November 1970, Volume 392, Issue 1
- 221-221 R. W. REID. Tongues of Conscience: Weapons Research and the Scientists' Dilemma. Pp. 352. New York: Walker, 1969. $7.50
by Theodore Ropp - 221-222 RICHARD ARENS. Make Mad the Guilty: The Insanity Defense in the District of Columbia. Pp. xxiv, 285. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1969. $12.75
by Arthur Lewis Wood - 222-223 HISTORIOGRAPHY AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY ROBERT F. BERKHOFER, JR. A Behavioral Approach to Historical Analysis. Pp. viii, 339. New York: Free Press, 1970. $7.95
by Wilson H. Coates - 223-224 GEORGE H. CALLCOTT. History in the United States, 1800-1860: Its Practice and Purpose. Pp. viii, 239. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Press, 1970. $8.95
by Alfred H. Kelly - 224-224 LOWELL TILLETT. The Great Friendship: Soviet Historians on the Non-Russian Nationalities. Pp. x, 468. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1969. $12.50
by Geoffrey Wheeler - 224-225 DAVID McLELLAN. The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx. Pp. ix, 170. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. $8.50
by Marin Pundeff - 225-226 HENRY J. MERRY. Montesquieu's System of Natural Government. Pp. xvi, 414. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Studies, 1970. $8.50
by Benjamin R. Barber - 226-227 SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY ALBERT SZENT-GYÖRGYI. The Crazy Ape. Pp. 93. New York: Philosophical Library, 1970. $3.95
by Isaac Asimov - 227-228 PHILIP E. SLATER. The Pursuit of Loneliness: American Culture at the Breaking Point. Pp. xiii, 154. Boston: Beacon Press, 1970. $7.50
by Gordon Halpern - 228-228 WILLIAM BRADEN. The Age of Aquarius: Technology and the Cultural Revolution. Pp. 306. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1970. $7.95
by Orrin E. Klapp - 229-230 ROBERT W. FRIEDRICHS. A Sociology of Sociology. Pp. xxiii, 429. New York: Free Press, 1970. $11.95
by Theodore Abel - 230-231 PHILIP MASON. Patterns of Dominance. Pp. xii, 377. New York: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Race Relations, London, 1970. $11.50
by Oscar I. Janowsky - 231-231 JOEL KOVEL. White Racism: A Psycho-history. Pp. vii, 300. New York: Pantheon Books, 1970. $7.95
by Rayford W. Logan - 231-232 DONALD CANTY. A Single Society: Alternatives to Urban Apartheid. Pp. ix, 181. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1969. $5.95
by Christian Metzger - 232-233 ROSE HELPER. Racial Policies and Practices of Real Estate Brokers. Pp. xiv, 387. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969 $9.50. GEORGE STERNLIEB The Tenement Land-lord. Pp. xxi, 269. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1969. $6.00
by Melvin J. Segal - 233-234 HUGH CARTER and PAUL C. GLICK. Marriage and Divorce: A Social and Economic Study. Pp. xxix, 451. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970. $8.50
by Clifford Kirkpatrick - 235-235 LOUIS KRIESBERG. Mothers in Poverty: A Study of Fatherless Families. Pp. x, 356. Chicago: Aldine, 1970. $9.75
by Evelyn Millis Duvall - 235-236 JOHN A. O'DONNELL. Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky. Pp. xi, 297. Chevy Chase, Md.: National Institute of Mental Health, 1969. $3.00
by Alvin Boskoff - 236-237 THEODORE BRAMELD. The Climactic Decades: Mandate to Education. Pp. xiv, 210. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970. $7.95
by Frederick E. Ellis - 237-237 JOHN BIRMINGHAM (Ed.). Our Time is Now: Notes from the High School Underground. Pp. xii, 262. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970. $5.95
by Ephraim H. Mizruchi - 237-239 G. V. OSIPOV (Ed.). Town, Country and People: Studies in Soviet Society, Vol. 2. Pp. vii, 260. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1969. $8.75
by Irene E. Taeuber - 239-239 PHILIP J. GREVEN, JR. Four Generations: Population, Land, and Family in Colonial Andover, Massachusetts. Pp. xvi, 329. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1970. $12.50
