October 2008, Volume 13, Issue 8
- 887-888 Climate change adaptation and regional forest planning in southern Yukon, Canada
by A. Ogden & J. Innes
August 2008, Volume 13, Issue 7
- 661-674 Topical scientific and practical issues of wildland fire problem
by Alexandra Volokitina & Mark Sofronov & Tatiana Sofronova - 675-701 Impact of bioenergy crops in a carbon dioxide constrained world: an application of the MiniCAM energy-agriculture and land use model
by Kenneth Gillingham & Steven Smith & Ronald Sands - 703-717 Methodology for identifying vulnerability hotspots to tropical cyclone hazard in India
by Upasna Sharma & Anand Patwardhan - 719-743 A discussion of the potential impacts of climate change on the shorelines of the Northeastern USA
by Andrew Ashton & Jeffrey Donnelly & Rob Evans - 745-761 Socioeconomic potential of carbon sequestration through agroforestry in the West African Sahel
by Asako Takimoto & P. Nair & Janaki Alavalapati - 763-763 Methodology for identifying vulnerability hotspots to tropical cyclone hazard in India
by Upasna Sharma & Anand Patwardhan
June 2008, Volume 13, Issue 5
- 419-423 An integrated climate change assessment for the Northeast United States
by Peter Frumhoff & James McCarthy & Jerry Melillo & Susanne Moser & Donald Wuebbles & Cameron Wake & Erika Spanger-Siegfried - 425-436 Regional climate change projections for the Northeast USA
by Katharine Hayhoe & Cameron Wake & Bruce Anderson & Xin-Zhong Liang & Edwin Maurer & Jinhong Zhu & James Bradbury & Art DeGaetano & Anne Stoner & Donald Wuebbles - 437-451 Coastal flooding in the Northeastern United States due to climate change
by Paul Kirshen & Chris Watson & Ellen Douglas & Allen Gontz & Jawon Lee & Yong Tian - 453-466 Potential climate change impacts on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off the northeastern USA
by Michael Fogarty & Lewis Incze & Katherine Hayhoe & David Mountain & James Manning - 467-485 Potential effects of climate change and rising CO 2 on ecosystem processes in northeastern U.S. forests
by S. Ollinger & C. Goodale & K. Hayhoe & J. Jenkins - 487-516 Modeling potential climate change impacts on the trees of the northeastern United States
by Louis Iverson & Anantha Prasad & Stephen Matthews - 517-540 Potential effects of climate change on birds of the Northeast
by N. Rodenhouse & S. Matthews & K. McFarland & J. Lambert & L. Iverson & A. Prasad & T. Sillett & R. Holmes - 541-554 Role of winter temperature and climate change on the survival and future range expansion of the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) in eastern North America
by Annie Paradis & Joe Elkinton & Katharine Hayhoe & John Buonaccorsi - 555-575 Projected change in climate thresholds in the Northeastern U.S.: implications for crops, pests, livestock, and farmers
by David Wolfe & Lewis Ziska & Curt Petzoldt & Abby Seaman & Larry Chase & Katharine Hayhoe - 577-596 Climate change vulnerability of the US Northeast winter recreation– tourism sector
by Daniel Scott & Jackie Dawson & Brenda Jones - 597-606 Sensitivity of future ozone concentrations in the northeast USA to regional climate change
by K. Kunkel & H.-C. Huang & X.-Z. Liang & J.-T. Lin & D. Wuebbles & Z. Tao & A. Williams & M. Caughey & J. Zhu & K. Hayhoe - 607-613 Climate change, aerobiology, and public health in the Northeast United States
by Lewis Ziska & Paul Epstein & Christine Rogers - 615-642 Emissions mitigation opportunities and practice in Northeastern United States
by William Moomaw & Lucy Johnston - 643-659 Adaptation to climate change in the Northeast United States: opportunities, processes, constraints
by Susanne Moser & Roger Kasperson & Gary Yohe & Julian Agyeman
May 2008, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 307-339 The value of energy efficiency programs for US residential and commercial buildings in a warmer world
by Michael Scott & James Dirks & Katherine Cort - 341-357 Dengue epidemics in the Caribbean-temperature indices to gauge the potential for onset of dengue
by Dharmaratne Amarakoon & Anthony Chen & Sam Rawlins & Dave Chadee & Michael Taylor & Roxann Stennett - 359-378 Lessons learnt from a participatory integrated assessment of greenhouse gas emission reduction options in firms
by Serge Stalpers & André Amstel & Rob Dellink & Ivo Mulder & Saskia Werners & Carolien Kroeze - 379-400 Drought adaptation in rural eastern Oklahoma in the 1930s: lessons for climate change adaptation research
by Robert McLeman & Dick Mayo & Earl Strebeck & Barry Smit - 401-418 The future of global warming: will it be emissions control or environmental damages?
