March 2002, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 124-126 Book Reviews : Fanny M. Cheung, Malavika Karlekar, Aurora De Dios, Juree Vichit-Vadakan and Lourdes R. Quisumbing (eds.), Breaking the Silence: Violence against Women in Asia. Hong Kong: Equal Opportunities Commission. 1999. 209 pages
by Margaret Abraham - 126-127 Book Reviews : R. Emerson Dobash and Russell P. Dobash (eds.), Rethinking Violence against Women. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1998. 276 pages. $24.95. Jeffrey L. Edleson and Zvi C. Eisikovits (eds.), Future Interventions with Battered Women and their Families. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1996. 244 pages. $19.95. Sandy Cook and Judith Bessant (eds.), Women's Encounters with Violence. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1997. 268 pages. $22.95. Edward W. Gondolf, Assessing Woman Battering in Mental Health Services. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1998. 188 pages. $22.95. Jacquelyn C. Campbell (ed.), Empowering Survivors of Abuse. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1998. 332 pages. $25.95
by Elizabeth Vatsyayan - 128-131 Book Reviews : Fernando Franco, Jyotsna Macwan and Suguna Ramanathan (eds.), The Silken Swing: The Cultural Universe of Dalit Women. Calcutta: Stree. 2000. 330 pages. Rs. 450 (hb). Oliver Mendehlson and Marika Vicziany, The Untouchables: Subordination, Poverty and the State in Modern India. Cambridge University Press and Delhi Foundation Books. 2000. 290 pages. Rs. 650
by Gopal Guru
September 2001, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 151-174 Introduction: Towards a 'Genderscape' of Community Rights in Natural Resource Management
by Sumi Krishna - 175-194 Changing Livelihoods, Livestock and Local Knowledge Systems: Women Stake their Claim in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra
by Sagari R. Ramdas & Yakshi & Girijana Deepika - 195-206 Integrating Gender Concerns into Natural Resource Management
by P. Thamizoli - 207-222 Managing Ecosystems for Women's Health and Sustainable Development
by Ratna M. Sudarshan - 223-246 Engendering Community Rights
by Chhaya Datar & Aseem Prakash - 247-256 Empowerment of Women in Watershed Management
by Smita Gate - 257-270 Women and Community Forests in Orissa: Rights and Management
by Neera M. Singh - 271-290 Enhancing Women's Mobility in a Forest Economy: Transport and Gender Relations in the Santal Parganas, Jharkhand
by Nitya Rao - 291-306 Gender, Family and Property Rights
by Praveena Kodoth - 307-321 Gender, Tribe and Community Control of Natural Resources in North-east India
by Sumi Krishna - 325-329 Rashmi Agrawal, Street Children. Delhi: Shipra Publications. 1999. 199 pages. Rs. 450 (US$ 45). Joseph Gathia, Child Prostitution in India. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company.1999.191 pages. Rs. 250
by Claire O'Kane - 330-332 Shahin Akhtar and Mousumi Bhowmik (eds.), Janana Mahfil (Selected Writings of Bengali Muslim Women Writers 1904-1938). Calcutta: Stree. 1998. 316 pages. Rs. 220. Abhijit Sen and Abhijit Bhattacharya (eds.), Swarnakumari Devi's Collection of Essays (Bengali). Calcutta: Bikalpa Publication. 1998. 229 pages. Rs. 75
by Gargi Chakravartty - 332-335 Jyotsna Agnihotri Gupta, New Reproductive Technologies: Women's Health and Autonomy. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 2000. 695 pages. Rs. 775 (hb)
by Sabiha Hussain - 336-339 Robin Cohen and Shirin M. Rai (eds.), Global Social Movements. London and New Brunswick, NJ: Athlone Press. 2000.231 pages. Price not mentioned. Shirin M. Rai (ed.), International Perspectives on Gender and Democratisation. London: Macmillan Press. 2000. 207 pages. Price not mentioned