by Philip Arthur Kalisch - 239-240 ECONOMICS DAVID HOROWITZ. The Abolition of Poverty. Pp. viii, 178. New York : Praeger Publishers, 1969. $5.95
by Jacob J. Kaplan - 240-242 ROBERT E. ASHER. Development Assistance in the Seventies: Alternatives for the United States. Pp. xvi, 248. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1970.$6.95
by John M. Hunter - 242-243 GILBERT P. VERBIT. Trade Agreements for Developing Countries. Pp. xi, 249. New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. $8.50
by Kenneth J. Rothwell - 243-243 HENRY ROSEVEARE. The Treasury: The Evolution of a British Institution. Pp. 406. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970. $12.50
by Robert Sobel - 243-244 RICHARD HEMMIG MEYER. Bankers' Diplomacy: Monetary Stabilization in the Twenties. Pp. xi, 170. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970. $8.00
by Arthur I. Bloomfield - 244-245 SEYFARTH, SHAW, FAIRWEATHER, & GER-ALDSON. Labor Relations and the Law in West Germany and the United States. Pp. xxx, 606. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1969. $15.00
by Solomon Barkin - 245-246 JOHN P. WINDMULLER. Labor Relations in the Netherlands. Pp. xvi, 469. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1969. $14.00
by Herbert J. Lahne - 246-247 PAUL T. HARTMAN. Collective Bargaining and Productivity: The Longshore Mechanization Agreement. Pp. xix, 307. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. $8.50
by Mark R. Killingsworth - 247-248 J. W. GOUGH. The Rise of the Entrepreneur. Pp. 325. New York: Schocken Books, 1969. $8.95
by P.A. Bromhead - 248-249 JAMES C. EMERY. Organizational Planning and Control Systems: Theory and Technology. Pp. xiv, 166. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1969. $6.95
by A.M. Chung - 249-255 ALFRED S. EICHNER. The Emergence of Oligopoly: Sugar Refining as a Case Study. Pp. xi, 388. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Press, 1969. $12.00
by Almarin Phillips
November 1970, Volume 392, Issue 1_suppl
- 1-253 Index To Subjects, Contributors, Titles, and Names
by N/A - 254-320 Index To Book Reviews
by N/A - 321-330 Index To Book Reviewers
by N/A
September 1970, Volume 391, Issue 1
- 1-8 On Collective Violence: Introduction and Overview
by James F. Short JR & Marvin E. Wolfgang - 9-20 Interpreting Collective Violence: An Argument for the Importance of Social Structure
by Allen D. Grimshaw - 21-33 Issueless Riots
by Gary T. Marx - 34-45 A Critical Note on Conceptions of Collective Behavior
by Elliott Currie & Jerome H. Skolnick - 46-55 Two Critics in Search of a Bias: A Response to Currie and Skolnick
by Neil J. Smelser - 56-73 Agonistics—Rituals of Conflict
by H.L. Nieburg - 74-82 The Paradox of American Violence: A Historical Appraisal
by Hugh Davis Graham - 83-96 The Psychology of Political Activity
by Sheldon G. Levy - 97-110 Police Violence and Its Public Support
by William A. Gamson & James Mcevoy - 111-127 Local Political Leadership and Popular Discontent in the Ghetto
by Peter H. Rossi & Richard A. Berk - 128-144 Sources of Rebellion in Western Societies: Some Quantitative Evidence
by Ted Robert Gurr - 145-155 Patterns in International Warfare, 1816-1965
by Melvin Small & J. David Singer - 156-167 Rebellion and Repression and the Vietnam War
by Robert B. Smith - 168-176 The Usefulness of Commission Studies of Collective Violence
by James S. Campbell - 177-187 Innovations and Trends in the Study of American Politics
by Vernon M. Goetcheus & Harvey C. Mansfield - 188-250 Book Department
by N/A
July 1970, Volume 390, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by James C. Charlesworth - 1-17 The Case For and Against Military Withdrawal from Vietnam and Korea
by Fred Greene - 18-26 International Collaboration Concerning Southeast Asia