by Ram Ranjan
March 2008, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 207-210 On the value of temporary carbon: a comment on Kirschbaum
by Philip Fearnside - 211-217 Temporary storage of carbon in the biosphere does have value for climate change mitigation: a response to the paper by Miko Kirschbaum
by Veronika Dornburg & Gregg Marland - 219-239 Land Area Eligible for Afforestation and Reforestation within the Clean Development Mechanism: A Global Analysis of the Impact of Forest Definition
by Robert Zomer & Antonio Trabucco & Louis Verchot & Bart Muys - 241-265 Impacts of climate change and CO 2 increase on agricultural production and adaptation options for Southern Québec, Canada
by Jean-Phillipe Brassard & Bhawan Singh - 267-282 The Dutch National System for forest sector greenhouse gas reporting under UNFCCC
by G. Nabuurs & I. Wyngaert & W. Daamen & H. Kramer & P. Kuikman - 283-305 Greenhouse gas mitigation in developing countries through technology transfer?: a survey of empirical evidence
by Sonja Peterson
February 2008, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 105-130 Sustainable development as a framework for developing country participation in international climate change policies
by Kirsten Halsnæs & Priyadarshi Shukla - 131-156 A framework on interactions of climate and energy policy instruments
by V. Oikonomou & C. Jepma - 157-178 A data support infrastructure for Clean Development Mechanism forestry implementation: an inventory perspective from Cameroon
by Peter Minang & Michael McCall & Margaret Skutsch & Jeroen Verplanke - 179-191 Use of IPCC GHG key sources analysis to Mexico’s environmental policy
by Xochitl Cruz-Núñez & Luis Conde & Luis Ruiz-Suárez - 193-206 Methane Emissions from Large Dams as Renewable Energy Resources: A Developing Nation Perspective
by Ivan Lima & Fernando Ramos & Luis Bambace & Reinaldo Rosa
January 2008, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-21 Political commitment to CO 2 capture and storage: evidence from government RD&D budgets
by Andreas Tjernshaugen - 23-46 CDM potential of SPV lighting systems in India
by Pallav Purohit & Axel Michaelowa - 47-60 Accounting for risk and uncertainty in determining preferred strategies for adapting to future climate change
by Tony Prato - 61-85 Integrating Joint Implementation Projects for Energy Efficiency on the Built Environment with White Certificates in The Netherlands
by V. Oikonomou & W. Gaast - 87-104 Vulnerability assessment and adaptation to the impacts of sea level rise on the Kingdom of Bahrain
by S. Al-Jeneid & M. Bahnassy & S. Nasr & M. Raey
October 2007, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1323-1339 Institutional dynamics and climate change adaptation in South Africa
by Ingrid Koch & Coleen Vogel & Zarina Patel - 1341-1362 A participatory approach to the establishment of a baseline scenario for a reforestation Clean Development Mechanism project
by Catherine Potvin & Petra Tschakert & Frédéric Lebel & Kate Kirby & Hector Barrios & Judith Bocariza & Jaime Caisamo & Leonel Caisamo & Charianito Cansari & Juan Casamá & Maribel Casamá & Laura Chamorra & Nesar Dumasa & Shira Goldenberg & Villalaz Guainora & Patrick Hayes & Tim Moore & Johana Ruíz - 1363-1390 The interaction between emissions trading and renewable electricity support schemes. An overview of the literature
by Pablo del Río González - 1391-1409 Managing climate change risks in New York City’s water system: assessment and adaptation planning
by Cynthia Rosenzweig & David Major & Kate Demong & Christina Stanton & Radley Horton & Melissa Stults - 1411-1431 Climate change adaptation in the ski industry
by Daniel Scott & Geoff McBoyle - 1433-1433 Options for emission allowance allocation under the Eu Emissions Trading Directive
by Markus Ahman & Lars Zetterberg
August 2007, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 1237-1251 Public acceptance and risk-benefit perception of CO 2 geological storage for global warming mitigation in Japan
by Kohko Tokushige & Keigo Akimoto & Toshimasa Tomoda - 1253-1275 Optimizing carbon sequestration in commercial forests by integrating carbon management objectives in wood supply modeling
by Charles Bourque & Eric Neilson & Chris Gruenwald & Samantha Perrin & Jason Hiltz & Yvon Blin & Geoffrey Horsman & Matthew Parker & Christie Thorburn & Michael Corey & Fan-rui Meng & D. Swift - 1277-1304 Tropical deforestation in a future international climate policy regime—lessons from the Brazilian Amazon
by U. Persson & Christian Azar - 1305-1320 Climate change, adaptive capacity and policy direction in the Canadian North: Can we learn anything from the collapse of the east coast cod fishery?
