November 2013, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 437-471 Reforming the labor market and improving competitiveness: an analysis for Spain using FiMod
by Tim Schwarzmüller & Nikolai Stähler
August 2013, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 247-271 Who bears labour taxes and social contributions? A meta-analysis approach
by Ángel Melguizo & José González-Páramo - 273-307 Old age pensions and retirement in Spain
by Raquel Vegas Sánchez & Isabel Argimón & Marta Botella & Clara González - 309-331 Is informality a barrier to financial development?
by Ceyhun Elgin & Burak Uras - 333-352 The effectiveness of the audit committee in Spain: implications of its existence on the auditor’s opinion
by Javier Andrés Suárez & Elena Cabal García & Carlos Fernández Méndez & Camino Rodríguez Gutiérrez
June 2013, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 137-153 Sharing a polluted river through environmental taxes
by María Gómez-Rúa - 155-173 Capital structure of small companies in the Spanish footwear sector: relevant factors
by Miguel Acedo-Ramírez & Juan Ayala-Calvo & José Rodríguez-Osés - 175-199 Promoting permanent employment: lessons from Spain
by Ildefonso Mendez - 201-233 Understanding poverty persistence in Spain
by Sara Ayllón - 235-245 Information sharing and lending market competition under strong adverse selection
by Jorge Fernández-Ruiz & Miguel García-Cestona
March 2013, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-34 A chronology of turning points in economic activity: Spain, 1850–2011
by Travis Berge & Òscar Jordà - 35-60 Happiness economics
by Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell - 61-81 Advertising bans
by Massimo Motta - 83-112 The effects of surprise political events on quoted firms: the March 2004 election in Spain
by Pau Castells & Francesc Trillas - 113-136 Endogenous governance transparency and product market competition
by Ana Hidalgo-Cabrillana
December 2012, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 423-456 Cycles inside cycles: Spanish regional aggregation
by Maria Gadea & Ana Gómez-Loscos & Antonio Montañés - 457-473 Motorways, tolls and road safety: evidence from Europe
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel - 475-497 MICA-BBVA: a factor model of economic and financial indicators for short-term GDP forecasting
by Máximo Camacho & Rafael Doménech - 499-520 The role of accounting accruals for the prediction of future cash flows: evidence from Spain
by Laura Arnedo & Fermín Lizarraga & Santiago Sánchez
September 2012, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 311-338 A factor analysis for the Spanish economy
by Ángel Cuevas & Enrique Quilis - 339-365 Is judicial inefficacy increasing the weight of the house property market in Spain? Evidence at the local level
by Juan Mora-Sanguinetti - 367-393 Are men and women-economists evenly distributed across research fields? Some new empirical evidence
by Juan Dolado & Florentino Felgueroso & Miguel Almunia - 395-422 Wage stickiness and unemployment fluctuations: an alternative approach
by Miguel Casares & Antonio Moreno & Jesús Vázquez
March 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-14 Deciding whether a law is constitutional, interpretable, or unconstitutional
by Pablo Amorós & Ricardo Martínez & Bernardo Moreno & M. Puy - 15-28 Preferences, actions and voting rules
by Alaitz Artabe & Annick Laruelle & Federico Valenciano - 29-57 The division problem with maximal capacity constraints
by Gustavo Bergantiños & Jordi Massó & Alejandro Neme - 59-72 Stochastically stable implementation
by Antonio Cabrales & Roberto Serrano - 73-93 An agenda-setting model of electoral competition
by Josep Colomer & Humberto Llavador - 95-109 Majority relation and median representative ordering
by Gabrielle Demange - 111-132 Cost effectiveness of a combination of instruments for global warming: a quantitative approach for Spain
by M. Gallastegui & M. González-Eguino & I. Galarraga - 133-142 Equal opportunity equivalence in land division
by Antonio Nicolò & Andrés Perea y Monsuwe & Paolo Roberti - 143-156 On the impact of independence of irrelevant alternatives: the case of two-person NTU games
by Bezalel Peleg & Peter Sudhölter & José Zarzuelo - 157-179 Optimism and commitment: an elementary theory of bargaining and war
by Clara Ponsati & Santiago Sanchez-Pages - 181-199 The political economy of income taxation under asymmetric information: the two-type case
by John Roemer - 201-207 All but one free ride when wealth effects are small
by Joaquim Silvestre - 209-226 Freedom of choice: John Stuart Mill and the tree of life
by Jorge Alcalde-Unzu & Miguel Ballester & Jorge Nieto - 227-245 An axiomatic analysis of ranking sets under simple categorization
by José Alcantud & Ritxar Arlegi - 247-258 Revealed preference and choice under uncertainty
by Walter Bossert & Kotaro Suzumura - 259-271 Nested identification of subjective probabilities
by Jacques Dreze - 273-290 Anarchism, postmodernism and realism under confirmatory bias
by Juan Urrutia Elejalde - 291-310 The evaluation of citation distributions
by Javier Ruiz-Castillo
December 2011, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 423-430 Introduction to the Special Issues in Honor of Salvador Barberà’s 65th birthday
by Matthew Jackson & Hugo Sonnenschein - 431-446 An individual manipulability of positional voting rules
by Fuad Aleskerov & Daniel Karabekyan & M. Sanver & Vyacheslav Yakuba - 447-452 A characterization of the uniform rule without Pareto-optimality
by Lars Ehlers - 453-467 Allocation problems with indivisibilities when preferences are single-peaked
