June 1968, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 553-560 The population council and the demographic crisis of the less developed world
by Frank Notestein - 561-573 The A.I.D. population and family planning program—goals, scope, and progress
by R. Ravenholt - 574-577 The international planned parenthood federationits role in developing countries
by Colville Deverell - 578-589 Fertility Control In Turkey
by Nusret Fişek & Frederic Shorter - 590-597 Progress and problems of family planning in the United Arab Republic
by H. Toppozada - 598-619 The control of family size in tropical Africa
by John Caldwell - 620-626 Tunisia’s experience in family planning
by Warren Povey & George Brown - 627-631 Moroccan family planning program—Progress and problems
by George Brown - 632-641 Attitudes and practice of contraception in Kenya
by Donald Heisel - 642-650 How India is tackling her population problem
by S. Chandrasekhar - 651-658 The economic commission for Asia and the Far East program to assist fertility control
by C. Chandrasekharan - 659-665 Measurement of family planning progress in Pakistan
by Enver Adil - 666-678 Use of medical-paramedical personnel and traditiokal midwives in the Pakistan Family Planning program
by S. Jafarey & J. ardee & A. Satterthwaite - 679-689 Within family planning—Korea
by John Ross & Oliver Finnigan - 690-698 Recent change in fertility rates of the Korean population
by Lee-Jay Cho & Man Hahm - 699-701 Trial of a long-acting, injectable contraceptive as a substitute for the IUCD and the pill in a remote region of Thailand
by Edwin Mcdaniel - 702-709 Family planning knowledge, attitudes, and practice in Malaya
by Saw Swee-Hock - 710-713 How are we doing in family planning in India?
by S. Agarwala - 714-731 Studies of fertility and fertility planning in the Philippines
by Mercedes Concepcion & Wilhelm Flieger - 732-744 Recent fertility trends in West Malaysia
by Lee Cho & James Palmore & Lyle Saunders - 745-756 Recent fertility change in Ceylon and prospects for the national family planning program
by Nicholas Wright - 757-766 Motivational aspects of resistance to family planning in an Indian village
by Thomas Poffenberger - 767-772 Manpower and training problems in family planning programs
by Donald Rice - 773-779 India’s new departures in mass motivation for fertility control
by Frank Wilder & D. Tyagi - 780-784 The prospect of family planning in Iran
by A. Sardari & R. Keyhan - 800-810 Progress and problems of family planning in Brazil
by Walter Rodrigues - 811-826 Medellin: A case of strong resistance to birth control
by Mario Jaramillo-Gomez - 827-835 The Colombian program for public education, personnel training and evaluation
by Hernån Mendoza-Hoyos - 836-845 The San Gregorio experimental family planning program: Changes observed in fertility and abortion rates
by Anibal Faundes & German Rodriguez-Galant & Onofre Avendano - 846-854 Opposition to family planning in Latin America: conservative nationalism
by J. Mayone Stycos - 855-865 Fertility decline in puerto rico: Extent and causes
by José Vazquez - 866-873 The Mexican urbanization process and its implications
by Luis Otero - 874-893 Recent population trends and family planning activity in the Caribbean
by Jack Harewood - 894-909 Fertility and the need for family planning among the rural poor in the United States
by George Wilber - 910-923 Family planning programs in the United States
by Fredrick Jaffe & Alan Guttmacher - 924-930 Family planning programs of the office of economic opportunity: Scope, operation,and impact
by Gary London - 931-940 Statistical evaluation of contraceptive methods: Use-effectiveness and extended use-effectiveness
by Christopher Tietze & Sarah Lewit - 941-946 Commercial distribution of contraceptives in beveloping countries: Past, present, and future
by Harry Levin - 947-959 Couple years of protection and births prevented a methodological examination
by Lee Bean & William Seltzer - 960-972 Awareness sources and stages in the adoption of specific contraceptives
by James Palmore - 973-1001 A classified international bibliography of family planning research, 1955–68
by Reuben Hill
March 1968, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-10 The quality of demographic data for nonwhites
by Reynolds Farley - 11-22 Patterns of occupational mobility among Negro men
by Otis Duncan - 23-33 Educational differentials between Negroes and whites in the south
by Daniel Price - 34-44 A set of analytical models for the study of open birth intervals
by K. Srinivasan - 45-54 Social and demographic correlates of contraceptive adoption in a rural area of East Pakistan
by John Stoeckel - 55-60 Women's work participation and fertility in metropolitan areas
by O. Collver - 61-78 Male fertility in New Orleans
by Carl Harter - 79-85 Employment status and retrospective and prospective migration in the United States