by Davin Budreau & Gordon McBean - 1321-1321 The problems of fishermen in the Southern Aral Sea region
by Bakhtiyor Karimov & Helmut Lieth & Mohira Kurambaeva & Irina Matsapaeva
July 2007, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 963-970 Special issue on estimation of baselines and leakage in carbon mitigation forestry projects
by Jayant Sathaye & Kenneth Andrasko - 971-1000 Land use change and forestry climate project regional baselines: a review
by Jayant Sathaye & Kenneth Andrasko - 1001-1026 Baselines for land-use change in the tropics: application to avoided deforestation projects
by Sandra Brown & Myrna Hall & Ken Andrasko & Fernando Ruiz & Walter Marzoli & Gabriela Guerrero & Omar Masera & Aaron Dushku & Ben DeJong & Joseph Cornell - 1027-1050 Carbon forestry economic mitigation potential in India, by land classification
by N. Ravindranath & I. Murthy & R. Chaturvedi & K. Andrasko & J. Sathaye - 1051-1075 Development of regional climate mitigation baseline for a dominant agro-ecological zone of Karnataka, India
by P. Sudha & D. Subhashree & H. Khan & G. Hedge & I. Murthy & V. Shreedhara & N. Ravindranath - 1077-1098 Methodological issues in forestry mitigation projects: a case study of Kolar district
by N. Ravindranath & I. Murthy & P. Sudha & V. Ramprasad & M. Nagendra & C. Sahana & K. Srivathsa & H. Khan - 1099-1130 Community and farm forestry climate mitigation projects: case studies from Uttaranchal, India
by N. Hooda & M. Gera & K. Andrasko & J. Sathaye & M. Gupta & H. Vasistha & M. Chandran & S. Rassaily - 1131-1152 Development of an agroforestry carbon sequestration project in Khammam district, India
by P. Sudha & V. Ramprasad & M. Nagendra & H. Kulkarni & N. Ravindranath - 1153-1168 Application of the “Climafor” baseline to determine leakage: the case of Scolel Té
by B. Jong & E. Bazán & S. Montalvo - 1169-1188 Assessment of carbon leakage in multiple carbon-sink projects: a case study in Jambi Province, Indonesia
by Rizaldi Boer & Upik Wasrin & Perdinan & Hendri & Bambang Dasanto & Willy Makundi & Julius Hero & M. Ridwan & Nur Masripatin - 1189-1211 Analysis of leakage in carbon sequestration projects in forestry: a case study of upper magat watershed, Philippines
by Rodel Lasco & Florencia Pulhin & Renezita Sales - 1213-1235 Carbon emissions from land-use change: an analysis of causal factors in Chiapas, Mexico
by M. Castillo-Santiago & A. Hellier & R. Tipper & B. Jong
June 2007, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 639-641 Introduction
by Thomas Wilbanks & Jayant Sathaye & Richard Klein - 643-644 Foreword
by R. Pachauri - 645-649 Preface
by Saleemul Huq & Michael Grubb - 651-663 On integration of policies for climate and global change
by Hadi Dowlatabadi - 665-684 Development based climate change adaptation and mitigation—conceptual issues and lessons learned in studies in developing countries
by Kirsten Halsnæs & Jan Verhagen - 685-712 The relationship between adaptation and mitigation in managing climate change risks: a regional response from North Central Victoria, Australia
by Roger Jones & Paul Dettmann & Geoff Park & Maureen Rogers & Terry White - 713-725 Toward an integrated analysis of mitigation and adaptation: some preliminary findings
by Thomas Wilbanks & Paul Leiby & Robert Perlack & J. Ensminger & Sherry Wright - 727-739 Adaptation and mitigation as complementary tools for reducing the risk of climate impacts
by Gary Yohe & Kenneth Strzepek - 741-753 The double trade-off between adaptation and mitigation for sea level rise: an application of FUND
