April 2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 64-77 Strategic Innovation and Consumer Preferences: An Analysis of Malaysian Hybrid Car Policy
by Normizan Bakar & Bakti Hasan-Basri - 78-107 Multi-level and Multi-route Innovation Policies in China: A Programme Evaluation Based on Firm-level Data
by Asei Ito & Zhuoran Li & Min Wang - 108-111 Book Review: L. Singh, K.S. Bhangoo and R. Sharma. 2016. Agrarian Distress and Farmer Suicides in North India
by Prabhjot Kaur - 112-115 Book Review: S.M. Ali. 2015. Development, Poverty and Power in Pakistan: The Impact of State and Donor Interventions on Farmers
by Yamuna Panicker - 115-118 Book Review: V. Sharma. 2016. Farm Workers of Punjab
by M.R. Khurana - 119-122 Book Review: N. Lalitha and P.K. Viswanathan (Eds). 2015. India’s Tryst with Bt Cotton: Learning from the First Decade
by Neha Balan
October 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 107-130 Indian Labour Markets and Returns to Education
by Kamal Vatta & Takahiro Sato & Garima Taneja - 131-152 Seeking Markets in Production Fields: An Assessment of the Potential for Fair Trade in India
by Aashish Argade & Sukhpal Singh - 153-183 Occupational Pattern and Workforce Participation of Women in Indian Rural Punjab: A Caste Perspective
by Ashapurna Baruah - 184-206 Innovation and Employment: A Study of Indian Manufacturing Sector
by Swati Mehta - 207-229 India–Pakistan Relations: Efficacy of Culture
by Zainab Akhter - 230-234 Book Review: Lakhwinder Singh and Nirvikar Singh (Eds). 2016. Economic Transformation of a Developing Economy: The Experience of Punjab
by Leonardo A. Lanzona Jr. - 234-238 Book Review: Koray Çalıs¸kan. 2010. Market Threads: How Cotton Farmers and Traders Create a Global Commodity
by Rupali - 238-242 Book Review: Tetty Havinga, Frans van Waarden and Donal Casey(Ed.). 2015. The Changing Landscape of Food Governance—Public and Private Encounters
by Saikat Chakraborty - 242-246 Book Review: Jean Duruz and Gaik Cheng Khoo. 2015. Eating Together: Food, Space and Identity in Malaysia and Singapore
by Vandana Saxena
April 2016, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-19 Determinants of Health Expenditures in ASEAN Region: Theory and Evidence
by Danuvas Sagarik - 20-41 Services Exports and SAARC Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Growth, Performance and Competitive Advantage
by Har Sandeep Kaur - 42-62 Culturally Diverse Teams and Social Interaction Influence on Team Effectiveness in Small and Medium Enterprises in the ICT Sector in Malaysia
by Sivapalan Selvadurai & Anindita Dasgupta - 63-76 Settlements in the Civil Wars of Myanmar and Sri Lanka: The Success, Failure and Deception of the Peace Process
by Jiwon Lee - 77-93 Rajni Kothari’s Ideas of Freedom: ‘Rethinking’ State, Democracy, Development and ‘New’ Social Movements in India
by Sujit Lahiry - 94-98 Book Review: E. E. Sajor, B. P. Resurreccion and S. K. Rakshit (Eds). 2014. Bio-innovation and Poverty Alleviation: Case Studies from Asia
by Sukhpal Singh - 98-102 Book Review: T. Haque, Mandira Bhattacharya and Ankita Goyal. 2015. Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Bt Cotton in India
by Neha Balan - 102-105 Book Review: Vishwajyoti Ghosh (Ed.). 2013. This Side That Side: Restorying Partition
by Kamayani Kumar
October 2015, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 111-127 ‘Good’ Governance in India: How Good or Bad?