by T.T.B. Koh - 27-37 Asia and the Prospects for World Order
by Joseph S. Clark - 38-47 The American Territorial Presence in Asia
by John H. Badgley - 48-62 The Presence in Southern Asia of Outside Powers
by W. Howard Wriggins - 63-72 The Role of Japan and the Future of American Relations with the Far East
by U. Alexis Johnson - 73-86 The New Multipolar Balance in East Asia: Implications for United States Policy
by A. Doak Barnett - 87-97 The American Posture Toward India and Pakistan
by Phillips Talbot - 98-113 An American Policy Toward the Middle East
by Parker T. Hart - 114-119 International Relations, 1965-1969
by Hans J. Morgenthau - 120-128 Demography and Human Ecology: Some Apparent Trends
by Leo F. Schnore - 129-130 International Relations Roger Fisher. International Conflict for Beginners. Pp. xvii, 231. New York: Harper & Row, 1969. $5.95
by Anatol Rapoport - 130-131 Harrison E. Salisbury. War Between Russia And China. Pp. 224. New York: W. W. Norton, 1969. $4.95
by Shen-Yu Dai - 131-132 King C. Chen. Vietnam and China, 1938-1954. Pp. xv, 436. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969. $12.50
by Rene Pertiz - 132-133 Warren F. Kuehl. Seeking World Order : The United States and International Organization to 1920. Pp. xi, 385. Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University Press, 1969. $8.95
by Julius W. Pratt - 133-135 Marshall Windmiller. The Peace Corps and Pax Americana. Pp. viii, 178. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1970. $6.00
by John F. Wilson - 135-136 Harry Magdoff. The Age of Imperialism : The Economics of U.S. Foreign Policy. Pp. 208. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969. $6.00
by Charles Miller - 136-137 M. Margaret Ball. The OAS in Transition. Pp. xxii, 721. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1969. $19.50
by William R. Lux - 137-137 Uri Ra'Anan. The USSR Arms the Third World: Case Studies in Soviet Foreign Policy. Pp. x, 256. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1969. $10.00
by Ivar Spector - 137-138 Karel Holbik and Henry Allen Myers. West German Foreign Aid, 1956-1966: Its Economic and Political Aspects. Pp. xii, 158. Boston: Boston University Press, 1969. $7.95
by John D. Montgomery - 138-139 Edward Mortimer. France and the Africans, 1944-1960: A Political History. Pp. 390. New York: Walker, 1960. $8.50
by John M. Mackenzie - 139-140 Malcolm D. Kennedy. The Estrangement of Great Britain and Japan, 1917-35. Pp. 363. Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1969. $7.95
by Willard H. Elsbree - 140-140 Donald C. Hellmann. Japanese Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics: The Peace Agreement with the Soviet Union. Pp. viii, 202. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. $5.00
by Herrymon Mauer - 141-141 John Hatch. The History of Britain in Africa: From the Fifteenth Century to the Present. Pp. 320. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. $8.00
by Wallace Sokolsky - 141-142 Forest L. GrievesS. Supranationalism and International Adjudication. Pp. xv. 266. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1969. $10.00
by Wesley L. Gould - 142-143 Walter R. Sharp. The United Nations Economic and Social Council. Pp. xii, 322. New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. $8.75
by John W. Holmes - 143-144 United States History Donald H. Stewart. The Opposition Press of the Federalist Period. Pp. xiii, 957. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1969. $18.00
by Merrill Jensen - 144-145 Benjamin Franklin. The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 13: January 1 through December 31, 1766. Edited by Leonard W. Labaree, assisted by Helen C. Boatfield, and James H. Hutson. Pp. xxviii, 580. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1969. $17.50
by Viola F. Barnes - 145-146 John C. Calhoun. The Papers of John C. Calhoun, Vol. 4: 1819-1820. Edited by W. Edwin Hemphill. Pp. xx, 800. Columbia : University of South Carolina Press for the South Carolina Society, 1969. $15.00
