September 1979, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 4-6 Menu
by Margaret Simms - 7-10 Publisher’s foreword
by Marcus Alexis - 11-29 Federal government policy in black community revitalization
by Sue Marshall & David Swinton - 30-33 State government and urban policy planning
by John Harris - 34-43 Institution building for urban revitalization
by Robert Browne - 44-58 Black financial institutions and urban revitalization
by Harold Black - 59-61 Harlem commonwealth council: A business success story
by James Dowdy - 62-64 The Roxbury Action Program: A lesson in community development
by Lloyd King - 65-67 The future of black business
by Frank Brooks - 68-78 Policy and administrative challenges of community economic revitalization
by Lenneal Henderson - 79-96 Utilization of black human resources in the United States
by Barbara Jones - 97-99 Government policy: A response to Marshall, Swinton and Harris
by Curtis McClinton - 100-101 Institution building: A further response to Browne
by Paul Washington - 102-104 Institution building: A response to Browne
by Danny Davis - 105-109 Financial institutions: A response to Black
by William Tabb - 110-113 Financial institutions: A further response to Black
by Herbert Bailey - 114-120 $70 billion in the black: America’s black consumers
by Aurelia Miller
June 1979, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 341-358 The semiperiphery in Africa and Latin America: Subimperialism and semiindustrialism
by Timothy Shaw - 359-391 Contemporary patterns of black-white political economic inequality in the United States and South Africa
by James Stewart - 392-415 What happened to black economic development?
by William Tabb - 416-434 The economics of discrimination in the granting of credit
by Bernard Shinkel - 435-440 Post-bellum southern income: A response to ransom and sutch
by Mark Aldrich - 441-451 A note on the economic control of black popular music
by Allan Cooper - 452-459 The declining significance of race in America
by James Jenings - 460-461 The evolution of the international economic order
by Robert Browne - 461-461 Erratum
by Mergione Pitre
March 1979, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 213-213 Publisher’s foreword
by Fluornoy Coles - 214-237 Energy policy and black employment: A preliminary analysis
by Bernard Anderson - 238-255 U.S. energy policy and employment opportunities for the poor
by Everson Hull - 256-259 Energy policy and black employment: A response to Anderson and Hull
by Charles Betsey - 260-275 Public utility regulations: The socioeconomic dimensions of reform
by Lenneal Henderson - 276-299 Trends in energy expenditures by black households
by John Brazzel & Leon Hunter - 300-306 Refined racial discrimination: A case study of public employment in a southeastern city
by Stephen Nord & Hollis Price - 307-334 The political economy of the United States policy in Southern Africa
by Rukudzo Murapa
December 1979, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 116-139 Third world manufactures and their access to U.S. markets
by Robert Browne - 140-158 Capitalism and the struggle of the working class in Liberia
by Dew Mayson & Amos Sawyer - 159-173 Liberation theology and class struggle in Southern Africa and Latin America
by George Shepherd - 174-190 Big philanthropy and the funding of black organizations
by Charles Henry - 191-198 The economic philosophy of Martin L. King, Jr
by Mergione Pitre - 199-207 Some notes on reverse discrimination
by Abraham Davis & Corrie Hope
September 1978, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-42 A labor force competition model of racial discrimination in the labor market
by David Swinton - 43-59 The economics of crime in the urban ghetto
by Samuel Myers - 60-78 Black voting in South Carolina, 1970–1976
by David Garrow - 79-89 External debt-servicing capacity in developing countries
by Alexander Williams - 90-94 A differential index of black/white income inequality, 1965–74
by Byung Lee - 95-107 Rural ownership of land by blacks in Georgia: 1920 and 1960
by James Fisher
June 1978, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 325-335 Labor market racial discrimination against black women
by Allan King - 336-345 Economic situation of non-whites after 1964: An empirical analysis
by G. Mashayekhi - 346-359 The role of international companies in the economy of South Africa
by Bethuel Setai - 360-367 The impact of race and other variables on the composition and value of individual portfolios
by Lorman Lundsten & Harold Black - 368-383 Anatomy of black politics
