April 2024, Volume 61, Issue 5
- 985-987 Book review: The Urban Question in Africa: Uneven Geographies of Transition
by Sören Scholvin
March 2024, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 619-635 Introduction: Verticality, radicalism, resistance
by Casper Laing Ebbensgaard & Michał Murawski & Saffron Woodcraft & Katherine Zubovich - 636-653 Towards weird verticality: The spectacle of vertical spaces in Chongqing
by Asa Roast - 654-668 Vertical Horizons: Dealing with luxury urban skies
by Andrew Harris & Tom Wolseley - 669-686 Light violence at the threshold of acceptability
by Casper Laing Ebbensgaard - 687-705 ‘Fall girl’: Vertical evacuation and the aesthetics of emergency
by Peter Adey - 706-725 Mumbai’s differential verticalisation: The dialectic of sovereign and technical planning rationalities
by Himanshu Burte - 726-742 Everyday verticality: Migrant experiences of high-rise living in Santiago, Chile
by Megan Sheehan - 743-757 Verticalities in comparison: Debates on high-rise construction in Izmir and Istanbul
by Anlam Filiz - 758-762 Afterword: Out there (or, do we have lift off?)
by AbdouMaliq Simone
February 2024, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 399-425 Writing the Latin American city: Trajectories of urban scholarship
by Catalina Ortiz - 426-444 The right to the smart city in the Global South: A research agenda
by Tooran Alizadeh & Deepti Prasad - 445-461 Who owns the city? Neoliberal urbanism and land purchases in Gurgaon, India
by Meher Bhagia & Mallika Bose - 462-494 The damages of stigma, the benefits of prestige: Examining the consequences of perceived residential reputations on neighbourhood attachment
by Gabriel Otero & Quentin Ramond & MarÃa Luisa Méndez & Rafael Carranza & Felipe Link & Javier Ruiz-Tagle - 495-512 Spillover of urban gentrification and changing suburban poverty in the Amsterdam metropolis
by Hester Booi - 513-530 Carceral connections: The role of policing in the management of public housing in New York City
by James Rodriguez - 531-548 Thermal insecurity: Violence of heat and cold in the urban climate refuge
by Zoé A Hamstead - 549-566 Sector connectors, specialists and scrappers: How cities use civic capital to compete in high-technology markets
by Tijs Creutzberg & Darius Ornston & David A Wolfe - 567-588 What might working from home mean for the geography of work and commuting in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Canada?
by Matthias Sweet & Darren M Scott - 589-603 The ‘In/formal Nocturnal City’: Updating a research agenda on nightlife studies from a Southern European perspective
by Begoña Aramayona & Valeria Guarneros-Meza - 604-606 Book review: Black in Place: The Spatial Aesthetics of Race in a Post-Chocolate City
by Luisa G Melo - 606-609 Book review: Monumental Lies: Culture Wars and the Truth About the Past
by Ammar Azzouz - 609-612 Book review: Drawing and Experiencing Architecture: The Evolving Significance of City’s Inhabitants in the 20th Century
by Alexandros Daniilidis - 612-615 Book review: Domicide: Architecture, War and the Destruction of Home in Syria
by Sabine Ameer
February 2024, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 195-213 Federal ‘redlining’ maps: A critical reappraisal
by Scott Markley - 214-230 The impact of human capital and housing supply on urban growth
by Simon C Büchler & Dongxiao Niu & Anne K Thompson & Siqi Zheng - 231-253 Exploring mismatch in within-metropolitan affordable housing in the United States
by Seungbeom Kang & Jae Sik Jeon & Whitney Airgood-Obrycki - 254-272 Cities looking for waste heat: The dilemmas of energy and industry nexuses in French metropolitan areas
by Antoine Fontaine & Laurence Rocher - 273-293 Linking residential mobility with daily mobility: A three-wave cross-lagged panel analysis of travel mode choices and preferences pre–post residential relocation in the Netherlands
by Yinhua Tao - 294-312 The reproduction of informal settlements in Santiago: Housing policy, cycles of repopulation and the ‘politics of poverty’ as a regime of government
by Valentina Abufhele Milad - 313-330 School and residential segregation in the reproduction of urban segregation: A case study in Buenos Aires
