April 2005, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 221-236 Global Warming: Risk Perception and Risk-Mitigating Behavior in Japan
by Mizue Ohe & Saburo Ikeda - 237-263 Evaluating Experience with Renewables Portfolio Standards in the United States
by Ryan Wiser & Kevin Porter & Robert Grace - 265-278 Application of the ‘Climafor’ Approach to Estimate Baseline Carbon Emissions of a Forest Conservation Project in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico
by B. Jong & A. Hellier & M. Castillo-Santiago & R. Tipper - 279-306 The Energy and Environmental Benefits of Superconducting Power Products
by Robert Hawsey & Satoshi Morozumi - 307-331 C-Lock (Patent Pending): A System for Estimating and Certifying Carbon Emission Reduction Credits for the Sequestration of Soil Carbon on Agricultural Land
by Patrick Zimmerman & Maribeth Price & Changhui Peng & William Capehart & Karen Updegraff & Patrick Kozak & Lee Vierling & Elaine Baker & Fred Kopp & Genet Duke & Chandan Das
January 2005, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Jacques Nihoul & Nick Aladin & Michael Glantz - 3-22 The Expected Impact of the Peace Conduit Project (The Red Sea – Dead Sea Pipeline) on the Dead Sea
by Ittai Gavrieli & Amos Bein & Aharon Oren - 23-50 Water, Climate, and Development Issues in the Amu Darya Basin
by Michael Glantz - 51-70 The Future Chemical Evolution of the Aral Sea from 2000 to the Years 2050
by René Létolle & Nicholas Aladin & Igor Filipov & N. Boroffka - 71-85 Human Settlements on the Northern Shores of Lake Aral and Water Level Changes
by N. Boroffka & H. Obernhänsli & G. Achatov & N. Aladin & K. Baipakov & A. Erzhanova & A. HöRnig & S. Krivonogov & D. Lobas & T. Savel’eva & B. Wünnemann - 87-103 The Problems of Fishermen in the Southern Aral Sea Region
by Bakhtiyor Karimov & Helmut Lieth & Mohira Kurambaeva & Irina Matsapaeva - 105-113 Restoration of Some Parameters in the Development of Benthos After Reduction of Anthropogenous Loading in the Ecosystem of the Sevastopol Bay in the Black Sea
by Nickolai Shalovenkov - 115-126 Stationary Spiraling Eddies and Self-Cleaning Processes in the White Sea in Presence of Climate Change and Their Relationship with Ecology of the Greenland Seal: Results of Airborne-Satellite-In Situ Study
by V. Melentyev & V. Chernook & K. Melentyev - 127-143 Physical, Chemical and Microbiological Water Quality of the Manyas Lake, Turkey
by Aysel Karafistan & Fatma Arik-Colakoglu - 145-157 Impact of Man’s Activities on a Closed Fishing-Lake, Lake Maryout in Egypt, as a Case Study
by O. El-Rayis - 159-182 The 1998 Yangtze Floods: The Use of Short-Term Forecasts in the Context of Seasonal to Interannual Water Resource Management
by Qian Ye & Michael Glantz
October 2004, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 311-313 Preface: Climate Change and Environmental Policy
by Madhu Khanna & Haroon Kheshgi - 315-333 Comparing Forecasts of the Global Impacts of Climate Change
by Robert Mendelsohn & Larry Williams - 335-363 Climate Change Projections for the United States Midwest
by Donald Wuebbles & Katharine Hayhoe - 365-382 The economics of climate change in agriculture
by David Zilberman & Xuemei Liu & David Roland-Holst & David Sunding - 383-390 Importance of Sulfate Aerosol in Evaluating the Relative Contributions of Regional Emissions to the Historical Global Temperature Change
by Natalia Andronova & Michael Schlesinger - 391-416 Climate Change and Energy Technologies
by James Edmonds - 417-431 Value of Soil Organic Carbon in Agricultural Lands
by Michelle Wander & Todd Nissen - 433-451 Miscanthus for Renewable Energy Generation: European Union Experience and Projections for Illinois
by Emily Heaton & Stephen Long & Thomas Voigt & Michael Jones & John Clifton-Brown - 453-473 Climate Change Policy in European Countries and its effects on industry
by Stef Proost & Denise Van Regemorter - 477-500 Interregional burden-sharing of greenhouse gas mitigation in the United States
by Adam Rose & Zhong Zhang
July 2004, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 217-240 Forest conservation and the clean development mechanism: Lessons from the Costa Rican protected areas project
by Frank Vöhringer - 241-259 Integrating agricultural and forestry GHG mitigation response into general economy frameworks: Developing a family of response functions
