July 1952, Volume 282, Issue 1
- 140-141 FONER, PHILIP S. (Ed.). The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass. Vol. III: The Civil War, 1861-1865. Pp. 448. New York: International Pub lishers, 1952. $4.50
by Leonard Price Stavisky - 141-142 TATUM, ELBERT LEE. The Changed Po litical Thought of the Negro, 1915-1940. Pp. 205. New York: Exposition Press, 1952. $3.00
by J. Erroll Miller - 142-143 KNAUFF, ELLEN RAPHAEL. The Ellen Knauff Story. Introduction by Arthur Garfield Hays. Pp. xix, 242, 21. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1952. $3.50
by Patrick Murphy Malin - 143-145 Economics and Industry
by David McCord Wright - 145-145 LINCOLN, JAMES F. Incentive Manage ment : A New Approach to Human Re lationships in Industry and Business. Pp. 280. Cleveland, Ohio: The Lincoln Electric Co., 1951. $1.00
by John Newton Thurber - 145-146 LINDHOLM, RICHARD W. Taxation of the Trucking Industry. Pp. xv, 141. Co lumbus: Bureau of Business Research, College of Commerce and Administra tion, Ohio State University, 1951. No price
by D. Philip Locklin - 146-147 CHILDS, MARQUIS. The Farmer Takes A Hand: The Electric Power Revolution in Rural America. Introduction by Senator George D. Aiken. Pp. 256. New York: Doubleday & Company, 1952. $3.50
by Marvin Henry Morse - 147-148 ROSE, ARNOLD M. Union Solidarity: The Internal Cohesion of a Labor Union. Pp. xx, 209. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1952. $3.00
by Bernard Karsh - 148-148 DAVEY, HAROLD W. Contemporary Collec tive Bargaining. Pp. xi, 532. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1951. $5.50
by Robert C. Sorensen - 148-149 GALENSON, WALTER (Ed.). Comparative Labor Movements. Pp. xiv, 599. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952. $6.50
by Melvin J. Segal - 149-149 BRADY, ROBERT A. The Citizen's Stake in Price Control. Pp. 161. Paterson, N. J.: Littlefield, Adams & Co., 1952. $1.50
by J.P. Watson - 149-150 CASSELMAN, PAUL HUBERT. The Coopera tive Movement and Some of Its Prob lems. Pp. xiii, 178. New York: Philo sophical Library, 1952. $3.00
by Leland J. Gordon - 150-151 NEWMAN, PHILIP CHARLES. The Devel opment of Economic Thought. Pp. xiv, 456. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952. $5.00
by Edmund Whittaker - 151-152 Sociology and Education
by Charles S. Ascher - 152-153 REINHARDT, JAMES M., PAUL MEADOWS, and JOHN M. GILLETTE. Social Prob lems and Social Policy. Pp. ix, 590. New York: American Book Company, 1952. $4.50
by Joseph Mayer - 153-154 HERBERTSON, DOROTHY. The Life of Frédéric Le Play. Edited by VICTOR BRANFORD and ALEXANDER FARQUAHAR- SON. Pp. 120. Ledbury, Herefordshire: Le Play House Press, 1951. 12s. 6d
by Jessie Bernard - 154-154 LOEWY, HERTA. The Retarded Child. Pp. 160. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951. $3.75
by E.L. Johnstone - 155-156 POLLAK, OTTO, and collaborators. Social Science and Psychotherapy for Children. Pp. 242. New York: Russell Sage Foun dation, 1952. $4.00
by J. McV. Hunt - 156-157 SLOTKIN, J. S. Personality Development. Pp. x, 401. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1952. $4.50
by Manford Kuhn - 157-158 GLUECK, SHELDON, and ELEANOR GLUECK. Delinquents in the Making: Paths to Prevention. Pp. viii, 214. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $3.00
by Douglas H. Macneil - 158-159 Community Services for Older People: The Chicago Plan. Prepared by the Community Project for the Aged of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chi cago, Project Director Elizabeth Breckin ridge ; with a foreword by Ernest W Burgess. A Wiebold Foundation Proj ect. Pp. xv, 240. Chicago: Wilcox & Follett Company, 1952. $3.00
by Hertha Kraus - 159-160 CARR, LOWELL JUILLIARD, and JAMES ED- SON STERMER. Willow Run: A Study of Industrialization and Cultural Inade quacy. Pp. xxii, 406. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $5.00
