November 1972, Volume 404, Issue 1
- 306-307 ECONOMICS ELISHA P. DOUGLASS. The Coming of Age of American Business: Three Centuries of Enterprise, 1600-1900. Pp. xii, 606. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1971. $15.00
by Francis J. Munch - 307-308 WILLIAM E. FRUMAN, JR. The Flight for Competitive Advantage: A Study of the United States Domestic Trunk Air Carriers. Pp. xii, 200. Boston, Mass.: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1972. $9.00. JEREMY J. WARFORD. Public Policy toward General Aviation. Pp. xii, 193. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1971. $7.95
by Ronald E. Miller - 308-309 WALTER ISARD et al. Ecologic-Economic Analysis for Regional Development. Pp. 270. New York: The Free Press, 1972. $11.95
by Joseph J. Seneca - 309-310 GORDON JACKSON. Hull in the Eighteenth Century: A Study in Economic and Social History. Pp. xvi, 474. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. $27.25
by Robert Walcott - 310-311 MARTIN PAGE. The Yam Factor: And Other Insights into the Lives and Customs and Status Symbols of the Executive Tribes of America. Pp. ii, 293. New York: Doubleday, 1972, $7.95
by George Fox Mott - 311-312 MARSHALL SAHLINS. Stone Age Economics. Pp. 348. Chicago, III.: Aldine-Atherton, 1972. $8.95
by George Dalton - 312-324 HOWARD B. SCHONBERGER. Transportation to the Seaboard: The "Communication Revolution" and American Foreign Policy, 1860-1900. Pp. xix, 239. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1971. $12.00
by Kichard V. Clemence - 324-324 Erratum
by N/A
September 1972, Volume 403, Issue 1
- 1-11 The Internationalization of Business
by John Fayerweather - 12-21 The Internationalized Corporation: An Executive's View
by A.W. Clausen - 22-33 Multinational Corporations, Managers, and the Development of Regional Identifications in Western Europe
by Bernard Mennis & Karl P. Sauvant - 34-45 Trade Unions and the Challenge of the Multinational Corporation
by David H. Blake - 46-57 Industrial Integration and the Multinational Enterprise
by Jack N. Behrman - 58-66 Multinational Corporations: A European View
by Paolo N. Rogers - 67-79 The Developing Countries, Development, and the Multinational Corporation
by Richard D. Robinson - 80-92 Corporations and American Foreign Relations
by Dennis M. Ray - 93-103 The International Economic System and the Multinational Corporation
by Lawrence B. Krause - 104-115 The Multinational Corporation and the Future International System
by Chadwick F. Alger - 116-126 Multinational Enterprises and Prospects for Regional and Global Political Integration
by J.S. Nye - 127-138 International Organizations and the Multinational Corporation: An Overview and Observations
by Robert S. Walters - 139-152 The Multinational Firm and the Future
by Howard V. Perlmutter - 153-162 Econoinetries and Model-Building, 1967-1972
by Carl F. Christ - 163-164 International Relations James Cable. Gunboat Diplomacy: Political Applications of Limited Naval Force. Pp. 251. New York: Praeger, 1971. $11.00
by Raymond G. O'Connor - 164-165 Lynton K. Caldwell. In Defense of Earth: International Protection of the Biosphere. Pp. ix, 295. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1972. $8.50
by D.F. Fleming - 165-165 John P. Diggins. Mussolini and Fascism: The View from America. Pp. xx, 524. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. $16.50
by Richard H. Heindel - 165-166 Charles F. Doran. The Politics of Assimilation: Hegemony and Its Aftermath. Pp. 223. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. $12.50
by A.E. Campbell - 166-167 Richard A. Falk, ed. The International Law of Civil War. Pp. xix, 452. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. $15.00
by Daniel C. Turack - 167-168 Roman Kolkowicz, Matthew P. Gallagher, Benjamin S. Lambeth, with Walter C. Clemens, Jr. and Peter W. Colm. The Soviet Union and Arms Control: A Superpower Dilemma. Pp. xvi, 212. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1970. $2.95
by A.J.R. Groom - 168-169 F. S. Northedge and M. J. Grieve. A Hundred Years of International Relations. Pp. 397. New York: Praeger, 1972. $11.50. Paperbound, $4.50
by Vincent Davis - 169-170 Africa Raymond F. Hopkins. Political Roles in a New State: Tanzania's First Decade. Pp. xi, 293. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1971. $12.00