by Sarah Joseph - 339-341 Purnima Mankekar, Screening Culture, Viewing Politics: Television, Womanhood and Nation in Modern India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 2000. 429 pages. Rs. 645
by Sevanti Ninan - 341-343 Gouri Salvi, Development Retold: Voices from the Field. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company. 1999.167 pages. Rs. 275
by Gurpreet Bal - 343-346 J.E. Llewellyn, The Legacy of Women's Uplift in India: Contemporary Women Leaders in the Arya Samaj. New Delhi: Sage Publications.1998. 204 pages. Rs. 325
by Sayantani Jafa
March 2001, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-22 Devoted Wife/Sensuous Bibi: Colonial Constructions of the Indian Woman, 1860-1900
by Indrani Sen - 23-50 Lustful Women, Elusive Lovers
by Prem Chowdhry - 51-67 Gender and Stratification in Science
by Neelam Kumar - 69-87 Researching Language and Gender: A Critical Review
by D. Vasanta - 89-96 A Note on Male Governance of South Indian Family Businesses and its Implications for Women
by Barbara Harriss-White - 97-106 Social Status and Work Participation of Transhumant Pastoral Bhotiya Women in the Kumaon Himalayas
by Nehal A. Farooquee & D.S. Rawat - 107-113 Heathen Women
by Arpita Mandal - 113-115 How They Cook and Eat in India
by Mary Ensign Gill - 117-119 Resisting Feminism
by Ashley Tellis - 121-125 Book Reviews : Olga Nieuwenhuys, Children's Lifeworlds: Gender, Welfare and Labour in the Developing World. New Delhi: Social Science Press. 1999 (Indian edi tion). 228 pages. Rs. 425 (hb)
by Sumi Krishna - 125-129 Book Reviews : Centre for Women's Development Studies (ed.), Shifting Sands: Women's Lives and Globalisation. Calcutta: Stree. 2000. 326 pages. Price not mentioned
by Maithreyi Krishnaraj - 129-132 Book Reviews : Irene Gedalof, Against Purity—Rethinking Identity with Indian and Western Feminisms. London and New York: Routledge. 1999. 248 pages. Price not mentioned
by Seemanthini Niranjana - 132-134 Book Reviews : Sakuntala Narasimhan, Empowering Women: An Alternative Strategy from Rural India. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 1999. 237 pages. Rs. 195
by Meena Gopal - 135-137 Book Reviews : Rekha Wazir (ed.), The Gender Gap in Basic Education: NGOs as Change Agents. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 2000. 274 pages. Rs. 395 (hb), Rs. 225 (pb)
by Mina Swaminathan - 137-139 Book Reviews : Meenakshi Thapan (ed.), Anthropological Journeys. Hyderabad: Orient Longman. 1998. 320 pages. Rs. 275
by R. Savithri - 139-146 Book Reviews : Rajni Palriwala and Carla Risseeuw (eds.), Shifting Circles of Support: Contextualising Kinship and Gender in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 1996. 343 pages. Rs. 365(hb)
by Uma Chakravarti - 146-150 Book Reviews : Dorienne Rowan-Campbell (ed.), Development with Women. London: Oxfam. 1999. 208 pages. Price not stated
by Sayantani Jafa
September 2000, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 153-165 Introduction: Feminism and the Politics of Resistance
by Rajeswari Sunder Rajan - 167-184 Life Experiences, Resistance and Feminist Consciousness
by U. Kalpagam - 185-202 The Bleeding Edge: Resistance as Strength and Paralysis
by Srimati Basu - 203-216 Rokeya Sakhawat Hosain's Gyanphal and Muktiphal: A Critique of the Iconography of the Nation-as-Mother
by Kalyani Dutta - 217-230 Re-presenting Protest and Resistance on Stage: Avvai
by V. Padma - 231-248 Bearing Witness: Rape, Female Resistance, Male Authority and the Problems of Gender Representation in Popular Indian Cinema