by Clement Eaton - 146-147 Joy J. Jockson. New Orleans in the Gilded Age : Politics and Urban Progress 1880-1896. Pp. xi, 355. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press for the Louisiana Historical Association, 1969. $8.50
by Joel A. Tarr - 147-148 Robert K. Murray. The Harding Era: Warren G. Harding and His Administration. Pp. ix, 626. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969. $13.50
by E. Berkeley Tompkins - 148-148 Cabell Phillps. From the Crash to the Blitz, 1929-1939: The New York Times Chronicle of American Life. Pp. 596. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1969. $12.50
by Charles H. Trout - 148-149 Irving Bernstein. Turbulent Years: A History of the American Worker, 1933-1941. Pp. xiv, 873. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1970. $12.95
by M.J.L. O'Connor - 149-150 Philip M. Stern, in collaboration with Harold P. Green. The Oppenheimer Case: Security on Trial. Pp. xii, 591. New York: Harper & Row, 1969. $10.00
by Osmond K. Fraenkel - 150-151 Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr. Captains Without Eyes: Intelligence Failures in World War II. Pp. xiv, 303. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1969. $6.95
by Russell F. Weigley - 151-152 European History Harold MacMillan. Tides of Fortune, 1945-1955. Pp. xxii, 729. New York: Harper & Row, 1969. $15.00
by Ernest Davies - 152-153 Theodore S. Hamerow. The Social Foundations of German Unification, 1858-1871 : Ideas and Institutions. Pp. vii, 433. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969. $12.50
by John S. Wozniak - 153-154 David Lane. The Roots of Russian Communism: A Social and Historical Study of Russian Social-Democracy, 1898-1907. Pp. xv, 240. Assen, The Netherlands: Royal VanGorcum, 1968. No price
by David Hecht - 154-155 Rex A. Wade. The Russian Search for Peace: February-October 1917. Pp. vii, 196. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1969. $6.50
by Melvin C. Wren - 155-156 J. F. Brown. Bulgaria Under Communist Rule. Pp. ix, 339. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970. $11.00
by Norman J.G. Pounds - 156-157 Africa, Asia, and Latin America David and Marina Ottaway. Algeria: The Politics of a Socialist Revolution. Pp. xiii, 322. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1970. $8.75
by William G. Andrews - 157-158 Obafemi Awolowo. The People's Republic. Pp. xv, 356. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. $7.35
by Linvill Watson - 158-159 Christopher Clapham. Haile-Selassie's Government. Pp. xiv, 218. New York : Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. $7.50
by A.A. Castagno - 159-159 Thomas R. H. Havens. Nishi Amane and Modern Japanese Thought. Pp. viii, 253. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1970. $8.50
by E. Dale Saunders - 159-160 David H. Bayley. The Police and Political Development in India. Pp. xiv, 482. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969. $15.00
by Stanley J. Heginbotham - 160-161 Hamid Aalgar. Religion and State in Iran, 1785-1906: The Role of the Ulama in the Qajar Period. Pp. xviii, 286. Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1970. $9.50
by Edwin M. Wright - 161-162 James O'Connor. The Origins of Socialism in Cuba. Pp. viii, 338. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1970. $10.00
by Russell H. Fitzgibbon - 162-163 Richard R. Fagen. The Transformation of Political Culture in Cuba. Pp. ix, 271. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1969. $8.50. Jamie Suchlicki. University Students and Revolution in Cuba, 1920-1968. Pp. 177. Coral Gables, Fla.: University of Miami Press, 1969. $6.95
by R. Richard Rubottom JR - 163-164 Carlos A. Astiz. Pressure Groups and Power Elites in Peruvian Politics. Pp. xviii, 316. Ithaca, NY.: Cornell University Press, 1969. $12.00