by Dhazn Gillig & Bruce McCarl & Ronald Sands - 245-309 A Possible Way Forward on Climate Change
by Robert Reinstein - 261-272 The Role of Fungal Symbioses in the Adaptation of Plants to High Stress Environments
by Russell Rodriguez & Regina Redman & Joan Henson - 273-293 Carbon Monitoring Costs and their Effect on Incentives to Sequester Carbon through Forestry
by Oscar Cacho & Russell Wise & Kenneth MacDicken
June 2004, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 97-102 Preface Streamlining JI and CDM accounting procedures through a multi-project approach
by Catrinus Jepma & Wytze van der Gaast - 103-120 e-Serem – A Web-Based Manual For The Estimation of Emission Reductions From JI and CDM Projects
by Alexandros Flamos & Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos & Dimitris Askounis & John Psarras & Sonja Butzengeiger & Wytze van der Gaast - 121-146 Baseline Standardisation with Optimising Energy-System Models
by Johannes Rosen & Wolf Fichtner & Otto Rentz - 147-180 The Multiple Benchmark System Application to Indonesia, Russia and Panama
by Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos & Alexandros Flamos & Dimitris Askounis & John Psarras - 181-200 Preserving Environmental Integrity in standardised baselines: The role of additionality and uncertainty
by Katherine Begg & Dan Van der Horst - 201-216 Institutional and cost implications of multi-project baselines
by Martijn Broekhof
March 2004, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-35 Clean energy technology transfer: A review of programs under the UNFCCC
by D. Kline & L. Vimmerstedt & R. Benioff - 37-76 Climate impact from peat utilisation in Sweden
by L. Zetterberg & S. Uppenberg & M. Åhman - 77-95 Regulatory Constraints to Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems and Geologic Formations: A California Perspective
by Edward Vine
December 2003, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 323-348 Estimating baseline carbon emissions for the Eastern Panama Canal watershed
by Virginia Dale & Sandra Brown & Magnolia Calderón & Arizmendis Montoya & Raúl Martínez - 349-370 Bioenergy to mitigate for climate change and meet the needs of society, the economy and the environment
by Ralph Sims - 371-403 Combining carbon sequestration objectives with timber management planning
by Fan-Rui Meng & Charles Bourque & Steven Oldford & D. Swift & Helen Smith
September 2003, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 191-200 CDM in the Kyoto Negotiations:
by Naoki Matsuo - 201-220 CDM host country institution building
by Axel Michaelowa - 221-235 Technical Procedures for CDM Project Design
by Kazuhito Yamada & Mariko Fujimori - 237-252 Reduction of Methane Released from Palm Oil Mill Lagoon in Malaysia and Its Countermeasures
by Yoshihito Shirai & Minato Wakisaka & Shahrakbah Yacob & Mohd Ali Hassan & Shin’ichi Suzuki - 253-260 Utilization of Bagasse Energy in Thailand
by Yasujiro Wakamura - 261-280 Potential of Co 2 emission reductions by carbonizing biomass waste from industrial tree plantation in South Sumatra, Indonesia
by Yasuyuki Okimori & Makoto Ogawa & Fumio Takahashi - 281-291 A basic study with feasibility of applying clean development mechanism to the transport projects
by Hirokazu Kato & Yoshitsugu Hayashi & Kosuke Tanaka - 293-310 Baseline options and greenhouse gas emission reduction of clean development mechanism project in urban solid waste management
by Ai Hiramatsu & Keisuke Hanaki & Toshiya Aramaki - 311-322 Applicability of CDM to civil engineering projects case study on reduction of CO 2 emission by port extension
by Tsunehiro Sekimoto
June 2003, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 93-113 Life on the Edge: Vulnerability and Adaptation of African Ecosystems to Global Climate Change
by Robert Dixon & Joel Smith & Sandra Guill - 115-138 The Nile delta-Alexandria coast: vulnerability to sea-level rise, consequences and adaptation
by O.E. Frihy - 139-155 Energy and Carbon Embodied in the International Trade of Brazil
by M.T. Tolmasquim & G. Machado - 157-175 Revisit ocean thermal energy conversion system
by J.C. Huang & H.J. Krock & S.K. Oney - 177-188 Towards sustainable development in Austria: renewable energy contributions
