructure
by Thomas Krichel & Paul Levine - 9403 Fiscal and Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union: Credible Inflation Targets or Monetised Debt?
by Thomas Krichel & Paul Levine & Joseph Pearlman - 9402 Firm Behaviour Under the Threat of Liquidation: Implications for Output, Investment & Business Cycle Transmission
by Alistair Milne & Donald Robertson
- 9401 Seigniorage, Taxation and Myopia in EMU
by Thomas Krichel
- 0407 The IMF: A Bird's Eye View of its Role and Operations
by Graham Bird