by Karl M. Schmitt - 164-165 Miguel Urrutia. The Development of the Colombian Labor Movement. Pp. xi, 297. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1969. $10.00
by R.J. Alexander - 165-165 Stanley J. and Barbara H. Stein. The Colonial Heritage of Latin America: Essays on Economic Dependence in Perspective. Pp. viii, 222. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970. $5.00
by Harry Bernstein - 166-167 Politics, PoliticalL Theory, and Public Administration Henry S. Reuss. Revenue-Sharing: Crutch or Catalyst for State and Local Governments? Pp. xiv, 170. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970. $6.50
by Ira Sharkansky - 167-168 David Adamany. Financing Politics: Recent Wisconsin Elections. Pp. xv, 302. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1969. $10.00. EDWIN M. EPSTEIN. The Corporation in American Politics. Pp. xiv, 365. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1969. No price
by Louis H. Douglas - 168-169 R. J. May. Federalism and Fiscal Adjustment. Pp. vi, 192. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. No price
by D.T. Lakdawala - 169-171 Milton Kotler. Neighborhood Government: The Local Foundations of Political Life. Pp. xiii, 111. Paper-bound edition. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1969. $2.95
by Joseph F. Zimmerman - 171-172 George A. Hillery, Jr. Communal Organizations: A Study of Local Societies. Pp. xv, 374. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968. $11.00
by Stuart A. Queen - 172-172 Heinz Eulau. Micro-Macro Political Analysis: Accents of Inquiry. Pp. xvi, 400. Chicago: Aldine, 1969. $12.50
by Henry Teune - 172-173 Donald McIntosh. The Foundations of Human Society. Pp. x, 340. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969. $10.50
by Robert Ginsberg - 173-174 Ralph Miliband. The State in Capitalist Society. Pp. x, 292. New York: Basic Books, 1969. $6.95
by Feliks Gross - 174-175 Frank S. Meyer. The Conservative Mainstream. Pp. 488. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1969. $8.00
by David Spitz - 175-176 Michael D. Reagan. Science and the Federal Patron. Pp. vi, 346 New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. $7.50
by J. Richard Johnston - 176-177 Michael H. Armacost. The Politics of Weapons Innovation: The Thor-Jupiter Controversy. Pp. x, 304. New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. $10.00
by Hugh A. Bone - 177-177 William R. Rosengren and Mark Lefton. Hospital and Patients. Pp. xii, 225. New York: Atherton, 1970. $8.95
by Norman D. Weiner - 178-179 Sociology and Law Irving Louis Horowitz. Professing Sociology : Studies in the Life Cycle of Social Science. Pp. 365. Chicago: Aldine, 1968. $9.75
by M. Elaine Burgess - 179-180 Urie Bronfenbrenner, with the assistance of John C. Condry, Jr. Two Worlds of Childhood: U.S. and U.S.S.R. Pp. x, 190. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1970. $7.95
by Helen Redl - 180-180 James A. Rawley. Race & Politics: "Bleeding Kansas" and the Coming of the Civil War. Pp. xvi, 304. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1969. $5.95
by Herbert Aptheker - 180-181 Edwin S. RedkeyY. Black Exodus: Black Nationalist and Back-to-Africa Movements, 1890-1910. Pp. xi, 319. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1969. $10.00
by William P. Robinson SR - 181-183 E. J. B. Rose, in association with Nicholas Deakin, Mark Abrams, Valerie Jackson, Maurice Peston, A. H. Vanags, Brian Cohen, Julia Gaitskell, and Paul Ward. Colour and Citizenship: A Report on British Race Relations. Pp. xxiii. 815. New York: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Race Relations, London, 1969. $12.50
by William Petersen - 183-184 Sheila Patterson. Immigration and Race Relations in Britain, 1960-1967 . Pp. xviii, 460. New York: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Race Relations, London, 1969. $10.50
