May 2013, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 87-89 The Great Recession of 2007-2009
by Neil Reid & Michael C. Carroll & Xinyue Ye - 90-101 Business Incentive Adoption in the Recession
by Mildred E. Warner & Lingwen Zheng - 102-113 Small Business Growth During a Recession
by Christiana McFarland & J. Katie McConnell - 114-123 The Great Recession and State Unemployment Trends
by William B. Beyers - 124-143 Through the Crisis
by John I. Carruthers & Gordon F. Mulligan - 144-159 Restructuring of the U.S. Auto Industry in the 2008-2009 Recession
by Thomas Klier & James M. Rubenstein - 160-160 Book Review: Consequences of Economic Downturn: Beyond the Usual Economics
by Edward J. Malecki
February 2013, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-5 Academic Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development
by David B. Audretsch & Albert N. Link & Iñaki Peña-Legazkue - 6-17 An Assessment of the Determinants of University Technology Transfer
by José L. González-PernÃa & Graciela Kuechle & Iñaki Peña-Legazkue - 18-28 Harnessing University Entrepreneurship for Economic Growth
by Christopher S. Hayter - 29-39 Cluster Sustainability
by Shiri M. Breznitz - 40-55 Entrepreneurial Universities
by David Urbano & Maribel Guerrero - 56-61 Regional Appropriation of University-Based Knowledge and Technology for Economic Development
by David B. Audretsch & Dennis P. Leyden & Albert N. Link - 62-70 Knowledge Governance
by Cristiano Antonelli - 71-81 Research Output From University–Industry Collaborative Projects
by Albert Banal-Estañol & Inés Macho-Stadler & David Pérez-Castrillo
November 2012, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 283-284 Focus Issue
by Joseph Persky & David Merriman - 285-297 WalMart and Local Economic Development
by Alessandro Bonanno & Stephan J. Goetz - 298-310 Revisiting WalMart’s Impact on Iowa Small-Town Retail
by Georgeanne M. Artz & Kenneth E. Stone - 311-320 Mom-and-Pops or Big Box Stores
by Michael J. Hicks & Stanley R. Keil & Lee C. Spector - 321-333 The Impact of an Urban WalMart Store on Area Businesses
by David Merriman & Joseph Persky & Julie Davis & Ron Baiman - 334-350 Yesterday’s Gains Versus Today’s Realties
by Jeffery L. Osgood Jr. & Susan M. Opp & R. Lorraine Bernotsky - 351-360 How Major Local Taxes Affect Private Employment
by Yonghong Wu - 361-372 Community Development Districts
by Gina Scutelnicu & Sukumar Ganapati - 373-374 Book Review: Reconnecting Markets: Innovative Global Practices in Connecting Small-Scale Producers With Dynamic Food Markets
by Sara Metcalf - 374-376 Book Review: Employment Growth From Public Support of Innovation in Small Firms
by Haifeng Qian - 376-377 Book Review: The Economics of Natural and Unnatural Disasters
by Andy Hultquist - 377-378 Book Review: Why Nations Fail
by Gordon F. Mulligan - 379-379 Michigan’s MEGA Credits
by Greg Kaza
August 2012, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 199-219 Collaborative Regionalism and Foreign Direct Investment
by A. J. Jacobs - 220-230 Relationship Between Growth and Prosperity in the 100 Largest U.S. Metropolitan Areas
by Eben Fodor - 231-237 Did the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Cause Subsidized Worker Substitution?
