May 1973, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 205-223 Economic determinants of fertility: Results from cross sectional aggregate data
by Glen Cain & Adriana Weininger - 225-241 Interrelations between migration and fertility in Thailand
by Sidney Goldstein - 243-258 Migration differentials by education and occupation: Trends and variations
by Larry Long - 259-275 A test and modification of zipf’s hypothesis for predicting interstate migration
by James Tarver & R. McLeod - 277-287 Estimating internal migration from incomplete data using model multiregional life tables
by Andrei Rogers - 289-299 The limits to growth: A report for the club of rome’s project on the predicament of mankind Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jergen Randers, and William W. Behrens, III
by Warren Robinson
February 1973, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-17 Occupational mobility and fertility in metropolitan Latin America
by Monica Boyd - 19-36 The effects of formal church affiliation and religiosity on the fertility patterns of Mexican-American catholics
by David Alvírez - 37-51 Fertility and economic dependency of Soviet women
by D. Mazur - 53-69 Urban growth and population densities
by Avery Guest - 71-84 Urbanization in New Zealand: A comparative analysis
by Campbell Gibson - 85-98 Birth control, income redistribution, and the rate of saving: The case of Mexico
by John Isbister - 99-112 Postamenorrheic versus postpartum strategies of contraception
by Robert Potter & G. Masnick & Murray Gendell - 113-121 An exponential model of female sterility
by Donald Pittenger - 123-123 Comment on e. van de walle and J. Knodel’s “Teaching Population Dynamics With A Simulation Exercise”
by David Marple - 125-136 Review symposium
by E. Grebenik & Edward Stockwell
November 1972, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 521-529 Population density and the city
by Amos Hawley - 531-548 Contraceptive sterilization in the U. S.: 1965 and 1970
by Larry Bumpass & Harriet Presser - 549-567 Asymptotic implications of fluctuating nuptiality and fertility considering both sexes together
by Che-Fu Lee - 569-587 The fallacy of the five million women: A re-estimate
by Judith Blake & Prithwis Gupta - 589-601 Model life tables: An empirical test of their applicability to less developed countries
by Arjun Adlakha - 603-615 Urban determinants of racial differentiation in infant mortality
by Robert Jiobu - 617-624 Methods for measuring school performance through cohort analysis
by Jacques Légaré - 625-633 Forecasting first grade public school enrollment by neighborhood
by Ruth Fabricant & Janice Weinman - 635-653 Male labor force participation revisited
by Roger Baer - 655-664 Metropolitan migration efficiency
by Omer Galle & Max Williams - 665-681 The determinants of migration between standard metropolitan statistical areas
by Michael Greenwood & Douglas Sweetland - 683-699 Interdivisional migration differentials by education for groups of selected SMSA’S, United States, 1960
by A. Zodgekar & K. Seetharam - 701-703 Critical notes on an alleged operationalization of the concept of spatial utility
by Emilio Casetti - 705-707 Rejoinder to casetti’s “critical notes on an alleged operationalization of the concept of spatial utility”
by Lawrence Brown & Frank Horton & Robert Wittick
August 1972, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 339-352 Reduction in fertility due to induced abortions: A simulation model
by K. Venkatacharya - 353-370 The 1960s: A decade of progress for blacks?