by L. Guy Brown - 160-160 STEIN, CLARENCE S. Toward New Towns for America. Introduction by LEWIS MUMFORD. Pp. 245. Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1951. $5.00
by Robert B. Mitchell - 160-161 WINSLOW, C.-E. A. The Cost of Sickness and the Price of Health. Pp. 106. Geneva: World Health Organization (Monograph Series No. 7), 1951. $1.50
by Franz Goldmann - 161-162 EARLE, CLIFFORD J. How to Help an Al coholic. Fifth publication of The West minster Pastoral Aid Books. Pp. 96. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1952. $1.50
by Selden D. Bacon - 162-163 TAX, SOL, and members of the Viking Fund Seminar on Middle American Ethnology. Heritage of Conquest: The Ethnology of Middle America. Pp. 312. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1952. $5.00
by Edward H. Spicer - 163-164 FENLASON, ANNE F. Essentials in Inter viewing: For the Interviewer Offering Professional Services. Pp. xiii, 352. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $4.00
by Ralph Carr Fletcher - 164-164 BOWER, WILLIAM CLAYTON. Moral and Spiritual Values in Education. Pp. xv, 214. Lexington : University of Kentucky Press, 1952. $3.50
by Galen Jones - 164-165 MONROE, WALTER S. Teaching-Learning Theory and Teacher Education, 1890- 1950. Pp. vii, 426. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1952. $6.50
by Francis J. Brown - 165-166 Philosophy and Religion
by Oliver L. Reiser - 166-166 WILLIAMS, GARDNER. Humanistic Ethics. Pp. xii, 223. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951. $3.75
by Helmut Kuhn - 166-168 WILLIAMS, DAVID RHYS. World Religions and the Hope for Peace. Pp. xiv, 221. Boston: Beacon Press, 1951. $2.75
by Ephraim Mschoff - 168-168 O'NEILL, JAMES M. Catholicism and American Freedom. Pp. xii, 287. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $3.50
by Arthur Garfield Hays - 168-169 KAGAN, HENRY ENOCH. Changing the At titude of Christian Toward Jew: A Psy chological Approach Through Religion. Pp. xvi, 155. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. $2.75
by Everett R. Clinchy - 169-170 Commonwealth of Nations
by E.A. Beller - 170-170 FORBES, DUNCAN. The Liberal Anglican Idea of History. Pp. x, 208. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1952. $4.00
by Preston Slosson - 170-171 FINBERG, H. P. R. Tavistock Abbey: A Study in the Social and Economic History of Devon. Pp. xi, 320. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1952. $5.00
by Albert Hyma - 171-172 DE JOUVENEL, BERTRAND. The Ethics of Redistribution. Pp. ix, 91. London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1952. $1.75
by Henry William Spiegel - 172-172 GRENFELL, RUSSELL. Main Fleet to Singa pore. Pp. 238. New York: The Mac millan Company, 1952. $3.75
by Leland P. Lovette - 172-173 Slavic Countries
by F. Dvornik - 173-174 NYARADI, NICHOLAS. My Ringside Seat In Moscow. Pp. 320. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1952. $3.75
by A.O. Sarkissian - 174-175 JASNY, NAUM. Soviet Prices of Producers' Goods. Pp. vii, 180. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1952. $2.00
by Karl Scholz - 175-175 ULAM, ADAM B. Titoism and the Comin form. Pp. ix, 243. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952. $4.00
by Joseph S. Roucek - 175-176 KAZEMZADEH, FIRUZ. The Struggle for Transcaucasia (1917-1921). With an introduction by Michael Karpovich. Pp. xv, 356, map. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951. $5.75
by Harry N. Howard - 176-177 TENENBAUM, JOSEPH. Underground: The Story of a People. Pp. ix, 532. New York: Philosophical Library, 1952. $4.50
by Israel Cohen - 177-178 Western Continental Europe
by Stefan T. Possony - 178-179 MASON, HENRY L. The Purge of Dutch Quislings: Emergency Justice in the Netherlands. Pp. xii, 199. The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff, 1952. No price
by Adriaan J. Barnouw - 179-179 MAYER, KURT B. The Population of Switzerland. Pp. xiv, 336. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. $5.00
