July 2006, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 143-150 Surface state on first-order ferroelectrics
by J. Osman & D. R. Tilley & R. Teh & Y. Ishibashi & M. N.A. Halif & K.-H. Chew
June 2006, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 473-476 Second- to first-order transition in two coupled antiferromagnetic rings
by P. F. Li & Y. G. Chen & H. Chen - 477-499 General spectral function expressions of a 1D correlated model
by J. M.P. Carmelo & K. Penc - 501-506 Fabrication and magnetic behaviour of 2D ordered Fe/SiO 2 nanodots array
by W. Liu & W. Zhong & L. J. Qiu & L. Y. Lü & Y. W. Du - 507-512 High-temperature behaviour of average structure and vibrational density of states in the ternary superionic compound AgCuSe
by D. M. Trots & A. N. Skomorokhov & M. Knapp & H. Fuess - 513-516 Spin-Hall transport in a two-dimensional electron system with magnetic impurities
by P. Liu & S.-J. Xiong - 537-542 Near-T c second-harmonic emission in high-density bulk MgB 2 at microwave frequency
by A. Agliolo Gallitto & G. Bonsignore & G. Giunchi & M. Li Vigni - 543-547 Dynamics of congestion transition triggered by multiple walkers on complex networks
by H. Lin & C.-X. Wu - 563-570 Monte Carlo simulations of parapatric speciation
by V. Schwämmle & A. O. Sousa & S. M. de Oliveira - 571-581 Electronic instabilities in 3D arrays of small-diameter (3, 3) carbon nanotubes
by J. González & E. Perfetto - 583-591 Acoustic phonon dynamics in strained cubic and hexagonal GaN/Al 2 O 3 superlattices
by P. D. Sesion & E. L. Albuquerque & M. S. Vasconcelos & P. W. Mauriz & V. N. Freire - 593-600 Linear and nonlinear optical properties of hydrated and dehydrated silica micro-spheres under an electric bias
by C. P. Pang & J. T. Lue - 601-608 Investment strategies and hidden variables
by F. Petroni & M. Serva
June 2006, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 315-319 O1s and Mn2p NEXAFS on single-layered La 1-x Sr 1+x MnO 4 : crystal field effect versus orbital coupling mechanism
by M. Merz & P. Reutler & B. Büchner & D. Arena & J. Dvorak & Y. U. Idzerda & S. Tokumitsu & S. Schuppler - 341-344 Effects of the Si-nanocluster size on the sensitizing role towards Er ions
by F. Gourbilleau & R. Rizk & C. Dufour & R. Madelon - 357-362 Modification of instability processes by multiplicative noises
by F. Pétrélis & S. Aumaître - 363-371 Braid theory and Zipf-Mandelbrot relation used in microparticle dynamics
by K. de Lange Kristiansen & G. Helgesen & A. T. Skjeltorp - 373-376 Correlated noises in an absorptive optical bistable model
by B.-Q. Ai & H. Zheng & L.-G. Liu - 377-387 Energy fluctuations in vibrated and driven granular gases
by P. Visco & A. Puglisi & A. Barrat & F. van Wijland & E. Trizac - 413-419 Tunability of the Kondo effect in an asymmetrically tunnel coupled quantum dot
by D. Quirion & J. Weis & Klaus v. Klitzing - 421-424 Directed transport in quantum Hall bilayers
by R. Khomeriki & L. Tkeshelashvili & T. Buishvili & Sh. Revishvili - 435-442 Van Kampen's expansion approach in an opinion formation model
by M. S. de la Lama & I. G. Szendro & J. R. Iglesias & H. S. Wio - 443-459 Renormalization of branching models of triggered seismicity from total to observable seismicity
by A. Saichev & D. Sornette
May 2006, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 157-160 Zitterbewegung, chirality, and minimal conductivity in graphene
by M. I. Katsnelson - 161-165 A g Raman modes of RBCO (R=Gd, Pr) by density functional theory approach
by H. Khosroabadi & A. Tavana & M. Akhavan - 167-171 Far-infrared optical properties of YVO 4 single crystal
by C. Z. Bi & J. Y. Ma & J. Yan & X. Fang & D. Z. Yao & B. R. Zhao & X. G. Qiu - 173-180 Magnetic properties and 119 Sn hyperfine interaction parameters of LiMn 6 Sn 6