by George Masnick - 86-92 Evaluation and adjustment of vital registration data from the compulsory registration areas of Ghana
by G. Kpedekpo - 93-103 Marital characteristics in relation to the rural-urban continuum in taiwan
by D. Yuan - 104-121 Mortality level, desired family size, and population increase
by David Heer & Dean Smith - 122-137 Effects of a family planning program on the fertility of a marginal working-class community in Santiago
by Aníbal Faúndes-Latham & Germán Rodríguez-Galant & Onofre Avendaño-Portius - 138-157 The intermediate variables, social structure, and fertility change: A critique
by H. Tien - 158-173 The evolution of marxist theories of population: Marxism recognizes the population problem
by James Brackett - 174-184 That earlier plague
by Josiah Russell - 185-197 The significance of differences in patterns of mortality for population projections
by Kogalur Basavarajappa - 198-211 Income and differentials in current fertility
by Lee-Jay Cho - 212-225 Recent trends in childspacing among American women
by Wilson Grabill & Maria Davidson - 226-248 The effects of differing trends in fertility and of educational advance on the growth, quality, and turnover of the labor force
by Gavin Jones & Paul Gingrich - 249-267 Retrospective and subsequent metropolitan residential mobility
by Maurice Arsdol & Georges Sabagh & Edgar Butler - 268-305 Prosperity, war, immigration, and “cultural” factors in modeling United States population growth since 1790
by N. Diamantides - 306-310 Travel, tourism, and migration
by Robert Schmitt - 311-317 A study of age at remarriage: The district of Columbia, 1960–61
by Ruth Loeb - 318-353 Education differentials in mortality by cause of death: United States, 1960
by Evelyn Kitagawa & Philip Hauser - 354-361 Concerning an index of mortality
by George Hillery & John Saunders - 362-373 The role of sampling in population censuses: Its effect on timeliness and accuracy
by Joseph Waksberg - 374-381 Sex ratio of registered live births in the united states, 1942–63
by James Tarver & Che-Fu Lee - 382-409 An elementary approach to the population projection-matrix, to the population reproductive value, and to related topics in the mathematical theory of population growth
by Leo Goodman - 410-421 Estimates of the “true” educational distribution of the adult population of the United States from 1910 to 1960
by Susan Gustavus & Charles Nam - 422-432 The return from investment in population control in less developed countries
by Leonard Bower - 433-438 Rhythm: A hazardous contraceptive method
by Mario Jaramillo-Gomez & Juan Londoño - 439-442 Stable migration rates from the multiregional growth matrix operator
by Leroy Stone - 443-448 Class, ethnicity, and residence in metropolitan America
by Mary Powers - 449-459 Private sector logistics in population control: A case in Jamaica
by John Farley & Harold Leavitt - 460-474 An analysis of the differences between marriage statistics from registration and those from censuses and surveys
by Ellen Jamison & Donald Akers - 475-484 Accuracy of the housing unit method in preparing population estimates for cities
by Donald Starsinic & Meyer Zitter - 485-503 Evaluation of birth statistics derived retrospectively from fertility histories reported in a national population survey: United States, 1945–64
by Monroe Sirken & Georges Sabagh - 504-507 some “Marketing correct” recommendations for family planning campaigns
by Julian Simon - 508-524 “Population redistribution and economic growth, United States, 1870-1950,” A Review
by Leroy Stone - 525-538 Mortality in the United States: A review and evaluation of special reports of the national center for health statistics
by Mortimer Spiegelman
June 1967, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 423-441 On the age-sex composition of the population that would result from given fertility and mortality conditions
by Leo Goodman - 442-452 New household projections for the united states
by Robert Parke & Robert Grymes - 453-463 Some Notes On Fertility Problems In A Colombian Semi-Urban Community
by Alvaro Lopez - 464-478 The Vital Statistics Method of Estimating Net Migration By Age Cohorts
by C. Hamilton - 479-496 Internal migration in the USSR: 1897–1926
by J. Leasure & Robert Lewis - 497-514 Future Trends In World Population Growth
by Zdenek Vavra - 515-531 Estimating Interregional Population And Migration Operators From Interregional Population Distributions
by Andrei Rogers - 532-552 Migration in the Southeast
by T. Woofter - 553-561 Duration of Residence and Prospective Migration: The Evaluation of a Stochastic Model
by Peter Morrison - 562-568 Residential Segregation in the Mid-Sixties
by Theodore Clemence - 569-575 The Impact of Family Planning on Fertility in a Rural Area of East Pakistan
by John Stoeckel & Moqbul Choudhury - 576-600 Knowledge and Use of Birth Control in Barbados
by G. Roberts & G. Cummins & J. Byrne & C. Alleyne - 601-614 Communication and diffusion of the iucd: a case study in urban india
