August 2010, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 141-161 The information content of reorganization procedures: contagion or competitive effects?
by Tseng-Chung Tang
April 2010, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-17 Energy conservation, unemployment and the direction of technical change
by Tobias Kronenberg - 19-28 Inefficiency caused by random matching and heterogeneity
by Klaus Kultti - 29-33 Banking firm and hedging over the business cycle
by Udo Broll & Kit Wong - 35-74 Capital services estimates in Portuguese industries, 1977–2003
by Ester Gomes da Silva - 75-75 The case for the virtual strike
by Antonio Nicita & Matteo Rizzolli
December 2009, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 137-139 Special issue in law and economics
by Nuno Garoupa - 141-160 The case for the virtual strike
by Antonio Nicita & Matteo Rizzolli - 161-175 Punishment should fit the crime: an assessment of the French reform of minimum mandatory penalties
by Bruno Deffains & Roberto Galbiati & Sebastien Rouillon - 177-181 The English rule with payments upfront
by Nuno Garoupa - 183-203 The State in Court: the economic effects of fee-shifting rules in Spain when suing the government
by Fernando Gómez & Anna Ginès-Fabrellas & Ignacio Marín-García - 205-220 From soft to hard paternalism and back: the regulation of surrogate motherhood in Greece
by Aristides Hatzis
August 2009, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 59-97 The economic effects of improving investor rights in Portugal
by Rui Castro & Gian Clementi - 99-118 Estate taxation with warm-glow altruism
by Carlos Garriga & Fernando Sánchez-Losada - 119-136 Team production with inequity-averse agents
by Jianpei Li
April 2009, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial note
by Paulo Brito & João Santos Silva - 3-14 Revenues in discrete multi-unit, common value auctions: a study of three sealed-bid mechanisms
by Joakim Ahlberg - 15-22 Financial intermediation and growth: causality and causes without outliers
by Corrado Andini - 23-36 A new approach to bad news effects on volatility: the multiple-sign-volume sensitive regime EGARCH model (MSV-EGARCH)
by José Dias Curto & João Tomaz & José Castro Pinto - 37-44 The core periphery model with asymmetric inter-regional and intra-regional trade costs
by Vasco Leite & Sofia Castro & João Correia-da-Silva - 45-52 Reemployment wages and UI liquidity effect: a regression discontinuity approach
by Mário Centeno & Álvaro Novo - 53-58 On local indeterminacy and endogenous cycles in Ramsey models with heterogeneous households
by Stefano Bosi & Thomas Seegmuller
December 2008, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 155-181 What drives idiosyncratic volatility over time?
by Sónia Sousa & Ana Serra - 183-203 Public investment and budgetary consolidation in Portugal
by Alfredo Pereira & Maria Pinho - 205-224 Trade in the enlarged European Union: a new approach on trade potential
by Isabel Proença & Maria Fontoura & Enrique Martínez-Galán
August 2008, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 75-99 Stylised features of consumer price setting behaviour in Portugal: 1992–2001
by Mónica Costa Dias & Daniel Dias & Pedro Duarte Neves - 101-124 Taxes and labor supply: Portugal, Europe, and the United States
by André Silva - 125-153 The contributions of technical and allocative efficiency to the economic performance of European railways
by Antonio Couto & Daniel Graham
April 2008, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-16 The effects of households’ and firms’ borrowing constraints on economic growth
by Maria Pereira - 17-41 Equality of opportunity and educational achievement in Portugal
by Pedro Carneiro - 43-61 Tourism as an alternative source of regional growth in Portugal: a panel data analysis at NUTS II and III levels
by Elias Soukiazis & Sara Proença - 63-73 Moments of truncated t and F distributions
by Saralees Nadarajah & Samuel Kotz
December 2007, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 133-150 Imperfect competition and the modelling of expectations in macroeconomics
by Neil Rankin - 151-180 The macroeconomics of the labor market: three fundamental views
by Marika Karanassou & Hector Sala & Dennis Snower - 181-204 GDP steady-state multipliers under monopolistic competition revisited
by Luís Costa
August 2007, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 89-93 Special issue: imperfect competition and contemporary macroeconomics. Editor’s introduction
