June 1986, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 103-105 The impact of cybernation technology on black automotive workers in the United States
by Julianne Malveaux - 107-112 Youth employment and training programs: The YEDPA years
by Robert Hill
March 1986, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 5-7 Statement on Dr. Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.—Recipient of the Samuel Z. Westerfield Award
by Bernard Anderson - 9-16 The future of the black community: Human capital, family aspirations, and individual motivation
by Clifton Wharton - 17-36 Trade and growth
by Lance Taylor - 37-50 Inequality in metropolitan industrial revenue bond programs
by Gregory Squires - 51-63 The influence of race on rezoning decisions: Equality of treatment in black and white census tracts, 1955–1980
by Dudley Hinds & Nicholas Ordway - 65-78 Effects of multimember districts on black representation in state legislatures
by Bernard Grofman & Michael Migalski & Nicholas Noviello - 79-89 Market structure and minority presence: Black-owned firms in manufacturing
by Arthur Woolf - 91-97 Trends, prospects, and strategies for black economic progress
by Andrew Brimmer - 99-102 The political economy of the Urban Ghetto
by Barbara Jones - 103-108 Black managers: The case of The Banking Industry
by Willene Johnson
December 1985, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 5-6 Preface
by Margaret Simms - 7-9 Section introduction
by Julianne Malveaux - 11-31 Black women and labor force participation: An analysis of sluggish growth rates
by Barbara Jones - 33-45 The myth of the double-advantage: Black female managers
by Karen Fulbright - 47-62 Comparable worth and its impact on black women
by Julianne Malveaux - 63-70 Book Reviews
by Cecilia Conrad - 71-77 Discussion
by Charles Betsey - 79-81 Section Introduction
by Margaret Simms - 83-96 A report on the educational status of black women during the un decade of women, 1976–85
by Margaret Wilkerson - 97-114 Black women in employment and training programs
by Lynn Burbridge - 115-129 Black women and the job training partnership act
by Harriett Harper - 131-137 Discussion
by John Jeffries - 139-140 Section Introduction
by Margaret Simms - 141-151 Black women who head families: An economic struggle
by Margaret Simms - 153-166 Strategies used by black single mothers against stress
by Harriette McAdoo - 167-177 Book Review
by William Darity & Samuel Myers - 179-181 Section Introduction
by Julianne Malveaux - 183-197 General health conditions and medical insurance issues concerning black women
by Alvin Headen & Sandra Headen - 199-215 Employment implications of a changing health-care system
by Fred McKinney - 217-225 Public policy and health-care delivery: A practitioner’s perspective
by Ron Law - 227-234 Discussion I
by Beryl Jackson - 235-238 Discussion II
by Bernadette Chachere - 239-243 Section introduction
by Stephanie Wilson - 245-257 Women and self-employment in Urban Tanzania
by Willene Johnson - 259-275 Jamaican working-class women: Producers and reproducers
by Beverly Mason - 277-284 You have struck a rock: A note on the status of black women in South Africa
by Julianne Malveaux - 285-288 Discussion
by Gloria Scott - 289-291 Section Introduction
by Julianne Malveaux - 293-295 A research agenda on the economic status of black women
by Phyllis Wallace - 297-300 A legislative/policy agenda to improve the status of black women
by Julianne Malveaux & Margaret Simms
June 1985, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 3-4 Menu
by Margaret Simms - 5-27 The economic interests of black and white women: Are they similar?