by Olugbenga Ajilore - 238-251 Employment Risk, Returns, and Entrepreneurship
by Sarah A. Low & Stephan Weiler - 252-266 Low-Wealth Minority Enterprises and Access to Financial Resources for Start-Up Activities
by Colleen Casey - 267-276 Governors as Economic Problem Solvers
by Charles D. Taylor - 277-278 Book Review: Investing in Kids: Early Childhood Programs and Local Economic Development
by Stuart C. Aitken - 278-279 Book Review: Economic Geographies of Globalisation: A Short Introduction
by Barney Warf - 279-280 Book Review: Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Economic Development
by Alexandra Tsvetkova
May 2012, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 111-123 Economic Development and Energy
by Sanya Carley & Adrienne Brown & Sara Lawrence - 124-137 The Role of Economic Development Corporations in Local Economic Development
by Christopher A. Jarmon & James M. Vanderleeuw & Michael S. Pennington & Thomas E. Sowers - 138-150 Holding Their Feet to the Fire
by Elaine B. Sharp & Kevin Mullinix - 151-161 An Examination of the Local Economic Impacts of Military Base Closures
by Andy Hultquist & Tricia L. Petras - 162-177 Exploring What Greening the Economy Means for African American Workers, Entrepreneurs, and Communities
by Elsie Harper-Anderson - 178-192 Intrametropolitan Opportunity Structure and the Self-Employment of Asian and Latino Immigrants
by Cathy Yang Liu - 193-194 Book Review: Second Cities: Globalization and Local Politics in Manchester and Philadelphia
by Jay D. Gatrell - 194-195 Book Review: The Research Triangle: From Tobacco Road to Global Prominence
by Charlie Karlsson - 195-196 Book Review: New Directions in Regional Economic Development: The Role of Entrepreneurship Theory and Methods, Practice and Policy
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal
February 2012, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-12 Stability and Change in County Economic Development Organizations
by Jongsun Park & Richard C. Feiock - 13-33 Exploring Management Practice Variation in Tax Increment Financing Districts
by Christopher E. Bartels & Jeremy L. Hall - 34-49 Business Location Decisions in the Medical Device Industry
by Shelley McDonough Kimelberg & Lauren A. Nicoll - 50-72 Cultural Tourism as an Economic Development Strategy for Ethnic Neighborhoods
by Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris & Konstantina Soureli - 73-94 Bodegas or Bagel Shops? Neighborhood Differences in Retail and Household Services
by Rachel Meltzer & Jenny Schuetz - 95-105 Prospects for Poor Neighborhoods in the Broadband Era
by David Kaplan & Karen Mossberger
November 2011, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 299-302 Introduction to EDQ Special Issue on “Brain Drainâ€
by Paul D. Gottlieb - 303-315 Supply or Demand, Make or Buy
by Paul D. Gottlieb - 316-329 Building Knowledge Stocks Locally
by Jeffrey A. Groen - 330-340 The Location of Foreign Human Capital in the United States
by Brigitte Waldorf - 341-352 How ya Gonna Keep ’em Down on the Farm
by Georgeanne Artz & Li Yu - 353-365 Human Capital and Population Growth in Nonmetropolitan U.S. Counties
by John V. Winters - 366-367 Book Review: Moving Forward: The Future of Consumer Credit and Mortgage Finance
by Benjamin Teresa - 367-368 Book Review: The Economics of Entrepreneurship
by Timothy Bates
August 2011, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 211-220 Increasing Stakeholder Participation in Industry Cluster Identification
by Lukas C. Brun & G. Jason Jolley - 221-236 Policy Versus Place Luck: Achieving Local Economic Prosperity
by Laura A. Reese & Minting Ye - 237-254 The Impact of Living Wage Laws on Urban Economic Development Patterns and the Local Business Climate: Evidence From California Cities
by T. William Lester - 255-266 Why Have Lending Programs Targeting Disadvantaged Small Business Borrowers Achieved So Little Success in the United States?
by Timothy Bates & Magnus Lofstrom & Lisa J. Servon - 267-276 Measuring Community Development Outcomes: In Search of an Analytical Framework
by Noah Dorius - 277-281 Does Local Firm Ownership Matter?
by David A. Fleming & Stephan J. Goetz - 282-292 The Employment Effects of New Business Formation: A Regional Perspective
by Huaqun Li & Shaoming Cheng & Kingsley E. Haynes - 293-294 Book Review: Doloreux, D., Freel, M., & Shearmur, R. (Eds.). (2010). Knowledge-Intensive Business Services: Geography and Innovation. Burlington, VT: Ashgate
by William B. Beyers - 294-295 Book Review: Glaeser, E. L. (2011). Triumph of the City. New York, NY: Penguin Books. ISBN: 978-1-59420-277-3
by Gordon F. Mulligan
May 2011, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 115-115 Dedication
by N/A - 116-129 High-Tech Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the United States
by David M. Hart & Zoltan J. Acs - 130-142 Industrial Legacy Matters: Implications for the Development and Use of Indices of Regional Competitiveness
by David L. Barkley & Rebekka M. Dudensing - 143-157 The Great Divide: Economic Development Theory Versus Practice-A Survey of the Current Landscape
by Elizabeth Currid-Halkett & Kevin Stolarick - 158-171 Patchwork Intermediation: Challenges and Opportunities for Regionally Coordinated Workforce Development
by Nichola Lowe & Harvey Goldstein & Mary Donegan - 172-181 Gender and Job Chains in Local Economic Development
by Daniel Felsenstein & Joseph Persky - 182-192 Countering the Rhetoric of Emerging Domestic Markets: Why More Information Alone Will Not Address the Capital Needs of Underserved Communities
by Julia Sass Rubin - 193-205 The Influence of Targeted Economic Development Tax Incentives on County Economic Growth: Evidence From Michigan’s MEGA Credits
by Michael J. Hicks & Michael LaFaive - 206-207 Book Review
by Frank J. Calzonetti
February 2011, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-4 Introduction
by William P. Kittredge - 5-25 Innovation in the Green Economy: An Extension of the Regional Innovation System Model?
