September 2001, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 141-166 Evolution and evaluation of air pollution control policy in Taiwan
by Daigee Shaw & Ming-Feng Hung - 141-166 Evolution and evaluation of air pollution control policy in Taiwan
by Daigee Shaw & Ming-Feng Hung - 167-189 Eco-labeling and non-product-related process and production methods
by Young-Hwan Ahn & Byong-Hun Ahn - 167-189 Eco-labeling and non-product-related process and production methods
by Young-Hwan Ahn & Byong-Hun Ahn - 191-210 On inefficiency and instability in decentralized recycling systems
by Kazuhiko Nishimura - 191-210 On inefficiency and instability in decentralized recycling systems
by Kazuhiko Nishimura - 211-218 Outline of law for recycling specified kinds of home appliances in Japan
by Keiichi Kawakami - 211-218 Outline of law for recycling specified kinds of home appliances in Japan
by Keiichi Kawakami
September 2001, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 67-93 Motor vehicle taxes as an environmental management instrument: the case of Singapore
by Ngee-Choon Chia & Sock-Yong Phang - 95-113 Water pricing and abatement of industrial water pollution: study of distilleries in India
by Bishwanath Goldar & Rita Pandey - 115-128 Does college education nourish egoism?
by Yoonae Jo - 129-139 Environmental conflicts with SLAPP reputations
by Chad Settle & Jason F. Shogren
June 2001, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 67-93 Motor vehicle taxes as an environmental management instrument: the case of Singapore
by Ngee-Choon Chia & Sock-Yong Phang - 95-113 Water pricing and abatement of industrial water pollution: study of distilleries in India
by Bishwanath Goldar & Rita Pandey - 115-128 Does college education nourish egoism?
by Yoonae Jo - 129-139 Environmental conflicts with SLAPP reputations
by Chad Settle & Jason Shogren
April 2001, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 17-27 Willingness to pay for reduction in air pollution: a multilevel analysis
by Fredrik Carlsson & Peter Martinsson - 29-43 Forecasting emissions of atmospheric pollutants in North Korea
by Seung-Kuk Cho & Seung-Jun Kwak - 45-65 Investment as an adaptation strategy to climate change: case study of flood damage in China
by Songcai You & Kiyoshi Takahashi & Yuzuru Matsuoka
March 2001, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-16 Constructing aggregate environmental-economic indicators: a comparison of 12 OECD countries
by J. Bergh & D. Veen-Groot - 1-16 Constructing aggregate environmental-economic indicators: a comparison of 12 OECD countries
by J. C. J. M. Bergh & D. B. Veen-Groot - 17-27 Willingness to pay for reduction in air pollution: a multilevel analysis
by Fredrik Carlsson & Peter Martinsson - 29-43 Forecasting emissions of atmospheric pollutants in North Korea
by Seung-Kuk Cho & Seung-Jun Kwak - 45-65 Investment as an adaptation strategy to climate change: case study of flood damage in China
by Songcai You & Kiyoshi Takahashi & Yuzuru Matsuoka
December 2000, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 355-380 Sustainable urban transportation: abatement and control of traffic congestion and vehicular emissions from land transportation in Singapore
by Anthony Chin - 355-380 Sustainable urban transportation: abatement and control of traffic congestion and vehicular emissions from land transportation in Singapore
by Anthony T. H. Chin - 381-397 Asymmetry of price control and quantity control in an environmental policy
by Eiji Hosoda - 381-397 Asymmetry of price control and quantity control in an environmental policy
by Eiji Hosoda - 399-423 Taxes versus quotas to limit global environmental risks: new insights into an old affair
by Alfred Endres & Cornelia Ohl - 399-423 Taxes versus quotas to limit global environmental risks: new insights into an old affair
by Alfred Endres & Cornelia Ohl - 425-445 Integrating policies for combating climate change: role of the Japanese Joint Conference for the Kyoto Protocol
by Takashi Hattori - 425-445 Integrating policies for combating climate change: role of the Japanese Joint Conference for the Kyoto Protocol
by Takashi Hattori
September 2000, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 291-309 Property rights and contractual approach to sustainable development