by Reynolds Farley & Albert Hermalin - 371-382 The influence of mumber and ages of children on residential mobility
by Larry Long - 383-398 A further note on the relation between economic development and fertility
by Ita Ekanem - 399-414 The temporal relationship of marriage, conception, and birth in Massachusetts
by Elizabeth Whelan - 415-430 Retrospective evidence of a decline of fertility and child mortality in Bangladesh
by T. Schultz - 431-441 Factors influencing the casefinding of migrations in the Liberian fertility survey
by John Rumford - 443-453 On the ratio-correlation and related methods of subnational population estimation
by N. Namboodiri - 455-463 Preprocessing the 1960–1970 U. S. census public use samples
by James Sakoda & William Sakoda - 465-483 A mathematical model for resource allocation in population programs
by Charles Lawrence & Axel Mundigo & Charles ReVelle - 485-498 Mortality risks, sequential decisions on births, and population growth
by Donald O’Hara - 499-505 The relationship of family planning to savings and consumption in Taiwan
by Deborah Freedman - 507-510 The poor as a “perfect contraceptive population” and zero population growth
by Karl Bauman - 511-514 A note on the population of seventeenth century London
by George Zito - 515-515 Comment on N. Fergany’s “On the Human Survivorship Function and Life Table Construction”
by Samarendranath Mitra - 516-516 Erratum to: A systems model for the population renewal process
by W. O’Neill - 516-516 Erratum to: Non-familial activity and socio-economic differentials in fertility
by Stanley Kupinsky
May 1972, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 187-202 Trends in age at marriage in postwar Ireland
by Brendan Walsh - 203-215 Tobacco smoking and the sex mortality differential
by Robert Retherford - 217-230 Residence background, migration, and fertility
by P. Ritchey & C. Stokes - 231-240 The three R's: Residence, religion, and reproduction
by Robert Weller & Leon Bouvier - 241-248 Optimal population and increasing returns to scale
by Robert Cole - 249-255 Maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters of a continuous time model for first conception
by S. Singh & T. Bhaduri - 257-261 Determinants of male labor mobility
by Donald Pursell - 263-274 A stocks and flows approach to a theory of human migration with examples from past Irish migration
by Desmond O'Rourke - 275-293 Impact of population changes on education cost
by Eduardo Arriaga - 295-308 Some population characteristics of villages differentiated by size, location, and growth
by Glenn Fuguitt & Donald Field - 309-320 A systems model for the population renewal process
by John Bongaarts & William O'Neill - 321-335 City-suburban destination choices among migrants to metropolitan areas
by Alan Kirschenbaum - 336-336 Erratum to: Use of a fertility simulation model to refine measurement techniques
by J. Barrett
February 1972, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-11 A study on IUD retention by curve-fitting
by Peng Liu & Lien Chow & Helen Abbey - 13-33 Gradients of metropolitan dominance in turkey: Alternative models
by Roy Treadway - 35-50 A Gompertz fit that fits: Applications to canadian fertility patterns
by Edmund Murphy & Dhruva Nagnur - 51-68 Development and accuracy of projections of population and households in the united states
by Jacob Siegel - 69-86 Evaluation of family planning program performance: A critical review
by Jack Reynolds - 87-105 Net immigration of gainful workers into the united states, 1870–1930
by Joseph Schachter - 107-117 Factorial ecology: A critique and some suggestions
by Alfred Hunter - 119-128 Demographic correlates of group achievement: contrasting patterns of Mexican-Americans and Japanese-Americans
by Peter Uhlenberg - 129-141 Factors associated with religious and civil marriages
by Ira Rosenwalke - 143-157 The living arrangements of separated, widowed, and divorced mothers
by James Sweet - 159-171 Patterns of family location
by Avery Guest - 173-185 Fertility, life cycle stage and female labor Force participation in Rhode Island: A retrospective overview
by Frank Mott
November 1971, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 427-439 Social structure and the female labor force: The case of women workers in muslim Middle Eastern countries
by Nadia Youssef - 441-450 The precision of population projections studied by multiple prediction methods
by Tore Schweder - 451-458 Family growth, household density, and moving