by Karen Chapple & Cynthia Kroll & T. William Lester & Sergio Montero - 26-35 Linking Industry and Occupation Clusters in Regional Economic Development
by Christine Nolan & Ed Morrison & Indraneel Kumar & Hamilton Galloway & Sam Cordes - 36-53 The Index of Innovation: A New Tool for Regional Analysis
by Timothy F. Slaper & Nicholas R. Hart & Tanya J. Hall & Michael F. Thompson - 54-64 Measuring Spatial Dynamics in Metropolitan Areas
by Sergio J. Rey & Luc Anselin & David C. Folch & Daniel Arribas-Bel & Myrna L. Sastré Gutiérrez & Lindsey Interlante - 65-78 What Should EDA Fund? Developing a Model for Preassessment of Economic Development Investments
by Brad R. Watts & George A. Erickcek & Jacob Duritsky & Kevin O'Brien & Claudette Robey & James Robey - 79-90 Incubation Push or Business Pull? Investigating the Geography of U.S. Business Incubators
by Haifeng Qian & Kingsley E. Haynes & James D. Riggle - 91-103 The Geographic Distribution of U.S. Unemployment by Gender
by Edmund J. Zolnik - 104-105 Book Review: Greenwood, D. T., & Holt, R. P. F. (2010). Local Economic Development in the 21st Century: Quality of Life and Sustainability. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe. 215 pp. $39.95 (paper). ISBN 97807656 20931
by Richard V. Adkisson - 105-106 Book Review: Imbroscio, D. (2010). Urban America Reconsidered: Alternatives for Governance and Policy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
by Harold A. Perkins - 106-108 Book Review: Polèse, M. (2010). The Wealth and Poverty of Regions: Why Cities Matter. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press
by Alexander Vias - 108-109 Book Review: Hanlon, B., Short, J. R., & Vicino, T. J. (2010). Cities and Suburbs: New Metropolitan Realities in the US. New York, NY: Routledge
by Ralph B. McLaughlin - 109-110 Book Review: Hanlon, B. (2010). Once the American Dream: Inner Ring Suburbs of the Metropolitan United States. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. 224 pp. ISBN 978-1-59213-936-1
by Sujata Shetty
November 2010, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 311-324 The Distribution of Federal Economic Development Grant Funds: A Consideration of Need and the Urban/Rural Divide
by Jeremy L. Hall - 325-336 Business Incentive Use Among U.S. Local Governments: A Story of Accountability and Policy Learning
by Lingwen Zheng & Mildred Warner - 337-351 Do Restrictions on Eminent Domain Harm Economic Development?
by Dick M. Carpenter II & John K. Ross - 352-371 Rethinking Commercial Revitalization: A Neighborhood Small Business Perspective
by Stacey A. Sutton - 372-383 Religious Institutions and Ethnic Entrepreneurship: The Korean Ethnic Church as a Small Business Incubator
by Hyunsun Choi - 384-393 Public Higher Education and New York State’s Economy
by Richard Vogel & W. Hubert Keen - 394-395 Book Review: Blakely, E. J., & Leigh, N. G. (2010). Planning Local Economic Development: Theory and Practice (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 464 pp. $53.11 (paperback)
by John P. Blair
August 2010, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 195-209 Catching Up: The Role of State Science and Technology Policy in Open Innovation
by Heike Mayer - 210-230 The Impact of Research Universities on Regional Economies: The Concept of University Products
by Iryna Lendel - 231-242 Merchandise Exports and Job Quality, Evidence From the States
by Richard V. Adkisson & Eduardo Saucedo - 243-250 State Regulatory Spending: Boon or Brake for New Enterprise Creation and Income?