by Nira Gupta-Cassale - 249-262 The Desiring Subject: Female Pleasures and Feminist Resistance in Deepa Mehta's Fire
by Brinda Bose - 263-288 'Feminism' in Print Media
by Maitrayee Chaudhuri - 289-301 Dismantling the Master's House: The Predicament of Feminist Publishing and Writing Today
by Ritu Menon - 303-318 Writing against the Grain: African Women's Texts on Female Infibulation as Literature of Resistance
by Sandra Ponzanesi - 321-323 Book Reviews : Uma Chakravarti, Rewriting History: The Life and Times of Pandita Ramabai. New Delhi: Kali For Women. 1998. 369 pages. Rs. 250
by Smita Tewari Jassal - 323-326 Book Reviews : Vijaya Ramaswamy, Walking Naked: Women, Society, Spirituality in South India. Shimla: Indian Institute for Advanced Study. 1997. 257 pages. Rs. 350
by Leela Dube - 326-329 Book Reviews : Patricia Uberoi (ed.), Social Reform, Sexuality and the State. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 1996. 404 pages. Rs. 495. Mary E. John and Janaki Nair (eds.), A Question of Silence: Sexual Econ omies of Modern India. New Delhi: Kali for Women. 1998. 412 pages. Rs. 420
by Maina Chawla Singh - 330-331 Book Reviews : Vidya Dehejia (ed.), Representing the Body: Gender Issues in Indian Art. New Delhi: Kali for Women. 1999. 205 pages. Rs. 230
by Jayshree Sengupta - 332-336 Book Reviews : Naila Kabeer and Ramya Subrahmaniam (eds.), Institutions, Relations and Outcomes. New Delhi: Kali for Women. 1999. 410 pages. Rs. 400
by Sayantani Jafa - 336-339 Book Reviews : Loes Schenk-Sandbergen (ed.), Women and Seasonal Labour Migration. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 1995. 345 pages. Price Rs. 375 (hb), Rs. 200 (pb). Gina Buijs (ed.), Migration Women: Crossing Boundaries and Changing Iden tities. Oxford: Berg.1993. 204 pages. Price not mentioned
by Bidyut Mohanty - 339-342 Book Reviews : Bhargavi Davar, Mental Health of Indian Women: A Feminist Agenda. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 1999. 281 pages Rs. 375
by Rachana Johri - 342-346 Book Reviews : I. Bruna Seu and M. Colleen Heenan (eds.), Feminism and Psychotherapy: Reflections on Contemporary Theories and Practices. New Delhi: Sage Pub lications. 1998. 230 pages. $37.50 (hb), $14.99 (pb)
by Anisha Shah - 346-349 Book Reviews : Dorothy McBride Stetson and Amy Mazur (eds.), Comparative State Femi nism. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1995. 333 pages
by Mala Khullar
March 2000, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-16 The Impact of Structural Adjustment and the Changing Nature of Women's Work in the People's Republic of China
by Shreeparna Roy - 17-31 Of Autonomy and Desire: The Legacy of Chalam's Writings
by U. Vindhya - 33-47 Learning through the Distance Mode: Challenges for Canadian Women in Higher Education
by M.D. Ushadevi - 49-70 The State, Rajput Identity and Women's Agency in 19th and 20th Century Rajasthan
by Maya Unnithan-Kumar - 71-82 Constitutional and Social Equality: Legacies and Limits of Law, Politics and Culture
by Tim Bakken - 83-91 Natural Resource Management and Gender: Reflections from Watershed Programmes in India
by Amita Shah - 93-100 Intra-household Allocation Patterns: A Study in Female Autonomy
by Mandakini Pant - 101-123 Impact of Technology on Women: Strategies for Non-formal Education
by Selina Mohsin - 125-133 Female Infanticide: Selections from the Records of the Government of the North-Western Provinces, Second Series, Volume VIII, Allahabad, 1871
by Malavika Kasturi - 135-138 Book Reviews : Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery, Population, Gender and Politics: Demo graphic Change in Rural North India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1997. 278 pages. Rs. 595