by Albert Chevan - 459-480 Redistribution and assimilation of ethnic populations: The Los Angeles case
by Maurice Arsdol & Leo Schuerman - 481-490 Use of a fertility simulation model to refine measurement techniques
by J. Barrett - 491-505 A model to estimate births averted due to IUCDs and sterilizations
by K. Venkatacharya - 507-517 The contraceptive potential of early versus delayed insertion of the intrauterine device
by Robert Potter & G. Masnick - 519-524 A model for estimating fecundability of the currently married woman from the data on her susceptibility status—A cohort approach
by K. Pathak - 525-536 A new method for estimating the level of natural fertility in populations practicing birth control
by Thomas Espenshade - 537-540 Mortality level, desired family size, and population increase: Comment
by Susan Cochrane - 541-548 Male and female components of perinatal mortality: International trends, 1901–63
by Michael Teitelbaum - 549-569 A new look at the marriage market and nuptiality rates, 1915–1958
by Charles Hirschman & Judah Matras - 571-580 Models
by Nathan Keyfitz - 581-581 Erratum to: The relative importance of the components of urban growth in Latin America
by Robert Weller & John Macisco & George Martine
August 1971, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 297-305 Public response to the 1970 census: A Wisconsin survey
by Harry Sharp & Leo Schnore - 307-317 Economic structure and fertility: A comparative analysis
by John Kasarda - 319-330 An empirical study of the effects of socioeconomic development on fertility rates
by Barbara Janowitz - 331-334 On the human survivorship function and life table construction
by Nader Fergany - 335-339 Estimation of contraceptive continuation functions
by William Kelly - 341-352 A stochastic approach to the estimation of the prevalence of IUD: Example of Taiwan, Republic of China
by P. Liu & L. Chow - 353-367 Non-familial activity and socio-economic differentials in fertility
by Stanley Kupinsky - 369-377 Residence background, socioeconomic status, and fertility
by P. Ritchey & C. Stokes - 379-388 Education, health and family size as determinants of labor market activity for the poor and nonpoor
by C. Hill - 389-400 Akinetic model of population dynamics
by D. Schweitzer & G. Dienes - 401-410 On linear models in the study of perinatal mortality
by B. Fischler & E. Peritz & J. Wingerd - 411-425 Interpersonal communication and the diffusion of family planning in West Malaysia
by James Palmore & Paul Hirsch & Ariffin Marzuki
May 1971, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 157-169 Effects of the immigration act of 1965 on selected population characteristics of immigrants to the United States
by Charles Keely - 171-184 Chronic movers and the future redistribution of population: A longitudinal analysis
by Peter Morrison - 185-194 Estimation of interregional migration streams from place-of-birth-by-residence data
by Andrel Rogers & Burkhard Rabenau - 195-204 Age, education and occupation differentials in interregional migration: Some evidence for Canada
by Marvin McInnis - 205-223 Urbanization in Thailand, 1947–1967
by Sidney Goldstein - 225-232 The relative importance of the components of urban growth in Latin America
by Robert Weller & John Macisco & George Martine - 233-245 Intraindustry division of labor: The states of Mexico
by Harley Browning & Jack Gibbs - 247-259 Fertility trends in Australia
by Geraldine Spencer - 261-270 The prevalence of surgical sterilization in a suburban population
by Nancy Phillips - 271-295 Plans for the 1971 census of Canada
by T. Beynon & G. Joshi & F. Pierre-Pierre
February 1971, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-12 Malthus on Godwin’s of population
by Joseph Spengler - 13-26 The Malthus-Godwin debate, then and now
by William Petersen - 27-36 Expectations of additional children by race, parity, and selected socio-economic characteristics, United States: 1967
by Maria Davidson - 37-48 Modern and traditional value orientations and fertility behavior: A social demographic study
by William Clifford - 49-69 Industrialization, family and fertility: A structural-psychological analysis of the Brazilian case
by Bemard Rosen & Alan Simmons - 71-80 On the momentum of population growth
by Nathan Keyfitz - 81-90 The residential distribution of status groups in Puerto Rico’s metropolitan areas
by Kent Schwirian & Jesus Rico-Velasco - 91-101 The residential segregation of occupational groups in central cities and suburbs
by John Fine & Norval Glenn & J. Kenneth Monts - 103-122 Intra-urban migrant lifelines: A spatial view