by Pablo Santiago Serrati - 331-349 Governing capabilities, not places – how to understand social sustainability implementation in urban development
by Céline Janssen & Tom A Daamen & Wouter J Verheul - 350-369 A performing arts centre for whom? Rethinking the architect as negotiator of urban imaginaries
by Inge Goudsmit & Maria Kaika & Nanke Verloo - 370-382 Urban planning and the knowledge politics of the smart city
by Matthew Cook & Andrew Karvonen - 383-385 Book review: The Urban Ecologies of Divided Cities
by Teresa GarcÃa Alcaraz - 385-388 Book review: Rubbish Belongs to the Poor: Hygienic Enclosure and the Waste Commons
by Taenaz Shakir - 388-390 Book review: Estate Regeneration and its Discontents
by Chris Hamnett - 390-395 Book review: Territorial Capacity and Inclusion: Co-creating a Public Space with Teenagers
by Diogo Guedes Vidal
January 2024, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 3-19 Freight logistics and the city
by HÃ¥vard Haarstad & Rafael Rosales & Subina Shrestha - 20-39 Re-measuring gentrification
by devin michelle bunten & Benjamin Preis & Shifrah Aron-Dine - 40-57 The politics of urban densification in Oslo
by Kristin Kjærås - 58-77 Leadership repertoire and political engagement in a divided city: The case of East Jerusalem
by Noam Brenner & Dan Miodownik & Shaul R. Shenhav - 78-94 Have cycling-friendly cities achieved cycling equity? Analyses of the educational gradient in cycling in Dutch and German cities
by Ansgar Hudde - 95-111 The local multiplier of income support paid in a complementary currency: Comparative evaluation in the city of Barcelona
by Mercè Roca & Marta Segura & Jordi Puig & Susana MartÃn Belmonte - 112-129 Dialectical approach to unpacking knowledge-making for digital urban democracy: A critical case of Helsinki-based e-participatory budgeting
by Yu-Shan Tseng & Christoph Becker & Ida Roikonen - 130-147 The association between food insecurity and social capital under the lockdowns in COVID-hit Shanghai
by Guanghua Han & Yida Zhai - 148-164 Repurposing retail space: Exploring stakeholder relationships
by Cath Jackson & Victoria Lawson & Allison Orr & James T White - 165-179 Smart and disruptive infrastructures: Re-building knowledge on the informal city
by Kerry Bobbins & Federico Caprotti & Jiska de Groot & Whitney Pailman & Mascha Moorlach & Hendrik Schloemann & Alex Densmore & Kimenthrie Finlay & Ellen Fischat & Siseko Siwali & Joslyn Links - 180-182 Book review: Non-Performing Loans, Non-Performing People. Life and Struggle with Mortgage Debt in Spain
by Isabel Gutiérrez Sánchez - 182-186 Book review: Internal other: Re-imagined class in urban spaces
by Sankar Varma - 186-188 Book review: Unsettled Urban Space: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations
by Christoph Lueder - 188-191 Book review: Neoliberal Urban Governance: Spaces, Culture and Discourses in Buenos Aires and Chicago
by Maedhbh Nic Lochlainn
December 2023, Volume 60, Issue 16
- 3167-3186 Rethinking urban utopianism: The fallacy of social mix in the 15-minute city
by Giada Casarin & Julie MacLeavy & David Manley - 3187-3197 By yourself, yet not alone: Making space for loneliness
by Luzia Cassis Heu & Tom Brennecke - 3198-3215 What if autonomous vehicles had been introduced into cities? A counterfactual analysis
by Haotian Zhong & Wei Li - 3216-3232 Commodifying Havana? Private accumulation, assetisation and marketisation in the Cuban metropolis
by Gertjan Wijburg - 3233-3251 The relevance of job accessibility to labour market outcomes: Evidence for the São Paulo metropolitan region
by Leandro Batista Duarte & Raul da Mota Silveira Neto & Diego Firmino Costa da Silva - 3252-3271 Happy city for everyone: Generational differences in rural migrant workers’ leisure in urban China
by Zidan Mao & Fangyu Liu & Ying Zhao - 3272-3293 Delivering common property in Chinese contractual communities: Law, power and practice
by Yiru Jia & Nicky Morrison & Franziska Sielker - 3294-3311 Recommoning water: Crossing thresholds under citizen-driven remunicipalisation
