1980, Volume 5, Issue 3/4
- 143-191 Impact of Foreign Prices and Interest Rates on Canadian Economy under Alternative Monetary and Exchange Rate Regimes
by Rao, P S & Whillans, J D - 193-203 An Empirical Examination of Factor Substitutability
by Uri, N D - 205-217 Government Policy Dynamics in Structural and Reduced Form Estimation
by Gelfand, J & Lahiri, K & Osborne, T - 219-232 A Polynomial Distributed Lag Model with Stochastic Coefficients and Priors
by Ullah, A & Raj, B - 233-244 Monetary Indexation and Economic Stability: A Simulation Study of the U.S. Economy
by Zilberfarb, B-Z - 245-253 Factor Endowments and Trade of the United States and Taiwan: The Leontief Paradox Re-Examined
by Tsao, J T H - 255-261 Interest Rates as Predictors of Inflation in Small Economies: Some Empirical Results
by Katz, E
1980, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 69-81 The Polynomial Distributed Lag Revisited
by Terasvirta, T - 83-108 Deposit Rate Ceiling Deregulation and Mortgage Innovation
by Kearl, J R - 109-127 Structural Analysis and Forecasts of Commodity Imports Using Cross-Section Relationships
by Parikh, A & Edwards, R - 129-142 A System of Demand Equations for Austria
by Bohm, B & Rieder, R & Tintner, G
1980, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-14 An Input-Output Approach to Forecasting Gross Domestic Output and Employment Intensities by Sectors
by Parikh, A & Edwards, R - 15-29 Pollution Macro-Economic Trade-Off at Regional Level (An Input-Output Analysis of Moreton Region)
by Karunaratne, N D - 31-37 Expectations and the Price Equation: Some Estimates for the UK
by Holden, K & Peel, D A - 39-54 H J K L (House, Job, Kids and Leisure) or the Daily Life of Women in France in the Late Sixties: An Economist's View
by Silber, J - 55-67 Demographic Changes and Economic Consequences: Demo-Economic Multiplier for Austria
by Luptasik, M & Schmoranz, I
1979, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 221-234 Some Tests for Money Illusion and Distribution Effects in the Aggregate Consumption Function
by Koskela, Erkki & Sullstrom, Risto - 235-246 Simultaneous Technologies and Demand and Supply Conditions in International Trade
by Kohli, Ulrich R - 247-279 Employment, Factor Income Distribution, and Economic Growth: Theory and Planning
by Correa, Hector - 281-291 Some Sensitivity Aspects of Optimal Control Calculations for Economic Systems
by Sandblom, Carl-Louis - 293-301 An Economic Model of Mental Hospitals
by Machnes, Yaffa
1979, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 149-165 An Input-Output Approach to the Estimation of Employment Requirements in Europe
by Parikh, A - 167-186 A Monte Carlo Study of the Small Sample Properties of Various Estimators of Solow's Distributed Lag Model
by Guthrie, R S - 187-198 The Economic Development of the FRG and USA: A Principal-Components-Analysis
by Fuhrmann, W - 199-219 A Structural Econometric Model of Czechoslovakia: 1954-1975
by Brada, J & King, A E
1979, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 87-99 Model Estimation and Verification-Some Recent Approaches
by Herbert, J H - 101-109 Quotas and the Structure of Consumer Demand
by Fortune, J N - 111-134 Modeling Equilibrium Trends and Interventions in Commodity Markets
by Stauffer, R E & Mingst, K A - 135-148 Protection and Commercial Policy: Experiments with a General Equilibrium Econometric Model
by Clements, K W
1979, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-10 A Minimum Dimension State-Space Representation for Deterministic Economic System, Instrument Instability and the Design of Stable Feedback Policy
by Myoken, H - 11-41 Performance of the LINK System: 1970 versus 1975 Base Year Trade Share Matrix
by Beaumont, P & Prucha, I & Filatov, V - 43-51 The Comparative Performance of the Iterative Instrumental Variables Estimator Using Structural and Predictive Criteria
by Dutta, M & Loeb, P D & Smith, V Kerry - 53-62 How Symmetric Is International Trade?