by G. Faninger
March 2003, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-2 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change Editorial Policy Update
by Robert Dixon - 3-28 Institutional Responses to Climate Change: the Case of the Alaska Transportation System
by Jerry McBeath - 29-52 Climate Change Daaptational Deficiencies in Developing Countries: the Case of Sub-Saharan Africa
by Jekwu Ikeme - 53-69 Analysis of Long-term Energy and Carbon Emission Scenarios for India
by Nair Rajesh & P.R. Shukla & Manmohan Kapshe & Amit Garg & Ashish Rana - 71-92 Future Greenhouse Gas and Local Pollutant Emissions for India: Policy Links and Disjoints
by Amit Garg & P.R. Shukla & Debyani Ghosh & Manmohan Kapshe & Nair Rajesh
December 2002, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 321-322 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategiesfor Global Change Editorial Policy Update2003
by Robert Dixon - 323-337 Can Forest-protection carbon projects improve rural livelihoods? Analysis of the Noel Kempff Mercado climate action project, Bolivia
by Nigel Asquith & María Vargas Ríos & Joyotee Smith - 339-366 Mitigation costs, distributional effects, and ancillary benefits of carbon policies in the Nordic countries, the U.K., and Ireland
by Brita Bye & Snorre Kverndokk & Knut Rosendahl - 367-380 Impacts of climate factors on yields for selected crops in the Southern Turkey
by Burhan Ozkan & Handan Akcaoz - 381-402 Fractions of permanence – Squaring the cycle of sink carbon accounting
by Michael Dutschke - 403-406 A Report on the Inter-regional Conference on Adaptation to Climate Change
by Kalipada Chatterjee & Saleemul Huq
September 2002, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 201-202 Preface Coping with hydrological extremes
by Ming-ko Woo & J.A.A. Jones - 203-214 Drying up of the yellow river: its impacts and counter-measures
by Liu Changming & Zhang Shifeng - 215-237 Adaptations to the dynamics of rural water supply from natural sources: A village example in semi-arid Nigeria
by Aondover Tarhule & Ming-ko Woo - 239-266 Differential Impacts of Flood Hazards Among the Street Children, the Urban Poor and Residents of Wealthy Neighborhoods in Metro Manila, Philippines
by Doracie Zoleta-Nantes - 267-284 Floods in southern Portugal: their physical and human causes, impacts and human response
by Catarina Ramos & Eusébio Reis - 285-301 Occurrence of severe floods in the Salado River Basin, Buenos Aires province, Argentina
by O.E. Scarpati & L. Spescha & A. Capriolo - 303-320 Geomorphological consequences of fraquent and infrequent rainfall and hydrological events in Pyrennez Mountains of Spain
by José GarcÍa-Ruiz & Carlos MartÍ-Bono & Adrián Lorente & Santiago BeguerÍa
June 2002, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 115-133 CO 2 Emission Trends in the Cement Industry: An International Comparison
by Yeonbae Kim & Ernst Worrell - 135-153 Reside0ntial solar water heating as a potential Clean Development Mechanism project: A South African case study
by Randall Spalding-Fecher & Steve Thorne & Njeri Wamukonya - 155-172 Emission inventory on company level: lessons from Russia
by Daniel Dudek & Alexander Golub & Annie Petsonk & George Safonov & Mikhail Saparov - 173-189 Influences of air temperature change on leisure industries – case study on ski activities –
by T. Fukushima & M. Kureha & N. Ozaki & Y. Fujimori & H. Harasawa - 191-200 Wood materials used as a means to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs): An examination of wooden utility poles
by Roger Sedjo
March 2002, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Dynamics of Rural Vulnerability to Global Change: The Case of southern Africa
by Robin Leichenko & Karen O'Brien - 19-30 Why a 100-Year Time Horizon should be used for GlobalWarming Mitigation Calculations
by Philip Fearnside - 31-44 Nitrous oxide emission fromagricultural lands in Russia
by A.A. Romanovskaya & M.L. Gytarsky & R.T. Karaban' & D.E. Konushkov & I.M. Nazarov - 45-62 The adequacy of GWPs as indicators of damage costsincurred by global warming
by Linda Sygna & Jan Fuglestvedt & H. Aaheim - 63-83 Fossil carbon emissions associated with carbon flowsof wood products