by Dona Geagea & Maria Kaika & Jampel Dell’Angelo - 3312-3335 Gentrifying with family wealth: Parental gifts and neighbourhood sorting among young adult owner-occupants
by Wouter van Gent & Rik Damhuis & Sako Musterd - 3336-3352 Obliged smart freedom: The Singaporean experience of advanced neoliberal-developmental governance
by Aisha Sobey - 3353-3366 Book review forum: Infrastructure
by Philip Hubbard & Regan Koch & Austin Kocher & Sarah Klosterkamp & Mariana Valverde - 3367-3369 Book review: Dream States: Smart Cities, Technology, and the Pursuit of Urban Utopias
by Giulia Belloni - 3369-3372 Book review: IoT and Big Data Analytics for Smart Cities: A Global Perspective
by Toddy Aditya & Rahmayati Rahmayanti - 3372-3374 Book review: University City: History, Race, and Community in the Era of the Innovation District
by Ellen Munley Mulcahy
November 2023, Volume 60, Issue 15
- 2963-2978 Public transport as public space: Introduction
by Tauri Tuvikene & Wladimir Sgibnev & Wojciech Kȩbłowski & Jason Finch - 2979-2993 A bus as a compressed public space: Everyday multiculturalism in Milan
by Martina Bovo & Paola Briata & Massimo Bricocoli - 2994-3009 Small arrangements with self and others: A visual study of the everyday ordinary on Paris’s A train
by Sandrine Wenglenski - 3010-3026 A contingent publicness: Entanglements on buses
by Yogi Joseph & Govind Gopakumar - 3027-3044 Public space on the move: Mediating mobility, stillness and encounter on a Cape Town bus
by Bradley Rink - 3045-3060 Naming public transport and historicising experiences: Critical toponymies and everyday multilingualism in Singapore’s mass rapid transit system
by Shaun Tyan Gin Lim & Francesco Perono Cacciafoco - 3061-3077 On the move in the (post)colonial metropolis: The Paris Metro in Francophone African and Afrodiasporic fiction
by Anna-Leena Toivanen - 3078-3091 Distractions in a disruption: The soothing effect of the heritage bus ride during London Tube strikes
by Kevin KH Tsang - 3092-3109 Transport reforms and its missing publics: Insights from marshrutka abolishment and transport ‘modernisation’ policies prior to FIFA World Cup 2018 in Volgograd, Russian Federation
by Tonio Weicker - 3110-3125 Urban mobility infrastructures as public spaces: The uses of Sé subway station in downtown São Paulo
by Cristiana Martin - 3126-3142 ‘The gates of paradise are open’: Contesting and producing publicness in the Brussels metro through fare evasion
by Louise Sträuli & Wojciech Kębłowski - 3143-3157 A transport of one’s own: Women in contemporary Mexico City’s public transport through the lens of photojournalism
by Teresa Franco - 3158-3164 Public spaces of transport as mobile public spheres and atmospheric publics
by Mimi Sheller
November 2023, Volume 60, Issue 14
- 2741-2762 Framing urban threats: A socio-spatial analysis of urban securitisation in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Alexandra Abello Colak & Melanie Lombard & Valeria Guarneros-Meza - 2763-2778 Beyond the pale: Fencing off parks for festivals
by Andrew Smith - 2779-2798 Income polarisation, expenditure and the Australian urban middle class
by Ilan Wiesel & Julia de Bruyn & Jordy Meekes & Sangeetha Chandrashekeran - 2799-2815 Queering utopia: Pride walks in modernist Chandigarh
by Preetika Sharma & Kanchan Gandhi & Anu Sabhlok - 2816-2834 Examining the long-term influence of New Deal era redlining on contemporary gentrification
by Joseph Gibbons - 2835-2851 Making sense of segregation: Transitional thinking and contested space
by Joanne Murphy & Sara McDowell - 2852-2873 Change or stability in educational inequalities? Educational mobility and school effects in the context of a major urban policy
by Gijs Custers & Marjolijn Das & Godfried Engbersen - 2874-2900 Bottom-up cluster branding through boundary spanners: The case of the Jingdezhen ceramics cluster in China
by Di Wu & Neil M. Coe - 2901-2918 Comparative urbanism for hope and healing: Urbicide and the dilemmas of reconstruction in post-war Syria and Poland
by Joanna Kusiak & Ammar Azzouz - 2919-2940 Land-use reforms and housing costs: Does allowing for increased density lead to greater affordability?
