November 1952, Volume 284, Issue 1
- 173-174 BAILEY, STEPHEN K., and HOWARD D. SAMUEL. Congress at Work. Pp. x, 502. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1952. $3.50
by Belle Zeller - 174-175 McGOVNEY, DUDLEY O. The American Suffrage Medley. Pp. vii, 201. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949. $4.50
by E. Allen Helms - 175-175 BLOUGH, ROY. The Federal Taxing Process. Pp. x, 506. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952. $5.00
by William J. Shultz - 175-176 JANEWAY, ELIOT. The Struggle for Survival: A Chronicle of Economic Mobilization in World War II. Vol. 53 in "The Chronicles of America" series. Pp. v, 382. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1951. Trade $5.00; subscription $6.00; text $2.50
by W.Y. Elliott - 177-177 McCANN, FRANKLIN T. The English Discovery of America to 1585. Pp. xiv, 246. New York: King's Crown Press, 1952. $3.50
by Jennings B. Sanders - 177-178 BRYAN, WILLIAM ALFRED. George Washington in American Literature, 1775-1865. Pp. xiii, 280. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. $4.00
by Robert E. Spiller - 178-179 CAEMMERER, H. PAUL. The Life of Pierre Charles L'Enfant, Planner of the City Beautiful, the City of Washington. Pp. xxvi, 480. Washington: National Republic Publishing Co., 1950. $10.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 179-179 ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt. Vols. V and VI: The Big Stick, 1905-1909. Edited by Elting E. Morison. Pp. xxiv, 864; viii, 865-1715. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952. $20.00 for 2 vols
by Claudius O. Johnson - 179-181 CAHILL, FRED V., JR. Judicial Legislation: A Study in American Legal Theory. Pp. ix, 164. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1952. $4.00
by David Fellman - 181-181 BERGER, MORROE. Equality by Statute: Legal Controls over Group Discrimination. Pp. xiii, 238. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. $3.25
by Carl B. Swisher - 181-182 BROWNELL, EMERY A. Legal Aid in the United States: A Study of the Availability of Lawyers' Services for Persons Unable to Pay Fees. Pp. xxiv, 333. Rochester, N. Y.: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, 1951. $4.50
by Gustav L. Schramm - 182-183 BRINTON, CRANE. The Anatomy of Revolution. Pp. xi, 324. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952. $5.00
by Hans Kohn - 183-183 LEE, ALFRED MCCLUNG. How to Understand Propaganda. Pp. xii, 281. New York: Rinehart & Company, 1952. $3.00
by Dorothy Dunbar Bromley - 184-184 CHENERY, WILLIAM L. So It Seemed. Pp. xi, 300. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1952. $4.00
by Frederic E. Merwin - 184-185 Economics and Industry
by Lewis H. Haney - 185-186 HIGGINS, BENJAMIN. What Do Economists Know? Pp. ix, 166. Carlton, Australia: Melbourne University Press, 1951; and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1952. $2.75
by Edmund Whittaker - 186-187 SOULE, GEORGE. Economic Forces in American History. Pp. viii, 568. New York: William Sloane Associates, 1952. $4.75
by Donald L. Kemmerer - 187-187 FLEXNER, ABRAHAM, with the collaboration of ESTHER S. BAILEY. Funds and Foundations : Their Policies Past and Present. Pp. xiii, 146. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $2.75
by Philip S. Broughton - 187-188 SLICHTER, SUMNER H. What's Ahead for American Business. Pp. 216. Boston: Little, Brown and Company (an Atlantic Monthly Press Book), 1951. $2.75
by John T. Flynn - 188-189 GORDON, ROBERT AARON. Business Fluctuations. Pp. xvi, 624. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $5.00
by D.S. Watson - 189-189 MAXWELL, JAMES A. Federal Grants and the Business Cycle. Pp. xiii, 122. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1952. $2.00