by M.C. Elmer - 179-181 GATHORNE-HARDY, G. M., A. G. SPENCER, AGNES H. HICKS, and G. TURVILLE- PETRE. The Scandinavian States and Finland: A Political and Economic Sur vey. Pp. viii, 312. New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1952. $4.00
by Ake Sandler - 181-182 KOCH, HAL. Grundtvig. Translated from the Danish with Introduction and Notes by Llewellyn Jones. Pp. xx, 231. Yel low Springs, Ohio: The Antioch Press, 1952. $3.50
by Waldemar Westergaard - 182-182 Others
by Robert S. Platt - 183-184 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. Voca tional Training in Latin America. Pp. iv, 320. Geneva: ILO (distributed in the U. S. by ILO Washington Branch), 1951. $2.00
by Robert J. Alexander - 184-185 TOWNSEND, WILLIAM CAMERON. Lazaro Cdrdetws, Mexican Democrat. Pp. xiv, 379. Ann Arbor, Mich.: George Wahr Publishing Company, 1952. $4.00
by J. Lloyd Mecham - 185-185 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUC TION AND DEVELOPMENT. Report on Cuba. Findings and Recommendations of an Economic and Technical Mission organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in col laboration with the Government of Cuba in 1950, Francis Adams Truslow, Chief of Mission. Pp. xxiv, 1052. Washing ton, 1951. $7.50
by C. Addison Hickman - 185-186 PENDLE, GEORGE. Uruguay—South Ameri ca's First Welfare State. Pp. viii, 100. New York: Royal Institute of Interna tional Affairs, 1952. $2.50
by William L. Mitchell - 186-187 WALES, NYM. Red Dust: Autobiographies of Chinese Communists, as told to Nym Wales. With an introduction by Robert Carver North. Pp. xiv, 238. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1952. $5.00
by H. Arthur Steiner - 187-188 LEHRMAN, HAL. Israel: The Beginning and Tomorrow. Pp. v, 358. New York: William Sloane Associates, 1952. $3.75
by Solomon Grayzel - 188-188 FREEMAN, KATHLEEN. God, Man and State: Greek Concepts. Pp. vii, 240. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1952. $3.25
by Charles Edward Smith - 188-189 STAVRIANOS, L. S. Greece: American Di lemma and Opportunity. Pp. ix, 246. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1952. $3.25
by William Yale - 189-192 Letters To the Editor
by N/A
May 1952, Volume 281, Issue 1
- 1-9 Conservation in 1952
by Stephen Raushenbush - 10-19 The Conservation Movement
by Robert O. Beatty - 20-24 The Citizen's Part in Conservation
by John H. Baker - 25-32 Our Future Dependence on Foreign Minerals
by Alan M. Bateman - 33-41 What Is Involved in Metals Conservation Today?
by Howard A. Meyerhoff - 42-54 The Fuel Complex
by George A. Lamb - 55-72 Adequacy of Our Mineral Fuels
by Robert E. Hardwicke - 73-78 International Fuel Economy
by Eugene Ayres - 79-83 Conservation of Hydroelectric Power
by Paul J. Raver - 84-92 Private Forestry in Transition
by Samuel T. Dana - 93-98 "Big" Versus "Little" Lumber Operators in the Pacific Northwest
by Daniel L. Goldy - 99-104 Tree Farms Versus Regulation
by T.D. Stevens - 105-109 A Program for the Redwoods
by Dewey Anderson - 110-117 Forest Policy for the Years Ahead
by Hardy L. Shirley - 118-125 Soil Conservation and the Maintenance of Soil Productivity
by Richard Bradfield - 126-134 Comparative Costs of Restoration and Reclamation of Land
by Paul B. Sears - 135-145 Economic Analysis of Land Use on the Western Ranges
by M.M. Kelso - 146-154 A Rounded Land Conservation Program
by Charles M. Hardin - 155-162 The Work of the President's Water Resources Policy Commission
by Robert G. Snider - 163-171 Water: West
by Morris E. Garnsey - 172-180 Water Supply—The Industrial East
by Stephen Bergen - 181-188 Soil Conservation and Floods
by Hugh H. Bennett - 189-195 Labor Looks at Conservation and Development
by Anthony Wayne Smith - 196-202 Conservation and Wise Utilization of Natural Resources in Canada
by H.A. Young - 203-204 International Relations and World Government
by Andrew Gyorgy - 204-205 KORNER, EMIL. The Law of Freedom as the Remedy for War and Poverty. Translated from the German by. H. Leigh Farnell. 2 vols. Pp. xxiii, 562; vi, 668. London: Williams & Norgate (distributed in U. S. by the British Book Center), 1951. $9.50