by Aidan Southall - 170-171 T. O. Ranger. The African Voice in Southern Rhodesia, 1898-1930. Pp. 252. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1970. No price
by Jeffrey Butler - 171-172 Charles Morrow Wilson. Liberia: Black Africa in Microcosm. Pp. xxii, 249. New York: Harper & Row, 1971. $8.95
by James G. Leyburn - 172-173 Asia Oliver J. Caldwell. A Secret War: Americans in China, 1944-1945. Pp. xx, 218. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1972. $5.95
by Edmund S. Wehrle - 173-174 Chu-Yuan Cheng. The Machine-Building Industry in Communist China. Pp. xviii, 339. Chicago, Ill.: Aldine-Atherton, 1971. $9.75. KATHARINE HUANG HSIAO. Money and Monetary Policy in Communist China. Pp. xviii, 308. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971. $12.50
by Charles Hoffmann - 174-175 Chalmers Johnson. Conspiracy at Matsukawa. Pp. x, 460. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. $10.95
by Sidney Devere Brown - 175-176 Albert Kolb. East Asia—China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam: The Geography of a Cultural Region. Pp. xvi, 591. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. $27.50
by J.B.R. Whitney - 176-177 K. S. Liew. Struggle for Democracy: Sung Chiao-Jen and the 1911 Chinese Revolution. Pp. ix, 260. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. $8.75. Lucian W. Pye. Warlord Politics: Conflict and Coalition in the Modernization of Republican China. Pp. ix, 212. New York: Praeger, 1971. $10.00
by Alan P.L. Liu - 177-178 J. B. Neilands, G. H. Orians, E. W. Pfeiffer, Alje Vennema, and Arthur Westing. Harvest of Death: Chemical Warfare in Vietnam and Cambodia. Pp. xi, 304. New York: The Free Press, 1972. $10.00
by Jeffrey Race - 178-179 Dick Wilson. The Long March: The Epic of Chinese Communism's Survival. Pp. 331. New York: Viking Press, 1972. $8.95
by Paul A. Cohen - 179-180 Latin America Rolando E. Bonachea and Nelson B. Valdes, eds. Revolutionary Struggle, 1947-1958: The Selected Works of Fidel Castro. Vol. 1. Pp. 471. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1972. $12.50. Luis E. Aguilar. Cuba 1933: Prologue to Revolution. Pp. 256. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. $9.50
by James F. Petras - 180-181 Robert D. Crassweller. The Caribbean Community: Changing Societies and U.S. Policy. Pp. x, 470. New York: Praeger, 1972. $13.50
by James L. Busey - 181-182 Joseph Grunwald, Miguel S. Wionczek, and Martin Carnoy. Latin American Economic Integration and U.S. Policy. Pp. vii, 216. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1972. $6.95. MARTIN CARNOY. Industrialization in a Latin American Market. Pp. vii, 267. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1972. $8.95
by Riordan Roett - 182-183 David E. Mutchler. The Church as a Political Factor in Latin America: With Particular Reference to Colombia and Chile. Pp. 320. New York: Praeger, 1971. $18.50. Robert F. Arnove. Student Alienation: A Venezuelan Study. Pp. vii, 209. New York: Praeger, 1971. $15.00
by James F. Petras - 183-184 William B. Taylor. Landlord and Peasant in Colonial Oaxaca. Pp. x, 287. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1972. $10.00
by Harry Bernstein - 184-185 Europe Rodney Barker. Education and Politics, 1900-1951: A Study of the Labour Party. Pp. viii, 173. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. $10.25
by Carl F. Brand - 185-186 Frank Barlow. Edward the Confessor. Pp. xxviii, 375. Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1970. $10.95
by William A. Chaney - 186-187 F. L. Carsten. Revolution in Central Europe, 1918-1919. Pp. 360. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1972. $11.95
by Ernst C. Helmreich - 187-188 Frank J. Coppa. Economics and Politics in the Giolittian Age: Planning, Protectionism, and Politics in Liberal Italy. Pp. x, 280. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1971. $11.95
by Charles F. Delzell - 188-189 Galia Golan. The Czechoslovak Reform Movement. Pp. vii, 349. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1972. $16.50. Barbara Wolfe Jancar. Czechoslovakia and the Absolute Monopoly of Power: A Study of Political Power in a Communist System. Pp. vii, 330. New York: Praeger, 1971. $17.50
