2002, Volume 27, Issue 2
2002, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-22 The dynamic specification of the modified pecking order theory: Its relevance to Italy
by Maria Elena Bontempi - 23-47 A semiflexible normalized quadratic inverse demand system: an application to the price formation of fish
by Richard C. Bishop & Matthew T. Holt - 49-62 Are U.S. regions converging? Using new econometric methods to examine old issues
by Timothy J. Vogelsang & Marc Tomljanovich - 63-90 The European Community Household Panel: A review
by Franco Peracchi - 91-100 A panel cointegration approach to the investment-saving correlation
by Tsung-wu Ho - 101-112 Uncertainty of outcome versus reputation: Empirical evidence for the First German Football Division
by Georg Stadtmann & Dirk Czarnitzki - 113-129 Output gap uncertainty: Does it matter for the Taylor rule?
by Frank Smets - 131-148 Nonlinearity in dynamic adjustment: Semiparametric estimation of panel labor supply
by Qi Li & Thomas J. Kniesner
2001, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 599-622 The impact of health on wages: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
by (*), Nigel Rice & Paul Contoyannis - 623-650 Who is ruling Europe? Empirical evidence on the German Dominance Hypothesis
by Mariam Camarero & Javier Ordóñez - 651-672 Stock prices and money velocity: a multi-country analysis
by Massimo Caruso - 673-705 A small continuous time macro-econometric model of the Czech Republic
by Emil Stavrev - 707-720 The economic impact of EU-enlargement: assessing the migration potential
by Michael Fertig - 721-726 The sensitivity of the RESET tests to disturbance autocorrelation in regression analysis
by Siu Fai Leung & Shihti Yu
2001, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 461-486 The cause of Danish unemployment: Demand or supply shocks?
by Anders Warne & Henrik Hansen - 487-514 The minimum wage, employment, and the AS-IF methodology: A forecasting approach to evaluating the minimum wage
by Paul Wolfson & Dale Belman - 515-524 Estimating productivity and returns to scale in the US textile industry
by Harri Ramcharran - 525-551 Do reductions in black market exchange rate premia cause inflation?
by Bruno Larue & Jean-Philippe Gervais - 553-564 Okun's Law Does the Austrian unemployment-GDP relationship exhibit structural breaks?
by Leopold Sögner - 565-580 The stock market and investment in the small and open Norwegian economy
by Øystein Gjerde & Kjell Henry Knivsflå & Frode Sættem - 581-597 Testing for nonlinearities in German bank stock returns
by Sophie Robé & Reinhold Kosfeld
2001, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 325-341 The treatment of seasonality in error correction models as unobserved component: a case study for an Austrian consumption function
by Michael Wüger & Gerhard Thury - 343-355 Testing the effect of an anti-dumping duty: The US salmon market
by Frank Asche - 357-366 Near unit root and the relationship between inflation and interest rates: A reexamination of the Fisher effect
by Markku Lanne - 367-389 Measuring the effectiveness of non-price export promotion using a supply-side approach
by C. Richard Shumway & H. Alan Love & Juan J. Porras - 391-405 Unobserved components in an error-correction model of consumption for Southern European countries
by Nicholas Sarantis & Chris Stewart - 407-427 The unequal distribution of unequal pay - An empirical analysis of the gender wage gap in Switzerland
by Dorothe Bonjour & Michael Gerfin - 429-446 Dynamic effects of public investment: Vector autoregressive evidence from six industrialized countries
by Stefan Mittnik & Thorsten Neumann - 447-459 A convenient representation for structural vector autoregressions
by Jörg Breitung
2001, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-5 Introduction
by Bernd Fitzenberger & Roger Koenker & JosÊ A. F. Machado - 7-40 Individual heterogeneity in the returns to schooling: instrumental variables quantile regression using twins data
by Omar Arias & Walter Sosa-Escudero & Kevin F. Hallock - 41-86 Testing for uniform wage trends in West-Germany: A cohort analysis using quantile regressions for censored data