by Theil, H - 63-85 The Pacific Basin in World Trade: An Analysis of Changing Trade Patterns, 1955-1975
by Hickman, B G & Kuroda, Y & Lau, L J
1978, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 209-226 A Monetary Model of Nominal Income Determination for the U.K
by Matthews, K G P - 227-239 On the Adequacy of Consumption Functions for Austria
by Hackl, P & Katzenbeisser, W - 241-252 A Comparative Study on the Structure of the Chemical Industry in Belgium and Italy
by Parikh, A - 253-275 Oil Market Share Dynamics: A Markov Chain Analysis of Consumer and Producer Adjustments
by Kosobud, Richard F & Stokes, Houston H
1978, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 135-154 A Macroeconomic Model for Nigeria, 1958-1974
by Ghosh, D & Kazi, U - 155-181 Personal Income Tax Policies: A Study for West-Germany
by Pauly, Ralf - 183-201 An Empirical Study of World Market Influences on Price Formation in West Germany
by Morel, C & Steinherr, Alfred - 203-207 A World Model of International Trade: A Supplement on Measuring the Competitive Prices and Regional Weights in (1-9) Markets
by Marwah, K
1978, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-77 Reply to a Comment of G. Uebe: The "Flat" Maximumlikelihood Function Related to the Direct Estimation of an Austrian CES-Function
by Deutsch, Edwin - 71-76 Note: The "Flat" Maximumlikelihood Function Related to the Direct Estimation of an Austrian CES-Function
by Uebe, G - 79-89 Economic and Personality Determinants of Presidential Popularity
by Frey, Bruno S & Schneider, Friedrich - 91-113 The Structure of Technology: Nonjointness and Commodity Augmentation, Federal Republic of Germany, 1950-1973
by Conrad, Klaus & Jorgenson, Dale W - 115-122 The Influence of Money on Prices in 14 OECD Countries, 1958-1975
by Holden, K & Peel, D A - 123-134 A Multi-Lognormal Demand Model for Oligopolistic Markets
by Michelini, C
1978, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-29 Towards Money, Output and Prices: A Capacity View of Inflation (MOP-CAP)
by Marwah, K - 31-47 The Role of Bank Overdrafts in the Finnish Financial System
by Kanniainen, Vesa - 49-70 The Network Structure of the United States Input-Output Table
by Slater, P B
1977, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 213-223 Aggregated Dynamic Demand Equations for Specialistic-outpatient Medical Care (Estimated from a Time-Series of Cross-Sections)
by van der Gaag, J & van Praag, B.M.S. & Rutten, F.H. & van de Ven, W - 225-243 A Multivariate Time Series Approach to Modelling Macroeconomic Sequences
by Ledolter, Johannes - 245-251 The Discrete Specification of the State-Adjustment Model when the State Is Unobservable
by Weiserbs, Daniel - 253-277 The Accumulation Structure of Consumer Durables and Its Empirical Analysis
by Pauly, Ralf
1977, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 123-136 Input-Output Anatomy of Import Elasticities
by Skolka, Jiri V - 137-173 Towards a Research into Island and Mainland Seaport Location Patterns by Means of Factor Analysis
by Winkelmans, W - 175-193 Some Problems in the Use of Almon's Technique in the Estimation of Distributed Lags
by Thomas, J J - 195-211 Stabilization and Nonfederal Behaviour in an Open Federal State: An Econometric Study of the Fixed Exchange Rate, Canadian Case
by Sheikh, Munir A & Winer, Stanley L
1977, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 59-65 Spectral Analysis of a Medium Sized German Econometric Model: Comment [Stochastic Properties of a Linear Econometric Model of the Federal Republic of Germany.]
by Uebe, G - 67-68 Reply [Stochastic Properties of a Linear Econometric Model of the Federal Republic of Germany.]
by Wolters, Jurgen - 69-77 Regression by Spline Functions
by Gnad, W - 79-100 Price Response of the Production and Import Structure-An Econometric Analysis, FRG 1954-1967
by Conrad, K & Fahrion, R - 101-108 A Variable Projection Algorithm for Estimating Nonlinear Systems of Equations by Iterated Generalized Least Squares
by Corradi, Corrado - 109-122 Technical Efficiency and Dimension of the Firm: Some Results on the Use of Frontier Production Functions
by Meeusen, Wim & van den Broeck, J
1977, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-9 The Determination of Groups of Functionally Integrated Industries in the United States Using a 1967 Interindustry Flow Table
by Slater, Paul B - 11-30 International Factor Mobility and the Labor Market: A Macroeconometric Analysis of the German Labor Market
by Franz, Wolfgang - 31-57 Problems of Monetary Control in Norway
by Handler, Heinz
1976, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 217-230 A Consistent Estimation of a Short-Term Forecasting Model of the Swiss Economy
by Mattei, Aurelio - 231-249 On Monopoly Welfare Gains, Scale Efficiency and the Costs of Decentralization
by Hjalmarsson, Lennart - 251-288 An Econometric Simulation Model of West Germany: The Littauer Model
by Spahn, P Bernd
1976, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 153-166 Results of a Vintage-Capital Model for the Federal Republic of Germany
by Gorzig, B - 167-188 Stochastic Properties of a Linear Econometric Model of the Federal Republic of Germany
by Wolters, J - 189-216 The Monetary Sector of the German Economy
by Martiensen, Jorn
1976, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 81-102 An Econometric Model of International Capital Flows and the Foreign Exchange Market: The German Case, 1961 I-1970 IV
by Sandermann, G - 103-118 A Model for Capital Movements in Finland's Balance of Payments
by Aurikko, E - 119-127 Do New Factories Embody Potential Best Practice Technology?
by Eide, E - 129-152 Polynomial Approximation of Distributed Lags and Linear Restrictions: A Bayesian Approach
by Mouchart, Michel & Orsi, R
1976, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-39 A World Model of International Trade: Forecasting Market Shares and Trade Flows
by Marwah, Kanta - 41-51 The Estimation of Distributed Lags by Spline Functions
by Corradi, C & Gambetta, G - 53-80 Identification of Industrial Complexes from the Input-Output Tables of Canada and the USA: Some Empirical Tests
by Lodh, B K & Lewis, J S