by V. Gayathri - 139-141 Book Reviews : . Leela Dube, Women and Kinship: Comparative Perspectives on Gender in South and South-East Asia. Tokyo: United Nations University Press and New Delhi: Vistaar Publications. 1997. 214 pages. Rs. 275
by Tiplut Nongbri - 142-145 Book Reviews : Sangeeta R. Gupta (ed.), Emerging Voices: South Asian American Women Redefine Self, Family, and Community. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 1999.259 pages. Rs. 395 (cloth), Rs. 225 (paper)
by Maina Chawla Singh - 146-148 Book Reviews : Swapna Mukhopadhyay and R. Savitri, Poverty, Gender and Reproductive Choice: An Analysis of Linkages. Delhi: Manohar. 1998. 124 pages. Rs. 250
by Vibha S. Chauhan - 148-151 Book Reviews : Krupabai Satthianadhan, Saguna: The First Autobiographical Novel in Eng lish by an Indian Woman (edited by Chandani Lokuge). Delhi: Oxford University Press. 1998. 182 pages. Rs. 425. Krupabai Satthianadhan, Kamala. The Story of a Hindu Life (edited by Chandani Lokuge). Delhi: Oxford University Press. 1998. 173 pages. Rs. 345
by Neela D'Souza
September 1999, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 175-176 Editorial
by N/A - 177-184 Introduction
by Carolyn M. Elliott - 185-201 The Tyranny of Tradition
by Leela Gulati - 203-219 Three Generations of Women
by Mary Roy - 221-239 The Wind Beneath My Wings
by Nabaneeta Dev Sen - 241-259 The Times that are a-Changing
by Priti Desai - 261-274 Uneven Earth and Open Sky
by Saroja Kamakshi - 275-290 Striking New Roots
by Sushil Narulla - 291-309 A Heritage of Heresy within Tradition
by Vina Mazumdar - 311-325 A Daughter of Awadh
by Zarina Bhatty - 329-331 Book Reviews : Marilyn Carr, Martha Chen and Renana Jhabvala, Speaking Out: Women's Economic Empowerment in South Asia. New Delhi: Vistaar Publications. 1996. 238 + xiv pages. Rs. 250 (paperback)
by Shashi S. Narayana - 331-332 Book Reviews : Nira Yuval-Davis, Gender and Nation. London: Sage Publications,1997.157 pages. $12.95 (paperback)
by V. Gayathri - 333-334 Book Reviews : Vidya K.C., Political Empowerment of Women at the Grassroots. New Delhi: Kanishka. 1997.288 pages. Rs. 450
by Amal Mandal - 335-338 Book Reviews : N. Rao, L. Rurup and R. Sudarshan (eds.), Sites of Change: The Structural Contest for Empowering Women in India. New Delhi: FES-UNDP 1996. 496 + xx pages. Price not mentioned
by Preet Rustagi - 338-340 Book Reviews : Beverley Skeggs, Formation of Class and Gender: Becoming Respectable. Thou sand Oaks: Sage Publications.1997-192 pages. $45.00 (clothback), $13.95 (paperback)
by Saraswati Haider - 340-343 Book Reviews : A.M. Shah, The Family in India: Critical Essays. New Delhi: Orient Longman. 1998. 173 pages. Rs. 110 (paperback)
by Maitrayee Chaudhuri - 343-346 Book Reviews : Eunice de Souza (ed.), Nine Indian Women Poets: An Anthology. Delhi: Oxford University Press. 1997. 96 pages. Rs. 195
by Vibha S. Chauhan
March 1999, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-19 Off the Body: Further Considerations on Women, Sexuality and Agency
by Seemanthini Niranjana - 21-42 Women's Education in Colonial Tamil Nadu, 1900-1930: The Coalescence of Patriarchy and Colonialism
by Padmini Swaminathan - 43-60 Images of Feminine Identity in Hindu Mythology and Art: The Case of Visnu-Mohinï
by Aloka Parasher-Sen - 61-78 Scaling the Barrier: Women, Revolution and Abscondence in Late Colonial Bengal
by Ishanee Mukherjee - 79-89 The Gender of the Artist: Some Positions in the Debate on Creativity
by C.J. Davees - 91-105 Work and Family Roles: Indian Career Women in India and the West
by Usha Rani Rout & Sue Lewis & Carolyn Kagan - 109-121 Leela Kisan
by N/A - 123-128 Pernicious or Necessary?