by Christina Stacy & Chris Davis & Yonah Slifkin Freemark & Lydia Lo & Graham MacDonald & Vivian Zheng & Rolf Pendall - 2941-2950 Book review forum: How Cities Learn
by Michele Acuto & Anders Kirstein Moeller & Gaurav Mittal & Astrid Wood - 2951-2953 Book review: Urban Development in China Under the Institution of Land Rights
by Mahalaya Chatterjee - 2953-2956 Book review: Predatory Urbanism: The Metabolism of Megaprojects in Asia
by Ayyoob Sharifi - 2956-2959 Book review: Upgrading Informal Settlements: Experiences from Asia
by Patrick Wakely
October 2023, Volume 60, Issue 13
- 2529-2549 Zoonotic urbanisation: multispecies urbanism and the rescaling of urban epidemiology
by Matthew Gandy - 2550-2563 Plug-in urbanism: City building and the parodic guise of new infrastructure in Africa
by Prince K Guma & Jethron Ayumbah Akallah & Jack Ong’iro Odeo - 2564-2584 Using natural language processing to construct a National Zoning and Land Use Database
by Matthew Mleczko & Matthew Desmond - 2585-2611 Citizen security and urban commuting in Latin America
by José Ignacio Giménez-Nadal & LucÃa EcheverrÃa & Alberto Molina - 2612-2631 The ‘kampung formula’: Infrastructural adventurism and public art in Semarang, Indonesia
by Lukas Ley - 2632-2650 How buses alleviate unemployment and poverty: Lessons from a natural experiment in Clayton County, GA
by Fei Li & Christopher Kajetan Wyczalkowski - 2651-2668 Transfer or retain land development right: The role of China’s IDB programme in supporting inclusive urbanisation
by Maolong Chen & Shurong Yao & Chaoran Hu & Songqing Jin - 2669-2685 Diasporic capital and the financialisation of housing in Ho Chi Minh City
by Hung Dao Vo - 2686-2705 Settlement policy in an Israeli mixed city: A typology of displacement and its resistance
by Yael Shmaryahu-Yeshurun - 2706-2724 The rise of single-family rentals and the relationship to opportunity neighbourhoods for low-income families with children
by Sahar Khaleel & Bernadette Hanlon - 2725-2730 Book review essay: City, Climate and Architecture; Coping with Urban Climates
by Noa Levin - 2731-2733 Book review: Caring for Place: Community Development in Rural England
by Frank Moulaert - 2733-2735 Book review: Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities
by Lars Marcus - 2735-2738 Book review: Urban Planning for Climate Change
by Eka Wulan Safriani & Yani Yani
September 2023, Volume 60, Issue 12
- 2329-2350 Progressive cities: Urban–rural polarisation of social values and economic development around the world
by Davide Luca & Javier Terrero-Davila & Jonas Stein & Neil Lee - 2351-2368 Local inequities in the relative production of and exposure to vehicular air pollution in Los Angeles
by Geoff Boeing & Yougeng Lu & Clemens Pilgram - 2369-2383 The increasing emission divide between cities of the Global North and Global South: Towards adjustable mitigation scenarios at the city level
by Yosef Jabareen - 2384-2399 Governed by atmospheres: Affect, materiality and everyday benevolence in homeless encampments during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Petr Vašát & Jan Váně - 2400-2417 Storage city: Water tanks, jerry cans, and batteries as infrastructure in Nairobi
by Moritz Kasper & Sophie Schramm - 2418-2435 ‘London is avocado on toast’: The urban imaginaries of the #LondonIsOpen campaign
by Edanur Yazici & Karim Murji & Michael Keith & Steve Pile & John Solomos & Ying Wang - 2436-2455 Patterns of onwards migration within the urban hierarchy of China: Who moves up and who moves down?
