- 2011-10 Spatial Competition in Quality, Demand-Induced Innovation, and Schumpeterian Growth
by Raphael A. Auer & Philip U. Sauré - 2011-09 Low-Wage Import Competition, Inflationary Pressure,and Industry Dynamics in Europe
by Raphael A. Auer & Kathrin Degen & Andreas M. Fischer - 2011-08 Mortgage Rate Pass-Through in Switzerland
by Iva Cecchin - 2011-07 Sectoral Inflation Dynamics, Idiosyncratic Shocks and Monetary Policy
by Daniel Kaufmann & Sarah M. Lein - 2011-06 Is there any evidence of a Greenspan put?
by Pamela Hall - 2011-05 Exploring an uncharted market: Evidence on the unsecured Swiss franc money market
by Dr. Basil Guggenheim & Prof. Dr. Sébastien P. Kraenzlin & Dr. Silvio Schumacher - 2011-04 Intraday patterns in FX returns and order flow
by Francis Breedon & Angelo Ranaldo - 2011-03 Foreign currency returns and systematic risks
by Victoria Galsband & Dr. Thomas Nitschka - 2011-02 Foreign Currency Loans - Demand or Supply Driven?
by Martin Brown & Karolin Kirschenmann & Steven Ongena - 2011-01 Which Households Use Banks? Evidence from the Transition Economies
by Thorsten Beck & Martin Brown
- 2010-19 Executive Compensation: A General Equilibrium Perspective
by Jean-Pierre Danthine - 2010-18 Are Imports from Rich Nations Deskilling Emerging Economies? - Human Capital and the Dynamic Effects of Trade
by Raphael A. Auer - 2010-17 Immigration and large banknotes
by Andreas M. Fischer - 2010-16 Immigration and Swiss House Prices
by Kathrin Degen & Andreas M. Fischer - 2010-15 Monerary Policy Response to Oil Price Shocks
by Jean-Marc Natal - 2010-14 Limits to arbitrage during the crisis: funding liquidity constraints and covered interest parity
by Tommaso Mancini Griffoli & Angelo Ranaldo - 2010-13 Consumer Heterogeneity and the Impact of Trade Liberalization: How Representative is the Representative Agent Framework?
by Raphael A. Auer - 2010-12 Macroeconomic and interest rate volatility under alternative monetary operating procedures
by Dr. Petra Gerlach & Dr. Barbara Rudolf - 2010-11 Momentum in stock market returns: Implications for risk premia on foreign currencies
by Dr. Thomas Nitschka - 2010-10 The Business Cycle Implications of Reciprocity in Labor Relations
by Jean-Pierre Danthine - 2010-09 Who Needs Credit and Who Gets Credit in Eastern Europe?
by Martin Brown & Steven Ongena & Alexander Popov & Dr. Pinar Yesin - 2010-08 Estimating a stock-flow model for the Swiss housing market
by Elizabeth Steiner - 2010-07 Overreporting Oil Reserves
by Philip U. Sauré - 2010-06 Daytime is money
by Prof. Dr. Sébastien P. Kraenzlin & Dr. Thomas Nellen - 2010-05 The Impact of Banking Sector Stability on the Real Economy
by Pierre Monnin & Dr. Terhi Jokipii - 2010-04 Modeling Monetary Policy
by Dr. Samuel Reynard & Andreas Schabert - 2010-03 Liquidity in the Foreign Exchange Market: Measurement, Commonality, and Risk Premiums
by Loriano Mancini & Angelo Ranaldo & Jan Wrampelmeyer - 2010-02 The Timing of Price Changes and the Role of Heterogeneity
by Daniel Kaufmann - 2010-01 The Time-Varying Systematic Risk of Carry Trade Strategies
by Charlotte Christiansen & Angelo Ranaldo & Paul Söderlind
- 2009-16 Monetary determinants of the Swiss franc
by Prof. Dr. Carlos Lenz & Marcel R. Savioz - 2009-15 Demand for Reserves and the Central Bank's Management of Interest Rates
by Martin Schlegel & Prof. Dr. Sébastien P. Kraenzlin - 2009-14 Bidding Behavior in the SNB's Repo Auctions
by Prof. Dr. Sébastien P. Kraenzlin & Martin Schlegel - 2009-13 Productivity and economic growth in Switzerland 1991-2005
by Dr. Barbara Rudolf & Mathias Zurlinden - 2009-12 Effects of Trade on Female Labor Force Participation
by Philip U. Sauré & Hosny Zoabi - 2009-11 Banking and Transparency: Is More Information Always Better?