by Leela Kasturi - 129-133 Letter to the Premier From Mrs. Naidu and Begum Shah Nawaz
by N/A - 134-137 Note of Dissent by Lotika Sarkar and Vina Mazumdar
by Lotika Sarkar & Vina Mazumdar - 138-142 The Representation to the Chairperson and Members of the Parliamentary Select Committee for 79 Constitutional Amendment
by Brinda Karat & Monorama Bawa & Vina Mazumdar & Jyotsna Chatterjee & Suman Krishna Kant & Sarla Devi & Mary Khemchand - 145-145 Statement of Objects and Reasons
by Ramakant D. Khalap - 145-149 Democracy, Patriarchies and Reservations for Women A Note
by Mary E. John - 153-155 Book Reviews : Ritu Menon and Kamla Bhasin, Borders and Boundaries: Women in India's Partition. New Delhi: Kali For Women. 1998. 274 pages. Rs. 300
by Kavita Panjabi - 155-157 Book Reviews : Sonia Bathla, Women, Democracy and The Media: Cultural and Political Rep resentations in the Indian Press. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 1998. 209 pages. Rs. 195
by Shanthi Balraj-Ambigapathy - 157-159 Book Reviews : Joan L. Erdman with Zohra Segal, Stages: The Art and Adventures of Zohra Segal. New Delhi: Kali for Women. 1997. 268 pages. Rs. 300
by Lola Chatterji - 159-161 Book Reviews : Vibhavari Shirurkar, Kharemaster. Translated by Yashodhara Maitra. Cal cutta : Stree. 1998. 132 pages. Rs. 120
by Sureshchandra Shukla - 161-163 Book Reviews : David Rubin, Trans and Introduction, Wives, Widows and Other Heroines: Twelve Stories by Premchand. Delhi: Oxford University Press 1998. 152 pages. Rs. 325
by Swati Chaudhuri - 163-165 Book Reviews : Lakshmi Sahgal, A Revolutionary Life: Memoirs of a Political Activist. New Delhi: Kali for Women. 1997. 182 pages. Rs. 250
by Reba Som - 165-167 Book Reviews : Jasodhara Bagchi, Jaba Guha and Piyali Sengupta, Loved and Unloved: The Girl Child in the Family. Calcutta: Stree. 1997. 212 pages. Rs. 250
by Sushmita C. Dutt - 167-169 Book Reviews : Indira Chowdhury, The Frail Hero and Virile History: Gender and the Politics of Culture in Colonial Bengal. Delhi: Oxford University Press. 1998. 193 pages. Rs. 395
by Indrani Chatterjee - 169-173 Book Reviews : Nita Kumar (ed.). Women as Subjects: South Asian Histories. Calcutta: Stree. 1994. Price. Rs. 150
by Sumanta Banerjee
September 1998, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 165-183 How to be a Good Woman
by Anjum Katyal & Ipsita Chanda - 185-200 Whose Face Do I See?