by Clarence Senior - 184-185 Hans Toch. Violent Men: An Inquiry Into The Psychology of Violence. Pp. xvii, 268. Chicago: Aldine, 1969. No price
by Simon Dinitz - 185-186 Blair Justice. Violence in the City. Pp. xiii, 289. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 1969. No price
by Edward Sagarin - 186-187 George E. Berkley. The Democratic Policeman. Pp. x, 232. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969. $7.50
by David M. Petersen - 187-188 Gerhard O. W. Mueller. Crime, Law, and the Scholars: A History of Scholarship in American Criminal Law. Pp. xvi, 302. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1969. $12.50
by Joseph J. Darby - 188-188 Harry W. Jones. The Efficacy of Law: 1968 Rosenthal Lectures. Pp. vi, 117. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1969. No price
by Henry J. Abraham - 188-189 Economics Lester R. Brown. Seeds of Change: The Green Revolution and Development in the 1970's. Pp. xv, 205. New York: Praeger Publishers for the Overseas Development Council, 1970. $6.95. Willard W. Cochrane. The World Food Problem: A Guardedly Optimistic View. Pp. xv, 331. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1969. $7.95
by Mordecai Ezekiel - 189-191 Carroll P. Streeter. A Partnership to Improve Food Production in India: A Special Report. Pp. iii, 137. Paperbound edition. New York: Rockefeller Foundation, 1969. No cost
by Herbert Emmerich - 191-192 Doreen Warriner. Land Reform in Principle and Practice. Pp. xx, 457. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. $8.75
by Walter P. Falcon - 192-194 Arthur F. Burns. The Business Cycle in a Changing World. Pp. xiv, 352. New York: Columbia University Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1969. $8.50
by Richard V. Clemence - 194-195 Ann F. Freidleander. The Dilemma of Frieght Transport Regulation. Pp. xiii, 216. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1969. $6.75
by Robert Rockafellow - 195-195 John L. Carey. The Rise of the Accounting Profession: From Technician to Professional, 1896-1936. Pp. xvii, 387. New York: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1969. $7.50
by Rufus Wixon
May 1970, Volume 389, Issue 1
- 1-10 Thinking Social-Scientifically about Environmental Quality
by Samuel Z. Klausner - 11-18 Environmental Threat and Social Organization
by Lawrence Krader - 19-26 Adaptation under Extreme Environmental Conditions
by George E. Ruff - 27-34 Resources and Social Structure: Some Conditions of Stability and Change
by William R. Burch JR - 35-45 The Charismatic and the Playful in Outdoor Recreation
by Rolf Meyersohn - 46-55 The Social and Personality Correlates of Outdoor Recreation
by Abbott L. Ferriss - 56-62 Economic Responsibility for the By-Products of Production
by Allen V. Kneese - 63-70 Outdoor Recreation Economics
by John V. Krutilla & Jack L. Knetsch - 71-76 Emerging Legal Strategies: Judicial Intervention
by Joseph L. Sax - 77-86 Environmental Problems and Legislative Responses
by Jack C. Oppenheimer & Leonard A. Miller - 87-94 The Environmental Dispositions of Environmental Decision-Makers
by Kenneth H. Craik - 95-106 The Technological Imperative—Social Implications of Professional Technology
by David B. Hertz - 107-115 Authority and Responsibility for Environmental Administration
by Lynton K. Caldwell - 116-127 Recent Physical Anthropology
by W.W. Howells - 128-131 Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1969
by N/A - 132-177 Book Department
by N/A
March 1970, Volume 388, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Michael Springer - 1-13 Social Indicators, Reports, and Accounts: Toward the Management of Society
by Michael Springer - 14-24 The Intelligence of Congress: Information and Public-Policy Patterns
by Edward Schneier - 25-34 Indicators of the Capacities for Societal Guidance
by Amitai Etzioni - 35-45 Indicators of Change in Political Institutions