by Huw Dixon - 95-116 The New Keynesian business cycle achievements and challenges
by Gaurav Saroliya - 117-131 Optimal simple rules and the lower bound on the nominal interest rate in the Christiano–Eichenbaum–Evans model of the US business cycle
by Guido Ascari & Nicola Branzoli
April 2007, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-21 Adjustment within the euro. The difficult case of Portugal
by Olivier Blanchard - 23-46 The structural transformation and aggregate productivity in Portugal
by Margarida Duarte & Diego Restuccia - 47-64 Business cycle and level accounting: the case of Portugal
by Tiago Cavalcanti - 65-88 Small firms in Portugal: a selective survey of stylized facts, economic analysis, and policy implications
by Luís Cabral
December 2006, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 195-205 Mathematical utility theory and the representability of demand by continuous homogeneous functions
by José Alcantud & Gianni Bosi & Carlos Palmero & Magalì Zuanon - 207-224 Beta trigonometric distributions
by Saralees Nadarajah & Samuel Kotz - 225-241 Understanding the microenterprise sector to design a tailor-made microfinance policy for Cape Verde
by José Baptista & Joaquim Ramalho & J. Vidigal da Silva
August 2006, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 67-68 Special issue on contemporary labor economics: Editor’s introduction
by John Addison - 69-87 Building blocks in the economics of mandates
by John Addison & Richard Barrett & W. Siebert - 89-110 Education and its intergenerational transmission: country of origin-specific evidence for natives and immigrants from Switzerland
by Philipp Bauer & Regina Riphahn - 111-134 Re-employment probabilities over the business cycle
by Guido Imbens & Lisa Lynch - 135-148 Learning to update your reservation wage while looking for a new job
by Ben Kriechel & Gerard Pfann - 149-165 Crime and benefit sanctions
by Stephen Machin & Olivier Marie - 167-194 Should employment authorities worry about mergers and acquisitions?
by David Margolis
May 2006, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-30 Use of borrowed start-up capital and micro enterprises in Mexico: existence of liquidity constraints
by Heikki Heino - 31-44 Are voters rationally ignorant? An empirical study of Portuguese local elections
by Ester Silva & José Silva Costa - 45-65 Entry and fiscal policy effectiveness in a small open economy within a Monetary Union
by Luís Costa
December 2005, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 171-191 Endogenous fertility and modified Pareto-optimality
by Günther Lang - 193-205 Government deficits, consumption, and the price level
by Barbara Annicchiarico & Giancarlo Marini - 207-228 Understanding the election results in Portugal
by António Caleiro & Gertrudes Guerreiro
August 2005, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 69-71 Special issue on geographical economics: Editor’s introduction
by Masahisa Fujita - 73-105 On the evolution of the spatial economy with multi-unit · multi-plant firms: the impact of IT development
by Masahisa Fujita & Toshitaka Gokan - 107-127 Market potential and welfare: evidence from the Iberian Peninsula
by Armando Pires - 129-156 Transport development and the evolution of economic geography
by Masahisa Fujita & Tomoya Mori - 157-169 Agglomeration in a vertically-related oligopoly
by José Pontes
April 2005, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-14 Low-wage mobility in the Portuguese labour market
by José Cabral Vieira - 15-45 Demand shocks and productivity growth
by António Gomes de Menezes - 46-67 “Ideas” driven growth: the OECD evidence
by Argentino Pessoa
December 2004, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 179-187 A note on the welfare consequences of wage indexing in a stochastic economy
by Pierre-Guillaume Méon - 189-204 Stock market volatility of regulated industries: an empirical assessment
by Claudio Morana & John W. Sawkins - 205-225 Human capital, innovation capability and economic growth in Portugal, 1960-2001
by Aurora A. C. Teixeira & Natércia Fortuna
September 2004, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 81-84 Special issue on applied environmental economics: Editors’ introduction
by Susana Mourato & Giles Atkinson - 85-97 Resource price trends and development prospects
by Kirk Hamilton & Katharine Bolt - 99-114 Possible economic impacts of a shutdown of the thermohaline circulation: an application of FUND
by P. Michael Link & Richard S. J. Tol - 115-144 Environmental market creation: saviour or oversell?
