December 2023, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 143-168 ‘Sovereign Democracy’: Russian Response to Western Democracy Promotion in the Post-Soviet Space
by Anirban Chatterjee - 169-183 Deradicalization of Repentant Boko Haram Militants: Institutional Dilemma Between the Victims and Villains in Northeast Nigeria
by Adetayo Olamide Sowale & Ayodeji Anthony Aduloju - 184-211 India–Zimbabwe Relations: Recalibrating the Failing Engagement
by Fradreck Jockonia Mujuru & Ningthoujam Koiremba Singh - 212-235 The Three Decades of Look East Policy and India’s Northeast Region
by M. Amarjeet Singh & Yihingle - 236-261 Understanding Sub-State’s Agency in Regionalism: The Case of Yunnan in Bangladesh–China–India–Myanmar Initiative
by Naina Singh - 262-264 The Economic Logic of Strongmen Politics
by Survesh Pratap Singh
June 2023, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 7-32 Brazil’s Emergence in the United States’ ‘Backyard’: Domestic Leadership and Systemic Status
by Hoimi Mukherjee - 33-65 Ethnonationalism in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh and India’s Security Concerns in Northeast India
by Arun Kumar Nayak - 66-89 In the Age of Globalization 4.0: BIMSTEC, Sri Lanka, and Technology
by Pratnashree Basu & Soumya Bhowmick - 90-104 Analyzing Prospects and Implications of CPEC on Baloch Imbroglio in Pakistan
by Manjit Kaur & Gurvel Singh Malhi - 105-127 India’s Role in the Indian Ocean Region and Its Links to the Indo-Pacific
by Anirban Sen - 128-132 K. B. Usha (Eds.), Nation Building in Baltic States: History, Memory and Identity. New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 2018, pp. 236, ₹658 (hardcover)
by Pramod Kumar
December 2022, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 139-158 Arctic Security: A Global Challenge
by Marco Marsili - 159-185 The Economic Plans of the Great Powers in Central Asia: Implications for Iran
by Ghodratollah Behboudi Nejad - 186-207 Natural Resources and Ethnic Conflict: A Geo-strategic Understanding of the Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar
by Kunal Debnath & Souvik Chatterjee & Afnan Bint Afzal - 208-226 India and Human Rights Diplomacy at the United Nations: The Discourse on Torture
by Heena Makhija - 227-249 Least Protected, Most Affected: Looking through Lens of Cross-border Migration in COVID Period
by Keshab Chandra Ratha - 250-252 Ananth Krishnan and Stanly Johny, The Comrades and the Mullahs, China Afghanistan and the New Asian Geopolitics. Harper Collins, 2022, 277 pp., ₹438 (hardcover). ISBN 978-93548995210
by Akshaya Saroha - 253-257 Kongdan Oh and Ralph Hassig. North Korea in a Nutshell: A Contemporary Overview. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021, pp. 280, $34. ISBN 9781538151389 (hardback)
by Kuri Sravan Kumar
June 2022, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 7-42 Building Growth Areas in Asia for Development and Peace
by Michael Haas - 43-61 Immigration, Identity and Security in the Context of Brexit: Examining Linkages Through the Lens of the Copenhagen School
by Preetha Mitra - 62-80 China, the American Jobs Plan, and the Impact of ‘Strategic Competition’
by Edward Ashbee - 81-109 Press as Negotiator or Instigator between India and Pakistan: A Case Study of Ceasefire Violation Incident Occurred in January 2013
by Gurinder Pal Singh - 110-126 Taiwan’s Energy (In) Security: Challenges to Growth and Development
by Prachi Aggarwal - 127-130 Rakshanda Jalil and Debjani Sengupta (Eds.), Bangladesh: Writings on 1971, Across Borders
by Srimanti Sarkar
December 2022, Volume 24, Issue 3-4
- 247-248 Editorial Proc. UCANS IX Online Conference, March 28–31, 2022