by Richard Tol - 755-786 Integrated strategies to reduce vulnerability and advance adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable development
by Indur Goklany - 787-797 The value of indigenous knowledge in climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in the African Sahel
by A. Nyong & F. Adesina & B. Osman Elasha - 799-807 Complementarity between mitigation and adaptation: the water sector
by Luis Mata & June Budhooram - 809-842 Synergisms between climate change mitigation and adaptation: an insurance perspective
by Evan Mills - 843-853 Mitigation and adaptation synergy in forest sector
by N. Ravindranath - 855-873 Adaptation and mitigation strategies in agriculture: an analysis of potential synergies
by Cynthia Rosenzweig & Francesco Tubiello - 875-900 Decentralized renewable energy and the climate change mitigation-adaptation nexus
by Henry Venema & Ibrahim Rehman - 901-918 Climate change: linking adaptation and mitigation through agroforestry
by Louis Verchot & Meine Noordwijk & Serigne Kandji & Tom Tomich & Chin Ong & Alain Albrecht & Jens Mackensen & Cynthia Bantilan & K. Anupama & Cheryl Palm - 919-933 Examining adaptation and mitigation opportunities in the context of the integrated watershed management programme of the Government of India
by Preety Bhandari & Suruchi Bhadwal & Ulka Kelkar - 935-955 A stakeholder driven process to reduce vulnerability to climate change in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
by Hallie Eakin & Victor Magaña & Joel Smith & José Moreno & José Martínez & Osvaldo Landavazo - 957-962 Integrating mitigation and adaptation as responses to climate change: a synthesis
by Thomas Wilbanks & Jayant Sathaye
May 2007, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 419-439 Active Amplification of the Terrestrial Albedo to Mitigate Climate Change: An Exploratory Study
by Robert Hamwey - 441-453 A Critical Analysis of Forest Policies of Pakistan: Implications for Sustainable Livelihoods
by Babar Shahbaz & Tanvir Ali & Abid Suleri - 455-470 Setting greenhouse gas emission targets under baseline uncertainty: the Bush Climate Change Initiative
by Neil Strachan - 471-494 Leakage and Comparative Advantage Implications of Agricultural Participation in Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation
by Heng-Chi Lee & Bruce McCarl & Uwe Schneider & Chi-Chung Chen - 495-524 Developing Credible Vulnerability Indicators for Climate Adaptation Policy Assessment
by S. Eriksen & P. Kelly - 525-543 A Simulation of Temporal and Spatial Variations in Carbon at Landscape Level: A Case Study for Lake Abitibi Model Forest in Ontario, Canada
by Xiaolu Zhou & Changhui Peng & Qing-Lai Dang & Jiaxin Chen & Sue Parton - 545-571 Uncertainty in Agricultural CH 4 AND N 2 O Emissions from Finland – Possibilities to Increase Accuracy in Emission Estimates
by Suvi Monni & Paula Perälä & Kristiina Regina - 573-608 CO 2 Mitigation and Renewable Oil from Photosynthetic Microbes: A New Appraisal
by Mark Huntley & Donald Redalje - 609-637 Vulnerability and adaptation to climate risks in Ontario agriculture
by Susanna Reid & Barry Smit & Wayne Caldwell & Suzanne Belliveau
March 2007, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 323-324 Preface
by Robert Dixon - 325-341 Advancing Towards a Hydrogen Energy Economy: Status, Opportunities and Barriers
by Robert Dixon - 343-365 Hydrogen storage and distribution systems
by Andreas Züttel - 367-386 Hydrogen infrastructure build-up for automotive applications