by David Pearce - 145-156 Contingent valuation of ill health caused by pollution: testing for context and ordering effects
by Richard Ready & Ståle Navrud & Brett Day & Richard Dubourg & Fernando Machado & Susana Mourato & Frank Spanninks & Maria Xosé Vázquez Rodriquez - 157-178 An economic reappraisal of the Melamchi water supply project - Kathmandu, Nepal
by Dale Whittington & Donald T. Lauria & Vimalanand Prabhu & Joe Cook
April 2004, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-13 A note on conspicuous leisure, animal spirits and endogenous cycles
by Mark Weder - 15-48 A general equilibrium framework for the affine class of term structure models
by João Pedro Vidal Nunes - 49-79 Institutions and economic growth in Portugal: a quantitative exploration
by José Tavares
December 2003, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 131-144 Crime and social norms
by Nuno Garoupa - 145-171 Takeover bids: evidence from the Portuguese market
by Vasco Rodrigues - 173-193 Maturity and volatility effects on UK smiles
by João L. C. Duque & Patrícia Teixeira Lopes - 195-218 Real exchange rates and target interest rates in a simple VAR model
by André Varella Mollick
August 2003, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 69-70 Special Issue on Health Economics: Introduction
by Pedro Pita Barros - 71-86 The economics of crowd out under mixed public/private health insurance
by William Encinosa - 87-107 Optimal payment schemes for physicians
by Rosella Levaggi & Lise Rochaix - 109-129 Treatment effects of selection behavior in managed care plans: evidence from Medicaid
by Carla S. Gomes
April 2003, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-21 Predation and reputation acquisition in debt markets
by Cesaltina Pacheco Pires - 23-35 Endogenous timing of moves in an asymmetric price-setting duopoly
by Attila Tasnádi - 37-51 Job and worker flows in high adjustment cost settings
by José M. Varejão - 53-68 Structure and performance in the Portuguese banking industry in the nineties
by Victor Mendes & João Rebelo
December 2002, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 205-236 On the impact of a tax shock in Portugal
by Alfredo M. Pereira & Pedro G. Rodrigues - 237-268 Bargaining regimes and wages in Portugal
by Joop Hartog & Pedro T. Pereira & José A. C. Vieira
August 2002, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 89-90 Microeconometrics: Editors’ introduction
by João M. C. Santos Silva & Frank Windmeijer - 91-115 Alternative approaches to evaluation in empirical microeconomics
by Richard Blundell & Monica Costa Dias - 117-139 Inverse probability weighted M-estimators for sample selection, attrition, and stratification
by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge - 141-162 Dynamic panel data models: a guide to micro data methods and practice
by Stephen R. Bond - 163-179 Nonlinear models with panel data
by Bo E. Honoré - 181-203 Semi-parametric models for satisfaction with income
by Charles Bellemare & Bertrand Melenberg & Arthur Soest
March 2002, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-25 The state of Portuguese research in economics: an analysis based on publications in international journals
by Paulo Guimarães - 27-46 The behaviour of seasonal unit root tests under neglected local drifts
by Paulo M. M. Rodrigues - 47-70 Monetary policy shocks and productivity measures in the G-7 countries
by Charles L. Evans & F. Teixeira Santos - 71-87 Measuring the economic benefits of protecting the Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina from commercial tourism development: results from a contingent valuation survey
by Paulo A. L. D. Nunes