by Andrew Gyorgy - 189-190 Wilfrid L. Kohl. French Nuclear Diplomacy. Pp. xiii, 412. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. $12.50. French Nuclear Diplomacy by Wilfrid
by Jean Pierre Richert - 190-191 Charles E. McClelland. The German Historians and England: A Study in Nineteenth Century Views. Pp. 300. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1971. $16.50
by Dudley W.R. Bahlman - 191-191 Alan S. Milward. The Fascist Economy in Norway. Pp. xi, 317. London: Oxford University Press, 1972. $17.00
by C.A. Clausen - 191-192 Dimitri Obolensky. The Byzantine Commonwealth: Eastern Europe, 500-1453. Pp. vii, 445. New York: Praeger, 1971. $15.00
by Richard A. Pierce - 192-193 Robin Alison Remington. The Warsaw Pact: Case Studies in Communist Conflict Resolution. Pp. xix, 268. Cambridge, Mass.: The M.I.T. Press, 1971. $10.00
by Leonas Sabaliunas - 193-193 Abraham Rothberg. The Heirs of Stalin: Dissidence and the Soviet Regime, 1953-1970. Pp. xii, 450. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. $14.50
by A.O. Sarkissian - 193-194 Adolph Schalk. The Germans. Pp. 500. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1971. $10.00
by Peter H. Merkl - 194-195 Mack Walker. German Home Towns: Community, State, and General Estate, 1648-1871. Pp. vii, 473. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1971. $14.00
by Robert Scharf - 195-196 United States Thomas B. Alexander and Richard E. Beringer. The Anatomy of the Confederate Congress: A Study of the Influences of Member Characteristics on Legislative Voting Behavior, 1861-1865. Pp. xi, 435. Nashville, Tenn. : Vanderbilt University Press, 1972. $10.00
by T. Harry Williams - 196-196 Stuart Gerry Brown. The Presidency on Trial: Robert Kennedy's 1968 Campaign and Afterwards. Pp. 155. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1972. $6.95
by Joseph P. Nyitray - 196-197 Roger Daniels. The Bonus March: An Episode of the Great Depression. Pp. xiii, 370. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1971. $14.00
by Robert E. Burke - 197-198 Paul T. David. Party Strength in the United States, 1872-1970. Pp. xi, 310. Charlottesville, Va.: University Press of Virginia, 1972. $9.75
by Robert K. Murray - 198-199 Jack M. Holl. Juvenile Reform in the Progressive Era: William R. George and the Junior Republic Movement. Pp. xv, 348. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1971. $12.50
by Walter A. Friedlander - 199-200 Murray B. Levin. Political Hysteria in America: The Democratic Capacity for Repression. Pp. vii, 312. New York: Basic Books, 1971. $8.50
by Thomas Ford Hoult - 200-201 Theo Lippman, Jr. Spiro Agnew's America : The Vice President and the Politics of Suburbia. Pp. 256. New York : W. W. Norton, 1972. $7.95
by Rowland Egger - 201-202 Thomas K. McCraw. TVA and the Power Fight, 1933-1939. Pp. vii, 201. Philadelphia, Pa.: J. P. Lippincott, 1971. $5.95
by Thomas C. Blaisdell Jr - 202-202 F. B. Marbut. News from the Capital: The Story of Washington Reporting. Pp. 304. Carbondale, Ill.: University of Southern Illinois Press, 1971. $12.50
by William E. Ames - 202-203 David Morgan. Suffragists and Democrats : The Politics of Woman Suffrage in America. Pp. 225. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University Press, 1972. $7.50
by Stuart Gerry Brown - 203-204 David H. Rosenbloom. Federal Service and the Constitution: The Development of the Public Employment Relationship. Pp. 267. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1971. $8.00
by Phillip Monypenny - 204-204 Marshall Smelser. The Winning of Independence. Pp. 427. Chicago, Ill.: Quadrangle Books, 1972. $10.00
by Ralph Adams Brown - 204-205 Joel Arthur Tarr. A Study in Boss Politics: William Lorimer of Chicago. Pp. xi, 376. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1971. $12.50
by Jennings B. Sanders - 205-207 Geberal Maxwell D. Taylor. Swords and Plowshares. Pp. 43 7. New York: W. W. Norton, 1972. $10.00
by George Osborn - 207-207 Robert W. Tucker. The Radical Left and American Foreign Policy. Pp. v, 156. Studies in International Affairs, no. 15. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. $7.50. Paperbound, $2.75
by Staughton Lynd - 208-209 Rubin Francis Weston. Racism in U.S. Imperialism: The Influence of Racial Assumptions on American Foreign Policy, 1893-1946. Pp. xv, 291. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 1972. $6.95