by Julianne Malveaux - 29-50 Black banks: A survey and analysis of the literature
by John Cole & Alfred Edwards & Earl Hamilton & Lucy Reuben - 51-65 Impact of preferential procurement policies on minority-owned businesses
by Timothy Bates - 67-74 Human capital: A critique
by Stephen Steinberg - 75-87 JTPA, black employment, and occupational change: Separating out cyclical changes from program changes
by Fred McKinney - 89-97 Race and the discouraged female worker: A question of labor force attachment
by Lonnie Stevans & Charles Register & Paul Grimes - 99-108 Book reviews
by Cecilia Conrad & Robert Browne & Omotunde Johnson
March 1985, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 3-4 Menu
by Margaret Simms - 5-23 The impact of black mayors on the black community: The case of New Orleans’ ernest morial
by Monte Piliawsky - 25-38 Textbook treatments of minimum-wage legislation
by Robert Cherry - 39-50 A note on black-white wage disparity
by M. Madhavan & Louis Green & Ken Jung - 51-69 A comparative analysis of black-white and Mexican-American-White male wage differentials
by Jeremiah Cotton - 71-76 A note on the apparent constancy of the racial wage gap in New Jersey manufacturing, 1902 to 1979
by Peter Philips - 77-91 A review of the status of black renters, 1970–1980
by J. Grigsby & Mary Hruby - 93-108 Book reviews
by Thomas Boston & Lynn Burbridge & Denys Vaughn-Cooke
December 1984, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 3-3 Menu
by Margaret Simms - 5-19 Non-white migration patterns in northern metropolitan areas, 1960–1970: The interaction between economic and affinitive factors
by Charles Latos - 21-36 Urban economic transformation and minority business opportunities
by Timothy Bates - 37-47 Struggling against apartheid: The use of economic sanctions on South Africa
by Sanford Wright - 49-59 Civil rights legislation and racial employment differentials
by Lonnie Stevans & Charles Register & Paul Grimes - 61-80 Correlates of poverty: An analysis of demographic, structural, and individual factors related to poverty in the black-belt counties of Alabama
by Susan Gotsch-Thomson - 81-90 Ethnic Dilemmas By Nathan Glazer
by David Swinton
June 1984, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-7 Menu
by Margaret Simms - 9-24 Politics and economics
by Marcus Alexis - 25-29 Comments on the Marcus Alexis article
by Harold Black - 31-46 Internally directed action for black community development: The next frontier for “The movement”
by Glenn Loury - 47-49 Comments on the Glenn C. Loury article
by Bernadette Chachere - 51-55 The strategy of macroeconomic policy and Black Americans
by Ronald Johnson - 56-59 Comments on the Ronald Johnson article
by Donald Harris - 61-73 Long-term economic growth and black employment opportunities
by Andrew Brimmer - 74-79 Comments on the Andrew F. Brimmer article
by Earl Hamilton - 81-98 Industrial policy: Minority economic interests and American political response
by Richard McGahey - 99-102 Comments on the Richard McGahey article
by Cecilia Conrad - 103-115 Urban policy and economic reform
by Gerald Jaynes - 116-118 Comments on the Gerald D. Jaynes article
by Bennett Harrison - 119-137 Employment and training policy for Black America: Beyond placebo to progressive public policy
by John Jeffries & Howard Stanback - 138-144 Comments on the John M. Jeffries and Howard Stanback article
by Julianne Malveaux - 145-161 Education, economics, and equity
by Meldon Hollis - 162-164 Comments on the Meldon Hollis article
by Margaret Simms - 165-187 Public policy and the condition of black family life
by William Darity & Samuel Myers - 188-193 Comments on the William A. Darity, Jr. and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. article
by Sheldon Danziger - 195-200 The state against blacks
by Bernard Anderson - 201-205 The economics and politics of race: An International perspective
by Rhonda Williams
March 1984, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 3-4 Menu
by Margaret Simms - 5-39 Black economic well-being since the 1950s
by Timothy Bates - 41-58 Becker’s utility approach to discrimination: A review of the issues
by Marcus Alexis & Marshall Medoff - 59-69 The measurement and interpretation of black wage and occupational gains: A Reevaluation
by Steven Shulman - 71-84 Measuring minority business formation and failure
by Richard Stevens - 85-110 The determinants of the rate of growth of black-owned businesses: A preliminary analysis
by John Handy & David Swinton - 111-134 An econometric analysis of black entrepreneurship
by Peter Bearse
March 1983, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 5-7 A tribute to Vivian Wilson Henderson
by Barbara Jones - 9-25 Orthodox and systemic explanations for unemployment and racial inequality: Implications for policy
by David Swinton - 27-42 Deindustrialization and unemployment in America
by Barry Bluestone - 43-54 Economics, politics, and blacks
by Glenn Loury - 55-61 Perspectives on unemployment and policy
by Nancy Barrett - 63-74 Money growth and the employment aspirations of black Americans
by Everson Hull - 75-92 Economic growth, structural change, and the relative income status of blacks in the U.S. economy, 1947–78
by Donald Harris - 93-105 Racial differences in unemployment: A spatial perspective
by Joe Darden - 106-106 Correction
by Mergione Pitre
December 1983, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 133-143 The impact of multinational corporations on power relations in South Africa
by Timothy Bates - 145-161 The political economy of black Americans: Perspectives on curriculum development
by Lloyd Hogan - 163-177 The economics of Thomas Sowell: A critique ofmarkets and minorities
by Bernadette Chachere - 179-187 Sowell’sknowledge and decisions: Can black conservatism establish its intellectual credibility?