by Reinhold Wurster & Werner Zittel - 387-405 Hydrogen and transportation: alternative scenarios
by Carmen Difiglio & Dolf Gielen - 407-418 Hydrogen island: the story and motivations behind the Icelandic hydrogen society experiment
by Thorsteinn Sigfusson
February 2007, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 203-217 A Report on the International Conference on Climate Policy after Marrakech: Towards Global Participation
by Zhongxiang Zhang - 219-242 Smallholder Agroforestry Systems For Carbon Storage
by James Roshetko & Rodel Lasco & Marian Angeles - 243-257 Baseline Carbon Stocks Assessment and Projection of Future Carbon Benefits of a Carbon Sequestration Project in East Timor
by R. Lasco & M. Cardinoza - 259-274 Mitigation Options for Enteric Methane Emissions from Dairy Animals: An Evaluation for Potential CDM Projects in India
by Smita Sirohi & Axel Michaelowa & S. Sirohi - 275-302 CDM Forestry and the Ultimate Objective of the Climate Convention
by Michael Dutschke - 303-322 Carbon Management in Agricultural Soils
by R. Lal
January 2007, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Daniel Murdiyarso & Louis Lebel - 3-11 Local to global perspectives on forest and land fires in Southeast Asia
by Daniel Murdiyarso & Louis Lebel - 13-32 History of equatorial vegetation fires and fire research in Southeast Asia before the 1997–98 episode: A reconstruction of creeping environmental changes
by Johann Goldammer - 33-53 Vulnerability of land systems to fire: Interactions among humans, climate, the atmosphere, and ecosystems
by Sandra Lavorel & Mike Flannigan & Eric Lambin & Mary Scholes - 55-66 Fires in tropical forests – what is really the problem? lessons from Indonesia
by L. Tacconi & P. Moore & D. Kaimowitz - 67-74 Underlying cause of fire: Different form of land tenure conflicts in Sumatra
by S. Suyanto - 75-100 Community fire use, resource change, and livelihood impacts: The downward spiral in the wetlands of southern Sumatra
by Unna Chokkalingam & Suyanto & Rizki Permana & Iwan Kurniawan & Josni Mannes & Andy Darmawan & Noviana Khususyiah & Robiyanto Susanto - 101-112 Climate anomalies, Indonesian vegetation fires and terrestrial carbon emissions
by Daniel Murdiyarso & Erna Adiningsih - 113-133 Indonesian peat and vegetation fire emissions: Study on factors influencing large-scale smoke haze pollution using a regional atmospheric chemistry model
by A. Heil & B. Langmann & E. Aldrian - 135-146 Shifting cultivation in peatlands
by Bambang Saharjo - 147-164 Fire use: Is it really the cheaper land preparation method for large-scale plantations?
by Dicky Simorangkir - 165-180 Development of the Indonesian and Malaysian Fire Danger Rating Systems
by William Groot & Robert Field & Michael Brady & Orbita Roswintiarti & Maznorizan Mohamad - 181-201 Insuring Southeast Asian commercial forests: Fire risk analysis and the potential for use of data in risk pricing and reduction of forest fire risk
by Phil Cottle
September 2006, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 933-934 Preface
by Leif Gustavsson & Roger Sathre & Bernhard Schlamadinger & Kimberly Robertson - 935-959 CO 2 Mitigation: On Methods and Parameters for Comparison of Fossil-Fuel and Biofuel Systems
by Leif Gustavsson & Åsa Karlsson - 961-978 Methane Emissions from Landfills and Carbon Dynamics of Harvested Wood Products: The First-Order Decay Revisited
by Kim Pingoud & Fabian Wagner - 979-1002 Does Soil Carbon Loss in Biomass Production Systems Negate the Greenhouse Benefits of Bioenergy?