by Reinhard Hujer & Bernd Fitzenberger & Reinhold Schnabel & Thomas E. MaCurdy - 87-113 Quantile regression with sample selection: Estimating women's return to education in the U.S
by Moshe Buchinsky - 115-134 Earning functions in Portugal 1982-1994: Evidence from quantile regressions
by José A. F. Machado & José Mata - 135-148 Wage inequality in a developing country: decrease in minimum wage or increase in education returns
by Xulia GonzÂlez & Daniel Miles - 149-167 How wide is the gap? An investigation of gender wage differences using quantile regression
by Angel López-Nicolás & Jaume García & Pedro J. Hernández - 169-182 The public-private sector wage gap in Zambia in the 1990s: A quantile regression approach
by Michael Rosholm & Helena Skyt Nielsen - 183-197 Asymmetric labor supply
by Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro - 199-220 Quantile regression for duration data: A reappraisal of the Pennsylvania Reemployment Bonus Experiments
by Yannis Bilias & Roger Koenker - 221-246 For whom the reductions count: A quantile regression analysis of class size and peer effects on scholastic achievement
by Jesse Levin - 247-257 The effects of demographics and maternal behavior on the distribution of birth outcomes
by Jason Abrevaya - 259-270 Nonparametric quantile regression analysis of R&D-sales relationship for Korean firms
by Joon-Woo Nahm - 271-292 Conditional value-at-risk: Aspects of modeling and estimation
by Len Umantsev & Victor Chernozhukov - 293-305 Portfolio style: Return-based attribution using quantile regression
by Gilbert W. Bassett Jr. & Hsiu-Lang Chen - 307-324 Integrated Conditional Moment testing of quantile regression models
by Herman J. Bierens & Donna K. Ginther
2000, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 541-561 Forecasting industrial production in the Euro area
by Giuseppe Parigi & Roberto Golinelli & Giorgio Bodo - 563-580 What color are commodity prices? A fractal analysis
by J. B. Cromwell & W. C. Labys & E. Kouassi - 581-603 The demand for money in Austria
by Bernd Hayo - 605-621 Is there a Laffer curve between aggregate output and public sector employment?
by Matti Virén & Erkki Koskela - 623-640 Efficiency of labour use in the Swedish banking industry: a stochastic frontier approach
by George E. Battese & Lennart Hjalmarsson & Almas Heshmati - 641-652 On moment condition failure in German stock returns: an application of recent advances in extreme value statistics
by Thomas Lux - 653-663 A monetary analysis of the Drachma/ECU exchange rate determination, 1980-1991
by George Zis & Athanasios P. Papadopoulos - 665-671 Peaks or tails - What distinguishes financial data?
by Walter KrÄmer & Ralf Runde - 673-697 Recruitment channel use and applicant arrival: An empirical analysis
by Piet Rietveld & Cees Gorter & Peter Nijkamp & Giovanni Russo - 699-714 Spell durations and the impact of censoring
by Michael A. Nolan - 715-719 A proposed set of nine regions for the United States and the inequality of population densities
by Henri Theil & Charles B. Moss
2000, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 369-392 Detrending methods and stylized facts of business cycles in Norway - an international comparison
by Hilde Christiane BjÛrnland - 393-419 Labor market dynamics when effort depends on wage growth comparisons
by Jean-Pierre Urbain & Franz Palm & David de la Croix - 421-436 Dynamic analysis of British demand for tourism abroad
by Panayiota Lyssiotou - 437-462 An analysis of housing expenditure using semiparametric cross-section models
by Bertrand Melenberg & Arthur van Soest & Erwin Charlier - 463-474 Segmented stochastic convergence across the G-7 countries
by Roberto Cellini & Antonello E. Scorcu - 475-493 Cointegration and common trends on the West German labour market
by Kai Carstensen & Gerd Hansen - 495-506 Sources of output growth in Singapore's services sector
by Renuka Mahadevan - 507-518 Bank acquisitions of investment dealers: Canadian evidence and implications for Glass-Steagall reform
by Nancy D. Ursel - 519-539 Invariance, price indices and estimation in almost ideal demand systems
by Adolf Buse & Wing H Chan
2000, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 189-208 Is it efficient to analyse efficiency rankings?