by K.E. Boulding - 189-190 TAX INSTITUTE. Taxation and Business Concentration. A Symposium conducted by the Tax Institute, June 15-16, 1950, New York. Pp. viii, 264. Princeton, 1952. $5.00
by Leo Fishman - 190-191 FLOYD, JOE SUMMERS, JR. Effects of Taxation on Industrial Location. Pp. xiv, 155. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1952. $3.00
by Arnold L. Edmonds - 191-192 HULL, I. HARVEY. Built of Men: The Story of Indiana Cooperatives. Pp. xii, 212. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $3.00
by Roland S. Vaile - 192-193 WALKER, CHARLES R., and ROBERT H. GUEST. The Man on the Assembly Line. Pp. x, 180. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952. $3.25
by Herbert J. Lahne - 193-194 SCHNEIDER, ERICH. Pricing and Equilibrium : An Introduction to Static and Dynamic Analysis. Translated from the German by T. W. Hutchison. Pp. xii, 327. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. $4.00
by Philip W. Cartwright - 194-194 MAIER, NORMAN R. F. Principles of Human Relations. Pp. viii, 474. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1952. $6.00
by Robert N. Mcmurry - 195-195 BARBASH, JACK, with the assistance of KATE BARBASH. Unions and Telephones: The Story of the Communications Workers of America. Pp. viii, 246. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $2.50
by Vaughn D. Bornet - 195-196 Sociology and Education
by Roscoe C. Hinkle JR - 196-197 STALEY, EUGENE (Ed.). Creating an Industrial Civilization: A Report on the Corning Conference Held under the Auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies and Corning Glass Works, May 17-19, 1951, Corning, New York. Pp. xvi, 368. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $4.00
by Charles W. Coulter - 197-198 AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS AND NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE. Civil Rights in the United States in 1951: A Balance Sheet of Group Relations. Edited by Joseph B. Robison. Pp. 128. New York, 1952. 40 cents
by Martin P. Chworowsky - 198-199 SCUDDER, KENYON J. Prisoners Are People. Pp. 286. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, 1952. $3.00
by James V. Bennett - 199-200 MORRIS, NORVAL. The Habitual Criminal. Pp. viii, 395. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1951. $5.00
by Frank E. Hartung - 200-200 KORNITZER, MARGARET. Child Adoption in the Modern World. Pp. xiii, 403. New York: Philosophical Library, 1952. $4.50
by Lee M. Brooks - 200-201 CUSSLER, MARGARET, and MARY L. DE GIVE. 'Twixt the Cup and the Lip: Psychological and Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Food Habits. Pp. 262. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1952. $3.95
by Leo W. Simmons - 201-202 FARIS, ROBERT E. L. Social Psychology. Pp. vii, 420. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1952. $5.00
by Gisela J. Hinkle - 202-202 GREBLER, LEO. Housing Market Behavior in a Declining Area: Long-Term Changes in Inventory and Utilization of Housing on New York's Lower East Side. Pp. xix, 265. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. $4.50
by Charles Abrams - 202-203 COOPER, GORDON. Dead Cities and Forgotten Tribes. Pp. xiii, 160. New York : The Philosophical Library, 1952. $4.75
by Francis L.-K. Hsu - 203-204 BROWNELL, BAKER. The College and the Community. Pp. vii, 248. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $3.50
by Francis J. Brown - 204-205 REED, THOMAS H., and DORIS D. REED. Preparing College Men and Women for Politics. Pp. x, 180. New York: Citizenship Clearing House, Law Center of New York University, 1952. No price
by E.E. Schattschneider - 205-206 BRAMMELL, P. Roy. Your Schools and Mine. Pp. viii, 438. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1952. $4.50
by Paul L. Essert - 206-206 NATIONAL MANPOWER COUNCIL. Student Deferment and National Manpower Policy: A Statement of Policy by the Council with Facts and Issues Prepared by the Research Staff. Pp. x, 102. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. $2.00