by Vinod Vyasulu - 128-146 Trust in Governance in Bangladesh: Ideas, Issues and Solutions
by Md. Shahriar Islam & Rifat Mahmud - 147-175 Limited Catch-up in China’s Semiconductor Industry: A Sectoral Innovation System Perspective
by Sungho Rho & Keun Lee & Seong Hee Kim - 176-190 Structural Transformation, Trade Policies and Income Distributional Impacts: A Computable General Equilibrium Model of India
by Mythili G. - 191-204 The State of Security Studies in India: Limitations and Potential
by Swaran Singh - 205-208 Book Review: David Omissi. 2014. Indian Voices of the Great War
by Suman - 208-212 Book Review: V. Kumaraswamy. 2014. Making Growth Happen in India: A Road Map for Policy Success
by Har Sandeep Kaur - 212-217 Book Review: Pongsak Hoontrakul, Christopher Balding and Reena Marwah. 2014. The Global Rise of Asian Transformation: Trends and Developments in Economic Growth Dynamics
by Nitasha Kapila
April 2015, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-18 Recovery of the Supply Chain after the 2011 Mega-quake in Japan
by Ryuhei Wakasugi & Ayumu Tanaka - 19-43 Access to Modern Agricultural Technologies and Farmer Household Welfare: Evidence from India
by Rajeev Sharma & Gurpreet Singh - 44-60 Life in a Megacity: Livelihood Strategies and Survival Mechanisms of Rickshaw Pullers in Dhaka City
by Meheri Tamanna & Md. Kamrul Hasan - 61-80 Comparing China’s Contested Borderland Regions: Xinjiang and Tibet
by Kunal Mukherjee - 81-100 Contextualizing Political Security in South Asia
by Baljit Singh - 101-104 Book Review: Keun Lee. 2013. Schumpeterian Analysis of Economic Catch-up: Knowledge, Path-creation and Middle-Income Trap
by Manjinder Kaur - 104-107 Book Review: Sukhpal Singh and Tarunvir Singh. 2014. Producer Companies in India: Organisation and Performance
by K.J.S. Satyasai - 108-110 Professor Surjit Singh: An Academic Tribute
by Varinder Jain
October 2014, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 127-128 Introduction
by Lakhwinder Singh & Sukhpal Singh - 129-136 The Political Context of Economic Cooperation in Asia: The Relation between Trade Integration and Security Rivalries
by E. Sridharan - 137-155 Regional Cooperation for Whom? A Study of ASEAN–India FTA in the Context of Plantation/Tropical Products
by K.N. Harilal - 157-177 Trade in Services and Cross-border Higher Education in South Asia: Potential and Issues
by Jaswinder Singh Brar - 179-196 An Analysis of the Structure and the Determinants of Intra-industry Trade in Agri-food Products: Case of India and Selected FTAs
by Poornima Varma & Anjali Ramakrishnan - 197-217 Growth Miracle and Slowdown in Mauritius Compared with Bangladesh: An Example of the Adding-up Problem among Developing Countries
by Sanika Sulochani Ramanayake & Keun Lee - 219-237 China and India in Energy Sphere: A Comparative Overview, Challenges and Scope for Cooperation
by Varinder Jain - 239-243 Book Review: Jose Mauricio Domingues. 2013. Global Modernity, Development, and Contemporary Civilization: Towards a Renewal of Critical Theory
by Bidisha Chaudhuri - 243-247 Book Review: Antara Dutta. 2013. Refugees and Borders in South Asia: The Great Exodus of 1971
by Neeta S. Singh - 247-251 Book Review: Mahmood Farooqui. 2010. Besieged: Voices from Delhi 1857
by Suman Sigroha - 252-254 Book Review: R.V. Rajan. 2013. Don’t Flirt with Rural Marketing—The Handbook of Rural Marketing
by Stephan Gerking - 255-259 Remembering Professor G.K. Chadha (1940–2014)
by Sucha Singh Gill
April 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-22 Financial Integration and Financial Development in East Asia
by Inderjit Kaur & Nirvikar Singh - 23-40 Democracy and Good Governance in Bangladesh: Are They Compatible?