by Jack Temple Kirby - 209-210 Sociology and Politics William R. Burch, Jr. Daydreams and Nightmares: A Sociological Essay on the American Environment. Pp. xiii, 175. New York: Harper & Row, 1971. $3.95. This complex, sometimes difficult, chill
by Eugene V. Schneider - 210-211 Frank Canciabn. Change and Uncertainty in a Peasant Economy: The Maya Corn Farmers of Zinacantan. Pp. 208. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1972. $7.95
by Fred D. Miller - 211-212 Muriel G. Cantor. The Hollywood TV Producer: His Work and His Audience. Pp. vii, 256. New York: Basic Books, 1972. $7.95
by Robert C. O'Hara - 212-213 R. W. Connell. The Child's Construction of Politics. Pp. 251. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne University Press, 1971. $4.55. Paperbound
by Herbert Hirsch - 213-214 Martha Darthick. New Towns Intown: Why a Federal Program Failed. Pp. 102. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute, 1972. $2.95. Paperbound
by Jon Van Til - 214-215 Richard E. Edgar. Urban Power and Social Welfare: Corporate Influence in an American City. Pp. 224. Beverly Hills, Cal.: Sage, 1970. $8.95
by Ronald O. Loveridge - 215-216 Albert Ellis and John M. Gullo. Murder and Assassination. Pp. 406. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1972. $10.00
by Walter C. Reckless - 216-217 John H. Kautsky. The Political Consequences of Modernization. Pp. xv, 267. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1972. $7.50
by Oleg Zinam - 217-218 Harry D. Krause. Illegitimacy: Law and Social Policy. Pp. vii, 379. Indianapolis, Ind.: Bobbs-Merrill, 1971. $14.00. Prudence Mors Rains. Becoming an Unwed Mother: A Sociological Account. Pp. vii, 207. Chicago, Ill.: Aldine, 1971. $6.95
by Robert Fishman & Barbara Fishman - 218-219 Herman R. Lantz. A Community in Search of Itself: A Case History of Cairo, Illinois. Pp. xiii, 236. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1972. $10.00
by Joel A. Tarr - 219-220 Dale Rogers Marshall. The Politics of Participation in Poverty: A Case Study of the Board of the Economic and Youth Opportunities Agency of Greater Los Angeles. Pp. 210. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. $7.95
by Francis G. Caro - 220-221 Anthony M. Platt, ed. The Politics of Riot Commissions. Pp. x, 534. New York: Collier Books, 1971. $8.95. Paperbound, $3.95
by Allen D. Grimshaw - 221-222 Julier Z. Saltman. Open Housing as a Social Movement: Challenge, Conflict, and Change. Pp. xi, 213. Lexington, Mass.: Heath Lexington Books, 1971. $12.50
by Carolyn Zeleny - 222-223 George Steiner. In Bluebeard's Castle: Some Notes toward the Re-definition of Culture. Pp. 141. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1971. $5.95
by Malcolm Bradbury - 223-224 Alexander Thomas and Samuel Sillen. Racism and Psychiatry. Pp. xiii, 176. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1972. $7.50
by Oscar Glantz - 225-226 Economics Frank G. Davis. The Economics of Black Community Development: An Analysis and Program for Autonomous Growth and Development. Pp. ix, 213. Chicago: Markham, 1972. $8.95. Paperbound, $3.95. Joel F. Handler and Ellen Jane Hollingsworth. The "Deserving Poor": A Study of Welfare Administration. Pp. xx, 323. Chicago: Markham, 1972. $10.50. Paperbound, $2.50
by Mark R. Killingsworth - 226-226 Myles L. Mace. Directors: Myth and Reality. Pp. 207. Boston, Mass.: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1971. $6.00
by Horace M. Gray - 226-227 Mark V. NadelL. The Politics of Consumer Protection. Pp. vii, 257. Indianapolis, Ind.: Bobbs-Merrill, 1971. $8.50. Paperbound, $3.95
by Edward L. Bernays - 227-228 Julian Samora, with the assistance of JORGE A. Bustamente and Gilbert Cardenas. Los Mojados: The Wetback Story. Pp. xi, 205. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1971. $6.95
by John Caughey - 228-228 Elias H. Tuma. Economic History and the Social Sciences: Problems of Methodology. Pp. vii, 316. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. $11.00
by Robert V. Eagly - 228-230 Lloyd Ulman and Robert J. Flanagan. Wage Restraint: A Study of Incomes Policies in Western Europe. Pp. 257. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. $7.50