by Dinesh Dubey & Harvey Choldin - 615-625 Interaction and family planning in the french urban family
by Andrée Michel - 626-640 A Study Of Differential Fertility In Bombay
by M. El-Badry - 641-656 Fertility Differentials In Early Postwar Malaya
by Saw Swee-Hock - 657-672 Modernization and Tradition in the Recent History of Italian Fertility
by Massimo Bacci - 673-679 Seasonality of coitus and seasonality of birth
by J. Udry & Naomi Morris - 680-687 Asymptotic properties of a human age distribution under a continuous net maternity function
by Alvaro Lopez - 688-709 Estimation Of The Birth Rate For The Congo Through Nonconventional Techniques
by A. Romaniuk - 710-720 Survivorship Of Sons Under Conditions Of Improving Mortality
by George Immerwahr - 721-733 A Size-Function Typology Of Cities
by Robert Atchley - 734-743 An Empirical Examination Of Megalopolitan Structure
by Robert Weller - 744-752 Considerations in determining the content of the 1970 census
by Herman Miller - 753-758 Projected innovations in the data delivery system for the 1970 census
by John Beresford - 759-772 A comparison of different survey techniques for obtaining vital data in A developing country
by Georges Sabagh & Christopher Scott - 773-779 Demographic and Economic Correlates of Development as Measured by Energy Consumption
by John Saunders & George Reinhart - 780-797 Attitudes toward family size and family planning in nairobi
by Thomas Dow - 798-808 Recent Immigration and Studies of Ethnic Assimilation
by Alma Taeuber & Karl Taeuber - 809-819 The japanese americans: Comparative occupational status, 1960 and 1950
by Barbara Varon - 820-837 A reconsideration of negro-white mortality differentials in the united states
by Paul Demeny & Paul Gingrich - 838-842 Computer Models of Social Processes: The Case of Migration
by James Beshers - 843-845 Occupational Classification
by Margaret Martin - 846-849 A Note on The Accuracy of Male Responses to Questions on Fertility
by Alvan Zarate - 850-858 The Distribution of Sums of Rounded Percentages
by Frederick Mosteller & Cleo Youtz & Douglas Zahn - 859-875 Errors in Chinese Age Statistics
by Saw Swee-Hock - 876-893 A Standardized dependency ratio
by E. Kleiman - 894-906 The Pattern of Age-Specific fertility rates
by S. Mitra - 907-924 On Measuring the Marriage Squeeze
by Donald Akers - 925-936 Premarital pregnancies and out-of-wedlock births in denmark, 1950–65
by Sidney Goldstein - 937-941 The study of urbanization
by Amos Hawley
March 1967, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-18 Vector representation of migration streams among selected state economic areas during 1955 to 1960
by James Tarver & William Gurley & Patrick Skees - 19-29 Early work experience of graduates and dropouts
by Beverly Duncan - 30-70 A quantitative study of the determinants of fertility behavior
by Stanley Friedlander & Morris Silver - 71-80 Measurement and evaluation of national family planning programs
by W. Mauldin - 81-89 Educational efforts in the implementation of rural family planning programs in East Pakistan
by Harold Gustafson & H. Croley & William Griffiths & Beryl Roberts - 90-97 New frontiers in demography and social psychology
by Kurt Back - 98-107 Rural-urban mortality in developing countries: An index for detecting rural underregistration
by Eduardo Arriaga - 108-125 Educational attainment as a selective factor in marital status transitions in the United States
by Carl Ortmeyer - 126-134 Widow remarriages in some rural areas of Northern India
by S. Agarwala - 135-142 Estimating marital fertility rates by educational attainment using a survey of new mothers
by Gordon Sutton & Gooloo Wunderlich - 143-157 Fertility and development in Brazil
by Murray Gendell - 158-171 Measuring acceptances in a family planning program: the decomposition of rates by eligibility criteria
by John Takeshita & Ronald Freedman - 172-195 Fertility among ethnic groups in the USSR
by D. Mazur - 196-209 Fertility of the jews
by Calvin Goldscheider - 210-217 Female working roles and fertility
by J. Stycos & Robert Weller - 218-227 Mobility, Non-Familial Activity, and Fertility
by H. Tien - 228-243 Field experience in estimating population growth
by Patience Lauriat - 244-252 Cultural complications in fertility interviewing
by Harvey Choldin & A. Kahn & B. Ara - 253-261 Concept, measurement, and data in migration analysis
by William Haenszel - 262-272 Immigration data and national population estimates for the United States
by Donald Akers - 273-282 From new entries to retirement: The changing age composition of the U.S. male labor force by industry
by A. Jaffe - 283-292 Vertical mobility and community type as factors in the migration of college graduates
by John Prehn - 293-309 Sources of geographic mobility among professional workers: A multivariate analysis
by Jack Ladinsky - 310-330 Evaluating the relative accuracy and significance of net migration estimates