by David Baxter & Thomas Gutberlet & Koichi Kino & Yoshiaki Kiyanagi & Hiroaki Kumada & Yoshi Otake & Masato Takamura & Xuewu Wang - 249-259 Fabrication and RF test of the 500 MHz-RFQ linear accelerator for a transportable neutron source RANS-III
by Shota Ikeda & Tomohiro Kobayashi & Yoshie Otake & Ryuji Matsui & Masahiro Okamura & Noriyosu Hayashizaki - 261-272 Advances in the ESS-Bilbao injector
by Ibon Bustinduy & Juan Luis Muñoz & Pedro González & Rosalba Miracoli & à ngel RodrÃguez & Nagore Garmendia & Seadat Varnasseri & Sergio Masa & Laura Catalina Medina & David Fernández & Javier MartÃn & Javier Corres & Arash Kaftoosian & Alexander Conde & Idoia Mazkiaran & Giles Harper & Aitor Zuagazaga & ValentÃn Toyos & Felix J. Villacorta - 273-279 VITA high flux neutron source for various applications
by Marina Bikchurina & Tymofey Bykov & Enkhtsetseg Byambatseren & Ibrahem Ibrahem & Dmitrii Kasatov & Iaroslav Kolesnikov & Viktoriia Konovalova & Alexey Koshkarev & Aleksandr Makarov & Georgii Ostreinov & Sergey Savinov & Evgeniia Sokolova & Igor Sorokin & Ivan Shchudlo & Tatiana Sycheva & Gleb Verkhovod & Sergey Taskaev - 281-287 Development of a Pelletron-based compact neutron source
by Robert J.W. Frost & Mikael Elfman & Kevin Fissum & Markus Kristensson & Per Kristiansson & Nicholai Mauritzson & Jan Pallon & Hanno Perrey & Guillaume Pédehontaa-Hiaa & Anders Sjöland & Kristina E. Stenström - 289-298 Long term operation of a 30 kW Beryllium target at IPHI
by Jérôme Schwindling & Burkhard Annighöfer & Nicolas Chauvin & Jean-Louis Meuriot & Borana Mom & Frédéric Ott & Nadia Sellami & Loïc Thulliez - 299-304 Target cooling options for DARIA compact neutron source
by Anton R. Moroz & Nikita A. Kovalenko & Sergey V. Grigoriev - 305-311 Mechanical DesignVerification for the moderated neutron source at SARAF
by Tsviki Y. Hirsh & Itay Horin & Lea Serraf & Ofek Sharon & Or Alon & Ron Raz & Boaz Shwartzman & Uri Steinitz & Dov Heflinger - 313-327 Decay heat in ISIS spallation target: simulations and measurements
by Lina Quintieri & Steven Lilley & Dan Wilcox & David Findlay & David Jenkins & Stephen Gallimore & David Haynes - 329-335 Estimation of double-differential cross-sections of 9Be(p,xn) reaction for new nuclear data library JENDL-5
by Satoshi Kunieda & Kazuyoshi Yamamoto & Chikara Konno & Yosuke Iwamoto & Osamu Iwamoto & Yasuo Wakabayashi & Yujiro Ikeda - 337-345 Simulation and design of an IPHI-based neutron source, first steps toward SONATE
by Borana Mom & Loïc Thulliez & Éric Dumonteil & Mickaël Binois & Yann Richet & Jérôme Schwindling & Antoine Drouart - 347-358 Current development status of iBNCT001, demonstrator of a LINAC-based neutron source for BNCT
by Hiroaki Kumada & Yinuo Li & Kiyoshi Yasuoka & Fujio Naito & Toshikazu Kurihara & Takashi Sugimura & Masaharu Sato & Yoshitaka Matsumoto & Akira Matsumura & Hideki Sakurai & Takeji Sakae - 359-366 Accelerator based epithermal neutron source for clinical boron neutron capture therapy
by Naonori Hu & Hiroki Tanaka & Kazuhiko Akita & Ryo Kakino & Teruhito Aihara & Keiji Nihei & Koji Ono - 367-372 Improvement of the mesitylene cold moderator at KUANS
by Seiji Tasaki & Hiroaki Yamakawa & Yutaka Abe - 373-383 Experimental validation of cold neutron source performance with mesitylene moderator installed at RANS
by Yujiro Ikeda & Makoto Teshigawara & Mingfei Yan & Chihiro Iwamoto & Kunihiro Fujita & Yutaka Abe & Yasuo Wakabayashi & Atsushi Taketani & Takaoki Takanashi & M. Harada & Takao Hashiguchi & Yutaka Yamagata & Yoshio Matsuzaki & Baolong Ma & Masato Takamura & Maki Mizuta & Makoto Goto & Shota Ikeda & Tomohiro Kobayashi & Yoshie Otake - 385-393 Neutron scattering on DIoGENE at IPHI–neutrons