by Ben Yu & Daigee Shaw & Tsu-Tan Fu & Lawrence Lai - 291-309 Property rights and contractual approach to sustainable development
by Ben T. Yu & Daigee Shaw & Tsu-Tan Fu & Lawrence W. C. Lai - 311-333 Input-output analysis of CO 2 emissions for the industrial sector in Korea
by Sung-In Na - 311-333 Input-output analysis of CO2 emissions for the industrial sector in Korea
by Sung-In Na - 335-345 Impact of mitigating CO2 emissions on Taiwan’s economy: a fuzzy multiobjective programming approach
by George J. Y. Hsu & Hong-Min Xu - 335-345 Impact of mitigating CO 2 emissions on Taiwan’s economy: a fuzzy multiobjective programming approach
by George Hsu & Hong-Min Xu - 347-354 An optimal enforcement system for pollution control: monetary penalties and suspension orders
by Jhung-Soo Hong & Jae-Cheol Kim - 347-354 An optimal enforcement system for pollution control: monetary penalties and suspension orders
by Jhung-Soo Hong & Jae-Cheol Kim
June 2000, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 65-88 Overview of mitigation scenarios for global climate stabilization based on new IPCC emission scenarios (SRES)
by Tsuneyuki Morita & Nebos̆ja Nakićenović & John Robinson - 65-88 Overview of mitigation scenarios for global climate stabilization based on new IPCC emission scenarios (SRES)
by Tsuneyuki Morita & Nebos̆ja Nakićenović & John Robinson - 89-123 Energy technology strategies for carbon dioxide mitigation and sustainable development
by Keywan Riahi & R. Alexander Roehrl - 89-123 Energy technology strategies for carbon dioxide mitigation and sustainable development
by Keywan Riahi & R. Roehrl - 125-142 Effects of carbon emission mitigation options under carbon concentration stabilization scenarios
by Shunsuke Mori - 125-142 Effects of carbon emission mitigation options under carbon concentration stabilization scenarios
by Shunsuke Mori - 143-158 The benefits and costs of waiting: early action versus delayed response in post-SRES stabilization scenarios
by Johannes Bollen & Ton Manders & Hans Timmer - 143-158 The benefits and costs of waiting: early action versus delayed response in post-SRES stabilization scenarios
by Johannes Bollen & Ton Manders & Hans Timmer - 159-171 Global energy system to maintain atmospheric CO2 concentration at 550 ppm
by Kenji Yamaji & Junichi Fujino & Koichi Osada - 159-171 Global energy system to maintain atmospheric CO 2 concentration at 550 ppm
by Kenji Yamaji & Junichi Fujino & Koichi Osada - 173-193 Mitigation options in a sustainable development world
by Hugh Pitcher - 173-193 Mitigation options in a sustainable development world
by Hugh M. Pitcher - 195-224 Stabilization of CO2 concentrations: mitigation scenarios using the Petro model
by Snorre Kverndokk & Lars Lindholt & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 195-224 Stabilization of CO 2 concentrations: mitigation scenarios using the Petro model
by Snorre Kverndokk & Lars Lindholt & Knut Rosendahl - 225-237 Climate change mitigation in a regionalized world
by Alexei Sankovski & Wiley Barbour & William Pepper - 225-237 Climate change mitigation in a regionalized world
by Alexei Sankovski & Wiley Barbour & William Pepper - 239-254 Global long-term greenhouse gas mitigation emission scenarios based on AIM
by Kejun Jiang & Tsuneyuki Morita & Toshihiko Masui & Yuzuru Matsuoka - 239-254 Global long-term greenhouse gas mitigation emission scenarios based on AIM
by Kejun Jiang & Tsuneyuki Morita & Toshihiko Masui & Yuzuru Matsuoka - 255-265 Extrapolation of carbon dioxide emission scenarios to meet long-term atmospheric stabilization targets
by Yuzuru Matsuoka - 255-265 Extrapolation of carbon dioxide emission scenarios to meet long-term atmospheric stabilization targets
by Yuzuru Matsuoka - 267-289 Scenarios for greenhouse gas emission mitigation: a review of modeling of strategies and policies in integrated assessment models
by Ashish Rana & Tsuneyuki Morita - 267-289 Scenarios for greenhouse gas emission mitigation: a review of modeling of strategies and policies in integrated assessment models
by Ashish Rana & Tsuneyuki Morita
March 2000, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-20 Green tax reform: converting implicit carbon taxes to a pure carbon tax