by Leroy Stone - 331-340 A design for a census information retrieval system
by Sarah Hobbs & Reynolds Farley & Halliman Winsborougha - 341-350 A new technique for measuring household changes
by Marshall Turner - 351-359 Forensic demography and civil rights
by Arlyne Pozner - 360-362 A note on the time spent on the journey to work
by James Morgan - 363-373 Fertility in urban areas of Mexico: Implications for the theory of the demographic transition
by Alvan Zarate - 374-387 Sample registration in India
by H. Wells & B. Agrawal - 388-396 The growth of American families studies an assessment of significance
by Clyde Kiser - 397-414 “Family planning and population programs” a book review article
by Philip Hauser
June 1966, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 297-304 Application of life table techniques to measurement of contraceptive effectiveness
by Robert Potter - 305-318 Recent developments in seasonally adjusting vital statistics
by Harry Rosenberg - 319-331 Family growth and family planning: Responses to a family-planning action program in a rural district of Thailand
by Amos Hawley & Visid Prachuabmoh - 332-342 Use of the intra-uterine contraceptive device in rural West Pakistan
by R. Rider & P. White & A. Ghazi & P. Harper - 343-351 A study in family planning communication—Direct mailing
by Brajesh Bhatia & Dinesh Dubey & Avtar Devgan - 352-377 A study of migration to Greater Santiago (Chile)
by Juan Elizaga - 378-392 Bombay migration study: A pilot analysis of migration to an Asian metropolis
by K. Zachariah - 393-415 Effect of census errors on the measurement of net migration
by C. Hamilton - 416-422 Cohort migration
by Karl Taeuber - 423-444 Economic development and fertility
by David Heer - 445-449 Contributions of natality models to program planning and evaluation
by Mindel Sheps - 450-461 A computer model of family building based on expected values
by Robert Potter & James Sakoda - 462-469 A further look at catholic fertility
by Basil Zimmer & Calvin Goldscheider - 470-476 Validity of centenarian data in the 1960 Census
by Robert Myers - 477-490 Study of age misstatement among young children in Ghana
by John Caldwell - 491-499 Residential redistribution of socioeconomic strata in metropolitan areas
by Leo Schnore & James Pinkerton - 500-512 Late-thirteenth-century Ireland as a region
by Josiah Russell - 513-527 Small town growth in the United States: An analysis by size class and by place
by Glenn Fuguitt & Donald Thomas - 528-536 A unified approach to interpolation and graduation
by Nathan Keyfitz - 537-544 The multiregional matrix growth operator and the stable interregional age structure
by Andrei Rogers - 545-547 The impact of Medicare on demography
by Robert Myers - 548-565 White-nonwhite differentials: Overview and implications
by Earl Huyck - 566-573 Demographic implications of the New United States certificates
by Anders Lunde & Robert Grove - 574-577 The demographic viewpoint in the vital and health statistics monographs of The American Public Health Association
by Mortimer Spiegelman - 578-580 CharacteriStics and utilization of midwives in a selected rural area of East Pakistan
by H. Croley & S. Haider & Sultana Begum & Harold Gustafson - 581-582 How many people have lived on the earth?
by Nathan Keyfitz - 583-584 Abridged life tables for Pakistan and Provinces: 1962
by Mohammed Aslam & Sultan Hashmi
March 1966, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-18 Occupation trends and patterns of net mobility in the United States
by Otis Duncan - 19-34 Occupational mobility as a probability process
by Robert Hodge - 35-46 Education and automation
by A. Jaffe - 47-57 A theory of migration
by Everett Lee - 58-67 Migration differentials in labor force participation: United States, 1960
by Ann Miller - 68-89 The impact of postwar immigration on the demographic and social structure of Switzerland
by Kurt Mayer - 90-108 Demographic modernization: Continuities and transitions
by Irene Taeuber - 109-130 Values and fertility analysis
by Joseph Spengler - 131-153 On the relation of economic factors to recent and projected fertility changes
by Richard Easterlin - 154-173 Ideal family size among white Americans: A quarter of a century’s evidence
by Judith Blake - 174-187 The fertility of north American catholics: A comparative overview
by Thomas Burch - 188-203 Recent changes in Negro fertility
by Reynolds Farley - 204-208 An estimate of the long-term crude birth rate of the agricultural population of China
by Chia Pan - 209-217 Delayed marriage and prospects for fewer births in Punjab villages
by John Wyon & Stephen Finner & David Heer & Nadipuram Parthasarathy & John Gordon - 218-237 New abridged life tables for Peru: 1940, 1950–51, and 1961
by Eduardo Arriaga - 238-246 Illustrative statistics from the National Mortality Survey
by Gordon Sutton - 247-258 Privacy, poverty, and old age
by John Beresford & Alice Rivlin