by Jacques Darpentigny & Frédéric Ott - 395-401 Neutron performance and future prospect of the compact electron accelerator-driven neutron facility AISTANS
by Koichi Kino & Takeshi Fujiwara & Michihiro Furusaka & Takemi Muroga & Brian E. O’Rourke & Nagayasu Oshima & Yo Tomota - 403-409 Experimental results of the first ANET resolution campaign with the compact neutron collimator
by Oriol Sans-Planell & Marco Costa & Elisabetta Durisi & Ettore Mafucci & Luca Menzio & Valeria Monti & Lorenzo Visca & Francesco Grazzi & Roberto Bedogni & Saverio Altieri - 411-419 Development of the neutron salt-meter RANS-μ for non-destructive inspection of concrete structure at on-site use
by Yasuo Wakabayashi & Mingfei Yan & Masato Takamura & Ryuutarou Ooishi & Hiroshi Watase & Yujiro Ikeda & Yoshie Otake - 421-426 Sample-motion-synchronized neutron stroboscope at RANS
by Atsushi Taketani & Takaoki Takanashi & Chihiro Iwamoto & Tomohiro Kobayashi & Masato Takamura - 427-434 Development of a pulse-width-discriminating 3He position-sensitive detector system
by Setsuo Sato & Ryoichi Kajimoto & Yasuhiro Inamura
September 2022, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 73-75 Workshop on very cold and ultra cold neutron sources for ESS
by Valentina Santoro & Markus Strobl & Luca Zanini & Oliver Zimmer - 77-93 Very cold and ultra cold neutron sources for ESS
by L. Zanini & E. Dian & D.D. DiJulio & B. Folsom & E.B. Klinkby & Z. Kokai & J.I. Marquez Damian & B. Rataj & N. Rizzi & V. Santoro & M. Strothmann & A. Takibayev & R. Wagner & O. Zimmer - 95-110 In-beam superfluid-helium ultracold neutron source for the ESS
by Oliver Zimmer & Thierry Bigault & Skyler Degenkolb & Christoph Herb & Thomas Neulinger & Nicola Rizzi & Valentina Santoro & Alan Takibayev & Richard Wagner & Luca Zanini - 111-121 Concept and strategy of SuperSUN: A new ultracold neutron converter
by Estelle Chanel & Simon Baudoin & Marie-Hélène Baurand & Nadir Belkhier & Eric Bourgeat-Lami & Skyler Degenkolb & Maurits van der Grinten & Michael Jentschel & Victorien Joyet & Michael Kreuz & Eddy Lelièvre-Berna & Julio Lucas & Xavier Tonon & Oliver Zimmer - 123-143 Approaches to high-density storage experiments with in-situ production and detection of ultracold neutrons
by Skyler Degenkolb & Peter Fierlinger & Oliver Zimmer - 145-166 Development of UCN sources at PNPI
by Anatolii Serebrov & Vitaliy Lyamkin - 167-177 The source for ultra-cold neutrons at the FRM II
by Andreas Frei - 179-191 Growing solid deuterium for UCN production
by Ekaterina Korobkina & Igor Berkutov & Robert Golub & Paul Huffman & Clark Hickman & Kent Leung & Graham Medlin & Matthew J. Morano & Thomas Rao & Cole Teander & Christian White & Albert R. Young - 193-204 Production of ultracold neutrons in a decelerating trap
by Valery Nesvizhevsky & Anatoly Sidorin - 205-210 Very cold neutrons in condensed matter research
by Ferenc Mezei - 211-221 Opportunities in the use of Very Cold Neutrons in reflectometry techniques
by Frédéric Ott - 223-227 Why very cold neutrons could be useful for neutron-antineutron oscillation searches
by Valery Nesvizhevsky - 229-237 The ESS monolith vessel design and possibilities to introduce a UCN/VCN source
by Ulf Odén - 239-246 Cryogenic hydrogen Moderator infrastructure at ESS
by Yannick Beßler & Ghaleb Natour
December 2021, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 143-166 Twenty-First-Century Hyper-power, China or USA: Is Demography the Determinant?
by Narottam Gaan - 167-186 The Democratic Peace Theory: Is War a Means to Peace?