by Noel D. Campbell & Kirk C. Heriot & Andres Jauregui - 251-260 Transitional Cluster Development: A Case Study From the New York Wine Industry
by Arthur L. Centonze - 261-275 Re-Creating New Orleans: Driving Development Through Creativity
by Cathy Yang Liu & Ric Kolenda & Grady Fitzpatrick & Tim N. Todd - 276-287 Cleaning Up the Mess: Redevelopment of Urban Brownfields
by Richard C. Hula & Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo - 288-303 Building Bridges to the Middle Class: The Role of Community-Based Organizations in Asian American Wealth Accumulation
by R. Varisa Patraporn & Deirdre Pfeiffer & Paul Ong - 304-305 Book Review: Herman, R. T., & Smith, R. L. (2010). Immigrant, Inc.: Why Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Driving the New Economy (and How They Will Save the American Worker). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Krikorian, M. (2008). The New Case Against Immigration: Both Legal and Illegal. New York, NY: Sentinel
by Chad R. Miller
May 2010, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 99-109 The Impact of Immigration on Four Low-Wage Industries in the 1990s
by Marie Howland & Doan Nguyen - 110-125 Impact of Retirement Populations on Local Jobs and Wages
by Karen L. Hamilton - 126-142 The Five Gaps Facing Small and Microbusiness Owners: Evidence From New York City
by Lisa J. Servon & Robert W. Fairlie & Blaise Rastello & Amber Seely - 143-153 Francophone Minority Economic Development in Canada: Addressing Political or Economic Issues?
by David Doloreux & David Rangdrol & Émilie Dionne - 154-168 Measuring the Distribution of Economic Development Tax Incentive Intensity
by Robert T. Greenbaum & Blair D. Russell & Tricia L. Petras - 169-179 Tax Increment Financing in Missouri: An Analysis of Determinants, Competitive Dynamics, Equity, and Path Dependency
by Susan Mason & Kenneth P. Thomas - 180-192 How Are Businesses Responding to Minnesota’s Tax-Free Zone Program?
by Tonya J. Hansen & Laura Kalambokidis
February 2010, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-12 Property Tax Exportation and Its Effects on Local Business Establishments: The Case of Massachusetts Municipalities
by Yonghong Wu - 13-22 Does Tax Increment Financing Deliver on Its Promise of Jobs? The Impact of Tax Increment Financing on Municipal Employment Growth
by Paul F. Byrne - 23-32 Entrepreneurs and Job Growth: Probing the Boundaries of Time and Space
by Jason Henderson & Stephan Weiler - 33-44 Chains and Ladders: Exploring the Opportunities for Workforce Development and Poverty Reduction in the Hospital Sector
by Marla Nelson & Laura Wolf-Powers - 45-59 Education Spending and State Economic Growth: Are All Dollars Created Equal?
by John Deskins & Brian Hill & Laura Ullrich - 60-73 Asymmetric Information, Government Fiscal Policies, and Financial Development
by Fu-Sheng Hung & Chien-Chiang Lee - 74-86 Locational Choices of the Ethanol Industry in the Midwest Corn Belt
by Mônica A. Haddad & Gary Taylor & Francis Owusu - 87-96 “Can We Seal the Deal?†: An Examination of Uncertainty in the Development Process
by Shelley McDonough Kimelberg
November 2009, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 275-293 Regional Benchmarking in a Global Context: Knowledge, Competitiveness, and Economic Development
by Robert Huggins & Hiro Izushi - 294-305 Creative and Knowledge Industries: An Occupational Distribution Approach
by Charlotta Mellander - 306-316 The Impact of New Employers From the Outside, the Growth of Local Capitalism, and New Amenities on the Social and Economic Welfare of Small Towns
by Terry L. Besser & Nicholas Recker & Matthew Parker - 317-328 Perceptions of Regional Economic Development: Can Win—Lose Become Win—Win?
by Victoria Gordon - 329-341 Do Environmental Regulations Impede Economic Growth? A Case Study of the Metal Finishing Industry in the South Coast Basin of Southern California
by Ward Thomas - 342-350 Assessing Factors Associated With Listing a Historic Resource in the National Register of Historic Places
by Vishakha Maskey & Cheryl Brown & Ge Lin - 351-371 The Impacts of Variations in Development Context on Employment Growth: A Comparison of Central Cities in Michigan and Ontario, 1980-2006
by A.J. Jacobs - 372-373 Book Review: Mitchell, J. (2008). Business Improvement Districts and the Shape of American Cities. Albany: State University of New York Press
by Nicholas Bauroth
August 2009, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 179-179 Dedication
by N/A - 180-192 Utilizing Affirmative Action in Public Sector Procurement as a Local Economic Development Strategy
by Timothy Bates - 193-210 Skill-Based Development of Entrepreneurs and the Role of Personal and Peer Group Coaching in Enterprise Development
by Nailya Kutzhanova & Thomas S. Lyons & Gregg A. Lichtenstein - 211-228 Off the Mark?