by Manning Marable - 384-404 Social bias in the recruitment of black elected officials in the United States
by P. Stone - 405-410 Race and involvement in common law personal crime: A response to Hindelang
by Roger McNeely & Carl Pope
March 1978, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 229-252 Some economic considerations for a black separatist state in the United States
by Louis Green - 253-265 Black political power and the decline of black land ownership
by William Nelson - 266-276 Effects of land development on black land ownership in the sea islands of South Carolina
by June Thomas - 277-301 South African strategic minerals and U.S. foreign policy, 1961–1968
by John Cotman - 302-313 Cui bono? And the economic function of racism
by Frederick Weaver - 314-317 The economics of affirmative action
by S. Jones-Hendrickson
December 1978, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 133-151 Capitalist exploitation and black labor: Some conceptual issues
by Donald Harris - 153-166 White magic: The Caribbean and modern technology
by Norman Girvan - 167-172 U.S.-Africa economic relations: A brief overview
by Robert Browne - 173-183 Race relations in Cuba: Some reflections
by W. Phillips - 184-201 Booker T. Washington and the Afro-American realty company
by Maceo Dailey - 202-210 Lending activities of black-owned and controlled savings and loan associations
by Timothy Bates & William Bradford - 211-217 The pay-off to training for blacks: The win experience
by Bradley Schiller - 218-221 Reverse discrimination
by Gregory Squires
September 1977, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-26 Implications of the lome convention for African trade and development
by Monique Garrity - 27-42 Inequalities and the state in Africa
by Timothy Shaw & Malcolm Grieve - 43-61 Accessibility to government resources for minority business development: A practicum
by Earl Scott & Janet Jensin - 62-69 Black rural land ownership: A matter of economic survival
by Leo McGee & Robert Boone - 70-86 Arbitration of racial discrimination grievances
by Benjamin Wolkinson - 87-103 Energy policy and socioeconomic growth in low-income communities
by Lenneal Henderson - 104-118 Economic conditions of freed black slaves in the United States, 1870–1920
by Eboh Ezeani
June 1977, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 339-340 Publisher’s foreword
by Robert Browne - 344-363 Performance characteristics of high-earning minority banks
by Bruce Summers & James Tucker - 364-372 The black service station franchisee
by William Trombetta - 373-382 Accountancy: Opportunity for black economic penetration
by Jacob Duker & D.Jacque Grinnell - 383-403 Consumerism in the ghetto
by Alan Andreasen - 404-412 The determinants of excessive indebtedness of the rural poor
by Emiel Owens & R.Charles Moyer & Francis Yeager - 413-423 Correlates of rural black poverty
by Emiel Owens - 424-432 Science, knowledge, and values: A response to Mack Jones
by Rutledge Dennis - 433-440 In defense of the scientific method: A reply to Rutledge M. Dennis
by Mack Jones - 441-443 The political economy of South Africa: The making of poverty
by Mothae Maruping - 443-445 The rape of our neighborhoods
by Larry Moss
March 1977, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 215-237 The economic community of West African States (ECOWAS)
by A. Yansane - 238-265 The political economy of the United States policy in Southern Africa
by Rukudzo Murapa - 266-295 Historical patterns of black-white political-economic inequality in the United States and South Africa
by James Stewart - 296-308 A critique of planning concepts and methodology in Nigeria
by Bade Onimode - 309-316 The demands for a new international economic order
by Robert Browne - 317-317 Joint statement on the Nobel Prize Award to Dr. Milton Friedman
by Ismail Abdalla & Oscar Pino-Santos - 320-326 New direction for economic development in Africa
by Julian Ellison - 327-333 The black worker of South Africa
by Bethuel Setai & Robert Browne
December 1977, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 119-156 African-oriented and Euro-American-oriented world views: Research methodologies and economics
by Vernon Dixon - 157-175 Economic and social conditions of blacks in New York during reconstruction
by Ena Farley - 176-182 Investing in human capital: The lack of black apprentices
by Marshall Medoff - 183-189 The effects of neighborhood quality, income, and race on the value of single-family homes in New Orleans
by Ernesto Lucas - 190-194 A tribute to Dr. Vivian W. Henderson: Economist and educator