by Alex Willingham - 189-202 Supply-side economics: The rise to prominence
by Ronald Johnson - 203-217 The impact of black political participation on public sector employment and representation on municipal boards and commissions
by Huey Perry - 219-236 Collective goods and black interest groups
by Dianne Pinderhughes - 237-240 The potential for black business: A comment
by Timothy Bates - 241-242 A response to Timothy Bates’ comment
by Don Markwalder - 243-245 Integration and disintegration in East Africa
by Frank Chiteji
September 1982, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-14 The changing status of economic minorities, 1948–1977
by Mickey Burnim & David Rasmussen - 15-28 Discrimination, time-lag, and assessment inequity in black neighborhoods
by Gill Lim - 29-45 Southern black elected officials: Impact on socioeconomic change
by James Button - 47-63 Race, class, and politics in the black community of Boston
by James Jennings - 65-81 The race factor in social security
by Patrick Driessen - 83-90 Alternative medical care financing systems: Implications for minority group health care and welfare
by Alvin Headen - 91-101 Black-owned commercial banks: A new look at their performance and management
by Mona Gardner - 103-109 The impact of recent developments in the banking community on black-owned banks
by Irvin Dallas - 111-114 The zero sum society
by Aurelia Miller & Timothy Bates
June 1982, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 389-396 Notes on mature cultures and immature economies
by Flournoy Coles - 397-411 Notes on economic development and blacks
by Flournoy Coles - 413-427 Racial discrimination in labor markets: A job filtering hypothesis
by Charles Latos - 429-439 Comparative labor supply of black and white women
by Emily Hoffman - 441-454 Indicators of pesticide exposure levels among black migrant workers
by Emiel Owens - 455-464 Demand for Japanese passenger cars in the United States
by Byung Lee & Hideaki Matsuya - 465-476 Black power and state welfare policy
by David Colby - 477-489 The riot as politics
by Devin Bent - 491-508 SBA regional loan distribution to minorities
by Samuel Doctors & Richard Wokutch
March 1981, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 293-301 Racial differences in consumer expenditure patterns, 1972–73
by A. Fareed & G. Riggs - 303-312 The potential for black business
by Don Markwalder - 313-319 Factors influencing the size of the black business community
by Paul Ong - 321-336 Effectiveness of the small business administration in financing minority business
by Timothy Bates - 337-346 Economic development aspects of a public policy program: Section 8(a) contracts
by Arthur King - 347-364 Insurance redlining in minority communities
by Gregory Squires & Ruthanne DeWolfe - 365-374 Marine preference cargo market: Opportunities for minority shippers
by Conway Lackman & Raymond Heinzelmann - 375-382 Black studies tenure and promotion: A reply to Davidson
by John Bracey
December 1981, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 181-202 A report on the supply of Black Economists
by Margaret Simms & David Swinton - 203-215 The assembly industries in Haiti: Causes and effects, 1967–1973
by Monique Garrity - 217-228 U.S. inflation and the import demand of Ghana and Nigeria, 1967–1976
by C. Henry - 229-250 Poverty and enterprise: Towards the sixth stage of economic growth
by Rawle Farley - 251-266 Differences in white-non-white returns to schooling: Theory and policy
by Benjamin Cheng - 267-276 An econometric analysis of affirmative action
by Howard Block & Robert Pennington - 277-281 Rethinking economic development
by Flournoy Coles - 283-285 Black consumer profiles: Food purchasing in the inner city
by Aurelia Miller - 286-288 Behold the promised land: A history of Afro-American settler society in nineteenth-century Liberia
by Samuel Myers
September 1980, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-5 Foreword
by Donna Shalala - 6-6 Preface
by Vincent McDonald - 7-8 Introduction
by Lloyd Hogan - 9-17 Political philosophy and public assistance in liberal society
by Mack Jones - 18-43 Theoretical foundations for government subsidies to low-income people
by Rawle Farley - 44-52 Public service employment: A subsidy for low-income workers