by Akira Yokoyama & Kazuhiro Ueta & Kiyoshi Fujikawa - 1-20 Green tax reform: converting implicit carbon taxes to a pure carbon tax
by Akira Yokoyama & Kazuhiro Ueta & Kiyoshi Fujikawa - 21-28 Environmental asset market failure, income transfer, and a reform of the tradeable emission permit system
by Ayumi Onuma - 21-28 Environmental asset market failure, income transfer, and a reform of the tradeable emission permit system
by Ayumi Onuma - 29-57 Japan’s decision-making about climate change problems: comparative study of decisions in 1990 and in 1997
by Yasuko Kawashima - 29-57 Japan’s decision-making about climate change problems: comparative study of decisions in 1990 and in 1997
by Yasuko Kawashima - 59-64 Soil pollution control in Japan
by Fumikazu Yoshida & Chikako Saitoh - 59-64 Soil pollution control in Japan
by Fumikazu Yoshida & Chikako Saitoh
December 1999, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 231-247 A deposit-refund system applied to non-point nitrogen emissions from agriculture
by Lars Hansen - 231-247 A deposit-refund system applied to non-point nitrogen emissions from agriculture
by Lars Gårn Hansen - 249-266 Comparing costs and environmental benefits of strategies to combat acidification and ozone in Europe
by Wolfram Krewitt & Mike Holland & Alfred Trukenmüller & Thomas Heck & Rainer Friedrich - 249-266 Comparing costs and environmental benefits of strategies to combat acidification and ozone in Europe
by Wolfram Krewitt & Mike Holland & Alfred Trukenmüller & Thomas Heck & Rainer Friedrich - 267-287 Long-term emission scenarios for China
by Kejun Jiang & Toshihiko Masui & Tsuneyuki Morita & Yuzuru Matsuoka - 267-287 Long-term emission scenarios for China
by Kejun Jiang & Toshihiko Masui & Tsuneyuki Morita & Yuzuru Matsuoka - 289-303 A study on systems for a clean development mechanism to reduce CO2 emissions
by Ryuji Matsuhashi & We Chang & Hisashi Ishitani - 289-303 A study on systems for a clean development mechanism to reduce CO 2 emissions
by Ryuji Matsuhashi & We Chang & Hisashi Ishitani
September 1999, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 167-185 Growth or environmental concern: which comes first? Optimal control with pure stock pollutants
by Kjell Holmåker & Thomas Sterner - 167-185 Growth or environmental concern: which comes first? Optimal control with pure stock pollutants
by Kjell Holmåker & Thomas Sterner - 187-197 Sustainable consumption, sustainable development, and green net national product
by Ayumi Onuma - 187-197 Sustainable consumption, sustainable development, and green net national product
by Ayumi Onuma - 199-213 Carbon sequestration cost by afforestation in Taiwan
by Ching-Cheng Chang - 199-213 Carbon sequestration cost by afforestation in Taiwan
by Ching-Cheng Chang - 215-229 Itai-Itai disease and the countermeasures against cadmium pollution by the Kamioka mine
by Fumikazu Yoshida & Akio Hata & Haruo Tonegawa - 215-229 Itai-Itai disease and the countermeasures against cadmium pollution by the Kamioka mine
by Fumikazu Yoshida & Akio Hata & Haruo Tonegawa
June 1999, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 97-112 Alternative approach to combining revealed and stated preference data: evaluating water quality of a river system in Taipei
by Daigee Shaw & Yu-Lan Chien & Yih-Ming Lin - 97-112 Alternative approach to combining revealed and stated preference data: evaluating water quality of a river system in Taipei
by Daigee Shaw & Yu-Lan Chien & Yih-Ming Lin - 113-128 Economic incentives and optimal waste management: Korean experiences in unit pricing for garbage collection
by Jeong Rhee - 113-128 Economic incentives and optimal waste management: Korean experiences in unit pricing for garbage collection
by Jeong Jeon Rhee - 129-146 Reproductive value, harvest value, and impact multiplier as indicators for maximum sustainable fisheries
by Hiroyuki Matsuda & Atsushi Yamauchi & Yoshiharu Matsumiya & Takashi Yamakawa - 129-146 Reproductive value, harvest value, and impact multiplier as indicators for maximum sustainable fisheries
by Hiroyuki Matsuda & Atsushi Yamauchi & Yoshiharu Matsumiya & Takashi Yamakawa - 147-165 Voluntary agreements: cost-effective or a smokescreen for failure?