by Carmen Herrero & Ricardo Martínez - 469-483 Euclidean preferences, option sets and strategyproofness
by Georges Bordes & Gilbert Laffond & Michel Le Breton - 485-496 Strategy-proof voting rules on a multidimensional policy space for a continuum of voters with elliptic preferences
by Hans Peters & Souvik Roy & Ton Storcken - 497-513 Assessing the extent of strategic manipulation: the average vote example
by Régis Renault & Alain Trannoy - 515-527 The Gibbard random dictatorship theorem: a generalization and a new proof
by Arunava Sen - 529-550 A unified approach to strategy-proofness for single-peaked preferences
by John Weymark
September 2011, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 283-303 Voluntary contributions “vote out” public ones
by Aleix Calveras & Juan-José Ganuza & Gerard Llobet - 305-333 General equilibrium long-run determinants for Spanish FDI: a spatial panel data approach
by Jaime Martínez-Martín - 335-358 Introducing managerial attention allocation in incentive contracts
by Ricard Gil & Jordi Mondria - 359-378 Vertical integration, collusion, and tariffs
by Pedro Mendi & Rafael Moner-Colonques & José Sempere-Monerris - 379-399 Forecasting the Spanish economy with an augmented VAR–DSGE model
by Gonzalo Fernández-de-Córdoba & José Torres - 401-421 Generalized marginal rate of substitution in multiconstraint consumer’s problems and their reciprocal expenditure problems
by Manuel Besada & Javier García & Miguel Mirás & Carmen Vázquez
June 2011, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 139-158 SEA Presidential address: Group connectivity and cooperation
by Amparo Urbano - 159-184 With whom to merge? A tale of the Spanish banking deregulation process
by Ana Lozano-Vivas & Miguel Meléndez-Jiménez & Antonio Morales - 185-216 The information content in a volatility index for Spain
by Maria Gonzalez-Perez & Alfonso Novales - 217-231 Partial price discrimination by an upstream monopolist
by Lluís Bru & Ramon Faulí-Oller & Joel Sandonís - 233-253 Financial openness, volatility, and the size of productive government
by Iñaki Erauskin - 255-282 Specialized advertising and price competition in vertically differentiated markets
by Lola Esteban & José Hernández
March 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-29 Informal care and labour force participation among middle-aged women in Spain
by David Casado-Marín & Pilar García-Gómez & Ángel López-Nicolás - 31-52 On the optimal allocation of students when peer effects are at work: tracking vs. mixing
by Marisa Hidalgo-Hidalgo - 53-74 Portfolio choice and the effects of liquidity
by Ana González & Gonzalo Rubio - 75-95 Innovation, loyalty and generic competition in pharmaceutical markets
by Fernando Antoñanzas & Carmelo Juárez-Castelló & Roberto Rodríguez-Ibeas - 97-119 Short-term monitoring of the Spanish government balance
by Teresa Leal & Diego Pedregal & Javier Pérez - 121-137 Agency problems with non-smooth decision profiles: the case of monopoly under product quality
by X. Ruiz del Portal
September 2010, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 371-386 The causes and economic consequences of envy
by Antonio Cabrales - 387-407 Immigrants’ responsiveness to labor market conditions and their impact on regional employment disparities: evidence from Spain
by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes & Sara De la Rica - 409-432 On the aggregate effects of immigration in Spain
by Mario Izquierdo & Juan Jimeno & Juan Rojas - 433-458 Firms’ main market, human capital, and wages
by Francisco Alcalá & Pedro Hernández - 459-474 A queuing-based model for optimal dimension of service firms
by Isabel Parra-Frutos - 475-487 An axiomatic characterization of a value for games in partition function form
by Cheng-Cheng Hu & Yi-You Yang
July 2010, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 251-276 The effects of airline alliances: what do the aggregate data say?
by Philippe Gagnepain & Pedro Marín - 277-304 Optimal monitoring to implement clean technologies when pollution is random
by Inés Macho-Stadler & David Pérez-Castrillo - 305-323 How complex are the contracts offered by health plans?
by Pau Olivella & Marcos Vera-Hernandez - 325-356 An empirical analysis of retirement behaviour in Spain: partial versus full retirement
by Isabel Cairó-Blanco - 357-369 Postponing the legal retirement age
by Juan Lacomba & Francisco Lagos
March 2010, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Víctor Aguirregabiria - 3-49 The econometrics of DSGE models
by Jesús Fernández-Villaverde - 51-65 DSGE models and their use at the ECB
by Frank Smets & Kai Christoffel & Günter Coenen & Roberto Motto & Massimo Rostagno - 67-95 Spain in the Euro: a general equilibrium analysis
by Javier Andrés & Samuel Hurtado & Eva Ortega & Carlos Thomas - 97-99 Comment on “Spain in the Euro: A General Equilibrium Analysis” by Andrés, Hurtado, Ortega and Thomas
by Jesús Vázquez - 101-130 The drivers of housing cycles in Spain
by Oriol Aspachs-Bracons & Pau Rabanal - 131-134 Comments on “The drivers of housing cycles in Spain” by Oriol Aspachs-Bracons and Pau Rabanal
by Stefano Neri - 135-169 A rational expectations model for simulation and policy evaluation of the Spanish economy
by J. Boscá & A. Díaz & R. Doménech & J. Ferri & E. Pérez & L. Puch - 171-173 Discussion of the paper “A rational expectations model for simulation and policy evaluation of the Spanish economy”
by Javier Pérez - 175-243 MEDEA: a DSGE model for the Spanish economy
by Pablo Burriel & Jesús Fernández-Villaverde & Juan Rubio-Ramírez - 245-249 Commentary on MEDEA: A DSGE model for the Spanish economy
by Filippo Ferroni