March 1996, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 75-77 Engaging with Passion
by Radhika Chopra - 79-79 Beijing 1995
by N/A - 81-85 Opening Keynote Address to the NGO Forum on Women
by Aung San Suu Kyi - 87-92 From Mexico 1975 to Beijing 1995
by Bina Agarwal - 93-102 The Fourth World Conference on Women: Dissension and Consensus
by Valentine M. Moghadam - 103-110 Forging a New Agenda
by Urvashi Butalia - 111-125 The Fourth World Conference on Women: A Report from China
by Indu Agnihotri - 127-132 Beijing: Exhausting, Frustrating, Exciting
by Anita Anand - 135-137 Book Reviews : Shirley Chew and Anna Rutherford (eds.), Unbecoming Daughters of the Empire. Sydney: Dangaroo Press, 1993. 227 pages
by Gayatri D. Acharya - 138-142 Book Reviews : Naila Kabeer, Reversed Realities—Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1995. xix + 346 pages. Rs. 375. Noeleen Heyzer and Gita Sen (eds.), Gender, Economic Growth and Poverty— Market Growth and State Planning in Asia and the Pacific. New Delhi: Kali for Women and International Books, 1994 (in association with Asia Pacific Development Centre). iv + 395 pages. Rs. 350
by Kanakalatha Mukund - 143-146 Book Reviews : Maithreyi Krishnaraj and Joy Deshmukh, Gender in Economics: Theory and Practice. Delhi: Ajanta Press, 1993. 223 pages. Rs. 120
by Padmini Swaminathan - 146-148 Book Reviews : Neela Mukherjee, Participatory Rural Appraisal: Methodology and Application. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company,1993.160 pages. Rs. 200
by N.K. Banerjee - 148-150 Book Reviews : Lawrence J. Schweinhart, Helen V. Barnes and David Weikart, Significant Benefits. The High/Scope Perry Preschool Study Through Age 27. Monographs of the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation Number Ten. Michigan: High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, Ypsilanti,1993. xx + 254 pages
by Mala Khullar - 151-153 Book Reviews : Poonam Smith-Sreen, Accountability in Development Organizations: Experiences of Women's Organizations in India. Sage Publications, 1995. 297 pages. Rs.295 (hb), Rs. 175 (pb)
by Padma Ramachandran
September 1995, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 151-170 Women and Adult Literacy in China: A Preliminary Enquiry
by Sreemati Chakrabarti - 171-193 Gender Differences in Human Loss and Vulnerability in Natural Disasters: A Case Study from Bangladesh
by Keiko Ikeda - 195-210 Re(creating) the Home: Women's Role in the Development of Refugee Colonies in South Calcutta
by Rachel Weber - 211-226 Integrating Women's Studies with Peace Studies: Challenges for Feminist Theory
by Linda Rennie Forcey - 227-241 Work and Family: Conflict and its Resolution
by Aparna Joshi & Nalini Sastry - 243-253 The Making of a Feminist
by Neera Desai - 255-258 Feminists and Academic Publishing
by Mariette Correa - 261-264 Book Reviews : Elise Boulding, The Underside of History: A View of Women Through Time, Revised Edition, Volumes 1 (390 pages) and 2 (370 pages). Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1992. Tables, figures, photographs, index. US $48
by Anirudh Deshpande - 264-268 Book Reviews : Fiona Bowie, Deborah Kirkwood and Shirley Ardener (eds.), Women and Missions: Past and Present Anthropological and Historical Perceptions, Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women, Volume 11. Providence/Oxford: Berg, 1993. xx + 279 pages. Notes, bibliography, index
by Veena R. Poonacha - 268-270 Book Reviews : Leslie Calman, Toward Empowerment: Women and Movement Politics in India. Boulder: Westview Press, 1992. vii + 230 pages
by U. Kalpagam - 270-275 Book Reviews : J. Lorber and S.A. Farrell (eds.), The Social Construction of Gender, 1991. Newbury Park: Sage. 374 pages. US 19.95
by Indu Agnihotri - 275-280 Book Reviews : Jose C.M. van Santen, They Leave their Jars Behind: The Conversion of Mafa Women to Islam (North Cameroon). Leiden: Centrum Vrouwen en Autonomie, 1993. 401 pages. Fatima Mernissi, Women and Islam: An Historical and Theological Enquiry. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1993. 228 pages
by Shahida Lateef
March 1995, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-24 A Nationalist Feminist: Mridula Sarabhai (1911-1974)
by Aparna Basu - 25-43 Gender and Immigration Law: The Recruitment of Domestic Workers to Canada, 1867-1940 1
by Nicola Cunningham Armacost - 45-65 The Relevance of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: A Contemporary Perspective 1
by Malavika Karlekar - 67-86 Family Structure, Marriage, Caste and Class, and Women's Education: Exploring the Linkages in an Indian Town1
by Susan Seymour - 87-100 The First Syllables of a New Language: Responses to Sexual Violence
by Kavita Panjabi - 101-110 Fables and the Fieldworker
by Mala Khullar - 111-113 Feminism in Academia: Changes in Theory and Practice
by André Béteille - 115-120 Elections in Pakistan, 1993
by Vasudha Dhagamwar - 121-131 Review Article : Literary History and the Politics of Gender
by Meenakshi Mukherjee - 135-137 Review Article : Committee on Women's Studies in Asia (eds.), Women's Studies, Women's Lives. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1994. 208 pages. Rs. 225
by Leila Kabir - 137-140 Review Article : Ponna Wignaraja, Women, Poverty and Resources. New Delhi: Sage Publications,1990. 242 pages. Rs. 265 (hb)/Rs. 165 (pb)
by Sindhushree Khullar - 140-142 Review Article : Romy Borooah, Kathleen Cloud, Subadra Seshadri, T.S. Saraswathi, Jean T. Peterson and Amita Verma. (eds.), Capturing Complexity: An Interdisciplinary Look at Women, Households and Development. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1994. 324 pages. Rs. 295 (hb)/Rs. 175 (pb)
by Nilika Mehrotra - 142-144 Review Article : Susanne Thorbek, Gender and Slum Culture in Urban Asia (translated by Brian Fredsfod). New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1994. 233 pages. Rs. 225
by Preet Rustagi - 144-150 Review Article : Vasudha Dhagamwar, Law, Power and Justice (Revised Edition). New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1992. 315 pages. Appendices. Rs. 180
by Lotika Sarkar
September 1994, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 149-167 Structural Adjustment With Gender Awareness?