by T. Mazet & H. Ihou-Mouko & J. F. Marêché & B. Malaman - 181-187 Analytical approach to the quantum-phase transition in the one-dimensional spinless Holstein model
by S. Sykora & A. Hübsch & K. W. Becker - 189-193 Construction of localized basis for dynamical mean field theory
by I. Paul & G. Kotliar - 195-208 Kinetic Monte Carlo and density functional study of hydrogen enhanced dislocation glide in silicon
by S. Scarle & C. P. Ewels - 209-213 Fine structure effects and phase transition of Xe nanocrystals in Si
by G. Faraci & A. R. Pennisi & F. Zontone - 215-221 Ab initio correlation approach to a ferric wheel-like molecular cluster
by H. Nieber & K. Doll & G. Zwicknagl - 229-243 Multidimensional infinitely divisible cascades
by P. Chainais - 245-255 Nonequilibrium critical behavior of a species coexistence model
by H. Reinhardt & F. Böhm & B. Drossel & H. Hinrichsen - 257-266 Thermal critical behavior and universality aspects of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model
by A. Malakis & N. G. Fytas - 267-275 Coulomb blockade without potential barriers
by G. Vasseur & D. Weinmann & R. A. Jalabert - 285-292 Thermoelectric effects in superconducting nanostructures
by V. L. Gurevich & V. I. Kozub & A. L. Shelankov - 293-300 Core level spectroscopy and RHEED analysis of KGd 0.95 Nd 0.05 (WO 4 ) 2 surface
by V. V. Atuchin & V. G. Kesler & N. Yu. Maklakova & L. D. Pokrovsky & D. V. Sheglov
May 2006, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-4 Giant anisotropic magneto-resistance in ferromagnetic atomic contacts
by M. Viret & M. Gabureac & F. Ott & C. Fermon & C. Barreteau & G. Autes & R. Guirado-Lopez - 5-15 Cyclic hydrocarbons: nanoscopic (π)-SQUIDs?
by M. Himmerich & P. G.J. van Dongen & R. M. Noack - 17-23 Effect of nitrogen concentration on the electronic and vibrational properties of zinc-blende InN x P 1-x (x > 0.01)
by M. Debbichi & A. Ben Fredj & A. Bhouri & N. Bouarissa & M. Said - 25-27 Entanglement between nuclear spin and field mode in GaAs semiconductors
by G. Chen & M.-M. He & J.-Q. Li & J.-Q. Liang - 29-40 Experimental study of electron-phonon properties in ZrB 2
by E. Forzani & K. Winzer - 41-51 Triplet superconductivity in a 1D itinerant electron system with transverse spin anisotropy
by C. Dziurzik & G. I. Japaridze & A. Schadschneider & I. Titvinidze & J. Zittartz - 53-60 Pressure dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation spectrum of $\beta''$ -(BEDT-TTF) 4 (NH 4 )[ Cr(C 2 O 4 ) 3 ] .DMF
by D. Vignolles & V. N. Laukhin & A. Audouard & M. Nardone & T. G. Prokhorova & E. B. Yagubskii & E. Canadell - 65-73 Effects of size and surface anisotropy on thermal magnetization and hysteresis in the magnetic clusters
by Z. Huang & Z. Chen & S. Li & Q. Feng & F. Zhang & Y. Du - 75-78 Electronic and optical properties of Cd 1-x Zn x S nanocrystals
by N. Safta & A. Sakly & H. Mejri & Y. Bouazra - 79-85 Activation energy in La 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3 /YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-δ / La 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3 superconducting trilayers
by M. Salvato & F. Bobba & G. Calabrese & C. Cirillo & A. M. Cucolo & A. De Santis & A. Vecchione & C. Attanasio - 87-99 Nonlinear excitations and electric transport in dissipative Morse-Toda lattices
by A. P. Chetverikov & W. Ebeling & M. G. Velarde - 101-110 Phase diagrams of Ising fluids with Yukawa-Lennard-Jones interactions from an integral equation approach
by I. P. Omelyan & W. Fenz & R. Folk & I. M. Mryglod - 111-118 Cooperative motions in a finite size model of liquid silica: an anomalous behavior
by V. Teboul - 119-130 Breather trapping and breather transmission in a DNA model with an interface
by A. Alvarez & F. R. Romero & J. F.R. Archilla & J. Cuevas & P. V. Larsen - 131-136 Thickness dependent structural and magnetic properties of ultra-thin Fe/Al structures