by K. Pingoud & A. Lehtilä - 85-114 Adaptation options in agriculture to climate change: a typology
by Barry Smit & Mark Skinner
September 2001, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 183-184 Forestry Mitigation Potential and Costs in Developing Countries Preface
by Jayant Sathaye & Willy Makundi & Kenneth Andrasko - 185-211 Carbon mitigation potential and costs of forestry options in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, the Philippines and Tanzania
by J.A. Sathaye & W.R. Makundi & K. Andrasko & R. Boer & N.H. Ravindranath & P. Sudha & S. Rao & R. Lasco & F. Pulhin & O. Masera & A. Ceron & J. Ordonez & X. Deying & X. Zhang & S. Zuomin - 213-232 Mitigation Potential for Carbon Sequestration Through Forestry Activities in Southern and Eastern China
by Deying Xu & Xiao-Quan Zhang & Zuomin Shi - 233-256 Forestry for sustainable biomass production and carbon sequesteration in India
by N.H. Ravindranath & P. Sudha & Sandhya Rao - 257-290 Economic Assessment of Mitigation Options for Enhancing and Maintaining Carbon Sink Capacity in Indonesia
by Rizaldi Boer - 291-312 Forestry Mitigation Options for Mexico: Finding Synergies between National Sustainable Development Priorities and Global Concerns
by Omar Masera & Alma Cerón & Antonio Ordóñez - 313-334 Climate Change Mitigation Activities in the Philippine Forestry Sector: Application of the COMAP Model
by Rodel Lasco & Florencia Pulhin - 335-353 Potential and Cost of Carbon Sequestration in the Tanzanian Forest Sector
by Willy Makundi - 355-372 The Potential of Brazil's Forest Sector for Mitigating Global Warming under the Kyoto Protocol
by Philip Fearnside
June 2001, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 91-111 Carbon dynamics in wood products
by K. Pingoud & A.-L. Perälä & A. Pussinen - 113-154 Project-Based Emissions Trading: The Impact of Institutional Arrangements on Cost-Effectiveness
by Edwin Woerdman & Wytze van der Gaast - 155-182 Renewable energy resources and technologies in Nigeria: present situation, future prospects and policy framework
by John-Felix Akinbami
March 2001, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-23 Potential for carbon sequestration in Canadian forests and agroecosystems
by Graham Stinson & Bill Freedman - 25-46 Assessment of GHG inventories from the LUCF sector of Annex-I countries
by N.H. Ravindranath & Rodel Lasco & P. Sudha - 47-69 Brazil's Electric Power Choices and Their Corresponding Carbon Emissions Implications
by Roberto Schaeffer & Jeffrey Logan & Alexandre Szklo & William Chandler & João de Souza Marques - 71-89 Sulfate-containing amendments to reduce methane emissions from rice fields: mechanisms, effectiveness and costs
by Hugo Denier van der Gon & Peter van Bodegom & Reiner Wassmann & Rhoda Lantin & Teodula Metra-Corton
December 2000, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 319-336 The Climate for Joint Implementation: Case Studies from Russia, Ukraine, and Poland
by Meredydd Evans & Susan Legro & Ilya Popov - 337-360 Competitive Distortions In An International Emissions Trading Market
by Edwin Woerdman - 361-377 Desertification, and climate change: the case for greater convergence
by ALAN Grainger & MARK Stafford Smith & Victor Squires & Edward Glenn - 379-406 Migration caused by climate change: how vulnerable are people inn dryland areas?
by Elisabeth Meze-Hausken
September 2000, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 221-238 Structural Change of the Manufacturing Sector in Korea: Measurement of Real Energy Intensity and CO2 Emissions
by Tae Jung & Tae Park - 239-270 Accounting for time in Mitigating Global Warming through land-use change and forestry
by Philip Fearnside & Daniel Lashof & Pedro Moura-Costa - 271-295 Carbon values, reforestation, and `perverse' incentives under the Kyoto protocol: An empirical analysis
by Brian Murray - 297-318 Energy efficiency and reduction of Co2 emissions through 2015: The Brazilian cement industry
by Jeferson Borghetti Soares & Maurício Tiomno Tolmasquim - 407-409 Review of International Investment and Climate Change: Energy Technologies for Developing Countries by T. Forsyth
by Axel Michaelowa
June 2000, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 123-142 Achieving the Kyoto Protocol in the U.S.: How Great are the Needed Changes?