by Solomon Barkin - 230-240 Harry H. Wellington and Ralph K. Winter, Jr. The Unions and the Cities. Pp. xii, 226. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1972. $7.95. David T. Stanley. Managing Local Government under Pressure. Pp. xiii, 177. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1972. $6.95
by Richard D. Feld
July 1972, Volume 402, Issue 1
- 1-14 Chinese History and the Foreign Relations of Contemporary China
by Albert Feuerwerker - 15-25 Recent Changes in Chinese Society
by Donald R. Deglopper - 26-39 Maoism as a World Force
by John F. Melby - 40-54 Domestic Constraints on Alternative Chinese Military Policies and Strategies in the 1970s
by William W. Whitson - 55-66 The Use of Force in Foreign Policy by the People's Republic of China
by Allen S. Whiting - 67-82 Political Trends in China since the Cultural Revolution
by Harry Harding - 83-96 China after Nixon
by Jonathan Mirsky - 97-106 China and the United States: A New Phase
by Lucian W. Pye - 107-116 Economic Development Prospects and Problems in China
by Alexander Eckstein - 117-130 Selected Bibliography in American Parties and Elections, 1967-1971: A Brief Annotation
by Hugh A. Bone - 131-135 Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1971
by N/A - 136-137 International RelationsWilliam J. Barnds. India, Pakistan, and the Great Powers. Pp. xiv, 388. (Published for the Council on Foreign Relations) New York: Praeger, 1972. $12.50
by Stephen P. Cohen - 137-138 Frank Blackaby et al. The Arms Trade with the Third World. Pp. 910. Stockholm: Almquist and Wicksell, 1971. (Also published by Humanities Press, New York) No price
by Roy V. Peel - 138-139 Philip C. Jessup. The Price of International Justice. Pp. 82. New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1971. $5.95
by David T. Cattell - 139-140 Marvin Kalb and Elie Abel. Roots of Involvement: The U.S. in Asia, 1784-1971. Pp. 336. New York: W. W. Norton, 1971. $8.95
by Surjit Mansingh - 140-141 Robert McGeehan. The German Rearmament Question: American Diplomacy and European Defense after World War II. Pp. 280. Urbana : The University of Illinois Press, 1971. $10.00
by Henry L. Bretton - 141-142 J. S. Nye. Peace in Parts: Integration and Conflict in Regional Organization. Pp. vii, 210. Boston: Little, Brown, 1971. $3.95. Paperbound. David Vital. The Survival of Small States: Studies in Small Power-Great Power Conflict. Pp. vi, 136. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. $6.50
by David R. Weaver - 142-144 Asia Jahangir Amuzegar and M. Ali Fekrat. Iran: Economic Development under Dualistic Conditon. Pp. viii, 177. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1971. $8.50. Marvin Zonis. The Political Elite of Iran. Pp. vii, 389. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1971. $12.50. Julian Bharier. Economic Development in Iran, 1900-1970. Pp. xiii, 314. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. $12.00
by Alan W. Heston - 144-145 John K. Emmerson. Arms, Yen, and Power: The Japanese Dilemma. Pp. xiv, 420. New York: Dunellen, 1971. $15.00
by Douglas H. Mendel JR - 145-146 Marcus F. Franda. Radical Politics in West Bengal. Pp. 287. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1971. $12.50
by David Kopf - 146-147 Alan P. L. Liu. Communications and National Integration in Communist China. Pp. xviii, 237. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. $8.50
by Albert E. Kane - 147-147 Feng-Hwa Mah. The Foreign Trade of Mainland China. Pp. xvii, 270. Chicago : Aldine, 1971. $9.75
by Charles Hoffmann - 147-148 H. C. L. Merillat. Land and the Constitution in India. Pp. xv, 321. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970. $10.00
by Marc Galanter - 148-149 Gunnar Myrdal. Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations. Abridged by Seth S. King. Pp. vii, 450. New York: Pantheon Books, 1972. $2.45
by James S. Milne - 149-150 Richard S. Newell. The Politics of Afghanistan. Pp. xvi, 236. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972 $9.50
by Craig Baxter - 150-151 Laurence A. Schneider. Ku Chieh-kang and China's New History: Nationalism and the Quest for Alternative Traditions. Pp. xiv, 337. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. $11.00