by R. Brajpuriya & S. Tripathi & A. Sharma & T. Shripathi & S. M. Chaudhari - 137-143 Dry microfoams: formation and flow in a confined channel
by J.-P. Raven & P. Marmottant & F. Graner - 145-154 Size matters: some stylized facts of the stock market revisited
by Z. Eisler & J. Kertész - 155-155 Role of connectivity in congestion and decongestion in a communication network
by N. Gupte & B. K. Singh
April 2006, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 521-526 Theoretical calculations of the high-pressure phases of ZnF 2 and CdF 2
by X. Wu & Z. Wu - 527-539 Exact solution of the one-dimensional spin- $\frac{\mathsf 3}{\mathsf 2}$ Ising model in magnetic field
by A. Avella & F. Mancini - 541-548 Monte Carlo study of 2D generalized XY-models
by L. A.S. Mól & A. R. Pereira & H. Chamati & S. Romano - 549-557 Determination of the interactions in confined macroscopic Wigner islands: theory and experiments
by P. Galatola & G. Coupier & M. Saint Jean & J.-B. Fournier & C. Guthmann - 565-569 Flux trapping in a macroscopic cylinderical hole drilled in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O
by A. Kiliç & K. Kiliç & H. Yetiş & M. Olutaş & A. Altinkok & H. Sözeri & O. Çetin - 571-579 A travelling cluster approximation for lattice fermions strongly coupled to classical degrees of freedom
by S. Kumar & P. Majumdar - 581-585 Physical properties of magnetic grains dispersed in anisotropic media
by A. L. Dantas & A. S. Carriço & N. S. Almeida - 587-592 Intrinsic tunnelling effects in self-doped La 0.89 MnO 3 single crystals
by V. Markovich & G. Jung & M. Belogolovskii & Y. Yuzhelevski & G. Gorodetsky & Ya. M. Mukovskii - 593-602 High-frequency dynamics of Co/Fe multilayers with stripe domains
by N. Vukadinovic & M. Labrune & J. Ben Youssef - 603-611 Statistical mechanics and Vlasov equation allow for a simplified Hamiltonian description of Single-Pass Free Electron Laser saturated dynamics
by A. Antoniazzi & Y. Elskens & D. Fanelli & S. Ruffo - 613-615 Mathematical glimpse on the Y chromosome degeneration
by M. P. Lobo - 617-630 Modeling network growth with assortative mixing
by A. P. Quayle & A. S. Siddiqui & S. J.M. Jones - 631-637 Numerical studies of gravity destabilized percolation in 2D porous media
by Z. Bo & D. Loggia & L. Xiaorong & G. Vasseur & H. Ping - 639-652 Magnetic field generation by convective flows in a plane layer
by O. M. Podvigina - 653-657 Fixation of advantageous mutations in an off-equilibrium population
by O. F.F. Raposo & A. W.S. de Almeida & A. J.F. Souza & P. R.A. Campos - 659-669 Modeling the net flows of U.S. mutual funds with stochastic catastrophe theory
by A. Clark
April 2006, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 371-378 Modeling the emission red-shift in amorphous semiconductors and in organic-inorganic hybrids using extended multiple trapping
by R. A. Sá Ferreira & A. L. Ferreira & L. D. Carlos - 379-391 Coherent control of stimulated emission inside one dimensional photonic crystals: strong coupling regime
by A. Settimi & S. Severini & C. Sibilia & M. Bertolotti & A. Napoli & A. Messina - 393-402 Dynamics of topological solitons in two-dimensional ferromagnets
by D. D. Sheka & C. Schuster & B. A. Ivanov & F. G. Mertens - 403-410 Longitudinal-optical phonon hole-plasmon coupled modes in heavily doped p-type GaSb:Zn epitaxial films
by Z. G. Hu & M. B.M. Rinzan & A. G.U. Perera & Y. Paltiel & A. Raizman & A. Sher & M. Zhu - 411-418 Luminescence of a semiconductor quantum dot system
by N. Baer & C. Gies & J. Wiersig & F. Jahnke - 419-423 Quantum signatures in the dynamics of two dipole-dipole interacting soft dimers
by A. Napoli & A. Messina & T. Cusati & G. Draganescu - 425-430 Magnetic properties, Mössbauer effect and first principle calculations study of laves phase HfFe 2