by Ronald Sutherland - 143-169 Carbon Offset Potentials of Four Alternative Forest Management Strategies in Canada: A Simulation Study
by Wenjun Chen & Jing Chen & David Price & Josef Cihlar & Jane Liu - 171-187 Measuring the Incremental Costs of Global Environment Protection: The Case of Grid-Connected Wind Turbines in Morocco
by Shiva Swaminathan & Samuel Fankhauser - 189-216 The monitoring, Evaluation, reporting, verification, and certification of energy-efficiency projects
by Edward Vine & Jayant Sathaye - 217-220 Review of The Kyoto Protocol by M. Grubb, C. Vrolijk and D. Brack, 1999
by Axel Michaelowa
March 2000, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Preface
by Robert Dixon - 3-8 Land-Use Change and Forestry in the Kyoto Protocol
by Janine Bloomfield & Marina Ratchford & Sandra Brown - 9-24 Land Use, Land-Use Change, Forestry, and Agricultural Activities in the Clean Development Mechanism: Estimates of Greenhouse Gas Offset Potential
by Janine Bloomfield & Holly Pearson - 25-37 Simple rules for measuring changes in ecosystem carbon in forestry-offset projects
by Steven Hamburg - 39-50 Elements of a certification system for forestry-based carbon offset projects
by Pedro Moura Costa & Marc Stuart & Michelle Pinard & Gareth Phillips - 51-60 An equivalence factor between CO2 avoidedemissions and sequestration – description andapplications in forestry
by Pedro Moura Costa & Charlie Wilson - 61-80 Prospects for mitigating carbon, conserving biodiversity, and promoting socioeconomic development objectives through the clean development mechanism
by Jared Hardner & Peter Frumhoff & Darren Goetze - 81-97 Forest land use change in the philippines and climate change mitigation
by Rodel Lasco & Florencia Pulhin - 99-121 Issues and challenges for forest-based carbon-offset projects: A case study of the Noel Kempff climate action project in Bolivia
by S. Brown & M. Burnham & M. Delaney & M. Powell & R. Vaca & A. Moreno
September 1999, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 189-198 Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change: Methodological Issues
by Richard Klein & Donald Maciver - 199-213 The Science of Adaptation: A Framework for Assessment
by B. Smit & I. Burton & R.J.T. Klein & R. Street - 215-225 A Framework and Key Questions for Adapting to Climate Variability and Change
by E.E. Wheaton & D.C. Maciver - 227-237 Data Requirements for Developing Adaptations to Climate Variability and Change
by Reid Basher - 239-252 Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change: Can the IPCC Technical Guidelines be applied?
by Richard Klein & Robert Nicholls & Nobuo Mimura - 253-266 Social Vulnerability to Climate Change and the Architecture of Entitlements
by W. Adger & P. Kelly - 267-281 Societal Vulnerability to Climate Change and Variability
by J.W. Handmer & S. Dovers & T.E. Downing - 283-293 Catastrophes and Climate Change: Concerns and Possible Countermeasures of the Insurance Industry
by Gerhard Berz - 295-306 Disaster Loss Mitigation as an Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change
by J.P. Bruce - 307-318 A Framework for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Adaptation to Climate Change and Climate Variability
by Neil Leary - 319-329 Risk and Uncertainties, Analysis and Evaluation: Lessons for Adaptation and Integration
by G. Yohe & H. Dowlatabadi - 331-342 Urban Flood Damage and Greenhouse Scenarios - The Implications for Policy: An Example from Australia
by D.I. Smith - 343-361 Adaptation to the Impacts of Sea Level Rise in Egypt
by M. El-Raey & KR. Dewidar & M. El-Hattab
June 1999, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 91-112 The role of CH4 and N2O emission reductions in the cost-effective control of the greenhouse gas emissions from Finland
by Sami Tuhkanen & Antti Lehtilä & Ilkka Savolainen - 113-136 The contribution of the paper cycle to global warming
by S. Subak & A. Craighill - 137-165 Scale, context, and decision making in agricultural adaptation to climate variability and change
by James Risbey & Milind Kandlikar & Hadi Dowlatabadi & Dean Graetz - 167-185 Options for baselines of the clean development mechanism
by Axel Michaelowa & Emmanuel Fages
March 1999, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-23 Meeting Concentration Targets in the Post-Kyoto World: Does Kyoto Further a Least Cost Strategy?