by Lawrence Brown & John Holmes - 123-139 Estimation of interprovincial migration for Canada from place of birth by residence data, 1951–1961
by M. George - 141-155 A comparison of the determinants of white and nonwhite interstate migration
by Michael Greenwood & Patrick Gormely
November 1970, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 393-399 Life table technique for the working ages
by Hannes Hyrenlus & Jan Quist - 401-410 Findings and implications of a correlation analysis of the closed and the open birth intervals
by K. Srinivasan - 411-415 Effects of group size on the availability of marriage partners
by David McFarland - 417-432 Empirical analysis of the contribution of age composition to population growth
by Samuel Preston - 433-448 Teaching population dynamics with a simulation exercise
by Etienne Walle & John Knodel - 449-458 Home ownership, life cycle stage, and residential mobility
by Alden Speare - 459-465 Analysis of oral contraceptive use through multiple decrement life table techniques
by T. Balakrishnan & J. Allingham & J. Kantner - 467-482 Iud retention in West Pakistan and methodology of assessment
by Donald Helbig & Habib Siddiqui & Samuel Hopkins & Paul Harper & Rowland Rider - 483-501 The nature and effects of Latin America’s non-western trend in fertility
by Eduardo Arriaga
August 1970, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 273-286 Fertility and economic activity of women in Guatemala city, 1964
by Murray Gendell & Maria Maravlglla & Philip Kreitner - 287-299 Interracial marriage: Data for Philadelphia and Pennsylvania
by Thomas Monahan - 301-315 The decline in mortality in British Guiana, 1911-1960
by Jay Mandle - 317-324 The geometric mean of the age-specific death rates as a summary index of mortality
by Robert Schoen - 325-327 The effect of the Great Blackout of 1965 on births in New York City
by J. Udry - 329-339 Subjective efficacy and ideal family size as predictors of favorability toward birth control
by John Williamson - 341-348 Stable age by region distributions
by Griffith Feeney - 349-360 Estimators of a type I geometric distribution from observations on conception times
by H. Majumdar & Mindel Sheps - 361-368 Elementary models for population growth and distribution analysis
by John Hudson - 369-378 The per-capita-income criterion and natality policies in poor countries
by Julian Simon - 379-392 Summary of the social sciences and population policy: A survey
by Edwin Driver
May 1970, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 121-134 Changes in fertility in Japan by region: 1920–1965
by Yoshihiro Tsubouchi - 135-149 Fertility patterns among religious groups in Canada
by Larry Long - 151-154 A Taylor series expansion for Lotka’s r
by J. Pollard - 155-167 A method for comparative analysis of fertility dynamics represented by sequences of fertility schedules
by N. Namboodiri - 169-173 Two measures of geographic location and their relation to income
by James Morgan & Ismail Sirageldin - 175-183 On place utility and the normative allocation of intra-urban migrants
by Lawrence Brown & Frank Horton & Robert Wittick - 185-193 Patterns of residential segregation within a metropolitan ghetto
by Ozzle Edwards - 195-209 Family composition and the labor force activity of American wives
by James Sweet - 211-234 Family planning and population control in developing countries
by Harry Raulet - 235-240 Infant mortality trends in rural East Pakistan
by John Stoeckel - 241-253 Family planning and fertility in Tunisia
by Robert Lapham - 255-271 Demographic aspects of lactation and postpartum amenorrhea
by Anrudh Jain & T. Hsu & Ronald Freedman & M. Chang
February 1970, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-18 Plans for the 1970 census of population and housing
by David Kaplan - 19-29 Estimates of induced abortion in urban North Carolina
by James Abernathy & Bernard Greenberg & Daniel Horvitz - 31-41 The end of rapid increase in the use of oral anovulants? Some problems in the interpretation of time series of oral use among married women
by John Allingham & T. Balakrishnan & John Kantner - 43-51 The formation and stability of ideal family size among young people
by Susan Gustavus & Charles Nam - 53-60 U. S. population growth as an abstractly-perceived problem
by Larry Barnett - 61-69 Some demographic determinants of average household size: An analytic approach
by Thomas Burch - 71-85 Rural-urban residence and modernism: A study of Ankara Province, Turkey