by J. Belošević-Čavor & V. Koteski & N. Novaković & G. Concas & F. Congiu & G. Spano - 431-437 Random field Ising model and community structure in complex networks
by S.-W. Son & H. Jeong & J. D. Noh - 439-443 Phase diagrams of spin-1 Ising model with bilinear and quadrupolar interactions under magnetic field. Two-particle cluster approximation
by R. R. Levitskii & O. R. Baran & B. M. Lisnii - 445-452 Some quasi-periodic solutions to the Kadometsev-Petviashvili and modified Kadometsev-Petviashvili equations
by J. Chen & X. Geng - 453-457 Superalgebras for three interacting particles in an external magnetic field
by J. Sadeghi - 459-464 The carrier “antibinding” in quantum dots: a charge separation effect
by M. Combescot & M.-A. Dupertuis - 465-474 Voltage and temperature dependence of current noise in double-barrier normal-superconducting structures
by G. Bignon & F. Pistolesi & M. Houzet - 475-481 Angular dependence of tunneling magnetoresistance in magnetic semiconductor heterostructures
by A. A. Shokri - 483-489 Pure spin currents generation in magnetic tunnel junctions by means of adiabatic quantum pumping
by F. Romeo & R. Citro - 491-496 Viscoelastic properties of multiwalled carbon nanotube solutions
by I. Echeverría & A. Urbina - 497-503 The 5f localization/delocalization in square and hexagonal americium monolayers: a FP-LAPW electronic structure study
by D. Gao & A. K. Ray - 505-511 Time evolution of non-lethal infectious diseases: a semi-continuous approach
by A. Noviello & F. Romeo & R. De Luca - 513-520 Dynamic domain networks
by M. N. Kuperman & M. Ballard & F. Laguna
March 2006, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-1 Modern Problems in Complexity
by A. Carbone & J. A. Hertz & G. Kaniadakis & M. Lissia - 3-6 Two generalizations of the Boltzmann equation
by T. S. Biró & G. Kaniadakis - 7-10 Extended Gaussian ensemble or q-statistics in hadronic production processes?
by T. Osada & O. V. Utyuzh & G. Wilk & Z. Wodarczyk - 11-15 Fusion reactions in plasmas as probe of the high-momentum tail of particle distributions
by M. Coraddu & M. Lissia & G. Mezzorani & P. Quarati - 17-21 Potential symmetry and invariant solutions of Fokker-Planck equation in cylindrical coordinates related to magnetic field diffusion in magnetohydrodynamics including the Hall current
by A. H. Khater & D. K. Callebaut & T. N. Abdelhameed - 23-26 Nonextensive interpretation of radiative recombination in electron cooling
by G. Maero & P. Quarati & F. Ferro - 27-31 The topological non-connectivity threshold in quantum long-range interacting spin systems
by F. Borgonovi & G. L. Celardo & R. Trasarti-Battistoni - 33-37 Critical exponents for the long-range Ising chain using a transfer matrix approach
by R. F.S. Andrade & S. T.R. Pinho - 39-43 A new comprehensive study of the 3D random-field Ising model via sampling the density of states in dominant energy subspaces
by N. G. Fytas & A. Malakis - 45-50 Effect of weak disorder on the ground state of uniaxial dipolar spin systems in the upper critical dimension
by A. V. Klopper & U. K. Rößler & R. L. Stamps - 51-55 Applications of correlation inequalities to low density graphical codes
by N. Macris - 57-61 A definition of metastability for Markov processes with detailed balance
by F. Leyvraz & H. Larralde & D. P. Sanders - 63-67 Monte Carlo studies of the square Ising model with next-nearest-neighbor interactions
by A. Malakis & P. Kalozoumis & N. Tyraskis - 69-72 The Topological Nonconnectivity Threshold and magnetic phase transitions in classical anisotropic long-range interacting spin systems
by R. Trasarti-Battistoni & F. Borgonovi & G. L. Celardo - 73-76 Spectral density method in quantum nonextensive thermostatistics and magnetic systems with long-range interactions
by A. Cavallo & F. Cosenza & L. De Cesare - 77-81 f -γ current fluctuations in organic semiconductors: evidence for percolation