by Jiejing Wang & Xin Mai & Lizheng Zhang - 2456-2473 Care commons: Infrastructural (re)compositions for life sustenance through yet against regimes of chronic crisis
by Isabel Gutierrez Sanchez - 2474-2495 Iconic buildings in the making of city identity: The role of aspirational identity artefacts
by Alessandra Zamparini & Gastone Gualtieri & Francesco Lurati - 2496-2514 Where is agency in the context of urban transformation? Exploring the narratives of institutional stakeholders and community activists in Birmingham
by Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska & Liam O’Farrell - 2515-2523 Book review forum podcast: The Surrounds
by Pranita Shrestha & Alison Young & Adam Morton & Tanzil Shafique & Dallas Rogers & AbdouMaliq Simone - 2524-2526 Book review: Wake Up, This Is Joburg
by Denise L. Lim
August 2023, Volume 60, Issue 11
- 2009-2035 Politicising proximity: Radical municipalism as a strategy in crisis
by Laura Roth & Bertie Russell & Matthew Thompson - 2036-2053 The caring city? A critical reflection on Barcelona’s municipal experiments in care and the commons
by Angelina Kussy & David Palomera & Daniel Silver - 2054-2072 Understanding the crisis of New Municipalism in Spain: The struggle for urban regime power in A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela
by Adrian Bua & Jonathan S Davies - 2073-2095 Counter-logistics and municipalism: Popular infrastructures during the pandemic in Rosario
by Leandro Minuchin & Julieta Maino - 2096-2115 Prefigurative legality: Transforming municipal jurisdiction
by Amelia Thorpe & Bronwen Morgan - 2116-2132 The commonification of the public under new municipalism: Commons–state institutions in Naples and Barcelona
by Iolanda Bianchi - 2133-2157 Strategies for a new municipalism: Public–common partnerships against the new enclosures
by Bertie Russell & Keir Milburn & Kai Heron - 2158-2175 From the streets to the town halls: Municipalist platforms in the post-Yugoslav space
by Chiara Milan - 2176-2194 New institutions and the politics of the interstices. Experimenting with a face-to-face democracy in Naples
by Mauro Pinto & Luca Recano & Ugo Rossi - 2195-2213 When Bookchin faces Bourdieu. French ‘weak’ municipalism, legitimation crisis and zombie political parties
by Vincent Béal & Nicolas Maisetti & Gilles Pinson & Max Rousseau - 2214-2230 Realising direct democracy through representative democracy: From the Yellow Vests to a libertarian municipalist strategy in Commercy
by Sixtine Van Outryve - 2231-2250 Interrupting the neoliberal masculine state machinery? Strategic selectivities and municipalist practice in Barcelona and Zagreb
by Martin Sarnow & Norma Tiedemann - 2251-2270 Bridging bureaucracy and activism: Challenges of activist state-work in the 1980s Greater London Council
by Tim Joubert - 2271-2289 New municipalism and the governance of urban transitions to sustainability
by Siddharth Sareen & Katinka Lund Waagsaether - 2290-2306 New municipalism in South America? Developing theory from experiences in Argentina and Chile
by Emilia Arpini & Alexander Panez & Andrew Cumbers & Bethia Pearson - 2307-2325 Towards variegated ‘Peripheral Municipalisms’: The experience of ValparaÃso and Recoleta, Chile
by Fernando Toro & Hernán Orozco
August 2023, Volume 60, Issue 10
- 1795-1795 Urban Studies Best Article 2022
by N/A - 1796-1814 Defining ‘metropolitan’ poverty: Isolation gradients in major US urban areas
by Scott William Hegerty - 1815-1832 Temporary populations and sociospatial polarisation in the short-term city
by Barbara Brollo & Filippo Celata - 1833-1852 The experience economy in UK city centres: A multidimensional and interconnected response to the ‘death of the high street’?