by Bruce Knight - 205-206 MIKESELL, RAYMOND F. United States Economic Policy and International Re lations. Pp. xii, 341. New York: Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, 1952. $4.75
by Adolphe J. Warner - 206-207 WARBURG, JAMES P. How to Co-exist Without Playing the Kremlin's Game. Pp. viii, 228. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1952. $2.75 cloth; $1.00 paper
by William Henry Chamberlin - 207-207 HARRISON, JOHN B. This Age of Global Strife. Pp. ix, 470. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1952. $5.50
by Dwight E. Lee - 207-208 American Government, History, Law, and Political Theory
by Lawrence H. Chamberlain - 208-209 HALLENBECK, WILBUR C. American Ur ban Communities. Pp. xi, 617. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1951. $6.00
by George S. Hart - 209-210 STEPHENSON, GEORGE M. The Puritan Heritage. Pp. 282. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. $3.50
by William W. Sweet - 210-210 JOHNSON, GERALD W. This American People. Pp. xii, 205. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1951. $2.75
by Crane Brinton - 210-211 DANGERFIELD, GEORGE. The Era of Good Feelings. Pp. xiv, 525. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1952. $6.00
by Wilfred E. Binkley - 211-211 SHULIM, JOSEPH I. The Old Dominion and Napoleon Bonaparte: a Study in American Opinion. Pp. 332. NewYork: Columbia University Press, 1952. $4.50
by A.L. Burt - 211-212 LEONARD, V. A. Polce Organization and Management. Pp. xviii, 507. Brooklyn : The Foundation Press, 1951. $5.00
by Bruce Smith - 212-214 PHARR, CLYDE, in collaboration with THE- RESA SHERRER DAVIDSON and MARY BROWN PHARR (Translators and eds.). The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions. Pp. xxvi, 643. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Uni versity Press, 1952. $20.00
by Oscar G. Darlington - 214-214 Economics and Industry
by Leland J. Gordon - 214-215 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RE SEARCH. Conference on Business Cycles. Pp. xii, 433. New York, 1951. $6.00
by Hans A. Adler - 215-216 DAVIS, RALPH CURRIER. The Fundamen tals of Top Management. Pp. xx, 825. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1951. $6.00
by John F. Mee - 216-217 STERN, SIEGFRIED. The United States in International Banking. Pp. xiii, 447. New York: Columbia University Press, 1951. $5.25
by David P. Eastburn - 217-218 SAGE, GEORGE H. Basing-Point Pricing Systems Under the Federal Antitrust Laws. Pp. xvii, 381. St. Louis, Mo.: Thomas Law Book Company, 1951. $10.00
by Vernon A. Mund - 218-219 Sociology and Education
by Henry A. Finch - 219-220 FESTINGER, LEON, and HAROLD H. KELLEY. Changing Attitudes Through Social Con tract : An Experimental Study of a Housing Project. Pp. 83. Ann Arbor: Research Center for Group Dynamics, University of Michigan, 1951. $1.50
by Martin P. Chworowsky - 220-221 SOROKIN, PITIRIM A. S.O.S. The Meaning of Our Crisis. Pp. xi, 177. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1951. $2.50
by Theodore Abel - 221-221 HEBERLE, RUDOLF. Social Movements: An Introduction to Political Sociology. Pp. xiii, 478. New York: Appleton- Century-Crofts, 1951. $4.00
by C. Hartley Grattan - 221-222 HANDLIN, OSCAR. The Uprooted: The Epic Story of the Great Migrations That Made the American People. Pp. 310. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1951. $4.00
by Ralph Adams Brown - 222-223 BUELL, BRADLEY, and associates. Commu nity Planning for Human Services. Pp. xiv, 464. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1952. $5.50
by Marietta Stevenson - 223-224 SMITH, T. LYNN, and C. A. MCMAHAN. The Sociology of Urban Life. A text book with readings. Pp. xiii, 831. New York: The Dryden Press, 1951. $5.50