by Mohammad Mohabbat Khan & Md. Shahriar Islam - 41-65 Ex-combatants, Security and Post-conflict Violence: Unpacking the Experience from Nepal
by D.B. Subedi - 67-87 Strategies of Technology Accumulation by Indian Pharmaceutical Firms: A Multinomial Logit Analysis
by Swati Mehta - 89-117 Multinational Corporations in Indian Food Retail: Why and How Size Matters
by Sowjanya R. Peddi - 119-121 Book Review: Churning the Earth: The Making of Global India
by Sohel Firdos - 121-125 Book Review: Market Platforms, Industrial Clusters and Small Business Dynamics: Specialized Markets in China
by Keshab Das
October 2013, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 117-133 Farmer Companies in Sri Lanka: Lessons from Agricultural Cooperatives in Japan
by Mohamed Esham & Hajime Kobayashi - 135-157 Has Trade been an Engine of Inclusive Growth? India’s Experience under Globalization
by K.J. Joseph - 159-184 South Asian Agrifood Trade Networks in India: A Case Study of Onion Exports
by Sukhpal Singh - 185-210 Small and Medium Food Enterprises in Malaysia: Institutional Support and Policy Perspectives
by Fatimah Mohamed Arshad, Kusairi Mohd. Noh & Mohd. Yusof Saari - 211-236 Biotechnology in Indian Agriculture: Review of Adoption and Performance of Bt Cotton
by S.S. Kalamkar - 237-240 Book Review: Nine Lives: In Search of the Sacred in Modern India
by Lopita Nath - 240-244 Book Review: Modern Food Value Chains in India: Emerging Potential for the Poor
by Sukhwinder Singh - 245-248 Book Review: Economic Liberalisation and Indian Agriculture
by Naresh Singla - 248-252 Book Review: In the City of Gold and Silver: The Story of Begum Hazrat Mahal
by Vandana Shanker Saxena
April 2013, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editors’ Note
by N/A - 3-25 Globalization, Distance and Disease: Spatial Health Disparities in Rural India
by Anirudh Krishna & Kripa Ananthpur - 27-39 Does Economic Theory Inform Government Policy?
by Kaushik Basu - 41-66 Family Planning as an Investment in Human Capital: Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Programme in Malaybalay, Bukidnon, the Philippines
by Leonardo A. Lanzona Jr. - 67-86 Determinants and Implications of Major Conflicts in Pakistan
by Usman Mustafa - 87-108 Trade Dynamics in the East Asian Miracle: A Time Series Analysis of US–East Asia Commodity Trade, 1962–1992
by Terrie Carolan & Jesse Mora & Nirvikar Singh - 109-112 Book Review: Carlos da Silva and Nomathemba Mhlanga (Eds). 2011. Innovative Policies and Institutions to Support Agro-industries Development
by Sudha Narayanan - 113-116 Book Review: N., Asheulova, B. K., Pattnaik, E., Kolchinsky, G., Sandstrom (Eds). 2010. Liberalizing Research in Science and Technology: Studies in Science Policy
by Swati Mehta
July 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 115-137 Resisting the Resistance: Civilian Protests against ULFA Insurgency in Assam, India
by Anindita Dasgupta - 139-168 Community-Based Enabling Models of Microfinance: Praxis and Lessons from India
by H.S. Shylendra - 169-185 Determinants of Farmers’ Participation in Contract Farming: The Cases of Gherkin and Paddy Seed in Andhra Pradesh, India
by Braja Bandhu Swain - 187-206 AIDS-Related Stigma in Thailand
by Md Kamrul Hasan - 207-231 The Deteriorating Labour Market Conditions and Crime: An Analysis of Indian States during 2001-2008
by Vinoj Abraham - 233-237 Book Review: India since 1980
by Abu Nasar Saied Ahmed - 237-241 Booko Review: Inclusive value chains – A pathway out of poverty
by Kanish Debnath
January 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-22 Regional Route to Multilateralism: Proliferation of PTAs among Developing Countries and WTO Negotiations
by K.N. Harilal - 23-44 Internationalization of Firms from China and India: Theory, Evidence and Policy
by Anita Gill & Lakhwinder Singh - 45-70 Productivity Heterogeneity and Internationalization: Evidence from Japanese Firms
by Ryuhei Wakasugi & Ayumu Tanaka - 71-74 Issues in Transport Biofuels Production: A Review of the Global Experience
by A.S. Bhullar & Balbinder Deo - 95-103 Regionalism in South Asia: A Conceptual Note
by Imtiaz Ahmed - 105-108 Book Review: Foundational crises in South and Southeast Asia-Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia
by Sivapalan Selvadurai - 109-113 Book Review: Nationalism and Development: India and the Punjab Economy
by Ranjit Singh Ghuman - 113-116 Book Review: Agricultural Value Chain Finance: Tools and Lessons
by Debdatta Pal
July 2011, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 141-162 Growth Effects of Fiscal Policy of India States
by Pushpa Trivedi & Rajmal - 163-186 Externally Determined Development: Does Indo-China Rivalry Explain Nepal’s Underdevelopment?