by James T White & James Hickie & Allison Orr & Cath Jackson & Robert Richardson - 1853-1874 Ethnic residential segregation in the city of Milan at the interplay between social class, housing and labour market
by David Consolazio & David Benassi & Antonio Giampiero Russo - 1875-1893 ‘We lurk in the hidden places’: The (un)stable spatialisation of Roma poverty in Romania
by Ionuţ-Marian Anghel & Filip Mihai Alexandrescu - 1894-1914 The effect of the pandemic on European narratives on smart cities and surveillance
by Mikołaj Biesaga & Anna Domaradzka & Magdalena Roszczyńska-Kurasińska & Szymon Talaga & Andrzej Nowak - 1915-1931 Precarious and non-precarious work in the informal sector: Evidence from South Africa
by Hermanus Stephanus Geyer Jr - 1932-1948 Urban infrastructure patching: Citizen-led solutions to infrastructure ruptures
by John R Bryson & Chloe Billing & Mark Tewdwr-Jones - 1949-1967 Roots and routes in neighbourhoods. Length of residence, belonging and public familiarity in Berlin, Germany
by Talja Blokland & Robert Vief & Daniela Krüger & Henrik Schultze - 1968-1986 Associations between adolescent mental health and pedestrian- and transit-oriented urban design qualities: Evidence from a national-level online Canadian survey
by Adrian Buttazzoni & Leia Minaker - 1987-1999 Book review symposium: [Un]Grounding
by N/A - 2000-2002 Book review: Emergent Tokyo: Designing the Spontaneous City
by Benjamin Bansal - 2002-2005 Book review: Curtain Up: City Diplomacy in Global Migration Governance
by Daniel Pejic
July 2023, Volume 60, Issue 9
- 1535-1547 Urban public health emergencies and the COVID-19 pandemic. Part 2: Infrastructures, urban governance and civil society
by Yingling Fan & Scott Orford & Philip Hubbard - 1548-1569 Critical Commentary: Repopulating density: COVID-19 and the politics of urban value
by Colin McFarlane - 1570-1587 Planning for social distancing: How the legacy of historical epidemics shaped COVID-19's spread in Madrid
by Noel A Manzano Gómez - 1588-1609 Compact living or policy inaction? Effects of urban density and lockdown on the COVID-19 outbreak in the US
by Andy Hong & Sandip Chakrabarti - 1610-1628 Cities and infectious diseases: Assessing the exposure of pedestrians to virus transmission along city streets
by Achilleas Psyllidis & Fábio Duarte & Roos Teeuwen & Arianna Salazar Miranda & Tom Benson & Alessandro Bozzon - 1629-1649 Spatialising urban health vulnerability: An analysis of NYC’s critical infrastructure during COVID-19
by Gayatri Kawlra & Kazuki Sakamoto - 1650-1667 Urban rhythms in a small home: COVID-19 as a mechanism of exception
by Jenny Preece & Kim McKee & David Robinson & John Flint - 1668-1689 Social pathologies and urban pathogenicity: Moving towards better pandemic futures
by Tankut Atuk & Susan L Craddock - 1690-1706 Vulnerability, neglect, and collectivity in Brazilian favelas: Surviving the threats of the COVID-19 pandemic and the state’s necropolitics
by Patricia Basile - 1707-1729 Urban epidemic governance: An event system analysis of the outbreak and control of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China
by Jinliao He & Yuan Zhang - 1730-1749 Towards a constructed order of co-governance: Understanding the state–society dynamics of neighbourhood collaborative responses to COVID-19 in urban China
by Zhilin Liu & Sainan Lin & Tingting Lu & Yue Shen & Sisi Liang - 1750-1770 Governing public health emergencies during the coronavirus disease outbreak: Lessons from four Chinese cities in the first wave
by Lingyue Li & Surong Zhang & Jinfeng Wang & Xiaoming Yang & Lan Wang - 1771-1791 Debates Paper: COVID-19 and urban informality: Exploring the implications of the pandemic for the politics of planning and inequality
by Gavin Shatkin & Vivek Mishra & Maria Khristine Alvarez
June 2023, Volume 60, Issue 8
- 1329-1345 Urban public health emergencies and the COVID-19 pandemic. Part 1: Social and spatial inequalities in the COVID-city
by Scott Orford & Yingling Fan & Philip Hubbard - 1346-1364 Critical Commentary: The city and the virus
by Max Nathan - 1365-1376 Critical Commentary: Beyond growth and density: Recentring the demographic drivers of urban health and risk in the global south
by James Duminy - 1377-1402 Population density and SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Comparing the geography of different waves in the Netherlands
by Willem Boterman - 1403-1426 The impact of ethnic segregation on neighbourhood-level social distancing in the United States amid the early outbreak of COVID-19
by Wei Zhai & Xinyu Fu & Mengyang Liu & Zhong-Ren Peng - 1427-1447 Spatial and social disparities in the decline of activities during the COVID-19 lockdown in Greater London
by Terje Trasberg & James Cheshire - 1448-1464 New urban habits in Stockholm following COVID-19
by Ann Legeby & Daniel Koch & Fábio Duarte & Cate Heine & Tom Benson & Umberto Fugiglando & Carlo Ratti - 1465-1482 Locked down by inequality: Older people and the COVID-19 pandemic
by Tine Buffel & Sophie Yarker & Chris Phillipson & Luciana Lang & Camilla Lewis & Patty Doran & Mhorag Goff - 1483-1496 Informal settlements, Covid-19 and sex workers in Kenya
by Rahma Hassan & Teela Sanders & Susan Gichuna & Rosie Campbell & Mercy Mutonyi & Peninah Mwangi - 1497-1508 Critical Commentary: Fickle spheres: The constant re/construction of the private and other new habits
by Miko Hucko - 1509-1531 Critical Commentary: Cities in a post-COVID world
by Richard Florida & Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose & Michael Storper
May 2023, Volume 60, Issue 7
- 1191-1211 Urbanizing degrowth: Five steps towards a Radical Spatial Degrowth Agenda for planning in the face of climate emergency
by Maria Kaika & Angelos Varvarousis & Federico Demaria & Hug March - 1212-1230 Deindustrialisation and the politics of subordinate degrowth: The case of Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina
by Seth Schindler & J Miguel Kanai & Javier Diaz Bay - 1231-1248 Maintaining autonomy: Urban degrowth and the commoning of housing
by Federico Savini - 1249-1265 Degrowth is coming to town: What can it learn from critical perspectives on urban transport?