by Myron F. Lewis - 224-225 DUBLIN, LOUIS I., in collaboration with MORTIMER SPIEGELMAN. The Facts of Life-From Birth to Death. Pp. x, 461. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1951. $4.95
by E. Douglass Burdick - 225-226 ERNST, MORRIS L., and DAVID LOTH. For Better or Worse: A New Approach to Marriage and Divorce. Pp. 245. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1951. $3.00
by Evelyn Millis Duvall - 226-226 LUZBETAK, LOUIS J. Marriage and the Family in Caucasia: A Contribution to the Study of North Caucasian Ethnology and Customary Law. Vol. 3 in "Studia Instituti Anthropos." Pp. xvi, 272. Vienna-Mödling: St. Gabriel's Mission Press, 1951. No price
by Jessie Bernard - 226-227 DONAHUE, WILMA, and CLARK TIBBITTS (Eds.). Growing in the Older Years. With a foreword by Everett J. Soop. Pp. 204. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1951. $2.50
by Elizabeth Breckinridge - 227-228 REDL, FRITZ, and DAVID WINEMAN. Chil dren Who Hate: The Disorganization and Breakdown of Behavior Controls. Pp. 253. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1951. $3.50
by George B. Mangold - 228-229 PIERSON, DONALD, with the assistance of LEVI CRUZ, MIRTES BRANDÃO LOPES, HELEN BATCHELOR PIERSON, CARLOS BORGES TEIXEIRA, and others. Cruz das Almas: A Brazilian Village. Pp. viii, 226, 20 plates. Washington: Smith sonian Institution (Institute of Social Anthropology Publication No. 12), 1951. $1.50
by George E. Simpson - 229-230 TERRIS, MILTON, and NATHAN A. KRAMER. General Medical Care Programs in Lo cal Health Departments: A Report to the Subcommittee on Medical Care, Committee on Administrative Practice, American Public Health Association. Pp. vi, 129. New York: American Pub lic Health Association, 1951. 50 cents
by James P. Dixon - 230-230 MOLONEY, JAMES CLARK. The Battle for Mental Health. Pp. x, 105. New York: Philosophical Library, 1952. $3.50
by Robert A. Clark - 230-231 ULICH, ROBERT. Crisis and Hope in American Education. Pp. xiv, 235. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1951. $3.75
by Newton Edwards - 231-232 WILSON, HOWARD E. Universities and World Affairs. Pp. 88. New York: The Carnegie Endowment for Interna tional Peace. 1951. $1.00
by William J. Ronan - 232-234 HOLLIS, ERNEST V., and ALICE L. TAYLOR. Social Work Education in the United States. Pp. xix, 422. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1951. $5.50
by Karl De Schweintz - 234-235 WIETING, C. MAURICE. The Progress of Cooperatives; With Aids for Teachers. Pp. xiv, 210. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $3.00
by William H. Cartwright - 235-235 Philosophy and Religion
by A. Campbell Garnett - 235-236 HEDLEY, GEORGE. The Superstitions of the Irreligious. Pp. xii, 140. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1951. $2.50
by Erwin R. Goodenough - 236-237 MILLER, EDWARD. The Abbey & Bishopric of Ely: The Social History of an Ec clesiastical Estate from the Tenth Cen tury to the Early Fourteenth Century. Pp. xiii, 313. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1951. $5.00
by Gray C. Boyce - 237-238 BARON, SALO WITTMAYER. A Social and Religious History of the Jews. "Ancient Times." Two volumes. Pp. xiii, 415; 493. 2nd ed., rev. and enlarged. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. $12.50
by Melville Jacobs - 238-239 Commonwealth of Nations
by Vernon J. Puryear - 239-240 ROWNTREE, B. SEEBOHM, and G. R. LAV- ERS. English Life and Leisure. Pp. xvi, 482. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1951. $4.00
by Francis J. Brown - 240-240 WEDGWOOD, C. V. The Last of the Radi cals : Josiah Wedgwood, M. P. Pp. 252. London: Jonathan Cape (distributed in the U. S. by The Macmillan Company), 1951. $3.00
by W. Henry Cooke - 240-241 RUSSELL, BERTRAND. New Hopes for a Changing World. Pp. 213. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1952. $3.00
by Gail Kennedy - 241-242 DUE, JOHN F. The General Manufac turers Sales Tax in Canada. Canadian Tax Papers No. 3. Pp. xi, 202. To ronto : Canadian Tax Foundation, 1951. $2.00