by James Hefner - 196-202 A history of the British Virgin Islands, 1672–1970 The Virgin Islands story
by Mitchell Codrington
September 1976, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 7-21 Scientific method, value judgments, and the black predicament in the U.S
by Mack Jones - 22-39 Some problems of monetary dependency in West African States of French colonial legacy
by Aguibou Yansané - 40-52 Nationalization of the Zambian mining industry
by Rukudzo Murapa - 53-66 Cooperativism and the economic development process in postcolonial Guyana
by Kempe Hope - 67-84 Black capitalism
by John O’Connell - 85-92 A note on black economic well-being in the North and West
by Alfred Osborne - 99-103 I. Q. and race
by Rutledge Dennis - 103-105 Foreign investment in South Africa: The economic factor The role of foreign firms in Namibia
by Bethuel Setai - 105-107 Dynamic change and the urban Ghetto
by William Tabb
June 1976, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 375-407 Black officeholding and political development in the rural south
by Mack Jones - 408-419 The black stake in global interdependence
by Robert Browne - 420-437 The sociology of oppressed cultures: An analysis of the socio cultural dynamics of colonialism
by Douglas Davidson - 438-467 Workers’ self-management and social property: A participatory approach to black economic development
by D. Williams - 468-476 “Workers’ self-management and social property”: A comment
by Adolph Reed - 477-484 The welfare effect of black capitalists on the black community
by Alfred Osborne - 486-491 The politics of change: A Jamaican testament
by Mitchell Codrington
March 1976, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 263-278 Affirmative action and the quest for job equality
by Herbert Hill - 279-293 An urban service corps for unemployed youth
by Hugh Price & Doris Zelinsky & William Johnston - 294-305 Notes on the study of change in the Black Community
by Winston Cox - 306-330 Principles of a Pan-African economic ideology
by Tetteh Kofi - 331-341 The New York city fiscal crisis and its economic impact on minority communities
by Julian Ellison - 343-344 Comments on “implications of class conflict and racial cleavage for the U.S. black community”
by Julian Ellison - 345-357 Race and economics
by William King - 357-361 Black capitalism: A quantitative analysis
by Samuel Doctors - 361-364 The education of black folk: The Afro American struggle for knowledge in white American
by Wm. Ikemma
December 1976, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 133-144 Implications of class conflict and racial cleavage for the U.S. Black Community
by James Turner - 145-160 The black community and contemporary economic dynamics
by Robert Browne - 161-172 Black-owned banks: Issues and recommendations
by Jacob Ducker & T. Morton - 173-188 Lending activities of black-owned commercial banks
by Timothy Bates - 189-199 The political economy of gambling in a neocolonial economy
by Carl Stone - 200-212 Blacks in sales: Why are there so few?
by William Strang & Gilbert Churchill & Robert Collins - 213-224 The cost of male subemployment in the black community
by Hollis Price - 225-230 “Low wage workers”: A methodological note
by G. Rosevear - 231-231 A reply to G. Craig Rosevear
by Charles Betsey - 232-238 Comments on “another side of the Black Studies Debacle”
by William King - 239-242 Dependence and transformation: The economics of the transition to socialism
by Ronald Parris - 243-244 The politics of neglect
by James Fortune - 245-246 Classical economics reconsidered
by Craufurd Goodwin - 247-249 Race and economics
by Robert Browne
September 1975, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 8-28 The occupational-industrial structure of black employment in the United States
by Lloyd Hogan & Harry Harris - 29-40 Relative job discrimination and technology in basic industries
by Ranjit Singh & James Hefner - 41-58 Black-white differentials in the quality of work
by David Kaun - 59-71 Racism: From irrational anachronism to functional social condition
by Donald Grubbs & Clifford Landers - 72-89 Alternative paradigms in economics and the study of development and underdevelopment
by Wilfred David - 90-103 The social science research establishment in the United States
by Julian Ellison - 104-112 The social and economic status of the black population 1974
by Nampeo McKenney - 113-115 Correspondence
by Ronald Walters - 116-122 Reviews
by Lloyd Hogan & James Stewart & James Fortune
June 1975, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 353-375 The ecology of a black business district