by A. Carbone & B. K. Kotowska & D. Kotowski - 83-87 A discrete nonlinear mass transfer equation with applications in solid-state sintering of ceramic materials
by D. T. Hristopulos & L. Leonidakis & A. Tsetsekou - 89-93 A kinetic approach to the calculation of surface tension of a spherical drop
by V. Molinari & D. Mostacci & M. Premuda - 95-98 Distribution of return intervals of extreme events
by C. Pennetta - 99-103 Physical meaning and measurement of the entropic parameter q in an inhomogeneous magnetic systems
by M. S. Reis & V. S. Amaral & R. S. Sarthour & I. S. Oliveira - 105-110 Long-range order and dynamic structure factor of a nematic under a thermal gradient
by R. F. Rodríguez & H. Híjar - 111-115 Polydispersity effects in the dynamics and stability of bubbling flows
by E. Salinas-Rodríguez & R. F. Rodríguez & J. M. Zamora & A. Soria - 117-122 Avalanches and Self-Organized Criticality in superconductors
by R. J. Wijngaarden & M. S. Welling & C. M. Aegerter & M. Menghini - 123-127 A precursor of market crashes: Empirical laws of Japan's internet bubble
by T. Kaizoji - 129-131 Analysis of binarized high frequency financial data
by N. Sazuka - 133-136 Persistence in financial markets
by S. Jain & P. Buckley - 137-140 Characteristic time scales of tick quotes on foreign currency markets: an empirical study and agent-based model
by A.-H. Sato - 141-145 Leptokurtic portfolio theory
by R. Kitt & J. Kalda - 147-151 Small scale behavior of financial data
by A. P. Nawroth & J. Peinke - 153-160 Micro-economic analysis of the physical constrained markets: game theory application to competitive electricity markets
by E. Bompard & Y. C. Ma & E. Ragazzi - 161-164 An econophysics approach to analyse uncertainty in financial markets: an application to the Portuguese stock market
by A. Dionisio & R. Menezes & D. A. Mendes - 165-168 On statistical properties of traded volume in financial markets
by J. de Souza & L. G. Moyano & S. M. Duarte Queirós - 169-176 Compromise and synchronization in opinion dynamics
by A. Pluchino & V. Latora & A. Rapisarda - 177-181 Pair approximation models for disease spread
by J. Benoit & A. Nunes & M. Telo da Gama - 183-188 On the genre-fication of music: a percolation approach
by R. Lambiotte & M. Ausloos - 189-194 Asymptotic regime in N random interacting species
by A. Fiasconaro & D. Valenti & B. Spagnolo - 195-198 Bonabeau model on a fully connected graph
by K. Malarz & D. Stauffer & K. Kułakowski - 199-203 Moment equations for a spatially extended system of two competing species
by D. Valenti & L. Schimansky-Geier & X. Sailer & B. Spagnolo - 205-208 Epidemics in small world networks
by M.M. Telo da Gama & A. Nunes - 209-214 Effects of population mixing on the spread of SIR epidemics
by H. Fukś & A. T. Lawniczak & R. Duchesne - 215-220 A selfsimilar behavior of the urban structure in the spatially inhomogeneous model
by E. Y. Echkina & O. I. Inovenkov & D. P. Kostomarov - 221-225 The backbone of a city
by S. Scellato & A. Cardillo & V. Latora & S. Porta - 227-230 Role of connectivity in congestion and decongestion in a communication network
by N. Gupte & B. K. Singh - 231-236 Network traffic behaviour near phase transition point
by A. T. Lawniczak & X. Tang - 237-242 A generalized approach to complex networks
by L. da F. Costa & L. E.C. da Rocha - 243-247 Olami-Feder-Christensen model on different networks
by F. Caruso & V. Latora & A. Pluchino & A. Rapisarda & B. Tadić - 249-254 Modeling the Internet
by M. Ángeles Serrano & M. Boguñá & A. Díaz-Guilera - 255-258 Statistical indicators of collective behavior and functional clusters in gene networks of yeast
by J. Živković & B. Tadić & N. Wick & S. Thurner - 259-264 Non-extensive trends in the size distribution of coding and non-coding DNA sequences in the human genome
by Th. Oikonomou & A. Provata - 265-269 Unfolding designable structures