by Sadaf Nausheen & Varya Srivastava & Shubhra Seth - 187-207 Explaining India’s Approach to Responsibility to Protect
by Vikash Chandra - 208-234 The Coronavirus Pandemic and Global Governance: The Domestic Diffusion of Health Norms in Global Health Security Crises
by Shreejita Biswas - 235-252 The Depiction of ‘Orthodoxy’ in Post-Soviet Space: How Vladimir Putin Uses the Church in His Anti-Western Campaign
by Punsara Amarasinghe - 253-258 Shashi Tharoor and Samir Saran, The New World Disorder and the Indian Imperative
by Pratip Chattopadhyay
June 2021, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 7-25 Russia–China–Pakistan Engagement in the Changing Global Context: Scrutinizing the Realist Logic of a Trilateral ‘Axis’
by Samprity Biswas - 26-51 Toward Islam Through Political Parties, Ideology, and Democracy: A Discourse Analysis on Turkey’s AK Party, Tunisian Ennahda, and Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami
by Md. Nazmul Islam & Yılmaz Bingöl & Israel Nyaburi Nyadera & Gershon Dagba - 52-72 Situating the Local in Bilateralism: Assessing Local Impacts of the India–Bangladesh Enclave Exchange
by Surya Sankar Sen - 73-100 What does the Data Tell Us About Dominatarian Theory of Regional Integration?
by Francis Onditi - 101-123 The Politics of Human Rights Diplomacy
by Anupama Ghosal & Sreeja Pal - 124-131 One Hundred Years of International Relations Studies
by Krishnan Srinivasan - 132-136 S. Narayan and Sreeradha Datta (Eds.), Bangladesh at 50: Development and Challenges
by Souradeep Sen
December 2020, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 133-151 Towards Gendered Peacebuilding Processes for Sustainable Peace
by Veneranda Mbabazi & Resty Naiga & Nkabala Nambalirwa Helen - 152-171 “Enemy at the Gates†: An Analysis on India’s Experiences with the Taliban
by Sourish Ghosh - 172-195 How Cuba Survived Sanctions and the Lessons for Zimbabwe
by Mediel Hove & Enock Ndawana & Munetsi Anthony Nhemachena - 196-215 Deciphering the Doklam Standoff: The Context of the Contest
by Keshab Chandra Ratha - 216-246 Energy Geopolitics and Pipeline Diplomacy in Central Asia: India’s Interests and Policy Options
by Ramakrushna Pradhan - 247-254 Krishnan Srinivasan, James Mayall and Sanjay Pulipaka (Eds.), Values in Foreign Policy: Investigating Ideas and Interests
by Shibashis Chatterjee
June 2020, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 7-27 Cyberspace in the Post-Soviet States: Assessing the Role of New Media in Central Asia
by Mohammad Reyaz - 28-52 Understanding Japan–South Korea Cooperation and Friction Through Neoclassical Realist Theory
by Anna Kim - 53-72 Korea’s ‘New Southern Policy’ Towards India: An Analysis
by Ranjit Kumar Dhawan - 73-100 China’s Revisionism Versus India’s Status Quoism: Strategies and Counter-strategies of Rivals in Doklam Standoff
by Suneel Kumar - 101-120 The Look East Policy/Act East Policy-driven Development Model in Northeast India
by Taz (Tonmoy) Barua - 121-125 Alexei D. Voskressenski, ed., Is Non-Western Democracy Possible
by Anirban Chatterjee
December 2019, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 121-141 A Case for Coherence as Analytical Tool: ISI’s Use of Taliban and Pakistan’s Foreign Policy
by Chayanika Saxena - 142-157 Information Revolution and Growing Power of Communication: A Foundation of New Diplomacy
by Mashood O. Omotosho - 158-178 Understanding the Rohingya Crisis and the Failure of Human Rights Norm in Myanmar: Possible Policy Responses
by Md. Shariful Islam - 179-198 Russo-Iranian Relations in the Light of Putin’s Foreign Policy and the Iranian Nuclear Crisis
by Samprity Biswas & Suryasekhar Chakraborty - 199-231 Involuntary Displacement and Human Security: A Study of the Kaptai Dam in Bangladesh
by Arun Kumar Nayak - 232-241 Foreign Military Intervention and the Duration of Civil Wars Revisited
by Fred H. Lawson - 242-245 Ahsan I. Butt, Secession and Security: Explaining State Strategy Against Separatists
by Hayat Ashraf Dar
June 2019, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-25 Sectarian Violence in Gilgit-Baltistan
by Vivek Kumar Mishra - 26-47 Energy Security Dynamics in India–Australia Relations
by Obja Borah Hazarika & Sriparna Pathak - 48-68 Russo/Nigerian Relations in the Context of Counterinsurgency Operation in Nigeria
by Sunday Omotuyi - 69-80 Understanding India–Pakistan Relations: Memory Keeps Getting in the Way of History
by Manzoor Ahmad - 81-104 The US State-building in Afghanistan: An Offshore Balance?