by Wojciech Kębłowski - 1266-1284 Spatialising degrowth in Southern cities: Everyday park-making for (un)commoning
by Manisha Anantharaman & Marlyne Sahakian & Czarina Saloma - 1285-1303 An empirical test of measures of housing degrowth: Learning from the limited experience of England and Wales, 1981–2011
by Rebecca Tunstall - 1304-1315 Beyond urban ecomodernism: How can degrowth-aligned spatial practices enhance urban sustainability transformations
by Alejandro De Castro Mazarro & Ritu George Kaliaden & Wolfgang Wende & Markus Egermann - 1316-1325 Scaling-up degrowth: Re-imagining institutional responses to climate change
by William Otchere-Darko
May 2023, Volume 60, Issue 6
- 995-1012 An economic geography perspective on city diplomacy
by Jorn Koelemaij & Sam Taveirne & Ben Derudder - 1013-1030 Displacement frames: How residents perceive, explain and respond to un-homing in Black San Francisco
by Kimya Loder & Forrest Stuart - 1031-1047 Capital’s welfare dependency: Market failure, stalled regeneration and state subsidy in Glasgow and Edinburgh
by Neil Gray & Hamish Kallin - 1048-1065 State preemption and affordable housing policy
by Christopher B Goodman & Megan E Hatch - 1066-1082 Demystifying piped water supply: Formality and informality in (peri)urban water provisioning
by Vishal Narain & Sumit Vij & Timos Karpouzoglou - 1083-1101 Settlement in Nanjing among Chinese rural migrant families: The role of changing and persistent family norms
by Shuangshuang Tang & Jing Zhou & Oana Druta & Xin Li - 1102-1122 The ‘medical city’ and China’s entrepreneurial state: Spatial production under rising consumerism in healthcare
by Xuanyi Nie - 1123-1138 Ambivalent insurgencies: Citizenship, land politics and development in Hanoi and its periurban fringe
by Gray Brakke - 1139-1157 Changes in psychosocial wellbeing over a five-year period in two predominantly Black Pittsburgh neighbourhoods: A comparison between gentrifying and non-gentrifying census tracts
by Alexandra Mendoza-Graf & Rebecca L Collins & Madhumita Ghosh Dastidar & Robin Beckman & Gerald P Hunter & Wendy M Troxel & Tamara Dubowitz - 1158-1176 Centring the periphery in urban studies: Notes towards a research agenda on peripheral centralities
by Nicholas A Phelps & Paul J Maginn & Roger Keil - 1177-1179 Book review: The City and the Super-Organism: A History of Naturalism in Urban Planning
by Margherita Tess - 1179-1184 Book review: Urban Gardening as Politics; Urban Climate Politics: Agency and Empowerment
by Tariro Kamuti - 1184-1188 Book review: Reimagining Sustainable Cities: Strategies for Designing Greener, Healthier, More Equitable Communities
by Keith Pezzoli
April 2023, Volume 60, Issue 5
- 791-810 To move forward, we must look back: White supremacy at the base of urban studies
by Miguel Angel Montalva Barba - 811-828 Regressive revenue sourcing by local governments
by Thai V Le & Matthew M Young - 829-846 Community-led housing: Between ‘right to the city’, ‘actually existing neoliberalism’ and post-pandemic cities
by MarÃa Carla RodrÃguez & MarÃa Cecilia Zapata - 847-868 The effect of meeting opportunities on local urban residents’ prejudice against migrant children in China
by Jaap Nieuwenhuis & Xinyi Shen