by C. L. Dias & M. Grant - 271-275 Avalanche dynamics of idealized neuron function in the brain on an uncorrelated random scale-free network
by K. E. Lee & J. W. Lee - 277-283 Evolving Stochastic Learning Algorithm based on Tsallis entropic index
by A. D. Anastasiadis & G. D. Magoulas - 285-289 Gravitational structure formation, the cosmological problem and statistical physics
by L. Pietronero & F. Sylos Labini - 291-294 q-deformed Fermions
by P. Narayana Swamy - 295-298 Dissociative attachment of an electron to a molecule: kinetic theory
by A. Rossani & A. M. Scarfone - 299-303 Diffusion in flashing periodic potentials
by B. Spagnolo & A. Dubkov - 305-309 Lyapunov modes and time-correlation functions for two-dimensional systems
by T. Taniguchi & G. P. Morriss - 311-314 Application of large deviation theory to the mean-field $\boldsymbol{\varphi}^\mathsf{4}$ -model
by I. Hahn & M. Kastner - 315-320 Symplectic integration approach for metastable systems
by E. Klotins - 321-325 Modulational instability in asymmetric coupled wave functions
by I. Kourakis & P. K. Shukla - 327-332 Monte Carlo simulations of bosonic reaction-diffusion systems and comparison to Langevin equation description
by Su-Chan Park - 333-338 Statistical theory of spectra: statistical moments as descriptors in the theory of molecular similarity
by D. Bielińska-Wąż & P. Wąż & S. C. Basak - 339-344 Marked signal improvement by stochastic resonance for aperiodic signals in the double-well system
by R. Mingesz & Z. Gingl & P. Makra - 345-349 Statistical-mechanical description of classical test-particle dynamics in the presence of an external force field: modelling noise and damping from first principles
by I. Kourakis & A. P. Grecos - 351-354 Classical q-deformed dynamics
by A. Lavagno & A. M. Scarfone & P. Narayana Swamy - 355-359 Numerical study of the oscillatory convergence to the attractor at the edge of chaos
by R. Tonelli & M. Coraddu - 361-365 Maxwell-Jüttner distributions in relativistic molecular dynamics
by A. Aliano & L. Rondoni & G. P. Morriss - 367-369 Thermoeconomic analysis of an irreversible Stirling heat pump cycle
by U. Lucia & G. Gervino
February 2006, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 403-406 Softening of spin-wave stiffness near the ferromagnetic phase transition in diluted magnetic semiconductors
by Shih-Jye Sun & Hsiu-Hau Lin - 407-414 Electron mobility in a modulation doped AlGaN/GaN quantum well
by Z. Yarar & B. Ozdemir & M. Ozdemir - 415-420 Electronic structure of ZnO wurtzite quantum wires
by J. B. Xia & X. W. Zhang - 421-424 The effect of topological fluctuations on the heat capacity of superconductor
by Y. N. Ovchinnikov & A. A. Varlamov - 425-431 Electronic structure and properties of strontium ferrite Sr 3 Fe 2 O 6
by V. M. Zainullina & M. A. Korotin & V. L. Kozhevnikov - 433-439 Magnetic properties of doped GdI 2
by T. Maitra & A. Taraphder & A. N. Yaresko & P. Fulde - 441-451 Structural and magnetic properties of $\lbrack$ Er|Tb $\rbrack$ multilayers
by J. Voigt & E. Kentzinger & U. Rücker & W. Schweika & D. Wermeille & W. Schmidt & Th. Brückel - 453-458 Stability of a nonlinear oscillator with random damping
by N. Leprovost & S. Aumaître & K. Mallick - 459-464 Spin-dependent transport through quantum dot with inelastic interactions
by G.-Y. Sun & C.-X. Wu & Y. Chen & Z.-L. Yang - 471-481 A LES-Langevin model for turbulence
by J.-P. Laval & B. Dubrulle - 483-490 Vortex stretching and reconnection in a compressible fluid
by B. K. Shivamoggi - 491-511 The significant digit law: a paradigm of statistical scale symmetries
by A. Pocheau - 513-522 Topological patterns in street networks of self-organized urban settlements
by C. Buhl & J. Gautrais & N. Reeves & R. V. Solé & S. Valverde & P. Kuntz & G. Theraulaz - 513-522 Topological patterns in street networks of self-organized urban settlements