by Md. Mizanur Rahman - 105-119 Bangladesh–Nepal Trade Relations: Understanding the Influence of Economic Diplomacy
by Bashir Ahmed & Mohammad Tarikul Islam
December 2018, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 107-126 PUK–KDP Conflict: Future Kurdish Status in Kirkuk
by Farhad Hassan Abdullah - 127-147 Foreign Policy and the Granting of Asylum: The Case of Zimbabwean Asylum Seekers in the United States (2000–2016)
by Enock Ndawana - 148-166 The Iranian Nuclear Impasse: The Protracted Imbroglio
by Deeplekha Sengupta Dasgupta - 167-188 Globalization and the Politics of Photographic Representation: Essentializing the Moments of Agony
by Debangana Chatterjee - 189-207 Understanding Insurgency in Nigeria: Interrogating Religious Categories of Analysis
by Seun Bamidele - 208-212 Book Review: Richard Falk, Manoranjan Mohanty and Victor Faessel, eds, Exploring Emergent Global Thresholds: Towards 2030
by Raj Kaithwar
June 2018, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-21 Untying the Mystique of an Islamic Threat: Western Imageries, the Clash of Civilizations, and a Search for Ontological Security
by Sanjeev Kumar H.M. - 22-38 Justice, Morality, and International Relations: A Critical–Theoretical Reading
by Abhishek Choudhary - 39-57 India’s Strategy in the Indian Ocean Region: A Critical Aspect of India’s Energy Security
by Arnab Dasgupta - 58-79 Russia’s Changing Relations with Pakistan and Taliban: Implications for India
by Vinay Kaura - 80-106 Regional Processes and Geopolitics of India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan (IATU)
by Nalin Kumar Mohapatra
December 2017, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 85-97 Conflict Resolution and Civil Society: Experiences of Nepal in Post-Maoist Revolution
by Mohammad Tarikul Islam - 98-117 Modi Government and Changing Patterns in Indian Foreign Policy
by Vikash Chandra - 118-137 Cities in the Era of Globalization: Positioning Global Cities in International Political Economy
by Oindrila Dattagupta - 138-159 The Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons Against the Syrian People: Does It Justify Forceful Intervention?
by S. Krishnan
June 2017, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-19 State Security, Societal Security, and Human Security
by Hawre Hasan Hama - 20-40 What Makes Terrorism Tick in Africa? Evidence from Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram
by Darlington Mutanda - 41-60 Child Combatants of the Maoist People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in Nepal: A Human Rights Perspective, 1996–2013
by Rajesh Kumar Meher - 61-83 The Emerging China, Pakistan, and Russia Strategic Triangle: India’s New Gordian Knot
by Parvaiz Ahmad Thoker & Bawa Singh
December 2016, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 135-156 The Emergence of the New Cold War: The Syrian and Ukraine Conflicts
by Mediel Hove - 157-177 Insurgency and Nigeria’s Relations with Her Immediate Neighbors in the Twenty-first Century
by Babatunde Felix Obamamoye - 178-205 Endogenous Nuclear Deterrence: The Bomb and Security in South Asia
by Shubham Sharma - 206-212 Book Review: Raj Kumar Kothari and Eyasin Khan, eds, India Becoming a Global Power in the Twenty-first Century: Rising Challenges and Newer Opportunities
by Sanjukta Bhattacharya - 212-216 Book Review: Kamran Scot Aghaie and Afshin Marashi, eds, Rethinking Iranian Nationalism and Modernity
by Md. Abdul Gaffar
June 2016, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-32 China’s Race for Arms
by Pratnashree Basu & Rakhahari Chatterji - 33-64 India’s Interests in Emerging Subregional Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges
by Herkan Neadan Toppo - 65-101 Strategic Hyphenation between India and Israel: The Major Areas of Cooperation and Constraints in the Post-Cold War Era
by Debjani Ghosal - 102-124 Nontraditional Security: Redefining State-centric Outlook
by Ningthoujam Koiremba Singh & William Nunes - 125-132 Book Review: Sumit Ganguly, Deadly Impasse Kashmir and Indo Pakistan Relations at the Dawn of a New Century
by Somali Mukherjee
December 2015, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 85-105 Regime Stability in Anocracies: The Role of Special Economic Zones
by Clay Robert Fuller - 106-136 Media Images of Pakistan’s Hostility toward India: A Study of Four Newspapers during 2001–2002