by Francis R.B. Godolphin - 206-207 Philosophy and Religion
by W.T. Jones - 207-208 JONES, W. T. A History of Western Philosophy. Pp. xviii, 1036, VIII. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1952. Text $6.50 in one volume, $8.00 in two volumes; trade $8.75
by M.R. Gabbert - 208-209 HAYEK, F. A. The Counter-Revolution of Science: Studies on the Abuse of Reason. Pp. 255. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1952. $4.00
by C.J. Friedrich - 209-210 LEYS, WAYNE A. R. Ethics for Policy Decisions: The Art of Asking Deliberative Questions. Pp. xiii, 428. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952. $4.75
by Ernest Nagel - 210-210 MEAD, HUNTER. An Introduction to Aesthetics. Pp. vii, 307. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1952. $4.00
by David M. Robb - 210-211 JURJI, EDWARD J. The Christian Interpretation of Religion. Pp. 318. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. $4.50
by Wilson D. Wallis - 211-212 SMITH, HOMER W. Man and His Gods. Pp. x, 501. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1952. $5.00
by Boris Erich Nelson - 212-213 McKENZIE, JOHN G. Nervous Disorders and Religion: A Study of Souls in the Making. Pp. 183. London: George Allen and Unwin (distributed in the U. S. by The Macmillan Company), 1952. $2.25
by Carl A. Nissen - 213-213 BLANSHARD, PAUL. My Catholic Critics. Pp. 53. Boston: Beacon Press, 1952. 50 cents
by Stanley Lichtenstein - 214-214 SCHILPP, PAUL ARTHUR (Ed.). The Philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Pp. xviii, 883. New York: Tudor Publishing Co., 1952. $7.50
by John Clark Archer - 214-215 Commonwealth of Nations
by W. Henry Cooke - 215-216 Slavic Countries
by Joseph S. Roucek - 216-216 VOGELER, ROBERT A., with LEIGH WHITE. I Was Stalin's Prisoner. Pp. 314. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1952. $3.75
by George Denicke - 216-217 HALECKI, OSCAR. Borderlands of Western Civilization: A History of East Central Europe. Pp. xvi, 503. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1952. $6.00
by Andrew Gyorgy - 217-217 OSTOVIĆ, P. D. The Truth About Yugoslavia. Pp. xxiii, 300. New York: Roy Publishers, 1952. $3.50
by Joseph S. Roucek - 218-218 Western Continental Europe
by D.W. Brogan - 218-219 EINAUDI, MARIO, and FRANÇOIS GOGUEL. Christian Democracy in Italy and France. Pp. x, 229. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1952. $4.00
by Gordon Wright - 219-220 ORWELL, GEORGE. Homage to Catalonia. With an introduction by Lionel Trilling. Pp. xxiii, 232. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1952. $3.50
by Hugh J. Parry - 220-220 Others
by Kazuo Kawai - 220-221 Defense of Freedom. By the former Editors of La Prensa. Pp. 315. New York: The John Day Company, 1952. $4.00
by Boris Erich Nelson - 221-222 ADLER, JOHN H., EUGENE R. SCHLESINGER, and ERNEST C. OLSON (in collaboration with the Research Department of the Central Bank of Guatemala). Public Finance and Economic Development in Guatemala. Pp. xix, 282. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1952. $5.00
by R. Smith Simpson - 222-223 RICHARDSON, H. G.; and G. O. SAYLES. The Irish Parliament in the Middle Ages. Pp. x, 395. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1952. $8.50
by John V. Kelleher - 223-227 Letters to the Editor
by Joseph Mayer
September 1952, Volume 283, Issue 1
- 1-9 Identification of the Principal Issues
by Claudius O. Johnson - 10-21 How Can We Secure Dependable Allies?
by D.F. Fleming - 22-30 Policy of Containment
by David J. Dallin - 31-41 Is Isolation Possible and if Possible Desirable?
by Frank M. Russell - 42-54 Defense Expenditures and the National Economy
by Robert A. Brady - 55-60 Are Taxes Too High?