by Gary Yohe & Mark Jacobsen - 25-41 An evaluation of adaptation options for climate change impacts on agriculture in Kazakhstan
by Svetlana Mizina & Joel Smith & Erwin Gossen & Karl Spiecker & Stephen Witkowski - 43-60 The Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Verification of Climate Change Projects
by Edward Vine & Jayant Sathaye - 61-81 Climate Change and Local Pollution Effects – An Integrated Approach
by Hans Asbjørn Aaheim & Kristin A. & Hans Seip
December 1998, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-4 Appendix: IPCC Emissions Scenarios Database
by Tsuneyuki Morita & Hae-Cheol Lee - 95-131 Emissions Scenarios Database and Review of Scenarios
by Nebojša Nakićenović & Nadejda Victor & Tsuneyuki Morita - 133-170 World Population Projections for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scenarios
by Stuart Gaffin - 171-230 Energy Resources and Conversion Technologies for the 21st Century
by Ken Gregory & Hans-Holger Rogner - 231-261 Economic and Technological Development in Climate Scenarios
by Laurie Michaelis - 263-319 Sectoral Trends and Driving Forces of Global Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
by Lynn Price & Laurie Michaelis & Ernst Worrell & Marta Khrushch - 321-341 Factors Affecting Future Emissions of Methane from Non Land Use Sources
by Ken Gregory - 343-381 Future Trends of Land-Use Emissions of Major Greenhouse Gases
by Joseph Alcamo & Robert Swart - 383-418 A Review of Global and Regional Sulfur Emission Scenarios
by Arnulf Grübler - 419-453 On the Effects of Social and Economic Policies on Future Carbon Emissions
by Dennis Anderson - 459-464 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
by Robert Dixon
January 1998, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-58 The 1997 Kyoto Protocol: What Does It Mean for Project-Based Climate Change Mitigation?
by Mark Trexler & Laura Kosloff - 59-82 Assessing the Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Extreme Storms: The Case of Revere, MA., USA
by George Clark & Susanne Moser & Samuel Ratick & Kirstin Dow & William Meyer & Srinivas Emani & Weigen Jin & Jeanne Kasperson & Roger Kasperson & Harry Schwarz - 83-85 The Value of Human Life in Global Warming Impacts
by Philip Fearnside - 87-88 The Value of Human Life in Global Warming Impacts – a Comment
by Samuel Fankhauser & Richard Tol
December 1998, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 337-358 Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Strategies in Mitigating the Greenhouse Impact of Waste Management in Three Communities of Different Size
by Riitta Pipatti & Margareta Wihersaari - 359-372 Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction Scenarios in Mexico for Year 2005: Industrial Cogeneration and Efficient Lighting
by C. Sheinbaum & I. Jauregui & L. Rodríguez V. - 373-404 Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions Scenarios: Sensitivity to Social and Technological Factors in Three Regions
by Christopher Yang & Stephen Schneider - 405-421 Carbon Budget Implications of the Transition from Natural to Managed Disturbance Regimes in Forest Landscapes
by Werner Kurz & Sarah Beukema & Michael Apps
December 1997, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 337-358 Cost-effectiveness of alternative strategies in mitigating the greenhouse impact of waste management in three communities of different size
by Riitta Pipatti & Margareta Wihersaari - 359-372 Carbon dioxide emission reduction scenarios in Mexico for year 2005: Industrial cogeneration and efficient lighting
by C. Sheinbaum & I. Jauregui & L. Rodríguez V. - 373-404 Global carbon dioxide emissions scenarios: Sensitivity to social and technological factors in three regions
by Christopher Yang & Stephen Schneider - 405-421 Carbon budget implications of the transition from natural to manged disturbance regimes in forest landscapes
by Werner Kurz & Sarah Beukema & Michael Apps
June 1997, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-1 Foreword
by Robert Wolcott & Marco González - 87-89 Editorial
by Jayant Sathaye & Kenneth Andrasko & Willy Makundi & Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa & Beth Goldberg - 91-99 International Workshop on Sustainable Forestry Management: Monitoring and Verification of Greenhouse Gases Summary Statement