by Gurinder Pal Singh - 137-158 Politicization of Kurdish Security in Iraq Since 2003
by Hawre Hasan Hama - 159-183 The Sacred and the Secular: Influence of Religion on George W. Bush’s Foreign Policy
by Moutusi Paul Choudhury - 184-192 The International Relations of Outer Space: Changes, Continuities, and Contextualities
by Shounak Set - 193-199 Book Review: Joost Fontein, ed., Remaking Mutirikwi: Landscape, Water, and Belonging in Southern Zimbabwe
by Mediel Hove - 199-203 Book Review: Michael Axworthy, Revolutionary Iran: A History of the Islamic Republic
by Md. Abdul Gaffar
June 2015, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-21 Global Environmental Agenda: The Neoliberal Institutional Perspective
by Rajnish Saryal - 22-42 Boko Haram and Turmoil in Northern Nigeria
by Aslam Khan & Ishaku Hamidu - 43-63 The Diplomatic Dimensions of the Syrian Conflict
by Faith Olanrewaju & Segun Joshua - 64-72 Book Review: Ayesha Jalal, The Struggle for Pakistan: A Muslim Homeland and Global Politics
by Amartya Ray - 72-77 Book Review: Manuel Castells, Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age
by Suhita Saha - 77-81 Book Review: Matt Andrews, The Limits of Institutional Reform in Development: Changing Rules for Realistic Solutions
by Piyali Dutta
December 2014, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 103-136 Jihad and Counter-jihad in Germany
by Jyotirmoy Banerjee - 137-153 Peacemaking and the ‘Unofficial’ Peace Process in India’s East and the Northeast
by Samir Kumar Das - 155-173 State Securitization and Internal Ethnic Conflicts in India: Re-examining the Punjab Crisis
by Sreya Maitra Roychoudhury - 175-180 National Consensus and International Obligations: A Research Note
by Ronen Sen - 181-184 Book Review: K. Savitri, Conflict Resolution and Peace Building: UN Engagement in Cambodia
by Rumki Basu - 184-190 Book Review: T.V. Paul, The Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World
by Debjani Ghosal - 190-194 Book Review: Ali M. Ansari, The Politics of Nationalism in Modern Iran
by Md. Abdul Gaffar
June 2014, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-29 The Making of a ‘Ship-to-Mouth’ Nuclear Power: The Johnson Administration and India’s Nuclear Tilt, 1964–1968
by Jayita Sarkar - 31-61 Comparing India’s Disputed Borderlands: Kashmir and the Northeast
by Kunal Mukherjee - 63-83 States, Market and Cricket: The Political Economy of Globalization in India
by Avipsu Halder - 85-90 Book Review: David E. Sanger, ed., Confront and Conceal
by Moutusi Paul Choudhury (Naskar) - 90-95 Book Review: Robert J. Holton, ed., Globalization and the Nation-state
by Shyamashree Roy - 96-102 Book Review: Nirmala Banerjee, Samita Sen, and Nandita Dhawan, eds, Mapping the Field: Gender Relations in Contemporary India (Vol. 2)
by Debolina Mukherjee
December 2013, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 153-183 Operational Deficiencies in India’s Defense Preparedness: Deterrence Compromised
by Shubhodeep Chakrabarti - 185-203 ‘Yam’ Between Two Boulders: Re-Assessing India–Bhutan Relationship
by Debamitra Mitra - 205-228 Negotiating an Intractable Climate Deal: The Kyoto Process and Beyond
by Satabdi Das - 229-251 Drug Trafficking as a Non-Traditional Security Threat to Central Asian States
by Bhagaban Behera - 253-257 Book Review: Ramchandra Guha, ed., Patriots and Partisans
by Raj Kumar Kothari
June 2013, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-39 Developments in International Relations
by Rakhahari Chatterji - 41-68 China and India in the ‘Receding’ Arctic
by Sanjay Chaturvedi - 69-102 Emulated or National? Contemporary India’s ‘Great Power’ Discourse
by Atul Mishra - 103-127 India in Afghanistan
by Harsh V. Pant - 129-134 Book Review: Benny Teh Cheng Guan, ed., Human Security: Securing East Asia’s Future
by Somdatta Banerjee - 134-138 Book Review: Deborah Brautigam, The Dragon’s Gift: The Real Story of Africa in China
by Mousumi Dasgupta - 138-141 Book Review: Anita Sengupta and Suchandana Chatterjee, eds, Demography and Migration in Asia: Issues and Trends
by Maitrayee Guha - 142-147 Book Review: Anuradha Bose (Das), ed., SAARC A Quest for Unity: Problems and Prospects
by Sreya Maitra Roychoudhury - 148-152 Book Review: Pushpa Sundar, Foreign Aid for Indian NGOs—Problem or Solution?
