- 59 Money and credit in random matching models of money
by Leo Ferraris - 58 Labor market regimes and monetary policy
by Nicola Acocella & Giovanni Di Bartolomeo & Douglas A. Hibbs - 57 Exhaustible natural resources, normal prices and intertemporal equilibrium
by Sergio Parrinello - 56 Labour and financial market determinants of investiment decisions in Europe
by Giorgio Calcagnini & Enrico Saltari - 55 The myth of the service economy
by Sergio Parrinello - 54 Co-operative behaviour, productivity and income dispersion
by Emanuela Lotti - 53 Innovation and growth: supply and demand factors in the US expansion
by Annamaria Simonazzi - 52 Theories of justice: socialconditioning and personal responsibility in roemers's contribution
by Nicola Acocella - 51 Ambiente, salute e sviluppo: un approccio dinamico
by Guido Citoni - 50 Investment, Financing Constraints and the Euler Equation
by Enrico Saltari & Giuseppe Travaglini - 49 Non-neutrality of monetary policy in policy games
by Nicola Acocella & Giovanni Di Bartolomeo - 48 Crescita, ambiente e commercio internazionale in un modello con innovazioni tecnologiche
by Eleonora Cavallaro - 47 Financing the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union
by Luisa Giuriato
- 46 Irrilevance of profit sharing in the principal-agent model
by Susanna Mancinelli & Maria Augusta Miceli - 45 Trade Distortion Indexes and Applied General Equilibrium Models: The Case of the Common Agricoltural Policy
by Luca Salvatici - 44 Robustness and feasibility of corporatism
by Nicola Acocella & Giovanni Di Bartolomeo - 43 L'IPE: un indice computabile della pressione evolutiva operante sui mercati
by Michele Tucci & Luca Barchetti - 42 Wage and public expenditure setting in a monetary union
by Nicola Acocella & Giovanni Di Bartolomeo - 41 Price competition and probabilistic demand yield the Cournot outcome, the Bertrand outcome, and much more
by Paolo Buccirossi
- 40 Did VAT change redistribute purchasing power in Italy?
by Paolo Liberati
- 39 On a current characterization of the classical theory of value
by Fabio Ravagnani - 38 Current account and exchange rate dynamics
by Lilia Cavallari - 37 Perpetual leapfrogging in Bertrand duopoly
by Emanuele Giovannetti - 36 Buyers' decision and price competition
by Paolo Buccirossi - 35 Education and Job market signalling: How robust is the nexus?
by Massimo Giannini - 34 Human capital and income distribution dynamics
by Massimo Giannini - 33 Public debt repudiation: Is it really possible in the EMU? A political economy approach
by Debora Di Gioacchino & Sergio Ginebri & Laura Sabani - 32 Dynamic Games and Growth Cycles in Unionised Economies
by Enrico Marchetti - 31 La regolazione dei servizi pubblici in condizione di informazione asimmetrica
by Giuseppe Croce - 30 Multiple equilibria: coordination failure and endogenous cycle
by Amedeo Panci
- 29 Beyond the sectors an analysis of economic differentiation in rural economy
by Elisabetta Basile & Claudio Cecchi - 28 Arbitrage mechanism leading to currency crises: a theoretical perspective
by Lilia Cavallari & Giancarlo Corsetti - 27 Recent developments in the measurement of the effects of trade policy: index number method and trade restrictiveness index
by Luca Salvatici - 26 Cyclicality of real wages and adjustment costs
by Bruno Chiarini - 25 Indexation, inflation and central bank indipendence
by Lorenzo Pecchi & Gustavo Piga - 24 The ebb tide of the keynesian welfare state. A general explanation
by Francesco Forte & Jose Casas Pardo - 23 Speculative bubbles and excess returns in European exchange rates. Evidence from a nonparametric approach
by Andrea Bobula & Giuseppe De Arcangelis - 22 A dynamic union model with pensioners membership
by Bruno Chiarini - 21 Evolution of best-reply rules with memory
by Debora Di Gioacchino
- 20 Option value and quality in the measurement of equity in the delivery of health services
by Guido Citoni - 19 Hicks's valutation of social income: An appreisal
by Guglielmo Chiodi & Leonardo Ditta - 18 Dynamic models of union behaviour and union membership
by Bruno Chiarini - 17 La legge degli sbocchi di Say e la teoria della domanda effettiva nella scuola classica
by Anna Maria Nassisi - 16 The credibility of the exchange rate regime: An analisys through derivatives of the September 1992 Crisis
by Fabio Barbato & Giuseppe Garofalo - 15 Eterogeneita' delle strutture produttive agricole e mercato del lavoro
by Maria Giuseppina Eboli - 14 Nota sull'equilibrio macroeconomico di Hayek
by Augusto Graziani - 13 Social security and equity investment in an economy with financial intermediaries and costly monitoring
by Giorgio Di Giorgio - 12 Who's afraid of index-linked bonds?
by Lorenzo Pecchi & Gustavo Piga - 11 Credibility or exit speed? Reflections prompted by the 1992 EMS crisis
by Annamaria Simonazzi & Fernando Vianello - 10 The exchange rate in a disinflation programme: the role of nominal rigidities
by Bruno Chiarini
- 9 Capacity and technology: a two stage dynamic game
by Debora Di Gioacchino - 8 Trade Unions, nonneutrality and stagflation
by Nicola Acocella & Giuseppe Ciccarone - 7 Progresso tecnico e risparmio nella teoria neoclassica: un'analisi critica
by Sergio Cesaratto - 6 Some notes on the transfer of statistical equilibrium from physics to economics
by Sergio Parrinello - 5 Sustainability of capital ratios and regulator reputation: discretionary vs. binding legislation
by Laura Sabani - 4 In search of an indipendent province for treasuries: How should governments announce debt issues?
by Gustavo Piga - 3 Le due facce dell'agricoltura nello sviluppo rurale - riflessioni stimolate dal caso italiano
by Elisabetta Basile & Claudio Cecchi
- 2 Decisions an production and the behaviour of savers in recent general equilibrium models
by Fabio Ravagnani - 1 Equilibrium stagnation and stagflation in a policy game
by Nicola Acocella & Giuseppe Ciccarone