by Harold M. Groves - 61-69 Take-Home Pay and Levels of Living
by Ewan Clague - 70-79 Labor and the Distribution of the National Income
by Gordon S. Watkins - 80-85 Is Your Subsidy in the Public Interest?
by J.P. Watson - 86-93 The President as a National Symbol
by Wilfred E. Binkley - 94-103 The President as Legislator
by Lawrence H. Chamberlain - 104-114 The President as Administrator
by Herman Miles Somers - 115-121 Congressional Contests and the Presidential Election
by James MacGregor Burns - 122-126 Present Party Organization and Finance
by Dean E. McHenry - 127-140 Campaign Methods of Today
by Hugh A. Bone - 141-147 Racial, Religious, and Sectional Interests in 1952 Election
by Harold R. Bruce - 148-155 Measurement of Voter Attitude
by Charles W. Smith JR - 156-160 Participation in the Forthcoming Election
by Harold F. Gosnell - 161-171 1952 Republican Platform Adopted by the Republican National Convention July 11, 1952
by N/A - 172-186 Report of Committee on Platform and Resolutions to the Democratic National Convention July 23, 1952
by N/A - 187-188 International Relations and World Government
by Philip E. Jacob - 188-188 STONE, I. F. The Hidden History of the Korean War. Pp. xviii, 364. New York: Monthly Review Press (distri buted by The Citadel Press), 1952. $5.00
by William B. Ziff - 188-189 MANNING, CLARENCE A. The Siberian Fiasco. Pp. 210. New York: Library Publishers, 1952. $3.75
by Louis Martin Sears - 189-189 FFRENCH, YVONNE (Ed.). Transatlantic Exchanges: Cross-Currents of Anglo- American Opinion in the Nineteenth Century. Pp. 255. New York: Library Publishers, 1952. $3.75
by Preston Slosson - 190-190 American Government, History, Law, and Political Theory
by Charles C. Abbott - 190-191 LUBELL, SAMUEL. The Future of Ameri can Politics. Pp. viii, 285. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1951. $3.50
by Roger V. Shumate - 191-192 STROMBERG, ROLAND N. Republicanism Re- appraised. Pp. 93. Washington, D.C.: The Public Affairs Press, 1952. $2.00
by Dayton D. McKean - 192-193 BALDWIN, RAYMOND E. Let's Go into Politics. Pp. 179. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. $2.75
by Ben A. Arneson - 193-193 HEARD, ALEXANDER. A Two-Party South? Pp. xviii, 334. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1952. $4.75
by Lee S. Greene - 193-194 DILLON, MARY EARHART. Wendell Willkie, 1892-1944. Pp. 378. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1952. $4.00
by Donald Bruce Johnson - 194-195 BURNS, JAMES M., and JACK W. PELTASON. Government by the People: The Dy namics of American National Govern ment. Pp. xvii, 946. New York: Pren tice-Hall, 1952. $5.50
by Stuart Gerry Brown - 195-195 LEEK, JOHN H. Government and Labor in the United States. Pp. ix, 336. "American Government in Action Se ries." New York: Rinehart & Company, 1952. $3.00
by Vaughn D. Bornet - 196-196 ANDERSON, EUGENE N. Process Versus Power: Studies in Modern Culture. Pp. vii, 137. Lincoln: University of Neb raska Press, 1952. No price
by Seba Eldridge - 196-197 Hoover Institute Studies, Series C: "Sym bols," Nos. 1-4. Stanford, Calif.: Stan ford University Press. No price. No. 1. LASSWELL, HAROLD D., DANIEL LERNER, and ITHIEL DE SOLA POOL. The Comparative Study of Sym bols : An Introduction. Pp. v, 87. 1952. No. 2. DE SOLA POOL, ITHIEL, with the collaboration of HAROLD D. LASSWELL, DANIEL LERNER, and others. The "Prestige Papers"—A Survey of Their Editorials. Pp. vii, 146. 1952. No. 3. DE SOLA POOL, ITHIEL, with the collaboration of HAROLD D. LASS WELL, DANIEL LERNER, and others. Symbols of Internationalism. Pp. 73. 1951. No. 4. DE SOLA POOL, ITHIEL, with the collaboration of HAROLD D. LASS WELL, DANIEL LERNER, and others. Symbols of Democracy. Pp. xi, 80. 1952