by Mabel L. Walker - 242-243 PERRY, J. HARVEY. Taxation in Canada. Pp. xiii, 409. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1951. $6.00
by Marvel Stockwell - 243-244 KOTHARI, SHANTILAL. India's Emerging Foreign Policies. Pp. viii, 220. Bom bay : Vora & Co., 1951. $2.00
by Robert Aura Smith - 244-245 VAKIL, C. N., and P. R. BRAHMANANDA. Planning for a Shortage Economy: The Indian Experiment. Pp. 320. Bombay, India: Vora and Co., 1952. Price Rs 5/8. paper; Rs 7.- cloth
by N.G.D. Joardar - 245-245 FUCHS, STEPHEN. The Children of Hari: A Study of the Nimar Balahis in the Central Provinces of India. Pp. xviii, 463, XXII plates. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1951. $7.50
by W. Norman Brown - 245-246 NANAVATI, MANILAL B., and C. N. VAKIL (Eds.). Group Prejudices in India: A Symposium. Pp. 223. Bombay: Vora & Co., 1951. $3.00
by Paul F. Cressey - 246-247 Slavic Countries
by Harold C. Hinton - 247-248 SCOTT, ANDREW MACKAY. The Anatomy of Communism. Pp. xiii, 197. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951. $3.00
by Harry W. Laidler - 248-249 HARE, RICHARD. Pioneers of Russian So cial Thought: Studies of Non-Marxian Formation in Nineteenth Century Rus sia and of Its Partial Revival in the So viet Union. Pp. viii, 307. New York: Oxford University Press, 1951. $4.50
by David Mitrany - 249-249 Soviet Legal Philosophy. Papers by V. I. LENIN, P. I. STUCHKA, M. A. REISNER, E. B. PASHUKANIS, J. V. STALIN, A. Y. VYSHINSKY, P. YUDIN, S. A. GOLUNSKII, M. S. STROGOVICH, and I. P. TRAININ. Translated by HUGH W. BABB, with an introduction by JOHN N. HAZARD. Vol. V in "20th Century Legal Philosophy Series." Pp. xxvii, 465. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1951. $7.50
by Harold J. Berman - 249-250 Hoover Institute Studies, Series B: "Elite Studies," Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Stanford Calif.: Stanford University Press. No price
by Fritz Morstein Marx - 250-251 FEHLING, HELMUT M. One Great Prison: The Story Behind Russia's Unreleased POW's. With a foreword by KONRAD ADENAUER and JOSEF CARDINAL FRINGS. Translated from the German by CHARLES R. JOY. Pp. xvi, 175. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1951. $2.50
by Oliver H. Radkey - 251-252 KRYLOV, IVAN. Soviet Staff Officer. Trans lated by EDWARD FITZGERALD. Pp. vi, 298. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951. $3.75
by Paul B. Anderson - 252-253 Western Continental Europe
by Johannes Mattern - 253-253 DUVERGER, MAURICE. Les Partis Poli tiques. Pp. x, 476. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1951. 100 fr
by E. Malcolm Carroll - 253-255 SCOTT, JOHN A. Republican Ideas and the Liberal Tradition in France, 1870-1914. Pp. 209. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1951. $3.00
by James E. Gillespie - 255-256 WIESE UND KAISERWALDAU, LEOPOLD MAX WALTER VON. Gesellschaftliche Stände und Klassen. Pp. 85. Bern, Switzer land: A. Francke, 1950. No price
by Robert Scharf - 256-257 EINAUDI, MARIO, JEAN-MARIE DOMENACH, and ALDO GAROSCI. Communism in West ern Europe. Pp. ix, 239. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1951. $3.00
by Arnold Brecht - 257-262 GALENSON, WALTER. The Danish System of Labor Relations. Pp. xiii, 321. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952. $4.50
by A. Morgner
March 1952, Volume 280, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Clarence N. Callender & James C. Charlesworth - 1-8 Past and Present Standards of Public Ethics in America: Are We Improving ?
by Estes Kefauver - 9-17 The Voter's Natural Bent
by J.T. Salter - 18-26 Political Parties and the Public Interest
by E.E. Schattschneider - 27-36 International Ideals and the National Interest
by Frederick L. Schuman - 37-45 The Presidency as Moral Leadership
by Eric F. Goldman - 46-50 Governors, Mayors, and Community Ethics
by William H. Young - 51-59 Ethical Standards in American Legislative Chambers
by Hubert H. Humphrey - 60-66 Is Justice Blind?