by Linda McCarthy - 229-241 Rural Economic Development in the United States
by Janna Johnson - 242-253 Are Hospitals an Export Industry?
by Marla Nelson - 254-266 Getting Income Shares Right
by Aamer S. Abu-Qarn & Suleiman Abu-Bader - 267-267 Book Review: Wiewel, W., & Perry, D. (2008). Global Universities and Urban Development: Case Studies and Analysis. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe
by Harley F. Etienne - 268-269 Book Review: Watson, D. J., & Morris, J. C. (Eds.). (2008). Building the Local Economy: Cases in Economic Development. Athens, GA: Carl Vinson Institute of Government
by Leslie T. Grover
May 2009, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 95-110 Assessing the Effect of Publicly Assisted Brownfield Redevelopment on Surrounding Property Values
by Christopher A. De Sousa & Changshan Wu & Lynne M. Westphal - 111-126 Determinants of Environmental Performance
by Rachel Bouvier - 127-140 Biotechnology in Cincinnati
by Yann Ferrand & Christina M. L. Kelton & Ke Chen & Howard A. Stafford - 141-149 Image Busters
by Michael A. Burayidi & Mamadou Coulibaly - 150-166 Is Local Discretionary Sales Tax Adopted to Counteract Fiscal Stress?
by DaeJin Kim & Sang Seok Bae & Robert J. Eger III - 167-170 Revisiting McCallum's Border Puzzle
by Galina An & Thitima Puttitanun - 171-172 Book Review: Massey, D. (2007). World City. Cambridge, UK: Polity
by Jeffrey A. Finkle - 172-173 Book Review: Bowles, S., Durlauf, S. N., & Hoff, K. (Eds.). (2006). Poverty Traps. New York: Russell Sage
by Shelley McDonough Kimelberg
February 2009, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-12 Adding Meaning to Measurement
by Jeremy L. Hall - 13-27 Who Wins From Local Economic Development?
by Mark D. Partridge & Dan S. Rickman & Hui Li - 28-43 Federal Credit Programs and Local Economic Performance
by Sherrill Shaffer & Robert N. Collender - 44-59 The Impact of Enterprise Zones on Resident Employment
by Joel A. Elvery - 60-70 The Impact of Immigration on Computer Manufacturing in the 1990s
by Marie Howland & Doan Bao Luu Nguyen - 71-88 Ethanol and the Local Economy
by Sarah A. Low & Andrew M. Isserman - 89-90 Book Review: Cornia, G. C., & Riddell, J. (Eds.). (2008). Toward a Vision of Land in 2015. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
by G. Jason Jolley
November 2008, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 271-271 Editor's Note
by Larry Ledebur - 272-276 Sustainability, Clusters, and Competitiveness
by Sheila Martin & Heike Mayer - 277-289 The Evolution of Knowledge Clusters
by Robert Huggins - 290-302 The Evolution of Regional Industry Clusters and Their Implications for Sustainable Economic Development
by Jennifer Paige Montana & Boris Nenide - 303-315 Portland's Green Building Cluster
by Jennifer H. Allen & Thomas Potiowsky - 316-323 Customizing Clusters
by Stephan Manning - 324-344 Clusters and Economic Development Outcomes
by Edward Feser & Henry Renski & Harvey Goldstein - 345-352 Cluster Regions
by Neil Reid & Bruce W. Smith & Michael C. Carroll - 353-363 What Was New About the Cluster Theory?