by W. Allyn Rickett - 151-152 Arthur N. Young. China's Nation-Building Effort, 1927-1937: The Financial and Economic Record. Pp. xx, 552. Stanford, Cal.: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1971. $19.50
by Alan P.L. Liu - 152-153 Europe Maurice Cowling. The Impact of Labour, 1920-1924. Pp. v, 570. Cambridge : At the University Press, 1971. $17.50. MARVIN SWARTZ. The Union of Democratic Control in British Politics during the First World War. Pp. xi, 267. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. $10.25
by Frank Bealey - 153-153 Louis M. Greenberg. Sisters of Liberty: Marseille, Lyon, Paris and the Reaction to a Centralized State, 1868-1871. Pp. 391. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. $12.00
by Jonathan E. Helmreich - 153-154 John A. Harrison. The Founding of the Russian Empire in Asia and America. Pp. 156. Coral Gables, Fla.: University of Miami Press, 1971. $7.95
by Daniel Balmuth - 154-155 Kenneth Jowitt. Revolutionary Breakthroughs and National Development: The Case of Romania, 1944-1965. Pp. 325. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1971. $12.00
by Robin Alison Remington - 155-156 John Newhouse. U.S. Troops in Europe: Issues, Costs, and Choices. Pp. vii, 177. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1971. $6.95. Paperbound, $2.95. Members of Congress for Peace Through Law Military Spending Committee. Introduction by Senator Mark O. Hatfield. The Economics of Defense: A Bipartison Review of Military Spending. Pp. v, 256. New York: Praeger, 1971. $15.00
by Murray S. Stedman Jr - 156-157 Donald L. Niewyk. Socialist, Anti-Semite, and Jew: German Social Democracy Confronts the Problem of Anti-Semitism, 1918-1933. Pp. x, 254. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1971. $8.95
by Ben Halpern - 157-158 Denis Mack Smith. Victor Emanuel, Cavour, and the Risorgimento. Pp. 381. New York and London: Oxford University Press, 1971. No price
by Howard James Burgwin JR - 158-159 United States James Alden Barber, Jr. Social Mobility and Voting Behavior. Pp. xvi, 280. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1971. $5.95
by Bruce Unger - 159-160 Jerome E. Edwards. The Foreign Policy of Col. McCormick's Tribune, 1929-1941. Pp. 211. Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada Press, 1971. $7.00
by F.B. Marbut - 160-161 Richard A. Johnson. The Administration of United States Foreign Policy. Pp. 415. Austin: The University of Texas Press, 1971. $10.00
by Willard Barber - 161-162 Joyce Kolko and Gabriel Kolko. The Limits of Power: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1945-1954. Pp. xii, 820. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. $15.00
by Marian D. Irish - 162-163 Sar A. Levitan and Barbara Hetrick. Big Brother's Indian Programs-With Reservations. Pp. xii, 228. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971. $8.95
by Arthur H. Derosier JR - 163-164 Richard Lowitt. George W. Norris: The Persistence of a Progressive, 1913-1933. Pp. xv, 590. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1971. $12.50
by George Osborn - 164-165 William James Morgan, ed. Naval Documents of the American Revolution. Vol. 5. Pp. ix, 1486. Washington, D.C.: Department of Navy, 1970. $13.25
by Ralph Adams Brown - 165-166 Paul L. Murphy. The Constitution in Crisis Times, 1918-1969. Pp. xviii, 570. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. $10.00
by Martin L. Fausold - 166-166 Guichard Parris and Lester Brooks. Blacks in the City: A History of the National Urban League. Pp. 534. Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown, 1971. $12.50
by Benjamin Quarles - 166-168 Henry J. Schmandt, John C. Goldbach, and Donald B. Vogel. Milwaukee: A Contemporary Urban Profile. Pp. 224. New York: Praeger, 1971. $10.00. H. PAUL FRIESEMA. Metropolitan Political Structure: Intergovernmental Relations and Political Structure in the Quad-Cities. Pp. 148. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1971. $7.95
by Nelson Wikstrom - 168-169 David J. Vogler. The Third House: Conference Committees in the United States Congress. Pp. 133. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1971. $6.50
by Charles Serns - 169-170 William M. Wiecek. The Guarantee Clause of the U. S. Constitution. Pp. 324. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. $12.50