by Alfred McClung Lee - 197-198 BERELSON, BERNARD. Content Analysis in Communication Research. Pp. 220. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1952. $3.50
by William Albig - 198-199 BERNAYS, EDWARD L. Public Relations. Pp. x, 374. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1952. $5.00
by Harwood L. Childs - 199-199 WISH, HARVEY. Society and Thought in Modern America: A Social and Intel lectual History of the American People from 1865. Pp. xii, 618. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1952. $6.50
by James H. Barnett - 199-200 NIEBUHR, REINHOLD. The Irony of Amer ican History. Pp. ix, 174. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1952. No price
by R.G. Cowherd - 200-201 WITTKE, CARL. Refugees of Revolution: The German Forty-Eighters in America. Pp. ix, 384. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1952. $6.00
by Howard W. Elkinton - 201-201 HAND, LEARNED. The Spirit of Liberty: Papers and Addresses of Learned Hand. Collected, and with an introduction and notes, by Irving Dilliard. Pp. xxx, 262. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1952. $3.50
by J. Roland Pennock - 201-202 SEAGLE, WILLIAM. Law: The Science of Inefficiency. Pp. x, 177. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. $3.50
by Bernard F. Cataldo - 202-203 Economics and Industry
by Dudley Kirk - 203-203 HARRIS, SEYMOUR E. The Economics of New England: Case Study of an Older Area. Pp. xvii, 317. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952. $4.75
by Harold F. Williamson - 204-204 STUDENSKI, PAUL, and HERMAN E. KROOSS. Financial History of the United States: Fiscal, Monetary, Banking, and Tariff, including Financial Administration and Local Finance. Pp. x, 528. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1952. $6.50
by Fred A. Shannon - 204-205 PATTERSON, JOHN C. Association Manage ment, with Special Reference to Trade Associations. Pp. xiv, 230. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $3.00
by Horace M. Gray - 205-206 BEHRENS, CARL F. Commercial Bank Ac tivities in Urban Mortgage Financing. Pp. xix, 131. New York: National Bu reau of Economic Research, 1952. $2.50
by David C. Melnicoff - 206-206 ABRUZZI, ADAM. Work Measurement : New Principles and Procedures. Pp. xviii, 290. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. $6.00
by Dexter S. Kimball - 207-207 Sociology and Education
by John J. Honigmann - 207-208 MARDEN, CHARLES F. Minorities in Ameri can Society. Pp. xiv, 493. New York: American Book Company, 1952. $4.50
by Edward Joseph Shoben JR - 208-208 GRUENBERG, SIDONIE M., and HILDA SID NEY KRECH. The Many Lives of Mod ern Woman: A Guide to Happiness in Her Complex Role. Pp. 255. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Company, 1952. $3.00
by Evelyn Millis Duvall - 209-210 SMITH, M. B. The Single Woman of To day. Pp. xiv, 130. New York: Philo sophical Library, 1952. $2.75
by Jean and Jess Ogden - 210-210 HAVEMANN, ERNEST, and PATRICIA SALTER WEST. They Went to College. Pp. x, 277. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1952. $4.00
by Claude E. Hawley - 210-211 BLOCH, HERBERT A. Disorganization: Per sonal and Social. Pp. xv, 608, x. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1952. $5.00 text
by L. Guy Brown - 211-212 REDL, FRITZ, and DAVID WINEMAN. Con trols from Within: Techniques for Treat ment of the Aggressive Child. Pp. 332. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1952. $4.50