by Yasuyuki Motoyama - 364-365 Book Review: Bennett, M. I. J., & Giloth, R. P. (Eds.). (2007). Economic Development in American Cities: The Pursuit of an Equity Agenda (SUNY Series in Urban Public Policy). Albany: State University of New York Press
by Jeffrey A. Finkle - 365-366 Book Review: Partridge, M. D., & Rickman, D. S. (2006). The Geography of American Poverty: Is There a Need for Place-Based Policies? Kalamazoo, MI: W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
by Ross Gittell
August 2008, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 187-199 Emergence of Nanodistricts in the United States
by Philip Shapira & Jan Youtie - 200-212 The Push-Pull Effects of the Information Technology Boom and Bust
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & M. Melinda Pitts & John C. Robertson - 213-227 The Economic and Workforce Development Activities of American Business Associations
by Lynn E. McCormick & Joshua D. Hawley & Edwin Meléndez - 228-238 Crime's Impact on the Survival Prospects of Young Urban Small Businesses
by Timothy Bates & Alicia Robb - 239-251 Strategic Responses by Canadian and U.S. Exporters to Increased U.S. Border Security Measures
by Anneliese Vance - 252-263 Banking on the Margin in Canada
by Jerry Buckland & Xiao-Yuan Dong - 264-266 Response to May 2007 Article by Frank Giarratani, Gene Gruver, and Randall Jackson on Industry Agglomeration
by Scott Duke Kominers - 267-267 Rejoinder to Scott Duke Kominers
by Frank Giarratani & Gene Gruver & Randall Jackson - 268-268 Book Review: Short, J. Rennie. (2004). Global Metropolitan: Globalizing Cities in a Capitalist World. New York: Routledge
by Peter Marcuse
May 2008, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 83-91 Overhauling and Revitalizing Federal Economic Development Programs
by Ann Markusen & Amy Glasmeier - 92-98 An Effective Overhaul of Federal Economic Development Policy
by Mark Drabenstott - 99-106 Repurposed Federal Economic Development Programs
by Phillip Singerman - 107-111 Opportunities for Economic and Community Development in Energy and Climate Change
by DeWitt John - 112-114 A Cautious Look Into Reconfiguring Federal Economic Development Programs
by Jeffrey A. Finkle - 115-118 Rejoinder: History, Leadership, Place Prosperity, Rationales, Competitiveness, Outcomes
by Ann Markusen & Amy Glasmeier - 119-135 Measuring the Connection Between Workforce Development and Economic Development
by Elsie Harper-Anderson - 136-148 State R&D Tax Credits and High-Technology Establishments
by Yonghong Wu - 149-166 Proximity Matters? European Union Enlargement and Relocation of Activities
by Javier Bilbao-Ubillos & Vicente Camino-Beldarrain - 167-179 The Ineffectiveness of Location Incentive Programs
by Dafna Schwartz & Joseph Pelzman & Michael Keren - 180-181 Book Review: Myers, D. (2007). Immigrants and Boomers: Forging a New Social Contract for the Future of America. New York: Russell Sage
by Sammis B. White
February 2008, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-7 Creative Class and Economic Prosperity: Old Nostrums, Better Packaging?
by Laura A. Reese & Gary Sands - 8-23 Cultivating the Creative Class: And What About Nanaimo?
by Gary Sands & Laura A. Reese - 24-45 Defining the Creative Economy: Industry and Occupational Approaches
by Ann Markusen & Gregory H. Wassall & Douglas DeNatale & Randy Cohen - 46-62 Inequality in the Creative City: Is There Still a Place for “Old-Fashioned†Institutions?
by Mary Donegan & Nichola Lowe - 63-75 Intermediate Steel-Industry Suppliers in the Pittsburgh Region: A Cluster-Based Analysis of Regional Economic Resilience
by Carey Durkin Treado & Frank Giarratani - 76-78 Book Review: Hackler, D. L. (2006). Cities in the Technology Economy. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe. Phillips, F. (2006). Social Culture and High-Tech Economic Development: The Technopolis Columns. New York: Palgrave MacMillan
by Maurie Caitlin Kelly
November 2007, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 299-314 Permanently Failing Organizations? Small Business Recovery After September 11, 2001
by Leigh T. Graham - 315-324 Morality and Economics: Public Assessments of the Adult Entertainment Industry
by Darrell M. West & Marion Orr - 325-338 Canonical Analysis of University Presence and Industrial Comparative Advantage
by Matthew Nagle - 339-353 Job Creation and the Knowledge Economy: Lessons From North Carolina's Life Science Manufacturing Initiative
by Nichola J. Lowe - 354-368 Did a Strong Economy in the 1990s Affect Poverty in U.S. Metro Areas? Exploring Changes in Poverty in Metropolitan Areas Over the Last U.S. Business Cycle, 1992-2003
by Ross Gittell & Edinaldo Tebaldi - 369-370 Book Review: Fitzgerald, J. (2006). Moving Up in the New Economy: Career Ladders for U.S. Workers. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
by Mary Edwards - 371-372 Ong, P., & Loukaitou-Sideris, A. (Eds.). (2006). Jobs and Economic Development in Minority Communities. Philadelphia: Temple University Press
by Claudia B. Isaac