by C. Gordon Post - 170-170 Weston H. Agor. The Chilean Senate: Internal Distribution of Influence. Pp. 205. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1971. $7.00
by Lucy C. Behrman - 170-171 John Patrick Bell. Crisis in Costa Rica: The Revolution of 1948. Pp. 192. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1971. $7.00
by John E. Findling - 171-172 Robert L. Daniel. American Philanthropy in the Near East, 1820-1960. Pp. xiii, 322. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1970. $10.50
by Harry N. Howard - 172-173 Philip Foster and Aristide R. Zolberg, eds. Ghana and the Ivory Coast: Perspectives on Modernization. Pp. vii, 303. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1971. $11.50
by Robin Luckham - 173-174 Robin Luckham. The Nigerian Military: A Sociological Analysis of Authority and Revolt, 1960-1967. Pp. 376. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1971. $18.50
by Barbara Callaway - 174-175 I. Peter Omari. Kwame Nkrumah: The Anatomy of an African Dictatorship. Pp. ix, 229. New York: Africana, 1970. $8.50. NNAMDI AZIKIWE. An Autobiography: My Odyssey. Pp. vii, 452. New York: Praeger, 1970. $12.50
by Leslie Rubin - 175-176 Walter Stewart. Trudeau in Power. Pp. 240. New York: Outerbridge & Dienstfry, 1971. $6.95
by M.S. Whittington - 176-177 Political Theory and Method Louis J. Halle. The Ideological Imagination. Pp. vii, 174. Chicago: Quadrangle, 1972. $6.95
by Philip W. Buck - 177-178 Herbert Hirsch. Poverty and Politicization: Political Socialization in an American Sub-culture. Pp. vii, 206. New York: Macmillan, 1971. $8.95
by Charles A. Ekstrom - 178-178 Nigel Howard. Paradoxes of Rationality: Theory of Metagames and Political Behavior. Pp. x, 248. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1971. $12.95
by Kenneth Fuchs - 178-179 David S. Landes and Charles Tilly, eds. History as Social Science. Pp. vi, 152. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1971. $5.95
by Edward T. Gargan - 179-180 Thomas Matheisen. Across the Boundaries of Organizations. Pp. 166. Berkeley, Cal.: Glendessary Press, 1971. $5.00
by Charles E. Jacob - 180-181 Holtan P. Odegard. The Politics of Truth: Toward Reconstruction in Democracy. Pp. vi, 439. University, Ala.: University of Alabama Press, 1971. $13.50
by Thomas I. Cook - 181-182 Prasanta K. Pattanaik. Voting and Collective Choice. Pp. 184. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1971. $10.00
by Donald S. Lutz - 182-183 Patty Jo WatsonN, Steven A. Leblanc and Charles L. Redman. Explanation in Archaeology: An Explicitly Scientific Approach. Pp. xxiii, 191. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971. $6.00
by James B. Pritchard - 183-183 Sociology Lamar T. Empey, Steven G. Lubeck, and Ronald L. Laporte. Explaining Delinquency: Constructing, Test and Reformulation of a Sociological Theory. Pp. xv, 223. Lexington, Mass: D. C. Heath, 1971. No Price
by Milton L. Barron - 183-184 Stanley Feldstein. Once a Slave: The Slaves' View of Slavery. Pp. 329. New York: William Morrow, 1971. $8.95. Gwendolyn Midlo Hall. Social Control in Slave Plantation Societies: A Comparison of St. Domingue and Cuba. Pp. xiii, 166. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1972. $8.00
by Thorsten Sellin - 184-185 George N. Gordon. Persuasion: The Theory and Practice of Manipulative Communication. Pp. ix, 558. New York: Hastings House, 1971. $16.50. Paperbound, $10.00
by Edward L. Bernays - 185-186 Reuben Hill, et al. Family Development in Three Generations: A Longitudinal Study of Changing Family Patterns of Planning and Achievement. Pp. iv, 424. Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman, 1970. $11.25
by Edna M. O'Hern - 186-187 Joyce Ladner. Tomorrow's Tomorrow: The Black Woman. Pp. 288. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1971. $6.95
by M. Elaine Burgess - 187-188 Don Martindale and Edith Martindale. The Social Dimensions of Mental Illness, Alcoholism, and Drug Dependence. Pp. xvi, 330. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1972. $12.50
by Georgios Pan. Piperopoulos - 188-189 Dennison Nash. A Community in Limbo: An Anthropological Study of an American Community Abroad. Pp. x, 230. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1971. $8.50