by Charles Betsey - 53-75 Public housing and the black community
by Wilhelmina Leigh & Mildred Mitchell - 76-77 Commentary on the Leigh-Mitchell paper
by Vincent McDonald - 78-79 Public housing and displacement: A response to the Leigh-Mitchell paper
by Patricia Thompson - 80-108 The Medicaid program: The low-income health care subsidy
by Bernadette Chachere - 109-123 A welfare evaluation of Medicaid
by Charles Anderson - 124-126 Two evaluations of Medicaid: Commentary on the Chachere and Anderson papers
by Margaret Simms - 127-132 Economic subsidies and incentives in education for low-income people
by Cleveland Chandler - 133-149 Federally subsidized programs for fighting crime in minority communities
by Samuel Myers & W. Rouse & Edward Baldwin - 150-166 Black population measurement as a factor in subsidized programs
by Lloyd Hogan
June 1980, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 326-329 Nea and the Westerfield Award
by Vincent McDonald - 330-333 Presentation of the national economic association’s 1979 Samuel Z. Westerfield Award to Marcus Alexis
by Margaret Simms - 334-353 Race and social organization: An economic perspective
by Marcus Alexis - 354-354 Changes in black-white income inequality, 1968–78: A decade of progress?
by William Darity & Samuel Myers - 355-379 Black economic progress: The reality and the illusion
by Glenn Loury - 380-383 Impacts of discrimination on black-white earnings differentials, 1960–70
by Dong Jeong - 384-390 Comments on papers by Darity-Meyers, and Jeong
by James Smith - 391-394 Effects of community, family, and education on earnings of black and white men
by Linda Datcher - 395-396 In defense of public policy aimed at reducing racial economic disparity
by Jerome Culp & Glenn Loury - 397-399 Determinants of racial differentials in allowance rates for social security disability benefits
by Charles Thorpe & Richard Toikka - 400-403 Federal health care policy and the public-general hospital
by Charles Anderson & Ronald Hester - 404-406 Commentary on the Anderson-Hester paper
by Bernadette Chachere - 407-408 Disqualification from unemployment insurance benefits and the duration of unemployment
by Henry Felder - 409-413 Poverty within a black township in Johannesburg
by Hazel Suchard - 414-421 Comments on the Suchard paper
by Karl Gregory - 422-422 Race and the capital markets
by Julian Ellison - 423-427 Financing minority economic development
by Vincent McDonald - 428-431 Mortgage lending determinants in a major metropolitan area
by Harold Black & Robert Schweitzer
March 1980, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 244-246 Capitalist exploitation and black labor: An extended conceptual framework
by Daniel Fusfeld - 247-261 Cultural dimensions of marketing strategies
by Ivor Mitchell - 262-278 Hidden dimensions of the New York city fiscal crisis
by Arthur Paris - 279-288 Constraints on economic development in the English-speaking countries of Africa
by Flournoy Coles - 289-294 White gain or white loss: A note on Szymanski’ and methodology
by Isidor Wallimann - 295-299 A note on job status and degree of discrimination
by David Terpstra - 300-304 A note on black studies tenure and promotion
by Douglas Davidson - 305-313 A note on success criteria for minority business
by Georgia Bowser - 314-318 The social and economic status of the black population in the U.S.: An historical view, 1790–1978
by Aurelia Miller
December 1980, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 133-152 Black-white differentials in crime rates
by Samuel Myers - 153-168 Illusions of black economic progress
by William Darity - 169-184 A task force report on Ghana
by Karl Gregory - 185-198 Black americans and Ghanaians: Comparative patterns of internal migration
by Benjamin Bobo - 199-208 Impact of social security taxes on the poor
by Frank Davis - 209-218 Experiential learning/social-problem-solving programs in graduate schools of business
by Samuel Doctors & Robert Perloff & Liam Fahey - 219-222 Anatomy of black politics: A response to marable
by Fred Logan - 223-235 Caribbean immigration to the United States
by S. Jones-Hendrickson - 235-239 Marxism and the Metropolis
by Timothy Bates & Alan Marshall