by Annette Cowie & Pete Smith & Dale Johnson - 1003-1021 Global Supply of Biomass for Energy and Carbon Sequestration from Afforestation/Reforestation Activities
by Michael Obersteiner & G. Alexandrov & Pablo Benítez & Ian McCallum & Florian Kraxner & Keywan Riahi & Dmitry Rokityanskiy & Yoshiki Yamagata - 1023-1050 A Greenhouse Gas Balance of two Existing International Biomass Import Chains
by Kay Damen & André Faaij - 1051-1081 Bioenergy and the CDM in the Emerging Market for Carbon Credits
by I. Jürgens & B. Schlamadinger & P. Gomez - 1083-1096 Equal Opportunity for Biomass in Greenhouse Gas Accounting of CO 2 Capture and Storage: A Step Towards More Cost-Effective Climate Change Mitigation Regimes
by Stefan Grönkvist & Kenneth Möllersten & Kim Pingoud - 1097-1127 The Role of Wood Material for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
by L. Gustavsson & R. Madlener & H.-F. Hoen & G. Jungmeier & T. Karjalainen & S. KlÖhn & K. Mahapatra & J. Pohjola & B. Solberg & H. Spelter - 1129-1150 CO 2 Capture in Pulp and Paper Mills: CO 2 Balances and Preliminary Cost Assessment
by Kenneth Möllersten & Lin Gao & Jinyue Yan - 1151-1164 Temporary Carbon Sequestration Cannot Prevent Climate Change
by Miko Kirschbaum
July 2006, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 765-767 Foreword: Climate-Disturbance Interactions in Boreal Forest Ecosystems
by A. Mcguire & Mike Apps - 769-782 Estimating High Latitude Carbon Fluxes With Inversions Of Atmospheric CO 2
by Roger Dargaville & David Baker & Christian Rödenbeck & Peter Rayner & Philippe Ciais - 783-804 Satellite Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Net Primary Production for the Pan-Arctic Basin and Alaska
by J. Kimball & M. Zhao & K. McDonald & S. Running - 805-827 Net Carbon Exchange Across the Arctic Tundra-Boreal Forest Transition in Alaska 1981–2000
by C. Thompson & A. McGuire & J. Clein & F. Chapin & J. Beringer - 829-846 How Climate and Vegetation Influence the fire Regime of the Alaskan Boreal Biome: The Holocene Perspective
by Feng Hu & Linda Brubaker & Daniel Gavin & Philip Higuera & Jason Lynch & T. Rupp & Willy Tinner - 847-859 Forest Fires and Climate Change in the 21 ST Century
by M. Flannigan & B. Amiro & K. Logan & B. Stocks & B. Wotton - 861-882 Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of Larix Spp. and Pinus Sylvestris and Their Climatypes in Siberia
by M. Nadezda & E. Gerald & I. Elena - 883-896 An Experimental Burn to Restore a Moth-Killed Boreal Conifer Forest, Krasnoyarsk Region, Russia
by E. Valendik & J. Brissette & Ye. Kisilyakhov & R. Lasko & S. Verkhovets & S. Eubanks & I. Kosov & A. Lantukh - 897-909 Arctic Residents' Observations and Human Impact Assessments in Understanding Environmental Changes in Boreal Forests: Russian Experience and Circumpolar Perspectives
by T. Vlassova - 911-931 Exploring the Theoretical Interface of Climate Change and Resource Dependency: Application to the Vulnerability of Boreal Forest Regions
by Debra Straussfogel
May 2006, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 521-537 Development of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management System for the Black and Caspian Seas
by Yuriy Mikhaylichenko - 539-577 Can Advances in Science and Technology Prevent Global Warming?
by Michael Huesemann - 579-605 Expanding Carbon Stocks in Existing Forests – A Methodological Approach for Cost Appraisal at the Enterprise Level
by Thomas Knoke & Michael Weber - 607-620 Some Lessons Learned from Public Health on the Process of Adaptation
by Kristie Ebi & Joel Smith & Ian Burton & Joel Scheraga - 621-643 Will Simplified Modalities and Procedures Make More Small-Scale Forestry Projects Viable Under the Clean Development Mechanism?