by William Wilson Lambert - 189-190 Elwin H. Powell. The Design of Discord : Studies of Anomie. Pp. 245. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970. $7.50
by Daniel N. Robinson - 190-191 Max Rheinstein. Marriage Stability, Divorce, and the Law. Pp. 482. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1972. $17.50
by Evelyn Millis Duvall - 191-192 David J. Rothman. The Discovery of Asylum: Social Order and Disorder in the New Republic. Pp. xx, 376. Boston: Little, Brown, 1971. $12.50
by Thorsten Sellin - 192-193 Gordon F. Streib and Clement J. Schneider. Retirement in American Society: Impact and Process. Pp. vi, 316. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1971. $10.50
by Otto Pollak - 193-194 Colin J. Williams and Martin S. Weinberg. Homosexuals and the Military: A study of Less-than-Honorable Discharge. Pp. v, 211. New York: Harper & Row, 1971. $8.95
by John P. Clark - 194-195 Economics George L. Beckford. Persistent Poverty: Underdevelopment in Plantation Economies of the Third World. Pp. v, 303. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. $7.50
by Jay R. Mandle - 195-196 Joseph P. Freid. Housing Crisis, U.S.A. Pp. vi, 250. New York: Praeger, 1971. $7.95. Norman M. Bradburn Seymour Sudman, and Galen L. Gokel. Side by Side: Integrated Neighborhoods in America. Pp. x, 209. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971. $7.95
by Charles S. Ascher - 196-197 Allen Kevin and M. C. MacLennan. Regional Problems and Policies in Italy and France. Pp. 368. Beverly Hills, Cal.: Sage, 1971. $13.50
by Solomon Barkin - 197-198 Jeffrey O'Connell. The Injury Industry : And the Remedy of No-Fault Insurance. Pp. v, 253. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1971. $2.95. ROBERT F. BAKER. The Highway Risk Problem: Policy Issues in Highway Safety. Pp. 175. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1971. $9.95
by George Fox Mott - 198-199 John P. Powelson. Institutions of Economic Growth: A Theory of Conflict Management in Developing Countries. Pp. x, 281. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. $10.00
by Colin D. Campbell - 199-200 Book Department
by B.F. Hoselitz - 200-210 W. W. Rostow. Politics and the Stages of Growth. Pp. xiii, 410. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1971. $9.50. Paperbound, $3.95. Hugh D. Walker. Market Power and Price Levels in the Ethical Drug Industry. Pp. xiii, 256. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1971. $6.75
by John P. Curran
May 1972, Volume 401, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Parker T. Hart - 1-14 Trade, Skills, and Sympathy: The First Century and a Half of Commerce with the Near East
by James A. Field JR - 15-22 American Educational and Missionary Efforts in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
by Bayard Dodge - 23-30 The Great Divide: World War II
by Raymond A. Hare - 31-44 Middle Eastern Oil since the Second World War
by Thomas C. Barger - 45-55 United States' Support for Iran's Independence and Integrity, 1945-1959
by George Lenczowski - 56-63 North Africa: Calculus of Policy
by William H. Lewis - 64-73 The American Interest in the Palestine Question and the Establishment of Israel
by Evan M. Wilson - 74-84 The Truman Doctrine: Turkey
by Joseph C. Satterthwaite - 85-94 The Regional Pacts and the Eisenhower Doctrine
by Harry N. Howard - 95-105 The American Concern in Cyprus
by T.W. Adams - 106-115 The Persian Gulf: British Withdrawal and Western Security
by J.C. Hurewitz - 116-125 The United States, the Arabs, and Israel: Peace Efforts of Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon
by Don Peretz - 126-135 The Soviet Union and the United States in the Middle East
by John C. Campbell - 136-142 Where We Stand
by Parker T. Hart - 143-153 Recent Trends in Ethnology: 1966-1970
by Robert T. Anderson - 154-224 Book Department
by N/A
March 1972, Volume 400, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by Marver H. Bernstein - 1-13 Pluralism and the Administrative Process
by Carl A. Auerbach - 14-26 Independent Regulatory Agencies: A Perspective on Their Reform
by Marver H. Bernstein - 27-35 The Role and Functions of Federal Hearing Examiners
by Joseph Zwerdling - 36-45 The Administrative Conference of the United States
by Warner W. Gardner - 46-58 Public Interest Advocacy and the Regulatory Process
by Richard C. Leone