by John E. Anderson - 212-212 SCHEIDLINGER, SAUL. Psychoanalysis and Group Behavior: A Study of Freudian Group Psychology. Pp. xviii, 245. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1952. $4.00
by Douglas Courtney - 212-213 HURWITZ, STEPHAN. Criminology. Pp. 442. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1952. 50 shillings
by Robert G. Caldwell - 213-214 STRAUS, NATHAN. Two Thirds of a Na tion : A Housing Program. Pp. xiii, 291, xvii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1952. No price
by Bryn J. Hovde - 214-215 THAYER, V. T. The Attack upon the American Secular School. Pp. x, 257. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1951. $3.00
by Theodore Brameld - 215-216 JARMAN, T. L. Landmarks in the History of Education: English Education as Part of the European Tradition. Pp. viii, 323. New York: The Philosophical Library, 1952. $4.75
by Frederick E. Ellis - 216-217 Philosophy and Religion
by John A. Mourant - 217-217 BAINTON, ROLAND H. The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. Pp. xi, 276. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1952. $3.75
by Justin Wroe Nixon - 217-218 HERSHBERGER, GUY FRANKLIN. The Men nonite Church in the Second World War. Pp. xii, 308. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1951. $3.50
by John H. Ferguson - 218-219 Commonwealth of Nations
by William F. Swindler - 219-220 CHESSER, EUSTACE. Cruelty to Children. Pp. 159. New York: The Philosophical Library, 1952. $3.75
by George B. Mangold - 220-220 MOUNTFORD, CHARLES P. Brown Men and Red Sand: Journeyings in Wild Aus tralia. Pp. xvi, 184. New York: Fred erick A. Praeger, 1951. $4.50
by John Gillin - 220-221 Slavic Countries
by W.S. Sworakowski - 221-222 ROUNAULT, JEAN. Nightmare. Trans lated from the French by Vera Traill. Pp. xvii, 267. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1952. $3.50
by Stuart R. Tompkins - 222-222 DEWAR, HUGO. Assassins at Large. Being a fully documented and hitherto unpub lished account of the executions outside Russia ordered by the GPU. Pp. x, 203. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1952. $3.00
by Vladimir Petrov - 222-223 BAUER, RAYMOND A. The New Man in Soviet Psychology. Pp. xxiii, 229. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952. $4.00
by J.F. Brown - 223-224 PUTNAM, PETER (Ed.). Seven Britons in Imperial Russia, 1698-1812. Pp. xxxiv, 424. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1952. $7.50
by C.E. Black - 224-225 HARCAVE, SIDNEY. Russia: A History. Pp. xiii, 665, xxxiv. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1952. $6.00
by David Hecht - 225-225 CARR, EDWARD HALLETT. The Bolshevik Revolution. 1917-1923. Pp. vii, 400. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. $6.00
by Jerome Davis - 225-227 CONDOIDE, MIKHAIL V. The Soviet Fi nancial System: Its Development and Relations with the Western World. Pp. xiii, 230. Columbus: The Bureau of Business Research, College of Com merce and Administration, Ohio State University, 1951. $4.00. JASNY, NAUM. The Soviet Price System. Pp. 179. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1951. $2.00
by Alexander Baykov - 227-228 GLUCKSTEIN, YGAEL. Stalin's Satellites in Europe. Pp. 333. Boston: The Beacon Press. 1952. $4.50
by Stephen D. Kertesz - 228-228 Western Continental Europe
by Walter R. Sharp - 228-229 JORDAN, Z. Oder-Neisse Line: A Study of the Political, Economic and European Significance of Poland's Western Fron tier. Pp. 133. London: The Polish Freedom Movement, "Independence and Democracy," 1952. No price
by E.C. Helmreich - 229-230 ROBERTSON, PRISCILLA. Revolutions of 1848: A Social History. Pp. xi, 464. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1952. $6.00