by Bruno Locatelli & Lucio Pedroni - 645-665 Methodological and Practical Considerations for Developing Multiproject Baselines for Electric Power and Cement Industry Projects in Central America
by Scott Murtishaw & Jayant Sathaye & Christina Galitsky & Kristel Dorion - 667-691 Carbon Dioxide Balance of Wood Substitution: Comparing Concrete- and Wood-Framed Buildings
by Leif Gustavsson & Kim Pingoud & Roger Sathre - 693-710 Portfolio-Based Electricity Generation Planning: Policy Implications For Renewables And Energy Security
by Shimon Awerbuch - 711-722 Domestic UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms Project Supply Coordination Through Tendering – Lessons from the New Zealand Experience
by Axel Michaelowa & John O’brien - 723-740 UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol Clean Development Mechanism Baseline Construction for Vietnam National Electricity Grid
by Tran Tuyen & Axel Michaelowa - 741-764 A Method for Constructing a Social Vulnerability Index: An Application to Hurricane Storm Surges in a Developed Country
by Lisa Rygel & David O’sullivan & Brent Yarnal
March 2006, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 311-311 Acknowledgements
by Peter Read - 313-333 Global Biomass Energy Potential
by Jos#X00C9; Moreira - 335-367 Modern Biomass Conversion Technologies
by Andre Faaij - 369-393 Deep Geological CO 2 Storage: Principles Reviewed, and Prospecting for Bio-energy Disposal Sites
by R. Haszeldine - 395-419 Bio-char Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems – A Review
by Johannes Lehmann & John Gaunt & Marco Rondon - 421-436 Carbon Sequestration by Carbonization of Biomass and Forestation: Three Case Studies
by Makoto Ogawa & Yasuyuki Okimori & Fumio Takahashi - 437-459 Role of Bio-Energy Plantations for Carbon-Dioxide Mitigation with Special Reference to India
by N. Hooda & V. Rawat - 461-492 Bio-Energy Systems at the Community Level in the South Pacific: Impacts & Monitoring
by J. Woods & Sarah Hemstock & William Burnyeat - 493-511 Reconciling Emissions Trading with a Technology-Based Response to Potential Abrupt Climate Change
by Peter Read
January 2006, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-4 Boreal Forests and the Environment: A Foreword
by M. Apps & A. Shvidenko & E. Vaganov - 5-32 The International Boreal Forest Research Association: Understanding Boreal Forests and Forestry in a Changing World
by Anatoly Shvidenko & Mike Apps - 33-43 Developing Canada's National Forest Carbon Monitoring, Accounting and Reporting System to Meet the Reporting Requirements of the Kyoto Protocol
by W. Kurz & M. Apps - 45-74 Variability of Fire Behavior, Fire Effects, and Emissions in Scotch Pine Forests of Central Siberia
by D. McRae & S. Conard & G. Ivanova & A. Sukhinin & S. Baker & Y. Samsonov & T. Blake & V. Ivanov & A. Ivanov & T. Churkina & W. Hao & K. Koutzenogij & Nataly Kovaleva - 75-96 Satellite-Derived Mean Fire Return Intervals As Indicators Of Change In Siberia (1995–2002)
by Amber Soja & Herman Shugart & Anatoly Sukhinin & Susan Conard & Paul Stackhouse - 97-111 Establishing A Earth Observation Product Service For The Terrestrial Carbon Community: The Globcarbon Initiative
by Stephen Plummer & Olivier Arino & Muriel Simon & Will Steffen - 113-145 Satellite Monitoring of Forest Fires in Russia at Federal and Regional Levels
by E. Loupian & A. Mazurov & E. Flitman & D. Ershov & G. Korovin & V. Novik & N. Abushenko & D. Altyntsev & V. Koshelev & S. Tashchilin & A. Tatarnikov & I. Csiszar & A. Sukhinin & E. Ponomarev & S. Afonin & V. Belov & G. Matvienko & T. Loboda - 147-171 Scaling Uncertainties in Estimating Canopy Foliar Maintenance Respiration for Black Spruce Ecosystems in Alaska
by Xinxian Zhang & A. McGuire & Roger Ruess - 173-190 Net Ecosystem Production of Boreal Larch Ecosystems on the Yenisei Transect