by Uwe Jensen - 229-246 Constrained nonparametric regression analysis of load curves
by Juan RodrÎguez-Poo - 247-259 Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in stochastic simulations: An application to policy simulations using a disequilibrium model of the West German economy 1960-1994
by Klaus Göggelmann & Peter Winker & Martin Schellhorn & Wolfgang Franz - 261-278 The cyclical behaviour of prices in the U.K.: Some structural time series evidence
by Imad A. Moosa - 279-296 Assessing the impact of taxes on female labor supply using a finite mixture approach
by Jörgen Hansen & Peter Ericson - 297-313 Black market exchange rates in India: an empirical analysis
by Jalal U. Siddiki - 315-325 The duration of new firms in banking: an application of Cox regression analysis
by Enrico Santarelli - 327-350 Institutional specifics and unemployment insurance eligibility in Canada: How sensitive are employment duration effects?
by Michael P. Kidd & Michael Shannon - 351-368 Private consumption behaviour, liquidity constraints and financial deregulation in France: a nonlinear analysis
by Eric Girardin & Lucio Sarno & Mark P. Taylor
2000, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-13 Regime shifts in the Danish term structure of interest rates
by Tom Engsted & Ken Nyholm - 15-34 Schooling choices: Preferences, discount rates, and rates of return
by Hessel Oosterbeek & Hans van Ophem - 35-59 Aggregation in models with quantity constraints: The CES aggregation function
by Horst Entorf & Henri R. Sneessens - 61-91 The effects of learning and signaling on money demand: With an application to heterodox inflation stabilization programs
by Francisco J. Ruge-Murcia - 93-109 Estimating a continuous time portfolio selection model: An application with UK data
by Burak Saltoglu - 111-125 Cointegration and causality in the exports-GDP nexus: The post-war evidence for Canada
by C. Michael Wernerheim - 127-148 R&D spillovers and productivity: Evidence from U.S. manufacturing microdata
by Bart Los & Bart Verspagen - 149-168 Price convergence of peripheral European countries on the way to the EMU: A time series approach
by Miriam Camarero & Vicente Esteve & Cecilio Tamarit - 169-187 Working time, employment, and work sharing: Evidence from Sweden
by Tor Jacobson & Henry Ohlsson
1999, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 621-640 Modelling the hidden economy and the tax-gap in New Zealand
by David E. A. Giles - 655-666 Tax reforms and the growth of government
by Steven M. Sheffrin - 667-691 Empirics of the median voter hypothesis in Japan
by Takero Doi - 711-717 On the long run effect of public capital on aggregate output: Estimation and sensitivity analysis
by Raymond G. Batina
1999, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 361-372 Estimating the public's social preference function between inflation and unemployment using survey data: The survey research center versus Gallup
by Susan W. Taylor & David J. Smyth & Pami Dua - 373-388 System estimates of potential output and the NAIRU
by Mikael Apel & Per Jansson - 389-402 Causality tests of budget and current account deficits: Cross-country comparisons
by Ahmed M. Khalid & Teo Wee Guan - 403-414 The introduction of seasonal unit roots and cointegration to test index aggregation optimality: An application to a Spanish farm price index
by Francisco J. MartÎn-âlvarez & Victor J. Cano-FernÂndez & JosÊ J. CÂceres-HernÂndez - 415-426 Money demand, the Cagan model, testing rational expectations vs adaptive expectations: The case of Turkey
by Kivilcim Metin & Ilker Muslu - 427-449 Long memory and level shifts: Re-analyzing inflation rates
by Philip Hans Franses & Marius Ooms & Charles S. Bos - 451-469 Long horizon predictability of exchange rates: Is it for real?