by Franklin Wilson - 376-385 An evaluation of alternative strategies for expanding the number of black-owned businesses
by William Bradford & Timothy Bates - 386-403 A pilot study of the impact of minority banks on their communities
by Samuel Doctors & Allan Drebin & Edward Irons & William Hunter - 404-422 The development of an iron-and steel-based metallurgical industry in sub-Sahara Africa
by Percy Luney - 423-437 An evaluation of equal employment policies in Virginia
by Maurice Woodard - 438-442 Impact of the 1975 tax cut on income and employment in the black community
by Julian Ellison & Robert Browne - 443-451 The political basis of the origins of revenue sharing
by James Fortune - 452-452 Capital flows in minority communities: A correction
by John Dominguez - 453-456 Explaining the transaction consortium
by Irving Louis Horowitz - 457-460 The politics of revenue sharing
by James Fortune - 461-463 Slavery and race relations in Latin America
by Julian Ellison
March 1975, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 225-248 Economic theory and racial economic inequality
by William Darity - 250-257 Income, labor force participation, and race in the Miami SMSA
by Marylee Lander & Hollis Price & Lanny Streeter - 259-268 A reappraisal of racial discrimination against blacks in professional baseball
by Marshall Medoff - 269-279 Salary discrimination in major league baseball
by Robert Mogull - 280-283 Prospects for black employment: A note on methodology
by Bernard Anderson - 284-287 Another side of the black studies debacle
by William Ikemma - 288-301 Low wage workers and the dual labor market: An empirical investigation
by Howard Wachtel & Charles Betsey - 302-313 Economics and the black community in America
by Robert Browne - 314-321 The impact of the current economic crisis on black-owned businesses
by Lloyd Hogan - 323-344 Book Reviews
by William Tabb & Scott Minerbrook & Robert Browne & Eric Perkins
December 1975, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 126-126 Editorial comment
by Lh - 134-142 Some redistributive aspects of the U.S. inflation
by Robert Browne - 143-157 Inflation and the presidential economic summit: Issues and implications from a black perspective
by Thaddeus Spratlen - 158-174 Capital flows in minority communities
by John Dominguez - 175-184 Trends in government promotion of black entrepreneurship
by Timothy Bates - 185-201 Developmental economics and black America: A reply to Professor David
by Joseph Seward - 202-207 The death of white sociology
by Joyce Ladner & James Stewart - 207-208 From poverty to dignity: A strategy for poor Americans
by Charles Hampden-Turner & Robert Browne - 208-209 A lawyer’s manual on community-based economic development
by Robert Browne
December 1974, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-17 The anatomy of a racist recall election
by J. Davis - 19-44 The black artisan in the U.S., 1890–1930
by Lucian Gatewood - 45-55 The unique problems of the black businessman
by Flournoy Coles - 57-68 Revenue sharing and substate regionalism in georgia
by Clarence Wright - 69-94 National pay TV network narrow-casting: A model and simulation of a system serving blacks
by Mark Cummings - 95-112 Book Reviews
by Julian Ellison & Lloyd Hogan & Horace Carby-Samuels
December 1974, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-26 Tanzania and the resurrection of Pan-Africanism
by James Karioki - 27-38 Wealth distribution and its impact on minorities
by Robert Browne - 39-46 Industrial education from Frederick Douglass to Booker T. Washington observations on bourgeois liberalism
by Wilson Moses - 47-58 The economics of minorities
by Flournoy Coles - 59-67 Employment potential of inner city black enterprise
by Timothy Bates - 69-87 Marxian exploitation and domestic colonialism: A reply to Donald J. Harris
by William Tabb - 89-90 Marxian exploitation and domestic colonialism: A reply
by Donald Harris - 91-115 Widening horizons prospects for black employment
by Andrew Brimmer - 117-118 Racial Dualism in St. Louis
by Bennett Harrison - 119-122 Book reviews
by Bernard Anderson & Robert Browne
June 1974, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-30 The record and rhetoric of black economic progress
by Thaddeus Spratlen - 31-46 Minority businesses in manufacturing
by Ernest Murphy - 47-62 Minority financial institutions, inner city economic development, and the hunt commission report
by William Bradford - 63-82 Racial economic dualism in St. Louis
by David Streifford - 83-100 Black and white unemployment: The dynamics of the differential
by Curtis Gilroy