by Allan Schnaiberg - 87-91 Improving population estimates with the use of dummy variables
by Donald Pursell - 93-120 The use of fourier analysis to express the relation between time variations in fertility and the time sequence of births in a closed human population
by Ansley Coale
November 1969, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 347-357 Selectivity Of Migrants To A Metropolis In A Developing Country: A Mexican Case Study
by Harley Browning & Waltraut Feindt - 359-381 Demographic Responses And Population Change
by Dov Friedlander - 383-401 Marriage Patterns And Cumulative Fertility In West Malaysia: 1966–1967
by James Palmore & Ariffin Marzuki - 403-411 Sample registration in gujarat, india
by D. Mehta - 413-423 Comparison of information on death certificates and matching 1960 census records: age, marital status, race, nativity and country of origin
by Thea Hambright - 425-433 Registration completeness and international comparisons of infant mortality
by Helen Chase - 435-444 Fertility planning status: united states, 1965
by Norman Ryder & Charles Westoff - 445-454 The prediction of completed fertility
by Larry Bumpass & Charles Westoff - 455-471 Southern Negro Migration: Social And Economic Components Of An Ecological Model
by William Stinner & Gordon Jong - 473-491 Patterns Of Residence In Poona, India, By Caste And Religion: 1822–1965
by Surinder Mehta - 493-493 Erratum to: The Applicability of the Burgess Zonal Hypothesis to Urban Canada
by Avery Guest
August 1969, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 223-242 The pattern of mortality change in Latin America
by Eduardo Arriaga & Kingsley Davis - 243-260 First-marriage decrement tables by color and sex for the United States in 1958–60
by Walt Saveland & Paul Glick - 261-269 Age distribution and the stable equivalent
by Nathan Keyfitz - 271-277 The applicability of the burgess zonal hypothesis to urban Canada
by Avery Guest - 279-286 Correlates of divorce in the U.S.S.R
by Denis Mazur - 287-299 On the dependence of age structure on asequence of mortality and fertility schedules: An exposition of a cyclical model of population change
by N. Namboodirl - 301-322 On the theory of stable populations: A new and elementary proof of the theorems under weaker assumptions
by David McFarland - 323-334 Migration between India and Pakistan, 1951–61
by Pravin Visaria - 335-346 Factors influencing contraception continuation rates: The oral and the intrauterine methods
by M. Hall & William Reinke
May 1969, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 91-99 Natural decrease of population: The current and prospective status of an emergent American phenomenon
by Calvin Beale - 101-115 Some aspects of the use of birth expectations data from sample surveys for population projections
by Jacob Siegel & Donald Akers - 117-123 Segmented generation mortality
by Mortimer Spiegelman - 125-131 Shopping center location and retail store mix in metropolitan areas
by John Casparls - 133-140 Duration of residence and prospective migration: Further evidence
by Kenneth Land - 141-149 Mortality level, desired family size and population increase: Further variations on a basic model
by David Heer & Dean Smith - 151-159 Differentials in divorce in maryland
by Ira Rosenwalke - 161-183 Probability models for family building: An analytical review
by Mindel Sheps & Jane Menken & Annette Radick - 185-221 A discrete-time two-sex age-specific stochastic population program incorporating marriage
by J. Pollard
February 1969, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-11 A study on the effectiveness of sterilizations in reducing the birth rate
by M. Haynes & George Immerwahr & Aleyamma George & P. Nayar - 13-16 Note on some problems in interpreting migration data from the 1960 Census of population
by Ann Miller - 17-26 Cohort disaggregation analysis of fertility data from a sample survey
by George Myers & Jeffry Gibson - 27-43 The health of the clergy: A review of demographic literature
by Haitung King & John Bailar - 45-54 Age at marriage as a variable in socio-economic differentials in fertility
by Larry Bumpass - 55-74 Social components of metropolitan population densities
by Roy Treadway - 75-90 Socio-economic correlates of fecundability in a sample of taiwanese women
by Anrudh Jain
June 1968, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 539-540 Progress and problems of world fertility control
by Donald Bogue - 541-552 An overview of the ford foundation’s strategy for population work
by Oscar Harkavy & Lyle Saunders & Anna Southam