by Jan J. J. Groen - 471-482 Stable cointegrating regressions: Fully-modified estimates for inflation and employment cost indices
by Rosemary D. Rossiter - 483-507 Economic theory and econometric dynamics in modelling wages and prices in the United Kingdom
by Paul G. Fisher & Gunnar BÅrdsen - 509-528 Modeling Mexican agricultural production
by C. Richard Shumway & Hongil Lim - 529-535 Common serial correlation and common business cycles: A cautious note
by Gianluca Cubadda - 537-557 The effect of female and male schooling on economic growth in the Barro-Lee model
by Paula K. Lorgelly & P. Dorian Owen - 559-561 Note The measurement of inequality by components of total expenditure
by Henri Theil & Charles B. Moss
1999, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 183-209 Consumption-smoothing and the excessiveness of Greece's current account deficits
by Stelios Makrydakis - 211-223 Testing for negativity in a demand system: A Bayesian approach
by Hideo Kozumi & Noriko Hashimoto & Hikaru Hasegawa - 225-241 Estimation of an endogenous switching regression model with discrete dependent variables: Monte-Carlo analysis and empirical application of three estimators
by Ayal Kimhi - 243-269 Measuring persistence in aggregate output: ARMA models, fractionally integrated ARMA models and nonparametric procedures
by Erhard Reschenhofer & Benedikt M. Pötscher & Michael A. Hauser - 271-301 Performance of periodic time series models in forecasting
by Helmut Herwartz - 303-322 Volatility spillovers and the price of risk: Evidence from the Swiss stock market
by Christian Jochum - 323-329 Analyzing perceived hunger across states in the US
by Daniel J. Slottje & Hang K. Ryu - 331-339 Parametrizing nonparametric translog models: A goal programming/constrained regression study of U.S. manufacturing
by Houshmand Ziari & Azzeddine Azzam - 341-359 Spurious deterministic seasonality and autocorrelation corrections with quarterly data: Further Monte Carlo results
by Artur C. B. da Silva Lopes
1999, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-21 Encompassing and rational expectations: How sequential corroboration can imply refutation
by David F. Hendry & Neil R. Ericsson - 23-44 Convergence across industrialised countries (1890-1989): new results using time series methods
by Miguel S. Aubyn - 45-59 Nonlinear dynamics: Evidence for a small stock exchange
by Martin Scheicher - 61-76 Testing for structural change in the dynamic adjustment model with autoregressive errors
by Kien C. Tran - 77-99 Estimation of a German money demand system - a long-run analysis
by Kirstin Hubrich - 101-119 Distance in time between transition economies and the European Union
by Pavle Sicherl - 121-134 Foreign aid and fiscal behavior in a bounded rationality model: Different policy regimes
by Ira N. Gang & Haider Ali Khan - 135-153 An investigation into a non-linear stochastic trend model
by Klaus Neusser - 155-172 (When) Should cointegrating regressions be detrended? The case of a German money demand function
by Uwe Hassler - 173-180 note: Inequality and the business cycle: A consumption viewpoint
by David S. Johnson & Stephanie Shipp
1998, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 525-534 Interest expectations and exchange rates news
by Stefano Cavaglia & Willem F. C. Verschoor & Christian C. P. Wolff & Kees G. Koedijk - 535-559 Nonlinear dynamics and covered interest rate parity
by Mark E. Wohar & Nathan S. Balke - 561-571 Trade liberalization and capacity utilization: New evidence from the Turkish rubber industry
by Omer Gokcekus - 573-591 Trade balance and income in historical perspective
by Yoonbai Kim - 593-610 Determinants of domestic and import prices in Canadian manufacturing industries
by Stanley W. Kardasz & Kenneth R. Stollery - 611-633 Survival and efficiency curves for capital and the time-age-profile of vintage prices
by Erik BiÛrn - 635-639 Note Short-term predictability of German stock returns
by Walter KrÄmer
1998, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 263-266 Money demand in Europe: Editors' preface