by Lok Nath Bhusal & Pritam Singh - 187-205 Peace Process and Economic Development: Empirical Evidence from Indian States
by Rajeev Sharma & Indervir Singh & Anoopa S Nair - 207-227 Challenge of Economic Growth and the Concern for Energy Security: A Comparative Analysis of South Asia and South-East Asia
by Varinder Jain - 229-257 Bilateral Free Trade Agreements in South Asia: Typologies, Rationale, Characteristics, and Impact
by I.N. Mukherji - 259-261 Book Review: Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspectives on and Beyond Asia
by Yogesh Joshi - 262-265 Book Review: Agricultural Machinery Industry in India: Growth, Structure, Marketing and Buyer Behaviour
by Baldev Singh Shergill
January 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editors Note
by N/A - 3-22 Agricultural Trade Facilitation in Asia: Prioritising the Invisible Infrastructure
by C Nalin Kumar - 23-42 Export of Horticultural Products from India: Economic Impact of Cost of Compliance for Food Safety Measures
by Siddayya & B.R. Atteri - 43-64 Too Cheap Hurt Farmers, Too Expensive Hurt Customers: The Changing Impacts of Supermarkets on Chinese Agro-food Markets
by Lixia Mei & Dan Shao - 65-91 Fresh Food Supermarkets in India: An Analysis of their Inclusiveness and Impact on Primary Producers
by Sukhpal Singh & Naresh Singla - 93-121 Food Security in South Asia with Special Reference to India
by Shrikant K. Kalamkar - 123-127 Book Review: Fresh Food Retail Chains in India: Organisation and Impacts
by Seema Bathla - 127-129 Book Review: Indigenous Peoples in Liberal Democratic States: A Comparative Study of Conflict and Accommodation in Canada and India
by T.B. Subba - 130-133 Book Review: East Asian Transformation, on the Political Economy of Dynamism, Governance and Crisis
by Neeta S Singh - 133-136 Book Review: Tinderbox: The Past & Future of Pakistan
by Maneesha Tikekar - 136-139 Book Review: Unruly Hills: Nature and Nation in India’s Northeast
by Robbins Burling
July 2010, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 151-169 University-Industry Linkages and Economic Catch-Up in Asia
by Keun Lee & Raeyoon Kang - 171-195 Thailand’s Greater Mekong Sub Region: Role and Potential Linkages to Southwest China and Northeast India
by Suthiphand Chirathivat - 197-214 Communication and the Construction of Local Knowledge in Thai Rice Farming Villages
by Jude William R. Genilo - 215-239 Understanding the Next Agricultural Transition in Asia: A Critical Review of Major Facets and Future Challenges
by Gopal B. Thapa & P.K. Viswanathan & Jayant K. Routray & Mokbul M. Ahmad - 241-269 Micro Finance for Agriculture in Asia: Can it Deliver?
by Surjit Singh - 270-270 Announcement
by N/A - 271-289 Book Review: China on the Move: Migration, the State, and the Household
by Chelvi Murugiah - 275-279 Book Review: Non-Tax Sources in India: Issues in Pricing and Delivery of Services
by Gautam Naresh - 279-283 Book Review: Looking East to Look West, Lee Kuan Yew’s Mission India
by Neeta S Singh - 283-286 Book Review: Globalization and Indian State – Education, Health and Agricultural Extension Services in Punjab
by Baldev Singh Shergill - 286-290 Book Review: Industrial Development for the 21st Century
by Swati Mehta
January 2010, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial Note
by N/A - 5-39 Korean Nobi and American Black Slavery: An Essay in Comparison
by Young-hoon Rhee & Donghyu Yang - 41-57 Party and Nation in Southeast Asia
by Wang Gungwu - 59-77 Anomaly as a Method: Collecting Chinese Micro-Theories of Transition
by Chih-yu Shih - 76-96 Productivity Premia of Offshoring Firms in East Asia: Evidence from Japanese Firms
by Ryuhei Wakasugi & Banri Ito & Eiichi Tomiura - 97-121 Exports and Growth Nexus in India: An Econometric Analysis
by Pushpa Trivedi & Narayan Chandra Pradhan - 123-138 National Security versus National Development: Debating Asian Practices and Paradigms
by Swaran Singh - 139-141 Book Review: The Impact of China and Russia on United States-Mongolian Political Relations in the Twentieth Century
by Sharad K. Soni - 142-144 Book Review: India’s Economy - Performance and Challenges: Essays in Honour of Montek Singh Ahluwalia
by Reena Marwah - 145-147 Book Review: The Face You Were Afraid To See: Essays on the Indian Economy
by Umrao Singh - 147-149 Book Review: In The Name of Honor
by Lopita Nath