by Jayant Sathaye & Willy Makundi & Beth Goldberg & Catrinus Jepma & Michelle Pinard - 101-115 Policies, measures and the monitoring needs of forest sector carbon mitigation
by Jayant Sathaye & N. Ravindranath - 117-132 Forest management for greenhouse gas benefits: Resolving monitoring issues across project and national boundaries
by Kenneth Andrasko - 133-155 Global climate change mitigation and sustainable forest management—The challenge of monitoring and verification
by Willy Makundi - 157-175 A land cover change monitoring program: Strategy for an international effort
by D. Skole & C. Justice & J. Townshend & A. Janetos - 177-189 Sampling global deforestation databases: The role of persistence
by G. Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa & David Skole & Walter Chomentowski - 191-202 Project specific monitoring and verification: State of the art and challenges
by Kenneth Macdicken - 203-215 Monitoring carbon sequestration benefits associated with a Reduced-Impact Logging Project in Malaysia
by Michelle Pinard & Francis Putz - 217-230 Monitoring of carbon abatement in forestry projects — Case study of Western Ghat Project
by N. Ravindranath & P. Bhat - 231-246 A framework for monitoring and evaluating carbon mitigation by farm forestry projects: Example of a demonstration project in Chiapas, Mexico
by Ben Jong & Richard Tipper & John Taylor - 247-265 Estimating the carbon content of russian forests; a comparison of phytomass/volume and allometric projections
by Steven Hamburg & Dmitri Zamolodchikov & George Korovin & Viktor Nefedjev & Anatoly Utkin & Jakov Gulbe & Tatjana Gulbe - 267-283 Influence of methodology and assumptions on reported national carbon flux inventories: An illustration from the Canadian forest sector
by Julee Greenough & Michael Apps & Werner Kurz - 285-302 Monitoring needs to transform Amazonian forest maintenance into a global warming-mitigation option
by Philip Fearnside - 303-318 Forest management for mitigation of CO 2 emissions: How much mitigation and who gets the credits?
by G. Marland & B. Schlamadinger & L. Canella - 319-336 Certification of tropical timber and deforestation: Micro monitoring without macro conditions?
by Daan Soest & Catrinus Jepma
March 1997, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-17 The sensitivity and adaptation of ecosystems to the disturbances: A case study in northeastern estonia
by J. Punning & T. Toff & R. Tann & T. Lukki - 19-44 Adapting to climate change in Africa
by Thomas Downing & Lasse Ringius & Mike Hulme & Dominic Waughray - 45-56 A dynamic crediting regime for joint implementation to foster innovation in the long term
by Axel Michaelowa & Holger Schmidt - 57-80 Joint implementation under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change: Technical and institutional challenges
by Joel Swisher
December 1997, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 311-339 An integrated assessment of climate change and the accelerated introduction of advanced energy technologies
by Jae Edmonds & Marshall Wise & Hugh Pitcher & Richard Richels & Tom Wigley & Chris Maccracken - 341-361 Global and regional impacts of stabilizing atmospheric CO 2
by Maarten Krol & Joseph Alcamo & Rik Leemans - 363-383 Terrestrial carbon dynamics: Case studies in the former Soviet Union, the conterminous United States, Mexico and Brazil
by Michael Cairns & Jack Winjum & Donald Phillips & Tatyana Kolchugina & Ted Vinson - 385-403 The social costs of climate change: The IPCC second assessment report and beyond
by S. Fankhauser & R. Tol
September 1997, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 219-232 Impacts of global climate change on Mediterranean agrigulture: Current methodologies and future directions
by C. Rosenzweig & F. Tubiello - 233-250 Impact of climate change on possible scenarios for Egyptian agriculture in the future
by H. El-Shaer & C. Rosenzweig & A. Iglesias & M. Eid & D. Hillel - 251-271 Impact of climate change on maize yield in central and northern Greece: A simulation study with CERES-Maize
by G. Kapetanaki & C. Rosenzweig - 273-288 Modelling crop-climate interactions in Spain: Vulnerability and adaptation of different agricultural systems to climate change
by A. Iglesias & M. Minguez