by Radhika Chopra - 201-214 Women's Magazines in Urdu as Sources for Muslim Social History
by Gail Minault - 215-241 Speaking the Unspeakable
by Margaret Abraham - 243-251 'My Only Wish is India's Freedom'1
by Swati Chaudhuri - 253-259 Census 2001: Issues and Perspectives
by Centre for Women's Development Studies - 261-272 Voices of Two Women
by Shushmita C. Dutt - 275-277 Book Reviews : Tamsin Wilton, Engendering AIDS: Deconstructing Sex, Text and Epidemic. London: Sage Publications, 1997. 157 pages. £37.50
by Kalpana Vishwanath - 277-279 Book Reviews : Carol Lee Bacchi, The Politics of Affirmative Action: Women, Equality and Category Politics. London: Sage Publications, 1996. 190 pages. £12.95
by V. Gayathri - 280-281 Book Reviews : Neela Mukherjee, Participatory Rural Appraisal and Questionnaire Survey (Comparative Field Experience and Methodological Innovations). New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 1995. 163 pages. Rs. 200
by Narayan Banerjee - 281-285 Book Reviews : Judith Evans, Feminist Theory Today: An Introduction to Second Wave Feminism. London: Sage Publications, 1995. 183 pages. £42.50 (hb) £13.99 (pb)
by Irene Gedalof - 285-288 Book Reviews : Venkatesh B. Athreya and Sheela Rani Chunkath, Literacy and Empower ment. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1995, 299 pages. Rs. 295
by Karuna Chanana - 288-291 Book Reviews : Mary E. John, Discrepant Dislocations: Feminism, Theory and Postcolonial Histories! Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996. 198+xv pages. Rs. 350 (hb)
by Seemanthini Niranjana
March 1998, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by N/A - 1-21 Hidden Peasant Women in Colonial Awadh: Some Hypotheses
by Smita Tewari Jassal - 23-47 Transformative Politics
by Kumud Sharma - 49-63 Engendering Development
by Vimala Ramachandran - 65-72 From Bagal1 to Gamasa2
by Narayan K. Banerjee - 73-86 Notes from a Chosen Exile
by Hanna Papanek - 87-113 The Making of a 'Founding Text'
by N/A - 115-116 Sexual Harassment
by Swati Chaudhuri - 116-121 Three Texts, One Issue Vishaka and Others vs State of Rajasthan and Others, Judgement dated 13 August 1997. Scale, Vol. 5, 1997. Benokraitis, Nijole, V. (ed.), Subtle Sexism: Current Practice and Prospects for Change, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 1997. Sexual Harassment in Delhi University: A Report. Gender Study Group, Delhi, 1996
by Radhika Chopra - 122-125 Introduction
by Amrit Srinivasan - 127-129 Women's Franchise
by Aparna Basu - 131-133 The All India Women's Deputation
by Lord Chelmsford - 137-144 Book Reviews : Mahasweta Devi, Mother of 1084. Translated with an Introductory Essay by Samik Bandyopadhyay. Calcutta: Seagull Books, 1997. 130 pages. Rs 160. Mahasweta Devi and Usha Ganguli, Rudali—From Fiction to Performance. Translated with an Introductory Essay by Anjum Katyal. Calcutta: Seagull Books, 1997. 156 pages, Rs 175. Mahasweta Devi, Five Plays. Translated by Samik Bandyopadhyay. Cal cutta : Seagull Books, 1997. 149 pages. Rs 150. Mahasweta Devi, Breast Stories. Translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Calcutta: Seagull Books, 1997. 160 pages. Rs 175
by Malavika Karlekar - 144-146 Book Reviews : Geraldine Forbes, Women in Modern India: The New Cambridge History of India IV. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. 289 pages. Rs. 350
by Reba Som - 146-148 Book Reviews : Doranne Jacobson and Susan S. Wadley, Women in India: Two Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, 1995. 250 pages. Rs 250
by Reicha Tanwar - 148-150 Book Reviews : Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery, Don't Marry Me to a Plowman! Women's Everyday Lives in Rural North India. Boulder & Oxford: Westview Press, 1996. 294 pages, and Vistaar Publications, 1996. 304 pages. Rs 425
by Minna Säävälä - 150-155 Book Reviews : Mrinalini Sinha, Colonial Masculinity: The 'Manly Englishman' and the 'Effe minate Bengali' in the Late Nineteenth Century. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1995. 191 pages