by Norton E. Long - 46-58 Intelligence in Industry: The Uses and Abuses of Experts
by Harold L. Wilensky - 59-68 Perceptions, Aspirations, Frustrations, and Satisfactions: An Approach to Urban Indicators
by Ross Stagner - 69-81 Cultural Indicators: The Case of Violence in Television Drama
by George Gerbner - 82-96 Indicators for America's Linkages with the Changing World Environment
by Bruce M. Russett - 97-111 Values as Social Indicators of Poverty and Race Relations in America
by Milton Rokeach & Seymour Parker - 112-126 An Analytic Framework for Social Reporting and Policy Analysis
by Mancur Olson - 127-132 Social Indicators: Selected Readings
by Carol Agocs - 133-144 Recent Developments in Latin American History
by Robert N. Burr - 145-146 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS DAVID V. EDWARDS. Arms Control in International Politics. Pp. viii, 200. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969. $7.50
by John H.E. Fried - 146-147 W. B. FOWLER. British-American Relations, 1917-1918: The Role of Sir William Wiseman. Pp. ix, 334. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969. $9.50
by Louis Filler - 147-147 WARREN F. KIMBALL. The Most Unsordid Act: Lend-Lease, 1939-1941. Pp. ix, 281. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1969. $7.50
by Jan Karski - 148-149 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND HISTORY DEAN ACHESON. Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department. Pp. xvii, 798. New York: W. W. Norton, 1969. $15.00
by Norman D. Palmer - 149-150 WOODROW WILSON. The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Vol. 7: 1890-1892. Edited by Arthur S. Link, in association with John Wells Davidson and David W. Hirst, in consultation with Jean Mac-Lachlan and M. Halsey Thomas, and assisted by John E. Little. Pp. xiii, 668. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969. $15.00
by Louis Filler - 150-150 ULYSSES S. GRANT. The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Vol. 2: April-September 1861. Edited by John Y. Simon. Pp. xxxiii, 399. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1969. $15.00
by Richard N. Current - 150-151 DAVID H. BURTON. Theodore Roosevelt: Confident Imperialist. Pp. ix, 203. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1968. $7.50
by Alfred P. James - 151-152 JIM F. HEATH. John F. Kennedy and the Business Community. Pp. ix, 198. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969. $5.95
by Emerson P. Schmidt - 152-153 LOUIS M. KOHLMEIER, JR. The Regulators : Watchdog Agencies and the Public Interest. Pp. xi, 338. New York : Harper and Row, 1969. $8.95
by Henry Reining JR - 153-154 RANDALL B. RIPLEY. Power in the Senate. Pp. vii, 246. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1969. $6.50
by Robert Lewis Gill - 154-155 RICHARD A. WATSON and RONDAL G. DOWNING. The Politics of the Bench and the Bar: Judicial Selection under the Missouri Nonpartisan Court Plan. Pp. xx, 393. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1969. $10.00
by Gerald L. Sbarboro - 155-156 HARRY HOLLOWAY. The Politics of the Southern Negro. Pp. x, 374. New York: Random House, 1969. $8.95
by Harry A. Bailey JR - 156-157 SHELDON HACKNEY. Populism to Progressivism in Alabama. Pp. xvi, 390. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969. $10.00
by Otto H. Olsen - 157-158 J. DAVID GREENSTONE. Labor in American Politics. Pp. xviii, 408. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969. $8.50
by James Y. Kowland - 158-158 KATHERINE A. HARVEY. The Best-Dressed Miners: Life and Labor in the Maryland Coal Region, 1835-1910. Pp. xiv, 488. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1969. $14.50
by Philip Arthur Kalisch - 158-159 PETER N. CARROLL. Puritanism and the Wilderness: The Intellectual Significance of the New England Frontier, 1629- 1700. Pp. xi, 243. New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. $7.50