by Siuli Mukherjee
June 2012, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 7-7 Editor’S Desk
by N/A - 11-32 Looking Back At Self-Determination: To Apply Or Not To Apply In Kashmir
by Anupama Ghosal & Shouvik Kr. Guha - 33-39 European Union Foreign Policy In The Eyes Of India
by Purusottam Bhattacharya - 41-56 Ngos And Tribal Development In India: Issues And Concerns
by Siuli Mukherjee - 59-68 Afghanistan: The Theatre Of India-Pakistan Rivalry
by Ambalika Mukherjee
June 2011, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 7-7 Editor’s Desk
by N/A - 11-25 US drone attacks and Pakistani Statehood
by Joachim von Wedel - 26-54 The United Nations and the protection of Human Rights: An analysis of issues and Institutional Mechanisms
by T.V.G.N.S. Sudhakar - 55-70 The Indo-Bangla ‘Enclaves’ and a Disinherited People
by Partha Pratim Basil - 71-81 The Cold War Game in South Asia’s Security Complex: The Role of Great Powers
by Krishnendu Mukhopadhyay - 82-97 Islam in Malaysia: The Damocles’ sword
by Somdatta Banerjee - 98-107 ‘Naya Nepal’: A myth or a reality?
by Siuli Mukherjee - 108-124 Understanding the linkages between climate change and migration from Bangladesh to India
by Debasree Chatterjee - 125-145 Reviewing Neo-terrorism after a decade of 9/11
by Prabhat Kumar - 146-163 The relevance of the Realist Paradigm in the age of globalization
by Shyamashree Roy - 164-173 Naxal movement in India: A Feminist Critique
by Rajat Kumar Kujur - 174-188 ‘Rise of India’: Views on the sustenance of the discourse
by Mousumi Dasgupta - 191-199 Russia, Germany and the Westy
by Jyotirmoy Benerjee - 200-211 The People’s Revolt in Egypt: Tracing its roots and effects
by Pounami Basu - 212-218 Films as ‘Ushers of Democracy’: Case studies from select Islamic countries
by Shankhamala Roy - 220-225 Book Review
by Sreya Maitra - 226-229 Book Review
by Debarati Benerjee
June 2010, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 7-7 Editor’s Note
by N/A - 11-19 Global Changes and India’s Coming Crisis
by Rakhahari Chatterji - 20-39 From Uncertainty to Solidarity? An ANATOMY of Post-Cold War India-U.S. Relations
by Aneek Chatteijee - 40-55 The Taliban and Central Asia: Into the Vortex of Terrorism Beyond Afghanistan
by Lopamudra Bandyopadhyay - 56-75 Kashmir and the Problem of Terrorism: the Response of the Indian State
by Sekhar Sil - 76-82 Challenges before South Asia in the Emerging World Order - A Theoretical Paradigm
by Pltam Ghosh - 83-105 Global Environmental Politics and the Grand Old Theory of ‘Human Nature’
by Kopnina Helen - 106-124 The Devil’s Deal? An Ethnographic Insight from A Bengal Village
by Indrashis Baneijee - 125-166 Traditional/Cultural Institutions in Uganda’s Democratic Transition, Political Stability and Nation Development: A Case of Buganda
by Murindwa Rutanga