by Jasodhara Bagchi - 156-157 Book Reviews : Shodhini, "Touch Me, Touch-Me-Not"—Women, Plants and Healing. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1997. 222 pages. Rs. 150
by Ranjit Roy Chaudhury - 158-162 Book Reviews : Selvy Thiruchandran, Ideology, Caste, Class and Gender. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1997. 266 pages. Rs 450
by Sasanka Perera - 162-164 Book Reviews : Efrat Tseëlon, The Masque of Femininity. The Presentation of Woman in Everyday Life. London: Sage Publications, 1995. 152 pages. £37.50, £11.95(pb)
by Meenakshi Thapan
September 1997, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 123-139 Women in the Maharaj Libel Case: A Re-examination
by Amrita Shodhan - 141-166 Schooling of Girls in Pre-Partition Punjab
by Karuna Chanana - 167-198 Changing Gender Relations in Thailand: A Historical and Cultural Analysis
by Darunee Tantiwiramanond - 199-229 Family Law as a Means of Ensuring Gender Justice for Indian Women
by Archana Parashar - 231-252 Women and Work in Kerala: A Comparison of the 1981 and 1991 Censuses
by Leela Gulati & S. Irudaya Rajan & A. Ramalingam - 253-260 Readings from Hisako Suzuki's Seikatsu-Tsuzurikata
by Tomoko Tsuji - 261-268 Charting a Course in a 'New American' Landscape: Theories of Ethnicity after 1965
by Barbara B. Lal - 269-273 Marriage in Islam by Begum Habibullah (1883-1975)
by Karin A. Deutsch - 277-280 Book Reviews : Jasodhara Bagchi (ed.), Indian Women: Myth and Reality. Sangam Books, Hyderabad, 1995. 192 pages. Rs. 200
by Samita Sen - 281-284 Book Reviews : Sambuddha Chakravarty, Andare Antare: Unish Shatake Bangali Bhadramahila. Calcutta: Stree Prakashan, 1995. 274 pages. Rs. 150. Abhijit Sen and Jasodhara Bagchi (eds.), Shatavarshe Ashalata Sen. School of Women's Studies, Jadavpur University: Stree Prakashan, 1995. 95 pages. Rs. 65
by Gargi Chakravarty - 284-288 Book Reviews : Sumi Krishna, Environmental Politics: People's Lives and Development Choices. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1996. 303 pages. Rs 185
by Dunu Roy - 289-292 Book Reviews : A.M. Shah, B.S. Baviskar and E.A. Ramaswamy (eds.), Social Structure and Change, Vol. I: Theory and Method, An Evaluation of the Works of M.N. Srinivas. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1996. 234 pages. Rs. 275 (hb), Rs. 165 (pb)
by A.P. Barnabas - 292-294 Book Reviews : A.M. Shah, B.S. Baviskar and E.A. Ramaswamy (eds.), Social Structure and Change, Vol. II: Women in Indian Society. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1996. 214 pages. Rs. 265 (hb), Rs. 150 (pb)
by A.P. Barnabas - 295-297 Book Reviews : M.N. Srinivas (ed.), Caste: Its Twentieth Century Avatar. Delhi: Viking, Penguin India, 1996. 306 pages. Rs. 300
by Rowena Robinson
March 1997, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-19 Issues of Masculinity in North Indian History: The Bangash Nawabs of Farrukhabad
by Rosalind O'Hanlon - 21-34 Gender and Social Space in a Haryana Village
by Subhadra Mitra Channa - 35-50 Women, Violence and the Trade Union
by Joanna Liddle & Beth Widdowson - 51-65 Gender Disparities in Social Well-being: An Overview
by Anindita Datta & Sachidanand Sinha - 67-75 Gender Training: Potential and Limitations
by Kanchan Mathur & Shobhita Rajan - 77-81 An Urbanite in the Villages of Andhra Pradesh
by Nandita Ray - 83-89 Representing the 'Other': Some Thoughts
by Caroline Wright - 91-97 Prithibir Utpatti (The Origin of the Earth) by Swarnakumari Devi (1856-1932)
by Jasodhara Bagchi & Debjani Das Gupta - 101-102 Harry Brod and Michael Kaufman (eds.), Theorizing Masculinities. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1994. 320 pages. $54 (hb), $24.95 (pb)
by Ravi Sundaram - 103-105 Monica Das Gupta, Lincoln C. Chen and T.N. Krishnan (eds.), Women's Health in India: Risk and Vulnerability. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1995. 320 pages. Rs. 395
by Imrana Qadeer - 105-108 Jill Kerr Conway and Susan C. Bourque (eds.), The Politics of Women's Education: Perspectives from Asia, Africa and Latin America. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993. 261 pages