by JØrgen Wolters & Helmut LØtkepohl - 267-294 Exogeneity, causality, and co-breaking in economic policy analysis of a small econometric model of money in the UK
by Grayham E. Mizon & David F. Hendry - 295-315 Empirical modeling of money demand
by Neil R. Ericsson - 317-337 Stability of the demand for M1 and harmonized M3 in Finland
by Antti Ripatti - 339-354 The demand for broad money in Norway, 1969-1993
by ûyvind Eitrheim - 355-370 The stability of German money demand: Not just a myth
by Michael Scharnagl - 371-386 A money demand system for German M3
by JØrgen Wolters & Helmut LØtkepohl - 387-400 Money demand stability: Evidence from Spain
by Juan Luis Vega - 401-415 Friedman and Schwartz (1982) revisited: Assessing annual and phase-average models of money demand in the United Kingdom
by David F. Hendry & Kevin M. Prestwich & Neil R. Ericsson - 417-436 Broad money demand and financial liberalization in Greece
by Sunil Sharma & Neil R. Ericsson - 437-454 Stability of money demand in Switzerland: A comparison of the M2 and M3 cases
by Michel Peytrignet & Christof Stahel - 455-481 Changing monetary transmission mechanisms within the EU
by Katarina Juselius - 483-506 Long run money demand in the EU: Evidence for area-wide aggregates
by Gabriel Fagan & JÊrÆme Henry - 507-524 Wealth and the demand for money in the European union
by Carlo C. A. Winder & Martin M. G. Fase
1998, Volume 23, Issue 1/2
- 1-3 Special Issue on `Long term unemployment and social assistance': Introduction
by Tito Boeri & Andreas Wörgötter - 5-30 Transition from unemployment benefits to social assistance in seven European OECD countries
by Hans Hansen - 31-54 Long-term unemployment and short-term unemployment benefits: The changing nature of non-employment subsidies in Central and Eastern Europe
by Scott Edwards & Tito Boeri - 55-85 Long-term unemployment, unemployment benefits and social assistance: The Polish experience
by Marek GÕra & Christoph M. Schmidt - 87-120 Work incentive and other effects of social assistance and unemployment benefit policy in the Czech Republic
by Katherine Terrell & Michaela Erbenova & Vit Sorm - 121-153 Work incentives and other effects of the transition to social assistance: Evidence from the Slovak Republic
by Martina Lubyova & Jan van Ours - 155-175 Unemployment assistance in Hungary
by Gyula Nagy & John Micklewright - 177-202 Transition from cash benefits to work: The case of Slovenia
by Milan Vodopivec - 203-235 Long-term unemployment, social assistance and labor market policies in Romania
by Catalin Pauna & John S. Earle - 237-261 Work incentives and other effects of the transition to social assistance in the transition economies: Evidence from Bulgaria
by Mariana M. Kotzeva & Derek C. Jones
1997, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 483-500 Trends in Real Income in Britain: A Microeconomic Analysis
by Jenkins, Stephen P - 501-514 Changing American Earnings Distributions: One-half Century of Experience
by Bishop, John A & Formby, John P & Thistle, Paul D - 515-531 A New Approach to the Decomposition of the Gini Income Inequality Ratio
by Dagum, Camilo - 533-546 Global and Regional Inequality in the Distribution of Income: Estimation with Limited and Incomplete Data
by Chotikapanich, Duangkamon & Valenzuela, Rebecca & Rao, D S Prasada - 547-554 Gini's "Transvariazione" and the Measurement of Distance between Distributions
by Deutsch, Joseph & Silber, Jacques - 555-570 The Uncertain Unit Root in the U.S. Poverty Rate
by Raj, Baldev & Slottje, Daniel J - 571-588 The Measurement of Poverty: An Experimental Questionnaire Investigation
by Amiel, Yoram & Cowell, Frank - 589-613 Measuring the Welfare Effects of Tax Changes Using the LES: An Application to a Carbon Tax
by Cornwell, Antonia & Creedy, John - 615-635 Generational and Gender-Specific Aspects of the Tax and Transfer System in Denmark
by Jensen, Svend E Hougaard & Raffelhuschen, Bernd - 637-641 Stocks and the Weather: An Exercise in Data Mining or Yet Another Capital Market Anomaly?