by James E. Gillespie - 230-231 EUCKEN, WALTER. Grundsätze der Wirt schaftspolitik (Principles of Economic Policy). Pp. xix, 396. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1952. DM 21.—
by Adolphe J. Warner - 231-232 KRUSE, VINDING. The Community of the Future. Pp. 828. New York: Philo sophical Library, 1952. $12.00
by N.S. Timasheff - 232-232 WALEY, DANIEL. Mediaeval Orvieto: The Political History of an Italian City-State, 1157-1334. Pp. xxv, 170. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1952. $4.00
by M. Nickerson Hardwicke - 233-234 Others
by Wayne S. Vucinich - 234-234 BROCK, RAY. Blood, Oil & Sand. Pp. 256. Cleveland: The World Publishing Com pany, 1952. $3.50
by Halford L. Hoskins - 234-235 COUGHLIN, WILLIAM J. Conquered Press: The MacArthur Era in Japanese Journal ism. Pp. 165. Palo Alto, Calif.: Pacific Books, 1952. $3.00
by J. Edward Gerald - 235-235 BERGER, ELMER. A Partisan History of Judaism. Foreword by Paul Hutchinson. Pp. xvi, 142. New York: The Devin- Adair Company, 1951. $3.00
by Melville Jacobs - 236-236 COLBERT, EVELYN S. The Left Wing in Japanese Politics. Pp. xii, 353. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1952. $4.50
by Harold S. Quigley - 236-237 LAKDAWALA, D. T. International Aspects of Indian Economic Development. Uni versity of Bombay Publications, Eco nomics Series No. 5. Pp. vii, 191. New York: Oxford University Press, 1952. $2.50
by Robert Aura Smith - 237-237 DAVIS, S. Race-Relations in Ancient Egypt: Greek, Egyptian, Hebrew, Roman. Pp. xiii, 176. New York: Philosophical Li brary, 1952. $4.50
by E.A. Speiser - 238-240 Letters to the Editor
by Victor Perlo & Joseph Mayer
July 1952, Volume 282, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Norman D. Palmer - 1-7 What Is the National Interest of the United States?
by Hans J. Morgenthau - 8-11 Foundations of Current American Foreign Policy
by John Sparkman - 12-18 Are Our Present Foreign Policies Promoting Our National Interests ?
by John M. Vorys - 19-30 Strength of the Atlantic Community
by W.R. Herod - 31-35 An International Materials Policy
by Manly Fleischmann - 36-40 Can Germany Contain Russia Safely?
by Joseph C. Harsch - 41-44 France Today
by Maurice Ferro - 45-52 Europe in a Western Community
by Paul-Henri Spaak - 53-59 Tensions in the Middle East
by N. Saifpour Fatemi - 60-63 Problems of Adjustment in the Middle East
by Adam Watson - 64-68 Report from the Middle East
by Ray Brock - 69-71 Pakistani Principles and Policies
by S.M. Burke - 72-76 National Interests and World Peace
by Norman Thomas - 77-83 In Defense of International Law and Morality
by A.H. Feller - 84-90 National Interest and National Responsibility
by C.B. Marshall - 91-96 The Bases of Peace
by Ales Bebler - 97-103 The Inter-American System Today
by Alberto Lleras - 104-107 Liberia: An American Responsibility
by Dihdwo Twe - 108-113 Nationalism and the Asian Awakening
by B.R. Sen - 114-118 NATO and Pacific Security
by Percy C. Spender - 119-120 International Relations and World Government
by Dewitt C. Poole - 120-121 LANGER, WILLIAM L., and S. EVERETT GLEASON. The Challenge to Isolation, 1937-1940. Pp. xv, 794. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $7.50
by Martin B. Travis - 121-121 STERNBERG, FRITZ. Capitalism and Social ism on Trial. Pp. 603. New York: The John Day Company, 1952. $7.00
by Emil Lengyel - 121-122 VAN ALSTYNE, RICHARD W. American Crisis Diplomacy: The Quest for Collec tive Security, 1918-1952. Pp. xiii, 165. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1952. $3.50