by Mala Khullar - 108-111 Parita Mukta, Upholding the Common Life: The Community of Mirabai. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1994. 269 pages. Rs. 350. Guy Poitevin and Hema Rairkar, Stonemill and Bhakti: From the Devotion of Peasant Women to the Philosophy of Swamis. Contemporary Researches in Hindu Philosophy and Religion, No. 3. Delhi: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd, 1996. 265 pages. Rs. 750
by Sakuntala Narasimhan - 111-116 Stuart Oskamp and Mark Costanzo (eds.), Gender Issues in Contemporary Society. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1993. 234 pages. $36 (hb), $16.95 (pb)
by Farida Khan - 116-118 Tulsi Patel, Fertility Behaviour: Population and Society in a Rajasthan Village. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1994. 287 pages. Rs. 400
by Mohan Rao - 118-120 Bharati Ray (ed.), From the Seams of History: Essays on Indian Women. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1995. 294 pages. Rs. 450
by Reba Som - 120-122 Manisha Roy, Bengali Women. Calcutta: Stree, 1993. 214 pages. Rs. 220
by Ajit Mozoomdar
September 1996, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial
by N/A - 155-170 Unravelling the KÄ masutra1
by Kumkum Roy - 171-197 Empowerment through Organisation
by Nitya Rao - 199-223 Women, Law and Institutionalisation
by Usha Ramanathan - 225-232 Out of the Darkness
by Yonson Ahn - 233-244 The Way Girls Learn: A Patchwork Quilt of Impressions
by Jane Margolis & Barbara Lazarus - 245-247 A Letter from Laos
by Reba Som - 249-255 'Stray Thoughts of an Indian Girl' by Cornelia Sorabji
by Antoinette Burton - 257-259 Introduction
by Leela Kasturi - 261-264 The Women's Vote
by Pamela Phillipose - 265-267 An Appeal to National Political Parties: On Behalf of Seven Women's Organisations
by N/A - 269-274 Another Side of Politics
by Jaya Jaitly - 275-281 Miles to Go for a Fair Representation
by Hiranmay Karlekar - 283-300 Review Article : Indian Feminism in an International Frame
by Radhika Mohanram - 303-307 Review Article : Bina Agarwal, A Field of One's Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia. UK: Cambridge University Press, 1994. 572 pages. Rs. 395
by Smita Tewari jassal - 307-309 Review Article : Merge Berer and Sundari Ravindran (eds.), Reproductive Health Matters, Volume 2, November 1993. Special Issue on: Making Abortion Safe and Legal: The Ethics and Dynamics of Change. 150 pages. US$ 20
by Imrana Qadeer - 309-312 Review Article : Sonia Correa, Population and Reproductive Rights: Feminist Perspectives from the South. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1994. 136 pages. Rs. 160
by Sonya Gill - 312-314 Review Article : Jasbir Jain and Amina Amin (eds.), Margins of Erasure: Purdah in the Sub-continental Novel in English. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1995. 230 pages
by Sarvar V. Sherry - 314-316 Review Article : Saroj Pachauri (ed.), Reaching India's Poor: Non-governmental Approaches to Community Health. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1994. 457 pages. Rs. 325
by Krishna Soman - 316-319 Review Article : Kalima Rose, Where Women are Leaders: The SEWA Movement in India. New Delhi: Vistaar Publications, 1992. 286 pages. Rs. 225
by R. Umabala - 319-322 Review Article : Sandhya Venkateswaran, Environment, Development and the Gender Gap. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1994. 234 pages. Rs. 250 (hb)/Rs. 150 (pb)
by Nandita Ray
March 1996, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-22 Property as Negotiation: Some Aspects of Kinship and Gender in North India
by Shobhita Jain - 23-38 The Nature of Woman: Medical Ideas in Colonial Bengal
by Supriya Guha - 39-56 Women's Multiple Roles and Coping Strategies: Myths and Realities
by Jayshree Vencatesan - 57-70 Gender Issues in the Choice and Adoption of Family Planning Methods
by K.N.M. Raju & T.N. Bhat - 71-74 Jottings from a Counsellor's Diary
by Elizabeth Vatsyayan