by Robert Zemsky - 159-160 EUROPEAN GOVERNMENT AND HISTORY J. H. HANHAM. Scottish Nationalism. Pp. 250. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969. $5.50. J. N. WOLFE (Ed.). Government and Nationalism in Scotland: An Enquiry by Members of the University of Edinburgh. Pp. viii, 205. Scotland: Edinburgh University Press, 1969. $7.95
by Norman V. Hope - 160-161 BELA K. KIRÃ LY. Hungary in the Late Eighteenth Century: The Decline of Enlightened Despotism. Pp. x, 295. New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. $9.75
by Alan Palmer - 161-162 ORVILLE H. BULLITT. Search for Sybaris. Pp. xiv, 238. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1969. $6.95
by William Trousdale - 162-162 G. R. WATSON. The Roman Soldier: Aspects of Greek and Roman Life. Pp. 256. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1969. $7.50
by Carroll Quigley - 162-163 AFRICA, ASIA, AND OCEANIA STANISLAV ANDRESKI. The African Predicament. Pp. 237. New York: Atherton Press, 1969. $6.95
by Geoffrey F. Engholm - 163-164 ABNER COHEN. Custom and Politics in Urban Africa: A Study of Hausa Migrants in Yoruba Towns. Pp. xii, 252. Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1969. $5.50
by William B. Schwab - 164-165 DAVID PARKIN. Neighbors and Nationals in an African City Ward. Pp. xvii, 228. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. $6.00
by Lloyd A. Fallers - 165-166 DOROTHY WILNER. Nation-Building and Community in Israel. Pp. xi, 478. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969. $10.00
by Ephraim Kleiman - 166-167 PHILIP G. ALTBACH. Student Politics in Bombay. Pp. viii, 218. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1969. No price. AILEEN D. Ross. Student Unrest in India: A Comparative Approach. Pp. xiv, 301. Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1969. $12.50
by Margaret L. Cormack - 167-168 ERIK H. ERIKSON. Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence. Pp. 474. New York: W. W. Norton, 1969. $10.00
by Hugh Tinker - 168-169 JAMES T. SIEGEL. The Rope of God. Pp. viii, 308. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. $6.75
by Robert Van Niel - 169-170 NEALE HUNTER. Shanghai Journal: An Eyewitness Account of the Cultural Revolution. Pp. v, 311. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. $7.95
by Albert E. Kane - 170-171 NORMAN MELLER AND JAMES ANTHONY. Fiji goes to the Polls: The Crucial Legislative Council Elections of 1963. Pp. xvi, 185. Honolulu: East-West Center Press, 1968. $5.50
by Robert E. Norton - 171-172 LATIN AMERICA WILFRED L. DAVID. The Economic Development of Guyana, 1953-1964. Pp. xiv, 399. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. $11.50
by Jay R. Mandle - 172-173 RUSSEL H. BRANNON. The Agricultural Development of Uruguay: Problems of Economic Policy. Pp. xxiii, 366. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. $15.00
by Joseph A. Hasson - 173-174 ROBERT A. POTASH. The Army and Politics in Argentina, 1928-1945: Yrigoyen to Perón. Pp. ix, 314. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1969. $8.95
by Alberto Ciria - 174-175 SOCIOLOGY DAVID C. McCLELLAND and DAVID G. WINTER, in collaboration with SARA K. WINTER, ELLIOTT R. DANZIG, MANOHAR S. NADKARNI, AZIZ PABANEY, and UDAI PAREEK. Motivating Economic Achievement. Pp. xxii, 409. New York : Free Press, 1969. $12.95
by Helen Malenbaum - 175-176 F. G. BAILEY. Strategems and Spoils: A Social Anthropology of Politics. Pp. xiv, 240. New York: Schocken Books, 1969. $6.50
by Philip C. Salzman - 177-177 HERMAN D. BLOCH. The Circle of Discrimination : An Economic and Social Study of the Black Man in New York. Pp. xiii, 274. New York: New York University Press, 1969. $7.95
by Mary Huff Diggs - 177-178 STUART CREIGHTON MILLER. The Unwelcome Immigrant: The American Image of the Chinese, 1785-1882. Pp. x, 259. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. $6.95
by Carolyn Zeleny