by Dr. Nicole Allenspach - 2009-10 Bounded Love of Variety and Patterns of Trade
by Philip U. Sauré - 2009-09 Bank Capital Buffer and Risk Adjustment Decisions
by Dr. Terhi Jokipii & Alistair Milne - 2009-08 Banks and Real Estate Prices
by Christian Hott - 2009-07 Optimal Central Counterparty Risk Management
by Philipp Haene & Andy Sturm - 2009-06 Capacity Utilisation, Constraints and Price Adjustments under the Microscope
by Sarah M. Lein & Eva Köberl - 2009-05 Explaining House Price Fluctuations
by Christian Hott - 2009-04 Inflation Risk Premia and Survey Evidence on Macroeconomic Uncertainty
by Paul Söderlind - 2009-03 Forecasting realized (co)variances with a block structure Wishart autoregressive model
by Matteo Bonato & Massimiliano Caporin & Angelo Ranaldo - 2009-02 Foreign Currency Borrowing by Small Firms
by Martin Brown & Steven Ongena & Dr. Pinar Yesin - 2009-01 Measurement of labor quality growth caused by unobservable characteristics
by Thomas Bolli & Mathias Zurlinden
- 2008-19 Borrowing in Foreign Currency: Austrian Households as Carry Traders
by Christian Beer & Steven Ongena & Dr. Marcel Peter - 2008-18 The Effect of Low-Wage Import Competition on U.S. Inflationary Pressure
by Raphael A. Auer & Andreas M. Fischer - 2008-17 On Reputation: A Microfoundation of Contract Enforcement and Price Rigidity
by Ernst Fehr & Martin Brown & Christian Zehnder - 2008-16 Financial Structure and the Impact of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices
by Katrin Assenmacher & Stefan Gerlach - 2008-15 Price-Setting Behaviour in Switzerland Evidence from CPI Micro Data
by Daniel Kaufmann - 2008-14 What Drives the Swiss Franc?
by Dr. Samuel Reynard - 2008-13 Measuring growth of labour quality and the quality-adjusted unemployment rate in Switzerland
by Thomas Bolli & Mathias Zurlinden - 2008-12 How to Use Industrial Policy to Sustain Trade Agreements
by Philip U. Sauré - 2008-11 Measuring capital stocks and capital services in Switzerland
by Dr. Barbara Rudolf & Mathias Zurlinden - 2008-10 Extreme Coexceedances in New EU Member States' Stock Markets
by Charlotte Christiansen & Angelo Ranaldo - 2008-09 Does FOMC News Increase Global FX Trading?
by Andreas M. Fischer & Angelo Ranaldo - 2008-08 The Colonial and Geographic Origins of Comparative Development
by Raphael A. Auer - 2008-07 Competition and Relational Contracts: The Role of Unemployment as a Disciplinary Device
by Martin Brown & Armin Falk & Ernst Fehr - 2008-06 Cost Pass Through in a Competitive Model of Pricing-to-Market
by Raphael A. Auer & Thomas Chaney - 2008-05 Are Weekly Inflation Forecasts Informative?