by Kilian Bizer - 147-165 Voluntary agreements: cost-effective or a smokescreen for failure?
by Kilian Bizer
March 1999, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-37 Global warming as a cooperative game
by Hirofumi Uzawa - 1-37 Global warming as a cooperative game
by Hirofumi Uzawa - 39-63 Governance by green taxes: implementing clean water policies in Europe 1970–1990
by Mikael Andersen - 39-63 Governance by green taxes: implementing clean water policies in Europe 1970–1990
by Mikael Skou Andersen - 65-89 Measuring values of wetlands in Taiwan
by Kai-Lih Chen - 65-89 Measuring values of wetlands in Taiwan
by Kai-Lih Chen - 91-95 High-tech pollution in Japan
by Fumikazu Yoshida - 91-95 High-tech pollution in Japan
by Fumikazu Yoshida
December 1998, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 95-111 Concept of sustainable development: An evaluation of its usefulness 10 years after Brundtland
by David Pearce & Giles Atkinson - 95-111 Concept of sustainable development: An evaluation of its usefulness 10 years after Brundtland
by David Pearce & Giles Atkinson - 113-139 Assessment of technological options in the global energy system for limiting the atmospheric CO2 concentration
by Yasumasa Fujii & Kenji Yamaji - 113-139 Assessment of technological options in the global energy system for limiting the atmospheric CO 2 concentration
by Yasumasa Fujii & Kenji Yamaji - 141-160 Energy technology changes and CO2 emission scenarios in China
by Kejun Jiang & Xiulian Hu & Yuzuru Matsuoka & Tsuneyuki Morita - 141-160 Energy technology changes and CO 2 emission scenarios in China
by Kejun Jiang & Xiulian Hu & Yuzuru Matsuoka & Tsuneyuki Morita - 161-186 Environmental policy and status for chlorinated dioxins and related compounds
by Shin-ichi Sakai - 161-186 Environmental policy and status for chlorinated dioxins and related compounds
by Shin-ichi Sakai - 187-195 Lake Biwa development and beyond
by Masahisa Nakamura - 187-195 Lake Biwa development and beyond
by Masahisa Nakamura
June 1998, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-18 Climate change, response timing, and integrated assessment modeling
by Akihiro Amano - 3-18 Climate change, response timing, and integrated assessment modeling
by Akihiro Amano - 19-38 Environmental problems and policies in postwar Japan reviewed
by Shigeto Tsuru - 19-38 Environmental problems and policies in postwar Japan reviewed
by Shigeto Tsuru - 39-67 A comparative study on environmental policy development processes in the three East Asian countries: Japan, Korea, and China
by Yohei Harashima & Tsuneyuki Morita - 39-67 A comparative study on environmental policy development processes in the three East Asian countries: Japan, Korea, and China
by Yohei Harashima & Tsuneyuki Morita - 69-93 Environmental resource accounting frameworks for the public domain and public trust managements
by Yoshifusa Kitabatake - 69-93 Environmental resource accounting frameworks for the public domain and public trust managements
by Yoshifusa Kitabatake