by William B. Ziff - 122-123 DENNETT, RAYMOND, and ROBERT K. TUR NER (Eds.). Documents on American Foreign Relations. Vol. XII: January 1-December 31, 1950. Pp. xxvi, 702. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1952. $6.00
by Oliver Benson - 123-124 ALLEN, JAMES S. Atomic Imperialism: The State, Monopoly, and the Bomb. Pp. 288. New York: International Pub lishers, 1952. $3.25
by John M. Mccullough - 124-124 VINACKE, HAROLD M. The United States and the Far East, 1945-1951. Pp. vii, 144. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Univer sitv Press, 1952. $3.00
by Harold R. Isaacs - 124-125 FISHEL, WESLEY R. The End of Extra territoriality in China. Pp. xv, 318. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1952. $4.50
by Franz Michael - 125-126 TREFOUSSE, H. L. Germany and Ameri can Neutrality, 1939-1941. Pp. iii, 247. New York: Bookman Associates. $3.75
by Eli E. Nobleman - 126-127 American Government, History, Law, and Political Theory
by James P. Warburg - 127-127 BIDDLE, FRANCIS. The Fear of Freedom. Pp. ix, 263. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, 1952. $3.50
by Francis J. Brown - 127-128 TAYLOR, ALLAN (Ed. and interpreter). What Eisenhower Thinks. Pp. 186. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Com pany, 1952. $2.75
by Murray S. Stedman JR - 128-129 HOOVER, HERBERT. The Memoirs of Her bert Hoover. Vol. II: The Cabinet and the Presidency, 1920-1933. Pp. xiii, 405. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. $5.00
by Wilfred E. Binkley - 129-131 HARASZTI, ZOLTÃ N. John Adams & the Prophets of Progress. Pp. xi, 362. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952. $5.00
by Thomas S. Barclay - 131-132 HELLER, FRANCIS H. Introduction to American Constitutional Law: A Selec tion of Cases and Materials. Pp. x, 691. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $5.00
by David Fellman - 132-133 TURNER, JULIUS. Party and Constitu ency : Pressures on Congress. In "The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science," Series LXIX, Number 1. Pp. 190, xv. Balti more : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1951. $2.50
by David B. Truman - 133-133 MACDOUGALL, CURTIS D. Understanding Public Opinion: A Guide for News papermen and Newspaper Readers. Pp. xii, 698. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. $5.00
by Richard Hooker - 133-134 CARPENTER, WILLIAM SEAL. The Unfin ished Business of Civil Service Reform. Pp. 128. Princeton: Princeton Univer sity Press, 1952. $3.00
by O. Glenn Stahl - 134-135 ALLEN, FLORENCE ELLINWOOD. The Treaty as an Instrument of Legislation. Pp. xxi, 114. New York: The Macmillan Com pany, 1952. $1.75
by Quincy Wright - 135-137 CRAVEN, WESLEY FRANK, and JAMES LEA CATE (Eds.). The Army Air Forces in World War II. Vol. III: "Europe— Argument to V-E Day, January 1944 to May 1945. Pp. xxxix, 948. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (for the Air Historical Group, USAF), 1951. $8.50
by Arthur P. Watts - 137-138 BEAN, WALTON. Boss Ruef's San Fran cisco: The Story of the Union Labor Party, Big Business, and the Graft Prosecution. Pp. xii, 345. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1952. $5.00
by Winston W. Crouch - 138-138 BOLLES, BLAIR. How To Get Rich in Washington: Rich Man's Division of the Welfare State. Pp. x, 309. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1952. $3.75
by John Buttrick - 138-139 MOWRY, GEORGE E. The California Pro gressives. Pp. xi, 349. Berkeley: Uni versity of California Press, 1952. $6.00
by Murray Seasongood - 140-140 LENS, SIDNEY. The Counterfeit Revolu tion. Pp. 272. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1952. $3.50
by George Denicke