by Diane Elson - 169-193 Law and Crime in India: British Policy and the Female Infanticide Act of 1870 1
by Malavika Kasturi - 195-213 Daudi Bohra Muslim Women and Modern Education: A Beginning1
by Rehana Ghadially - 215-241 Approaches to Change: The All India Democratic Women's Association and a Marxist Approach to the Woman Question in India1
by Patricia Loveridge - 243-248 Convocation Address of Vice-Chancellor H.J. Reynolds (University of Calcutta, 10 March 1883)
by Malavika Karlekar - 249-255 Positioning the Western Feminist Agenda: A Comment
by Bina Agarwal - 259-261 Gabrielle Dietrich, Reflections on the Women's Movement in India: Religion, Ecology, Development. New Delhi: Horizon India. 145 pages
by Shohini Ghosh - 261-263 Janet Chawla, Child-bearing and Culture: Women Centered Revisioning of the Traditional Midwife: The Dai as a Ritual Practitioner. New Delhi: Indian Social Institute, 1994. 100 pages. Rs. 25
by Patricia Uberoi - 263-267 Joanna Kerr (ed.), Ours by Right. London: Zed Books, 1993. 180 pages; and Mehrun Siraj, Malaysian Women under Syriah. Penang: Women and Human Resource Unit, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 1993. 52 pages
by Vasudha Dhagamwar - 267-269 Jung Chang, Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 1993. 696 pages. £ 7.99
by Mrinalini Saran - 269-271 Leela Gulati, In the Absence of their Men: The Impact of Male Migration on Women. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1993. 174 pages. Tables, Appendices. Rs. 200
by Bidyut Mohanty - 271-273 Lorraine Radtke and Henderikus J. Stam (eds.), Power/Gender: Social Rela tions in Theory and Practice. London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1994. 317 pages. £ 40
by Rajeswari Sunder Rajan - 273-277 Maitrayee Chaudhuri, Indian Women's Movement: Reform and Revival. New Delhi: Radiant Publishers. 210 pages. Rs. 300
by Leela Kasturi - 277-278 P.P. Singh, Women in India-A Statistical Panorama. New Delhi: Inter-India Publications. 600 pages. Rs. 580
by Savitri Ray - 278-280 Ramesh Kanbargi (ed.), Child Labour in the Indian Subcontinent: Dimensions and Implications. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1991. 184 pages. Rs. 225
by Walter Fernandes - 280-283 Teresa Del Valle (ed.), Gendered Anthropology. London: Routledge, 1993. 227 pages
by Anuja Aggarwal
March 1994, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by N/A - 1-22 The Meeting of the Twain: The Cultural Confrontation of Three Women in Nineteenth Century Maharashtra
by Meera Kosambi - 23-48 Working and Living for the Family: Gender, Work and Education
by Jeanne Frances I. Illo - 49-68 Multicultural Policy and Social Integration: South Asian Canadian Women
by Ratna Ghosh - 69-92 Rape: A Human Rights versus a Patriarchal Interpretation
by Lotika Sarkar - 93-120 Learning to 'Adjust': Conjugal Relations in Indian Popular Fiction
by Amita Tyagi Singh & Patricia Uberoi - 121-128 Letter from a Chinese Village
by Mrinalini Saran - 131-132 Book Reviews : Anju Vyas and Madhu Mudgal, The Girl Child in India: A Bibliographic Compendium. New Delhi: Indian Bibliographies Bureau. 205 pages. Rs. 125
by Susheela Kaushik - 132-134 Book Reviews : Archana Parashar, Women and Family Law Reform in India. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1992. 348 pages. Rs. 295
by Niraja Gopal Jayal - 134-136 Book Reviews : Ismat Chugtai, The Heart Breaks Free & The Wild One (translated by Tahira Naqvi). New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1993.156 pages. Rs. 75
by Sharada Nayak - 137-139 Book Reviews : K.M. George et al., Inner Spaces: New Writing by Women from Kerala. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1993. 125 pages. Rs. 70
by Gayatri D. Acharya - 139-141 Book Reviews : Radha Kumar, The History of Doing: An Illustrated Account of Movements for Women's Rights and Feminism in India, 1800-1900. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1993. 203 pages. Rs. 350
by Aparna Basu - 141-143 Book Reviews : S.J. Joshi, Anandi Gopal (translated and abridged from the Marathi by Asha Damle). Calcutta: Stree, 1992.272 pages
by Joy R. Ranadive - 144-146 Book Reviews : Shahida Lateef, Muslim Women in India: Political and Private Realities, 1890s- 1980s. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1990. 230 pages. Rs. 160
by Mohammad Talib - 146-148 Book Reviews : Sylvia Ann Hewlett, When the Bough Breaks: The Cost of Neglecting our Children. New York: Harper Perennial,1992. 427 pages. US$ 12
by Mala Khullar