by Marlene Amstad & Andreas M. Fischer - 2008-04 Foreign bank entry, institutional development and credit access: firm-level evidence from 22 transition countries
by Maria Clara Rueda Maurer - 2008-03 Forecasting the Swiss Economy Using VECX* Models: An Exercise in Forecast Combination Across Models and Observation Windows
by Katrin Assenmacher & M. Hashem Pesaran - 2008-02 Intelligible Factors for the Yield Curve
by Yvan Lengwiler & Prof. Dr. Carlos Lenz - 2008-01 The Emergence of Information Sharing in Credit Markets
by Martin Brown & Christian Zehnder
- 2007-17 Safe Haven Currencies
by Angelo Ranaldo & Paul Söderlind - 2007-16 Who Prices Locally? Survey Evidence of Swiss Exporters
by Andreas M. Fischer & Prof. Dr. Matthias Lutz & Dr. Manuel Wälti - 2007-15 Information Sharing and Credit: Firm-Level Evidence from Transition Countries
by Martin Brown & Tullio Jappelli & Marco Pagano - 2007-14 Globalization, markups and the natural rate of interest
by Jean-Marc Natal & Dr. Nicolas Stoffels - 2007-13 Monetary Factors and Inflation in Japan
by Katrin Assenmacher & Stefan Gerlach & Toshitaka Sekine - 2007-12 Communicating Policy Options at the Zero Bound
by Lukas Burkhard & Andreas M. Fischer - 2007-11 The reaction of asset markets to Swiss National Bank communication
by Angelo Ranaldo & Dr. Enzo Rossi - 2007-10 Applying the Hirose-Kamada filter to Swiss data: Output gap and exchange rate pass-through estimates
by Franziska Bignasca & Dr. Enzo Rossi - 2007-09 The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: Comment. A Solution to the Debate on Settler Mortality Rates
by Raphael A. Auer - 2007-08 An Orthogonal Polynomial Approach to Estimate the Term Structure of Interest Rates
by Hans-Jürg Büttler - 2007-07 Banking Sector Reform and Interest Rates in Transition Economies: Bank-Level Evidence from Kyrgyzstan
by Martin Brown & Maria Clara Rueda Maurer & Tamara Pak & Nurlanbek Tynaev - 2007-06 Loss Aversion in Aggregate Macroeconomic Time Series
by Dr. Rina Rosenblatt-Wisch - 2007-05 Maintaining Low Inflation: Money, Interest Rates, and Policy Stance
by Dr. Samuel Reynard - 2007-04 Why 'Basel II' May Need a Leverage Ratio Restriction
by Jürg M. Blum - 2007-03 Segmentation and Time-of-Day Patterns in Foreign Exchange Markets
by Angelo Ranaldo - 2007-02 Federal Reserve Policy viewed through a Money Supply Lens
by Ibrahim Chowdhury & Andreas Schabert - 2007-01 Do FX traders in Bishkek have similar perceptions to their London colleagues? Survey evidence of market practitioners' views
by Andreas M. Fischer & Ulan Termechikov
- 2006-11 Intraday Market Dynamics Around Public Information Arrivals
by Angelo Ranaldo - 2006-10 On Understanding Sources of Growth and Output Gaps for Switzerland
by Kevin J. Fox & Mathias Zurlinden - 2006-09 A Two-Pillar Phillips Curve for Switzerland
by Dr. Petra Gerlach - 2006-08 Can bank supervisors rely on market data? A critical assessment from a Swiss perspective
by Urs W. Birchler & Matteo Facchinetti - 2006-07 Money and the Great Disinflation
by Dr. Samuel Reynard - 2006-06 Time-Varying Pass-Through from Import Prices to Consumer Prices: Evidence from an Event Study with Real-Time Data
by Marlene Amstad & Andreas M. Fischer - 2006-05 Money Growth, Output Gaps and Inflation at Low and High Frequency: Spectral Estimates for Switzerland
by Katrin Assenmacher & Stefan Gerlach - 2006-04 The Exposure of Swiss Banks to Macroeconomic Shocks - an Empirical Investigation
by Hansjörg Lehmann & Michael Manz - 2006-03 Credit Reporting, Relationship Banking, and Loan Repayment
by Martin Brown & Christian Zehnder - 2006-02 Realized Bond-Stock Correlation: Macroeconomic Announcement Effects
by Charlotte Christiansen & Angelo Ranaldo - 2006-01 Measuring Income Elasticity for Swiss Money Demand: What do the Cantons say about Financial Innovation?
by Andreas M. Fischer
- 2005-02 On the Inadequacy of Newswire Reports for Empirical Research on Foreign Exchange Interventions
by Andreas M. Fischer - 2005-01 The Phillips curve under state-dependent pricing
by Hasan Bakhshi & Hashmat Khan & Dr. Barbara Rudolf
- 2004-02 What Does the Yield on Subordinated Bank Debt Measure?
by Diana Hancock & Urs W. Birchler - 2004-01 Financial Market Participation and the Apparent Instability of Money Demand
by Dr. Samuel Reynard