by J. Buhl & J. Gautrais & N. Reeves & R. V. Solé & S. Valverde & P. Kuntz & G. Theraulaz - 523-529 The network of concepts in written texts
by S. M.G. Caldeira & T. C. Petit Lobão & R. F.S. Andrade & A. Neme & J. G.V. Miranda - 531-538 On the structure of competitive societies
by E. Ben-Naim & F. Vazquez & S. Redner
February 2006, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 267-268 Open dynamic behaviour of financial markets
by F. F. Gong & F. X. Gong & F. Y. Gong - 269-274 Comparative first-principles analysis of the absorption spectra of ZnAl 2 S 4 and ZnGa 2 O 4 crystals doped with Cr 3+
by M. G. Brik - 275-281 How the coherent instabilities of an intense high-energy charged-particle beam in the presence of nonlocal effects can be explained within the context of the Madelung fluid description
by R. Fedele & D. Anderson & M. Lisak - 283-287 Jordan-Wigner approach to the frustrated spin one-half XXZ chain
by T. Verkholyak & A. Honecker & W. Brenig - 289-304 Variable-range hopping in 2D quasi-1D electronic systems
by S. Teber - 305-311 Influence of correlation and temperature on the electronic structure of bulk and thin film GdN
by S. Bhattacharjee & S. M. Jaya - 313-318 Exciton polaritons of nano-spherical-particle photonic crystals in compound lattices
by Y. Zeng & X. S. Chen & W. Lu & Y. Fu - 319-323 Correlated Wishart matrices and critical horizons
by Z. Burda & A. Görlich & J. Jurkiewicz & B. Wacław - 325-331 Phonon effects in tunnelling through a double quantum dot molecule
by Xin Lu & Jing Wang & Chang-Qin Wu - 333-338 Transmission resonance via quantum bound states in confined arrays of antidots
by Y. P. Chen & Y. E. Xie & X. H. Yan - 339-369 Criticality and universality in the unit-propagation search rule
by C. Deroulers & R. Monasson - 371-376 Model of mobile agents for sexual interactions networks
by M. C. González & P. G. Lind & H. J. Herrmann - 377-401 Power law distribution of seismic rates: theory and data analysis
by A. Saichev & D. Sornette
January 2006, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 135-140 Lower critical field and intragrain critical current density in the ruthenate-cuprate RuSr 2 Gd 1.5 Ce 0.5 Cu 2 O 10
by M.G. das Virgens & S. Garcia & L. Ghivelder - 141-146 X-ray photoelectron diffraction study of ultrathin PbTiO 3 films
by L. Despont & C. Lichtensteiger & F. Clerc & M. G. Garnier & F.J. Garcia de Abajo & M. A. Van Hove & J.-M. Triscone & P. Aebi - 147-155 Diffraction of oriented nano-peapods
by R. Almairac & J. Cambedouzou & S. Rols & J.-L. Sauvajol - 157-165 Time-resolved nuclear spin-dependent small-angle neutron scattering from polarised proton domains in deuterated solutions
by B. van den Brandt & H. Glättli & I. Grillo & P. Hautle & H. Jouve & J. Kohlbrecher & J. A. Konter & E. Leymarie & S. Mango & R. P. May & A. Michels & H. B. Stuhrmann & O. Zimmer - 167-170 Quantum kinetic theory of phonon-assisted carrier transitions in nitride-based quantum-dot systems
by J. Seebeck & T. R. Nielsen & P. Gartner & F. Jahnke - 171-186 Competition mechanism between singlet and triplet superconductivity in the tight-binding model with anisotropic attractive potential
by R. Gonczarek & L. Jacak & M. Krzyzosiak & A. Gonczarek - 187-194 Magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic quantum Heisenberg spin systems with a strict single particle site occupation
by R. Dillenschneider & J. Richert - 195-203 Short-time dynamics and critical behavior of three-dimensional bond-diluted Potts model
by J. Q. Yin & B. Zheng & V. V. Prudnikov & S. Trimper - 205-211 Traffic dynamics based on an efficient routing strategy on scale free networks
by C.-Y. Yin & B.-H. Wang & W.-X. Wang & G. Yan & H.-J. Yang - 213-218 Quantum Hall bilayer digital amplifier
by R. Khomeriki & J. Léon & D. Chevriaux