by Kramer, Walter & Runde, Ralf
1997, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 321-330 The Structure of Production of the Spanish Telecommunications Sector
by Lopez, Elena - 331-344 Testing for Seasonal Integration and Cointegration: The Austrian Consumption Income Relationship
by Han, Liyan & Thury, Gerhard - 345-363 The Pricing of Time-Varying Beta
by Gonzalez-Rivera, Gloria - 365-392 Estimating Inequality in the Distribution of Welfare Using Demand Models
by Nicol, Christopher J - 393-408 On the Endogeneity of Output in Dynamic Labour-Demand Models
by Gorter, Cees & Hassink, Wolter & Nijkamp, Peter & Pels, Eric - 409-429 Household Characteristics and Consumption Behaviour: A Nonparametric Approach
by Delgado, Miguel A & Miles, Daniel - 431-460 A Monte Carlo Evaluation of Labor Supply Models
by Ericson, Peter & Flood, Lennart - 461-480 Bayesian Estimation of Duration Models: An Application of the Multiperiod Probit Model
by Campolieti, Michele
1997, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 161-179 The Information Content of the Term Structure: Evidence for Germany
by Gerlach, Stefan - 181-203 Canadian Wage Inequality over the Last Two Decades
by Burbidge, John B & Magee, Lonnie & Robb, A Leslie - 205-231 Seasonal Cointegration Analysis of German Consumption Function
by Reimers, Hans-Eggert - 233-245 The Effect of Option Trading at the DTB on the Underlying Stocks' Return Variance
by Heer, Burkhard & Trede, Mark & Wahrenburg, Mark - 247-271 Semiparametric and Nonparametric Testing for Long Memory: A Monte Carlo Study
by Hauser, Michael A - 273-291 Tax Reform in a Two-Class Growth Model
by Felder, Stefan - 293-320 Generalized Habit Formation in an Inverse Almost Ideal Demand System: An Application to Meat Expenditures in the U.S
by Holt, Matthew T & Goodwin, Barry K
1997, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-13 Substitution Elasticities between Durable and Nondurable Goods in the United States: New Evidence from the Dynamic Laurent System
by Fleissig, Adrian R - 15-40 An Adelman-Test for Growth Cycles in West Germany
by Lucke, Bernd - 41-61 The Impact of Wages on Job Search in a Transition Economy--Evidence with Data from Eastern Germany
by Hubler, Olaf - 63-81 Consumption and Fiscal Policy: UK Evidence from a Cointegration Approach on Substitution between Private and Public Spending on Goods and Services
by Molana, Hassan - 83-102 Economic and Demographic Factors in U.S. Alcohol Demand: A Growth-Accounting Analysis
by Nelson, Jon P - 103-116 Fractional Integration with Drift: Estimation in Small Samples
by Smith, Anthony A, Jr & Sowell, Fallaw & Zin, Stanley E - 117-129 Financial Liberalization: The Case of Sri Lanka
by Ghatak, Subrata - 131-152 Sequential and Multinomial Logit: A Nested Model
by van Ophem, Hans & Schram, Arthur - 153-156 Comment on "U.S. Oil Consumption, Oil Prices, and the Macroeconomy."
by Hamilton, James D - 157-159 U.S. Oil Consumption, Oil Prices, and the Macroeconomy: A Reply
by Darrat, Ali F & Gilley, Otis W
1996, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 483-499 Union Coverage and Sectoral Wages: Evidence from the Netherlands
by Lever, Marcel H C & Marquering, Wessel A - 501-512 Nerlovian Area Response as an Error Correction Model: An Application to Western Canadian Agriculture
by Clark, J Stephen & Klein, K K - 513-533 Microeconometric Models of Infrequently Purchased Goods: An Application to Household Pork Consumption
by Su, Shew-Jiuan B & Yen, Steven T - 535-555 A Spectral Decomposition for Structural VAR Models
by Stiassny, Alfred - 557-573 Productivity Growth in Passenger-Bus Transportation: A Heteroskedastic Error Component Model with Unbalanced Panel Data
by Kumbhakar, Subal C & Bhattacharyya, Arunava - 575-587 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Analysis of Underreported Count Data with an Application to Worker Absenteeism
by Winkelmann, Rainer - 589-600 Unemployment Hysteresis--Macro Evidence from 16 OECD Countries
by Roed, Knut - 601-616 Money and Inflation in Germany: A Cointegration Analysis
by Hansen, Gerd & Kim, Jeong-Ryeol - 617-632 An Experimental Note on the Allais Paradox and Monetary Incentives
by Burke, Michael S & Carter, John R. & Gominiak, Robert D. & Ohl, Daniel F - 633-639 Stock Adjustment for Multicointegrated Series
by Lee, Tae-Hwy
1996, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 317-334 US Oil Consumption, Oil Prices, and the Macroeconomy
by Darrat, Ali F & Gilley, Otis W & Meyer, Don J - 335-359 Capacity Utilization under Dynamic Profit Maximization
by Fousekis, Panos & Stefanou, Spiro E