by Estella Vedrova & Fedor Pleshikov & Vladimir Kaplunov - 191-202 Transformation of Organic Matter of the Larch Forest Soils in the Northern Taiga of Nizhne-Tungusskoe Plateau, Central Siberia
by L. Mukhortova & I. Bezkorovainaya - 203-222 Soil Carbon in the Forests of Russia
by Vladimir Stolbovoi - 223-240 Dissolved Organic Carbon in Upland Forested Watersheds Underlain by Continuous Permafrost in Central Siberia
by A. Prokushkin & I. Gavrilenko & A. Abaimov & S. Prokushkin & A. Samusenko - 241-268 A Method for Integrated Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change in Siberian Forests: Example of Larch Area
by Sergey Venevsky - 269-290 Genetic and Environmental Effects Assessment in Scots Pine Provenances Planted in Central Siberia
by J. Savva & E. Vaganov - 291-295 Regional Nature-Protected Forests as Part of a Preservation Strategy for Boreal Forests in the Chita Region
by O. Malykh & L. Faleychik
October 2005, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 573-595 Assessing vulnerabilities to the effects of global change: an eight step approach
by Dagmar Schröter & Colin Polsky & Anthony Patt - 597-645 Options for Emission Allowance Allocation Under the Eu Emissions Trading Directive
by Markus Åihman & Lars Zetterberg - 647-657 Framing the Long-Term In Situ Liability Issue for Geologic Carbon Storage in the United States
by M. Figueiredo & D. Reiner & H. Herzog - 659-674 State-By-State Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuel Use in the United States 1960–2000
by T. Blasing & Christine Broniak & Gregg Marland - 675-691 Do Hydroelectric Dams Mitigate Global Warming? The Case of Brazil's CuruÁ-una Dam
by Philip Fearnside - 693-715 Geological CO 2 Storage as a Climate Change Mitigation Option
by Asbjørn Torvanger & Kristin Rypdal & Steffen Kallbekken - 717-737 Sea-Level Rise: Implications for Water Resources Management
by John Hay & Nobuo Mimura - 739-739 Erratum
by Ittai Gavrieli & Amos Bein & Aharon Oren - 759-777 The expected impact of the “Peace Conduit” project (the Red Sea - Dead Sea pipeline) on the Dead Sea
by Ittai Gavrieli & Amos Bein & Aharon Oren
July 2005, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 333-334 Foreword
by Gilbert White - 335-353 Adaptation Options Strategies for Hazards and Vulnerability Mitigation: An International Perspective
by C. Haque & Ian Burton - 357-366 Risk Mitigation Strategies for Tornadoes in the Context of Climate Change and Development
by G. McBean - 367-392 Mitigation of the Impact of Tropical Cyclones in Northern Australia through Community Capacity Enhancement
by Linda Anderson-Berry & David King - 393-409 Improving Access to Water Resources through Rainwater Harvesting as A Mitigation Measure: The Case of the Brazilian Semi-Arid Region
by Adélia Branco & João Suassuna & Semira Vainsencher - 411-441 The Value Of Public Participation During a Hazard, Impact, Risk And Vulnerability (HIRV) Analysis
by Laurie Pearce - 445-465 ‘Benefit–Cost Analysis’ Of Disaster Mitigation: Application As a Policy And Decision-Making Tool
by Philip Ganderton - 467-490 Mitigating Natural Disasters: The Role Of Eco-Ethics
by David Etkin & Ingrid Stefanovic - 491-504 Sustainable Development And Hazards Mitigation In The United States: Disasters By Design Revisited
by Dennis Mileti & Julie Gailus - 507-523 Canada'S Experience In Developing A National Disaster Mitigation Strategy: A Deliberative Dialogue Approach
by Valeriah Hwacha - 525-540 An Analysis Of Risk Mitigation Considerations In Regional Reconstruction In Turkey: The Missing Link
by Polat Gülkan - 541-571 Climate Change And Natural Hazards In Northern Canada: Integrating Indigenous Perspectives With Government Policy
by John Newton & C. Paci & Aynslie Ogden
April 2005, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 183-211 Decision Criteria, Scientific Uncertainty, and the Globalwarming Controversy
by Camilla Froyn - 213-220 Emissions and Atmospheric CO 2 Stabilization: Long-Term Limits and Paths
by Haroon Kheshgi & Steven Smith & James Edmonds