by J. Warren Madden - 67-76 Public Administration and Private Interest
by Wesley C. Clark - 77-81 The Public Service as a Springboard for Private Profit
by Carl W. McCardle - 82-89 How Public Spirited Is American Business?
by Howard R. Bowen - 90-96 How Public Spirited Is American Labor?
by Joseph A. Loftus - 97-104 Professional Patriots and Ethical Levels
by Barent Ten Eyck - 105-115 Good and Evil from the Press
by William Albig - 116-124 Radio and Television and Ethical Standards
by Frederick C. Gruber - 125-132 Do Churches Exert Significant Influence on Public Morality?
by F. Ernest Johnson - 133-141 The Colleges, Ethics, and the Public
by Ralph E. Himstead - 142-148 What Is the Civic Conscience?
by Charles P. Taft - 149-157 Improvement of Ethical Standards in the Federal Government: Problems and Proposals
by Paul H. Douglas - 158-159 Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of The American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1951
by Ernest Minor Patterson & C.A. Kulp & J.P. Lichtenberger & Charles J. Rhoads & Jerome J. Rothschild & F. Cyril James & M. Albert Linton & Otto T. Mallery & Thorsten Sellin & Stephen B. Sweeney & Alfred H. Williams - 159-159 CHARLES J. RHOADS, ESQ., Treasurer, American Academy of Political & Social Science, Philadelphia, Penna
by Edward P. Moxey - 161-246 Book Department
by N/A
January 1952, Volume 279, Issue 1
- 1-10 Introduction: A Philosophy of Aging
by Clark Tibbitts & Henry D. Sheldon - 11-17 Social and Psychological Needs of the Aging
by Robert J. Havighurst - 18-31 Physiological Changes in Aging
by Anton J. Carlson & Edward J. Stieglitz - 32-42 Psychological Aspects of Aging
by Oscar J. Kaplan - 43-51 Social Participation of the Aged in Different Cultures
by Leo William Simmons - 52-61 Older Persons in the Labor Force
by Gertrude Bancroft - 62-71 Barriers to the Employment of Older Workers
by Albert J. Abrams - 72-74 Should There Be a Fixed Retirement Age?
by Stanley C. Hope - 74-77 Some Managements Prefer Flexibility
by Craig P. Cochrane - 77-80 Organized Labor Says No
by Solomon Barkin - 80-83 The Farmers' Viewpoint
by Marshall Harris - 84-92 Creative Activities of Older People
by Howard Wheeler - 93-97 Creative Activity Through Handcrafts
by Ruth Bunker - 98-105 Sharing Community Responsibility
by Jean Ogden & Jess Ogden - 106-114 Family Living in the Later Decades
by Ernest W. Burgess - 115-125 Education's Role in Maintaining the Individual's Status
by Wilma T. Donahue - 126-138 Housing Our Older Citizens
by Hertha Kraus - 139-145 Community Services for Self-Maintenance in the United Kingdom
by Dorothea Ramsey - 146-153 Keeping Older People Fit for Participation
by Mary E. Switzer & Howard A. Rusk - 154-163 Income Maintenance for the Aged
by Wilbur J. Cohen - 164-170 Community Programs for the Elderly
by Harry A. Levine - 171-179 Employment Services for Older Workers
by Charles E. Odell - 180-181 CANHAM, ERWIN D., together with members of the staff of the Christian Science Monitor. Awakening: The World at Mid-Century. Pp. x, 209. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1951. $2.75
by Richard H. Heindel - 181-181 MORGENTHAU, HANS J. In Defense of the National Interest: A Critical Examination of American Foreign Policy. Pp. xii, 283, viii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1951. $3.50
by Oliver Benson - 181-182 KENNAN, GEORGE F. American Diplomacy, 1900-1950. Pp. viii, 146. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951. $2.75
by Frank M. Russell - 182-183 McLAURIN, JOHN. The United Nations and Power Politics. Pp. xiii, 468. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1951. $5.00
by Philip E. Jacob - 183-184 CORBETT, P. E. Law and Society in the Relations of States. Pp. xii, 337. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1951. $4.75
by Gerhart Niemeyer